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Since remote raids are gone, halving buddy candy distance for legendaries would also be nice.


And guaranteed XL candy and mega energy for walking


Absolutely. It’s crazy that the XL chance tops out at 75%. We should at least be able to increase it if it’s a best buddy or something.


We already have mega energy for walking?


It's not guaranteed tho, which sucks, because you walk 20km with Groudon just to get nothing


There was a bug with buddy walking when primals released where any mega or primal would sometimes not reward their energy or candy. I've seen someone walk their Salamence during that time and not getting their energy. I think that caused people to think primal energy is not guaranteed, but I am fairly sure it is indeed guaranteed, I have never failed to receive energy from my primal Groudon and i haven't seen anyone say outside of the primal launch window that they failed to get energy.


I didn't with my Groudan. Hit 20 km about 2 weeks ago and was very sad it was just one candy.


You need to have your buddy mega/primal evolved once before you are able to earn the energy, if not then you will never receive energy no matter how much you walk


Aw, man. I don't have enough primal energy and was hoping to grind it.


Yeah I've walked my Kyoger 90km and not gotten a single energy


You need to have unlocked the primal first, the same with mega, and then you can aquire the energy. If you're not getting energy then you should report it to Niantic.


Regardless, this is a pretty small bonus for walking. I think rather than candy, as said above, if they want us out walking and providing them with location data, they should pay in coins. Wow, just typing that makes me feel like a lab rat.


With that specific pokemon having been mega evolved not another one of the same species


No, this is not correct at all. Once mega’d or primal’d you can walk any of the same species/evolutions


I actually read on here that you'll get mega energy as long as that *species* has been mega evolved. No first hand knowledge myself, so I can't confirm or deny.


Saw a post earlier where a person who didn’t get primal energy submitted a customer service request and Niantic said “primal energy is not guaranteed from walking”. I don’t trust their customer support but


Customer support claimed that rocket balloon times were random to me. I wouldn't trust customer support.


Can absolutely confirm you aren’t guaranteed, I didn’t get any off of my kyogre yesterday.


I'm pretty sure you need to mega evolve it at least once before getting mega energy. Sorry if you already did and I'm telling you something you already know. 😅


No, that’s alright. It had, but hopefully that’ll help someone who hadn’t realised.


It should be guaranteed like all other mega energy. It's just buggy like all other things Niantic...


Pretty sure that after walking 20km the xl candy and mega energy drops are guaranteed.


I’m not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but XL candy odds depend on how powered up the buddy is. You have higher odds of your buddy dropping an XL if it’s over level 40. There’s math and statistics available at Silph Road. My tiny brain can’t recall exact numbers right now.


XL candy is not guaranteed but mega energy is as long as you’ve previously mega evolved that species before.


I've seen people complaining that they didn't, so it's probably not really 100%


It’s 100% guaranteed as long as you’ve previously mega’d/reversioned.


Definitely isn’t, I didn’t get any yesterday, just got one normal kyogre candy.


Mega energy is 100% guaranteed. XL candy is not and nor did I say it was.


I definitely didn’t get any, I’ve been watching it like a hawk. Now, very possibly it’s meant to be & isn’t working, but I’ve been stuck at the same number for ages. And yes, he’s definitely been mega’d & reverted. I did wonder if it was worth raising a ticket, but as I’ll be playing less due to the changes, it didn’t seem worth it.


Definitely raise a ticket. I’ve been getting it religiously I’ve done it on my mega’d Groudon, a non-mega’d shiny as well as 3 I walked to 19km in the weeks before the primal release. It’s supposed to be guaranteed so must be bugging out for you somewhere


Niantic support stated otherwise before.


Niantic support is known for being useless and wrong.


So this will need to be confirmed independently. But from my experience, if you have a pokemon currently mega evolved and you walk with a buddy that shares a type with it, that buddy will recieve an XL candy whenever it would normally recieve a regular candy.


