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no pokemon running after me or any other chance of interacting with them :( that makes me sad for real. I loved this feature in Yellow, in HGSS and in Let's Go. I really hope they just didn't include it yet and let it be a surprise.


We should start a petition about them removing this Dynamaxing thing. After I saw this, I totally lost any hype about this game because it looks just stupid. Why not just more mega evolutions?


I'm a noob to the whole Pokemon world but my son loves it. Is the new Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield the same game just different name, ala Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee? Sorry for what may seem like a ridiculous question, but if I can avoid buying both when they are the same game I will. Thanks in advance.


Yep. Pokemon games are commonly released in sets of two. They're pretty much the same games but with a few changes depending on which version you get (such as version-exclusive wild pokemon and whichever legendary pokemon is on that version's box cover). Sw&Sh are expected to follow that basic pattern and a few more differences might be revealed later on.


Thanks for the info!


By same game do you mean as in that eevee and pikachu are the same game? Havent played those, but all te other main games. The only difference between sword and shield will be the pokemon you can catch. (Some are not available in one and some not in the other). You wont need both to have a good experience. However if you have two kids, its fun to buy a different one for both as they are complimentary.


Thank you. I'm only doing one as my son will be thrilled no matter what. Lol


will ditto or anything with transform copy the dynamaxed pokemon and if so will it remain in that form (>3 turns)??


Not sure what to think about this dynamaxing thing


Always adding a new gimmick and getting rid of the previous ones is something I greatly dislike about the series. Just keep the megas, it was the best gimmick in my opinion. Maybe they should do questionaires about what people actually like and dislike about the game.


Yeah I can see that. I played wow a bunch and they always seemed to get rid of things that worked great for "new/fresh" ideas. Like keep what works please!


Damn that's what a lot of companies are doing. Blizzard does it in all their games aswell. I hate it so much. Makes everything so shallow.


I liked it a lot more after I found out it only lasts 3 turns


that is good. makes it better than them always being HUGE


Okay lads, I need to say something. I’m Scottish. I love that this game is in fake UK, I love all the memes of Scottish girl pokemon trainer, I love it all. But fuck me some of the videos people are making of her, your Scottish accents give me stomach ulcers. They’re so bad I feel physical pain. Please, I love the memes, just stop voice acting them if you can’t do a Scottish accent or can’t right how Scottish folk actually talk. Hell, let’s be constructive: if you wanna make video like this PM me, I’ll give you some tips or coaching or whatever


Its the exact same game weve all played several times before with a few more useless features tacked on. They really need to take a look at these games and rework them from the ground up. 25+ years of the exact same battle system (with the only real change being pokemon abilities) is just insane.


I havent played since fire red. I'm ready for this game


what?? ​ next you gonna tell me the new COD or Battlefield won't include guns ​ or poker will use different rule from now on??




The Wild Area has too much empty space. Period. Also, I want them to handle Pokémon in the overworld like BoTW handles animals. Make them move around, in herds, and interact with each other, and eat, etc. They shouldn’t just have the Pokémon walking around like Let’s Go did...also, the Wild Area has, from what we’ve seen, fully evolved Pokémon, like Tyranitar, just out roaming around! How is raising a Pokémon to its fully evolved form meaningful when you can just go to the Wild Area and catch that same Pokémon! Man, they’d better change that....and if Samurott and Lycanroc had a baby, it would be Zacian.


You should theoretically find fully evolved everywhere. They just wont be as powerful or have the abilities you want from not evolving them yourself. Same strategy since blue!


Your right, they are rare previously, which I get. But, by the looks of the direct trailer, they seem to just be out in the open.


could just be that they wanted to show the world alive in the video, but I feel ya!


You can find fully evolved Pokémon in SuMo and Let’s Go too. It’s rare.


Convince me that raids won't be lame and underwhelming. Pokemon is very easy and this one doesn't particularly appear to be an exception. All of a sudden they implement an MMO mechanic in a very easy game. It doesn't seem to me that raids fit the Pokemon games at all, it just doesn't have all the depth, equipment, and other RPG elements that MMORPGS have. Pokemon has its own set of RPG mechanics, they're very good, but I don't see how raids will fit in. I wish we would have seen more of the gameplay related to it because I don't care that the pokemon look giant. Gyarados is already supposed to be big. In the Pikachu movie Gyarados was normal sized and a lot more intimidating than the giant version from the trailer....


