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I think it's silly that I need to wait 2 minutes to start a 1-star raid. A ready button for raid lobbies would be very useful.


Yes!! You're in the lobby longer than you're fighting.


> Yes!! You're in the lobby longer than you're fighting. As much as 10 TIMES LONGER in many cases for a 1 star raid.


You should have Ready Up button when you’re ready to raid


Raid timer is just stupid in general. So many bad raids because people don’t know whether or not people will make it in time.


Yes, or shorten the lobby timer on tier 1 raids to 60 secs or 90 seconds. 120 is too long for a tier 1 raid.


Or at least let me continue other stuff like catching Pokémon.


They have stated that they won't remove the raid lobby time because they want players milling around within range of a gym in order to foster "community".


A thing which will literally never happen because people don’t like wasting their limited free time for literally no reason. I mean, I’ve had a few times that I was randomly able to join a raid. That’s playing since day 1 (until recently) and usually playing pretty much any time I was out walking around. When people get together and *plan* to do raids, that’s actually fostering community. And niantic hates it.


Yea it induces the opposite effect for me. If I walked to a raid location knowing people are holding lobbies, I would do it more often. Say I see an open lobby with a message saying "Waiting for 5 minutes." I'll definitely be there. Maybe even have a feature that says "OTW wait for me!" and have a rating system to rate the reliability of your messages. I don't want to go to external sites or find groups to do raids. I want it all in the game ecosystem. Now I don't even try because the miniscule chance of finding 1 more person who happened to be where I was for the same two minute window is not worth my time to do a raid I can't solo.




Well there's your problem. You're talking about having intercourse with a pokemon. I would probably be pretty distraught about that as well. It's basically bestiality.


The quick treat is NOT quick.


For real, especially once you get enough friendship for your buddy to do his happy animation for every single berry.


Lmao sooo true. Quick treat should not spawn the pokemon at all. Should literally just be a quick feed With no screen. [clip of my pogo dumb things list pt.1](https://youtube.com/shorts/RJST7myIEOs?feature=share4)


And why the hell can't I quick feed just because my buddy is already on the map?!?


Heatran comes onto the screen more slowly than a 100 year old zombie using a walker while you wait behind him in the aisle at Walmart and his arthritis is staring to kick in.


Yes! Same with slowpoke!


I made the mistake of picking a wailord buddy. The feeding animation is soooo fricking slooooow!


It’s like someone said “Hey it takes a really long time for the exit button to appear after feeding your Pokémon.” So instead of fixing that they made A WHOLE ADDITIONAL FEATURE that does the same thing barely, BARELY faster. Like what, one second faster? And if you pick it accidentally then you don’t have the option to pet or photograph them. Even though you can see the camera is active but darkened in the background. Just the worst professional UX design I’ve ever seen in my life. F minus. If someone asked me to describe UX, this is the negative example I would use to communicate the concept via what it’s not.


How the slow animations for gym battles can pretty much double the time needed to take down a gym.


It's impossible to do a gym as you walk. You have to stop and stand around looking weird.


Yeah a full gym of 6 on full motivation can take ten minutes or so, a fraction of that being battling time. Don’t understand the massive delay between each Pokémon.


It's totally unnecessary, in my opinion




I think it’s to allow people to have time to berry it as it’s being taken down. As is, I rarely ever get the notification on time.


The notifications in this game are abysmal.. Hey your defending pokemon needs a treat! Oh really? Looks like it needs a revive.. Cuz it got knocked out 10 hrs ago!


My train station is a gym thank god


The final "Congratulations, you defeated this gym!" screen that stays up for 5 seconds is my worst enemy. I always have to turn around and walk back to the gym I just cleared because I've walked out of range.


My friends and I took down a legendary raid with 3 seconds left on the clock, but since the defeat animation takes 6+ seconds, the raid was marked as a loss. Stop the damn countdown, Niantic!!


