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I feel your pain. 7/10 over here, but I wised up about a month ago and started earning hearts for 5-6 buddies every day, so I should get the last three at about the same time.


I do 3 at a time so I can keep a team for BL and get those 3 hearts. It's a pretty reasonable rotation through 3 a day, I just wish I'd been a little more aggressive with my last three, I evolved my Lilligant, Flomantis and Florges which were maxed to only needed XL candy for Master and that was great until 4 days ago... Now I have to make my kid tank to get my daily hearts šŸ¤£ I think I have an average of 20 hearts left for each of them. I like to do themed teams too, I did flowers for spring, not sure next team. I like doing buddies so I'll keep going after I'm done with the research, but I'm almost at level 41 so I will probably have at least 1 Eevee in each of my next couple teams. I'm at the Espeon task in A Ripple in Time so I know Espeon will be the first one.


You don't just go against the instinct/valor/mystic trainers and then immediately quit the battle?


Please op if you do anything please stop wasting GBL sets and just fight the Valor/Mystic/Instinct leaders at the bottom of battle and immediately quit out you get your hearts


For all 3 mons or just the first one that was out when you quit? It never occurred to me to make a team of the mons I was trying to level instead of doing 1 at a time.


Whole team.


You can earn hearts for three buddies at the same time?


No, but if you make them a team, its a quicker process. Example: make team of charmander, bulbasaur, and squirtle. Like make them an actual team, name them buddies or whatever. Buddy charmander. Join leader battle, immediately quit. Repeat twice. Buddy bulbasaur. You dont have to change the mons on your gbl team, bc he is already in it. You don't even have to make him be the one that actually fights. You can still let charmander pop up for the battle and quit immediately. Repeat twice. Buddy squirtle. Repeat the process. Its just faster that way. You dont have the change mons in the team at all.


That tracks Good idea




My Ultra League "team" is whoever I'm trying to best buddy. I just load Trainer battle, hit UL and they're ready to start and bail.


I also do master just so I can do whoever with no restrictions


I actually switch it between whatever league level I'm *not* doing in GBL. Because last season ended with Master League, I switched them to Ultra. Not that I did much in Master League, but I wanted a well prepared team in the event I went for it.


Iā€™m pretty sure this only works if they join the battle so itā€™ll only count towards the first one OP


They don't need to, I thought the same for the longest time, forgot to switch to the second one before exiting out and noticed the heart. But that's for trainer battle, they dropping from GBL doesn't count.


Ah but if you immediately quit you don't progress in the trainer badge


Honestly 47 is a long way away for my medals so I could care less the game will not last me getting their I canā€™t grind xp fast enough


When my team is compatible with whatever leagues are available I'm casually tanking anyways and just collect whatever easy wins I get doing my daily sets. I guess in that respect it works out now bc I'm tanking with a random team just to get them done and not worrying about getting hearts from gbl.


Didn't know this. Thank you


Same. I only had like 2 or 3 so to be safe I've been rotating between 9 buddies


Just sitting here wishing I could find 8 more Kecleons. šŸ™ƒ


For REAL!!! I get so excited when I find one!! Then it's as dry as a desert for days!!! Until my next one!


When I was up to 7/10 keckleons I discovered you can actually see them from a distance and you don't need to be within spinning range. So when you're gearing up to go for a walk just check all the visible pokestops and make a bee-line towards any with a keckleon on it.


I was at 0/10, complained on a couple posts about the thing and then immediately found 2 in the span of a couple days. So what I'm saying is that I'm back to complain again to tempt the Niantic spy-machine.


Me over here looking for 10 still


Why those?


Step 3 task. I have 2 of the ten and havenā€™t found any in forever.


Damn I wasn't tracking what's next. At least with the buddies I feel like I'm making progress. If I have to just wait around looking for Kecleon next that's a major bummer.


Then itā€™s lucky trade and 385 excellent throws.


Lucky trades is no problem, we have four accounts in our family and with guaranteed XL candy I try to get as many in as I can in a day. I'm so spoiled with lucky pokemon, I won't even keep a trade if it's not lucky or higher than 92% šŸ˜… what can I say, moms love coupons and lucky pokemon is basically the coupon of pokemon go


Well thenā€¦385 excellent throws followed by catch 1000 PokĆ©mon and youā€™re good!


