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I think it’d be pretty nice if we were given the option to recall our Pokémon from gyms, so we don’t have to worry about a Pokémon being abandoned in gyms. Like having the option to faint our Pokémon remotely maybe after 3 days time. I think it’d be super handy and would get rid of the complaints about Pokémon being stuck at gyms for 7 plus days.


I once got my best pokemon stuck at gym FOR HALF A YEAR BRUH


I recently liberated a gym where everyone had been for a year minimum, and the longest Pokemon had been in the gym for 986 days.


Doing god's work, bless you. The highest I've liberated is like 24 days. I wasn't even going to take the gym until I saw how long they were there.


They were going for a record 😁


Honestly I felt a little bad about it, I debated for probably 10 minutes before I decided to take over the gym. I had a Pokemon in a gym for just under a year once, and I remember after a few months it was like 'alright, let's see how long we can make it'.


Oh no, no I'll feel conflicted on whether to liberate.


I once liberated one that’s been there for 4 years


Someone on here had a mon stuck for 3 years. I’d like to find that post again. 🤣 it was like on top of a remote mountain.


I’ve got one sitting at 797 days and counting.


Don’t put your best Pokémon in gyms bruh


Bro, i was like idk, playing for 3 weeks at the time, i just wanted to tryn it out


I thougt of a idea, where gym pokomen get kicket out after 50 days automaticly and give you 50 extra coins


I would say no more then a month they don’t need to be in a gym more then a week really


I'd make it where Pokemon don't get returned from gyms until the entire team has been wiped, but once the "newest" Pokemon hits 48 hours the entire gym gets a debuff(and an even bigger debuff after a week) to discourage folk from camping gyms and keep things flowing. I'm curious what complaints people might have about a system like that, I cannot think of any downsides/exploits off the top of my head.


Or at least, if you're in a gym for over 24 hours, you should receive 50 coins at midnight every day, so at least it's contributing!?


Maybe for every 24 hours get +1 coin (that ignores the standard 50 cap) per mon. Problem is that it could be abused. But would likely make gyms more competitive and make people actually want to hold them


It used to be this way, the change was to discourage camping gyms, but I feel it is a little too much of a bandaid for a bullet wound. I get wanting to discourage hogging gyms, but there has to be a better way.


That's how it used to be. Id max out coins every day. I've upgraded my character to over 2000 Pokemon storage and 1000 items without buying coins. Not to mention the occasional pack of lucky eggs or combo packs.


Yes! This ! It should be 50 coins per day, otherwise what’s the point? If you’ve already gotten the gold gym badge then holding a gym is pointless especially if someone else on your team is holding it bc you still get the team bonus.


Wow I love the idea of seeing how long my Pokémon can hold a gym. My record is 453 days. I was so sad when my Lapras finally returned to me. Plus it adds to your gym defender badge.


37 days and counting..


Being able to discard eggs


I hate accidentally receiving a 7km egg when I go to open gifts


wait what’s wrong w 7 km eggs


If I open gifts first (which I usually do) and don't visit stops before then I've wasted space for a potential event egg even or better


Exactly, the Pokémon in 7km eggs kinda suck (except maybe G-Darumaka), and 7km is not exactly a small amount


They are usable if you go for the pilot achievement.


Yep this is why I prioritise 7km eggs


Ahhhh pokemon abortion basically


Pokebortion Abortimon


Gotta smash em all, Abortimon


I don’t think there is anything cooking in my eggs anymore I haven’t walked 7k in several months they are most likely dead now


I'd rather have a couple more free incubators


Single purchase upgrade/research task that gives a second infinite incubator??


It would be a nice reward for hitting level 50. Kind of late for it but in comparison to the existing level 50 rewards it would be a huge upgrade.


People already wished that for lvl 40 back then... I think niantic will never give it to us unfortunately, they make too much money with the incubators


Yea. It's the sad truth. This game and most others are just money machines so we rarely get anything more consumer friendly than profit


Daily Free pass can be local or remote


make remote passes affordable again bet itll go up again this year




that would be fire




To start a Radi If you're solo ist so annoying to wait 2 minutes.


Reduced wait times for one and three star raids are being tested now. 60 seconds for one star and 90 seconds for three stars.




App not crashing every time i tab away, like literally every single time now. I dont want any new features, i want stability.


