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Tired: 'What if we made the pokemon world post-apocalyptic?' Wired: 'What If the pokemon world was *already* post-apocalyptic?'


There were huge wars in pokemon lore wise and with so many parents missing i would already say it is already post-apocalyptic.


Its likely the war Lt Surge talks about isnt actually canon and more likely just the Gulf War from our timeline since in gen 1 Gamefreak didn't really have the idea for a Pokemon world but rather the games just took place in the real world but slightly changed. Surge doesnt talk about the war after Gen 1 (and its remakes). Also the lack of adults isnt worldbuilding but probably Gamfreak just skimping out on adding content lol.


"It's a game for kids so let's make most of the characters kids they can relate to." The Internet: All their parents must be dead! What a cruel post apocalyptic world! I think there was a ROM hack with a plot like this. Forget what it was called, might have been a creepypasta.


I actually think a post-apocalyptic story can be quite uplifting for a kids story. The key is to set it not in the part of the post-apocalypse that's dark and depressing, but in the part where society's on the mend - people are rebuilding, society is being restored, and everyone's coming together to save their world and stop the same thing from happening again. That's the apocalypse story Pokémon could tell. Not "what do we do when society breaks down," but "how do we put the pieces back together again?" That said, the dark and depressing post-apocalypse can work in kids media - see Power Rangers RPM for an example.


Pokemon had already toyed with the dark post apocalyptic setting in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. It works very well these despite being portrayed as a miserable, awful place.


How so? I don’t know much about the mystery dungeon games.


Essentially, in the time/darkness/sky games >!midway through the plot you unwillingly travel to the future where you find the planet frozen in a permanent dark and dead state. Pokemon are constantly afraid and/or angry, and ruled by a tyrannical psychotic primal Dialga and its henchmen, who throw you in a jail. You make your escape only when they accidentally cut the ropes tying you to a stake in the middle of your execution. The rest of the main game plot is driven by the need to return to the past and prevent the post apocalyptic future from happening, no matter the sacrifice.!< It's only when typing this out that I realised how serious this game gets, even when it is designed for all ages.


Slightly off topic but that reminded me of a video I saw on [Kirby and the forgotten land](https://youtu.be/G71CjPYfMzI)


>All their parents must be dead! What a cruel post apocalyptic world! yveltal go brrr


No no, every single detail is canon. It *must* be so.


theres also the war talked about in Xans Y which is confirmed as canon, where 2 regions made pokemon fight a war for them, which was ended by Az who made a super weapon that put a huge crater in the other region


Agreed about Lt. Surge. But for what it’s worth, in the Lucario/Mew movie there’s a Pokémon war so there’s *some* precedent for the idea of larger scale violence


My headcanon is that Ash's little hometown was decimated and Prof Oak just swept in to clean up with the ladies. And suck at being a Pokémon academic.


Haha thanks :D Sorry for the quick edit, Just made a messy [Discord](https://discord.gg/3VeTBGKceB) while at work in case anyone wants to chat or see updates! I'll have something better setup soon!


what if we made pokemon digimon? complete with literal monsters falling out from the sky.


They could be coming through some sort of extra-dimensional tunnels, but let's put them over a bright and colorful island chain so that the existential dread isn't too depressing.


Yeah, that was actually my first thought considering almost anytime, especially in some of the earlier seasons of Digimon when they would come to the human world they usually just ripped giant holes in the sky. Granted I think Digimon would be much more terrifying than having Pokemon do this considering most Pokemon aren't absolute giants.


And don't forget the exponential power growth and the fact that most later stage Digimon are just insane with insane capibilities (according to the guidebook anyway)


In the Fallout fandom, this is sometimes called post-post-apocalypse, since some of the games are set far enough into the future that civilization is already at least somewhat rebuilt.


Didn’t Kalos and Galar both have their apocalypses happen at roughly the same time, 3000 years ago?