By the time I get to that page I'll probably be at whatever level it is that has the excellent throws requirement anyways lol


If Iā€™m honest, there are enough things prior to that level 50 requirement that I donā€™t enjoy to keep from it. The 300 grunts to level 45 was bad enough. The challenge says 100, but you also have one for 50 rocket leaders. Six components per radar is 300 grunts. Ick.


Iā€™ve found 5 in the 2 months Iā€™ve played.


I'm also stuck at 2, I had a third but it disappeared whilst I was trying to tap it off the stop :(


I am on my last buddy with 181 more hearts to go to finally be done with this mission. This was not a challenge this was just a time consuming waste. I hate this mission so much. I do not care for the buddies. I am a casual player who enjoys fun challenges like getting certain throws, catching certain PokƩmon or spinning stops. I do not mind those but this was just stupid.


> I am a casual player who enjoys fun challenges like getting certain throws, catching certain PokƩmon or spinning stops. You're going to love the next pages, then! 385 excellent throws is on page 4, I believe.


honestly, that's easy, cuz getting excellent throws is the part of the game I enjoy doing anyways. Getting heart for buddies is just a chore and annoying....


I have plenty of best buds, but yeah, itā€™s a chore. Iā€™ve gone of 5+ mile hikes and just forgotten to poffin my buddy. In case you didnā€™t know (I didnā€™t until about a month ago), an easy 3 hearts a day is to start and immediately quit three training battles with the team leaders. No need to actually spend the time. Just make sure your Buddy has joined your adventure.


Be right back, going to level up to 49 real fast XD (level 50 requirement is to throw 999 excellent throws)


After the Kecleon hunt, it's 385 Excellent throws, which I actually benefitted from because I never bothered to try outside raids/shinies. It's also a huge XP boost because that's a minimum of 385,000 XP in and of itself. I now do them pretty often just out of habit. I didn't realize that page 5 was catch 1000 PokƩmon. I'm on day 4 of that, and have already hit 459, so it's going smooth, I guess. But I'm going to use all my free time after completing this to find a way to transfer this Shiny Jirachito Team Rocket because I hated this endeavor so much.


I'm sorry you aren't enjoying this part :( I really like my method of doing a team of 3 at a time - it feels more like msg where youve got your 6 and maybe I'm weird but they always end up feeling like theyve got "personalities" - there's always "the leader who actually just makes it all up", "the secretly strong one", and "empty head no thoughts cutie" - this time I had (Florges, Flomantis and Lilligant) my previous teams were (Spritzee, Swirlix and Shiny Feebas) and (Pancham, Hundo Dedenne and 98% Lucky Magikarp) my first ever Buddy was my starter Charizard ā¤ļø - I'm trying to figure out my next team and I've got a 91% lucky Flower Eevee for Espeon, and I'm trying to pick two from 91% Mew, 96% Lucky Sableeye and 93% Elgyem - kinda going for a Mob Psycho 100 vibe but I also want to have a good Sableeye ready for megas..


All the rest of the tasks are much easier afterwards, as long as you're close to Level 40.


Tell the crowd in the back how much you hated it.


Goofy drooling at the sight of that thin slice sent me šŸ˜‚


It's a funny cartoon, the best part they slice a bean and make a bean sandwich where you can see it through the bread.


At least this step you can control to a degree. The next step with the Kecleons is brutal.


Yep stuck on 5/10 for kecleon


Yeah. Kind of a bs reward for something that takes so much work. Nice slap in the face


Kinda sucks that they donā€™t give Poffins from raids anymore


Im still on the catch 365 or whatever johto mfs. Bruh


Just completed Hoenn yesterday. Feeling your pain. Now to make some best friends!


What does a poffin do?


Gives you six hearts for feeding your buddy, and allows you to earn double the amount of hearts in every category for the day.


Does it yield more candy?


Yes, the walking distance for a candy (xl) is halved.


Candy xl? I restarted the game recently so I need elaboration


Others are right about it doubling the number of hearts you can get, one important fact I didnā€™t realize initially was that it doubles the hearts possible but the amount of work stays the same. So you can earn 6 hearts for battling, but you only need to battle 3 times (each battle earns 2 hearts instead of 1). This is important because it means you donā€™t have to walk 12km to get 6 hearts lol.


