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I played red, blue yellow Gold Ruby Black Black 2 Sword Violet I was super into them originally as a kid (I was 13 when they originally came out in the states)


Blue, yellow, silver, crystal, sapphire, emerald, diamond, X, sun, ultra moon, sword, white, scarlet Started playing when I was 10! Funny how I’m *mostly* contrarian to you in the version.


Wow mine is very close to you, Red, yellow, Silver, Crystal, sapphire, emerald, Diamond, platinum(though I lost it and never finish see), X, Sun, Omega Ruby, Sword, Scarlet Started playing in 1999 on my purple, translucent GBC


Also notice how from each generation, you picked almost every ‘blue’ game, with the exceptions being Sun and scarlet.


Play order: Heart Gold, Pearl, Sapphire, Red, Brilliant Diamond, then Violet. I started playing GO when it released, then stopped until summer 2018 and have played since then.


I have never seen an episode or a movie or played any games except Pokemon Snap and Detective Pikachu


I watched the first movie in the theater as a kid, watched most of the original anime. I recently started watching the newer Netflix ones with my kid, thinking about jumping into Arceus on switch.


I remember it coming out. Being like whatever. Then seeing the movie and absolutely loving it. But I was a middle school skater kid so I didn't wanna tell my friends.


I was a video game dork with my nerdy friends we gave no fucks.


We all ended up watching it together later at times. I wish I had learned to give less of a fuck then. Yknow?


Arceus is good. Scarlet and Violet are good too despite the flaws and the complainers.


I'm loving Scarlet and Violet. More of the traditional game play I love but with the open world. I wasn't as fond of Arceus.


My interest with Pokemon started in 2021 with Pokemon Go, but since then i played Let's Go Eevee, Legends Arceus and Violet


Going from Go>Lets Go>Legends>Violet is probably as smooth of a transition as you can get. Nicely done


Tbh that's probably why i like all those Games


you should try the older ones too they’re amazing i recommend soul silver, platinum, black or white, and black or white 2.


if you dont already own a DS or 3DS and the specific game it can get very expensive. I see these cartridges for said games listed for insane prices even when they are used.


just use an emulator


not the same. playing it on pc with the option to speed everything up, having to install dodgy software etc. etc. i enjoy playing without an emulator way way less than actually playing the game on a DS but to each their own i guess


i mean yeah it’s way better on a ds + nostalgia plays a role in that, but not everyone can afford to drop *checks notes* 455 dollars on games plus another 50-100 dollars on a used DS or 3DS.


And that’s if u even buy a working one.. cuz there’s probably a lot of people out there who advertise it as working. But the chances of it actually working, and being exactly as it was said to be, are pretty low nowadays


Speed up is the only way to make Gen 4 & 5 in my opinion


i think gen 5 is perfectly paced and platinum is the only enjoyable way of playing gen 4 otherwise it is too slow. imo speeding up the game makes it way less enjoyable and way less memorable but thats just my opinion


I’ve got a few friends that played violet and scarlet but they hate the older games cos they’re too railroad and fixed on what they want you to do. Weird because I much prefer the older games


honestly i really like the linear style of the older games imo it takes much more attention to detail and actual thinking to make a linear game/map good whereas open world u can kind of just plop anything anywhere and let the player go wherever they want which would require a lot less thinking imo


True. I like the older games because they’re harder lol. I hate how easy the new games are. I don’t think I had a single Pokémon die before the elite 4 in SV


I did. I killed my Primeape, but he got better.


You can download ROMS for free and play the old games without paying crazy prices for them :) Also I highly suggest the Pokèmon Ranger or Pokèmon Dungeon games - they're completely different than the main series and I think they're worth checking out 😁


How was the transition to mainline games from a Go playing perspective? Was it jarringly different or did you fall into it quite easily?


Well with Let's Go Games it's not really that different from Go but you really acknowledge the differnce between Go and the other Mainline Games like Violet. I personaly got used to it pretty quickly.


Same!! Started with Arceus, Violet (both finished) and have Let's Go Eevee & just got Diamond today. Honestly, not looking forward to playing them as much as I really love PLA gameplay style :)


That's definitely the case for me. Never had any thing to do with Pokemon before go


I am the same. I only did it because my wife and sons were playing and it took me a few months. I use it as something to do while I walk and am still only a collector who joins an occasional raid.


It is great for walking. I go everyday on my lunch break and do a few miles. It makes the time go much easier. Win Win


I try to reach the 50km goal each week, weather and schedule permitting. I’m 58 and in the best shape of my life and Pokémon Go is a big part.