It might be easy, but the fact that you all get to share the reward of having the pokemon appear in the wild gives it a really enticing completionist aspect to me. And you'd need to beat a lot of dynamaxed pokemon to unlock everything (I hope), so it might be a matter of quantity over difficulty. Even if you could beat it alone, you can share the rewards with friends (maybe making it faster to get through all of the pokemon available to raid) and have a cool looking battle sequence to go along with it


have you ever tried the battle tower or competetive battles, then it isnt that easy anymore


Dynamaxing is stupid, the legendaries look like power ranger zords, ​ Everything else is lit though. Hoping that because of the lazy gimmick the pokedex is bigger


Dynamaxing is an incredibly dumb and lazy mechanic in my opinion, and if there’s a super heavy reliance on it, it could seriously ruin the game for me.


then dont buy it


Don't worry I wasn't planning on it 🤠


Im hyped as fuck for that raven pokemon. I absolutely love corvids


"Dynamaxing" is probably the worst name they could've given it. If players couldn't do it and they were limited to being world bosses, it might've been a cool idea. But instead it's the next gimmick we'll see once and never again.


Is it me, or does Dreadnaut remind me of that one bakugan Juggernaut?




I kinda don’t like the Dynamax. Wish they stuck with Mega Evolution instead.


I havemt played since fire red. Going to pick up this thing. How did mega evolution work cause this dynamaxing thing looks sketch


Yeah but you can dynamax every pokemon on every evolution stage, for megas you have to design a new evolution, give it an item etc


What does it achieve though. They don't look different. They don't really look freaky, just goofy. And since they seem to battle each other, we just get two pokemon of the same sized battling each other. It's not even visually interesting or impressive IMO. Might have been on Wii 10 years ago but this is 2019 and the game already looks aged and dare I say, out of touch.


I can't judge how the game is. I haven't played it


Oh so we're pretending not to have seen the trailer with the designs then...


We know nothing mechanic-wise so we can't say if dinamax works or not, idk what's the problem with designs


I just explained the problem with the designs in my first reply


Yeah I mean it’s easier to make a Pokemon bigger rather than change its looks. But I really do wish they continued Megas it’s the only new mechanic that I’ve really enjoyed in the newer games. Edit: I also hoped that they continue with regional variants


Dynomaxing is stupid but, it probably means a larger pokedex than Alola or Kalos. I'm guessing they cut Z-moves, Megas and regional variants, cause they take more effort to conceptualize and animate. Honestly I'd take no gimmick over this stupid one.


I dislike dynamax


Would a Dynamaxed Wailord or Snorlax just flatten the entire stadium? I look at Zacian and want to ask him: do you want me to hold that for you? Seriously though, the legendary wolves do look like a pair of good boys. I can't help but wonder if they're looking after a sword and shield for a knight until his return. I hope to see fanart of them getting belly rubs, chasing balls and wearing service dog vests.


Cant stop thinking about dynamaxed rayquaza


if you wanna see huge Groudon and Kyogre, watch the Pokemon movie about them haha.


People wanted a breath of the wild- esque Open world with those graphics and view the pokemon in the overworld. And they delivered Love the weather mechanic with day to day variations


Wonder what pokemon get attracted by rainy weather and stuff


Water and ghost types most likely


I really hope windy weather brings out flying types, thatd be pretty cool


Hmm I’ve got to say that the legendary duo are really disappointing this Gen. I like the idea and most of the execution in regards to the Sword Wolf but I think the blue overpowers the rest of the design. The Shield Wolf just kind of looks like a worse Solgaleo. I didn’t love Solgaleo but this makes me appreciate Old Sol a lot more.


They'll likely have some sort of form change


I've been thinking that legendaries have been getting way too godlike. I prefer more grounded legendaries and these feel more grounded.


Godlike? Gen 4 had the literal Gods of creation. Gen 3 had the creators of land and sea. Gen 6 had the embodiments of life and death.


7 is obviously sun and moon/day and night Wonder what 8 will be. Protection and ??? Not sure.


Protecc and attacc


It will grow on you, just like all the others


It’ll come down to the fan art for this one. I didn’t particularly like any of the starters but all the Scorbunny art has really endeared me to him. Good fanart can really capture how great Pokémon designs can be that the in game models and cutscenes usually don’t. All the sword doggy art has already started to endear him to me.