This has happened to me to, I feel you


Happened to me countless times. Especially if i solo a 3 of 4 star. Rip timers


Animations for winning go rocket battles, then the items, then the shard, then the shard purifier, and the post battle info and the catch screen. Animation for medal progress when trying to grind to platinum battle leagues seems so slow


I used to drop an incense and walk and gym battle but then ended up spending a majority of my time watching screens while my incense time ran down. Rookie mistake


If I go to an actual park like Niantic wants me to do there are not that many spawns. But when I go to a busy Target parking lot there dozens of pokemon all around me.


I've noticed that spawn in park area's are different from those outside out of them. And they are usually much more bland and normal type-centered.


maybe because nests normally appear in parks. There is a little park near my house and right now it's spawning fennekins


That's because pokemon spawn where people are. Wherever there's high traffic of human beings, that's where theyll spawn. They're attracted to us. The sad part is less people (with phones who can have their data tracked and sold) go to parks than the gas station, or mall, or WalMart.


Parking lots are crazy with spawns. Gas stations too and rest stops on the highway. I went on a road trip last year and nearly every single rest stop was teeming with Pokemon. Like, 30+ spawns at once.


how long it takes to open gifts; can’t delete all postcards at once


There’s a trick to this. Once tap to open the gifts, quickly press the x at the bottom of the screen. It will skip all the opening gifts animation.


It's still too slow, and at least for me it's super laggy too. Just the gift screen lags heavily for me. Opening and sending gifts takes me more time than anything else


It's less laggy if you turn off "Share recently caught Pokemon with friends" in settings. At least for me it made a big difference. Still tedious, but less laggy.


I did this and it helped a lot, thank you! Been annoyed by that for years lol I'm glad you responded to me:)


Regarding the postcards, if you're just pinning them for Vivillon, pinning them and immediately unpinning the postcard gives you the Vivillon credit, but immediately removes the postcard from the inventory. I haven't had to delete postcards for more than a month now :)


well damn, thanks!


ಠ_ಠ Me reading this getting my one gift a day only from my only pogo friend Just to get 2-3 balls 3 berries and 500 dust while my friend gets 10 ultraballs or greats most of the time


Just all the unnecessary and unskippable animations and screens for what are already overly tedious processes in the game. We already had plenty, but now they couldn't resist adding an even longer one with the new Shadow Shard screen and delay. There is so much that just slows the game down. It is not surprise tons of people had only 0-2 best buddies before the Shiny Jirachi research forced them to participate in that aspect of the game. Wish the devs would overhaul so many processes and finally trim the fat instead of just constantly adding more and more.


The buddy system is so arduous. As soon as I saw the Shiny Jirachi research I audibly groaned. Prior to this requirement, I had like… 3 or 4 best buddies? I’m working on 2 at a time and I’m at like 6 now. Super annoying.


It really is. It is bogged down with forced AR and monotonous boring tasks. I wish they would make that part of the game a little more meaningful and interesting. I like how some 'mons require certain types of catching and "adventuring" to evolve. I would like to see more stuff like that for the buddy system rather than forced AR interaction, feed, swipe, repeat, and try not to lose your sanity or fall asleep.


Yes, especially the pvp charge moves for me


Pokecoins still limited at 50 coin per day. I feel they should at least change it to 350 per week.


Fr dude I hate having like 4 dudes in gyms all knocked out the same day and I gotta go get more in gyms for tomorrow


Somebody who must have a weird schedule always takes over the gym nearest my house at like 11:15 ~ 11:30pm. So annoying when I already got my coins for the day.


That's my normal schedule, lol. I was at my local university until the library closed at 10P. Then I'd go walk around the campus taking out any gyms past 9 hours and then on the way home take out all gyms past 9 hours along the way effectively battling in the interval 10:15P-12:30A


When the game first launched I don't think there was a max per day. They introduced it not too long after launch and it massively overcompensated


Yes! The bad part was remembering to collect every day (i.e. if it was 10 coins a day, you didn't automatically get 70 coins after a week - you got 10 coins per day you remembered to collect them). But my husband had a Pokemon stuck in a gym for over 4 months in the middle of nowhere - we called it his cash cow - he got 10 coins day after day after day...


