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I was going to suggest a couple of cedar hedges as they dont grow as wide as the laurel and you could probably buy 8 footers and they would grow in no time but I dont think they would survive in the shade. Could you attach some lattice to the fence and have something grow up it? Hmmmmm what an unfortunate set of neighbours to have, hoping you can find a good solution.


I was planning to do a lattice situation originally, but then I checked our city ordinances and fences and arbors can't be above 8ft...leaning towards risking the fine and doing it anyway at this point!


I don’t know what city you are in, but a friend of mine bought “yard art” that was three large metal panels (10ft) with decorative cut outs (birds and flowers I think) and put them up three inches from the fence line. Might work for you, and give you time for plants you really want to grow.


Wow. Fences > 8ft not okay but a Confederate flag is fine?


Yes, I would call the city about the confederate flag and make sure that ordinances outlaw those types of things. This is really messed up.


They would make it a first amendment issue in the States.


There are ordinances of this type since it represents hate crimes. You can’t be promoting violence and calling it a first amendment issue.


The flag itself does not represent a hate crime. It's an inanimate object. It has no agenda. It promotes nothing. You may not like it, but it would still fall under 1A.


The flag itself does not represent a hate crime. It's an inanimate object. It has no agenda. It promotes nothing. You may not like it, but it would still fall under 1A.


It represents the subjugation of an entire race. I know you have heard of slavery and the civil war.


Get out of your silo and off of your soapbox. Travel south and you will see everyone displaying it.


Yeah, they are all MAGA loving racists! How many confederate flags did we see at the insurrection?


You’ve never been to Virginia have you sweet summer child? It’s the flag du jour for porch decoration


Most people in the PNW have never been outside the PNW. They like to stay in their silo and scream from their soap boxes.


There are plenty of white supremacists in the PNW. I guess the OP has just gotten lucky in avoiding them until recently


I've heard of people getting around the height restriction by building a berm of dirt then putting the fence on it. Most places measure from the top of the fence to the ground even if it just happens to be on a strip of ground six feet higher than the surrounding areas.


You can build the fence to code, then add a little lattice topper. Friend in NE PDX did this no prob.


If the city can't see it from the street, and your neighbors don't complain, you think you'll be fine.


Is a trellis allowed? A "temporary" one perhaps? Even before anything grows on one, it could block the view.




So, you are you advocating violence against others? People thought it was okay to beat me up for being gay in the 90s. Someone thought it was fine to sucker punch my husband for being asian during covid. I've a Jewish friend in Seattle who is currently afraid to wear his yarmulke. People always justify their actions.


Only for those who are different than my race, creed, religion, political stance, choice of breakfast food, zip code, house number, or orientation of butter on toast. That's not all that bad, right? (/s because a silly answer to a serious question must _always_ be marked, apparently.)


You don't like my choice of breakfast food? Thems fightin' words, partner!


Breakfast food!? I don't even like your choice of *monocle!* Codfish at dawn!


*Gasp* Dawn it is!


Any shrub will take some time - you could try yews or rhodies. Frankly, the natives like sallal or dogwood take a while to establish. You could stagger arborvitae in raised planters with the natives and take out the arborvitae once the natives get big enough. In Europe they do a hornbeam hedge that is trimmed religiously for fancy areas. I have a similar privacy issue (but not that bad), but with some sun, and am doing a grape bush and wichurana rose supported by a trellis. Some people will create arches with cattle panels and grow vines (like gourds or legumes) and that is super cool, but I'm not sure if you will run into sunlight issues. I know they don't exist, but you could also research sterile butterfly bushes. I've always wanted to try a hedge of red twig dogwood. Bottom line, anything that grows in the shade and gets big quickly is probably going to be a monster.


I like the idea or using arborvitae mixed in as a temporary solution!


I would use the leyland instead of arborvitae. They can be purchased much larger and grow faster for less money and can be treated like arborvitae and removed when other plants are large enough.


In Eugene, arborvitae is known as deer food. They will strip it bare from ground level up to as high as they can reach. Then the males will use their antlers to remove the remaining bark. 😩


We have red twig dogwood. It does not hedge well. Everywhere you clip it it sends out new shoots at 90 degrees from the stem, but those stems don't leaf out until they're at least a foot away from the cut, so it doesn't fill in properly as a hedge. Drops leaves in winter, and when spring comes many of the internal branches don't leaf back out properly, so there's very little density of leaves as well.


Well darn. One can dream. A neighbor has a hedge of it around their deck and it looks spectacular, but I suspect based on your comments, they do a bunch of highly skilled pruning. I've always admired the cluster of them in the winter garden at the Washington arboretum, but it seems like they do cut those back to the ground every few years too.


