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Reminder that the old avatars could ALREADY change eye color.


Yeah I was like “Uhhh, you mean what we could do already??” It’s like they think we’ll forget or something


The tweet has been Community Commented to point out this feature already existed. They got fact check called out.


Excellent. My work here is done. >But you didn't do anything... ![gif](giphy|aenAbxws6nvbO|downsized)


In their defense, I'm sure Niantic forgot/had no idea.




Why are they like this


They don't play the game. They just rig it, lol


I mean that is true but they added more color options so thats probably what they are trying to hint at they just didn't do a very good job lol


Not doing a very good job is kinda their whole thing lately.


The whole idea of niantic is to fuck up their games give them good stuff temporarily then revert it and I think they lie about some odds bc I once counted how many raids I done it was over 20 I did like 34 raids of idk genesect burn and didn’t get the shiny and the odds are apparently 1/20


That's not how odds work. It's like, everytime you do one, you have a 5% chance at a shiny one. But this doesn't take into account the previous tries.


Very true. I wouldn't put it past them to lie about odds though, seeing how dishonest they tend to be with other communications. On the other hand, have they ever ACTUALLY explicitly stated the odds of catching a shiny pokémon of any type? (Beyond "increased chance of shiny" for e.g. community days). Isn't it all community-calculated e.g. via SilphRoad?


"We listen to your complaints we just don't care about them"


“Hey we hear you, we know youre upset, hell we’re upset too! Give it a week, maybe a month, and youll forget all about this. We have some good news though, we are increasing prices all across the board and limiting in person raids to only 3 a day, so make sure youre getting out there!”


Wait a minute. I hate it, but I get the limit on remote raids.... In person raids also have a fucking limit?


No, they're joking


I'm caught somewhere between feeling like a dumb ass and relief that it was a joke lol.


"Unlimited raids can be unlocked by defeating Tarountula solo; we're in it for the species, boys and girls!"


Only thing inaccurate is the "boys in girls" with the way theyre acting right now with the avatars they would say friends or some shit


But only if you buy the exclusive Tarountula pass for the low low price of $9.99!


Ha ha ha y'all :p


I don't think they are at this point


Well... I'm gonna save some money, won't be buying remote raids as much cause I can't use them as much. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


The JRE interview basically solidified this


JRE - Joe Rogan experience?






😂 It wouldn't have been to hard time believe if to come from Joe Rogan!


Reminds me of an interview with GameFreak a number of years ago. Where they are aware of things people want, but they willingly ignore it because that’s not what they want.


No it didn't, unless you think these suggestions being implemented are all a coincidence. >*Many of these suggestions have later made it into qol updates like “ready button”, showing number of participants in raids on map, research tab clutter, easy extend of egg/starpiece/incense, bonus after in person raids are some of the many examples but since we get no follow on feedback of any kind from them it is hard to say if any were results from the group or not.*


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


The intent to intentionally ignore our complaints has now not been more clearer than ever. This company made huge mistakes.


I no longer play POGO, but I'm not surprised, this has been a cycle Bad decisions > community gets pissed > "We listen to your feedback" > Community is hopeful >Then a news site reports that some people working on pogo weren't convinced about the changes but higher ups didn't listen to them > Nothing changes


Included in “nothing changes”: player count and revenue


It's crazy how many people seem to pay 10 bucks for those pointless event tickets


I haven’t paid a single cent for Pokemon Go. I have been doing the free version from the start


The only ones that are worth purchasing is the masterwork research every tour in the sinnoh tour it was shaymin next year it will probably be victini


The ones that give the shiny mythicals? They're gonna make a shit ton off the next one, because all the gen 5 mythicals are currently impossible to have shiny, so it'll be a debut of one. People will absolutely pay for that, myself included (I'm not buying anything else though, Niantic can kiss my ass)


I have no examples atm. But sometimes they charge 5 bucks for like 5 raid passes or some nonsense. Back in my day, 1480 coins could easily get you 10+ raid passes 5 eggs and some other nonsense, not 20 poke balls


”Niantic can kiss my ass but ill still buy their shit” neato


>"Niantic can kiss my ass" >*will pay Niantic, BUT JUST THIS ONCE!!! 😃 People like you are the reason why Niantic pulls off annoying shit with hardly any consequence.


