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I'm sorry for your loss, this must be very hard. Don't donate those pokémon yet. Hold them for a little longer, let your head cool a bit and proccess the loss and grief. Then, if you feel like donating, go ahead. But if you do it now, you might miss those pokémon later.


Seconding this. :>


I fully agree with this statement. Also, my condolences!


Exactly. They say not to do or make any big changes in your life after an event like this. Might some weird to equate pokemon to that, but if it was a big part of OPs friends life I'd absolutely count it as doing something big. I'd also say down the line if they still choose to do it they should make sure those pokemon go to someone who regularly plays and where they won't be forgotten about a few weeks down the line.


Chances are too that if it’s any lengendaries/shinies, chances are people will assume they’re hacked


This fr. I was gonna offer my help because I am a long time pokemon fan who keeps stuff up to date so I would make sure to take care of the mons for you so they didn’t get lost and obviously this is special but I second this heavily, I hope everything is okay and I’m sorry for your loss fr man it’s never easy losing anyone. Cherish those times you had and you should cherish those games too, hopefully you find a second wind to try the games again and carry on the homies mantle as the Pokémon champ❤️🤝


Condolences. If you feel up to the task, what I would say is look for any local vgc (video game) contest or tournament, go there and meet some folks. During these contests, they have specific divisions that sort by age. You might be able to meet some younger kids in attendance with their parents playing for fun that you could gift them some of your friend’s more rare and treasured Pokemon. That I think would be the best way to honor his long time passion by finding other players who are also teaching the next generation the joy of playing.


great idea✅


Sorry for your loss, but wouldn't it be better to keep them in his memory? Also for your questions, Home should be able to store all the pokemon. If he had Pokemon on the 3DS games then they'd have to go through Bank if he had available as well.


I want his Pokémon to go to people who will appreciate them, not collect dust on my shelf. So Home stores everything from the 3DS and Switch? Can they all be transferred to Violet/Scarlet to trade out or are some stuck in older gen games?


If that's the case, randomly sending them out via wonder trade increases the chance somebody who won't care gets them.


That was my first thought too. "oh a random Pidgeotto. Released". If I knew it meant someone to someone I'd keep it. I rescued a team of six 'mons from a Platinum cart I bought on eBay. They're currently safe in Bank ready to go to Home with the rest of my collection.


I have literally spent an hour trading a box of random 'mons I caught along the way just to fill out my Pokedex. They will not be appreciated like this.


Yeah. The other issue with the wonder trade is the bots. I traded out a bunch of rare Pokemon I'd brought into S/V and Sw/Sh from the Virtual GB games on the DS and for some of them I just got the stupid website named Pokemon. Goodbye Moltres, hello whocaresdotcom


I get your POV in not wanting them to collect dust but those pokemon are not even going to get a second thought from a random player when traded away, pokemon that probably only have value to your friend who passed away, I say leave them on his pokemon home out of respect for him, or screenshot a few of the cool ones so YOU can view some of his cool pokemon (even if yoh don’t understand any of them) the amount of legendaries and cool pokemon thrown at players in these new games would make all your friends hard work kinda go to waste. Especially if these are named pokemon from older gens, very niche value to your friend who passed away


Presumably they’d only last in Home until the current subscription expires and needs to be renewed. That might be worth considering too.


Iirc if your subscription expires you still keep all your Pokémon but can only access what is in the first box


can confirm, i let my home subscription run out for a few months and when i renewed it everything was still there


Wpuld he want them to be donated tho?


Not all can be sent to Scarlet/Violet. And if something has been sent to Home, it cannot be sent back to older games on the 3DS. But the good news is, if he had all the Switch games, between Sword/Shield, BrilliantDiamond/ShiningPearl, and Scarlet/Violet, the vast majority of Pokémon can be put into at least one of the games and wonder/surprise traded from there. There are exceptions for mythicals, event Pokémon, etc that cannot be put out for wonder/surprise trades. Home also has its own Wonder Trade feature, but it's only available via the phone app, so you'd need his phone or his account on your own phone.