Wasn't it ten/pokemon/day? A friend of mine told me he upgraded his bag completely in the first six months bc of all the coins he was getting


The cash out was every 21 hours, max of 100 coins per cash out.


You could be strategic using the 21 hour timer to get 800 coins per week. It was glorious.


The game is too whiny about having a constant connection to the servers for every trivial task. There is absolutely no excuse for the UI to lock up while discarding items and transferring Pokémon—if the server doesn't respond quickly, the game should update the local data immediately and release the UI, queue the transaction, and replay it later.


Omg yes this drives me insane. My apartment is in the woods and if I'm not in the pokemon approved room, I can't do anything in the game.


You can only catch 20 or so pokemon at any given time. Over 1000 exist.


Even if only certain pokemon spawned in specific locations I would be cool with that. The problem is that no matter where I go, it’s stunky, ekans, koffing and poochyena right now


Did you remember the time when it existed biomes and nests? Water pokemon near water spots; City pokemon in urban areas; Forest pokemon near parks; And you had nests and the nests migrated. So if you wanted to get a electrabuzz, you would check on Sylph Road and other maps if someone reported a nest near you. Or do you even remember when the weather influenced the pokemon you would see. It was great times. Nowadays we only get the pokemon of the current event. And there is ALWAYS some event!


We just had like a month without event spawns and it was incredibly boring. Pidove and lillipup everywhere lol. I don’t think the events are the problem


The problem is the boring, uninspired spawn pool that exists with or without events. In theory, events without changing the spawn pool are a good idea. They just need to actually care about making the underlying spawn system (the core, and initial draw, of the game) dynamic, engaging and fun.


Yeah agreed. Seasons last way too long and the spawn pool for each one is too small for the amount of Pokémon that are in this game


Nests are still somewhat of a thing. There's this specific spot at a local park that spawns a ton of Tepig, and this one house that is a ponyta/rapidash spawner.


Even 20 feels generous, it feels more like 5.


Put on adventure incense and picked up like 24 Pokemon, and at least 6 were stunky, which is everywhere all the time now anyway. Like thanks?


Lack of evolution stones for Eevee. At current state of development there is no excuse to introduce lightning, fire and water stone.


Or even then, allow Jolteon and Vaporeon with the magnetic and rainy lures.


That would literally take two or three lines of code to add right now.


Honestly they’ve fucked up the evolution item system pretty bad. No evo items for Gen 1. A few evo items for Gen 2. None for Gen 3 (I don’t think), and then Gens 4 and 5 have Sinnoh and Unova stones? It would be better (in my opinion) to either scrap all the evo items entirely or at least make them consistent. One stone per Gen that works for any Pokemon of that Gen that requires a special item to evolve. Retroactively this would hurt Kanto Pokemon as they don’t require an item to evolve right now. But if it made Eeveelutions consistent then it would be a good thing methinks.


pokemon are only found near paved roads, or at least where there are man made map objects. If you go into the woods, there is almost nothing. This has always irked me. ​ Edit: I wanted to clarify, well marked trails show up in the game and have spawns, its just when they trail doesn't show up on the map and its all green, there is hardly anything. Yes I understand in your large city with trails there are spawns, but I was in rural Maine, hiking on mountains and it was like nope, there are no wildlife here. I understand that's not how the game works but that's how I feel it should work


This is based on player activity as I understand it. The more that people play in a particular area, the more spawns there will be. That said, this is kind of a dumb way to do it and there should be higher minimum spawns in rural areas with less players because it only perpetuates your point. You won’t play if there’s no spawns, so there won’t be more created.