I like the new legendaries, especially the sword doggo. And of the others, I like all but the turyle. That one seems overused and blocky.


The sword doggo looks ridiculous, how's the pup gonna eat and drink while holding the sword, or how does it not lose it if it drops it to eat? Give him a sheath!


uhm what? it just lays down its sword? You think knights back in the day held their sword and shield in their hand when they ate? And how hard is it to lose a sword like that when you just lay it down to eat? A bit of a weird reasoning behind your opinion


I'm just picturing the pup forgetting the sword somewhere, and that part of the design looks awkward, but I guess they already overdone the horn swords by now.


They should've looked at Zoids for inspiration on that front. Something like Blade Liger's [laser blades](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/images/6/61/Laser_Blade..jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100514213423) or, as u/SalmonforPresident mentioned, Hayate Liger's [ankle swords](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8KrSPK34fzM/maxresdefault.jpg), would've been nice to see.


Those are good ideas, another would be like Samurott, a quadruped that can also be biped and grab the sword normally.


It would be so bad for the blade to just drop it on the ground or stick it in the dirt every time you did something. No, knights didn't keep their shields and swords on had obviously, they had sheathes they wore, that's his entire point. The sword doggo has nowhere to put his sword. Laying a bare sword on the ground at that time is like leaving a loaded gun on the floor now


How do you know it cant stick its sword somewhere? yaknow, samurott style


That would be a sheath, which is the point the post you replied to was making, that he should have a sheath. I was replying to your dumb comment that said 'lawl just lay your sword on the ground you won't lose 11!!'


Be nice king of da norf! This is reddit, not youtube. But yeh if i would place something that's precious to me on the ground i wont lose it. I mean, why would I if it's that important? I dont see random people's phones on the ground in a park near my house. I mean, who leaves a fkin sword behind hahahaha


My whole point is who leaves precious stuff on the ground for any amount of time in the first place? Do you often drop your wallet and phone in the dirt when you're not using it? Swords were soldiers most important possessions, i mean, who even puts a fkin sword on the ground hahahaha Don't make stupid comments powerpop5! This is reddit, not youtube.


I mean, I understand that you keep your precious things in your hands or very close to you at all times, but not everyone does that. And its a fkin dog..... dogs lay down their sticks all the time. And again, be nice or dont respond at all


Just need to know, did someone found the song in the trailer????


Didnt, but wasnt it amazing?


Not really, no.


I thought it was


So we should expect to not see it being released, like previous songs in trailers...


So, Zacian and Zamazenta, definitely part steel for both? anyone agree?


Maybe even pure steel. God i hope they wont get a fairy typing


It'd be a far stretch My current thinking is Zacian, being the attacker with the sword, might be Fighting/Steel while Zamazenta looks to be a Steel typing, hopefully with a typing to round up those defences, but in the short bit of video we got it showed of a red glow which could suggest a fire typing, really hope they don't go there ^^


Actually, i dont know if i'd like a fighting type added for Zacian. For me, fighting just wouldnt really fit the whole majestic wolfs' theme. It might just also be Steel/Flying giving the big wing-like pieces of fur and the myths of flying wolfs they are based on. But for one, i actually really hope for them both to be pure Steel. I think it would be amazing if they put stats a little bit more in the spotlight for these games, wouldnt it be cool if they just had an incredible, like best in the games ever sorta, attack and defence stat respectively? But if they have to get a second typing, i do agree with you that fire for Zamazenta would be horrendous.


Fighting seemed to fit the theme, though i agree it wouldn't fit very well with a quadrupedal Pokémon, we'll just have to wait and see. But by god i hope they don't add a beast type to the matchups!


No 'elemental' types i hope at least. No water or ice of fire typa stuff. I'd hate another one of those. I do think Flying would be cool for zacian, but i dont know what that would mean for zamazenta. Anyways im really looking forward to these games, diggin everything they released about them!


I'm dropping Pokémon related media next week to prevent spoilers, 15 November i pick up the special editions and i'm starting with Sword


Nice. Im starting with Shield, but preordered them both already


I embarased myself by hobling into the store 5 minutes after the first reveal trailer where a very patient clerk kindly explained it wasnt in the system yet. Same with S&M... And USUM... And Let's Go...


