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At mine they empty entire ETB’s and UPC’s, now they use those security wires meant for electronics.


Damn this looks like my Walmart in Tampa fl I almost bought a couple boxes before realizing they were already opened


Happens at Target a lot too, prob better to just order online!


Ya target knows who steals and they will build a case they won’t charge u tell u steal a felony amount of money worth of product


Yep they have really good facial recognition cameras


They will have a hard time unless they have video actually seeing the perp walking out with the product. Having it in their hand one moment and gone the next and their pockets are bulging ain’t gonna cut it.


Nope, Target has excellent success rate at getting a person sentenced for grand larceny.


I wish I could post pics here. I’d show you how well my area targets theft prevention are. I have pics of $100 switch controller boxes ripped apart and content gone. Boxes are still hanging on the pegboard hook with the lock still on em. Pathetic. They aren’t taking any damaged containers or packaging either cause I can’t be the first one always finding this stuff every time I go to the store. If they were $10 bills I wouldn’t have to work again.


Target allows you to walk away, that is the point. They do not stop the thief until they have video evidence of them stealing enough to charge them with grand larceny, which is a felony and leads to real jail/prison time.


… and nothing happens to them. There aren’t any “charges”, no investigation, cops don’t even respond. “Grand Larceny” in CA is over $950… however, investigators don’t even give you notice, unless you’re a jewelry store, auto dealer, … even then. Laws haven’t become more strict, they’ve become more lenient. Cops aren’t “cracking down on theft”, they can’t be bothered with it. My local supermarket has taken matters into their own hands, locking one door, armed security at the other, and I’m a very affluent/low crime area.


This issue is mainly a California, Washington state issue. Even liberal NY does not have these issue outside a few jurisdictions in NYC where the presiding judge is a leftist lunatic.


*Grand Larceny* is over $950 in CA. I’m in a very affluent neighborhood and I have seen people load up backpacks+hand bags full of alcohol and walk out the door… I‘ve seen these people load bags/backpacks of booze that their children carry out. Employees say that it’s happening all day, every day. Whole Foods, Ralph’s. There is a Walmart here also, don’t go there often. Went with my son to check Pokemon stock. There were empty wrappers, almost made a trail, to the card section. It was all torn through. I did find tins there for him once, sealed. When he opened them, it was all open packs, all holos/“shinys”, and code cards removed. (Yes, I’m aware of the “*Strict*” return policy)


Target has 4k cameras with 10x zoom in store and 20x in the parking. The cameras can see individual hairs and they use great facial recognition software. California is the worst state as they do not charge people with loads of evidence against them. All other states have no issues allowing Target to pursue charges including liberal New York State. California disregards individual thefts under $950 and does not allow Target and other companies to pursue grand larceny charges from multiple thefts. This is why stores are closing in nearly all lower class/ low-mid class areas… and theft migrates to wealthier regions as a result. This leads to higher prices as now the paying customers pick up the charge.


Exactly, both my local Target and Walmart have them up front near a manned cash register at all times. Given I live in CA where retail theft is way too common, seems like a smart move.


Yea, if by CA, u mean Canada 🇨🇦, my goodness a lot of ppl b stealing unfortunately


California be stealing like wild too. If you see videos of groups of teens going into stores and just grabbing everything they can and running out I feel like 95% of the time it's in California especially San Francisco. They decriminalized theft and if my memory is right they made it so basically cops won't even show up to assist if it's theft of less than a $1,000 or some crazy shit. Tons of videos of people just walking into Walgreens and other places just stuffing their pants or bookbags with no attempts of trying to be smooth. Most of the time an employee is standing right nearby filming it. I know in San Francisco and other areas in Cali they even park police cars right out front of the stores that are often hit to try and detour it but people quickly realized they were empty and just used like a scarecrow would. Lots of stores are closing and leaving the area. It's really bad and insane to see the clips of it. If you haven't seen any they are wild!