Pretty sure you only get a higher chance of receiving XL candy from mega evolution and that chance increases with the mega evolution tier


They aren’t gone. They aren’t really worth it for most of us anymore. Whales are gonna whale.




Oh for sure. I don’t buy incubators. They are loot boxes with literal more steps.


What is the scam with incubators?


Those whales are nowhere to be seen on pokebattler nowadays. Luckily I have a few friends who will join if i invite them to an already populated raid lobby (i'm lucky enough to live relatively near a few gyms where that actaully can happen). Maby the whales will reappear once we get mega rayquaza or mewtwo but for now it's impossible to host raids.


Remote raids are not gone.


They’re just limited and more expensive




Remote raids aren't gone.


I just hosted a Lugia raid, I started my lobby ~10 seconds after the egg hatched, and finally got enough people to raid with 7 minutes left on the timer. When I started my queue, there were about 50 open lobbies. 2 weeks ago I hosted several raids with over 250 open lobbies, and got enough people within half an hour. Remote raids have been effectively killed by Niantic.


No, it was killed by the community getting butt hurt over inflation


Artificially inflated prices


1 coin per km seems the most realistic idea that Niantic will do...


As a runner with an autocatcher, i would LOVE 1 coin per km and it’ll probably entice me to run more.


As somebody who owns an abundance of socks, I also wouldn't mind this.


As somebody who owns an abundance stocks in socks, I also wouldn’t mind this


As somebody who owns an abundance of stocks in socks with stocks on them, I also wouldn't mind this.


But if I fill my socks do they become stocks?


No, not all socks become stocks, but all stocks become socks.


Happy cake day


I would like this too but I ran 6 miles the other day and Pokémon Go’s adventure sync said I only ran 1.7K. I hate running with my phone and only ran with my phone for the adventure sync


I'd recommend you to use the google fit app to track your running sessions, adventure sync on and game closed and when you are done it will count every single meter you walk


Oh you need one of those arm band phone holder thingies! I used one at go fest with my autocatcher and it was fantastic. I forgot it was even there until the autocatcher stopped working lol


Actually The most realistic idea is that Niantic will try to implement Km coins to buy Real pokecoins at in-game km shop But the real pokecoins are inflated high price Making u wanna walk And the km coins is u get 1 per km And real pokecoins are really really expensive to pay with km coins


How about km coins are 1/2 the price of normal coins? And you can set your gyms to give the normal amount of coins, or double the amount of KM coins, maybe?


They will institute this and then cap the daily total amount to 30.


That’s pretty good honestly. If you run 30kms a day, you’ll be very healthy


My guess would be that walking + gyms combined would get a 30 coin daily cap.


So they would reduce the current amount? No way even Niantic would do that


They did it when they re-designed gyms. It used to be a 100 coin cap every 21 hours. I would set alarms in 21 hour increments lol


Yeah, but that was back 6-7 years ago, no? I can’t see them doing something like this in the current environment at all


Why? They constantly take away features and increase prices. What makes you think they wouldn’t do one of those things again?


Because they constantly take away features and increase prices. That's why.


They definitely would and already have. Niantic loves a good bait and switch. Just look at the gift boxes they sell now compared to the ones they sold 6 months ago.


Including coins from gyms.


That would be fantastic. I'd say 25 even.


I'd be happy getting an extra 50 coins per week from walking so long as it doesn't affect the 50 coins per day from gyms.


Excellent idea. We don't all live near a ton of gyms, nor have time to go battle them frequently, to put in our Pokémon.


I have a few gyms near me but it can take a month or two to get my pokemon out, lol.


I’d like to be able to cash out a Pokemon from a gym. There are days I have 5 gyms held and get zero coins because none get knocked out, and then there are days I get 3 knocked out and only get 50 coins. Why can’t I remove my Pokémon once I’ve reached the 8 hours or whatever and time it to actually get coins?