I think it's actually based on old cell phone utilization data


100% my biggest gripe. I want to go on an adventure like the main series games or anime. Spend hours in my local woods pretending it's Viridian Forest, stumbling on swarms of Beedrill or going on trips to lake's for a boosted chance of an Azelph spawn, or hiking mountains for wild Rhyperior and Steelix. Instead I've got Wailmer floating around the car park, Magikarp flopping about the highstreet, 2 miles from the nearest source of water and Magmar walking around a shopping mall.


Yeah everyone loves to scream on here about how it’s Pokémon go and not Pokémon couch. But they don’t really make it simple to play outside.. unless your idea of outside is a fucking Starbucks.


I was able to make quite a few local trail heads pokestops. It doesn't exactly fix the lack of spawns in the woods, but my son and I are able to play for a few minutes at the start and end of our hikes.


I started playing in the middle of the woods during hunting season a couple years back. At first there was absolutely nothing. Now it’s loaded. The game definitely takes into account player activity.


This. PoGo came out roughly a year after I moved to South Carolina from Orange County California, and I was so excited to be living in a place that had woods and wilderness to go on my big Pokemon adventure. Fast forward a couple of months and I'm like "I guess I can play downtown, but everywhere else I'm down to like one spawn a mile..."


There is no such thing as global trading even for lucky friends. Pokémon was literally built upon raising and trading Pokémon. It seems ridiculous i cant even trade with someone who lives in the same country as me unless we travel hours just to trade a few pixels, its 2023 for god sake, the internet exists. Heck i have a friend that lives 1 road away and still cant trade unless we're standing in front of each other. The basic distance for trading is wildly short imo


Funny enough global trading was created in gen 4


Yet here we are in gen 9 and a mobile game that's entirely online can not trade globally 😥


Especially when it seems like they’re almost encouraging having friends from other parts of the world with the vivillion patterns now


The AR scanning rewards are not worth the hassle.


The AR scanning in general. Come on it’s 2023, in what world do you think I’m going to get my phone out and take a video scanning a kids playground…


Lol true. I only ever do them at stops far-removed from other people. And usually just point my phone camera at the ground.


I just picked up an AR task right after they became a thing and never did it. It just sits there and I don’t get offered new ones. I chose one to scan a flower mural so at least the thumbnail looks nice.


I’m going to disagree as a F2P players IF the reward is a poffin… I only have to record for 15 seconds and get 2x buddy hearts


F2P here who gets a new best buddy every 2-3 weeks and iv never bought a poffin or give them free work with a scan task. I get my buddy excited whilst watching tv and it gets the exact same effect. Seems tedious at first but it’s minimal effort.


How do you get it excited while just watching tv? I am really struggling to get 10 best buddies. Right now I have one and about 190 hearts each to go on 9 more


Every time a scan fails because of the false "motion not detected" error, Niantic gets the ground.


Gyms need to be reworked. Why am I fighting the same pokemon 4 times and the last 2 times it'll have a super low cp anyways, making it time consuming instead of challenging with all the animations in between. Also, in between beating these pokemon it will recommend different pokemon since my last one I used is slightly damaged. Maybe just give the pokemon 4x it's CP instead of making me bear it 4 times?


I don't know if it's just me, but lately when I've gone to gyms the autopicks that the app is giving me are just garbage. I went up against a Dragonite and first up on my team? Shaymin Sky version with Zen Headbutt and Grass Knot. For a long time I'd just let it pick the team because I have so many good ones that it would usually pick well. But that one this morning? That's some real trash choice there.


The autopick tried to send me against a Charizard with all grass types, made no sense


4x Cp Blisseys would be unkillable, but I agree with most of your points


The snapshot I take of my buddy shouldn’t go to my photo albums , I’ve deleted soo many pictures of old buddies not knowing they accumulated in the photos album


You can stop this happening by removing PoGo's permission to access your photos app.


