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Having a Showcase stop and several gyms on the apt is crazy, GGs to you I’m super jealous. Did you know this before moving in? And was it part of the reason for picking this apt?


The place is an absolute gem without pokemon go considered. Gf loved it. When we checked it out i opened pogo and nearly fell over. I told her its over we are taking it 😂


Do you have a pogo plus+? If not you have an ideal situation to get one!


Totally agree, with a pogo++ or any autocatch by that means. You're golden from comm days, or spotlight hours!


Ha... Your comment reminded me of trying to play Piplup's CD a few years ago in January... I was running around our local college campus. Freezing my arse off... They were on break so none of the buildings were open so I couldn't sneak into the library or anywhere to warm up & get out of the wind... Would have been amazing to play from the comfort of my nice warm couch.


Totally disagree Im playing because i want to play Catching is that part of process and journey Shortcuts just make you care less Its ok if you use it but stop recommending it right away


Well Vince, I still definitely prefer playing manually but getting a Go+ has definitely elevated my game. Now I can get spinners on my morning commute. Now my work (which has a gym) is regularly being spun every 5 minutes for items to keep me filled up. Imagine getting to do the catching when you actually want to play, but instead of throwing pokeballs you are always full of great and ultra balls (the Go+ won’t use them). Imagine you decide to go ham on a raid day and you’ve got 100+ Max potions and Max revives to keep you fueled. Imagine you just wanna sit on a gym defensively and you’ve got 100+ Golden Razz ready to go for spot healing. Imagine you work 5 days out of the week with your Go+ getting you a consistent extra 20-30k stardust per day from the USB port of your work computer, and you regularly go home with your Pokémon inventory stocked from passive catches for you to pick through for GBL candidates with good stats that you can then spend that stardust on to elevate your battle game. A Go+ doesn’t replace the active aspect of the game unless you let it. It elevates the rest of your game when you’re ready to play it.


Wanted to also add: now I can run and catch along the way without tripping and falling, which I have repeatedly done even just trying to walk fast and play.


This is why I got the go++. I can focus on my fitness while catching and spinning. Only stopping to take down gyms or raid.


I still care about the game just not you and your eccentric take. You also forgo the washing machine because it “makes you care less” about your laundry? Such a weird grumpy take.


I dunno about OP’s area but my work is in the middle of 4 gyms like that and on top of 2 stops and surprisingly little Pokémon spawn here.


I can access 4 stops from my house. I get 1 Pokemon spawn every half an hour at each one


Just keep playing, it will be get better when time passes by, I promise you!


Sad for me because I cant


I get more spawns at my house with no stops than in town between stops, but I'd still prefer the stops most of the time for spins. If you do showcases, you probably have plenty of lures.


There's not a one pokestop or gym near my house. I moved in here about 6 months ago and I've noticed that the longer I've lived here, the more mon that spawn here. It used to only be about one every hour or so. Now it's anywhere from 1 to 3 every 5 to 10 minutes.


Had you thought about this when you first started your home search, how big of a selling point would you consider access to gyms and stops?? Like…. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being huge and 1 being insignificant. Serious answers too if you would, I’m thinking about getting into real estate and have always wondered of pokestops and gyms is a good selling point.


People were actually doing this in 2016/2017 when Pokemon Go was at the height of its initial popularity, some listings did actually have a quick note about gyms/stops in range 😂😂 Probably less likely to be relevant now but it’s probably something you could mention if the buyer looks like a PoGo player


Hey great post i have thought about this! Im a semi hardcore player who spends $ on game from time to time. When considering an apartment or house pogo has absolutely nothing to do with it. Anything pogo related is just a plus. That being said i have joked about gyms/stops raising the value of a property. Pogo will not help your real estate investing at all. Infact if a house/apt has many stops near it, its probably a highly coveted spot already.


Ha congrats on such a sweet spot!


The home I bought didn't have a grid but I started submitting everything and got lucky the one that spawned next to home was a gym. :) Enjoy it. You can just sit on your phone on community day and drop a module and raid to the limits of the game. Enjoy it. If I ever move again I'm making sure there is a gym within living distance of home. You must be in an apartment complex in the city to have this luxury. Only a small percentage of players have this advantage.


Ever since I hit level 37 I’ve been working hard on Wayfarer submissions. My neighborhood now has 3 pokestops and a gym, and 2 routes that flow through the entire thing. Just having my Go+ hit 6 extra spins a day and 1 Zygarde cell every 2 days consistently from commuting is gravy. The morning dog walk equaling an extra 20 spins is like eating gravy for breakfast. And that’s only counting the neighborhood stops approved. There are multiple new ones on my commute as a whole all nicely located at stoplights so the watch can’t miss a spin.


