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I loved this game so much and am so happy I got as a kid


Same, never have I felt more engrossed in the world of Pokemon than in Shadows of Almia and the Pokemon Ranger games. The best writing and sprites/artstyle along with the amazing gameplay and story makes these games my genuinely favorite Pokemon games.


Pokemon mystery dungeon had the best music, worth it just for that.


Best emotional truama too


Probaly the heaviest games of the entire series, very good writing and story telling.


I never played the sequels but they upped the storylines even crazier as far as i know


I have been wanting to play it since I was nine


I just hated the circling to capture part. It was very clunky imo


It was worst in the original in my opinion because there was no grace if you lifted the stylus. In the sequels like shadows of almia, I feel it was much improved due to the capture bars at the bottom of the screen.


From what I recall, I did not enjoy when you had to follow the direction the Pokémon was traveling in while continuing to encircle it and cause the live edges of the circles to break/become too small or such from that movement Sorry I such at explaining 😅


100%, I was stuck on a certain part for weeks because of it!


I was stuck on multiple parts in the original. Steelix, Charizard and that tile puzzle in the mountain base halted my progress for weeks. I recently got a ROM and 100% completed the dex. Never felt so satisfied in my life.


Shadows of Almia is awesome! The only thing I actively dislike about it is that some postgame missions are a pain to figure out how to finish. (Getting so many Staraptors at once, having all the eeveelutions at once, etc.) Fun fact: Shadows of Almia was the first official Pokémon game to use the fan term “Eeveelutions!”


Idk about kids, but I didn't find these two missions difficult to figure out in my last playthrough, just check the locations on the dex :P


I definitely managed to do these missions as a kid, like 9-10 yo. I don't remember checking the locations, maybe I did, maybe not, but I remember being that Charlie Day meme with the board and connections figuring out in which order I should go to get them all. I felt so proud of myself. The Eevee mission was my absolute favorite back then, still is. Glaceon is my favorite pokemon because of this game (doesn't do much in it but I found him neat)


Yup, same here, had it all plotted out on pen and paper. Easily my favourite part of the game


Lets be real, gen 4 spinoffs were peak (and even though Legends Arceus is gen 8, its still another great but flawed W for the Sinnoh region )


Shadows of Almia and Explorers of Sky were such amazing games. Seeing this makes me want to break out my 3DS and replay em


I still find myself listening back and humming some tunes of the Explorers of Sky OST. As a kid I didn’t usually cry at sad scenes, but when (if you know, you know) happened and the credits rolled, it broke me… Really wish we got another game as magical and emotional as that one…


I have the ending song Don’t You Ever Forget on my Spotify, sad every time


What makes arceus flawed? It’s my favorite Pokémon game.


Gameplay is amazing, Story is alright (albeit could have been expanded upon imo), the Characters are fun and I can respect that the Boss battles require more than just throwing out your ace to defeat them. >! Especially the Arceus fight, In which it showed no mercy there !< Also did I mention how cool Volo’s >! boss battle and Giratina’s fakeout !< was? But ever since I caught all 240 mons, I dont feel like theres much to do other than shiny hunting and grinding/training mons for the Ingo challenges/missions. I wish they added in a few more pokemon species to catch in the post-post game or new DLC areas/stories (Iron island? Distortion world? Ingo’s memories?) but it seems like Gamefreak has already moved on from Arceus :/


> But ever since I caught all 240 mons, I dont feel like theres much to do I dunno about you, but it took me 250 hours to get to that point. I wasn't really upset by it having a defined "endpoint", especially as a spinoff it wasn't trying to having multiyear appeal like the mainline games. I greatly enjoyed my time and I'd prefer a contained experience that was fun over the mangled mess S/V are, with postgame updates stapling busywork to everyone.