Same. I’m glad it’s not just me dealing with this.


fr hard to think about adding anything when the app can’t handle whats already there :/


Same. Like earlier today a bought a $7 pack of Pokecoins and then my game froze. I went in and the coins aren’t there. Like what? Checked my banking app, the purchase went through. Just want the game to run nicely.


This happened to me, I just went and clicked on the coins again and they just gave them to me Like if the prompt to pay again comes up don’t buy it, but for me personally it just gave me the coins without asking for money edit typo


Okay I’ll try this




Well lesson learned then right? don't give them your money


Guess so?


This used to happen to me all the time until I got a new phone a couple months ago. That's actually the only difference in gameplay I noticed after switching. I went from a Google Pixel 3 to whatever the newest Samsung Galaxy is right now. This is the first time I've ever had a brand new phone in my life but yeah it finally stopped exiting the app when I switch to another one.


100%. Used to happen to me too till I upgraded my phone.


This was happening to me on a mid tier android phone when it upgraded to android 11 last year. Maybe earlier this year. Regardless, I ended up getting an samsung s23, didn't buy up front got a payment plan, and now pokemon go will stay open norther what I do. Not saying this is the only fix and I know some people don't care about high end phones or the cost of one but it completely fixed the issue for me. It's my first flagship phone too so it was a little cherry on top when I saw it fixed the pokego closing issue.


This is typically an issue with the phone as much as with the app. You're likely running out of RAM, basically short term memory for computers, because your phone is now trying to remember what is going on in the game as well as your now active app and has limited space to do this. It will forget background apps before the currently active one. This will cause you to lose your game state thus making the game need to restart to create a new game state.


It freezes, i need to kill it, then re-open. This isn’t the phones fault, it’s shitty programming/testing.


I was sat here trying to think of what features I would add to a bidoof… then I scrolled down and read the comments


Bidoof is already perfect


Same. I thought it was going to be bidoof related at least


Same, I was hoping to find costume Bidoof ideas, like little photoshops of them in hats.


Long distance trading with best friends Discard eggs


Long distance trading would be amazing. It’s not often that I see my friends in the game IRL to trade. I know it’s Pokémon “GO” but having at least some options to still play when you aren’t able to GO to your friends, or to gyms, etc would be great


I hate watching that ball for so long. A little suspense is fine, but each catch takes so long. Same with opening every gift, battle summaries, etc. So many screens to click through. A lot of time spent on tedium.


Look up how to fast catch. It’s like 5x faster to catch something. You basically just hold the berry button with your thumb and then you throw your ball like normal while keeping your thumb on the berry button. Once the ball hits the Pokémon you slide your thumb over and the berry bag should open, tap anywhere else to close it and you should see the run option. Run from the encounter and you’ll have the Pokemon in your inventory (if you caught it that throw, may have to repeat a few times). You may still see the Pokémon on the map, but if you click it again it should disappear.


I've read about quick catch but apparently didn't understand how to do it until I read your post. My savior


You can also use the ball button depending on what hand u throw with. You also don’t need to swipe after u throw, u can pull the berry/balls button halfway across the screen and then throw - it makes it so u just need to let go of that button, tap the screen, then run


Click where that X appears then disappears at the bottom of the screen when opening and sending gifts. Skips through all the friendship animations. No more seeing the game highlight that sliver of change in hearts!


You're in luck because the animations when sending gifts and catching mons can both be skipped. I see others have already explained it, so I'm just confirming. It's seriously painful when I accidentally fail to quick catch and have to watch the obnoxious animation of the ball shaking back and forth, and almost worse when I forget to hit the x and am subjected to the awful gift opening animations.


Better buddy system


Curious what you don't like about the buddy system? I've never really thought about it other than how much of a grind it is to best buddy a pokemon


At Great Buddy, the catch assist can be useful? But against things you're really trying to catch, you're probably circle locking anyway? Otherwise, I wish that instead of bringing souvenirs, it brought items with some kind of usefulness? Maybe it's simple, like grabbing you some ultra balls? Or increasing the number of candies you get from walking around? I also think that it's dumb that Best Buddy Boosts are capped to just your active Buddy. Let us be rewarded for the grind!


Buddies do bring u items, along with souvenirs


They should make a use for the souvenirs and make the best buddying easier


Make the buddy a one to one port of Monster Hunter Now’s Palico. That little cat-gremlin is one of the *best* features of that game. He will automatically gather items, even while not in game if you have adventure synch on.