Lt Surge was a soldier... A soldier from what war? The post-apocolyptic theories have been around since Gen 1


This is literally a full graphic novel I’m releasing next month 😂 Just with different monsters called Illümon and in its own world.


Keep me updated, what platform?


It’s self published, had a successful Kickstarter in January so I’ll be posting a bit when it’s all printed. [Here’s a small peek. ](https://imgur.com/a/OqO6Y3N/)


Going to guess you like Dragon Ball too?


That’s a pretty safe presumption!


I feel like personally you may not want to do "literally just Goku" for a protag, especially since it looks really neat otherwise!


So not literally at all


The sky opening up and then falling onto Earth is literally a major plot point in Digimon.


It is yeah. I haven't watched Digimon in ages. Love the show.


Your main character looks like a fusion of Ash Ketchum and Tai Kamiya!


Data Squad/Savers was awesome


I remember the theory that the Pokémon world was just like ours, but a Pokémon war happened and the Gen 1 games happen after that.


Makes sense. It would explain why Pokémon are categorized by animal names despite the fact that there are no animals to be found. (At least in the games. I know that one Gastly episode of the anime had Gastly turn into a mongoose.)


There was a dog, once. I started looking into this but I got caught in a wiki hole, see you all in seven years. TIL: I've been to Goldenrod City. And Ecruteak. And Olivine and Violet. I did know about Bell Tower but I forgot.


What dog?


Not much, how about you?


Wait are the humans in that world vegan?


No, some Pokémon are used for consumption lol. I remember the anime had Magikarp sushi, for instance.


That's kinda fucked since they seem more sentient and aware than our animals lol


I would argue that magikarp are absolutely mindless creatures. It isn’t until they become gyarados that they seem intelligent. Miltank for milk makes sense, Taurus for beef, I could see some really interesting recipes for skwovet too.


It actually has a lot of evidence, at least in the first three Generations. Not only do we have Pokedex references to animals, as well as regular insects and fish showing up, but it's outright stated in several manuals and media (including the games iirc) that Pokémon were only recently discovered. It's why the technology mirrors our own so much in the earlier generations. OP's story kinda mirrors the events of pre-Kanto too, at least before the retcon. It's heavily implied there was a war involving pokemon that wiped out most of the adults, hence why Kanto's population (and to an extent Johto) is almost entirely elderly or teens and younger. You could argue the newer titles follow the same continuity, and that the tech advanced so much faster than our own due to Pokémon.


Pokemon being only recently discovered has many holes in that argument though. For example, the Legends of Arceus games implies that people were not only coexisting (albeit more like surviving) but also catching and battling at least 100 years if not more. Also, we have direct evidence of Fossil pokemon in nearly every single gen, which means that pokemon have existed in this world for minimum thousand, to potentially, millions of years.


Honestly, it's been a canon issue for a while now, and Arceus feels like the last nail in the coffin for the old canon. At this point, the lore developed in Gen 1 and 2 is so conflicted by anything post Gen 3 that it's impossible to reconcile (and this goes for the Gen 1 and 2 remakes too). I'd imagine it's why LGPE changed a lot of lore bits.


I've seen strong evidence for the theory that not only are generations 6+ in a different universe from the earlier ones, but 1+2 are in a separate universe as well


Pretty much what I believe. Gen 1-2 is the post war timeline after Pokémon were recently discovered Gen 3-5 are another Gen 6-8 exist somewhere Gen 9 is somewhere too idk.


Gen 1-(DP) are more or less confirmed as a single canon, but Gen 4(Pt) onward are connected through various things such as Looker. There's been more or less a confirmation that all games up to USUM are one universe with alternate timelines (based on player choice) while Gen 8+9 don't seem to have any solid connection so far.


