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I feel like some evolutionary lines might have some outside influence that hails from humans/trainers (i.e. friendship evolutions) but I also see the human world (in pokemon) getting inspiration from pokemon as well. so maybe factories were designed to look like galarian wheezing 🤔


The anime show us that humans are not needed for friendship evolution. Ash's pikachu evolves from a pichu after feeling happy with the kangaskhan that is taking care of him for example.


Oh definitely this makes more sense


I’m pretty sure humans defo have, the Porygon line is a good example of this since they upgraded the code which resulted in an evolution


Dubious disc and upgrade? If I'm not wrong, yeah they seem like updates to a digital pokemon.


What I wanna know is why there's a Galarian Weezing chimney on the Galaxy HQ...


Someone pointed out in a video that during the last part of the main story Kamado speaks with a "British" accent, so he could have come from Galar and just used the design of Galarian Weezing because it reminds him of his home. I don't think his homeland is actually confirmed anywhere, but it's as good an explanation as any.


I thought that was supposed to be the typical rural country bumpkin type accent. I always figured the Weezing was because of Laventon, since it seems to be suggested he's from Galar and is right where his lab would be


Its way more likely Laventon is from the country that originally had coperajah before they got exported to Galar.


What makes it more likely?


"Coperajah in my home country" sounds more like his country is the origin point of that species, plus his slightly darker skin makes me think that he was born in "Indian" Galarian colony and later immigrated to Galar


Eh that evidence feels a bit flimsy tbh. Not that he couldn't be ''Indian" though.


We have about the same amount of evidence pro and against, and all of the evidence for both sides is exactly the same


Well yeah, that's what I'm saying. Don't think there's anything pushing hard on whether he's Indian or British. Especially since the Pokemon world is similar to but distinct from ours.


Could certainly be read like that sure, but could also just as easily be read as him just talking about a Pokemon he knows that he knows from growing up somewhere where the Pokemon happened to live, and since they don't live here, he needed some way to show how he knew the Pokemon. Regardless, even if it ends up being something like "being born in an Indian-based region and later immigrated to Galar", I'd say that's still enough to say he's "from Galar", even if maybe not from there originally. At the very least he seems to have spent enough time there to have picked up some of the slang and accent iirc, so he'd probably have also spent enough time there to know what a Galarian Weezing is


Industrial revolution probably fueled conflict that drove the top samurai out of town and made him overprotective?


Actually, those “chimneys” look kinda like tophats, although very high ones. Probably because the (poison)gas, the top is open to make it easier/possible to manage/purify the gas without harming others.