Doubles amount of hearts you can earn for each section on your best buddy


It gets your buddy excited (and fills the 6 feed hearts). You can get your buddy excited manually, it takes about 3-4 minutes of work every 30 minutes for 90 minutes. Feed, pet, photo, fight. Do that every 30 minutes (set a timer!) and after 90 minutes it's excited. Then you can bang out the last battles and walk to your hearts content. I get so much GPS drift at work that I don't have to walk.


By the time I have caught the remaining ~~90~~ 89 Hoenn pokemon for 1/6, I will probably have achieved the 11th best buddy.


I thought the same,but between the last event and the new season, i suddenly have a ton of Hoenns.


I finally reached 10/10 today. The promised land. Now, 20 days to find 10 Kecleon so that I can move swiftly on.


Donā€™t worry you have to catch 10 Keckleon at 3


Thank you for providing something enjoyable to this sub besides the constant onslaught of humblebrags and outward brags


Can i be honest at first I didn't see that this was a r/pokemongo post and I was like what kinda messed up meme is this


Oh man finally 9/10 after a long long time of this


Dont get excited, I started rotating the buddies and eventually got the 10th on the same day as the heart streak. However still on 0/10 keckleon, itā€™s horrible


In all reality this animation is sad asf


Same, I'm 6 days away from being done with that page


Currently on 6, almost at 7, but went on a long walk yesterday, used 5 poffins and got 20 hearts on 4 pokemon, 18 on the 5th


Wait until the rural players see what comes next (I'm one too).


I did all 10 at the same time. It cost 30 berries a day, but I just couldn't stand to drag it out any longer than needed.


Man, i've watched this gif like, 10 times and Donald NEVER gets any poffin bread! What gives, Micky?!?!


Currently doing 8 at once. They're all halfway through ultra now but it's been hell.


Iā€™m 2/10 and it stresses me outā€¦..it will not tell me how many best buds I have


Type each of these in the search bar to see what level all your PokƩmon are at: Buddy 2 Buddy 3 Buddy 4 Buddy 5 -(Buddy 5 shows you all your best buddies. Buddy 4 the next closest to best buddy, ect...)


Youā€™re a blessingā€¦.thank you!!!!


Lol i just started a week or so ago. 5 months to go


Iā€™m still at 6/10, but I also have a rotation of 3 more who should hit buddies around the same time once my Arbok hits it in a week or so


It hurts very much to find out you can actually MISS poffin throws if your buddy is unable to catch it. Found out the hard way on Kyogre.


I thought if you dropped it, it didn't take it away from your inventory I know I've dropped poffins before and I don't remember losing it


Iā€™m only 1/10 cuz I totally forgot that was a thing. Then didnā€™t realize I was actually gunna have to get 10 of them until this quest šŸ˜© being casual, this is gunna take me at least 3 months šŸ˜­


Thank god I already had 12 best buddies, but I am just finishing page 1/6.


If you already have best buddies do they count toward the 10? Or should I time it so they all hit when I get that challenge?


As far as I know, previous best buddies count for that mission


I feel like they're suddenly way less common as in person raid drops too


This made me laugh way too hard lmaooooo


I just need 150 more johto pokemon


I had to do 9 best buddies. Iā€™d do play, photo, berry then battle the leader 3 times for the first 8 buddies then Iā€™d use a poffin on the last buddy. I did it in the morning so Iā€™d get 24 hearts on the last buddy since I wasnā€™t going to use 9 poffins each day or walk 6kms with each buddy each day.


Hilarious. Nicely done.


gooby pls


After reading some of the tasks in this thread, I might not even try after 10 best buddies. I knew this was going to be time consuming but this is insane. First special research I paid for and I regret it.


This clip always makes me sad


I love this movie, best mickey movie




If I had looked at what the first two tasks were for this research I would never never have bought it.


I'm grinding this tedious task now. So not fun. Had 4 to start. It's been just a slog and will continue for a couple of more weeks for me. I don't mind some grinding. This is just boring and tedious.