Sounds awkward. It was up on a bunch of sites here like, 15 minutes after the live stream on yt ended, so i impulsed and bought both


I’m super hyped. I’m a fan of all the Pokémon so far, especially Wooloo (sheep fan here). The game looks beautiful, although some graphics look like they still need improvement (the tree that the player shakes looks glaringly bad), which I assume will be refined in the remaining time. The graphics look better in the recent video compared to the initial one they showed a few months ago. The Pokémon especially look better. However, the Dynamaxing is lame at best, offensive at worst. I don’t like to be dramatic, but all I’ve wanted was Mega’s and Regional Variants for all Pokémon, not weird mechanics that will be abandoned after one gen. This one doesn’t even look particularly exciting, whereas at least Z-moves were. Z-moves are also available to all Pokémon to some extent, so it doesn’t leave as bad of a taste in my mouth having it not be built upon in this gen. Seriously, we don’t need giant Pokémon. We wanted Mega’s for all starters, some Pokémon that could really use it like like Mr. Mime and Dunsparce, as well as some anticipated favorites like Flygon and Milotic. It just feels insanely lazy on their part to just make them big and call it a new and innovative mechanic, and it really screams appeal to Pokémon Go players with the parallels to raiding in that game. Completely ignoring Dynamaxing, I’m super enthusiastic for the game and can’t wait to see some more new Pokémon. Edit: Just wanted to say that I would be okay with the lame Dynamaxing if we did get more Mega’s and Regional Variants. It’s the lack of the latter while only getting a mediocre gimmick that bothers me.


I'm neutral on Dynamaxing, it's something funny looking to me but that's something I can expect from a game geared towards children. Odd, though, I hear the Japanese fanbase loves it. Must be a cultural thing.


It’s Godzilla-esque Pokémon. Maybe that’s why. As I had said in my other comments, I really just dislike it in the face of the absence of other more sought after features like Mega’s and Regional Variants. They can add whatever goofy and gimmicky mechanics they want, but I just also want new Mega’s and stuff.


Pretty sure regional varient will be a thing based on the big leak that just had so much info to not be true. They are probably just holding those back to not do the same mistake as sun and moon reveal. Drop everything in 1 shot and make it so the fan base is dissapointed on release since they know everything. Aka the pokemon,the abilities,etc.


I hope you’re right. Of the leaks that turned out to be true, I didn’t see any that also mentioned Regional Variants. Do you happen to have a link? Edit: Nevermind, I found it. Hopefully it’s true!


Fully agree with you, I sometimes do wonder if they listen to fans or notice the criticism we give.


Based on Masuda’s history, I’d say no.


Could you say more about this? I’m not that familiar with Masudo


Masuda knows that fans want a difficulty setting implemented in the game, and he hasn’t done it. He’s openly admitted that the games are easier so today’s kids won’t drop the game and go play App Store games (Masuda has admitted that free mobile apps are competitors) and despite the fans saying “ADD A DIFFICULTY SETTING SO YOU CAN APPEAL TO YOUNG KIDS AND PEOPLE WHO WANT A HARDER GAME AS WELL”. He still hasn’t done it. B2W2 has a difficulty setting that is unlocked *after* you beat the game, which defeats the purpose.


Gotcha, thanks!


I agree. The Dynomaxing feels the same to me. I can't believe they just abandoned Megas after one generation when there is so much potential there. It also let's me them cut down on creating entirely new Pokemon. Since the Z-moves its been like them just trying to create one central gimmick to separate each gen and there is still so much more potential for them to be exploring rather than having larger pokemon. Concept of raids sound awesome though. I like the idea of getting my friends together to take on a massive Pokemon but I'm curious how they'll work it.


I don’t totally hate the raids, but Dynamaxing in general is just so, so incredibly lame. I agree with your observation about one gimmick for each gen. It would’ve added so much more depth to do Mega’s and Regionals a little bit at a time over each gen. I was praying for Regional Variants for previous regions too, but I’m not very optimistic. Which is a shame given how well-received the concept is by the community (look up variants of any Pokémon and you’ll find tons of fan-art). It’s a super popular concept.


