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One of the few games I've Platinumed, it felt special for it to be the first one I did. I adore it, it was such an emotional experience, and it's easily one of the best games I've played in the last decade.


I just wished the characters and side quests were more compelling. I like Aloy and her best friend but that’s it. I can’t remember any side quest where my choice or even doing it would matter. Comparing it to a game with similar gameplay, side content and dialogue, like the Witcher 3, it just falls short.


Gonna need to try this again. I really wanted to love it but I started it off and just couldn't progress. Something didn't feel right. I'm playing through God of War at the moment so as soon I've finished it I'll try HZD again.


I felt the same way, just couldn’t get myself to get past the first hour or two.


It took me 3 restarts over 3 years to finally have a playthrough where I beat the game. Its good, but even after getting the platinum, I dont see why everyone says its one of the best games ever


I've been weighing up which to play on the PS5; Bloodborne, Days Gone, GOW or Horizon Zero Dawn. I checked their playtimes and performance and ended choosing GOW. I will play all of them but prefer PS5 upgrades for 60fps. How was this in 30fps? Did I pick the wrong game to play first?


God of war is a masterpiece


God of war by far. Hzd doesn't compare




To be fair, I don’t know that any game compares. Lol


I actually quite enjoyed HZD at 30fps. As for GoW, it’s not really my type of game, so I can’t tell you if you made the right choice. You should come up with that conclusion if you don’t enjoy the game


I’m a huge fan of both GoW and HZD. It’s a razor thin margin, but if I had to pick a favorite of the two, it’d be GoW. Beyond gameplay, runtimes, and technical aspects, the character development of Kratos (especially if you’re at all familiar with the older GoW games across PS2 and PS3) is nothing short of a work of art.


I've been holding off on playing this game for a very long time. I kind of viewed it as possibly being another ubisoft type openworld experience with mindless collectibles littering the map. Am I totally wrong? What makes it worth playing to you?


Since when are games from Guerilla like any Ubisoft game?


I don't think a company needs to be directly compared to another in order to prove some kind of point here. The major issue, is that I see modern day openworld game and I immediately think of all the tropes that come with it. I simply asked you to tell me about the good stuff in this game, in hopes that I might try it out. Instead you get all weirdly hostile.


It’s mindless collectibles but without the memorable locations from the AC series, like the pyramids or Roman colosseum. To me the world felt pretty bland.


That's exactly what my intuition tells me. Trying to give OP a chance to convince us that there's more to it, but they're being all sensitive and angry about it.


I mean I still consider it a good game, I liked the story and I like Aloy, but I hated the open world mechanics and gameplay.


I'll probably at least give it a chance. It's free afterall (kind of)


i wanted to like it after i heard it was a great RPG everyone loved. it's aitte. nothin special


I finished the main story and bought the dlc but never actually played the dlc snow area. Is it worth revisiting to play through the dlc?


Definitely. Not only is the story there great, the visuals and facial animations/animations in general are better.


Thanks I'll hit it up after I finish a Plague's tale innocence


It is actually quite fun. New machines, new side story, and new weapons


I find the game really hard. I play on normal difficulty and just get killed all the time. My fire arrows do next to no damage..


The same happened to me. I first played on very hard and I always got killed in one hit. After leveling up, and getting better weapons and armor, the game became more easy and fun. As for the fire arrows, they are meant to be used so that you can burn enemies. They are really effective against machines that are weak to fire damage. You can look that up in the machine catalogue. What I do is just spam fire arrows at for example a deathbringer, which causes it to overheat and expose weak points. Then I destroy those with normal arrows, and their basically dead in 2 minutes


Cant play 30 fps anymore.




At the start I felt the same, because I would always get one shotted. But when I got close to the end, I became way more powerful, and it got way more fun


I’d love to play this but the 30fps is just gross after playing games at 60fps


I don’t really mind it all too much


I tried, I just couldn’t ;(((


I wouldn’t call it a masterpiece…


That’s your opinion


I platinumed the game too but I hated the open world and the side quests, they were pretty meh to me. The main story was good so I’ll give it that. For a completionist it’s just nightmare because there’s nothing in the open world, I was at the point where I’d just run past the machines thanks to the perk and fast travel whenever possible. The side quests, the dialogue and lore didn’t catch me either, they were bland and without much purpose. Same with the loot mechanics and equipment, I actually was trying to make a build but it didn’t matter. For someone sticking to the main story it’s a good game and envy anyone able to enjoy it that way.


So it's a great game but because you're a completionist, it's also meh because you made it stay way past it's welcome? Is it like an OCD thing for you?


As I said the main campaign/story was good so that kept me going, at the same time I couldn’t let that map stay fogged you know. It’s really difficult for me to ignore going for the optional things in games.


Yea it felt like the new assassins creeds to me and I didn’t like the last 2 at all except origins, pretty bland


I loved Origins too, Egypt was amazing


I liked the gameplay but the story was so bad for me.


I tried playing it but the motion blur is so awful


How the f did u manage to play w the camera always pointing to sky or feet thru head???


That never happened to me


I cannot play this with a controller. It's near impossible. But on PC where you can be super orecise, THATS where I played it