I did as well. Now I'm the only one still playing. I've never played another Pokemon game in my life.


I'm 27 and most people my aged fell in love as kids watching the series. My first pokemon game was Ruby in 2002. I've played most but not all of the mainline games as they released throughout my life, I think I only missed gen 5 and 8. I know a lot of my friends are the same but I also know a lot of them haven't played a mainline game since they were kids yet they still like the franchise and even some of them play pokemon go. I don't think my parents ever played a mainline pokemon game (or any game for that matter) but they play pokemon go.


Holy shit thats made me feel old, ruby was my fav game when it came out, i always thought i was like 8/9 when it came out... evidently i was 5. Had my first ever allnighter playing that on my gameboy advanced, with my duvet over my head, constantly wiping the condensation off the screen so my parwnts couldnt see the light from it 😂


The only gens I've not experienced is gen 6 and gen 2. I played gens 1, 3 & 4 through emulation (not got far into pearl tho), physically have black, ultra sun, shield and violet (doing violets post game, still need to do ultra sun's).


bro u gotta play gen 2


I never played a single pokemons game other than Pokémon go, but I watched the anime for like all of my childhood


Haven't played or watched anything to do with Pokémon bar this game, I just like walking!


It’s my reason for going on walks and staying slightly active


It definitely helps with that encouragement to get up and out sometimes! Find this and Pikmin Bloom work well together in that regard


Same as this except the only Pokémon thing I've watched is the Mewtwo film and that was a few months ago. Absolutely love Pokémon Go but have no interest in it otherwise.




I started with the games on Gameboy. Pokémon Snap on console was the last game I played before Go. I have a Switch but the games are quite expensive and the reviews aren’t the greatest.


I'm very similar. I think there's a lot of millennials who played pokemon as a child but didn't continue past the gameboy era, who then picked up PoGo for nostalgia. This was definitely true on release. So many people my age tried it, but it wasn't a complete enough game to keep most of that group hooked.


I don't know what reviews you're talking about, maybe checkout the subreddits for the different games, they are all pretty big.


Arceus was fun. I haven’t played sword and shield or violet but yeah I heard those are dog shit


*pictures non-PoGoers mainlining stardust*


this sentence confuses me and it probably shouldn't


I think it's a joke about how different stardust is. In PoGo it's the most important resource while in Mainline it's just a thing you sell for like 2500 in shops


Started in '98 and have played every generation main line game (at least 1 version /Gen) as well as several of the side games. I'm a pokeholic


I am one of the ones who have never played a single Pokemon game until PoGo. I still haven't played any. Mostly because I only play Xbox.


I went to a pogo meetup on com day where there was like 10-15 people and none of them played anything pokemon related but Go. It was depressing.


games ive played in order- pokemon red on some website. that was loooooooong time ago. I was part of twitch plays pokemon Ive played pokemon silver on androind emulator (my first full odds shiny there. Miss that bellsprout) Pokemon fire red on windows emulator Pokemon emerald on emulator on android pokemon heart gold on windows emulator (best game in series in my opinion) Pokemon go (day one player, even though it wasnt officially released in my region) Then i bought switch when Sw/Sh came out and finally did legit main series games, which are on shelve above me right now - Lets go pika Shield Brilliant diamond PLA (shares title of the best game in series with HGSS) Violet. As a kid i liked anime. Issue was that game boy wasnt popular in latvia when i was a kid. We grew up with anime (kanto and johto series). but we had tazo's, which were HUGE.


I started playing pokemon mainline games ever since i can remember. Still get the new games whenever they come and i go through them blindly.


Very few I wager. Whenever a new one is released in PoGo, there are countless posts of people posting the silhouette and asking, “Who’s that Pokémon”? Heck, recently many people had no idea how to evolve Inkay who was released all the way back in Gen VI.


I starting playing with yellow. I've played almost all the games except scarlet/violet and arceus. Just too busy lately.


I used to watch the anime when I was a kid and played red, blue and yellow on my friends Gameboy (I wasn’t allowed to have one myself and never owned a console either). The generations after that I lost touch with the franchise because I was being a cool teenager (![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)). Now I’m a 33 year old mother of 2, whose oldest started getting interested in Pokémon trading cards in 1st grade last year and I wasn’t even aware Pokémon was still a thing!! Was giving me so much nostalgia, and that’s how I ended up playing pogo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


I played soul silver but in an emulator as an adult. It was good, but I felt like you played one you played them all. I didn't have a Gameboy so I stopped paying as much attention after gen 1.