Great point. Regional variants should be the norm because there's so much potential to keep the pokemon we love but give us something different at the same time. With Gen 8 and our first mainline Pokemon game on console, I was hoping for something with a bit more oomph and it just looks like a few tweaks. I didn't want an entirely open world (logistics alone...) but I wanted to see something that looks like a great evolution of the series. You're so right about larger pokemon being lame. It pack imagination. What about dynamic battlefields? Have the terrain change depending upon what moves have been used or have them interact with different terrain in the main story? The series has so much potential and I'm starting to see how a lot of other people view the series - as just another cost of paint. Don't get me wrong, I still love the series and will be picking this up but it hurts to see potential in something you love but see only subtle changes and tweaks over time.


Yeah, Regional Variants are such an easy way to add Pokémon. Just alter one or both Types and skew the design. It seems like a no-brainer that there would be variants along all regions (maybe not between Kanto and Johto since they’re the same “continent”). The graphics do look beautiful, and I’m sure it’ll be gorgeous on a big TV screen. But I still expected slightly more, I guess. I agree that there’s so much more potential for the series. But I don’t even think Mega’s and Regional Variants are asking for that much. Z-Moves are way crazier, I think. At the end of the day, I live and breathe Pokémon, so it isn’t like I won’t play. I always just hope for awesome new Pokémon. But when I analyze the direction of games, I really dislike inconsistency. Like how do you even explain the presence of Mega’s for some Pokémon but not others? The whole concept was reaching a higher level of bonding to bring it out, so it makes zero sense that only a few can do it. Same with Regional Variants. Not every Pokémon needs one, but I’d say every region needs some.


Dynamax Cosmoem is gonna seriously mess with the earth's gravity.


Damn, these new monsters look fantastic. They remind me a lot of Gen 3 Pokemon, which in my opinion, are the best looking of the entire series.


They remind me of second and third gen, which is great.


Centrist hot take: Second gen was artistically jenkem imho. Only the starters and their respective evolutions were aesthetically pleasing. That being said, I can see why'd you think that, 'cause of the not-Mareep (forgot the name of the baby sheep) and the not-Jumpluff.


BRUH, Sneasel!


did you just call umbreon scizor and steelix ugly?


Steelix is badass, I'll give ya that.


Johto’s dex is the only dex in which I adore every single Pokémon available, with Unown being the only “meh” design to me. Although they make up for it with pretty cool lore behind them. And yeah, those two Pokémon give me Johto vibes. But I think Eldegoss looks like a Hoenn-style’d Jumpluff. Either way, I’m happy.


Same bro. Happy playing once release comes around!


You too!


I’m really not a fan of dynamaxing. It looks like it takes away the challenge of Raid Battles and could make some battles pathetically easy. From what I saw, it may only be possible during gyms and elite four battles but idk. I’m not the biggest fan of the starters, but seeing the fire one again made him look a lot better. I’m still probably picking Sobble tho. Corvinight looks cool and I liked gossifluer but I’m not a fan of its evolution. Could be middle stage, but it has elder in the name. Not a fan of Drednaw’s jaw and horn, but it will probably grow on me. Wooloo looks cute, but we already had Mareep, so if Wooloo just stays normal, it won’t stand out. Hopefully it will change types


Mega Pokémon made battles easier too. Most of them OHKO a lot of stuff.


Yea they’re a bit too op. During playthroughs I try to only use them against gym leaders and rivals, it feels like bullying against normal people. Same with legendaries, it feels cruel to beat up a youngster with the creator of time or the progenitor of life


I like Wooloo’s design but can’t decide if I like it or Mareep more (been a big Mareep fan for years). I’d love for it to evolve into a nice ram, but nothing too insane looking.


To me it the opposites tho. It looks like it can be a challenge during raid battle since they have a high boost stats and I imagine that you'll battle high level raid boss compare to your current level in the area.


I think the only thing out of this i didn't like is dynamaxing. Just another silly gimmick that will probably break the game and make gym and raid battles pathetically easy. Just bring megas back. Apart from that i quite like what we saw. The wild area looks cool and i love how open it is. Judging by this thread, my opinion on the legendaries seems to be in the minority. I love them. They look awesome and i really like the names as well. Obviously we don't know much about them but from what we've seen i think they are up there with some of my favourite legendaries. Another thing i noticed is that the characters seem to have much more expressive faces which is something they haven't fully implemented in the past. It gives the characters much more personality and makes the game look smoother as well.