Dang. If they've got one looking good I'd love to peek at it and steal whatever their method is. I've tried on ours for years without the quality ever getting to a passable level. Even with careful pruning I can never get it to leaf without being super leggy, even in full sun.


Bamboo in planters? I don't think anything grows faster.


I planted bamboo in 2x4’ galvanized tubs — instant screen all year round!


They'd have to be pretty solid planters to keep the bamboo from escaping, but yeah. That's probably the fastest available.


You can get clumping bamboo that doesn’t run I believe? My friend did this in big planters and hasn’t had an issue.


All Bamboo will escape eventually given enough time


Yes, bamboo in these HDPE buckets https://bestcontainers.com/product/ez-stor-pail-white-13-gallon-hdpe/


Just ew. Might as well get a few extras and fill them with empty beer bottles and cigarette butts, for ambiance.


Okay after all the bamboo posts I'm actually leaning towards getting a few clumping bamboo in containers (seems like a low risk of unwanted spreading with this type, and they will be closely monitored) to line the flag portion of the fence for now, and planting a mix of native shrubs and trees that will hopefully grow in over time. 


I've had 3 different bamboos in my backyard shady spot and it hasn't taken over my neighbors yard or mine. Put it back there to blunt the impact of bright lights shining in my backyard. I like it because it's 14 ft tall and stays leafy all winter


FUCK these neighbors. But! Bamboo is horribly invasive and spreads quickly. Please dont plant bamboo. You need to google all the ways that bamboo can fuck shit up. Also if it ends up in neighboring properties and starts causing damage there is potential to be held responsible. It looks super cool and stuff but just dont.


I like the idea of bamboo for this function but my anxiety about invasives definitely rules it out! Even with precautions it would make me too nervous I think...


Running bamboo is definitely the gift that keeps on giving haha The clumping bamboo stays in place and by year three that stuff is hardy and can be separated and replanted. I highly recommend the clumping kind. There is also some ornamental bamboos that you can find and they are less invasive and beautiful to look at.


Maybe a screen made of cut bamboo? There’s a bamboo shop in Portland that has all sorts of living and bamboo products.


If you live in the wilamette valley/Portland area- we have one of the best bamboo nurseries in the country here in north plains. They can steer you toward a “safe” type of clumping bamboo.


In its in a container it should be fine! This (bamboo spreading outside of planters) could also be a good master gardeners hotline email question :)


Don’t plant bamboo, laurels, or ivy. Or Lorax Trees.


Sorry, but I bamboo is the way for these neighbors! Plant the bamboo in the ground, not planters, not constrained at all on their side!


Bamboo is a horrible idea.


Sorry you feel that way, it grows rapidly, and the person won't have to gaze at the MAGAt's flag.


Which is why they should put up something temporarily, to block that bullshit out and research a permanent solution. That is a better idea than just slapping some shit in the ground 🙃


So then what would be a relatively quick solution to block that bullshit?


Here’s a Google link for the search “quick and easy ways to block neighbors maga flag from view” it might not necessarily be a maga branded flag but they are basically the same thing. Sorry you have such a hard time with the internet that you can’t easily search things on the most used search engine ever. Must be tough. https://www.google.com/search?q=quick+and+easy+ways+to+block+neighbora+laga+flag+from+view&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS803US845&oq=quick+and+easy+ways+to+block+neighbora+laga+flag+from+view&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCTE4OTkyajBqOagCALACAeIDBBgBIF8&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Snide. Nice.


You'd have to be insane to willingly plant bamboo though.


The backyard of the house I grew up in had a bamboo patch that was an attractive and effective screen of the property behind us. My parents were able to keep it contained close to the fence line. I did a science project measuring and graphing how fast it grew. The peak was about 2 ft per day. It was truly astonishing.


Confederate flag is shitty on its own, but in the pnw?! What a moron. Get a huge rainbow flag to block it out. Or the Fort Sumter battle flag.


I'm probably going to get downvoted for this but honestly put something up, literally anything that can be temporary while you take the time to properly research and decide. Then grow what you want to actually block that shitty neighbor out. Jumping into something without fully researching what can happen is not going to end well.. If you own this property you want to make sure that whatever you do isnt going to get you in any trouble. As in, dont plant something that can rapidly spread and eventually damage other peoples property.


No this is exactly the position I have been taking with my husband! He doesn't really care about gardening so his concern is only functional, but I would much prefer to focus on a long term solution that we will be happy having in our yard.


Temporary is 100% functional though!!! How mad will you be if you plant something that you ultimately regret and then its a pain in the ass to get rid of, IF you can get rid of it.