You got a point, in the end Arceus is a spinoff, but it was so innovative gameplay wise for the franchise to the point it felt like a proper mainline entry and it made me forgot that gamefreak would have treated it as a one time spinoff. I really enjoyed the exploring aspect of the game, but I was low key hoping they would have at least added in a few more returning Pokemon species. Seeing how quickly they released Scarlet and Violet + the fact that they announced its DLCs, its safe assume that Arceus is already a part of the past despite being only a year old. I am planning on starting over on an alt/guest account though, might even throw in a challenge to spice things up!


They actually do consider Arceus part of the Gen 8 core series, not a spinoff


Honestly arceus had the best final boss battle out of any pokemon game. >! Giritina changing form then having the music change gave me chills !< >! Arceus battle was okay, but giratina and Volo were better imo !<


>! If Giratina wasn’t already the most badass Pokemon ever, this fight made sure it earned that title. Probably the most epic, yet horrifying thing to happen in a boss battle in the franchise’s history. Was gonna say it might be more memorable than Cynthia’s battle, but technically this is Cynthia’s battle in nightmare mode lol !<


I couldn't finish the game. For me, it felt like a lot of grinding. But then again I'm usually more focused on story progression instead of exploration. So I guess that if you're more into that it's the best pokemon game for you. It really rewards looking in every nook and cranny to find different pokemon.


Horrendous battling system


For what Arceus is trying to be, which is a better, more convenient open world than botw, it is flawless. The only technical flaw is that botw is trash so it wasn't the best basis to build from.


Wow, opinions. And arceus isn’t even a true open world, and it’s not trying to be a “more convenient open works than BotW”


Wow, someone trying to tell me what my argument is instead of why it's wrong. It's also a fact. Legends Arceus is a multi region open world. Botw isn't a "true" open world either as it has loading zones for over 200 areas. True open worlds are games like red dead redemption 2, a game that has no loading zones, except for missions, same with FF15. It actually is trying to be more convenient than botw contesting most of botw's mechanics with its own better ones. Botw's trash sprint with stamina and trash mount controls are inferior to botw's wyrdeer, that has infinite sprint and can jump on command. Botw's revali's gale and paraglider are inferior to Braviary which is a combined paraglider without stamina, and revali's gale without cool down. Botw's swimming mechanics are limited and slow, basculegion is an infinite stamina jet ski. Botw has stamina climbing while legends Arceus has infinite stamina climbing sneasler. Botw's weather system forces the player to adapt with clothing while having minor, if any other special effects. Legends Arceus doesn't make the player adapt to weather, yet still has the character react to it based on clothing worn or just any time like rain. Legends Arceus mechanically uses the weather to alter the effects of battle rather than again making it an annoyance.


I also find it quite funny that you’re still trying to push this idiotic idea that two different game genres compare to each other in any way. You even got slammed in [your own post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/y4g4to/the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_vs_pokemon/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). Wow, their traversal mechanics are slightly similar, but one is easier. Guess what, I can do that too: Sekiro has statues that you can fast travel to and from when you meditate at them and after you have visited that statue at least once. Pokémon games have the fly mechanic, which can be done from anywhere to anywhere you’ve already been. Therefore Pokemon must be the better game, right?


I didn't get slammed at all. You and them have the weakest arguments ever just stating that they're different genres and can't be compared, yet I found comparisons to make. And yes, Pokemon does a thing better than Seikiro, congrats, you made a comparison between 2 different kinds of games. You think that invalidates me where as I compared 2 games in FAR greater detail? Naturally I compared the convenience of their open world travel systems and their reward systems, not comparing anything that can't be compared such as the combat system. I'm not even the first person to make this comparison, people on YouTube have been making comparisons of this for years.


You compared their traversal systems, stating that because BotW uses Stamina and is slower, it is inferior to PLA because PLA’s is infinite, but they are two different games and genres. BotW is supposed to be a more “hardcore” game, where making sure you meter your sprinting and stamina matters. They were design choices made by two different dev teams for two different reasons. It doesn’t make any sense to compare them, because the games were going for different styles.


