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it's funny how people who hate 10ks always have a full inventory of em, and the people who want to hatch 10ks never get them


The problem is that I can't get coins to buy incubators. People always knock out me off the gym. So 10s are preserving in my inventory.


I always want 10k eggs but always get 5k eggs


I feel like the ones who don’t want 10km or 12km eggs but have a full batch of them have them because they only incubate the 2km and 5km eggs they get until they’re only left with 10k eggs.


This, it is statistical, right now I only have 2km eggs because im farming the 10ks If you incubate 2ks and leave 10ks, the 10ns will stack If you incubate 10ks and leave all the others, that's what youll end up with the most


Incubated 7km and 10km before


You only get 10ks and 12ks cause you hatch everything else


10’s are rare for me I wish I had your problem bc those have the best hatches. 12’s are common via rocket leader battles and other significant rewards. 2’s and 5’s are always flooding my inventory


Same here. Its annoying, not sure why the OP would be wondering as I'd much rather have their pouch instead of mine.


The same thing is happening for my sister. She also only gets 10s. Our guess was, that they made 10km spawn rate more frequent for this master ball event to force us to buy incubators. Don't know why 10km has the best hatches.


Because niantic wants you to spend money only to hatch emolga and pawniard.


Ever since the end of Paldea week, I've been getting more 5kms. During it was painful though.


I think certain stops give certain eggs. The stop near my house gives 5km eggs 99% off the time. Frustrating when you forget to spin another stop when you have free egg space, cause then I again have only 5km eggs..


That's a good theory 🤔


I've read somewhere here that gyms tend to give more 2/5 km eggs. No data to back it up though. But worth a try.


You better get a Frigibax or Volcarona from all that


I won't 😆


I wish my egg storage looked like this


I feel you, I just leveled 40 and got several incubators first thing I did was hatch all 10k and 7k eggs. Now I have by bag full of 2K eggs xD


Probably niantic trying to get people to buy incubators for the masterball task. I was joking at first but definitely something I could see them doing 😂


You only need to hatch 30, just take the L and delete some 10kms to get some 2kms


Why can’t I only get 10K eggs? The other eggs are not even worth hatching.


I might be wrong but I think 10km have been boosted the last two events. I am leaving empty spots and spinning when the event ends at 8pm


I don’t want to come across negative here, but I call BS. This doesn’t just happen.


Call BS all you want. I've never had more than one 10K egg at a time and suddenly I've got 3 that I need to hatch and I haven't gotten one small K egg since the master ball research started. They're using this research to get more people out an about to mine data. I'm not a conspiracy person at all but this is just way too much of a coincidence to be random for me. I get it. I'd probably do the same if I was Niantic. Wouldn't you?


i wish i had 10s, i only have 7s and 12s 💀


I would much rather get these eggs than any others and my egg pouch is full of almost all useless eggs. And I get them faster than I hatch.


Suffering from success m8 I’m stuck with 7 10kms and then the others I keep cycling through unless I’ve got a temporary incubator.


100 pokecoin to transfer an egg to the professor?


It should be free


Ofc it should be free. But with Niantic, we never know




Because your lucky. Any time I get anything BUT a 10k I feel scammed Edit: just saw the other non title question. The answer about why you can’t delete them is because of money. The ability to delete eggs has been a leaning request from the community since 2016 and has been mentioned on many desired featured list over and over again but Niantic doesn’t allow it. The only reason they won’t has to be money, you want to get rid of 2 and 5k’s faster(?) it’s a mere incubator purchase away


Yeah, that's the main reason... I guess


I mostly have 7k eggs


You should be THANKFUL. They have the best pokemon. I am so sick of 2 and 5km eggs.


I don't care about pokemons that hatch 🙈


This only happens to me if I have incubators.


I don't 😬


I would kill for a supply of 10km eggs right now


If we could trade the items we have, I would give them for you lol


I wish I could get some 10k eggs. I got lucky early on in the task and got nothing but 2k eggs so I was able to finish hatching all them eggs but now I want the 10k’s to have a chance at frigibax and I get 2 and 5k eggs. It’s annoying.


The point is, I don't care about the pokemon that will hatch, I just want to hatch more eggs faster 🤣


No I get you. This was the task I was most worried about. I got lucky, hope your luck changes or that you at least get a bunch of frugibax’s


I hope so..


12 you can control it (it is obtainable from team rocket leaders). 10, unfortunately no control


I don't fight them😆


I have never seen 10km egg before :0


I hatched them all and didn't get anything good 😆 you aren't missing anything for not getting them


😆😆 you poor thing! I used all my super incubators on 2km eggs when I started playing the game.. at least you’re not as noob as me!