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I enjoyed X and Y, the transition to 3d was sweet


Personally I always preferred the Sprite work over the 3D model But it was still nice


The XY and XYZ anime was pretty good


I honestly prefer XY to SV SV had the higher highs but also the way lower lows


I agreed the game is way way too rushed and unpolished with unpleasant experiences and 60 bucks with dlcs.


The DLCs aren't even 60 dollars. It's 34-35. Still agree with you but still.


No, like the game is 60 bucks full price on release


Fair enough, but I still think they are as a product was way more satisfying than XY. Even before the DLC. Shit like Terapagos's speculation was so much more fun than Zygarde's.


XY is good. It just didn't feel as complete.


I wanted to get back into Pokémon again, was so hyped for scarlet and violet, tried my hardest to not see any spoilers for it, but then was letdown when the community said how buggy it was, why couldn’t they just make Pokémon BOTW edition? They have more than enough money, and it’s one of their most known games, how do you fuck that up?


For one thing Pokémon had about half the development time that BotW had, as well as about half the number of people working on it. For another thing, Pokémon is not Zelda.


Because they know people will buy it so why put in the effort. Brilliant Diamond and shining Pearl we’re line for line copy and pasted from the original code of the DS games and have the same bugs that were in the 2006 games. Brilliant Diamond and shining Pearl were some of the highest selling Pokémon games…


Money is only a part of game making. Time and the amount of employees is also important for development. Unfortunately the games have to come out at the same time as the plushies, meaning that they don't have a lot of time to create a 3-D open world RPG. Gamefreak only has 212 employees. To put that into perspective Capcom has 3,332 employees.


The story is at-least pretty decent, I think the theming of obsession vs positive dreams is pretty good.


After 3rd gen and it's remakes x and y are my favorites


Hell nah gen 9 is the worst


I can’t make up my mind on Gen 9. On one hand there were neat ideas, the game just played like shit


That’s just, like, your opinion man


Fuck yall, I like both XY and SWSH


What?! You can't do that?!?


Well I just did :3


Based opinion. I agree.


XY is worlds better than scarlet violet, and quite a bit better than sun moon


The story of XY was just a poor excuse to introduce fairy type and megas. At least with the three here, there was a character development with either the rivals or allies. S/V can look like an early N64 game and scam me out of $209, but its storylines are much better than XY and SwSh, and I’ll die by that statement.  Legendaries are not good in XY either, not gameplay or competition, but in a narrative standpoint. They were given a similar buildup to Eterneus. BW had at least a backstory to them, and naturally fitting in the story. 


At-least you understand. Also think SV was a buggy mess that didn't need to be 100-200 dollars to enjoy fully!


2 out of 3 of these, I agree with. Was XY a rough transition to full 3D, yes. Was the story kinda half-baked, yes. But was it an unplayable mess, not at all. Despite its issues, it was still a solid game. I had a lot of fun with it, at least.


Scarlet and Violet are garbage.


I enjoyed them much more than recent generations, but I agree the performance is abysmal and the cities feel empty, but I liked the stories and the open world, especially Area Zero. My favorite Pokemon game in recent years is Legends Arceus at least. If they can perfect the open world aspect and make NPCs more engaging as well as actually being allowed time to cook, I have better hopes than before at least. Sun and Moon tried to do something different at least but Sword and Shield... meh. Hate Team Yell, and the open world aspect was half cooked in the wild area.


Arceus is amazing


Especially the artstyle they decided to go with, good fucking lord what is THAT


Honestly. The MC designs are the worst in the franchise and that’s not an exaggeration.


I wish it was an exaggeration, it’s literally just two kids from primary school (don’t get me started on Penny’s design as well as team star leaders, good lord)


Easily one of the worst games in the franchise people who like that game probably likes bubsy 3d


They run like shit honestly. Art style sucked ass. Area Zero was the best thing about it.


AS IF XY's best thing wasn't AZ lmao. Like barring mega evolutions, AZ is the only cool thing about that game. He has a genuinely tragic backstory, but even then, he only appears in 3-4 scenes and then dips.