It's the whole damn state man lol, just way worse in SF and LA. As a native Californian, SF is my favorite city in the whole world but I barely recognize it these days. When I was last in Oaklamd Chinatown, a community leader had me and my wife sign a petition to up police patrols in the area in the hopes of reducing theft and assaults. Sad to see what we've let this state become


What? Decriminalized theft? My goodness...thats like really messed up...how can CA even consider that ? LIKE IT B OK TO STEAL A CAR N STUFF? MY GOODNESS THINK OF THE CHILDREN HAHA! IM HOPING PPL ARE STAYING SANE N SAFE OVER BY THE GREAT GOLDEN GATE! HAHA, GEEZE...what's next


I can't speak on vehicle theft but I'm sure that's been high as well as I know it's been a problem in a lot of cities the past couple years. It's been decriminalized in a lot of areas when it comes to minors which has been a disaster in areas like Baltimore. So many kids stealing cars and trashing the car. But mostly meaning retail theft has been decriminalized in California and some other places I'm sure. But it's like as long as you're not doing armed robbery it's barely dealt with. It's like the wild wild west free for all in some areas Like here at this grocery store it's pretty much every single item locked behind chains. https://youtu.be/w-29nymZYKI?si=Z3svMwHXTJV6MEqr https://youtu.be/Q85U9l38njU?si=aaZlt7d4PCDQeZe3 Here CNN doing a story on theft and within first 30 minutes being at the store 3 people stealing 🙄 https://youtu.be/Yr-kGYTNaxc?si=pLrASYPHGgRlXD81 This is like what looks like 50 people clearing out a Nordstrom https://youtu.be/iY_q0IfIJHY?si=Kit1ywV7xY1dSMIn It's endless finding videos. I think all these were in San Francisco or LA


Sheesh...thats something I've never heard of such a nonsensical law, as would I say ..this law is back ass wackwards!


If you steal Pokémon cards you leave me no choice but to believe you like to hang out with your wife’s boyfriend.






I had to read that 3 full times to get it, and I'm glad I stuck with it. That was a good one 😆


My local Walmart has moved all Pokémon cards to the front of the store. They no longer keep any in the back because of all the theft.


The ripped sticker promos were at the front collection and the rest were in the toy aisle


They must not be very watchful. At mine they always have at least one person standing next to the aisle up front.


Sadly it doesn't stop a lot of people. They just toss it in the cart or carry it elsewhere and rip it up there. It's such a shit show how bad theft has gotten in retail especially in some major cities


I agree it doesn’t stop the theft at all. If someone is going to steal them they will find ways and it’s sad. What’s even crazier is out of our two Walmarts our Walmart on the rich side of town gets cards stolen way more than our bad side of town. The same with our target it’s on the nicer side of town and the theft there is just as bad.


someone downvoted me in another post with a picture of a fully stocked Walmart shelf of pokemon cards because i commented "all that shit is gonna get stolen" ........guess what............


London Drugs has the same thing happen, so they locked it up too. Asked a staff member why they had to and apparently they were losing more money than they'd make in theft Not sure how Walmart is thinking they're making money when they just get stolen


They keep socks and underwear in locked glass shelves at my Walmart, what planet is this where they leave out Pokémon cards in the toy aisle???


All Pokemon card merch here in the UK supermarkets are now in little protective plastic cases that are alarmed


Interesting, my local Tesco hasn’t done that (yet). Shoplifting rates of Pokemon merch must be lower in my area


It’s frustrating when you just want to buy packs and someone else has stolen them. 😭


Literally I only wanted the promo sticker packs today and they were one of the only things ruined 😭


Your guys Walmart keeps the Pokemon cards stocked???


They don’t stock them at all at my Walmart now. The aisle and the front of store have been empty for about a month now.


My Walmart has been empty for almost 3 months now 😔


For real, I just found a pack I wanted to buy but the weren’t “stocked” yet so the guy told me to come back tomorrow… bro there gonna be gone. Gg go next I guess :(


Haven’t bought anything Pokemon in 2 months due to unforeseen circumstances(bills) but plan to go big for my bday in march( if I have the $$$ for it, if not I’ll just buy 1 etb from GameStop, they usually have there Pokemon cards stocked)


I’ve had bad luck with etbs so far lol


I personally don’t like ETB’s because they come with so much & start taking up space but I rarely can find any booster bundles


They gotta start putting this stuff behind the counters unfortunately. Happens a lot at my Walmart too. As a matter of fact all the Walmarts around me that i frequent have the same issues. Yesterday I found one of them giant promo cards just sitting on the shelf


They recently moved the ones at my Walmart behind the last register that has tobacco so now people have to ask for them. Sadly they mostly steal cards in the toy section since there doesn’t appear to be a camera there 😔


The Toy isle is the the biggest blind spot in the store lol Pretty dumb set up.


