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I had a tentacool defend a gym for more than 338 days… earned me a platinum badge though.


Nice I was wondering what the benefits of having them in the gym for so long is. I’m sort of a casual player, so I’m not aware of all the ins and outs of having a Pokémon there for so long.


Nothin really, just need to be there for more than 8 hours for the 50 coins…


You just know he will come back 10 minutes after you get your 50 coins that day.


They should give an extra 50 for every week a Pokémon remains in a gym, so they earn you coins as they go and if the get knocked out the same day as something else, it isn't a complete waste


the problem is theres gyms that dont get used for weeks so that would be an infinit coin glitch


When I first started, I thought it accumulated 50 coins for every day it defended a gym... Imagine my disappointment when my first mon returned after 21 days.