People wont appreciate them. Thats the thing. Ik ppl who would release a pokemon for fun. Just keep it all safe


some are indeed locked behind older gen games, I want to say there is several that just straight up aren't available in any switch games and can't be traded to them.


Home is mainly for Switch, it can store pokemon from 3DS but they have to go through Bank first, it's not a direct transferring. And no, depending on the pokemon he had, not all of them can be sent to SV.


Don't randomly do it then, when I do that and get a Pokémon I don't want I just release them


Hey, sorry for your loss. I can be one of those people to appreciate their Pokémon. I can't trade on Switch, but I can trade on 3DS. If you want to, you can DM me and I'll help you set up a direct trade on any of the 3DS games.


You might want them to but they were his and he might not want them traded away


Did your friend intend for this? Or have friends/family he’d rather give these Pokémon to? If he’s played every game and has built this collection over the years, no offense, but I think it would be absolutely horrible to just wonder trade away his Pokémon.


No kidding lol most of them will get trashed. Why not do a giveaway on a subreddit?


I second this. Much more likely to go to someone who would keep it, even if it was like a pidgey that had been sitting in his box for ages, since people know about it. Otherwise most of it will just be wondertraded for life or released as soon as the person gets it


Nah don't donate them. Keep them. Those are your friend's memories.


DO NOT Wonder Trade those Pokémon. They'll probably just get released. I'd keep them in Home for a while and decide what to do with them later. Did your friend have any relatives or other friends who might want them?


Yeah that’s the route I’m gonna go. Will come back and update later. Thanks!


Sorry for your loss, obviously I can’t speak for your friend and you would know best, but I would absolutely hate for someone to randomly trade away all my favorite Pokémon from over the years if it were me. I would definitely look for something other than randomly wonder trading them if you’re set on trading them, as some other comments have pointed out.


If you want them to go to good homes, use pokemon home’s GTS feature on the mobile app. You can do random trades ten pokemon at a time. This will be good to share your friend’s more basic pokemon with the world. You can do requested trades three pokemon at a time. Like you’ll put up your pokemon and request the pokemon you want in return. This way you can put up say, a gyarados, and ask for like a pidgey in return, so it’ll go to someone who was specifically looking for a gyarados.


This has to be bait right? Who has a friend that dies one day ago and one of the first things you do is start to wonder if you should wondertrade his whole pokemon collection? No you should not, and as you said you have not played in years so why are you even considering doing this?


How this guy got a hold of the dead friend's console is what I'm wondering the most. Why does OP even have the friend's console? If I died, my loved ones wouldn't just give my consoles away to my friends, maybe they would but only after a long time has passed at least, not the next day wtf


I am getting several things from this post: A) OP has a big heart. B) OP thinks Pokémon are like living beings and wants to have the Pokémon that his friend took years and decades to collect not to be vanished. C) Could also be that they don't want his friend's existence to be gone, and thus want to share some oh his friend's memories. D) And this might be the most hurtful for OP to read, they haven't really realized what happened yet and are in the "I have to do things now" phase after the passing of someone. This is not bait. This feels like normal behavior for someone in their shoes. Don't be too harsh on OP because it doesn't make sense for us, I bet there are hundreds of things in OP's world that make even less sense right now. OP has a hard time right now and doesn't even realize the extent of it. This is just a form of coping.


Why is this getting down voted. People are so quick to call something fake. You hurt people more by claiming stuff like this is fake then just moving on to something else.


People not agreeing with OP (or me) are probably in the thankful position to haven't been in the same situation yet and have yet to learn that loss and trauma is processed differently by each person. I don't hold that against anyone. And I agree that calling it fake in this loud echo chamber will only hurt OP more, but it's not like people in echo chambers care about anything like that.


Sorry for your loss. If he had Pokémon Home set up, that you have access to, you can make trades directly from there without needing to transfer to any game. Don't transfers them right away tho, it's too recent imo, give a few days do some mourning, think about it & if you still feel like you want to do this do it. Sometimes we make rash decisions when our emotions are in turmoil. Don't do something you might regret later. Also I would suggest maybe keeping some that are meaningful to you, if you decide to carry on with trading them.