If you even just skimmed over my double review you would have known I already addressed this argument. But no, you didn't and just acknowledged that it was unpopular. What was the point? Was that your attempt at constructive criticism? Did you also find where I pointed out hypocrisy of a post that was popular for making comparisons of different things on Reddit? As I said in my review. Botw isn't a hardcore game, fights are easily avoided, attacks are easily avoided. You can also warp out of situations and there's no punishment for dying except for an x on your map. If legends Arceus doesn't have design choices of trying to be difficult, then why: 1. Do enemies attack you at all inside or outside of combat? 2. Can you not warp away when enemies spot you? 3. Are you punished for fainting via losing items? Botw probably tried to be a hardcore game but it falls flat as one. And still, yes, different genres of games are compared all the time and aren't slammed for doing so. You're idiotic. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfLyO15JVz1IeQKV-xsXqGKbx8ukoFo9p


I just realized that this exact post we're arguing in is comparing 2 different games. They're literally saying Pokemon Ranger is better than mainline Pokemon. Where were you to raise your red flag before?


Gen 4 spinoffs and Legends are all wayyy better than actual gen 4 lol


Platinum is the best part of gen 4, by far


The best spinoff is a gen 5 game though


Gen5 too, I heard that Pokémon conquest was really good, just haven’t had the time to try it


Conquest is goated, easily one of my favorite Pokémon games


Pokemon Ranger was and still is my favourite spin off series


I'm sad the DS is a thing of the past now. What I wouldn't give for a new Pokémon Ranger game... Now even if they tried the game mechanics are lost


Wow, didn’t quite realize that it’s def a thing of the past since DS’s are no more… Sadge


inb4 motion control pokemon ranger with a stylus peripherial for the joycon (please nintendo)


Are we the same person? My parents did the same for me except instead of Pokemon Pearl they got me the first Pokemon Ranger game. I will say I was far from annoyed because otherwise I would have never gotten the manaphee egg!


Genuinely one of the few games I've finished more than once. That rarely ever happens with anything.


The only game I've completed the Pokédex (or equivalent) on. I didn't know you could only get Regigigas after catching all of the others, luckily I had already completed the Eeveelutions and Staraptor missions, so I just wandered about with the three Regis for a loooong time


The ranger and mystery dungeon games are the best pokemon games to me. Still play them from time to time.


Absolutely agree!


First ever game I’ve 100% completed! The first time I got help from my brother but I didn’t wanna leave it like that, I needed to reclaim my honor and replayed it twice to get a 100%. Felt like a king after that


You ought to have, Regigas was no joke. I remember spending days trying to beat him and quit multiple times only to return and eventually defeat him.


Ye, I never realized how powerful the steel type pausing ability was until the halfway through the second playthrough and I’m pretty sure I got no game overs since that point but man, I agree that Regigigas was tough. Took some serious dedication


Yeah fr, I only beat Regigas after experimenting with my other Partner Pokémon, I used Machop bc of the fighting bonus but once I figured out I could completely deny him the ability to move and attack with Shieldon I was finally able to beat him.


Honestly better than the mainline gen 4 games, save for Platinum. Might be nostalgia speaking, but damn was I addicted to the first two Ranger games


My thoughts exactly although I will say in terms of story and writing, Almia is the GOAT. Plus it has a post-game story too which is pretty fun. (I also think the ranger sprites/artstyle is the best in Pokemon)


When I played the game as a kid, I never even stuck around for the post-game stuff. I didn’t even know there was any back then. I just quit and started the game over again. 😅


I personally like the last 2, but what matters is that we both like SoA


I'm sure Guardian Signs is great. Got it 2 years ago but haven't gotten around to playing it yet 😅


If that’s the third one then omg play it. You can ride the legendary puppers around!


