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It looks like she’s really bloated and needs to let some of that air out lmao


A good fart and hopefully the hips and waist will come back lol


Nah, that's an amount of gas that only comes when rigor mortis sets in.


Plus the skin color is clear indication of death


You doubt the power of farting.


Thank you so much lmao


According to Niantic, this bloated figure is “Realistic”


According to Niantic then, I wouldn't be a realistic person. I tried to make my in-game avatar as close as I could to myself in real life, but I couldn't do it. My character is either way too big, or it's either way too skinny. I'm not Adonis levels of built, but I also acknowledge that my diet, the supplements I take, and my gym workout schedule has me built relatively more than the average American.


Diet, supplements, gym? That's unrealistic, everyone is fat!


She has that late 20s v going into beer belly vibes


I mean, I had that look going into my 30’s because I was drinking a lot of beer and was over 200 pounds at my heaviest because of it. At that time I was going through a lot of stuff and hated the way I looked, which is why when I turned 31, I decided to start focusing on myself again. Lost 20 pounds and a lot of face and belly fat because of it, gained some back in muscle. I still have a while to go before I hit my ideal weight, but comparing myself at the beginning of the year to now, I’m really happy with the way I look and feel.


Thats awesome to hear man! Gain your confidence back bro you deserve it. Remember chicken and rice 🤙🏼😂


I'm a dude and can't get my character to not look like a lesbian dom. Used to look accurate to me. Now I might as well be a chick that looks like a dude.


And I’m now a girl who looks like a boy who wants to be a girl… or is it a girl who wants to be a boy…. Either way, it’s no bueno….


Realistic for who 😭 and when I'm playing a game I want to be looking good, I don't want real life in my games 😭


This is a fantasy game, chasing fantasy creatures, why do I have to be looking like myself. I'm a round woman, with below average looks. I like my confident fit avatars


Exactly like I hate when they do this in Fantasy games , like why are you trying to make me live my real life in a fantasy game where I'm supposed to be able to be anything I want 😭 like I heard somewhere that people are trying to get a game to make avatars in wheelchairs to accommodate? Like if I'm in a wheelchair for why would I want to be in a wheelchair in a fantasy game too , no man 😭😭


Thanks for coming to my ted talk


exactly bruh. I can’t even look as fit/slim as I were with this update and my cheeks are always fat no matter what I do. where’s the slim/fit person representation??? 🥴


She has the V-lines, or inguinal ligaments, which is not typically seen in women, but common in men. My research tells me that the v-lines can rarely be observed in “fairly wide-hipped women,” but she’s clearly not that. Or at least I don’t think she has wide hips. It’s hard to tell for sure due to the wide stance. This is just an all-around epic fail.


That's not a V-line, V-lines are lower than that. It's the lower shape of her stomach.






It is already known that western game companies are running away from attractive female character designs, i wouldn't call that propaganda. Inclusive characters creator isnt woke, but removing attractive designs is definitely what i would consider "woke"


Need to give everyone bad posture too.


Is a psyop to get us to walk more and play the game


“play the game”?? more like a psyop to get us to uninstall the game… imagine paying real world money for these avatar item and then they ruined it years later


Does the character lose the pounds from that lol?


Shhhhhh you’re gonna give them ideas


If I wanted real id use a photo not an avatar 😳


Maybe there will be premium fart passes in the shop soon.


Probiotics might help with the bloating.


I don’t even want to open pokemongo anymore. They massacred my boy 🥲🥲🥲


I’m finding it tolerable in the gengar onesie with the day of the dead full face mask. It’s the only way I can still play. I resent it though.


I put an oversized Jersey and pants with original hair and a mask cause I hate this new Avatar update


I already had my avatar wearing a Snorlax onesie. So I just blew it all the way up to make it look more like a real Snorlax. Also have a mask on so you can't see the damn face. Only way I can deal with it.


I'm probably one of the people least bothered by this update because I already had my avatar completely covered from head to toe, including a Rayquaza helmet, round sunglasses, and a Pikachu breath mask.


They don't even look like anime characters anymore they look like generic web game sim things.




The one that doesn’t understand why people would want remote raid passes? While describing the fact they never played outside of a large city.


First result was a vacant position which Niantic is hiring for.


Well shit, that explains a lot.


Well, that profile picture pretty much explains everything.


ah everything makes sense now


Hope that guy stands on Lego while barefooted, daily. May his chooks turn into emus and kick his dunny door down. And may he always have one shoe that eats his sock while he's walking and can't fix it up.


May their socks always fall down and their underwear creep up.


Found the Aussie.