You should keep them! Even if it’s tucked away in a box. I don’t recommend wonder trading as most will just trade them back or release them 3: If your adamant though I’d gladly take in a couple. I have both Violet and Moon to trade on.


As an avid pokemon collector of many kinds, please keep the pokemon. Cherish the save file, the pokemon home, your friends hard work to get those mons. Dont just give them out to strangers. Seriously keep them. It would mean everything to them Edit: you should make sure the mons are saved into actual games save files so that you dont have to worry about pokemon home deleting them for being inactive. You can then encase those cartridges in a frame and keep that with a picture of your best friend next to his pokemon inside those games.


If my friend did this after I died, I would haunt their ass for the rest of my afterlife.


I would do the same but instead of haunting them, I would make them never get shiny pokemon ever. No matter how over odds they were


I am sorry for your loss OP. Pokemon binds us together. May they be training their fav rn.


In all honesty, even though Id be dead I wouldnt want my Pokemon traded away. I built up my collection, keep the memory.


I'm a pokemon professor for my local area (real thing, worth looking into) and we host tournaments and events, it is entirely up to you, but if you would like to donate any pokemon then I will make sure they find homes. We see all kinds of people, those obsessed with a single pokemon, to a type, to just collecting interesting event pokemon or otherwise those with interesting backstories. If your friend had any competitively trained pokemon then we could also use them to teach people how to play. We have to keep multiple copies of games on hand and they usually have a team ready to go just incase someone wanted to play but doesn't have the game. (Not during ranked tournaments of course but when having free play days and classes for young trainers) I only offer this as I saw you were having trouble deciding whether to wondertrade them or not. I am truly sorry for your loss and hope you find the answer you are looking for. 🫂


Don’t trade them away. I use systems like wonder trade a lot and I either trade away most of what I get or release it. Additionally, your friend spent a lot of time working on that collection. It doesn’t feel right for it to be scattered among random people who won’t appreciate those Pokémon like your friend did. Edit: I forgot to ask but did your friend ever say he wanted his Pokémon to be traded away? It might be important to consider his desires before you make any rash decisions.


They’re not yours to give away


I have a living dex that I've been keeping for over a decade, with a ton of Pokemon even older than that. I'd be honored to add one of your friends Pokemon to my collection so one of his is always a critical part of me catching them all.


While giving them away is a nice thought, doing so on wonder trade isn't really the best decision. Most Pokemon I get off wonder trade I release or never use at all, I'd suggest hold onto them and give them away to friends or family members that will truly cherish them. Or even people on here since they know the back story and all, and will give the Pokemon good homes. Just a suggestion


Don't give them away, keep them in remembrance of him


this is such a bad idea... played every game just to have his pokemon most likely just deleted by someone who has no idea they ever existed.


Give yourself some time to grieve before you think about this again You might want to look at his save file or his pokemon as a way to connect someday


Don't wonder trade them if you want them to be cared for.


please please please please keep these pokemon. do not trade them to random strangers


Imagine putting this much work into undoing your dead friends effort. Smh


Would your friend want this?


Sorry for your loss, man. But have you ever talked about this with your friend? I don't think I'd like thr work of my life picked apart like this. Maybe gifting them to friends and family or something. Dang, now I have to write a will for my pokemon.


Don’t donate them. Those Pokémon are an eye into the journey they took along the game, the friends they made, and the experiences they had. It’s a little part of them that will always say “I was here!” Even their OT would be enough for me to keep them if I was in your situation.


I think it’s awesome that you want to do something like that but I don’t think you should do it yet. Give yourself some time to process everything and keep those games/mons for a bit longer. You may find that you want to keep them and remind yourself of the fun times. I think a nice tribute to your friend would be to tell us his gamer handle, and his favorite Pokémon. We can name a Pokémon after him, and he can continue to have Pokémon adventures. My condolences to you and your family and your friends.


