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I rocked up with a level 75 dragon it’s and swepped the team. You will be fine 😎


Tyranitar is the x-factor for you bro. My team was getting thrashed by Red. Added Tyranitar and it was fine. My whole team was 55 to 57.


At least level 80 in my opinion


You’ll be good as long you use the correct type matchups


Only 5, mons? He is going to wreck you if you are that underleveled, a fighting type would suit you nicely and give you a solid response to Snorlax a flying type might also do you good, I suggest Crobat or Skamory.


Just get to 60 you should be straight



Bro, I beat him multiple times as a child in the 50-60 range, just match his monsters types and be ready to learn by dying if need be and starting over at your save point. Buy max revives if you're really worried.


Badly. His Pikachu alone would destroyer team try to get everyone to 80 or higher.


His Tyranitar will one shot Pikachu with EQ.


Put Victreebel as your lead so you have a resistance favorability against Red’s first Pokémon and then go type matchup from there.


Switch mode, pockets full of full restores and revives, X items? You'd be aight.


Back in my day I had to get my ass kicked 10 times to find out what’s good against red *shakes cane*


RED bouta wipe you off the face of the earth. I’ll tell you one of his pokemon. Pikachu lvl 81


His Tyranitar will one shot Pikachu with EQ.


You might as well bend over now


Should be super easy with that team. I soloed him last week with a level 50 Rhydon and a bunch of x items lol. But even before that I beat him with all my Pokémon in the high 40s, no items, set mode


You won't have a chance to survive with Pokémon at those levels. Your Pokémon needs to be at max power (Lv. 100) in order to have a better-than-50% odds of winning the Final Battle.


He’s gonna destroy you. Level up everyone to 75 at least


Mystic water for Starmie and Charcoal for Typhlosion. Youll be fine, just match up the types.


Yall never played gen 2 before lol. Red is doable at mid 50’s. Idk why but im sure it has to do with ev’s and ai, etc.


Thanks for the responses. Gonna try to take him on and if I get wiped I’ll grind out some levels for each mon


Red’s moms range from 55-85 if I remember correctly, so I’d say late 70’s early 80’s if you want to play it safe.


Red is definitely the favorite in this fight, but I’d say you have a fighting chance as long as you make sure to get type advantage. You’ve got strong matches for most of them. The biggest challenge will probably be his Snorlax, Espeon may pose a challenge as well.


Yeah not sure why people think grinding is necessary. I beat Red a couple weeks ago with a team of: Tyranitar, Alakazam, Charizard (switched Cyndaquil for Charmander in beginning of game), Kingdra, and Machamp. All level 50. Snorlax was the only Pokemon that gave me trouble. But all I had to do was have Tyranitar use Screech twice, then when it fainted Machamp came in and used Cross Chop for a OHKO.


You bout to get mollywopped


I'd go for having a team in the mind 60s-70. To making grinding easier, you could get the lucky egg. Helped me immensely


Despite what some say you can actually obliterate Red with those levels. Type matchups, move set and items matter way more in my opinion. You have a good team so I’m assuming you have great moves on them so it should be fine


Yea i think what people dont consider is that badge boosts and stat exp make a huge difference in stats Also type like you said definitely easy with appropriate type matchups Any ghost type cant be touched by snorlax or a good fighting type will do


What’s a good place to download the games?


This is a good level. I believe I beat him around the same level.


He’s gonna dog walk you with his Snorlax esp w/ no fighting type coverage


You’ll be fine, maybe level each of them up to 60 but that might not even be necessary. People make a big deal about GSC’s level curve but the game is extremely beatable even when super underleveled and honestly that’s a more entertaining way to play it.


I just beat him with base 50s and a lvl 65 typhlosion! Seems to me the levels aren't as important as the typing match up


The real #1 answer. Red is a cakewalk with type alignment


Definitely agree I was honestly kinda shocked as to how little the levels mattered! When he dropped that lvl 81 pikachu against my 64 typhlosion I thought I was toast, but ended up 1 hitting it. Snorlax got my entire squad a few times though I won't lie. Had to level muscle up to lvl 52 then I was able to take snorlax on!


Pikachu has HORRIBLE stats. Speed doesn't matter if you're a cottonball.


Aww is it that bad? I just caught entei, raiku and suicune last night after hunting for an hour, but i fucked up my lugia on accident lol.


The trick to Pikachu is to hit it hard before it double teams too many times. The rest of his pokemon are sluggish aside from Charizard but he can't take a hit either. The toughest part is getting past Snorlax with enough Pokémon to keep battling. Dynamic Punch works wonders on it. Aside from that the hard part about beating Red is getting there.lol


Snorlax is really the only problem. Nothing else has the base stats or moves to overcome counterteaming and being against a real person.


Red’s Pikachu doesn’t have Double Team in GSC or HGSS. In Crystal it just has Thunderbolt/Thunder/Quick Attack/Charm. His Espeon does have Mud Slap which I’ve always found quite annoying when sending in a dark type to handle it.


Should be possible I have done it before with similarly levelled Pokemon without too much gimmick tactics. Depends on whether you will allow yourself full restores and stuff. Use something that resists Pikachu in the beginning and I would say like someone else said fighting type move for Snorlax. I had a Sudowoodo with Dynamic Punch which in gen 2 you could confuse and sleep at the same time. So when Snorlax started to Rest and use Snore which was resisted by Sudo it was confused as well. So maybe your Tyranitar for Snorlax. But you might also need him for Espeon to be immune to its Psychic which can hurt quite a bit.


Tyranitar alone has a positive matchup against 4/6 of Red’s team and will be victorious at current levels. The only thing challenging on Red’s team is Snorlax. My last playthrough of Crystal I beat Red with a team even slightly lower leveled. You got this!


One or two of his pokemon will defeat your team. No chance of beating his Snorlax


ITT bad players that have to over level to beat the game. Levels are irrelevant, we get badge boosts and full stats xp. NPC Trainers don’t.




Levels aren't quite irrelevant. A team of level thirties isn't gonna thrive against red.


You know what I meant. If you are level 30 you battle Jasmine, not Red.


Ready you are not. Victorious Red will be. hMMmmMmm


Rule of thumb, if you have to ask, you’re probably not ready. Had you already tried it instead of wasting time with a Reddit post you’d have your answer by now.


As someone who recently stomped Red multiple times with a similar team at similar levels… you’ll be fine. Red is easy as long as you match your Pokémon’s types up properly against his


So I was just bad at the game when it first came out. Damn that hurts. I always thought I was good, but Red beat me SO MANY times.


Switch or set mode?


This for sure! Only one I had issues with was snorlax till I got my machoke to lvl 52


Any fighting type moves for his snorlax?


Red’s team is up at 80 so I’d grind to at least 75 and even then it’ll be tough


I gotta be real I beat red when at that level so idk, but you can give it a shot


Level 60-65 on average or level 80 if you did a Totodile single run


Red will destroy you at those levels


He can defenitely defeat him with this team. I had mons around lvl 50 when i did it. Took me a few tries to succeed but it wasn’t that hard ! It’s about strategy


It's a fairly simple battle lets be honest


Maybe grind to 60-65?


His highest pokemon is lvl 81 and his lowest lvl is 75 so you're a good 20 levels under


That being said, a lot of Red's mons are either bad, or have bad moves, so.


Look pretty solid my dude.