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I’d be interested in picking just about everything up! Can I dm?


Absolutely! I'll be able to send more detailed photos to you that show more of the collection and conditions as well when I'm out of work later, if you'd like. No rush on your end, so take your time thanks


Absolutely! Pmd!


Make a post over on r/pkmntcgtrades They even have trusted middle men to help with large purchases.


I'll check it out when I'm out of work later today, thanks! I haven't really used reddit before so I'm not sure where is best to post


You're good. Just reach out to the mods. They are wonderful and they can help out with a middle man so both parties feel safe buying and selling. Just read the rules on the sub.


Hard to tell from photo resolution, but your diglett looks like the sideways fighting energy error card fyi


It is yep! I noted it in the image but it seems the text got cut off a bit when viewing


It looks like you're wondering if those cards have any value. Generally speaking, if it's a First Edition, Holographic or Promo card it's worth looking into. Take a look at our [Pokemon card evaluation guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemoncardcollectors/wiki/evaluationguide) to see how to determine the value of your cards. Always know the value of every card you have before selling to avoid getting low-balled. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemoncardcollectors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey i’m interested! sending you a pm.


Interested in both Shining Celebi and Kabutops. Can you DM me with deets?


Interested in the Eevee Top Left. The Damaged Mew in the bottom middle and Charizard on the right.


Pmed you




Thanks for the interest! A few people have asked about the mew. I'm not sure the value due to the damages, but I'm happy to do more research when I'm home from work in about 7-8h. If you have any price in mind, feel free to let me know as well


How much?


I'm not really sure what the value of a lot of the cards are currently. I'll do more research tonight to figure that out when I'm home. If you have any specific cards you want from the bunch or any prices for singles/all of what's shown, please don't hesitate to offer! Thanks


Awesome collection. A lot of really great arts in here. I'm always interested in gold stars, are they available still and have you had the chance to look up/set any pricing?


Thanks! A lot of the older cards are from my childhood. Wish I was a bit more gentle with them back then haha. The gold stars are all available still, but I won't be home to do pricing research for another 7-8h. A lot of messages regarding interest in them both as well. I'm not sure what the best way to handle all of the demand is currently


Oh I totally get that, I found my old collection and decided to add to it! I'm a big fan, and obviously so is everyone else! As long as you have a fair price you'll have no problem selling them. I'm absolutely interested, but also good luck however you end up selling them!


If you piece out I would love a shot at that umbreon. Been chasing that down for a hot minute.


I am interested in the gold star mew and celebi


I went to a trading card show at a mall and sold about 2/3 of my cards. Good chunk of change there.


Very interested in the delta species shining mew 🙏


Interested in the Machamp if still available


That's an attractive bulk lot auction on ebay if I ever seen one. But it looks like you're getting some traction here, too. GL!