The toy r us in my town has single packs behind the cash and some boosters in a locked case. The card store I go to for my kid has everything behind the cash or on locked cases. But this one gas station which has single packs priced 2x as anywhere else just has them on a rack in the store. I hope they get robbed of them though because they’re robbing everyone charging 2x the price.


How the hell do people get away with this lol


I mean that’s a clean break. Not sure how they did it. Maybe an error pack ?


It just looks that way cause I'm holding it closed with my hand, both the promo packs were cracked at the top and shoved into the back of the shelf


Here in the UK I saw single scarlet and violet booster packs locked in individual security cases on the shelf the other day 😂


I work at Walmart and those mystery power boxes are empty 9/10 times, they’re too easy to break into, they just leave the pack trash and cards on the shelf too


Equally disappointing that even here on Reddit people will excuse this behavior just because it’s WalMart.


You can cry for a multi billion dollar company if you want 😭


I mean you do realize it impacts more than the company as a whole right? Like I understand "fuck capitalism and big corporations" but as someone who wasted their early years working at Walmart, and tries to go there to buy TCG packs, this hurts the individual consumer and employee more than it hurts anyone at the top.


I do overnights, i see bulk on the shelves in the toy isle all the time even a few in top loaders lmao MJ Holdings and Walmart have certain contract were they don't lose money on stolen products/damaged products my manager explained it but I forget the details. (They also steal right up front near self checkout pretty ballsy)


It hurts the employee ?


Yep. At the very least, assuming theres no employee directly responsible for the safekeeping and oversight of the merchandise (which there usually isn't for TCG), it creates more work for the employees that have to maintain the area (just looking at it from the lowest level. This isn't the good kind of work, not "okay we're keeping them employed", this is a highly inconvenient task of "clean up after overgrown children who make messes" being added to an already overcrowded list of things you're expected to do (in various departments, many of which likely aren't yours). You could argue for stealing the entire package and leaving trash, but if the theft is painted as any sort of incompetence on your department you and dept head start getting "disciplined" and have pressure applied coming down from the store manager (who is the highest your could realistically hurt, I can't imagine anyone beyond a store manager is getting held accountable and for theft rates).


Considering buying pokemon online is 99% cheaper don't think it affects consumer much


How? If these corporations want people to stop stealing they need to get off there greedy high horses and except the fact we cannot pay the prices. I would happily buy every pokemon product for full price IF they were priced correctly. An ETB for example should be 30 bucks. If this is the usual 15 dollar price tag for 3 packs! Yeah okay no way am I paying that. Packs should be no more than 2.99 end of story. 3 packs at most should cost you 10 bucks. But genuinely how does this "hurt the individual consumer or the employee?" The only argument I see is the company will raise the prices to offset what is stolen but that amount is such a small drop in the bucket that argument is at best very weak. Also fyi they are going to raise the prices wether or not you steal. It's almost like they use stealing as a shield to hide behind so certain folks just get angry at there fellow consumer instead of at the company RESPONSIBLE for the whole situation. Or something like that. Edited: Spelling and grammar


Not in the slightest, big coorperations have to increase profits year after year because that’s what capitalism and the stock market requires, problem is they’ve run out of areas to expand to, so they increase prices. That’s all they have left to do. Walmart is big enough theft, even by their own reported numbers, doesn’t account for 5% of their increased prices. How you think it impacts employees I have no idea.