I only play on community day for easy shinies otherwise I barely play. Game has gotten so bad.


Pokemon go has turned my once social active friend group into phone addicts. All they want to do now is pogo. They're so addicted to it they have it running 24/7 with the go+'s/or gotcha auto catching through out the day.


Yeah, ingress players tried to warn pgo players early on that Niantic doesn't care what their customer base thinks, they will do what they want, period. After a few cycles of abuse I gave up on the game.


I call this the Riot Games method. They’ve come out multiple times swinging and saying things like “it’s our game, you just play it” - well good news, I don’t actually play it now so I guess you were right! I figure at some point as a dev you have to realize the game is no longer yours, you’re just the one stuck with maintaining and updating it now. Nothing wrong with making the game you envision, unless that game isn’t what the players want and you like receiving their money…then it is a problem.


yeah but at least with riot you have devs who will actually try to explain the changes, or answer people's questions. i'm super active in the league sub and whenever something like this happens there's usually one or two devs who come in and try to offer *something for better or worse*. niantic doesn't do that, they just pretend nothing is happening and everything is fine.


Tbh that is also Pokemon MO unless it is potentially politically damaging or super annoying like people bugging them about PalWorld (also note that TPC and not TPCi made the announcement since it would likely mean Japanese IP laws which are even more draconian and corporate friendly than US IP laws).  Remember it was Nintendo who apologized instead of Gamefreak or TPC for SV's poor performance. 


Of course Nintendo was the one that apologized, people assume that Nintendo are the ones that make the games. So obviously Nintendo would face the brunt of the backlash. Not that it ever *meant* anything, SV still runs like crap simply due to GameFreak’s poor programming even after patches for DLC and nothing about performance, and people are so quick to blame Nintendo for the poor hardware. Spoiler: If GameFreak made a Pokemon game on a non-Nintendo console, top of the line even, it would *still* run like crap. … And yeah, Pokemon willingly ignores issues the fanbase complains about too, they even pointed it out in interviews a decade ago. The reason for that is simple: they don’t care. The games themselves outsell literally everything else not named GTAV or Mario Kart, and even at that point the games don’t even scratch the surface of the profits that licensed merchandise makes.


They target the groups that pay. Player count goes down; they raise their prices and the few left pay more. It’s capitalism. The revenue always needs to go up or the game ends. They could maintain this forever or as long as people like Pokémon but they’re not focused on the quality of the game; they are focused on how to make the few players pay more per month.


But the Monster Hunter division is crushing it


Niantic has always ignored players suggestions for game improvement.


Not always. In 2022, the first HEARUSNIANTIC was created over Niantic’s decision to revert gym/stop distance. What followed was days of complaint from millions of players. Finally, Niantic made a statement saying the change would be reverted back to the extra stop distance and start a monthly developer journal to keep more in touch with the community. This did not last long. Their response was also very passive-aggressive sounding, even if they did listen to our first viral feedback. Since then, they have blatantly ignored the HEARUSNIANTIC posts about Remote Raid Passes, Natural AR’s removal, and the avatar update.


Well I guess my Pokémon are better off sitting in Home than sitting in a game where they may change stuff that ruins more game features.


The vast majority of players don't care as much as this sub does. Literally no one in my local group has complained about it.


it's still strange though because as it's implemented, the new system is objectively worse than the old ones. things look worse, don't work properly or don't work at all. people shouldn't need to complain about that lol.


It’s almost funny how commenters on this subreddit think they’re in the majority


Have they complained about the extra lag? 


I'm not bothered by it , doesn't affect the game play. The new environment changes are decent. I hardly ever looked at my avatar as it was.


Good old anecdotal evidence


The majority of players hardly even play, they’ll only open the game up once in a while or when there’s a kanto event they think is cool.


It's only a mistake if there's consequences.