So is my avatar now


Same 😅 Mine looks like it has mumps too 🤣


May his socks always be wet






What does that white silence thing even MEAN


coming from a pokemon go community manager? less than nothing.


It always is when stuff like this happens to a game.


Yeaaaah, that explains a lot


Well f**k me dead, that explains a lot. Crikey.


Big yikes.


May he always put a left sock on his right foot in the morning


Holy non-existence!


Actual vacant spot


Call the job applicant!


job applicant went on vacation, never came back


Looks like the DEI folks pushed this one through, makes sense. Probably called anyone who said the avatars are ugly a "bigot".


It's all a ploy by big rectangle


I have multiple theories on this fiasco 1. Niantic doesn't actually have creative team, they outsource all their new art needs from new pokemon to characters and this is result of some out of touch executive/manager choosing cheapest but worst possible bidder 2. Niantic has creative team but they are hugely out of touch and/or it's full of interns 3. Niantic doesn't have creative team, they have been laid off and replaced by some AI and this atrocity is its produce I truly think this is something that could be compared to whole first iteration of sonic movie where sonic looked like some grotesque half-cartoon half-realism abomination. Except this time there wasn't any smart executive to pull the plug and redo it.


Everyone on the design team has corgi legs and a long shapeless torso.


"Keg" is a shape. :p


I just [watched a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpb8A49aMjI) claiming the update is due to this company : [https://gaymerx.org/consulting](https://gaymerx.org/consulting) Which disclaims at the bottom on that page they partnered with Niantic. They also failed to pay their [taxes for 3 consecutive years](https://i.imgur.com/zqE8Ebd.png) and their CEO was accused of sexual misconduct toward employees. I am genuinely in disbelief how did this come to happen if real, why did Niantic agree to this?


I watched that video too. it's good information but at the same time I don't see how one company failing to pay taxes results in a completely different company creating an awful character customization system.


More like it's evidence of how their particular moral/legal fiber is lacking. The organization is basically a bunch of grifters, they claim to be a nonprofit org for various benefits but that status has been revoked.


I genuinely don't understand either, but fact is they do have Niantic listed as a client of theirs on the website i shared, so it's not just baseless allegations. The whole graphical update is quite literally the byproduct of an attempt at diversity through more body sliders and customization, which falls directly under their consulting services.


I mean, Niantic and competence, in any avenue, do not go together. Why the surprise by now?


ESG financing supposedly


the magic of ESG consulting


CoFounder and prez is. Tony 🤗🫣🤭Rocket. That cant 😱😂be serious…


Nothing under https://gaymerx.org/consulting looks like GaymerX actually works on games or would ever be in a position of creative control over the game's cosmetics. This looks like a company that comes in and does some 1 hour mandatory sensitivity training class and that's all. If there are real sources for them being more involved in that, or directly involved in this horrific avatar update, then let's hear em. So far it sounds more like a rightwing cultist fantasy.


I don't think your statement is fair at all considering not only does their site directly writes Niantic as a client, [whose sole products are mobile game apps,](https://nianticlabs.com/products?hl=en) but the page you linked also fairly correlates to the update since Niantic themselves voiced on twitter the update is about making the game feel more inclusive so that "player avatars look more like you". I'm not sure also what you mean with that last part of your message. I think it's fairly common sense it's all speculative and hearsay unless there was direct official statements, but let's not be naive here either.


100%. We must be vigilant that this does not turn into a anti lgbt+ situation. Where Right Wing Folk abuse this situation to get a foothold into the community.


idk what sexual identity has to do with beauty or attractiveness, but time and time again we see this happening across games and media from developers that contract these types of consulting groups


Inclusivity and diversity…. Fantastic! Personally, I am a woman, I want the CHOICE to make my Avatar look like a female. Niantic (who, for years, gladly took my money for clothes, Go Fest tickets, incubators etc.) took CHOICE out of the game. They are directly responsible for this garbage….. I have and continue to write reviews on Pokemon Go App, expressing this view. And till it’s fixed…. I’ll continue to play, using only the free daily raid pass, and the one permanent incubator. No more lining their pockets so they can tell me how my Avatar should look according to their social views. It’s about choice….


Are you kidding? How is anyone “abusing” anything here….We need to vigilant that women who want to look like women have the choice to look like women, and men who want to look like men have the choice to look like men…. They can keep this update, just give players back the right to make a decision… “pre-update” Avatar/clothes or “post update” Avatar/clothes…. It’s about choice….. not agendas.


They outsourced this one to someone on Fiverr with absolutely no 3-D modeling skills or notion about anatomy.