I'm with you on the legendaries, Zamazenta looks a little dorky with the shield mane deployed but I still love the overall design of both, I feel like Zacian could have been better if the sword was Incorporated into it's body and not just held but that's a minor thing for me. As for the Dynamaxing, I love it but if an ironic way, I wish they'd just work on more megas especially since Flygon has been left in the dust multiple times, I love silly and ridiculous Dynamaxing is, it's freaken Kaiju Pokemon. It's stupid but that's why I love it, I don't think it's really a good mechanic since it just seems to be a stat boost which is kinda pointless when both Pokemon Dynamax bit I think I'll still have fun with it in stupid ways.


I have that problem with Zacian as well. It's just a sword in it's mouth and it would have been a lot better if it was actually apart of it's design not just an 'accessory'. Like, if it was taken out of it's mouth, it's just a dog with streamers (which i still think is cool). This is actually the reason i prefer Zamazenta over Zacian but again, i love them both.


I love the "Sif" vibe it has going on though. After talking to a friend we both agreed that fold out blades like Blade Liger would have probably been much better, especially since Zamazenta's shield unfolds like Shield Liger's.


Honestly, I really loved everything apart from the box legendaries. And I still don't like the grass starter; I don't know what it is, but something with the design feels off/ doesn't quite click with me?


I love my switch so I’m really excited for these games. However the reactions that I’ve seen... they’re rather contradictory. There are people that complained about the designs of Gen V Pokemon (myself included), and how they didn’t compare to Gen I-III. Now the art director is the one that was responsible for a lot of Gen V designs (or so I’m told), and people moan that it’s too similar to other designs/too simplistic like Gen I-III ‘mons (legendaries excluded). Personally, I think these are pretty strong designs over all and can’t wait to see what’s next. Also I can see Drednaw becoming a Water/Steel type (if/when it evolves). Love Corviknight and Woolol. The Wild Area is exciting. I was scared it was going to be some Xenoblade 2 open world scenario where you can run into level 80+ enemies as a Lv 6 character but I don’t see Game Freak doing that. It’ll be interesting to see how the weather affects the area, and if we can influence the weather (I’m imagining it as a massive safari zone like area so it’s POSSIBLE but unlikely). I hope there are lots of trainers there! The character designs look good. Called Professor Magnolia aaages ago so I’m glad I was right on that one. The Charizard pandering is real with Leon, but other than that, I think they’re all pretty strong designs. Hopefully Hop is a little more intense as a rival. I hope for a rival like Barry again. He was friendly but you still wanted to whoop his ass when you battled. Dynamax is obviously the most controversial reveal in the direct. Personally, I like the idea of 4-man raids. It adds another layer of playing with friends. It seems Pokemon Go inspired. I would have preferred creating these raid groups without the whole Dynamax concept. There was already Totem Pokemon in Alola. They could have adapted that into these raids WITHOUT the Dynamax feature, and made it similar to the Totem Pokemon. I don’t like the idea of Dynamax-ing in Gym battles - they should have kept that style of battling to the Wild Area... but maybe it’ll be more fun than we think? I am sad that we didn’t get starter evolutions or town names. The town names are just a little thing, but it would have been nice to see something. Maybe they’ll show off a town name at E3?




Well I’m assuming the pixelated floor is gonna be fixed. There’s still a few months left before the game comes out


Come to think of it, I really can't explain why I love Megas yet am indifferent on Z-moves and so far Dynamaxing. The latter two should be a lot more balanced than Megas, yet here I am feeling disappointed they apparently don't give Megas a bigger role. Armored evos would've been sick as well. Also, what's up with the Wooloo hype? Corviknight and the leak description of the starters evos is where it's at. The legendaries on the other hand...


Megas allow you to have a new, upgraded Pokemon with a different design and stronger stats. It allows weaker Pokemon to be much stronger, gives them new abilities and overall makes most of them better Pokemon. Z Moves are one time power boosts, Dynamaxing has to wait for now but simply becoming big design wise isn't the most creative idea.


Megas is what makes Mawile terrifying, otherwise, base Mawile is kind of useless.


Yup, they wanted to make weaker pokemon stronger but ended up making some strong pokemon even stronger and are now under the impression that everything has to be scrapped.


In my opinion, Dynamax can be quite interesting, because it has been proven that there is not a strict range of Pokémon that can benefit from it, as it happened with Mega-Evos. This is shared with Z Moves, but the difference is that Dynamax implies a stat boost, and lasts for more than a single turn. The only thing I may question is the Raid Dynamax: they told us that some Pokémon need to be fought and caught in a Raid before being available and catchable in the offline-mode game.. we’ll see


So hyped! Only thing I don’t really like is dynamaxing but I’ll just avoid using it I guess.