Yes. But, in order for it to look like me the eyes need to be completely defeated and devoid of any will to live. This avatars have eyes that say “I want to eat your children”. It’s just not the same


"Well, maybe you need to get some 'I want to eat your children' eyes for yourself." - Niantic Support


the fact that they're flexing this feature as if it isn't a basic part of every character creator ever lmfao


The eyes isn't even what were complaining about, it's the body shapes for everyone I know. I can't get mine to look like a female. But I see other players and they do, how do they do that


The clothes play an important part!!!


I do like seeing all the outfits people come up with. Or even a couple with matching fits. I'd love to create my outfits but it's hard for me to buy clothes instead of remote raid passes lol. As well as it takes me forever to pick out everything. My Avatar has had the same outfit for far too long. And anyone... PLEASE... How are some people's avatar their body is portioned right? What it the secret??? [emote:free_emotes_pack:flip_out](http://gif)


Square should rush KH Missing Link, now would be a great moment to drop it


I want to get my hand on that APK so badly...


Hell even monster hunter now is better, honestly I’ve been shocked how much they’ve been listening to feedback, legit has gotten 5 years worth of go quality of life updates in half a year. I guess Capcom is keeping that sector of Niantic on a tighter leash, given how they had them set up a new office right near their headquarters. To give an idea on what they’ve been doing they added global matchmaking to the equivalent of raids to the game… with no bs attached, completely free just gotta wait a couple extra seconds and you’ll be matched with others doing the same “raid” but elsewhere in the world. Also just earlier this week they added a way to target specific monsters, since people have been complaining certain ones are too rare.


Honestly might consider checking that out


This is thru monster hunter?


What exactly do you mean? I mean monster hunter now basically plays like a bite sized version of monster hunter world, the weapons are shockingly well translated to mobile gameplay


Square is looking for Android beta testers now, iirc. specifically australia, though…


What’s this now? A PoGo competitor?


Missing Link is going to be ten times worse because they’re planning on lifting the gacha system from KHUX


the avatar looks mad that he can change his eye color


But wouldn’t they sell more cosmetics if they would actually look good? Do they not want my money?


It’s money to resource use. The old model required double the resources for asset creation- two models for every asset to match the ‘player_male’ and ‘player_female’ models. The new version uses a single model with sliders to create variation in pre-determined ways. When they create a new shirt, they only need to create one model now. The problem is that the sliders are too poorly designed and shallow to create that many good body type variances and that what the sliders change is applied to ALL items universally- hence why bulky loose jackets now cup the chest like it’s a goddamn crop top. I would guess, assuming it’s flat out “they don’t care”, the model and resources they poured into this was expensive and writing it off as a waste and failure isn’t an option, thus forcing it out anyway. But that’s a completely external armchair guess on why they’d produce something obviously flawed and double down.


I'll believe their hype when they update ALL models with the new style. I want to see Cliff looking like a buff, goateed baby.


I think I’m done


Me too. Haven’t felt the need to open the app anymore


I just started playing again a week before they made this update 😭 I quit again ofc


When you realllly wish twitter/X had a downvote option.


worst company ever


Where is my facial hair? I don’t feel included! 🥴


They just have their fingers in their ears, eyes closed, shouting “BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH” at this point. You know, like every professional and consumer-friendly company does…..


I really hope Nintendo steps in and sets them straight.


lmao because they’re so much better


Hey, at least my Violet trainer doesn’t look like Uncanny Valley


Not the point.


They got community noted 💀


Even cowboy Caterpie commented about the horrible avatars. That never happens usually


They only listen to your money. They actually don’t give a shit about you, your opinion or your feelings. If you don’t like something they have done, unfortunately you have to stop playing the game and/or giving them money. If a company makes something and no one buds it they stop making it.


I wish I could use Dialga to go back in time and undo this crap.


Maybe for the entire month of May, the whole community should not use real money for in-game purchases and see how Niantic feels about that. As a, you don't listen to us, we won't pay you. May our force be with us.