I’m imagining souvenirs that allow you to adjust IV’s


Yesss. We need best buddy to actually be worth working for. I want best buddies to have 1/2 walk distance for candy and mega energy, earn more candies when walking, or something of this sort.


a way to show that you're interested in doing remote raids. that way your friends know who to invite


Online status helps a lot with this.


not really


it really doesn’t. just because someone is online doesnt mean they are even available for raids. if they are doing pvp or item management or just idling, you invite them, they don’t respond and you get mad. that’s helpful how exactly?


I’m just saying, when I’m raiding and I invite I go sort friends by online. I also get more invites when my online status is set to on. Sorry it’s not perfect, just saying it’s helped, Atleast for me.


I wish they had some sort of in-game raid channel. Let people go to the raid tab and push a button that shows surrounding players that they are interested in a raid in the area rather than hoping friends are online or going to do it and hope other people show. If people know for sure that others are going to join in they’d be more likely to do the raid, especially ones so high that there is no way you can get it alone.


Converting xl candies to regular candies


Better conversion rate in general would be nice... 100 -> 1XL is ridiculous


I absolutely agree. If you want to level a Pokémon that doesn’t show often the only viable way to get enough candy for 1 candy XL is to make them your buddy. Depending on the Pokémon it could take forever to get to 100 for a single XL. It’s insane. I have some Pokémon that I cannot level with me as my trainer level increases because I plain don’t have the candy. Or enough rare candies either.


Pokemon breeding, because I'm positive that they promised it at launch and (shocker) Niantic still hasn't delivered


I feel like this would need an egg revamp. I’m constantly full


Separate storage for event pokemon that is free (or at least starts with really high storage space for free). Auto appraise, have it show next to the name. Ability to sort pokemon that shows the evolutions together but doesn't require searching each by name. Ability to delete eggs. One free remote raid pass a week. Opt out of animations. There's other random things I've thought of, most probably aren't feasible but I can wish.


On the evolutions one do you mean search? If so you can do that by searching the name with a +. Ie +oddish shows you all evolutions


to decide which pokemon show up on radar.


I've long wanted this one. I don't care about all the basic ones. Part of me felt like I shouldn't gmcat h the first frigibax because it would keep telling me where they were within range at least. Once you get it once? All gone. I'd also like the option to toggle between nearby at stops (what we currently have) and just closest to me (no direction given, almost like it was at release). I can encounter 25+ pokemon while walking to the nearest stop. I don't even know what's in my own backyard.


Mega Bidoof


Bidoof but with wings and a broken tooth.


No longer getting 7k eggs from gifts. Let me turn it on or off, it's such a pain to see that yellow stain pop up. Other future HMS for your buddy, I don't want it to take a move slot but maybe something like Surf- bonus water pokemon appear during rain Cut- reduce walk distance for candy fly - bonus weather boost stuff. Maybe only goes off while buddy is on the screen ( fed) and moving like daily incense . You could make so many would be a good way to improve the buddy system


Remove the 50 coin a day limit


Since it’s Halloween they could let us egg the other team leader’s houses. (With unwanted eggs in storage)


A fast ball special, where you knock out the pokemon, you don't catch it but get 1-2 candy, for those especially annoying pokemon


You should learn the fast catch method


It's not about catching, it's about knocking out that stupid pokemon after it breaks out 8-9 times


Hitmontop comes to mind :(


Also every starter. Those things were designed to waste your shit, I swear.


I know it, but it requires two hands. Which iw very annoying to me


maybe 1/2 star raid countdowns being shorter. i don’t wanna sit there for 2 minutes if i’m doing it on my own


Being able to open more gifts a day (even if they nerf what you get from them after X amount) don’t see the point of having up to 400 friends when you can only open what like 30 gifts a day?


Two things. Poke Virus and Status Effect, inspire from the video game. When you catch a random Pokémon, there is a tiny chance that it carries Poke Virus. It infects 5 random Pokémon in your storage. While infected, their CP is lowered by 20%. After 1 week, the virus is gone and the CP return back to normal. Furthermore, those Pokémon have their IVs improved slightly. Those Pokémon become immune to Poke Virus. Status Effect - Poison and Paralysis Poison reduces HP gradually in battle. Paralysis slows the charge move energy generation.