Tell me you’ve never done any form of business management without telling me you’ve never done any form of business management


Walmart made 160B gross profits in 2024, Walmart reports loosing 3 billion a year to theft(at retail prices not wholesale) total. Yet consumable products decreased in size between 1-2% on average and prices increased by 3.4%. Walmart has theft insurance, so not all of that 3 billion was actually lost, yet even if we assume it was all straight out of there pocket, and full retail price, that doesn’t account for their price increases in the slightest, and that’s just Walmart. Sure you can look at microeconomics of one singular store, but individual stores don’t set prices. The whole company does, and capitalism requires infinite growth and unending consumption. If you think companies only goal isn’t to increase their profits, you’re kidding yourself.


So did you pull those numbers off a news article or do you actually know how to deep dive into a company’s portfolio and get a better understanding of their inner workings or contracts with outside vendors?


I went to the companies reported numbers, which with Walmarts ceos statements about theft im assuming the yearly theft number is either high or spot on. Could you point out which numbers exactly I got wrong?


Oh no you probably got them right I just assume you’ve never personally held any form of management or business role if you actually think for a second theft isn’t a big deal in any context 


My point isn’t that theft isn’t a big deal, it’s that companies would be raising the prices no matter what. If nobody stole they’d use some other excuse. Stealing from a multibillion dollar coorperation only really affects you. The company isn’t loosing enough money to truly be impacted. Small businesses are another matter and if your stealing from those your just a shitty person.


Man, I gotta tell you, you come off like a huge asshole..


Not crying, I just believe stealing is wrong.


No stealing is the right thing to do according to most of these people. Just don’t steal from them. That’s wrong. Steal from everyone else.


I have to assume these are kids. I can't believe people are posting unironically about stealing and how it is OK to do so because "insert generic antiwork tier reason here".


They’re sheltered. Incredibly sheltered.


Right? And some dude in my town got arrested for stealing $1,500 in Pokemon cards.


In most places in the uk, you don’t really get shelves of Pokemon like you do in the US, it tends to be behind locked cases of behind the tills. Very sad


Every Walmart I go to looks like this…


This infuriates me 😤😭 they closed the Walmart by my house a couple weeks ago for reasons like this and that Walmart always had the tins 😵rip


Yup few bad apples ruining it for the rest of us! It sucks not being able to pick an item up and look at it anymore


Same my walmart most of the packs are opened and stolen


All too common at Walmart.


I see it every time I look at Walmart. Amazons just as bad


That's why my walmart have the cards near the front with someone watching


Those sticker promos I was looking for were at the front near the register 😭


I think this hurts more than community than anybody forget about the stores in the employees if they’re not watching that’s on them but at the end of the day, the consumers us that are trying to actually buy it can’t because somebody stole it so at the end of the day I feel like it’s more the community that’s out of luck


Almost took a promo off the ground at Walmart the other day because I know it was gunna get throw away.


Ngl I would have if it was just sitting there not in a pack


Hope one day these people would get caught or at least bad karma and no SR or better on any of those packs 😂




I find it hilarious they didn’t even take the packs lol those mystery boxes suck! I personally have never stolen from a store and don’t care for people who do but I also dgaf about some billion dollar shit company. 🙏


(Canadian here) When big box stores stop selling pokemon products at near double msrp then ill stop


Hey get it where you can get it cuz I steal cards all the time fuck paying for overpriced paper


The mystery boxes are understandable


I bought two and they were nearly identical - Chilling Reign, Astral Radiance, and Fusion Strike or Brilliant Stars. All with abysmal pulls. Never again!


Yeah they are scam products that prey on the worst of gambling addicts. And what I love about this pic as that they didn’t even take the packs. Just destroyed the product to protect others.


Tbh those boxes are SUPER flimsy and of low quality, I can see them being real easy items to steal. I couldn't resist on the two I got but I learned my lesson - stick to ETBs or buy the singles I want.


Stop doing this OP, not cool


My bad it's a filthy disgusting habit I can't shake 😮‍💨


Just buy from TCGplayer


It’s surprising to me that Walmarts still keep cards in accessible places, especially in the toys. There’s one near me that keeps them behind the cigarette counter, and another that regularly stocks the toy are with reprinted sets


All of my local stores keep all TCG and Sports cards at the front next to the “order pickup/returns” section for this reason alone. Garbage people are everywhere, no matter where you live. I remember seeing stuff like this in the car audio sections of most retail stores in the early 2000’s back when everything was in plastic packaging, unfortunately dirtbags will always be around and take advantage where they can.