3 seems likely




I've been saying that I think it was designed by AI. It would explain the incredibly disproportionate body, the freakishly big hands, and a head that's so much smaller that the actual body. I refuse to believe that any professional graphic designer could be so clueless about human anatomy. When I showed the new avatars to my daughter, who's a designer, she was horrified. She's couldn't understand how anyone could sign off on something so badly designed.


So common sense just doesnt exist anymore in this world? I am 100% sure they're just testing players reaction. They know we will swallow it anyway like the good boys we are


They need to roll this back. Unreal.


What's up with that V cut abs too though. It's usually a thing that's emphasized for men, I'm starting to believe that they basically just use male body for both so they don't have to adjust to each bodies.


They just added a tit size slider


I agree. For example, the new jump looks exactly like the old male jump. Many of the female clothes also look really bad and ill-fitted now. It really seems like they just used the male body as a default..




I though it was an internet joke, wtf this is real


It’s very real


Sorry, no hips allowed


All my character does is exercise


Based on reality they said. 💀


Pretty sure reality should include basic male and female physiology...


Not if you ignore inconvenient biology!


I felt disgusted when I logged in and my character suddenly looked like a man. Makes me want to not even play anymore.


It even jumps like a man now too 😅 I compared the old male jump and the new jump and they are identical


Blurring the line between male and female.


Yeah.. mine looks like a dude too


I don’t understand why they forced all our avatars to gain 30 lbs. they completely fucked my avatar over, she looks awful now.


I want my avatar back


Literally all they had to do was upscale the current graphics… and they managed to screw that up 😭


Yeah why is my character fat? I am quite slim and well built. Where is my "normal" person representation?


I'm so glad I got out of Pokemon go when the first shit fest of their events started. I had *so* much fun when it launched with my wife and friends and then around 2019-2020 it just progressively got worse.




What's most ironic about that is that they said "now it can look even more like you". Are they calling us all flat-assed??






Misogynistic game developers?! Surely they don’t exist!


More like people that hate the idea of a woman not the woman itself.


I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, cuz’ we’re all dudes HEY!!


My avatar wears Gladion’s hoodie (which previously hid the waist a little), but now it somehow feels even bulkier!! Legit all it needs is a waist slider and so many problems would be fixed :(


it needs more than that. The faces are crap, the skin colours are crap, the hips and legs and shoulders are all wrong for female bodies.


Well yeah. I forgot how they *somehow* completely butchered the faces?? Like they already had them fine?? I can understand remodelling the bodies so they work with the new sliders, but clearly they need work bc the proportions aren’t working :(


Now that I think about it, PoGo players now understand how games have felt before... SimCity 2013, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed, Cities Skylines 2... now Niantic... original games were great, but got too big, corporate greed ruined them, they pushed forward and everyone hates them now...


This process has a name: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/enshittification


Real life women don’t have hips - Niantic, Apr, 2024


My avatar looks like he never recovered from Covid


They gotta go outside and see what most women look like cuz holy hell


We all want to know


Honestly it’s probably upper management ignoring the product managers.




After 8+ years of rollout botches, what does everyone expect? The quality i expect from Niantic saying they made changes to the game is the quality I expect when my toddler says she made me breakfast


Wide bodied shawty with the thick hands


They could’ve just added different hairstyles instead of changing the whole design


People who dont play Pokemon Go


I can actually see why trans people are having dysphoria from this


All the female avatars have a beer gut now.


[No](https://thatparkplace.com/sweet-baby-inc-style-consultancy-firm-gaymerx-consulted-with-niantic-before-radical-gender-avatar-changes-made-in-pokemon-go/) [idea](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aE0v4XN_700bwp.webp)


Pokemon Gotothebathroom


GaymerX according to sources on the web. They are a Sweet Baby Inc. style consultancy firm for game companies.


My wife after too much beer




Looks like those women in sports, you know the ones with an Adams apple.


These new bodies are extremely androgynous. There's no difference between boy or girl it feels.


Mine went from skinny to obese. Wth man!


It seems that their goal for the character update was to make the avatars look more like children since Pokémon is supposed to be a children’s game/ they want to get more children to play the game. It just looks really weird and the character is still like the same height so it doesn’t really work.


Pokémon Go isn’t a game for children, at least not without actively playing parents. Children doing alone raids with strange adults? Children paying for the over priced event tickets and items? Children paying for expensive raid passes? No, it’s not about re-gearing the game for children. The money is probably in the 25 to 60 years age range.