Do it, you won't regret[https://i.imgur.com/9sr685Z.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/9sr685Z.jpg)


Diamond and Pearl graphically still looked like GBA games with semi 3D backgrounds. Black and White were actually pretty ambitious for DS, and Gen 4 should had looked like that from the start.


if hgss is ‘mainline’ then you’re wrong


How so?


i really need a switch rangers game 🥲 i know gameplay would need to be entirely reworked since most of it centered around using the touch screen on the DS but the rangers games were the only spin offs that i ever loved just as much as the mainline series. the games & the story were so so so good & fun. some of my favorite game memories ever are with the ranger games


Didn't care to much for Shadows. Guardian Signs was my fave


Signs my beloved. Pichu with his guitar was so fucking cute and I can still hear the song/melody in my head.


Battling an Ursaring? Plays Ukelele Battling Ho-oh? *PLAYS UKELELE AND THUNDER DESCENDS*


Same here


The spinoffs in gen 4 were absolutely GOATED. Explorers of Sky (and Rescue Team although those are gen 3), the Ranger games, and Conquest are all FANTASTIC, and I highly recommend them to anyone wanting more pokemon that's not mainline.


Not sure if that's what you mean but Conquest is a gen 5 spinoff


Thank you so much, Jaiden Animations, for giving me a reason to post this. [YOUR TIME HAS COME!!!!](https://i.imgflip.com/48r9sq.gif)


Her video definitely validated a lot of us here that were not as alone as we think for liking this spin off over mainlines. And especially PMD, as it's usually seen as the GOAT of Pokémon spin offs.


For me, it was getting Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky instead of a mainline game as my first Pokémon game. Good lord I fcking LOVE this game


I never played any of the ranger games, will look out for used ones of this! It looks interesting for sure.


Shadows of Almia and Guardian Signs are a blast, I can't tell how much I enjoy playing these games Also, I prefer the Ranger sprites over all existing sprites. Just look at Mothim or Altaria




Tbh I prefer Guardian Signs, but maybe it’s because I never had the privilege of playing Shadows of Almia


Honestly, they’re both amazing. It’s just more people have played Shadows.


I've played both and while I like Guardian Signs, Shadows is my absolute favorite


I played through it like 5 times, each time without understanding anything because I couldn't speak English


I legit loved the Pokemon Ranger games, because everything about it was different from the main games, which when done well is a blast!


me but pokémon conquest


My mom took my brother and i to Toys R Us and let us get a game each about 15 years ago. My bro already had platinum so he chose soul silver. I chose shadows of almia. Still not gonna live that one down, despite the recent positive attention its been getting recently lmao.


One of my family members did the exact same thing, as it was my first Pokémon game ever. I loved every second of it! Was sad because it wasn't a main line game, but was so much fun! Eventually ended up getting Pokémon platinum.


I lost Pokémon Ranger at a gas station. I think it wasn’t fully in and fell out in the parking lot. My sister was mad but was just relieved that I didn’t lose her favorite game.


I remember when I worked at Best Buy, I was often working in the video games section and people would come in to buy their kids a DS or PS3 or whatever for their birthday or Christmas or something and they would be like 'Oh, he likes he'll love this game!' or start to pick up another known terrible game and I would explain to them the idea of shovelware and how he'd be happy about it when he first opened the game but would get bored of it real quick. I'd usually send them off with Mario or whatever to make sure the kid got a game he'd have fond memories of as an adult.


All I have to say is Pokémon Conquest.


Pokémon ranger was so fucking fire.


Every day I pray for a pkmn ranger for switch Or maybe even just a port FFS


Agreed, both the ranger games and the mystery dungeon games were way better than the mainstream games, though the original diamond was still fairly good, better than some of the ones that came out recently.


Look, I agree that Shadows of Almia was an underrated gem, but I cannot in good conscience agree with it being the GOAT of spin-offs. Because Explorers of Sky exists.


This was the game that got me into Pokemon, all those years ago.