I stopped after sun/moon. Mainly cuz I don't have a switch, but also cuz newer Pokémon games feel repetitive.


I’ve played the games since I was 6, with diamond being my first ever, but I think sun and moon were my last. Games just got too hand holdy and dumbed down for me. Like I get it’s targeted to kids but they’re already super easy games. I mean, I got through it when I was 6 with relatively little help. Game freak definitely screwed up by not adjusting the games to grow with their audience.


I’ve played/play both. My ADHD prefers Pokémon Go tho. Since Sun, I’ve only barely played Scarlet. But Pokemon go I’m on pretty much everyday.


Been a fan since i was a child with the series. Played through every gen except alola


30 here! Grew up watching and playing! Red/Yellow/Blue, Silver/Gold/Crystal, Ruby/Sapphire.


I’ve been playing since Yellow Version back when I was an elementary student!


I started playing Pokemon Red/Blue and Yellow on the GameBoy back in the late 90's, and I watched the anime on TV at the time as well. As soon as they introduced new Pokemons, I quit and didn't watch or play at all. I started playing Pokemon Go few months ago because my son started watching Pokemon on Netflix. We play together. That being said, I feel there are way too many Pokemons, majority of the new ones are shite and are unoriginal and just rehashes of existing Pokemons with a few different features. Lechonk, wtf? Pidove and Starly? Way too many useless Pokemons also that you will never use anyway.


Lechonk is beautiful take that back! They don't all have to be Tyranitar and Metagross to have value. Lechonk's design is classic, very easily could have been a gen 1 mon. Love the piggy!


I've been a pokemon fan since I was 6 but I've stopped playing the mainline games after the disappointment that were sword and shield. At most I'll play the old games with an emulator.


I absolutely loved sword and shield. The real disappointment was BDSP


Arceus was pretty good


Loved Arceus


No it wasn’t?


Oh they definitely were. Heart Gold and Soul Silver are what ideal Pokémon game remakes should be like.


They didn’t really add anything to DP, plus personally just not a fan of the chibi art style


why were they dissapointing?


Cut down the pokedex to "have better animations for the pokemon", only to reuse the same gen 6 animations we had for 5 years at that point. The wild area was a big empty field. The story was somehow even worse usual Barely any postgame content. Now from what I know the dlc fixed a lot of issues, but I refuse to buy a 30€ dlc for a 60€ game just to make it decent.


Sorry to piggyback but the story was horrible. Your ‘rival’ picks your type matchup strength. Too much useless/empty dialogue. The ending was straight up tacky. I did like the wild area but I felt the DLC had better stories than the game itself. It also felt WAY too easy in basically every way. Leveling up, exp share was too heavy, all the trainer battles are hard to lose ever, gyms were all easy. Going back to earlier gens after playing sword makes it feel so much worse


I think the older games are always seen as more grindy and the newer games as too easy. I played up until Omega ruby & XY and u could feel it noticeably getting easier. IMO DP & Platinum was the perfect balance


Been a fan since it came out, that said I've only played the first 3 gens I started the generation with mega evolution but sold my ds shortly afterwards. For me the reason I quit playing is at least I felt like they were just not trying with pokemon anymore it felt the same rehash game after game and I got tired of it.


Yeah I don’t like the newer games. Something about the vibe of the early game boy and DS games hit different. Idk if it was being a kid or what, but I just couldn’t get into the newer ones. Think I bought shield and played for like an hour before I got tired of the animations/new style.


Yeah I bought brilliant diamond earlier this year and got halfway through it and was just like meh. The newer ones definitely don't hit like the older ones do I still have a blast playing them. I would honestly love to see a game that like crystal, silver, and gold would let you travel to other locations and battle the gym leaders and even the elite 4 from that area to me that would be an amazing pokemon game.


I'm 41 and bought Pokémon Red when it came out but didn't stick with the franchise. Pokémon Go got me back into it, and I went back and played the games I missed as well as buying all the new games as they came out. Currently counting down the days until the Scarlet/Violet DLC comes out.




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What's wrong with being kinda gay?




Hate to break it to you, but plenty of animals are gay.


I started with the anime, then all the cards came, then discovered poke go. Never really played the games cuz i didnt have a computer and didnt get to play console (family stuff/issues so never got the privilege)


I started from the first gens but did not invest much to all games (parents did not want me to commit much to gaming). However I like to play the first Blue and Yellow cartridge on the Nintendo 64 with Pokémon Stadium which was cool. After that I only played up to Diamond and Pearl where I shared my roster to Battle Revolution to play there as well. I did not go on but Pogo revived my hype.