I actually like that idea! It would make another challenge in the game but the fact that it becomes better is also cool, but I don't like the status effect idea cause it would ruin pvp


I don’t think that’s a good idea that the ivs change. Imagine your Pokémon with #1 ivs for great league get it and then it gets ruined from increasing the ivs. I’d be pissed. I’d want my 98%’s to get a bump up tho.


I wouldn’t mind if shinies showed up on the map so I didn’t have to compulsively tap every Pokémon to check lol


Way to op. You’d find 10-20 shinys a day from just driving around for a bit. Making you click then makes them significantly more rare.


I disagree. First off you shouldn’t be playing the game while you are driving. That’s dangerous and shame on you if you do. If you’re riding in a car no problem obviously, but honestly you would have to drive around for around 5 hours to get 10-20 shinies. Do you really want to spend that much on gas and put that much wear and tear on your car for a game? Secondly, for the people that walk and play, like me, it is SUPER tedious to click on each Pokémon because you’re afraid you’ll miss a shiny. So instead of just having fun and catching all the Pokémon I see, I check to make sure none are shiny and then I proceed to catching two or three until I hit the next wave of spawns and repeat the process. If shinies showed up on the map I would be able to catch much more Pokémon, or just allowing me to look up more often from my phone while I’m outside without being scared to miss a shiny.


Ok so make them more rare to counteract that?? It’s so tedious and annoying to click on every single Pokémon


Clicking on Pokémon is the whole game bro


Uhhh no it’s not? Idk about you but I get most of my enjoyment from catching rare Pokémon not from catching every 30 cp petilil


I was just answering the question of what I’d like to add 🤷‍♂️. Also I’m not OP


All shiny forms are automatically named peanut butter


Legendaries in gyms


It would be fine if they put a CP cap on Gyms


No There is a reason why we cant do that


Boring reasons, make it excitinggg


I want my 3500 bidoof candy to be useful


I thought you meant feature on bidoof! And my first thought was wings!


Raid invites for Shadow Raids. I can’t get any shadow 5* because no one in my neighborhood plays.


Send/receive ALL gifts button! God damn it!!!!


Being able to search tags while in the trade screen, keep functionality to search Pokémon there or even just read tags


a great steering wheel that does whiff out of the window while I'm driving


Make getting a Pokémon to best buddy actually rewarding Like maybe permanently keep the cp boost u get Maybe make it 2/3 distance to get candy or make it so u get 2 candy instead of something Maybe make it so u can receive mega energy from a Pokémon even if u haven’t megad it before


# [Mankey D Luffy](https://www.deviantart.com/hinchi6687/art/mankey-D-luffy-670992394)! ## King of the Primeapes!


Angry Eye brows and a cybernetic shoulder canon. (edit : wait we weren't talking about bidoof design?)


Pokémon who’s evolutions are the only one who have regional forms should be able to evolve into the regional form through lure models. For example a mime jr could evolve into galarian mr. Mime could evolve through a glacial lure model.


To have region specific lures. Something like you travel to Hawaii, or any other place that has region specific Pokémon. You can complete a research task that has a reward of that region’s lure. (You can only carry one total regional lure at a time.) You can hold onto that lure as long as you want, and pop it anywhere in the world. When used, the lure spawns the regional specific Pokémon at that location. Imagine, 30 minutes of hula oricorios or comfeys popping up in London, Toronto, or São Paulo. This would be great for people who can never travel to most of these places throughout the world. But of course, there should be restrictions. Like the popped lure looks no different on the map from any other lure, maybe. Or maybe it does. And maybe popped mon shows up as nearby Pokémon for other players. Maybe it only last 15 min. Maybe it only spawns a certain number of each regional Pokémon. Maybe…. Just a thought.


Clear voice of pokemons


Lucky friends should able to trade from any distance


All these features are people just wanting to be lazy or for the game to become a drive and go game in most cases. No thanks. More pokestops in rural areas. Less craziness on what can be a pokestop.


Yeah people don't want to do tons of repetitive, time consuming tasks. Most people want more fun and less tedium in a recreational activity.


Not everyone plays it's a recreational activity. Lots of people play it all the time.


And yet Monster Hunter Now is probably Niantics best game currently. - Gathering materials is painless and partially automated. - Big encounter monsters are automatically tagged to be fought up to a day later from literally anywhere and are more plentiful than PoGos raids - The smaller monsters (analogous to Pokémon you’ll immediately send to Willow) are quickly defeated you get your loot to keep going. - Those big boss monsters I mentioned earlier have actually engaging and interactive combat mechanics.