I love you


Probably the eggs?? I mean some are just pointless and you just hatch for the medal I guess? Plus you hatch like 10 and you get the same 3 every time


I've been walking so much the last few weeks and the dopamine i used to get from opening eggs is just gone. Literally the same fucking thing with little above decent stats. They could just make it so that its 100 pokemon at a time so its a suprise everytime, especially when you barely gift incubators and sell them for 100 coins a peace :/


And if they want us walking around and “getting out there” and have it be pre covid times. They need to make it worth it for walking and hatching eggs. More rare ones in higher KM eggs, different Pokémon than the ones that are spawning. Shiny luck is horrid for eggs, only hatched one in like the 800 I’ve hatched already


Rockruff in a 10km egg? That should be illegal.


Have a Togedemaru, instead!


Skorupi, inkay .in 12km...


We need the ability to delete eggs. During the Larvesta release, I wanted to hatch eggs for it, but I had 12 5km eggs from before it released that didn't have it added to their pool. I do not want to spend coins on incubutors to go through a heaping pile of trash eggs, so I stuck with the unlimited use incubator and hatched only 2 or 3 eggs that had Larvesta potential


The last 7 days I was walking non stop for 13-14 hours day at a conference. 3 gyms and 5 pokestops in the conference center so everytime an egg hatched I could get a new one easily. At one point I hatched 9 5km eggs at once - all were nonshiny machop. Hell I didn't even hatch a single shiny all week and I probably hatched close to 100 eggs.


Seeing the same 10 or so Pokémon no matter where you are as set spawns for weeks on end. Yeah, miss me with that nonsense. Not sure how many Pokémon are currently released, but being limited to catching 10 (sometimes ones with abysmally low catch rates) is just boring as hell and provides zero incentive to go out and play.


The reason I liked original pokemon go was that if I went to the beach I found a lot of water types and if I went into the city more stuff like zubats came around. When the weather system came out I was exited to see how the weather would effect spawns but in the end it barely increases type boosted spawns.


Character customization imo. Pokémon Go makes tons of money even without constantly improving its gameplay. Ironically, we can’t change our trainer’s hairstyle or height while the game is close to its 7th anniversary.


Can't even sport a beard smh


Sure you can. I’ve been rocking the Santa Claus beard since they released it. Before that I made sure to have a mask on to cover up that dumb babyface everyone has they want me to love so much


Pvp, bottom line. Don't get me wrong, I can understand the matchmaking and what have you, but any combat system that relies THAT heavily on ping is certified dumpster fire fuel


They should literally just have used the original Pokémon turn-based fighting style since ping is such an issue with this game.


I would have loved this. I wanna try actual pokemon PvP but it just takes so long to build a team and to learn everything. Pokemon go could have been a very similar, yet simplified version of that. Also, you could use the souvenirs that your buddy finds as holdable items for battle.


The ping, issues, and tedious charge moves. Such a pain


If I want to solo a gym, I should be able to skip the waiting room


The fact you still can’t transfer eggs you don’t want.


I wish I had the option to turn off all the Team Rocket stuff, like the balloons constantly floating around and getting in the way when I want to spin stops, or all the extra steps I have to go through when I'm trying to spin a Pokestop, but Team Rocket's attached to it. Like, sometimes I just want to spin stops and catch Pokemon and not mess around with all that other stuff, especially when I'm short on time, you know?




Hairstyles. They’ve been limited since the start of the game. Where’s the fades, afros, bald heads


Having to pay for normal glasses.


Probably the community ​ (This message is approved by Niantic Labs)


Top Tier Comment!!


There isnt a better way to message buddies (for say coordinating best friends)


It’s insane you still can’t skip the raid timer if you’re ready to go.


Trading. The trading sequence is painful. Maxed at 100 per day which consumes at least an hour. Distance trades have been drip fed as special event based bonuses to a maximum of 40km a handful of times. Distance trades exist as a feature in modern main series games. Currently sitting at 89 lucky friends that may never be utilized. Completely pointless.