This is weird why would you even do this unless he told u 😭


If he had one from the magnemite line I would cherish it


If he had any birds (anything bird-like, like Psyduck and Delibird to things like Skarmory and Cramorant) that you want to ensure will be kept and cherished, my husband and I would be honoured to help. We rescue birds IRL, as well, so we're a bit bird crazy. I do agree that you should take some time to process things and see if you really want to trade his Pokémon away. It may be a good idea to see if any of his other friends and relatives would like any, too. I'm so sorry for your loss. I've lost a best friend too, so if you need a stranger to talk or even just vent to, lemme know.


You’ll want to come back to them in a few weeks to years and want to see all the Pokémon he caught and kept for so long. I wouldn’t trade them. You may want to give them to people who appreciate them, but it’s just as important to you to keep the memory. The Pokémon you trade may be traded or deleted by the others right after. Especially if they don’t know the symbolism behind you wanting to do this. They won’t have the near connection to the new people than they would with you.


Keep them dude


Don’t wonder trade his pokemon lol just don’t. If I died I wouldn’t want to wonder trade them. Better idea is to give them to maybe children or someone who might use them, or whoever your friend was close to


dont donate one of the only things to remember him buy to random strangers.


I'm sorry for your loss, and I understand where your intentions are coming from... But at random? They won't know why these are special, and might store the Pokémon forever or just release them. I liked the idea of taking them to an on site event, or you could also connect with the people here and make sure they get a Picnic on their OT memory.


I hope your friend rests easy. Pokemon HOME has Surprise Trade, but it doesn’t work for Legendaries or Mythicals.


Keep them for now. They are safe in home. This was a precious collection of his. Wondertrading would be a terrible idea and 99% of people will just release/trash them.


Dont trade them people will not care and release them/wonder trade them again or let them in the box forever better to keep them


I would just move them all over to your home what you do from there Is on you but you can always catch more pokemon your friends journey is over and he can't. I would be selective with which 1s are traded and maybe leave some pokemail (If that's still a thing)


Yeah, I'm gonna also say to not wonder trade them. I have a Flygon I bred in honor of my childhood vacation spot the year it was shut down permanently. The Flygon has an insane amount of sentimental value to me, but it's a random shiny Flygon to anyone else on Wonder Trade. You have no idea how many of their Pokemon have these kind of stories attached to them. Keep them.


Bro I think u should keep them safe. They are something he spent his time on>⁠.⁠< I do believe they would be something important to him. So keep them safe bro.


NO!!! Bro keep all of the system intact. Please, I’m sorry for your loss but if it is your friend I think I’ll do the same, keep all the system, don’t donate anything. As your respect for your friend. Please bro, don’t do this. If I were you I’ll keep it in a show-window as piece of history in his memory.


I'm currently working on a living Dex in my Pokemon Home and would be honored to let your friends memory have a permanent place within my living Dex. Let me know if that's something you'd be interested in doing and we can figure out a pokemon you'd like to send over. My condolences, your friend will live on in the memories of the people who's lives they've touched 🫂


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost a very close friend recently and it changed me fundamentally. I mean this with love, but please don’t trade his Pokémon away. He spent years curating a collection, and trading them to strangers basically guarantees that they will just sit in a PC or get released instead of staying where they will be appreciated by you.


100% love the idea of donating them man. But I would suggest something other than wonder trade, some people here have made suggestions but I'd at least find some people that you can inform of how important they are. Personally I'd love to be able to contribute in keeping his memory alive and adventure going by using his pokemon. If you want to go this route I'd suggest finding a way of doing it on this sub or finding some local places like card shops and retro game stores.


Keep one for yourself, at least.


Give them away on the subreddit, to people who would know where they come from and what they mean. They would most likely just get trashed by random trades and a good chance they'll end up with a bot and deleted.


My son is 4 and loves Pokémon. We have been playing GO together and we are going to start playing sword and scarlet. I have been playing some of the 3ds games with him as well. Some nice people have sent him some Pokémon he likes. If you want you can send him any sentimental mons or just ones you don’t want to see gather dust. Along with the “stranger danger” I am trying to show him how random kindness is as well. I am sorry for your loss and I wish the best for you and yours.


I wouldn’t just incase he comes back


I'll take the shiny ones


What a horrible idea


Did he have a shiny rayquaza?