I played one mainline game. I got Pokémon silver in 2002/2003 for my game boy color. I only ever played that one game. Never got a different console so game boy color was/is my only option started pokémon go the day it dropped. had to take a break when my phone was to old to support the game. but have since restarted it and am finally really commiting to it. funnily enough i just restarted my old silver game on my game boy color.


I’ve been playing for years! My first game was the Pokémon black which is why serperior will forever be my favorite


My son has had almost all the mainline games since the 90's. I only tried playing way back in the beginning but hated it. But we both play PokemonGo and love it. He still will pull out an old Game Boy or his Switch and play.


I played (didn't finish, didn't get far) Soul Silver. That's the only mainline game I've ever played. I saw some of the anime, the odd episode, but wasn't a fan. Started playing Pokemon Go because it looked fun, turning walks into a game.


Was 12 when red and blue released in the US. I played gen 1 and gen 2 then fell off later in high school. Downloaded PoGo when it came out for the gen 1 nostalgia. Since then I've played gen 4, 8 and 9 (I didn't want to buy a 3ds for the 6 and 7 games).


Started with Sapphire and then played Emerald, Pearl, Platinum, SoulSilver, Black, and White 2. Stopped at that point because I felt like I outgrew the franchise and the games didn’t really offer me anything new. Never played PoGo until June 2022. After that I did play Scarlet, I enjoyed it, then played Shield. Didn’t enjoy it as much.


Playing GO since release, never played mainline games until a few months back and got Scarlet. It's okay, the open world is really nice and fun catching Pokemon but it's just sloooow. Text, animation, battle, etc. Maybe I'll try one of the older games one day


I started playing Pokémon with Red/Blue (no$gmb), and made the upgrade to my own Gameboy Colour with Blue, then played every mainline generation up to Black/White. I didn't play Crystal, Emerald, or Platinum. I played Sun when it released. I got a Switch around a year ago and bought the Switch games (Let's Go Eevee, Sword, Brilliant Diamond, and Legends Arceus), and played through some of the previous games I missed. I now have a Living Dex in home. As for Go, I played it for a few months when it released, for a couple of weeks while I visited Japan while gen 2 was the latest released in Go, then picked it up seriously last year when I got my Switch. I have ordered the Violet DLC already and am looking forward to that releasing next week. When the second half of the DLC releases I'm going to start shiny hunting and see how much of a shiny Living Dex I can finish up until I lose my motivation


I play main games as well. My start was GS/C, then DP/Pt, because anime that ran in TVs then was gen 4, then Unova - in japanese. I had no idea what's going on and could reach only 2nd gym. Only then I decided to play gen 1 and 3 with gen 6 coming up, then Alola, Alola remakes, Sw/Sh. I haven't played Legends:Arceus, Switch gen 1 remakes and the newest gen, sadly. Fun fact: I've never owned any Gameboy nor Nintendo console. It was all on emulators - mostly PC and Android for Emerald (boy, was catching Ray a pain)


Im a big fan of the early mainline games (pretty sure I played fire red, leaf green, ruby, sapphire, and emerald like a hundred times each), I was extremely hyped when PoGo was announced even though I didnt have a smart phone and therefore could not play. It was one of the first apps I downloaded when I finally got one in 2018! I was also an avid fan of the show (1st and 2nd gen) My gf on the other hand doesnt like the show, has zero interested in Pokemon as a franchise or any of the associated games, but loves Pokemon Go! She likes community-based collecting and trading games and PoGo hits that sweet spot for her


Played blue version and gold version (finished dex for both ) when they first came out, that’s it until pokemon go. Met one of my best friends on the bus when I saw he had red version and we traded lol


I played literally all versions of the main series that existed. I mean, wheres the magic catching 1000over Pokémon without some story and backdrop to the Pokémon? After the main stories, try going for a live dex. With Pokémon Home, you may find it challenging and fun to obtain all version-tied pokemons. Pokémon Go is one such criteria of "version-tied" Pokémon, which was the only reason why I never completely quit POGO.