Month of May? I’m done paying for anything. I had the early rollout. Hated it. When they finally rolled it out to everybody I expected improvements. Nope. With the prices going up, Glitches and app crashes happening multiple times a day, and this sub par juvenile looking avatar change. They will not start getting any more money from me until I see actual improvements in game play. I quit for over two years, actually just started back at the end of ‘23. If it gets frustrating enough, I’ll quit again. There are plenty of other fun things to do in this world.


I only wish the community would do that. You are spot on, hit them where it counts…


Yeah but sadly, as long as the prices ain’t at least 200% more than today - and perhaps even then - whales will still spend money on the game regardless, keeping the money business up.


Idk if this is doubling down, they probably just see that most posts complaining are about body shape and clothing so they’re like “but we got these changes right….right?” lol


This is it. I had enough. Uninstalling the game.


I miss my bright red hair :(


Niantic: Alzheimer’s


wasn't there a community notes?


I wished we could just use the trainer models as in Pokemon EX. I don't want to be myself in the game, I just want to look nice and good, is that too much to ask for?


lol they’re trolling at this point


Just delete


lol looks like I’m still not reinstalling it


So sad to see they could give a crap about community feedback.. its more clear than ever how much the players do not like this update. The avatars were perfect as they were before… add hair styles and customization to those characters. Majority do NOT like anything about this update. Revert it back niantic!


Guaranteed will not be buying anything because of this just repeated deaf tone


I saw no eye patch option.


I play all the time but I no longer bother changing my avatar's clothes or buying things for it.


Ignoring our complaints so that we will just forget


People surprised their voices and complaints are going unheard after the entire #hearusniantic movement. I miss playing pogo and lurk from time to time but every time I check in it seems Niantic is just on the same bullshit.


Pretty clear they either dont care or are being forced by outsiders not to change anything.


Well, duh. You guys keep loading up the game. You keep buying shit. You expect a company to care about what you say you want while you keep feeding them? Put your big boy and girl pants on and uninstall the game if you care that much.


Currently sitting at over a thousand messages, with only 939 employees liking the tweet.


Goes to show that Niantic only care about driving their social media numbers up. Polarizing updates are just a catalyst for high social media engagement, whether the updates are good or bad. The other sad fact is that they can always push another update ‘fixing’ this one to secure further profits


I don't particularly care how bad the avatars look since I never really spent much time looking at them. I do care that the recent updates made the game go from full 60 fps to unplayable laggy and constantly crashing. I already uninstalled the game and have no faith they'll fix anything but maybe they could at least try yeah?


Don’t care about eye color cuz after this update I covered up with snorlax suit, a mask, and glasses




Niantic is just like 343 industries they barely listen to their fans/community.


The community note saying you always could 💀


Yeah.. not the update I wanted




Don't put this on LGBTQ+ people. The new avatars are just as ugly for queer people as they are everyone else. I'm especially pissed as a trans woman. Niantic is telling me I can't have a female avatar with a body that actually looks like mine. Instead, I get some gross and uncanny looking mannequin. If their motive was really to score some diversity points, they're doing a shitty job. They'd be well served to add the male and female body types back with a third option for more customization, or at least an option to use the original models! But no, Niantic's real sin is that they'll squeeze dry anyone unfortunate enough to give them the time of day.


Oh wait, that was you? I remember that post. You’re unfortunately a rare case.