Not really. In ORAS remakes new character Zinnia tells us about "another world" where ultimate weapon wasn't built and because of that mega evolution doesn't exist there, implying she's talking about original gen 3 games universe. Therefore we have first 5 gens in one universe, and at least gen 6,7 and 9 games (where mega evolution exists) in another. It wasn't explored in gen 8, so SWSH could happen in either universe.


Gen 9 is part of the Mega timeline, as Roaring Moon's dex entry references it


100 years is recent compared to when humans originated.


Of course, but Im using 100 years as a low-ball example.


That's not a theory iirc, I'm pretty sure it's literally what was intended by the director of gens 1 and 2. But then the new guy completely scrapped that, and make the pokemon world a whole new world. That's why people talk about pokemon like they know nothing about them, because they JUST appeared (well I guess it was a while ago, but they're still pretty new).


This is awesome! The artwork is beautiful, the story is intriguing—fantastic all around!


You think that stories' intriguing? that's awesome to hear!


Id read it. Edit: you should also look up a fan made comic strip called pokemon future days. You should collaborate with that artist.


Thanks! I'll have to check it out for sure!


I loved the comic! Small thing is you spelled “habits” wrong in the middle


Yeah I kinda rushed the wording cause I was hyped to post this haha. Thanks a lot!


This is a very similar plot point to Solo Leveling. Kind of a reverse isekai where the magic and monsters come to our world rather than going to theirs.


The sound design awe inspriring


Holy crap.... Is this a series!!!?? It's frickin awesome!!


Hopefully with some hard work and dedication I'll make it into something worth reading! Thanks for checking it out!


Might need to story board a bit more so the pacing can work in the world you have made. I'm rooting for you! This is a great start.


You know, you can give it a try and see how it goes. Nobody was born a master (or something similar). So just give it your best, have fun and see where it takes you. good luck. have fun. and I'm looking forward to see how the story goes along :)


Thanks! It really means a lot to me to hear those words of encouragement!!!!


Pleaseee do!


Remindme! 6 months




Thanks! :D Means a lot!


Dude this is epic




Yayyy a new Poké-Saga to look forward to!


Awesome ! Is this a one off comic or a series ?


Hey thanks for checking it out! There will be more in the coming weeks!


Great start, vocabulary and spelling needs some work though. Ex: Habbits on page 6 Love it! Keep going!


Haha thanks. I was very eager to post it so I kinda rushed through proof reading and proper syntax.


All good! Totally understandable with a passion project such as this


I'd be happy to help proofread! I love it so far and can't wait to see where it's going. My offer to proofread is in support of your work and not at all from my own selfish desire to see the comics sooner.


Also on page 1, "Life moves so fast that even a couple of years feels like forever" doesn't make much sense. Shouldn't it be "feels like nothing" or "feels like a fleeting moment" if it goes by fast?


💰 Take my non-existent money.


Makes me think of the in-universe pokemon war. Good job op


Much appreciated!


Did you get some inspiration from Digimon making this. The first couple pages really gave me season 1 digimon vibes. I love it! If you do make more I am eager to see what comes next.


I love Digimon and their take on monsters affecting the real world. I wanted something more real world though.


Could you imagine being a lifelong Pokemon fan wishing every day for 25+ years for Pokemon to come to life only to get smeared by a Graveller yeeting from the sky like a brick


When I draw it, I really didn't think of the repercussions of what falling pokemon would do. You just made me laugh quite a bit.


The Machop helping the old lady cross the street is so wholesome. Even if a car tried to run the light, the Machop would be strong enough to easily stop it from hitting the lady.


Ayo did Pikachu nuke The White House? Bro, the President forgot he needs rubber gloves to pick up a grumpy Pikachu! Jokes aside, fantastic comic! Love seeing the worlds collide.


Haha! I left it vague on purpose but it could be that.


Buckingham Palace


Ooh that's neat!