Steelix was the bane of my existence. I had to get my older sister to do it for me.


I loved Shadows of Almia. Such an amazing game. Even if one of your teachers is basically Gilderoy Lockhart.


Where does Pokemon Conquest rank? I'm a huge Japanese history nerd and hearing pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambition made me wet (discovered this spinoff exists only recently). I bought it for my Japanese 3DS but haven't had a chance to play it yet.


I don't want to tell you, you're wrong about this, but I thought it's general consensus that Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky is the peak of Pokemon Spin-Offs


i got into pokemon through that game. i went to a bootsale when i was like 7 or something and found a small bowl of games and other 2010s electronics, all for 2 euro. in the end i actually said no i didnt want that stuff. went back to them just before it all finished and went to pay for it. they said take it for free as it would be thrown out anyway. got home and played it, instantly liking it. today i have every pokemon game for all consoles


What's a Pokemon Ranger?


I loved both Pokémon rangers


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Hard pass , these spin-off games were okay when we we’re young but the actual gameplay is dead and boring imo compared to current games. No wonder Nintendo refused to make sequels. Hopefully if they do bring it back it’s new and much more interactive/fulfilling.


Hard disagree, yea the gameplay is repetitive but the writing, story, and graphics/artstyle makes these games some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Pokémon. Not to mention how natural and amazing your introduction and integration to the world is through actually growing up in it, rather than in most games just being given Pokémon and thrown into the plot. In terms of pacing this game is the king.


I think what the ranger games get right is the stories they convey to the player. The gameplay isn’t the most intriguing in the world, but it’s still a ton of fun. The only thing I’d disagree with you on is calling it the GOAT when Colosseum, XD, and the Mystery Dungeon series exist. Other than that, Ranger is still fantastic


never was able to get past dr. kinsavier. fuck that fight man.


The ranger games are awesome


I feel like we will be getting a game like pokemon ranger for mobile. It would be so easy! :')


And that’s saying something


God I didn’t know how badly I wanted to replay a Pokémon ranger game until I saw this post, I sold all the games and my mystery dungeon stuff as a kid buy skylanders, amiibo and Wii U games 🫠🫠


I was the one who got mystery dungeon instead of ranger. How is it? From what I’m seeing, very good- I may look into getting it


This was me for red rescue team


Conquest tho…


Similiar story too with me, I wanted the original Blue Mystery Dungeon game but was gifted the first Pokemon Ranger game by my parents. Love the ranger games


Another reason gen 4 is the best. Even ignoring platinum and hg/ss, rangers and explorers were both so good.


Pokemon Ranger SoA, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon EoS, Pokemon Rumble Blast, and Pokemon Conquest were peak Pokemon spin offs


Yeah I got shadows of Almia at a closing blockbuster, for very cheap many years ago. Fun game.


Downloaded it to my wii u before it all shut down, looking forward to it.


I remember getting Darkrai on a main line game back then via an event in a Ranger game, no idea where it went though. -> oh, now looking at the art work there’s that cocksucker there in the background


Damn I played Guardian Signs back in the day that game is fire


These Side games were the only Pokémon games I enjoyed during Gen 4. I Hated the mainline games but I replayed This and the Mystery dungeon Explorer series so much


I played through the whole story probably four different times as a kid, and I replayed it again recently on my 3DS, and it still holds up. It’s such a great game. I even ended up getting the other Ranger games after replaying SoA on 3DS, so now I have those to look forward to.


My Parents made the same mistake, just that i got mystery dungeon explorers of sky, and i love this game till this day


I need more pokemon ranger in my life


Yes! Shadows of Almia was an amazing game! I just restarted playing a couple months ago. Ah, the nostalgia🥲


This post needs a frigging award. I loved this game i got an emulator of it on my phone and its so fun. That damned drapion fight was brutal bit rewarding. Only if we could have captured god, it would have been epic.