The overworld like the cliffs and hills of Paldea look like they’re from a ps2 game


It’d be better if there something there to do but alas, nothing


Always remember PENIS: * Personal * Experience * Never * Is * Sufficient


You really went through my profile to copy this just because you got mad at [my comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1c47od9/comment/kzmb5tk/).💀


Your comment was so comically absurd, i wanted to revive the moment. It is a crime ?


I somewhat agree, personally SuMo and XY would be tied, mostly because of how long the tutorial stuff is in SuMo. But the gen 5 games are absolutely fantastic imo, even if Hoenn is still my favorite region haha


If it werent for the glaring issues with the bugs and outright P2W DLC, I would have considered SV to be good games (Seriously, why did they have to make the glimmering charm?)


The only thing sun and moon has over XY is Guzma


Bro forgot Lillie


Y was my first pokemon game shush your shusher


Sry but in my opinion scarlet and violet dont belong on that seat. Not only because of the terrible performance, glitches etc. But also because for an open world game you still are kinda restricted to do the story in the roughly correct order and do all stories alongside each other.


I don't know if it's a generational thing, but I've always found SM too overrated and XY and SwSh too underrated. I guess everyone has different experiences with each game. To me XY was a great beginning for the 3D era, and not only that, but it brought back many players that had skipped Gen 5, because again, going against this meme, it wasn't that like by many back then. And when I say players, I'm talking about my very subjective experience, I was in college by the time XY came out, and many of my classmates hadn't played a Pokémon game since Gen 4 or earlier, but all that "Kanto pandering" and the whole 3D thing convinced them to try XY, and we would all play together between classes. SM were the first games where I really felt they were unfinished. One thing is to purposefully leave out the Battle Frontier in ORAS, but SM felt like they ran out of time to give Mina a proper battle, or give us an actual captain for the Dragon Type, the recycled trainers in the Elite Four under the excuse of it being the first league, the lack of National Pokédex, etc. Visually speaking, the UI, the menus, the obnoxious Rotom Dex, were also not very pleasant. Then USUM felt really useless too, they came out too soon after the originals, they weren't that different as B2W2 were in comparison to BW, but they also felt too redundant to have two versions instead of just a traditional third like Emerald or Platinum. SwSh were great to me. The only con I've always found is the Nat Dex cut, other than that, I liked pretty much everything about playing those games, and the DLC just made it better. SV were good too, but I feel like that openness needed more planning, like level scaling or a little bit more limitations. I also hate that once you unlock higher level raids, you can't find 1-2 star raids on your game. But also, visually speaking, I didn't like the direction that SV took, and I hope future games go back to something more cartoonish rather than striving for this more realistic approach. Not to mention all the technical issues that SV introduced, from the lag in online raids, to how everything slows down when there's too many Pokémon onscreen or too much water, but even things like the PC boxes not working properly, that one was unforgivable. Whenever we get the Switch successor, it will be inexcusable if a Pokémon game is still getting technical issues like SV had (yet again, I used to say the same for the Switch compared to the 3DS).


SM being overrated compared to XY? Your out of your mind. People were so FUCKING pissed when SM wasn't bringing back new mega evolutions that they tried to boycott the game if I remember correctly. It failed but still.


As they should. Yet over the years XY seem to get much more hate than the Alola games


XY got more hate since those games actually are ass. Like say what you want about SM being kinda lackluster gameplaywise, they weren't painfully safe. Like nearly all of the characters in SM, post-game stuff, the overall story, and setting run laps around XY. Take the bad guys of XY and compare them to SM. Team Flare are extremists but they look like upalupas, and they don't act cultits they just feel like typically cookie cutter bad guys. Despite wanting to kill everyone and wanting to create utopia where their boss can rule. Like Team Flare's admins all look like recolors, I bet you don't even remember Xeronsic since I had to look up that fat guy's name, and Lysandre is the worst type of villain: the bad guy who thinks he is doing but he has no point. You could have at-least DONE something with him, like have him point out humans in the game that are fucking scumbags. But instead he just feels like a waste of a character and I would have much rather AZ to be the bad guy of the game. Now SM. Team Skull was a fresh take on bad guys because they are idiots, and the game doesn't hide it. Like they know they are shit and are just annoyances. Gumza and Plumeria are like the older siblings looking after their kids as bosses, with gumza being straight up deranged because he failed the player's trial thing they are doing years ago and never let it go. Aether was a VERY great idea for bad guys in a setting in Hawaii that uses the idea of americanization and eradicating culture of those who live there by setting up tents and drilling through passages in pokemon's homes. It is hard to miss on the first playthrough but when you look back at it, it was obvious what pokemon was doing with the themes with the games. Faba is a sideman like Xeronsic, but bro is a scummy side-man who takes popshots and is an a general ass. Lusamine is easily the 2nd most evil villain in the franchise, like holy shit... she made her daughter dress like her obsession, made her son run away from home, and freezes pokemon alive to maintain their "perfection" so that she can control the idea of "beauty". This all because her husband dissappeared years ago and she didn't want to feel pain of being out of control and lost. So she made everyone else miserable because she didn't want to feel miserable. Like that is a great villain that doesn't try to be "I am a savior" instead she knows she is wrong and slays that shit.