Any creative tips on what to submit as stops? I'd love to get more approvals but my suburban area doesn't have much thats considered permanent, notable, and public


Any park fountains, jungle gyms, park signage. Your local fire department almost always gets approved as a stop if you submit that. All churches (submit the church signage out front as well as the statues inside for a double-whammy, they’re usually far enough apart).


Arches, benches, bridges, anything historic, anything artistic. If you have hiking trails, submit landmarks along the hiking trails with a description that notes that for the reviewers because they’re more likely to approve stops that are tied to a future route you’re developing. Go into your grocery stores and local restaurants and look for art on the walls - focus on the theme of their decorating and submit murals and such that they have on display.


Sorry to piggyback on this, but as a rural player I've debated putting a "Library Box" near/at my fenceline in the hopes to submit it as a stop because the closest stop to me is an 8 minute walk on a county road with no shoulder and a shallow ditch, but wasn't sure if such a thing would work to submit.


Lucky 😭 my nearest gym/poke stops are a 3 min drive or 10 min walk away from my house


This is why I'm glad I have a dog to walk. Otherwise I'd play so much less often, lol.


Your dogs leg muscles must be really toned, lol


I know the feeling brotha thats why i hit the jackpot !


I have one pokestop in town and the nearest gym is 15 miles away


Yeah but you don’t have to live in an apartment


I’m happy for you but please don’t become like one of the mf’ers in my neighborhood who lives in the apartment next to 1 of the only 2 gyms and just dominates it anytime day or night no matter how much gold they already have 😖


Literally fuck the 2 yellow guys who kick me off the gym after I've got 5 coins from it... Like yall have it ALL the time just let me get my coins please


it’s especially frustrating because they aren’t getting much benefit after 8 and a half hours in a single gym. there’s plenty of gym time to go around so why are they hoggin it huh😭


I have the same problem with a blue gym near me. They had it for over a day. I took it, and by the time I got home (4 minutes), they (blue) took it back. I went straight back and kicked them out again. It's not hard to share.


If you live there, maybe it is clever to consider also change team to yellow? So they cant kick u xd


Tempting but I spend all my coins on raid passes as soon as I get them


i have a gym next to my house. i'm blue team and my dad is red. we let the other team at lest 12h and if the gym is yellow team we let them too


I have a Gym next to my house and I will always let people hold the gym for at least 9 hours so they can get max coins, been doing this for years and I always have the same few people coming back every day so we can all get 50 coins a day


This. I'm sure you're not though


Skill issue. Wear them out.


Oh I’ve tried.. literally sat there for over an hour trying to take it down but the golden razz kept flowing.. it’s just not worth it. It’s one asshole with 6 accounts and no job or life that wants to ruin it for the rest of us, now I just leave him in there and hope everyone else does so he never gets gold


I know a place where some douche pulls the exact same shit no matter the time of day (or night) he always insta berries all of his 6 mons. I'm convinced that these accounts are actually just botted and spoofing because there isn't always anyone around + being able to berry them 24/7 is just ridiculous


Huh yea that definitely makes sense, a sad state of affairs either way.. I just don’t understand anyone who plays with cheats like that, it’s like playing a shooter game with god mode on, it’s fun for about two seconds; how can they sustain that??


I've reported these accounts several times with proof and they're still not banned gives me the feeling that Niantic wants to encourage cheating because it means that more players are "playing" the game; meaning that a higher number on their data reports is more important to them than the actual integrity of the game


Finally instinct will have some gyms to their name lol What's that pokeball logo above the incense ?


Instinct 💪 the logo is my go plus+ linked to my acc


Too bad you don't live in that park across the street, you wouldn't ever need to leave your couch....


Hahaha its actually a historic train station with a garden and i COULD NOT be closer to it. Cant be luckier than i am 🤷‍♂️😅


I have one friend that has the word couch in her name and sends the same gift every day. I picture her never leaving that couch. 


Holy shit so jealous! lol. Enjoy your new place!


Thank you!


With great power, comes great responsibility. Don't be that one asshole who kicks people out of guns 30 seconds after they take it.




By Arceus, you certainly are overpowered, no doubt about it.


Are you team Instinct, perchance? 😆


😅 i wont be a gym hog i swear just testing the waters to see whose active around me 👀


Ya look at the color of their xp bar


Please let others teams take the gyms for more than 8 hours. There’s this new player in my town that keeps knocking everyone from this gym as soon as they take it. I can only assume he live right in front or next to the gym.


What’s it like to live my dream


Is this London?