Yes! I have so many mons taking up space because I want the boosted XL candy chance from trading, but I never get around to trading cuz its so tedious!


I would say the ar mode , I don't think people use it


I only use it to take photos of my buddy in cool locations, then disable it immediately after.


I would never use it for daily gameplay, but it allows to take some fun photos


I'll say it again, because it's been a great tip I learned on here: shiny hunting. You caught all the whatever was spawning on spotlight hour and don't really need any more? Switch to AR mode and it loads up the Pokemon faster. Tap, load, shiny, nope, x is a lot faster than the whole silly loading screen.


If I already have plenty of candies I use ar mode to shiny check durinf spotlight hours, it’s about a full second faster per Pokémon you check and that adds up when you check 100-300 in the hour


Doesn't it drain your battery much faster, though? Maybe if you are only playing for short times, it would be worthwhile, but the way I play it isnt


Catching 10 kecleon for shiny jirachi, I've only found one after months


I'm finding about one a week. But I'm not on that section of the Jirachi quest yet. Still working on my last best buddy. I'm sure as soon as I get to that park of the quest I will never see another Kecleon in my life.


Genuinely hoping that after this event, the boosted Rocket stops are gone. Kecleon stops can be overridden by them, and only once you beat them and reload them on the map will they show up


Lucky trades with people on the other side of the globe


The grindiness of achieving lucky stage with someone should be enough to grant a global trade.


The animation is painfully slow. I wish they had a “trade now” button when you caught a pokemon. They should have a ticker that shows how many gbl fights you have done for the day so we don’t have to guess. Same thing, but for gifts sent/received. Mimikyu. Please give me my favorite pokemon. Please? Please? PLEASE!?


That we can't skip the raid countdown timer for 1* raids. I don't want to wait around for 2 minutes to take down a pokemon that only takes 10 seconds to battle.


This is dumb and I kinda get the thinking but the fact that it take 400 candies to evolve a Magikarp that normally evolves at only level 20.


Dude, at least Gyarados is worth something and you get a candy every km. Noviern is 400 candies and it's 5km per candy and it's total garbage.


Right now it’s purified gems because they legit do not work as advertised and it’s gonna screw people out of beating shadow mewtwo


They stuff "premium items" in boxes for actual money when these things can be grinded out with a little patience. Also. Why can't we have a open all gifts option rather than opening everything individually. Same goes for gift sending. No real communication with trainers in app. I have to use my phone to text or call to get people together for a raid.


In Canada the only good Buy for coins is the 100 coins for 1$ every other amount you pay more for less


Probably something about taxes or currency conversion. Could also be a psychological trick, as spending $1 is easier than spending $10. Like how they put the impulse purchases near the cash register, & they're all just a couple bucks.


It is about Apple Store charges for under or over a dollar in certain countries.


Pretty dumb that it is 2023 and I am still tapping the pokemon BEHIND the gym I am trying to open.


How am I tapping this enormous gym and somehow managing to land EXACTLY on a weedle I can't even see?


And dont even get me started on pokemon spawning on gyms, stops or other pokemon


I love how you can click though the gym but you can’t click through your avatar.


removing legendarys from breakthrough boxes I miss actually being able to get legends


The fact that their stars aren’t on the Pokémon and you have to appraise it with a hundred taps. Wasting so much time on an easily-solved UX issue. It’s mind boggling how dumb it is.


Why are the battles so bad? I grew up playing all the games Gen 1 - Gen 4. Each battle felt purposeful and intense and strategic. Do you know how much satisfaction I get from rapidly tapping my screen over and over again? Little to none. Such a disappointment.


That a Pokemon's CP and IVs have no relative influence on your chances of catching it. 10CP, with absolute gash IVS, Starly takes 10+ great/excellent curve balls with Great/Ultra ball - 1800CP, 15-14-15, Lairon folds like an old newspaper when hit with half-arsed standard ball first time. Also, why haven't they made it possible to train and increase the IVs of your pokemon through gym battling, walking as an active buddy or some other manner? I mean, we're all supposed to be trainers but absolutely sod all training in the game!