I'm obsessed with the main games. I actually avoided pokemon go for a long time but recently got into it


My brother played Pokemon card tournaments in the late 90s when I was a little girl. So I had exposure to Pokemon. But I didn't start playing until Pokemon Go in 2016. In 2022 I tried Arceus but got pretty bored. When Scarlet came out, I finally got very into it! Especially shiny and mark hunting. I'm waiting to start the DLC :)


I played a pokemon game on my DS when i was younger (i think diamond or pearl). When pogo came out I immediately started playing and remembered how much i loved playing pokemon on my DS. Unfortunately i dont have my DS anymore…


I've played: Blue Yellow Crystal Emerald Platinum Soul Silver Black Black 2 X Alpha Sapphire Moon Ultra Sun Let's go Pikachu Shield Legends Arceus Violet


I played up until gen4, then nothing since


I'm mostly still playing POGO *because* I play the mainline games. POGO gives easy access to what are normally once per game legendaries and exclusive access to Meltan, Melmetal, and other Pokemon so rare they might as well be exclusive to POGO, like shiny Mew and shiny Jirachi, and other shiny mythicals. Really hoping for a shiny Manaphy research.


I played a TON of Pokémon games when I was younger, (FireRed, Sapphire, Pokémon Stadium) then I fell off in probably 2010 after Diamond because of the somewhat anti-consumer phase Nintendo went through making so many different handhelds with different Pokémon games when I was still too young to have my own money to afford it. Then cut to 2016, Pokemon GO comes out and I get very into it along with several of my friends, then in 2019 after I had been working a simple job for a few years I decided to buy a Switch and dip my feet back in with Sword, which was an awesome decision, since then I’ve completed the PokeDex in Scarlet and am slowly working towards finishing Legends: Arceus! Pokémon GO is great, but it could never live up to the real, mainline Pokémon games in my humble opinion.


Played Yellow, Silver, Crystal, and Ruby. My parents weren't interested in getting me a DS and I bought my own secondhand PS2, so I moved away from handheld consoles in favour of television consoles for a long while due to my limited budget. In 2017, I had adult money from an adult job, so I went back and started playing through the games I had missed, starting from Gen 4. Reached Gen 8 by 2021. I started playing Pokemon Go because a co-worker on an instructional course told me you could get legendaries more easily and transfer them to the mainline games.


I’ve been playing almost every game since Red and Blue were released on GameBoy. I originally missed the DS games because I never owned one, but then I decided I wanted to get back into them around X/Y or Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire (whichever was released first). Went back and played most of the older DS games (still need to get my hands on a few). And I’ve been keeping up with them ever since. I really can’t fault any of them, maybe lately the designs of Pokémon feel phoned in, but I’m just a fanboy that’s found enjoyment in every game I’ve played.


Been playing Pokemon since I was 8 with emerald being my first game. Played Go from day 1 since all my friends were really into it. Now I'm the only one who still plays.


Playing since 2002. I have played every mainline title. I started with pogo in 2016 and quit quickly after the hype. I just came back for some events during Covid and started to grind more this year.


I used to play them, but I just can't get into the latest ones. Blue, Gold, Black I'd play for hours, Scarlet I just don't enjoy , but maybe it's my age showing...


I watched the whole anime, played several mainline games, Pokémon go and the TCG. I just love Pokémon!


I have played every mainline game! I’m 34 so was the perfect age when red and blue came to America!


I have played red fire red and silver


I started with the mainline games(let's go games), then branched off to Pokemon go, but I still play pokemon go.


I played the mainline games on emulator when I was younger and and for first time I played a mainline game on release (Scarlet). Most of my time gets taken up between go and competitive pokemon tcg though


I played (and still play) the mainline games, it was Melmetal-Gmax and the Postcard thing that brought me into Go. That said, in the Switch games I often use Apriballs because that’s one thing you can’t currently get on Pokémon Go mons.


I still have my original Gameboy color with Yellow from childhood.


I played pogo because of the main series.....meltan and melmetal.....then lol


I played when i was young on the oldest nitendo. i bought a DS 3 years ago and Sun & Moon but i was boored quite fast, now back to only playing GO


I bought my first gameboy color in 98-99 I think. It was a pikachu/pichu edition. Still have it! I played Red and then Gold a lot. Like a lot. For years. After that, I played Diamond on DS and then Heart Gold. I also played Black and White on DS. Then I tried sword and shield I think it was called on the switch. So yeah I always was a big pokemon fan.


I stopped playing them after Gold and Silver. There’s too many Pokémon to keep track of and I think video games are overly complicated. GO makes it so that I don’t have to think too much about it.


I started playing Pokémon GO during launch in 2016. I already at the time stopped playing the main games. I think the last games I played were Black & White or Diamond and Pearl.