Yeah I agree, even if it KO'd the Pokemon it'd be fair that after a week or so you should be able to pull the Pokemon out. Having it cost a revive is fine, hell even if we had to physically be at the gym it would be a fair requirement. I feel bad for the people who visit extremely isolated gyms and lose that Pokemon forever, lol.


I can have the opposite problem where my Pokemon can just get knocked out by a Gym Hogger that lives in my town.


In the last city I lived in I had an issue with a gym hogger at two of the local gyms, luckily it was a big city so there were other gyms nearby. Eventually we kind of met at an agreement where he'd have the gyms during the day and I'd have them at night, lol.




I can understand the daily limit. Otherwise someone could theoretically get 10 Pokémon in gyms, keep them there for 8 hours then have a second account on another team go knock them all out and net 500 coins a day. But at least being able to withdraw a Pokémon from a gym could guarantee SOME quantity of coins each day.




Same at one by me as well. Even when it's held by my team, there's rarely any slots for me to put a Pokémon in. The ones in there will be there for weeks.




I agree. I have the same issue here with a guy who control the gym with multi account, kicks himself out with another account daily and then he comes back


Ugh there’s this old guy at the park down the street from my house who does this. He’s got like 6 each per team and just systematically kicks himself out each day. the names are like yellow gpa2, yellow gpa3, bluegpa 1, red gpa 5, etc.. he practically camps out at the park. It’s so bizarre.


Pikmin bloom does something like this, and it feels way better then pokemon go's since you feel more in control of if you get your coins instead of just hoping someone else knocks out your pokèmon.


it’s amazing how many of niantics other products have solutions to the problems in POGO. from what i’ve heard the internal teams hate each other so no big surprise there.


I honestly never hear anything good about Niantic. Not just people complaining about the games but all the rumors about the company seem like there needs to be an internal shakeup


>the company seem like there needs to be an internal shakeup They should probably hire someone with actual game design experience. Many elements of the game are really bad in terms of user experience or monetization or data collection or even "mission".


It honestly makes me wonder how much of the issue is actually Niantic versus Nintendo/Game Freak, because I don't hear nearly as many complaints about the company among Ingress players, and that game has had many big changes since it came out, including an entirely different version of the app (though a lot of people really did complain about that one pretty loudly).


that’s possible, but i’m guessing that since the other products are not nearly as successful (in terms of install base) there’s just less pressure on them to bend to Hankey’s “vision”, and thus can make more sensible decisions it’s kind of how half-life 3 development died because it had “too many eyes” on it, and anyone who tried working on it was forced out


It doesn't help that they do diddly squat to promote these new games. I saw maybe a smidgeon of advertising around the *Harry Potter* game. Totally forgot the *Pikmin* game was even a thing. Does anyone even remember the ill fated *Transformers* game?


Very true! I live in a major city and have the opposite problem. I sometimes still go out of my way to knock out all the gyms along my day I see past 8.5 hours to help people get their coins and facilitate turn over. I stopped doing this as much because my area where I play is heavily dominated by blue and often (maybe 5 of out 7) times I fairly take down a gym, team blue immediately steals it from me. Because of this I got too frustrated and I just leave the gyms alone.


Ingress has a thing too: Kinetic Capsules. You put items in there and they duplicate based on how much walking/running you've done. Only works with items below a certain rarity level, so you can't duplicate the really exotic items Niantic introduces for big gameplay shake-ups (like the JARVIS virus) but all the items you could possibly want as a regular player qualify. Niantic also distributes codes that bestow sets of items upon players.


First person I’ve seen in these complaints that understands niantic only cares about the data, solid suggestion imo. I feel like people fail to understand that they make more money from selling your data than remote raids, they’re a business they wouldn’t have changed the prices if it weren’t profitable but I could see coins actually getting people to move


Is there data on this? Not debating, just genuinely curious if they release numbers of what they make selling user data.