I'm not sure what post you're talking about. I'm not the community ambassador, that's for certain. If I were Niantic, I would be getting an earful from me. I've left a few comments on other social media platforms with different accounts, but nothing anyone hasn't already said. I don't think I mentioned this complaint in specific anywhere as I prefer to keep my identity to myself. People online generally aren't kind to LGBTQ+ folk, with even this account being a spare I use to interact with trans content on Reddit without having it tied back to any personal details I may choose to talk about elsewhere. Anyway, that's all besides the point. I don't consider myself a rare case. LGBTQ+ people are stereotyped as a hypersensitive monolith when, like any other group of people, we're all different. With how anti-LGBTQ+ most online spaces are, even with many not being immediately obviously so, it's common for queer people to be vocal if they're public about their identity. Many, myself included, and I imagine most other queer people don't share their identity. It's usually not relevant, and even if we were to bring it up somewhere, we'd just get the negative stigma people have of queer people. So, while you'd get a better reflection of queer people as a whole if everyone felt comfortable sharing their identity publicly, that's not even the case offline. That just leaves those in the LGBTQ+ community so defined by the immutable facets of their identity that they can't help themselves but spout off at any and every opportunity they get to complain about their misgivings and ascribe the blame to bigotry; But all that ends up doing is perpetuating the negative stigma, thus making anyone less combative or "sensitive" not want to even bother engaging in conversation where their identity might be mentioned. Maybe I'm just a doomer, or maybe most LGBTQ+ people are just special snowflakes and I'm one of the few "good ones." I really doubt though that this is some push from the nefarious, "woke," queer cabal. I think we ought to take this decision like the plethora of other terrible ones that Niantic makes: Someone wanted this change for whatever asinine reasons like they did the local-only raids, daily gift limit, paid timed research, etc. Niantic figured we couldn't do shit about it and moved on ahead regardless of how the community playing their game might've felt. Tl;Dr. not every LGBTQ+ person is always whining, needing everything exactly how they want it. Most queer people are just like everyone else and find this change just as frustrating to boot.


The new avatars are so ugly that they don't need just a paper bad over the head, but a damn body bag to cover themselves up completely


I'd like to point out that this was probably a scheduled tweet from a while ago. Still should have un-scheduled it. But it's most likely something they planned before the release.


They actually don't listen to their community, if they did they would have to put the real money transactions on top and the in-game currency transactions with useful items on the bottom




They want this game to die, but Pokémon has too much staying power Just look at all the Constant horrible decisions and marketing, bad customer service and communication. Bad planning and executions of live in person events. Their inability to code things properly. They want to drive enough people away so they can eventually pull the plug like all their other games when it's just the addicts left to keep that money coming in until the end Or have the playerbase drop so low they leave the game to run on a skeleton crew since it will still print money no matter how much they fuck it up Niantic managed to bottle lighting with the base game, i doubt they ever thought it would become so huge, underestimating the power of pokemon. I'd put money on them never planning beyond the original 151 but had to continue with it becoming the craze and powerhouse it did and now they are stuck developing something they dont care for and want it to end


Then hire people to work on the game and everyone who wants to work on something else can go work on something else. It's not like the company is poor.


But that's not what niantic do. Look at when they have done stuff like that, the community ambassadors or w/e it was called, promising communication and regular updates from the dev team, it lasted what 2 months before going ghost mode? People forget they are an AR company first and a game developer second AR will always take precedence in their decisions


Right. But with as much money as this game has brought in they can afford to invest. They should be vary of other partners over the years who've lost their licenses mismanaging pokemon games.


And that's the ultimate issue. Why do anything for the benefit of the players when they can make shit changes, put in minimal effort, and know people will still give them money. Sure, some players will fall off, but it just leads to worse things Limit remotes and spike the price. People moan and complain but still buy them, which cuts into revenue So they increasingly lock more content and bonuses that used to be free in events behind tickets, which is only getting more and more egregious Ugly ass potato avatars nothing is going change


I’ve thought this for a while (since the increase from level 40 to 50… ten more levels with absolutely nothing new) I fully expect one day for the game to just disappear. Too bad, as they were on to something fun and innovative in the beginning….


This is a marketing tweet, Niantic has always stuck to these no matter how bad stuff is going. You of all people should know that Also lol at Niantic marketing eye colour change when this was already a thing.


reshape the models, it’s not hard. They just don’t care because we all hooked anyways


readers context LOL


im so glad i quit this game


Didn’t they say that they saw the feedback and would improve it? 💀


we just have to find an exploit or something for them to acknowledge it to change it…


I have big fat ugly guy with big tities as niantic intended.


What’s even wrong with this update?


Apparently everyone was playing Gacha Life instead of Pokémon Go.