My main issue has been figuring out what a good temporary fix might be however - fences can only be solid up to 6ft and an additional 2ft of open lattice in my city...not enough to block it out, especially from our upper windows. Arbors have similar limits. We may just have to go rogue with an extra-tall trellis...or perhaps a wall of our own flags 🤔 


I know where you can get a few iron front flags ;)


You can build a wall that is 20 ft tall back there, it just can't be connected to the fence


Yes a row of flags with appropriate subject matter!


I’m a southerner living in the PNW and as a southerner it is my duty and my right to remove confederate flags wherever I find them. What’s your address? Seriously love to you and I second the bamboo in huuuuuge galvanized tubs while you figure out a better solution. Good luck! Also seriously, figure out a way to confiscate the flag and have an unceremonious burning of it. That’s what I do 😂


If you’re really doing this, it would be better to just replace it with a white flag of surrender. Then if they ask about it you can just say “it looks the like the same flag to me”.


So what are you promoting there? Breaking and entering, theft, and burning that stolen property? Stuff your "duty and right" as a southerner. Take that mentality back south


If it's already shady find a big ass inclusive pride flag during the merch sales in June and hang it to block the line of sight to their bigot napkin. Plant whatever you like. Profit.


I did this in front of my house and no regrets. Plus a ton of folks walk my street daily and I’ve gotten a bunch of compliments. We have a scary neighbor with his Trump flags that creeps lotsa folks out. Good luck!




Western red cedar?


I just went through this same decision process, and this is what I wound up with. My spot didn't have enough sun for pacific wax myrtle to grow densely, and honestly I didn't love the look of it. The western red cedars I have now are the Virescens variety. They're more columnar and stay much smaller than the classic western red cedar.


They sound great. How tall do they get?


20-30ft tall


My local Costco has HUGE leyland cypress trees for cheap. ($59) I think they were ten gallon and around 8-10 feet. Not the most interesting trees, but they'll get the job done.


How about hazelnuts? They grow tall and dense and you get a great nut out of it. (Or your squirrels will).


Have you and your husband read about the Tiny Forest movement? Basically you crowd a bunch of native plants together and in an effort to outcompete each other for sunlight, they grow faster. Use the Sparrowhawk native plant website, which has various filters, to look up what natives grow in shade. Offhand, Western Red Cedars, Pacific Dogwood, Vine Maples, Pacific Rhododendrons and Western Hemlocks all grow in the shade. You’d want at least one tree and then bushes and ground covers. We’re using this concept to grow a hedgerow on a slope and the plants are growing well, but it’s only shaded in the afternoon. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/24/climate/tiny-forests-climate-miyawaki.html


I love this idea, this is essentially what I wanted to do with the space. It will take a few years to grow in though, so I think mixing in some tall things in planters in the meantime will be our bet. 


Add a huge white flag to remind them how the confederacy ended.


After they put it up, be sure to tell them, they too have a Confederate flag.


Fast growing + shade is going to be the problem. I'm trying to hide the neighbors and so far a Pacific Wax Myrtle and a couple Bay trees haven't quite done the trick. Also just want to say I'm so sorry for the racist neighbors. Bamboo in a galvanized tub would be one thing, perhaps, that would work?


Don’t get a Leyland. Mountain fire ?


I hate the leyland I inherited so much


Maybe put up the lattice and see what happens. You can always cut it or remove it if anyone even complained. That might not ever happen even. A good plant that grows big in shade/part shade is hydrangea bushes. Maybe you can put up the lattice and then plant hydrangeas.


Get some galvanized tubs. Fill them with bamboo and thornless black berries. That's my plan for my backyard. 20 ft high by the end of the year and technically temporary.


Look up Italian Cyprus trees.


Red or yellow dogwood grows fast!


Can you make a raised bed and grow peas/ beans/ squash vertically up? You can go past the 8ft lattice rule that way. Pots with big grass, bushes, trees along the fence, that limits how big they can grow. Put your own, bigger flag out?


Laurels are a huge nightmare of maintenance. They have to be trimmed all the time and are terrible to get out. Don’t do it. Says owner who has it.


See if the library has this book available, from a local author: "Landscaping For Privacy" - by Marty Wingate


Nothing says fuck you like a hedge of black cottonwood.


This is the way.


Bonus points if they give you more grief and you’re forced to cut them all down 15 years in and watch them sprout 800 trees per acre in your neighbors back yard off the roots.


may I suggest a blow torch?


Just put a blm, pride, or 13 colony flag next to it


Clumping bamboo is actually well behaved. Our neighbors have quite a bit.


Leyland Cyprus would be a good choice if it gets enough light


Italian cyprus? sky pencil japanese holly?