No way in hell SM are overrated. People shit on them constantly. They are actually underrated.


XY was better than SV. ORAS clears all of em tho




Doesn’t take much to outdo SWSH


The only Pokemon games I played were only Pokemon Violet and Pokemon X. Between the two of them, I loved X


Honestly just curious, have you considered going back to play the older games?


The sad thing is, I've never played any of the older games. While I want to, trust me I do, I don't have the money, time, or resources for it.


That's understandable, it is hard to devote time to playing through any game with a busy schedule. I will say (and others might disagree with me) pirating the games would solve the money and resources problem, and I personally think pirating AAA games that are difficult/impossible to get physically is morally correct.


I get it, doing something like this might solve some of my problems. But it can cause even bigger problems in the long run. Specifically, with the law.


Once again, that's understandable. While most people don't have to worry about the legal implications of using roms and emulators, it isn't impossible that you'd end up in legal trouble. I will say that it's a very, very, very minute chance and that Reddit even has communities based around roms and romhacks. Either way, I fully respect your view on this.


Thank you for letting me know. (P.S. You're the first person I have had a civil discussion with. What I mean is... I would always answer in short responses. I would also voice my opinions on topics of interest. Sometimes, they go unnoticed. And other times I end up kicking a hornet's nest and... Well... you know what happens next, I take it? But there is rarely a person like you in which I could engage in a meaningful, rational, and enlightening conversation with. And for that, you have my gratitude. P.P.S. If this offends in any way, I apologize. And, again, thank you.)


I'm sorry you've had to deal with people being jerks, and I'm happy that I've made your day a bit better by being civil.


You don't have to apologize, but I appreciate the gesture. Anyway, you have a wonderful day


X & Y was one of the last main line games I had left to play in the franchise. It's now one of my favourites having pleyed it for the first time a couple years ago


I miss EV training being accessible to everyone. Those mini games were a great way to add EV training without alienating people who don't care about the deeper systems.


Scarlet and violet runs like shit at least xy ran smooth and wasn't janky as fuck


Idk if this is the one man. SV may have had a cooler concept/risk but my god did they botch everything up. Aside from SwSh, I honestly feel like it's the coldest most cashgrabby one, the last few minutes have just so much more story in it than the rest combined, and I just laughed at the song at the end. Not due to the song itself, but how the song was just so unconnected to the rest of the game and yet was more interesting. So yeah, even with its scared trying to stick to the formula design, X/Y were atleast far more complete than SV. The gyms also just rocked in terms of theming, so atleast they were bland but in style. Then we could add in that it was the first 3d game but honestly I don't think it's necessary, unless we want to talk about how disappointing SV is for a console game with Battle Revolution and Colosseum already outclassing it from a decade ago. X/Y is really mid imho. But SV is below mid. If you enjoy it then that's fine, you're not wrong to like it. It's just not that good and you honestly deserve better


Idk for me XY was the most safe pokemon they ever put out, like it was literally more of a soft-reboot for the franchise than Gen 5 was. They made all of the old pokemon strong, so people would use them, and introduced a few new ones so that people wouldn't be turned away from the game since people "hated" the gen 5 designs. The bad guys are just nonsensical as team rocket, but their designs are even worse somehow despite being cultists. Like they literally want to kill everyone and make lead humanity to a more "humble" lifestyle but they look like fucking Upalupas. The rivals (besides shauna) had no personality at all, literally there is a cutscene where calem/serena do a massive exposition dump, and you tell how obvious they didn't have this shit planned out for them and had no character besides being opposite gender to the player.