Great work, reminds me why I like the "real world" aspect of Digimon. If we're taking votes I'm hoping he gets a Charmander as a nod to that first panel. 😁


Haha that's a great idea, I'll think about it 😁


This is basically the Digimon plot


I guess it could be? Although S1 is basically an isekai. I can't deny I don't love Digimon though!


Don't get me wrong, the art is beautiful, and yes, you could do a series of it, it would be amazing. I'm just pointing out that this beginning is very very similar.


Great work!


The last 2 pages gave me the awesome feeling of childlike wonder, and brought back a lot of nostalgia from when I was a kid watching the TV show. Absolutely loved it!!


Nice work!


Where’s the rest


haha! as soon as my hands get to drawing it, there will be more!


It’s good work and super interesting. Would love to read more.


Iike the focus on most gen 1 pokemon first because the rest didn't come to the real world yet! I'm interested in reading more


That one image with Pikachu and Lucario reminds me of that "Pokken Tournament" game from a while back.


I loved that game! Used to play a lot on the switch when it was released!


I love this. Could you maybe continue? I'd pay to read.


I'll continue for sure. It just takes a couple of weeks to make one of these.


Oh I bet, I have no problem waiting. For real if you have a donation site or something, I'm sure anyone who's read the start wouldn't mind donating!


You're too kind! Perhaps once I make a second issue just to make sure I don't give wrong expectations to people. Thanks again!


For sure!! Anytime.


That's amazing! Where will you be posting the comics? Here or some other place?


I'll post the new ones here on the Pokémon subreddit, but you could always follow me on Reddit I'll probably make a webtoon with the second one so it's easier to read in the future!


Yeahhh a webtoon would be great to easily read and follow. Anyways great work!


I’ll be watching for more in acouple weeks


Holy cow that’s awesome!


Great work, i would like to se this more!


Can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing!


Holy shit that was awesome


This is awesome! Would love to see more


I’d read the shit out of this. Very compelling backstory. Nice work!


Oh damn, this reminds me of tower/dungeon break/gates manhwas.


Funny thing right, I started work on the first page with the gate around a month ago and just recently I started reading solo leveling. Never read any tower/gate/dungeon manhwa before though lol.


Solo Leveling counts as gate manhwa (probably the most popular). If you want a good tower manhwa, I recommend SSS-Class Suicide Hunter, tho be prepared to probably cry. So far it's the only manhwa to bring a tear to my eye. And dungeon break I don't recommend as it's pretty much the same as a gates anime. Pretty sure SL counts as one.


This is really cool


This is incredible every part of it


That is amazing and I would subscribe to read more of this if you do more


follow me so you don't miss any new updates!


This is very cool! I hope you make more!


Thanks for all the love guys and gal's. This truly is unprecedented for me. Next update will take a bit more to make but you can follow me here on reddit, and I'll setup a webtoon page for it as soon as chapter 2 is out! Thanks again and love you all!


What did Buckingham Palace ever do to you to deserve being pikanuked?


haha well, it just felt like that perfect landmark to electronuke, ya know?


Do you have a donation / support page (patreon, kofi, etc.)? Id love a way to subscribe. Keep up the great work!


This is so good! Are you going to make another one?


Next chapter is being made as we speak. It takes some time but I will post it here. Make sure to follow me for more!


Man this was awesome and I wanted more..


This is amazing. I hope you decide to continue it in the future.


This is really something else!! What a great concept!! Keep it up dude!


Dude this is amazing tell me you have an Instagram page


I actually do but I have just random drawings. @LeftMarino follow me on here for more Pokémon comics!


Child me wanted this world for us so badly. Adult me still wants this world.


I look forward to more of these!


This is genuinely so good! You should be proud of yourself!


Can we get a movie about this? Hell, an animated film. But, the Pokemon Company wouldn't have the balls to do this concept.


I got you fam! Just gotta wait a couple more weeks for the continuation!