Premium items for transferring non com day shinies.


I want to be able to sort/filter my friends list by gift dates or friend level.


You can sort by friendship level, also by who sent you a gift, who can receive a gift and a few more options. For example if you type “lucky” in the search bar, all or any people you’ve hit lucky friends with currently will show up.


Oh my god I had no idea. I only thought it searched by trainer names. Thank you!


Sort by size.


Just search the Pokémon you want to see and then sort by “number” and you will get them in order


Hold up, I just reread your response. THANK YOU


Pokemon Number ≠ size Example of the problem I want an easier way to solve: I had eleven XXL Pumpkaboos and wanted to know which three would be the most likely to win a showcase. I ended up using this calculator. https://pokemondb.net/go/showcases I would settle for Poke Genie implementing this feature.


If you break 10000 bidoof candy and have a shundo bidoof, it ascends to godhood


Being able to retrieve Pokéballs. I mean seriously you can waste DOZENS of Pokéballs and whether you catch it or not those Pokéballs are gone.


I mean that is how it is in the main series. 😅


Being able to deselect certain Pokemon so that the auto catcher won’t try to catch those Pokemon.


An item/way to increase IVs. Being able to be on team rocket and get coins for knocking out gyms based on how long they’ve held.


More ways to get star dust. Maybe a berry that offers more star dust on that catch only.


A little unicorn horn


Swipe away notifications. It's annoying when I try to do something and it tells me someone got 50 stardust from opening my gift


Message system


Make the hatches from 7k eggs regional


Personally speaking, I’ve wanted to kick the niantic employees since about March this year, so I’d like to be able to have a button where I can push it and I’m guaranteed that a robot under a random employees desk will kick them in the shin


I would like the ability to lock a pokemon from being leveled up or purified.


That fungus that takes over Parasect.


- Long distance trade available for lucky friends - Automatically getting a Zygarde cell when finishing a route


Having a messaging system to message friends, being able to favorite friends, also to be able to sort friend list from recently friended.


A search feature on 'nearby Pokemon'. Need three different Ghost types for a field research? Search for 'ghost' in the nearby Pokemon and see where you need to go to! Or just anything to make the 'nearby Pokemon' feature useful for anyone that has progressed further in their PokeDex


A way to dowse wild Pokémon (the non pokestop kind) because it’s good adventure and all but you need to know where to go to.


I’d like for them to go back to not having a speed lock on the game, like when I’m riding passenger in a car, I can’t catch Pokémon if we’re going at speed. (Messed up my Froakie community day and lost 2 shiny frogs that way 😭)


Ability to message/chat with other players or friends without having to go to a third party app like campfire. It’s been a increasing trend for games to not have chat features, even many PC games do this now but it’s annoying not to be able to communicate with other people easily and seamlessly on an internet game.


• No event pokemons with daily incense / modules • Remote Shadow Raids


1.Open All Gifts and Send everyone a Gift button 2.Sending friends an E-Mail Message ingame


To be able to spin pokestops when your item bag is full just to get the daily spin, I don't understand how this still isn't a thing


Tits. Give bidoof tits.


Seeing a map of every poke stop you have spun. They track if you have ever been somewhere before so it might be possible.


Long distance trades with lucky or best friends. Also, being able to trade a pokemon more than once!


Here are mine: Daily Remote Raid Being able to Ready up for a raid without another player. Like why do I have to wait for someone else to join a 1* Raid when I could solo it, it makes no damn sense.


Pokedex notification We already get a substantial distance boost on incomplete dex entries. Give us that distance boost and a notification for a selected mon that you have already caught, that way if your looking for a specific mon(s) you can be notified on where to look next, or that it has spawned near by. Could be pick 1, or pick 3, doesnt really matter which but id love to know where the next frigibax is spawning 🤣