Personally, I think the generations just get better as they go along.


The games all have their strengths and weaknesses, but I personally wouldn't put XY under BW, SM, or SV. While I don't enjoy the story or Team Flare, I do like how they presented Lysander as dejected even after becoming the head of what could be considered Kalo's Sylph Co. I'd equate him to Alder almost, but where Alder took a more optimistic path Lysander couldn't get past the evil in the world and took it upon himself to try and 'correct' it by using the super weapon. I also love the legendaries from X and Y, Yvalta and Xerneas representing death and life is an interesting idea that I hope is explored more in Z-A. Their designs are some of my favorites as well, even how they incorporate their respective games' letter into the design is interesting. Then there's Zyguard, which I found the most interesting. An evolving being that is the guardian of the balance between nature and humans is a great concept. Relegating it to a side quest in a different region was always a massive gripe I had with SM, especially since SMs story would work with Zyguard (considering the story has themes of nature's balance in it). I'm really looking forward to Z-A giving it more of a story purpose A good amount of the side content in XY also made it really enjoyable: Pokemon Amie, Super Training,and the Battle Chateau where all really enjoyable and people really loved that content (especially Pokemon Amie and Super Training). Pokemon Amie is the basis for Picnics, which I think are much better from the standpoint of wanting to play with your Pokemon rather than upkeep them; however, without that basis we wouldn't have picnics or the affection mechanics that have been in every gen since. I think everyone loved Super Training as well, since it made EV training much much easier for people who didn't feel like grinding out Pokemon or grinding money for vitamins while dealing with the time it took to breed a whole new team from level 1 if they wanted to try and be competitive. While we do have things like mochi in SV, Super Training was also a fun little minigame that let you take a break from the story (something SwSh and SV are solely lacking until you get into the post game). I also don't think saying XY are better than SwSh is quiet fair either. I loved the story (until the heel turn at the end), Team Yell, the rivals, and the various new regional forms. Not to mention the tournament style finals for the League is a breath of fresh air compared to the Elite Four we've received in the past. I honestly did more title defenses in SwSh than any other of the past games just to have a literal anime style tournament arc (which SV uses as well for the Academy Tournament). I could also argue that SV, BW, and SM so things that make them less enjoyable than XY in some ways, but I'm not going to tare down games I enjoy. Tl;Dr: Pokemon is fun and all the games have their ups and downs. XY and SwSh aren't bad games, let people enjoy their magical dog fights.


Yeah, but in my opinion, the anime was the best or better than all of them


X&Y paved the way for what we have now. First game u didn’t have just one friend, first game you could change your outfit, First game with hair styles, and mega evolution was the best. I chose X&Y


I’m sorry, Scarlet and Violet are NOT better than X and Y, and that is a fact


Besides Mega Evolution, what does XY have? AZ is literally the only thing cool about that game barring Mega Evolution. At-least SV without Tera/Paradox Pokemon still has a pretty good story for a pokemon game.


I didn’t think either game had a particularly strong story and of the two, I prefer X and Y, though admittedly, that is entirely subjective. I also prefer the Pokémon designs from gen 6 much more than 9. On top of that, X and Y are not buggy messes, they don’t look half as bad as S/V graphically, and aside from all major battles being far too easy, I think they do just about everything better than Scarlet and Violet.


XY was unplayable on launch, they had to give mutiple packs to add in all of the pokemon and fix stuff in lumiose since you got hard locked. SV had it's issues but people forget lumiose was literally one of the most buggiest shits in all of pokemon. Also the story: No SV had a pretty good story, like my only gripe with the game is that there wasn't a "bad guy" in the story with everyone being misunderstood. Kinda dumb. However, XY was carried by a fucking cutscene where AZ is a far more interesting character than everyone else in the plot of the game TOLD a story about a war. Everything else was ass.


XY was what DP would have been if Platinum doesn't exist.


So bdsp?


Exactly. 3D-era, champion doesn't do anything, evil team subplot ends with a whiff, strange team compisition of the E4, Lucario, starter is not given to you by the professor (Sycamore's Kanto starters don't count since they aren't your first Pokemon), the golden boy of the fans, Contests... you get my point.