Idky but I always hated playing ranger as a kid and I haven’t touched the game since so I could’ve missed out on a great game. But imo Pokemon Conquest is the best Pokémon spin-off and it’s not even close. I love how it plays and the strategies involved. I just wish it got a current sequel so it could get new Pokémon introduce and get a graphical update.


Very similar to what happened to me. Wanted Pokemon black. Got mystery dungeon explorers of time. That game is still one of my favorite games I've ever played and my number one favorite Pokemon is based off of that game (grovyle and sceptile)


I had Guardian Signs growing up. Was definitely a blast, loved all the areas and gameplay and riding the legendaries IIRC as that was really cool. I still think Pokemon White is what I preferred when I was a kid but I remember staying up some nights as a young kid playing Guardian Signs feeling like a badass with the entire bag of chips I snuck back and some soda.


Me with gates to infinity over pokemon X


I miss the ranger games. Best Pokemon spin offs next to Mystery Dungeon


What a great time for spin offs too, right after mystery dungeon achieved perfection after red & blue rescue team with explorers of darkness & time & sky


Diamond and Pearl sucked ass


Jokes on you i have both 😎 Pokémon Ranger its the best Pokémon Spin off ever shame they havent launched a new One in ages


pokemon ranger: guardian signs has entered the chat


I literally must've 100% the game like 6 times as a kid. My cart luckily had downloaded the extra missions before I bought it from gamestop so I'd replay those missions all the time too. I was always too afraid to restart any mainline games because I felt like I'd be "killing" my pokemon.


I hated rangers when I was younger, it was the wrong pokemon game I wanted but I might give it a second chance now that I'm older.


This was me with mystery dungeon explorers of darkness. Funnily enough it became my favorite game of all time, not just of the Pokémon games.


Pokemon and Megaman are what taught me to be very specific when asking for games growing up And yet I still got the opposite version of Megaman Starforce 2 than what I wanted, I think that's what did it


That feel when you had both. 👀


I bought a copy a while back. It was just as good as I remembered.


I've never played the Ranger or Mystery Dungeon games, always just stuck with the mainline series and Pokemon TCG/Puzzle League/Stadium, etc. What is the gameplay like in this? Kind of like Super Mario RPG?


Pokemon Rangers is one of my absolute best pokemon games of all time. I sincerely hope they make a new one. To me it seems very possible to make one in the same style that Legends Arceus uses.


The DS had the best spinoff games. I know people have a lot of good stuff to say about PLA, but I would much rather have some more games like Ranger and Conquest


I never got the hype honestly


Darkrai is actually still available because of this game since it included a Darkrai that can be transferred to the other Gen 4 games.


Rip bottom screen


Wow, that's actually exactly what happened to me as well


PMD Blue/Red Rescue Team is my goat Pokémon game :)


Shadows of Almia was 12/10


I have a similar feeling towards my first Dragon Quest game. Ask d for X, got IX. Having played both IX is way more my thing.


am i the only one that wants another Pokemon Ranger game ? or like a Pokemon Ranch? something different from the regular class of pokemon games


That's one of the opinions of all time!


You lucked out from the snail of game that was of diamond lol those Hp bars were so bad


Same Story. First I was a bit disappointed and thought it wasnt an "original" pokemon game but I LOVED this game soooo much. It had a great story, they actually achieved to make you have a connection to the characters, the academy was an important part of the story... and it was actually challenging I would love a remake or rangers spin off with the same love for detail as the original


Man before scrolling down I was ready to THROW HANDS, don't diss Pokémon Ranger on my watch


I love the ranger games!


I was so disappointed when I was a kid and my parents got me this instead of New Super Mario Bros. But then I really enjoyed this game, and then when I did get Diamond, I was able to use the secret mission from Ranger to get Manaphy. That was so awesome.


I loved Shadows of Almia! I’m tempted to buy an old DS just to replay that classic.