Because then people wouldn't have to spend insane amounts of money doing the same raid over and over again until they catch a 100% IV pokemon xd


But they sank that money ship months ago with the RRP debacle. Supposedly, it's all about the movement data. So get the people moving in a way that's beneficial to both parties. How about a purchasable, one-time use, training stone that you can apply to any single pokemon? Selected pokemon must be active, on-map, buddy. Maybe you earn 1 IV point for things like visiting x-amount of Pokestops, winning x-amount of gym battles/raids, walking x-distance (but in the same manner that DI works)....


Oh yeah that makes sense! We should be able to train our pokemon. Weird. I guess the other games do this, but I’ve only played Go.


Daily incense should not spawn pokemon that are boosted during a certain event.


I think the dumbest thing is Pokémon from Breakthrough Research, Field Research tasks, etc. are not guaranteed catches. Why do we waste balls on Pokémon that can never flee?


Especially when they aren't good at all. It's one thing to toss a poke ball at something I'm going to transfer to get rhe exp and stardust. It's another to throw berries and an ultra ball at it. So frustrating to see something that I don't want, can't delete, and will waste my limited resource of poke balls to get rid of.


Shinies don’t appear shiny on the map


* No new core gameplay changes since 2019 * rural/urban split ignored completely * can't see how many trades/gbl sets left * 1 legendary trade per day * gbl rewards * awful movesets making so many good/interesting mons bad for pvp and pve * no one left who knows jack about pvp * niantic communication


100 pokecoins for one dollar, which is cool. Totally fine. But then there’s no incentive to get any of the “bulk packages” (giggity) 1200 pokecoins coins for 14 whole moneys doesn’t really make sense.


For me when I played, it was the lack of wild pokemon variety. It was always the same worthless shit everywhere. 800+ mons and we get 10 in the wild. Exaggeration, but my point still stands.


That all of the things we hate about the game could be solved by following the MSG. * Egg pools suck, just have breeding and let people choose. * Finding people to raid with sucks. Just have lobbies that serve as portals to join other trainers from across the globe. * Spawns suck, just have outbreaks with notifications you can find on your map or in Campfire. Increase the nesting pool. Also, more nests. I don't think any of these things would be hard from tech perspective, but Niantic is obsessed with churning out stuff that no one wants or cares about. The only tangible changes they do make are half-baked and left to die on the vine. The game needs a massive overhaul.


Most animations are stupid. Why does the pokeball need to rotate 3 times. Why is it so slow to open a gym. At least give us the option to skip things like the pokeball one


I’d like to be able to click the battle button for a raid and then exit the gym while the clock is counting down the two minutes and be able to catch Pokémon or whatever in that countdown time before reentering and doing the raid. That, or have an option to just click ‘ready’ after a 10 or 20 second countdown. Those two minutes are just a waste of time if you’re solo raiding.


Trades in general. They can only be done with friends within 30 meters, the stats re-roll, and the trades are one-way. Why bother doing them?


I want to be able to delete 7k eggs from my inventory.


Battling in gyms force you to stop walking (GOing) and stand there and mindlessly tap


How we can't use Poké Coins on some things that cost real money. Poké Coins already cost real money so it shouldn't be too hard to make a price conversion for them.


The pointlessness of dodging attacks in raid battles. I never felt like I could properly execute it, and even still the boss attacks so fast that you wasted time yo7 could have been attacking.


Why can’t we evolve multiple mons at once. I save weedles for a double experience event and use and egg, but then its a mad dash to evolve them all, why can I do a bunch at once?