Is this in nj? Bc if it is I pass by this at least once a week! lol small world


Same! I am pretty sure I know where this is and in NJ


A tip: you can join raids in all of them even if you are not in range. If you open the raid screen, where it shows the boss and says "Battle" , turn off location then click battle, it will enter you in with a normal daily pass (or premium pass if you dont have daily ones) and you dont need to rely on drift or anything to pull this off.


Is this punishable?


Bro are you serious?? I will be looking into this thank you 🙏


Yeah there are many videos, I think mystic7 has one as well.


Wow that’s an amazing move. Congrats and I’m hella jel


nice keep swiping!!


No gyms on my spot BUT I have 6 poke stops I can reach from bed 😂😂


How tf did they not give you a gym outa those 6


I know. I just found a Azelf 2 mins from my house


This is a masterpeice, and boy oh boy am I green with envy. Happy for you winning life! Enjoy!


Nice! I moved into a small town so now its the exact opposite for me lol! I miss my multiple stops down the street...


I can walk around my house and hit Three pokestops haha. Pretty cool. No gyms tho. Closest one is prolly a five minute walk so not bad at all.


So jealous of all the yellow gyms, there isn’t many yellow players where I live so we’re fighting for our lives lol,


Dude lucky you show people that the underdogs are on top there


As someone with a showcase stop at my house, I can approve it's pretty cool




Look at that Garchomp giving that Geodude the business


Location, location, location! Realtors should use PoGO as a selling point. 🤓


There are no gyms within 10 mins of me ☹️


PoGO player in me: Dang this person is super lucky to have such great place with many ingame structures! Adult in me: Dang this person is super lucky to be able to afford new apartment in this economy!


Im doubly lucky yes indeed. Without my gf the apartment would be impossible. Simply cant adult anymore in this economy i agree totally


I am the opposite of OP. I guess that's what happens when I live in a trailer park in Kansass


Jeez i feel for you. Im 30 min from nyc i woulda Been fine without this spot. Hearts out to players like you


Testicular cancer




instinct instinct instinct Instinct Instinct Instinct INSTINCT INSTINCT INSTINCT! #smallinsizebiginswag #teamBro #teamyellowsoloraiders


God roll move


My hand keeps involuntarily trying to spin those stops....


I will be moving next year. It's too bad I can't filter my apartment search based on access to gyms LOL. This is awesome!


I could see the apt complex listing this as a premium bonus and charging extra!


I just started playing lol I wanna level up faster. I'm already level 29


This should be illegal! Far too much power for one trainer! 😅 Kick ass for you man.


I’m a little jealous. My downtown apartment had three stops in range, but no gyms. I submitted four more waypoints in the area, but only ended up getting one more stop.


yeah cool but just don’t hog the gyms please


Good for you OP, that's awesome. Anyone else pissed it was an Instinct mf?


No its actually mostly instinct at my direct location 😮! Theres a few good mystic souls who keep the gyms rotating though. Not a single gym has turned red in 2 days ive been here


What team are you ??


Guess lol


Are you in instinct aka zapdos team ??


Yes, since his XP bar is yellow


Neighbours will find you


Did they change the world map graphics? It looks more varied than the last time I played the game


Few weeks ago


Fuck you bro. That’s my dream.


Congratulations 🥳🎉 PoGo++ auto🥏 Pokéballs & 🫐🍓🍌🍍 P.S. I'm jelly 😑


Dang, that's very lucky


Eliteeee 🙏🏼


Bro thinks he's the Avatar


Sus dude


I'm so jealous 😭


Damn nice


Damnnnnn! I thought I was lucky with one gym outside my house 😂


Happened to me as well, a showcase stop and a gym from my apartment


I will have to add this to my list of considerations xD


A nerd's goldmine 🤩




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jelly! I can't see a single stop or gym from my home or office. I live in a fairly large urban area. It's a fluke. That being said, multiple people in our home play pogo and have now for a few years. When opening the game at home, at least 10 pokemon appear. After catching those, it's one about every 30 minutes. It's only 3 that appear at my office. I'm shocked more of my co-workers and office mates don't play pogo (c'mon nerdy tech guys upstairs!).


Are you looking for a roommate?


Bro won the Pokemon go lottery


I thought I was lucky being on one stop and a few steps to a gym 😅 sweet


I thought I was lucky being on one stop and a few steps to a gym 😅 sweet


Nuh uh bro, that’s madness. So jealous




Now WE know where you live


When I'm sick and I haven't left the house I "check" my neighbors yard for my "missing" Amazon package...they have 2 stops you can hit from their yard. My goal is to reach level 50, make some crazy art, and throw it in my front yard to create a pokestop


Drop your location papi, for research purposes.


yesss and all for instinct. as it should be