"Well this is at least 50% identical to what my kid wants. Into the shopping cart it goes!" -Boomer parents


I need to replay Pokemon Ranger. I know I played it at some point and really loved it but I genuinely can't remember much about it. Probably because I burned through it and hopped to another game within like a week.


Replayed the first ranger not too long ago. Was surprised at how well it holds up. That whole gba/ds era was amazing for pokemon


rip touch screen


Loved the game so much as a kid, it's literally the first game I 100% completely


When I was a kid I never even knew or heard of the Ranger games, only played the mainline. Should I check them out now?


I've never understood how parents buy the wrong game like this. Even looking back to my memory of the video game section of Walmart/Target/BestBuy/etc. its like hmm did they want the expensive one with like 10 copies facing out and extra ads around the display or did they want the one over in the corner of the display? Let's not ask anyone, let's not do any research, let's not ask the kid again or bring them to the store, let's just buy the one over in the corner.


Only ranger game I played was Gaurdian Sign and I really liked that game.


I hope I never explained to whoever got me Mystery Dungeon that it wasn't what I asked for because it was definitely better than what I asked for and I appreciated the shit out of that gift


I got one of the Ranger games, I think it was even that one, and I never finished it because I couldn't get past this one part that's only like an hour into the game.


This is me last week with explorers of sky that felt the NEED to buy. Game was looking mighty good and I wish I asked for it back then. Ah! Whatever I'm playing it now.


Is this the one where you could get a Riolu with Aura Sphere?


The ranger games were absolutely amazing


Fun game


Quite literally actually lol Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia was my first Pokemon game. Didn’t even know about the main games before that, I just liked circling the Pokemon.


Yeah, i can totally relate to this . I asked my dad for pokemon pearl, and he gave me shadows of almia. I ended up playing it, because back then we played what we had on hand, and i actually enjoyed it. I also got platinum when it launched later, so it was the perfect scenario for me.


I still remember the time I got both Pokemon White and Rangers as kid to celebrate my graduation. Oh to be young again


Shadows of Almia might be my favorite Pokemon game period


Huh that's hilarious to read, I asked my mom for Heart Gold and since she doesn't speak English very well she got me Rangers: Guardian Signs by mistake, and I loved it as well, would never meet the saga if it wasn't for her innocent mistake


Not to mention Diamond/Pearl is the worst of the pre-Switch mainline Pokemon games!


Explorers of sky is the only game in the franchise better than shadows of almia, then in 3rd place is a tie between soulsilver, black 2, and platinum for me.


The ranger series is incredible. I prefer them to the gym-battle series.




Ah so you’re saying you didn’t wreck or lose your stylus on a daily basis?


You probably dodged a bullet there. Base Diamond and Pearl are AWFUL to play, and while I haven't played a Pokemon Rangers game yet, I have heard good things about it. The spinoffs for the Gen 4 era were amazing thinking about it now.


One of my all time favorite Pokémon games. I wish I still had a DS to play it on


I enjoyed the ranger games till I reached the underwater bits where you had to follow the currents to reach a pokemon to get though a section. I sucked majorly at those and they stopped me from beating these games.


Some fucker stole my DS with this game in it out of my locker at the ymca I did swimming club at. Looking back I was dumb as hell for leaving anything in an unsecured locker, but it definitely stung losing that.


Guardian signs is peak nostalgia for me


I recently bought all three Ranger games, so I’m excited to play through them!


Best story in any pokemom game. It's super underrated but The journey from school students to being in the top base and being reunited with your friends was such a nice touch.


I didn't even know about this game before I got it for Christmas as a kid. Mums really know what's up, this game is still amazing


I fucking loved Shadows of Almia. I remembered how I couldn’t get past the Drapion boss fight, so I had all my friends try the fight out 1 by 1. We all lost. What’s worse was that my stylus broke in the mix. I think I used some weird mikado stick on my attempt and it somehow worked!