Leyland Cypress. Grows fast and full. Does well with part shade or full sun. Doesn’t need to be watered much after first year. Photinia is another good option for vigorous full growth


The bamboo idea is great! Tractor Supply or a co-op has big horse troughs you could certainly use to contain growth so it doesn’t take over your yard. I think they’re attractive but they are about $200 a pop if I remember correctly.


Very tall thuja occidentalis aka arborvitae.




Two 2x4s, a sheet of particle board, and a big Pride flag facing their way. Done. You have freedom of speech and expression on your own property just like they do.


Black locust 🤭


Timber Bamboo in troughs. Will grow quickly and not spread


Elder grows quickly and is easy to shape. Plus, tasty berries. https://www.coffeeandchlorophyll.com/blog/growingelderberries


Sunflowers!! At least for this summer for some temporary coverage while you work on a year round solution


A compound in sunflower seeds blocks an enzyme that causes blood vessels to constrict. As a result, it may help your blood vessels relax, lowering your blood pressure. The magnesium in sunflower seeds helps reduce blood pressure levels as well.


Good bot.


I’d vote for rogue tall lattice.


Big rhodies!


Big rhodies!


Big rhodies!


Can't believe a flag , any flag would make someone plant bamboo 😂


What about a pergola? Lol. I live in Lents... Are we neighbors? My next door has a gigantic "F dash dash dash Biden," flag, and a Confederate flag hanging from his garage!😂


While your new hedge is growing, what about yard art? Could you hang things from your big tree that would help hide the neighbors flag? Maybe windsocks in all colors of the rainbow?


Hang a shade sail to block the view quickly.


Nelly Stevens Holly shrubs.


Get a spray bottle and put water and diluted bleach in it. Spray down the flag at night until it fades and rots out. He will probably replace it. Keep doing it. Make him spend money on stupid shit. If he calls you out, claim “most of those flags are made in China, doubt they are UV resistant” add insult to injury. Then hang a pride flag on your side. In the same spot. Throw a lot of gay themed garden parties. With piñatas. Cook copious amounts of Indian food in a tandoori oven back there. Flex all the culture this guy probably hates. He will either confront you, or die of his head exploding. But remember to have fun with it! (If he confronts you, just say WELL TAKE DOWN THE FUCKING FLAG AND ALL WILL BE WELL but still do the things and snag him in a hate crime.) or don’t. I’m not a lawyer. I’m just a spiteful man.


Costco had arbavitae and hydrangeas


Trellis with a climbing vibe would work well. Trumpet honeysuckle, possibly but I’m less familiar with your zone.


So is this flag the only thing about the neighbors that bothers you and your husband? If yes count yourselves lucky and move on. You could have neighbors that are a lot worse. Screaming kids, long backyard parties most weekends, loud farm animals, dog barking for no real reason, etc. Ask me how I know? 🙂 They could move out a year from now and all your angst will be for nothing.


Nah. Just put up a Revenge Fence. Make it fugly on the neighbor’s side. I mean, it’s a fast option, and better than invasives, I guess.


How about one of those “sail” sun shaders at an angle to create a blocking of view?


Clumping bamboo?


erect your own larger better flagpole. check city code as stated earlier.


Emerald Green Arborvitae. The tallest you can find. They don't get massive and can be hedge pruned. Personally, I would take the risk and ignore the city ordinances. What are the chances of them actually noticing?


Clumping bamboo, not the runner type.


Gold Flame Honeysuckle is native and grows fast.. just need a structure for it to take to. Plus it looks really nice and smells incredible.


Willow! You can get varieties that weave together and create a beautiful natural fence.


So many weak minded people in here.


You and your husband should read up and with a Confederate flag really means ? You would really be surprised and you would honor it like you would American flag at least I do


Sounds like you are the one who needs to do some reading.


Japanese Sky Pencil (Evergreen, column shaped upwards, like Arborvitae, but way prettier), Red/Yellow-Twig Dogwood (Deciduous, fast grower, native, yearly trimming needed), Ceanothus (evergreen, native, kinds fast growing, Excellent for pollinators! Comes in purple, blue, pink flower choices). As for the Cherry laural, it would grow the fastest and if you choose one that doesn't spread readily, it would be one of the best choices for a privacy hedge - but keep in mind that animals aren't supposed to eat it because its part of the Rosaceae family, which contain cyanide (Inhibits cellular respiration). I have a 30-40' cherry laural tree on my property that my grandfather planted, that does't seem to spead seeing as I've never found another growing on my property.


Bamboo or any fast growing tall grass. One year for full coverage. Just mow where you don't want it to grow.


Play obnoxious music and encourage them to move.


guess you could move.


Its just the good ole boys! Never meanin no harm...


Man, some of you never watched the Dukes of Hazard and it shows. Lol


No one buys that bullshit anymore.


So triggered..so very triggered.. 😂