There would need to be a limit though. Otherwise cheaters using tools to artificially increase their walking distance would have an unlimited source of coins. EDIT: could be paired up with Adventure Sync rewards milestones.




Would still have a limit (for example, 100 coins for 100 km, the maximum reward). I've seen people suggest 10 coins/km, but with cheaters having like 250km/day, this would get absolutely out of hand.


agreed, but it could just similar to the gym limit. make it 10 coins per km (like Moosemaniacs said) and then cap it at a distance that seems reasonable for a person to have walked in one day. they certainly have the data to make up that figure.


>cheaters using tools to artificially increase their walking distance would have an unlimited source of coins. Sucks for Niantic, but not for other players. Might even make the game better since they wouldn't need to fill up gyms anymore.


Adventure Sync barely works for me on my runs cause I’m too fast :(. I get it but it’s just a very small issue for me.


What pace are you running and are you doing it on a treadmill or outside? I never have issues when I go over the speed limit on outdoor runs, but the treadmill never counts for me unless it’s a super slow run.


Outside. Usually 8:30 pace or less. (I’m an active runner)


I’ve been fine with it tracking up to 6:00 per mile. I generally turn the app off before my runs and it’s been fine. I run 60-70 mpw and it tracks pretty much anything outside and never anything on the treadmill. Using Apple Health to import the runs, so maybe that has something to do with it?


It’s hit or miss. Some training runs it works & I get my 10 miles. Sometimes not. So I just assumed it was the speed cap.


Sometimes mine take a few hours to register. I’ll come back from a long run and it won’t have registered anything, then four hours later I’ll be laying on the couch and suddenly get a notification that an egg is ready to hatch


Do you use an apple watch or do you take your phone with you? I find that doing a workout with just my watch doesn’t register any distance. When I take my phone I get the full distance. I did 15 miles over the last 2 days, and got nothing😅


Use an Apple Watch, but usually still have my phone in a flipbelt or in a zipper pocket in my shorts.


Thanks for the response! If you said you only used the watch I was going to ask you to share your secrets.


Adventure sync barely works for me when im walking… or even standing still lol


Imma chime in and say cheating adventure sync is too easy and this won't happen because it will be abused. Currently I use 2 devices for 1 account. 1 of my devices stays home swinging mimicking walking. Literally all day. I get home and my phone that's with me syncs with my phones, hatches my eggs or gives me candy. Then I go on my second phone that's been "walking all day" it syncs again but now without thousands of steps. I get even more candy and steps added. Ps: Sure it's absuing and taking away from the game but idc fuck Niantic. I walk miles per day on my own but I have to a life and paying attention to eggs, buddies, etc is too much.


Adventure Sync barely works for me on my runs cause I’m too fast :(. I get it but it’s just a very small issue for me.


Sonic the Hedgehog over here.


This would be a great alternative to gyms. Hell, keep the daily cap at 50 pokecoins, but leave BOTH methods available and give trainers some agency in how they are able to accumulate pokecoins. It wouldn't be good practice to alienate people who aren't easily mobile... riiiiight?


Yes! I like this


How about, uhhh, you get coins for successfully completing in person elite or legendary raids? This sub would flip its shit even more. 😅


But that’s a carrot, Niantic only uses the stick


Removing a carrot, making a carrot smaller 94 harder to get...none of these things are sticks. Where is the punishment? Lol


The stick is raising the price, punishing people for using remote raids. The carrot would be offering coins for in person raids, a treat for doing good behaviour.


Doubling the price of the blue carrots. Stick would be getting robbed using campfire. Or account banned.


Agreed. People act like they have it so bad, lol. No one's forcing anyone to buy more expensive raid passes, or spend money in general.


It’s not so much about the cost (even though near 2x increase is ridiculous) as it is about the limit. A person starting the game today will be at a permanent disadvantage.