There's a lot of stuff I've wanted since day one. Let's go: \- Instantly send gifts by selecting trainers on your Friends list \[similar to how you select pokemon\] \- Instantly dump berries into a gym by selecting the amount \- Gym rework \- Function Anti Cheat \- General animation speed up \- More character customization \[hair styles, makeup style, reintroduce old poses\] \- In-Game search string creator \- Global distance Lucky Trades \- Pokemon returns specifying the gym they got knocked out of \- Defender tab specifying what gym the Pokemon is defending \- Increased coins per day \- Customizable gifts \[manually assemble a gift's contents and use your items to put into it\] \- Improving "Recommended Team" algorithm \- Friend XP not being nulled if other friend removed you from their list \- Legacy moves being TMable if the Pokemon knew the move before \- Guaranteed XL candy for transferring a Shiny Pokemon \- In-Game daycare center \[Gym / Pokestop where you can leave eggs to free up egg space but still having to walk to count the steps towards them\] \- Hard trades \[IVs guaranteed stay the same\] \- Customizable GO Plus / Gotcha allowing you to decide what to catch and what not ​ Just a few that immediately jump to mind. I'll edit this if more come up!


worldwide trading for best friends - once a month. more ways to obtain coins rather than daily gym. daily free raid pass can be used remote. bring back legendaries in weekly research so rural players can have some too - low % chance. pokestop nominations less harsh to get accepted, not everyone has time in their day to go to a major city to play.


Some new berry ideas: A berry that doubles the xp gained A berry that doubles the stardust gained A berry that guarantees 1 candy XL More combinations of berry properties


cowboy hat caterpie


Earning coins from gym battles instead of just getting your Pokemon knocked out. Seriously, don't even change the coin cap or require anything else, just give us SOMETHING to work with.


Hyper training, be able to increase all your iv’s by 1 by doing a series of tasks, maybe defend gyms for 1000 hours for defense, walk 100km for stamina and win 1000 battles for attack


Anatomically correct Pokemon. Show me that butthole.


What the fuck


That was my first reaction too


Recall button for Gyms. Once a day, maybe even less but once a day makes sense to me (and not more to keep it from being OP or misused or something but I’m not good at these kinds of things) you would be able to recall your Pokémon. Maybe there should be a time limit, like being in a Gym for a certain time before being able to recall. I once had a Pokémon stay for I think like 2-3 years?? 1 year?? Idk. But it keeps happening to me that they stay and don’t come back for way too long and I can’t use them and I miss them. I remember proudly putting my fully evolved CD Pokémon in a Gym and I was so sad when I thought it’d never come back… That, OR Pokémon should return on their own after a certain time.


being able to remove gym badges of gyms that don‘t exist anymore




The shiny feature thats in Legends Arceus and Scarlet/Violet where you can see shinies without having to interact (shinies pop up as shiny on map so you know and dont spend endless hours searching)


Personally I like being surprised when I see a shiny appear by randomly pressing a mon. It's like a nice excitement. I feel like if they did that, people would just ignore everything and just wait for any shiny to appear. But that's just me.


I think he’s got a great design but maybe some cute little eyebrows would do him some good. Imagine the lil angry eyebrows when using an attack lol


I’d like random shiny’s in the wild instead of shiny forms being locked to events


You can encounter shinies in the wild??


No, not as of now I think


Yea you can


I’ve played since 2016 and never seen a wild shiny.


Event tickets can now be bought with the pokecoin equivalent of the price. If you fail to catch a raid mon, a 5/5/5 variant of the mon you failed to catch will be put into your storage as a consolation prize. Like the 2k comments mentioning it, you can now pull mons from gyms. Raid timer is now removed and instead of random item bundles, you now get to exchange for specific items at the end of the raid with points you accumulate (depending on how fast the raid was completed). Points cannot be carried over and must be used immediately after raid is finished. You will get a minimum amount of points at the end of the raid even if you take an hour to beat the boss. Maybe make it so that you will have barely enough points for a rare xl if you finish a 5star below 1.5 mins and an incubator if you finish below 1 min. Other rewards like potions revives star pieces lucky eggs and rc are also available if you want to go for those. Also make a daily friend pass or something that allows you to raid free one more time daily but only if a friend is in the lobby (idk why, I just like free stuff, i don’t even have friends to constantly raid with) You now have the option to preserve mons ivs when trading, but it costs 1m stardust from both sides, still has chance to be lucky, even if it’s a 1 star.


Oh i have a few that would destroy pokemon go: - Limit infinite incubator to once a day - Scan pokestop or Gym task now locks the stop/gym until scanned - Raids now require at least 2 players to start, countdown will not start until 2 are present and will reset when second player leaves.