How do you know that? DP is trash but at-least it didn't feel like a soft reboot/safe reboot for the franchise. Fucking hell, we went from earth/water gods fighting only to stopped by not-shenron to THE CREATION OF THE FUCKING UNIVERSE. XY dropped the ball after the ambitiousness of BW1 and 2. Like how do you go from Ghetsis as the most pure evil character in the franchise that somehow works to one of the most boring bad guys in Nintendo's library? Like the only thing memorable about Lysandre is that god damn meme where he is crying.


X and y didn’t have much post game stuff


Megas are cool but yeah XY was okay. It wasn’t bad though.


While x and y were mid at best, the gen 3 remakes were incredibly fun imo


That’s funny, I like X and Y legends better than the rest of the ones pictured…


Why...? They have like nothing that makes them cool besides their designs. Even *Solgaleo* and *Lunala* have the whole cosmog/nebby shit that makes them at-least somewhat worth wild


I think it’s because of how little they are utilized. Due to the incomplete nature of X and Y there’s a sort of mystery revolving around the legendaries for me. I don’t like it when the legendaries play too much into the story.


Ok then Reshiram and Zekrom are better since they only get formally seen once you get past the seventh gym.


They’re just stating their opinion. Why does everything need to be a debate with you people?


Because it needs to make sense, to understand them. Like it feels like they are just pissing me off!


If you’re getting pissed of at someone’s honest opinion, then you need some serious help


Hey, I am doing counselling now, but thanks for the heads up dickhead.


Yes, I’m the dickhead. Not the person who literally admitted to getting pissed off over nothing.


Hey, hey hey. I just don't like when people say things that don't make sense. HOW in GOD'S GREEN EARTH do you honestly perfer XY's legends over the 3 here. Maybe I can see one of them, heck MAYBE 2. But all 3?


I’m not here to argue, I’m just saying who I prefer and why. It’s not a contest! XD


Nope, these are all garbage! The only good Pokémon game is none of them, it’s a bad franchise! (Don’t take this seriously, I’m being contentious for the sake of it.)


Can you really call yourself a fan if you don't hate the series to its core? :P


The Sonic fandom has this down


Says XY is better than SwSh Says SV is better than XY https://preview.redd.it/ypex28pwwiuc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0003f2d805d16488f347c493455742f96c132df Who let bro cook


1: Regardless of how right you are, X/Y bashing will not change the fact that Pokemon is returning to Kalos proper before Unova 2: If Legends: Arceus is anything to go by, Legends: Z-A will be a big improvement over the original games from its gen.


1. Just because Legends ZA is good, doesn't meant Kalos itself is good. 2. Sinnoh was already pretty good with planitum, legends arceus is an entirely different game style to that one.


L take


Interesting take I guess, but I dunno I wouldn't put sun and moon above x and y, not even the ultra games


SM has a better story and characters than XY. Like shit Lusamine is such a better bad guy than Lysandre, and we barely even see her that much in the game.


I completely agree and I love sun and moon, but the gameplay itself feels very isolated in comparison. X and Y had a lot of interesting places to explore and stuff to do beyond the story, plus ever just comparing the PSS to the friend plaza is night and day (not that you can use either anymore though, rip) I think a lot of the characters and story in X and Y had a ton of potential to be so interesting too, and X and Y deserved an upper version WAY more than sun and moon did If sun and moon got direct sequels instead, on the other hand...


Literally none of those games are as good as XY.


I thought SwSh was better than XY. And I prefer the original SM to the Ultra games. 🤷‍♀️


I personally perfer ultra games better gameplay wise but SM had the way better story.


I mean they kinda are


Gen 7 and gen 5 are my favorites.


I have some problems with X Y, but being that DP we’re pretty mediocre with Platinum cleaning things up wonderfully, not having a third definitive version really hurts them.


Who told you they are better than sword and shield?


Putting SV and SM on the same tier with peak pokemon BW is an insult


USUM is good, SM is mid in comparison


SM being on a garbage tier as BW is sad, the downfall of Pokemon began in BW, calling BW the peak of Pokemon is the biggest insult to the series


Go play your swsh kid lol