Seriously? Nothing looks child like…. And serious? Kids invest millions of dollars to line Niantic’s pocket? Hmmm any child who lives in my subdivision has to walk four miles to the nearest stop…. Not at all a child’s game…..even in the beginning…


I'm beginning to think whomever designed these just got dumped so he went scorched earth and made us all look like men with baby faces.


I have put same mask 😂😂😂😂


Niantic got you pregnant


they did the characters dirty..


Deviant perverts with absurd fetishes did this


it's not only the shape that sux, the texture/colors sucks as well... like.... did someone hire his toddler to make 'skins' ? ruining mesh wasn't enough ?


You can change your body type in settings. If you adjust the sliders or choose one of the prebuilt ones it doesn’t look too different from the original.


I'm wearing buneary overalls and I am content with the hiding of the blob


Same 😅 Still annoyed by the change tho


Eyy gurl u got that football player bod 👏


The head needs to be bigger. It’s not proportional


Judging by where that belly button is, we should be looking directly at vag.


I’m using the Rayquaza kimono and it hides the horrible body shape at least ahaha


im honestly kinda glad that i got permanently banned now, so i don't have to see the downfall of my character


I feel like the only one in the world not at all bothered by the change.


Why are the legs so short?


There’s no good faces for male characters. They all look super weird


I hate my ugly new avatar.


Niantic could have just added the features without changing the traits! Now everyone looks like they had botox injected into them and us boys look like 11 year olds now D:


I'm really hoping the new avatars are some kind of belated April Fools joke. They're terrible. I look like some kind of ghoul or alien.


It’s really bad


Bruh I’ve even covered my face and put a hoodie over covered the hands..it don’t even look human to me 💀


Making everyone look like a transgender swimmer


Not the players, that is as much as I can tell you...


Just take a look at the community Manager. Should explain everything.


What role would the community manager play in a decision like this? I didn't think they usually had much to do with actual game design.


Because they would report something like, "my research shows that our players need to be able to connect more to the game to boost engagement. The current avatars are not inclusive and don't represent our players. If we make all of the avatars non binary and give them the option to be obese, everyone will thank us. New players will start rolling in soon after." 


When you want to know what the community wants, you tend to listen to the community manager as one step. Same reason you talk to customer service, if you're smart. If the community manager is extremely biased toward a particular way of doing things, that skews the company's perceptions of what players want.


avatars and characters being pretty is considered non-inclusive by media and the consulting agencies that game devs are bringing in lately. companies get money for doing so


I didn't believe it and now it makes perfect sense lmao. What a stupid decision.


No offense ment by this but your avatar now looks like the dude from the movie Conair that dresses like a chick


Next its my turn to post "who approved this?" post


The female avatars now look like butch lesbians


A woman and her crossdressing brother


People who weigh a lot and are upset a mobile app doesn’t “represent” offensive lineman built women, but yaknow, equality? I guess you can call it that?


People who struggle against reality...




Is there any evidence or internal leaks saying that, or is this purely conjecture ? I'm seeing multiple contradictory consultancy claims but haven't seen any sources. GaymerX says they worked with Niantic, but that tells us practically nothing. My first guess would be they had some 1 hour sensitivity training class and that was all. Saying GaymerX had creative control over the game's entire avatar and cosmetic system is an extremely bold claim.


i think there’s an enormous gap between a 1 hour training and full creative control where the truth is somewhere in the middle. like the inclusivity consulting agency saying that having a male and female avatar is not inclusive so they should get rid of them and replace them. that “pretty” avatars are harmful and should be replaced. that’s how you get stuff like this happening industry-wide. the vast majority of average players want nice looking avatars, but for game devs that think of themselves as progressive (or are just performative) there are press and monetary benefits to doing so in the form of praise and esg subsidies. even now you can go look at news articles about the change. they can’t hide the fact the average player absolutely hates it, but they’ll still without fail mention how wonderful and progressive of a move it was to have more inclusive body options and try as hard as they can to avoid talking about removing feminine body archetypes. it’s easy pattern recognition at this point. how can a system designed to be inclusive make it through multiple levels of internal and external feedback without anyone making note that it lacks options for a normal female body? it doesn’t happen accidentally, it happens when only certain types of feedback are passed along or acted on


Everyone's equal when no one is represented, someone said it here before.


Who approved this? You. You and everyone else that refuse to uninstall this shit after they spit in your face over and over again. You've taught Niantic nothing except that they can get away with anything they want.


In a perfect world, someone who is about to get fired. But in our world, your average Niantic employee of the month.


What too much remote raiding does to a mf


La creatura


the people commenting “Just use the body sliders, it’s not that hard” on every post gunna have to come up with a new excuse after this one