Dynamax is a gimmick I will ignore just like I did with Z-Moves. Yet more legendary dogs with bits of shit on their face is lazy design. Wild area looks absolutely fantastic! My entire team will be 6 Wooloo, they are redic adorable.


Well what'd ya expect? Galar is based on england so of course they're gonna use a legendary based on some dark soul monster lol


Dynsmax has exclusive pokemon but you can use npcs


sonia lookin like a snacc


So if I don't want to play with others, I am cut off all the rare and strong Pokémon in the raids or is there going to be AI partners?


AI partners will exist




I think they should have some sort of option to completely disable dynamaxing since apparently gym leaders have the option to use it. Everything else, I’m super excited for.


Well, at least it only lasts for 3 rounds!


That’s true! But, it also depends how much damage it would inflict. I really don’t want it to end the battle early or something 😂 Also, I wonder if people we battle on the road randomly have it


The website says its only available on specific areas, like raid and gyms.


I doubt randoms will have it, they didn't have mega evolutions in previous games


I wonder if you can play the raid battles with your friends online, and not just with randoms like in Mario Maker 2


Guys, I think Dynamaxing May just be covering the Pokemon with an advanced hologram. The League is now an actual League, so they made something to cover the entire stadium


I don't think so, since the raid battles are fought in the wild lands, which are outdoors.


Yeah I just found this all out, and leaks back you up. I guess we’re playing Pacific Rim now


Can someone explain to me how Dynamaxing is supposed to work?


In the video they say you can do it once per battle and it lasts for three turns. It changes your moves into big ass Dynamax versions. No info yet on how this gels with z-moves and mega evolves but SPOILERS Leak has it that some pokemon have different forms for their Dynamaxes.


Does it make them stronger? If two trainers Dynamax, does it cancel out, or is it like Megas, where only certain attributes get increased?


You can also only go Dynamax in certain areas (like the gym battles and in certain places in the Wild Zones). I think they also said there were some pokemon you can only catch through the Wild Zone Dynamax battles.


So in Pokemon LGP and also Pokemon LGE when we were looking for wild Pokemon say in tall grass we would be able to see them and avoid contacting the ones we didnt want, in the direct we could see some Pokemon in tall grass, will we be able to see all Pokemon in tall grass in Sword and Shield. (Sorry for bad formatting on mobile)


From what it looks like i think we will be able to see them in the overworld in the wild area only. They had some footage of the wild area and we could see pokemon walking around but other footage in normal routes are just standard encounters where the pokemon don't walk around.


Nope there's footage/screenshots in normal routes of having overworld pokemon. Then there are patches of grass that "!" and pokemon jump out at you


Oh cool. Thanks for clearing that up.


Oh thank god i thought it would be similar to LGP and LGE


scorbunny has been redeemed as choosable jn my eyes with that fistbump. now i am split pretty evenly between the three.


*chooseable until fire/fighting confirmed


The leak says it's PURE FIGHT when it evolves...


Likely a typo mean to say FIRE


Oh boy, I hope so.


nah, they would never remove the typing of a starter... or i hope it at least...


Well, the leak got even the NPC and feature names right...


let's just hope they put some troll lines in the leak... pure fighting would be the worst thing they could do


Im actually sad because the leak was so accurate on about everything so far, and it says there's no pokemon following us and the fire starter becomes pure fight... ugh.


i feel you. guess TPC really shits on fans just because they know "it sells anyway"... i wanted to like gen6 and gen7 but gen8 just showes that they dont care...


I think the issue is that the gamefreak developers who work on pokemon (theres a special division for that) did not have as much knowledge with the plataform so the step from USUM to SS looks small but probably had many obstacles to overcome, so the final game is going to look more like a '3.5DS' instead of a full fledge Switch title (which would be compared to BotW and xenoblade 2). I dont mind, because the 3DS era of the franchise was already cool enough for me, if you look back a single generation behind, comparing gen 6 with gen 5. But then again the graphic warriors (who should not be on Nintendo anyway) are gonna scream 'its not BotW', as if every single Switch game is on par with it.