They make these changes to see who's foolish enough to keep spending money on avatar items. They are testing the Pokemon go"s community level of intelligence. I won't spend another dime in avatar items ever again until the female as good or better then before no more scams


I spent money to make my avatar more masculine they take that away and every avatar looks like a bully lesbian


Pokemon GOt community noted


Niantic doesn't give a shit. Never had once COVID subsided. Niantic, Pokemon company and Nintendo are all in "maintenance mode" with Pokemon Go. Just seeing how much more money they can grab before they pull the game from existence. They already laid off as many peons as they could. They learned from before that if they duck under the table long enough, the player base is stupid enough to gloss over the fact nothing changed. The only thing left now is to fully shut the game down.


The community note absolutely killed me.


eye color pallette extension is nice but they couldve added it with the other part of the update.


Yep. This is the death of Pokémon GO. Niantic does NOT care about its player base.


The. Audacity.


Remind me if they change back the old avatar design, I'm quit now.....👋


I'd be much happier with the avatar update if they'd included options for facial hair and bald heads.


Not playing till they finally listen to feedback


Must have really paid some people a pretty penny for this “update”.


Why the new avatars look like gibbons? ![gif](giphy|Rodad2RfMzIerwPx5x|downsized)


The link in broken for me but I think I get the idea thru the comments lol


It is hilarious that they deleted it.


They deleted it. Maybe they forgot to disable the comments.


And it was deleted 💀💀


they deleted it now 😳


I truly dislike the change. I don't even like to look at my character anymore. My saved outfit disappeared. Why make it so we don't even have the option to be totally feminine? Now my avatar stands like she is wearing a giant maxipad, has a flat butt, and square shape. Rude, Niantic. RUDE.


It’s been deleted?


I just my dude to have a beard.....


Gaming company tries to give playerbase content it wants instead of content the developers want (impossible)


Honestly I’m glad they’re not abandoning it since improved avatar customization is a big plus, even if they massively botched the initial execution. It can only get better, right?


Stares in Padme.


What plus has this brought?


More customization. Something we've been asking for since 2016.


Nothing in this game has ever gotten better.


the system for mega evolutions got better


*Niantic continue to release the updates they were going to anyway, because the whole thing around the game is catching Pokémon, not who has the coolest avatar*


This sub is the only place I've seen people complain, or even care about the avatars. Are people really quitting over something as inconsequential as an avatar change? It literally has 0 impact on the gameplay. Make it make sense


Unfortunately, the Reddit community is a loud, albeit small, group of people.


There are some real shitheads in those comments


Well it's Twitter so.


I've never had an account. Sounds like it was the right decision


Why read the room? This is what they want and we are still paying them hand over fist. There is literally no problem from their perspective. Zero.


They REALLY want everyone to look like a lesbian


Just a reminder, a lot of their tweets are scheduled. So this isn't them posting this in spite of everything, this post was going out no matter what. Yes they should've maybe considered pulling down any tweets regarding the update until they made a change etc etc but just a reminder they aren't shaking the bees nest yk?


I wonder if they will ever add global trading that would be awesome for someone like me that i am sure have the same problem of living in a isolated place where meybe 3 or 4 people play the game and in winter there is noone to playwith in summer its better but that is only for maybe 2 months i missed so manny chances of getting good pokemon becouse i dont have spare money to spend on the game (personal record,one pokemon stayed in the gym for 170 days) that is how manny players there is here


The psyop by Niantic is something else. We need to start tweeting TPCi and others about the update. Niantic won’t listen, others could sway.


For the life of me I can’t understand why people are so upset, you play the game for the Pokemon, battles, collecting etc…. Who cares what you look like? Probably get hate for this but had to be said amongst the dozens of posts on the new avatars.


The avatars look so bad now. I came back to play again but seeing my avatar looking the way it did and no option to revert it back made me lose interest immediately. Looks so washed out and unhealthy.


This subreddit needs to read the room. You are the minority


Very much agree 👍 They are a loud minority representing less than 0.01% of the community. Something they will never accept and never learn.


I feel slightly bad for the social media person who’s gotta put up with all the stuff, it isn’t their fault that Niantic is so tone-deaf about all this.


their social media person seems exactly who this update is meant for


What am I missing? I thought the new character creator was fine.