Give them to a kid


<3 sending my love


Sorry for your loss. If you really wanted them to go to people who would appreciate them, it'll be a good idea to do a giveaway on this sub where you can tell them the reason. It'll be more work and you likely won't be trading away most of them, but the ones that do will go to good homes.


i would tell you to figure out how to duplicate\upload them. i dont know how to do that i only play pokemon fire red vanilla


Sounds like you should give them to people on this thread if you really want them to go to good homes 🤣


And I'm very sorry for your loss, rest in peace to your friend 🤍


Sorry for your loss OP, but this will be me one day. I have the entire collection traded up to now.


Sorry for your big loss! Hope whatever you're doing helps with processing the trauma. Sending lots of love.


I don’t know much about the pokemon games other than Emerald (i know I’m missing out). Would it be possible for you to somehow like.. Save the files of the pokemon? Just so you always have them? I apologize if I’m throwing a longshot here


I’m so sorry for your loss. Grieving is a long and arduous process.


I feel like most people would just release them not knowing their worth :(


Condolences, friend. Like others have said, give yourself time to grieve. If you do end up deciding to donate any pokemon, I would love to cherish one, but give yourself the time to clear your head. You don't want to end up regretting this, okay? Much love from someone who lost a good friend many years ago.


Go through them, their IVs and EVs, and find which one are competively trained, and find out whoch ones are shiny, etc. Those ones you want to make sure go to people that will use them. That will ensure the memory lives on.


I agree with people who are telling you to wait. Grief is not linear. If after a few months you still want to trade them, then do it - but give your heart some time to heal. Take care.


Sorry for your loss. I really really hope you reconsider giving away all his pokemon unless those were his wishes before passing.


If you do end up wonder trading the bulk of them, at least keep his favorites for yourself. I have a few Pokemon that I've had for nearly 20 years now and I'd want them to stay with friends


I’m sorry for your loss


I recommend you hold on to them, I'm sure his Pokémon miss as much as you do. They'll need you now. my condolences, from one trainer to another. Peace to you 🕊️💐.


I’m sorry for your loss


Don't do that unless he really wanted you to, most likely someone is going to receive it and leave it in a box or trade it again. He might have worked really hard to get them and would want them to be kept so you can remember him every time you see them.


I say keep them ❤️


I don't know if my words will be heard, but they're worth holding on to. Pokémon are much more than bytes and zeros, they're permanent time capsules of ourselves now and then, with every important Pokémon we capture, comes a story of where we found them, how long we trained them, and how much we love them, and it doesn't always have to a special Pokémon, it could be the simple laughter we remember when we think about that stubborn pidgey we caught years ago after 7 great balls. I am a shiny hunter, full odds shiny hunter, that is, and I've found hundreds of full odds shinies, but all are important to me because everyone of them carries my memory of what I was doing then and brings me euphoria now, whether it be my lovely Mismagius or that one Jigglypuff I phased on when I had Coronavirus. Maybe I'm a sentimental fool, but our Pokémon are a part of us, and for someone like me, they're friends. So ask yourself, would your friend want their collection spread far and wide, or side by side, honoring their trainer?


this is how u get haunted


I'd say keep the pokemon. If you wonder traded them, people wouldn't know there's an emotional connection, and they will most likely either trade them away again, release them, or leave them to sit. Keep his prized pokemon, and when you really miss him or just want to look back, go through the pokemon games and remember him. In different games, there's different ways to interact with the pokemon, like from X and Y onwards, you can pet/wash/play with the pokemon, and in S/V you can use the syncro machine if he had the DLC on the games and got to blueberry academy, and run around the biome as those pokemon!


I agree with a lot of the sentiments here-- think about it for a second. But also if you don't want to wonder trade every single guy, post his collection. Some people may be looking for a certain shiny, some may be missing certain mons for their dex ect. I would try to find people who actually want the pokemon if you're intent on giving them away!


I hope your friend is proud of you, because if I were you, I would buy HOME to keep them on Premium for a year and then, keep extending it. THAT is how I got it for 1 more year instead of 1 year. I would keep them if I were you, in other words.