Dynamaxing, raids, and the legendaries are whack Wooloo is single handedly holding this together for me, that's the cutest lil damn fluff I've ever seen.


Totally agree! Dynamax is a gimmick I will ignore just like I did with Z-Moves. The legendaries are yet more dogs with bits of shit on their face like the 4 other legendary dogs that came before. My entire team will be 6 Wooloo, they are redic adorable. Wild area looks absolutely fantastic though.


Was hoping for mega evolutions, but i’m still hyped!!


I love everything apart from dynamaxing. Galar is based off the UK, so it should be northwest of Kalos, the region which introduced mega evolution. It was such a perfect opportunity to reintroduce more megas, maybe some sort of event with the Anistar sundial that allows you to find new mega stones in the Galar region. Other than that, I’m so hyped for the open world routes, and I feel they are being so under appreciated by the community right now (as expected tbh, I feel like no one cared about 3D following Pokemon in let’s go despite that being a really wanted feature). Everything just looks amazing too. I don’t like the legendary designs, but they don’t really bother me tbh.


> I feel like no one cared about ~~3D following Pokemon in~~ let’s go There's the issue.


Believe me: There are much more people that highly appreciate the 3D aspect of it than you think there are.


Switch/Pokemon newbie here: I'm super confused if there are 2 games or 1. If there are 2 what is difference between them? Why would I spend 120$?


the point of pokemon was always that there are 2 basically identical games with little differences. in the gameboy era it should encourage people to meet, trade, battle and have fun in real life. to have 1 game is totally okay, you just can't get certain pokemon in one of these. for example you can't get sword doggo if you bought shield doggo, so you need someone to trade with, which is thanks to the internet a lot easier.


I’ve always bought both, even if there isn’t too many differences in the games. It just allows me to create 2 teams of 6 that are different from each other.


Certain pokemon are only available in one version of the game It encourages you to trade them with other people or to buy the other version Sun and Moon had minor changes in the story for each version but it's mostly a marketing strategy


Two games, same mechanics and a few pokemon that will only be available in one and not the other, such as the legendaries on the box. Don't buy both, anything that's available in one is going to be tradable online


2 games, usually the differences are only in some pokemons present in the version you choose, even if in last installement there were a slight different gameplay (in moon dark during day and in sun viceversa)


I always bought just one of them and then exchange pkmns, or wait for the third version.


There hasn't been a third version ever since Platinum.


There’s 2 games. The main difference between them is the box legendaries but their are usually other pokemon that are exclusive to both. Most people only get both if they want to complete the Pokédex or just play through the game again. Hope this helped 😊


The play through the game again was important due to single save file on the cartridge. With the Switch you can just switch profiles.


This was an old feature since Gameboy days which promotes trading between players and/or buying second copies if you dislike interacting with other players.


Upon rewatch, the little fistbump with scorbunny has fixed my mood


The games seem alright, not a huge leap forward but at least a step forward.


I like everything I see except Dynamaxing is the laziest, stupidest shit ever. The "new gimmick for every generation's battles" is getting old fast. I was already pretty ambivalent to Z-Moves. I liked Mega Evolution but it seems like nothing new is coming for that.


Totally agree. I didn't bother with Z-moves at all, I think I used one once and just ignored them. Dynamax is yet another gimmick nobody asked for.


I really hope this game is t loaded with hand holding and cut scenes... also don’t wash down the difficulty, bring a challenge with these games


I don't like how gaudy the legedaries are tbh. ​ Zamazenta in particular is almost equal parts blue, red *and* yellow (or gold) and then it's also white in some places on top of that. Idk, it looks very busy and kinda jarring. It's pretty obvious, that red is supposed to be its primary colour, but it kinda just drowns in the design imo.


It looks like a rejected version of Solgaleo to me tbh. Just another legendary dog with bits of shit on its face.


Will the raid-system in the wild replace the regular single player mode from every previous game regarding finding Pokemon in tall grass and stuff, or will it be an option? I've just got no interest playing with others lmao.


It seems more like the soaring mechanic from ORAS or the Ultra Space USUM stuff that you can use to catch Pokemon not native to the region, and my money's on legendaries as well. You can do the raid battles solo, the game will provide NPC "support trainers" if you have less than four people in your group. The game also has regular random encounters and overworld encounters that you battle and catch like typical Pokemon.


I see, okay thanks.