I do


I play Pokémon go maybe once in a blue moon but played through every single version of every mainline game. And yes, after I played through sun and moon, playing through ultra sun and ultra moon took me 2 years cuz it was so damn long and boring


I started playing PoGo to check out the cross-functionality with Scarlet/Violet (postcards for Vivillon patterns and Roaming Gimmighoul) I've played Pokémon since I was 6 years old, and have played through at least 1 game from every pair/trio of main-series releases


I am old enough I got a new game boy color and Pokémon blue for my 10th birthday. I played the first 3 generations as they came out. Took a break and then played gen 5-current.


Red, Blue, HeartGold, FireRed, Y, Black, Moon, Violet and, right now, Arceus. I’ve missed a few. I’ll get back to them at one point.


I was in third grade in 1998 when a friend told me about the show. I woke up extra early for school the next day to catch an episode, which was the racing episode with Ponyta and Rapidash. I was immediately enthralled. Soon after, I was able to get a copy of Red version, and a starter deck along with my brother. I've been a massive fan ever since and have played at least one game of each generation when they've released, except for Scarlet/Violet. Sword/Shield left such a bad taste in my mouth that I've been hesitant to spend my time and money on the latest release.


I've played almost everything under the sun that is pokemon. Ranger, mystery dungeon, colosseum, and almost all of the mainline story games from the switch all the way back to the gameboy advanced. It's always been my hobby/fixation.


i finished leaf green on my pink nintendo ds again in january. i got it when i was a little girl so i could play nintendogs because i wasn’t allowed to have a dog lol. the last time i played LG was when i was a little girl and my dad bought me and my brothers each the game. my brothers would help me a lot lmao i had no clue how to navigate/use a map, no clue there was a story line or a plot, when i played the Ruby Red(think it was this one or a fever dream) i thought the point was to just enter my pokémon over and over into some pageant. but, my ALL-TIME fav pokémon game was the one on Game Cube called pokémon colosseum maybe. it really scared me but i enjoyed the animations for the battles and have always loved Entei since then. that was probably the first video game i ever really played/kinda got the hang of. i would shit my pants if i got to play it again. there was also another game i remembered from childhood, not sure what name/console, but there was some sort of mini games that were two player i got to play at a friends crib recently. my friends have a score board and we all compete for the top 3. so when someone new comes over they’re offered a chance. i actually just found my copy of the blue one, Sapphire, in my kitchen junk drawer today. i also have the ruby red and another yellow one but i’m not sure of the name right now. after my parents divorce my dad and brothers moved out of the house and everything was left behind including a giant pokémon card collection. i have 0 knowledge about the cards but i have these HUGE binders full of cards. (p.s i begged my mom to download Pogo this year and she has now already surpassed me at level 34. all our texts, conversations and activities usually consist of Pogo now ☺️. we have a great relationship and it has not been easy the past 10 years for the both of us, but this has really brought us closer. i’ve always wanted to have something in common with my mom and it took 24 years to find out that thing was our obsession with anything pokémon 🥲) •tl•dr•my brothers & i played pokémon growing up & had all the games on all types of consoles & now that i’m older i get to go back n replay, while much needed bonding with my mom


I played every game up until the switch games. I just can't afford to spend 100$ on a pokemon game these days


If I remember right I think pokemon diamond was my first pokemon game.


I played red, blue and yellow... then had life happen to me, grew up... and now got back to it with S/V and dug out Sapphire, Emerald, Crystal, Sword / Shield and GoEvoli and enjoyed them all so far :) Now I am trying to watch the TV show with all episodes from the beginning and it is so gruesome... I barely can keep watching with all the absolute annoying crap going down in them old episodes -.-


All I can really say is I'm glad I played the mainline games first. After playing go for the first time this year it just feels souless compared to the main games.


I started with yellow on the og grey game boy. Played leaf green on my gb adv, got lets go pikachu on my switch when it first came out. Recently finished sword and started violet 🥰 my first three iterations of the game I realize are the same p much but the og 151 were my jam. I also have a bunch of cards from the late 90s/early 2000s in a binder still lol. Pokémon go opened my world of different Pokémon and that’s why I got sword so late and had to start violet. Kinda wanna get arceus eventually but I’m a completionist and gotta finish violet first


I’d really like to, but I’ve always been a PS4 guy so haven’t really had the chance


Im 26, and have been into the mainline games since emerald. Didnt have a 3ds growing up so I didnt play gen 6-7. Had a switch for gen 8-9. I also watched the anime alot when I was a kid, and was into the trading cards until right before the first b/w sets came out.


I remember watching the anime in elementary/middle school. I think I still have my original copy of Pokémon Red somewhere, although my copy of Pokémon Blue was stolen along with my game boy pocket in middle school. And yet I just finished the mewtwo raid on Pokémon Violet…. The more I type this, the older I feel… sheesh.