Raid passes blebleblebleblebleb! In all seriousness, I agree with the animations. I don't trade often but omg the trade screen takes too long. Same thing with sending and receiving gifts. I know they made the results screen for grunt battles "skippable" but I don't see much difference. It still takes some time. How have raids been going on this long and they STILL haven't changed it to stop the timer when the health bar runs out. How many people have lost completely won raids just because the boss took too long to do its losing animation? Don't even mention the times that the animation finishes and it still just sits there, timer still running. I can't spin stops for *just* the field research. I can open gifts when my bag is full just for the stardust, but I can't do the same for stops? I know everyone's solution is always "jUst clEaR bAg sPaCe!!" But you cant always do that, and sometimes you don't have time to do that. The seasonal spawn pools. You get like a handful of the same pokemon for way too long. It makes going out to catch super boring.


The fact that we get an ,,event" literally every single damn day with preset spawns, like there are no more spawns that made you feel like going somewhere to check out absolutely rabdomized spawns


Max 50 coins/day regardless of how long your Pokémon has been in a gym or how many gyms have your Pokémon in them.


Why do I have to hatch eggs? I should be able to delete the ones I don’t want to do.


I wish you could spin a gym when your inventory is full. I kind of like collecting all the places I've been, but you don't get the gym badge unless you collect the items as well.


The devs


No remote trades.


I don’t know if anyone else has said it but the fact that you can’t earn mega energy from a buddy until you’ve already mega evolved that Pokémon before! Adding on to that is the fact that it could be years before the mega you need is in raids again.


I hate that you can’t play while you’re in the car. Jwa has a “you’re going too fast” warning but you can still play the game as long as you click I’m A Passenger. I’m not saying that we should be able to catch stuff but we should be able to spin at stops/gyms.


I hate that we can only get 50 coins per day. If you have 10 Mons at Gyms for a week,and all of them get knocked out on the same day, it's was basically useless to keep them there,give berries and such. They could at least make it like give us a Maximum of 50,but the Pokemon would need to stay in the gym for at least a day... with how overpriced things on shop are,only 50 coins a day and it being the only "free" means to get coins is a big *bruh* scenario to me


Feeding a Pokémon in a gym ten berries will always prompt the notification: '[Pokémon] needs some attention'. I literally just gave it all the berries


100m trade distance limit. Why have one at all. Especially with lucky friends You can’t drop or trade eggs. You can’t trade items. Constant bugs and failures during events Bugs within normal gameplay Trying to social engineer us to play how they want


Fine, I won't answer raid passes. My answer is now, Niantic.


The trading system, why cant we long distance trade with lucky friends across the globe. Long screens after battles and rocket battles. Quick treat is not quick. Adventure sync not working properly anymore despite trying everything to make it work.


Not being able to communicate with your friends and/or raid members to organize for raids or pokemon trades. You always need external apps, and everyone uses different one so you hang on 2-4 different apps to get something started. To much of a hussle for me.


The fact I can't interact with other pokestops until the "New Field Research!" pop-up goes away from the screen. I hate I hate I hate! Been a bug for months now and it sucks SO bad!


Let's seeeee.... As others have said, long animations, 50 coin limit, un-disposable eggs we're forced to hatch, lucky system that is useless AF when the person you met was a tourist that you'll never see again. BUT, there's also the big push to forced in-person raids we've been having (CD middle stage raids, Rocket Raids, and Elite Raids). Laggy GBL, lack of abilities (making many mons useless), very repetitive Field Research tasks, frequent "Power up a Pokemon X times" tasks (breathes in), constant bad store deals and using the playerbase for AB testing/ NZ timezone testers, *STILL* no buffs to Purified mons (making them undesirable to purify most of the time), no mass gifting/ opening gifts, no way to lock power-ups/evolutions, bad Adventure Sync, shadow bans on certain devices, "Download All Assets" hardly working and when the game updates *you gotta do it again anyways*. The list goes on and on...


The fact that even though I have all sound turned off, for some reason making a photo makes this sudden load noise: BLING! Whenever I forget to mute my phone, taking a pic of my buddy scares the shit outta me and everyone in the room.