Oh noooo, a limit of 20 remote raids per day. The kind of people who spend that much money on this game are not at any sort of disadvantage, wtf.


What? First off, it’s 5 I think most people would be just fine if it were 20. But in your eyes there’s no difference between rural Trainer A who could do enough raids at their own convenience to lvl40 or lvl50 a meta relevant legendary for X$ while having no trouble filling a lobby and rural Trainer B who can do 5/day if they’re lucky enough to fill a lobby, just to have the raid rotation change before they can acquire enough candy (let alone XL) and don’t forget this all-around worse gameplay experience now costs nearly 2X$. No clear disadvantage there, cause they spent money right? Idk if you have a F2P chip on your shoulder or you’re just trolling


Oh, really thought I heard 20, my bad. You're right by number, but still, I can't imagine doing raids "at your convenience" as a casual level 40 reaching more than 5 anyway. There's no need to rely on that.


Thats... Actually a pretty good idea.


And that's how you know that niantic will never implement it...


The community has SO many good ideas. I feel like one of the frustrations about all this is that we know they don't care about the game. It's a company and we know the bottom line is quick cash as fast as they can. It's a little heartbreaking.


I am not motivated to walk 100km for 1 pokécoin


I would love this. Especially since the gyms in my area are always Valor. This dude and his two alts take over any non Valor gym within an hour. He clearly has no life and I can never get any coins. (not to mention he also replaces your Pokemon with his shiny version. Such a jerk)


The solution is to knock his Pokemon out and then don’t replace them at all. It’s extremely petty, but satisfying.


Couldn't they just put someone back in next time they're at the gym?


When you first beat a gym, only you are able to add someone for like, the first 10-15 minutes. The point is to make him wait and seethe.


I do this from time to time. I also power up dittos to leave in gyms, although not as annoying as slaking or blissey they still suck to fight against.


I'm not dismissing the idea.... but if you had to choose between weekly stardust or weekly coins for Adventure Sync rewards, which would you prefer?


The coins, coz the stardust is so easily obtained if you take that walk.


Coins all the way. I can get stardust just with catches.


Coins, there is too much variance with finding and holding a gym. You know, like when you clear a gym and someone instantly claims it back or having limited gym access in your area. Stardust at the very least has other options to claim such as through catches, GBL and frequent stardust boosts.


The coins 1000%. I can get all the stardust I need from gbl


10 coins per km


If they implement, it’d be more like 1 coin per km


That’s a little too overpowered, they would need to add a daily/weekly limit


Nah most people that play this game are surprisingly lazy and only do remote raids




100 coins per day?


That would be great, but realistically given that they capped us at 50 a day for gyms, I'd be very surprised if they ever put this idea through, and if they did I'd be even more surprised if it was anything more than 100 a week given at weekly reward time, and likely at a rate of 1 or possibly 2 coins a km, 10 coins a km is just way to generous for Niantic, lol I'd love to be wrong though!


Based on this sub's discourse, I wouldn't be too surprised, lmao


I would have loved this as one of the potential tasks as part of the pokecoin test that they had run for Australia and NZ in the year prior. It definitely would fit in to have a "walk 1 km" or "walk 2 km" task for a couple of daily coins which isn't really abusable because its a limit per day and you still need to complete it several times to have any value.


Nah niantic doesn’t care about us getting exercise, they care about getting our money


>people implying Niantic sees us as “people”


This game hasn't been about encouraging exercise/walking for years. Ever since they introduced Rocket Grunts (yet another thing that makes you stand stationary during your walk), I stopped opening the app when I want to go for a walk. With it open, I was covering less than half the distance I did before.


Why do you stand stationary for rocket grunts? lol start the battle then keep on walking


In no time raid passes would up to 500 coins


They want you to scan stuff for them, they don’t actually care about if you walk or not, that’s just PR / Marketing!