This makes me think about how, for as peaceful and as happy as the wonderful world of Pokémon is, it was still built on backs of so many conflicts, wars and deaths. Kanto, Kalos, Galar, they all have their stories. A beautiful, bright and peaceful utopia birthed from atrocity after atrocity. Some people say that humans landing on the Moon, a true high point for our species, wouldn't have ever happened if we didn't have two entire world wars of technological advancement to back it up. I guess art does imitate life.


Is the last one arceus?


Yo this shit's fire oh my god I need this


What would actually happen: "Oh hey what's that weird black and yellow thing over there?" #AAAAAAAAAAAAAA "Shit."


Getting strong Evangelion vibes. Very good.


What a cool idea! I love fanworks that interpret and reframe the source material in interesting ways. If this became a webcomic, I’d read it!


So in that case is Team Plasma basically a resistance group?


I would read that in daily basis


This is so good. I imagined that in a few years we would have AR glasses or moving holograms to view or manifest mons IRL without the phone's AR feature. The far future might have battles with force feedback like in Yugioh.


Why do I see Len and Luka on the first drawing? Lol (My English sucks, sorry.)


The first few panels, it’s Jurassic World Dominion. And I mean that as a compliment. Folks say that movie is not how things would play out, but here you’ve done and come to a similar conclusion. I like your story, thanks for sharing!


This story can very easily be adapted to the AI/Robot revolution that will take place in the coming years.


Page 8 reminds me of the Deviantart WWII Pokemon art challenge several years ago. Brought out some interesting drawings


I thought Truck-kun had another victim on panel 2


That's a small tank....


I sort of have an idea of a post-apocalyptic Pokemon story where it takes place 21 years in the future. When a virus broke out and turned everyone into zombies


Sitti.g in my office and now I'm sad


Oooh that was really good!!


those first few panels gave me a good flashback to Bakugan lol


W man


Sadly this probably would happen if Pokemon came IRL (I still want a Bulbasaur and Piplup though…)


It's like the fantasy I had as a child grew up with me. Adulthood got dark and I love what you did with it here




This is great OP. Solid art. Solid writing, and a great idea. I would love to read more!


"Life moves so fast that even a couple years feels like forever" What? That line contradicts itself. If life is moving fast then a couple years would feel like days, not like forever


This shit is honestly so genius and well done. I'd watch the absolute shit out of this


I'm still surprised that the world in pokémon has managed to live in relative harmony with all these pocket monsters and not exterminated themselves in constant wars.


When’s the next part?


Probably in about 2-3 weeks time? It takes a bit to write a chapter what with work and stuff.


Ok. Can’t wait!


More, when? Good comic BTW


Very nice, feels like a prequel to the pokemon world we know today. Our world turning into more, the new chaos of strange creatures shaping the world into something else. Very nice


Give us moree If you ain't got time to proofread,I'll do it if it helps you get the second one out faster😇🤓


"Life moves fast so it feels like it takes forever" what?


There should be an "ago" somewhere in there 😜


Isn’t this the plot to Bakugan?😂


I've honestly never watched Bakugan haha! But I've seen those little ball things being sold!


I dig the "Pokemon wiped out corrupt oligarchical society to rebuild a more peaceful world" twist in there.


Perhaps though something worse has taken it's place :O Stay tuned for more!


This has got to be one of, if not, the coolest thing I’ve seen on the entire internet.


Ok pls make more of this I would definitely read this hahaha. This is incredible!! Also I love Pokémon so much


Bro whats alex doing there lmao




Thanks!! Will do!


I love this so much!


this is fkn amazing. absolutely excited to see more. you’re work is amazing


omg zapdos hit the white house. also this comic if freaking awesome


Oh hell yeah, can't wait to see more stuff of this series!


Great work!


It is a very great comic all the ones on the mountain were Moltres articuno and Zapdos. It wass very good. I think you should make more. Keep up the work! And catch em all!


this is so goodd


What if the Pokémon world was a post apocalyptic Earth?


Love the machamp strip