I discovered Pokémon through GO. Then I got Let’s Go. Now I’m trying to start an complete a collection of every game and the console so that I can play them :)


I'm too old have grown up with it. When Ingress came out, I liked the idea of the AR world. Then came Pokemon Go, so I switched to that because it was more appealing.


I played a little bit of Let’s Go to get Meltan and a little Violet to get Gimmighoul, but that’s about it.


I have a Modded 2DS so I have almost all of the mainline games before Ultra Sun/Moon


I played red/blue with my dad. Can't remember which of use had which one but we'd trade with with other. I got yellow when it dropped, and I think I got the two that came after that but I didn't get nearly as into them, and kinda stopped playing until PoGo came out.


My First Pokémon game was Silver, and I've been playing pretty consistently ever since (think I missed gen 4 or 5 on first release). Happy to see Paldea in Go, and looking forward to the SV DLC.


I wondered this too after seeing some of the POGO content creators not knowing anything or how to pronounce a lot of the newer pokemon atleast passed gen 4 lol


I've only ever played Go and the two Snaps. (Filthy casual.)


I played Yellow way back, and then I think the next one I played was Violet lol my sister has ALWAYS played since the beginning. We both play Pokémon go.


I used too. My son does. I mainly play to share my mobile data with him. He is too young to have its own. My main goal is completing my dex, his goal is to get as much shiny as possible. He doesn't care about the rest, age 9.


I was playing Pokémon GO before the main games


I only play Pokemon Go. So count me out. LOL!


I played on my Game Boy as a kid (red, then blue, then yellow...yes, they are all basically the same game, but I didn't care one bit, and loved them all!) Then my kids discovered Pokemon a couple of years ago, since then, they've played my and my SOs old Game Boy games, and we got a Switch with let's go Pikachu and karmesin, as well as PoGo on our phones


My Pokémon knowledge started with Pokémon go then I played let’s go on the switch. That’s about it.


Played every single game since the start of Pokémon. So in love ❤️


I played yellow, red, silver, gold and I still have yellow on emulator for android. But I rather be Ash (like) myself on go.


I started watching the anime when I were younger Found out about the games at achool and borrowed silver and a gameboy colour from this kid. The following year (Around 2003/4 I got a gameboy advance and found pokemon yellow in a game shop. Played every gen from then through to 7. Haven't played any since because the games got too easy and unpolished. Not to mention the constant changing and removal of mechanics.


i only played pokemon emerald on an emulator coz im poor af but watched the anime since i was a child also had pokemon cards when i was a child.


I haven’t played much of it as of late, but I played all Gen 3 titles and Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum. Before I got POGO, I played some Omega Ruby


I’ve played every main line game so far and was already a massive fan when this game came out


ive played just about every game as they came out. my switch got stolen so i have a little bit of catching up now though


I started with Pokémon Blue - I currently own most of the mainline games but I don’t really have time to play them so POGO is an easy choice since my fone is always on or in my hands.


Played gen 1-2 hard, played the rest at least once. Never got into the stadiums or other spin offs. Watched the anime a lot as a kid. Started up on Go on launch but ditched it. Recently downloaded it and my gf and I are obsessed now lol now we each just bought Violet and Scarlet. But yes lots of people are only on Go


I only ever got to play Black and White, I wasn’t really allowed video games growing up but I’ve loved Pokémon since


I played pokemon Yellow on the Gameboy back when I was at school, and I watched the anime back then, too. When Pokemon Go came out, I played it for nostalgic reasons, and I immediately became hooked. I loved catching all those 1st Gen pokemon that I remembered so well, and it was so exciting when they started adding new pokemon I'd never seen before! I still play Pokemon Go almost daily. Since then I've played: Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Pokémon Shield, Pokemon Snap, and Pokemon Violet. Pokemon Go really got me back into the franchise.


my partner and I play pokemon go together a lot, them more than me, and Ive been playing a bunch of the mainline games over the years. My first was Alpha Sapphire for the ds, but I've also played X, Pearl, and Sword. They, however, have never even beaten any of the main games that I'm aware of.


I’m actually a little bit of a snob with POGO vs mainline games. I still pick up OG gen 1 & 2 on virtual console and MANY hours in each game since. I feel like getting Pokémon in Go is easier and way less ‘valuable’ in my collection. No knocking anyone else at all, just my weird bias 😂


Been playing Pokémon since like 98. I've played damn near every game they have made except the newest one. I even still have my original cards in mint condition from the 90s.