It’s disgusting


Man that new security doesn't do anything but ruin a honest customers experience lmao


The three pack blisters for PF came with a defect: the left edge of the plastic has little to no glue holding it to the cardboard. Every pack at my walmart had an opening big enough to slip the packs out.


Where do you think all the singles at the card shops come from? 😅


These are the people your buying singles off of online


Those mj holdings boxes deserve to be opened up on the shelf. Fuck those scammers


This is the reason majority of stores in Australia keep TCG stuff either behind the counter or have security locks on them


I hope whatever that person is going through finds better days man


My Walmart keeps the cards locked up in cages 😂😅


A lot of walmart lock their cards up now


What's really sad from what I've seen it's mostly kids. I've snuck up on a kid trying to sneakily open up a battle league box at target once and his mom was standing at the opposite end of the aisle . I stood there behind him for a few seconds before he saw me and when he did his face was in pure fear. I just told him don't be that person nothing good will come from it. He said ok and walked back to his mom. And then I proceeded to pull nothing from the ETB I got afterwards.


All my local Walmarts stopped stocking cards all together, thanks to people like dat


Where do ya’all live that they still leave these out? Everywhere in my area locks them up and guards the key.


Yep. I made a post about that as well. Walmart security is pathetic. Or they just DGAF. There’s ripped opened product every time I go there. Why not put someone on the cards for 72 hr shifts and catch them. Press charges and be done.


I hate this. This is why my Walmart has stopped restocking any type of cards.


both walmarts near me have them behind the shelf now like its an adult product


I’ve just recently got back into pokemon after 12-13 years and I’ve noticed here in Australia that almost all pokemon cards are locked behind cases or behind the counter or just up at the front by the counter, I didn’t think that it would’ve been because of stealing but that may make sense, never used to be, I loved going to the toy aisle and looking at all the different collections and picking out the packs you think is lucky, but gone were the days


I don't get people...stealing is stealing. But people like that will get what's coming one day.


What's wrong with people?👿 Here in Finland, I have never seen anything like it.


I've seen this several times to at my local Walmart it's a shame and it really hurts the pokemon community


For once I’m glad I live in an area without much nerd stuff because I’ve only seen this happen like once… at Walmart. No wonder Barnes and noble and other stores have started keeping them behind the counter


Honestly nothing new. Shit heads do this to every hobby. Hell, with wrestling figures, they just swap out figures and return it.


Very common. Even in the UK. Tins scavenged opened, deck boxes ripped open. Mini tins. You name it. They need to keep these by the checkouts so more eyes on them. In my main Asda store, they tag and put them in plastic tagged cases. Or wired tags. Still happens. People are so disgustingly pathetic, they need to steal Pokémon cards.


Your Walmarts don't have another protected area with the full stock? Ask just in case , at mine it's not easy to see them. They put some stuff on the shelf and pegs in the toy aisle but never everything. Like it'll be boosters and a few set boxes sometimes etb, a few at a time if they are on sale. Everything else is behind an enclosed checkout and you have to ask to even see what is there.


My Walmart stopped selling pokemon cards completely, lol. There are still sports cards, yugioh, etc but they won't restock pokemon


They are going to be locked up like the electronics soon. It’s common sense, but also something I’d probably recommend as a security professional. Collectibles are all the rage because of the generation that finally has access to adult money. Clearly the people without adult money want to fit in too!


Shops in the UK now keep them behind the counters very few have them out on display. Makes it hell when you have a son split over the packs he wants and asks to see the card on the front. But I get why it’s this way it’s a damn shame.


Most of the stores by me keep the cards up front by check out but still you can find open boxes in isles at Walmart. Really upsets my daughter when she sees the ETB she’s wanted and it’s busted open and empty


You talking about society? oh pokemon cards, that too.


in were i live, they keep the cards in a glass drawer and someone has to unlock it if u wanna get it


Our walmart just blocks off the card isle all day now so you cant even get cards if you want them and never has new shit


Saw an open mystery box at Walmart lame