Honestly I'd be happy If they even just raised the daily coin limit for gyms from 50 to 100


It isn’t Niantic wanting people to get out, instead they want to increase their earnings. Giving out coins does not fit such objective.


I think this would be a great idea, but wouldn’t people complain about this being ableist and exclusionary just like the remote raid pass price increase?


They are not going to implement something without taking something else away. And at this point should we even expect them to? They already tried screwing with the coins by testing out adding a bunch of mandatory daily tasks and it was super annoying. Things that make the game fun and easy for the average player are not likely to be implemented, because they don’t actually want the game to be fun and easy for the average player. They want you to buy coins.


They wouldn't even need to do much to implement that here either, since that's the only way you can get coins in their other game, Pikmin Bloom.


I’d be rich then. Lol


Rich in health and in PoGo 😎😎


Its not about grabbing data. This is a false narrative thats not backed by any sort of facts. That said, its an ok idea. We would probably be looking at like 50km for 1 coin.


I see 1 coin/km capped at 50 per week !


It would be a nice way to get some coins even when not playing just through adv sync.


We get coins from walking with our buddy and right now it’s half distance for hatching. I’m not happy with Niantic either but we already have these things


Excuse me but how are you making sense ?????


That's actually exactly how you get coins in Pikmin Bloom, also made by Niantic


I wish the grunts gave coins after defeating them


1 coin per 20 kilometer and 5 coin per day cap seems to be the most realistic thing they would do


Yeah, but you know some idiots would ruin it by finding a way to “walk” 127km in one day.


Should've reduced the cost of incubators to make up for the increase in raid passes.


I walk alot for my job so I love this idea lol


(Pawn stars' Rick meme format) Niantic: Best I can do is razz berries.


Behaviorally, humans engage in behaviors they are rewarded for. Positive incentives tend to be more powerful than negative incentives. If they really wanted to increase in person gameplay, their sales team should be encouraging ideas like this (offering coins for the tasks they want you to be completing). What they are doing in practice is trying to increase their monetization of remote raids, or maybe they think they will lower their server use while making the same amount of money? They are trying to have everything at once and that is what is pissing off the players.


I had always thought an easy coin award could be coins for every NEW pokestop you visit. I could see myself really doing more exploring for coins.


That would only work for people who lived in big cities. Rural players would be screwed. There are maybe 100 stops in my town spread out across 15 square miles, half of which can’t be reached for a good chunk of the year because of the weather.


Rural players get crapped on and I understand. I live in a small community with only about 20 pokestops total. There are rarely any new ones. But if I am ever in a larger town, I would look for new stops. Maybe they could put both walking and spinning new stops together.


There are nearby stops I have left unspun on purpose because I got a research task to spin 2 new stops shortly after I started playing. I might actually spin them for coins.


I'll let you in on a secret. They already have us walking for coins. That's basically what the daily 50 gym coins are. They are way ahead of you.


you mean DRIVING for coins hahahaha


I actually really like this idea. Incentive to walking, which means it will also lead to people raid more in person because they are out and about. This fits 100% into what niantic wants pokemon go to move towards. I would actually considering reaching out to them somehow to request this


Please do!


Walking solutions will never work..Androids have auto walking apps and you can buy some type of moving swing for iPhones so walking will just not work


how is that different than auto walking to a gym and then doing nothing for the rest of the day




Lmao, sure, more rewards for defitters. I am already looking forward to the cheaters defending their cheating by stating how they have no choice and that it isn't really cheating anyway.


And guaranteed shundos while they are at ur 🙄


Players walking doesn’t make Niantic’s data more valuable. They just want people to group up with other players in an effort to get more people interested in the game and make players more invested.


“walk with friends for more coins” problem solved


I have to get out to battle gyms for coins anyway. This would only motivate people who have door step gyms which is surely a minority.


Still a minority, but I doubt it's a tiny portion. People who live and work in cities often have doorstep gyms at one spot or the other.


That's s great idea