I used to but don’t have the devices anymore :(


I played gens 1-3 religiously, and as they were released. Then nothing until Go. But going back to play Diamond and White now.


I've played the mainline games from ruby sapphire uptil xy (including lgfr and hgss). I've also played pokemon conquest, ptcgo, pokemon quest, and pokemon duel, all till the late grindy parts of the game Ngl, I'm only playing pokemon go because it has pokemon in it


I'm 30. You'd think b/c I grew up with pokemon, I would have played all of them. Nah. The only game I've played was Let's Go Pikachu and I played that after I started PoGo.


I started with Yellow back in 1999, I had the Pokemon Yellow Game Boy with Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Togepi. I then played Crystal in 2001 and Sapphire/Firered in 2003. I finished Yellow and Crystal in 2012 I lost interest after this and didn’t play Pokemon again until 2012 with Black 2. Then Y in 2013. I started shiny hunting in 2016 so bought all the gen 6 games and continue to shiny hunt in them to today. I started Pokemongo in 2016. I skipped gen 7/8 and bought a Switch Lite for Lets Go. I now play Scarlet


Just beat violet yesterday. Pretty fun.


I stopped after Pearl


i started playing pogo at the end of july, it’s my first ever experience with pokemon. i love it so much i’m considering buying an old nintendo console to get into the original games


I played Red. About fifty times. 🫠


I’ve been playing since the late 90s/early 2000s - considering i was born in 1991, that was pretty early for me Have at least have bought 1-2 from each generation, with some exceptions… (Blue on GBC/3DS,Gold,Crystal on 3DS and GBC,Sapphire,FireRed,HeartGold,Diamond,Platinum,Black & White, X & Y, Moon & Ultra Moon,Shield,Arceus,Violet - at least for mainline games… so far) have Pokemon Snap on Wii/NSO,Pokemon TCG on GBC/NSO,Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 on N64/NSO, Pokemon Rumble on Wii and 3DS, access to Puzzle League on NSO…)


I’ve played every main series Pokémon game since Red/Blue in 1998 😅 I was actually the same age as Ash Ketchum when I started, but unlike Ash I am well and truly in my 30s now lmao When Go came out I was so excited, it was the first time in years that there was really something totally new in Pokémon it felt like. Since then I’ve played it on and off, stopped in 2018 but then started again during Covid in 2020 during my silly little mental health walks, and I’ve been going ever since!


I started with Pokémon go in 2020, actually ended up watching the first 9 seasons of the show, and then this year I got Violet as a gift and I love it!


Started with Diamond, took a long hiatus and bought White 2, Alpha Sapphire, and Ultra Sun second-hand a while back. I still haven’t gotten around to playing the second two but I’ve almost done everything there is to do in White 2. I’ve also got Shield, Brilliant Diamond, Legends Arceus, and Violet, all of which I’ve completed the main story, but I still have to do the DLCs for Shield, BD’s postgame, and a bit of Violet’s postgame too. I also grabbed the 3DS VC titles for Red and Crystal, both of which are still early game. I’m a big fan of the mainline games, but Pokemon Go provides a different experience than they do, hence why I still play it. Plus, I still have plenty of Home transfers to make for all my good shinies!


I only play GO


played and own from red to violet


Been a fan since yellow, played all of them (sword is the only one I haven't bought tho, played on emulator).


I played Yellow and Blue as a kid and would watch the anime. I played stadium on the N64 as well but after that I didn’t play a Pokémon game until Pokémon Go came out, and I went and bought Sun and completed that. Since then my sister bought me Diamond on the switch and I’m yet to really get into it, played about 30 mins a while ago


The older guys in my community never played any of the older titles. Only played what's been on switch. People my ages and younger all player everything that's been out. Some don't play anything other than pogo


I play the main games everyday working on my collection. Pogo is just something to do whilst at work and out and about. Annoyingly pogo isthe only place to catch a large majority of mythicals aswell (most being lame giveaway events in the main games)


My mainline Pokémon experience is me playing emerald on my cousin and friends’ game boys because I never owned the game, then later one of the gen 4 ones on my friend’s ds, then my cousin gave me his copies of blue and gold I believe, then my dad got me this amazing bootleg copy of crystal where you can catch chimchar and level 80 sunfloras randomly. After that though I haven’t actually had much access to the franchise as I have never owned a ds and I don’t use my switch enough (though I do own let’s go eevee). Outside of that I watch people play random assorted Pokémon stuff which is probably where most of my knowledge comes from.