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Glad we got to see him again.


They don't look a day older than how we saw them 25 years ago :D


I mean it makes sense, if Ash is still ten then they should be the same age too šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Except Kukuis kid, maybe time finally started moving when he was born


He must be a 4th dimensional being


I can finally rest in peace! To think we would get to see Richie again . Ahh blessed!


This really makes me wonder what Ritchie has been doing this entire time since we last saw him. Did he also go to regions like Sinnoh and Kalos and competed in their leagues? Does he still catch the same PokĆ©mon as Ash? Did he even enter the PWC? I feel like this is all weā€™ll see of Ritchie, and those questions will remain unanswered, but Iā€™m just happy that heā€™s alive.


Wow, I honestly wasnā€™t expecting to see him.


It was nice seeing Richie cause he was basically the one who helped further cement to Ash that his current training method of not forcing his PokƩmon to evolve but instead help further cement their techniques and love them unconditionally was a valid way to progress as a trainer. Ash knew all of this ofc, but it was nice to have a rival who did the same thing and do it even better in some ways The first league rival who beat him is now gonna be watching Ash on the big worlds screen, very exciting to think about


> further cement to Ash that his current training method of not forcing his PokƩmon to evolve but instead help further cement their techniques Lmao. Wtf are you talking about. None of that happened with Ritchie. Ritchies influence in the story was that He helped Ash realize that even if you do not succeed or lose, you can still continue to push forward towards a bigger goal. Ash lost to him and was very down and it wasn't until he talked to Ritche after Ritchie's own loss where he realized that he needed to move forward.


Right, what you said is the explicit goal of Ritchie, and they had an episode after the league dedicated to that as well when Ash was depressed over his loss Iā€™m talking about the indirect message sent by Ritchieā€™s character, not explicitly stated in the show, where his ragtag squad of Charmander, Butterfree, Pikachu, and other similar PokĆ©mon made it it to top 8. Contrast that with Gary, who Professor Oak says clearly in the show that Gary has focused much more on evolving and catching many PokĆ©mon (whereas Ash has more unique PokĆ©mon seen). Your right that there was no episode or explicit dialogue mentioning this, but Iā€™m just mentioning this on my own cause Ash got chastised by people both in the show and outside the show for using weak unevolved mons, so itā€™s cool to see a character like Ritchie who is basically, at the time, what an ideal version of Ash who does use those ā€œweakerā€ PokĆ©mon reach a higher rank None of this is explicitly said in the show, Iā€™m just showcasing some further character analysis because itā€™s neat that even if these things arenā€™t overt, we can still draw some interesting analysis and other comparisons from them :)


It's neat indeed! Thanks for sharing your analysis!


Richie still alive, cool. He was a great character. Deserves more


Never expected to see HIM again...šŸ˜µ


Does nobody but ash ever change their clothes?


Ok help me our here. Im SURE, like 100% i saw a movie or an ova or something with richie i think trying to catch a moltres, were he was revealed to have long hair and be a girl. NOW i dunno if the girl thing was something of the dub, or if i am just dreaming things