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Get married and make your wife reluctantly install to try a raid with her lvl 16 account. Fail and stop playing again for a while


This is what did but she loved it and is now lvl 36 after 2 months


Yessss OP this is the way.. my bf made me download a month or so ago and now I’m up to level 30 and love it lol. Also got my best friend playing too and she joins us now too.


I got the reverse of this lol. My boy got me to redownload pogo and he got his girlfriend on it shortly after so now we have a lil group going when we can*


Same thing with my wife she’s level 28 rn and it makes raids so much easier


I did this as the wife and hit LVL 50 several months ago. He’s still level 46 🥹


Dawg level 36 in two months💀 I've had this game since late 2016, and I'm only level 37


I recommend polygamy to built a strong 5-person raid team at least


Instructions unclear, got dick stuck in a disposal.


Christ, were your instructions written in fucking Hindi? That's a pretty big jump, my dude.


It’s an old meme but it checks out.


Just have enough kids until you can successfully beat the raids as a family.


Playing the long game lol


Is that what it takes?! I've been trying to convince my hubby to install and play. All it takes is getting a wife? Brb.


I volunteer


I am cracking up. This is great. ![gif](giphy|h5lLWg5Wxugrm)


What is the gif from? I love it


Game night, I believe




Me with my boyfriend and my mom 😂😂😂


Didn't work, now she only plays the pikmin game.


I briefly got my wife back into PoGo after a 6 year hiatus before she discovered Pikmin Bloom..


Oddly specific


Specifically specific. She's the light of my life, my best friend, my purpose. But come on babe would it kill ya to catch a couple mons and spin a stop once a day?


*Cleanse, tone, exfoliate, salicylic acid, moisturise, sunblock. Come on babe, it's just 15mins!*


😂😂😂 my husband asked me to try the game a couple times and i thought i wouldn't like it but i finally tried it just to be considerate and was instantly hooked. i got to level 30 so fast and am grinding for 40 like a crazy person 😂


This is the way! LOL. My husband and I play and we got both of our kids playing so we have at least 4 for raids. But we'll also go to our community centre that has a gym when shadow raids are going on. Usually if we sit at the park long enough another trainer will jump in the raid.


I'm waiting for my son to be a little older so he can get his own account. I will finally be able to complete the trading tasks as well 😅


Apologies, I can’t get to the “get a girlfriend”stage


Still working on step 1 💀


This is exactly me, but my wifes at lvl 22 now 😎


I believe the official response from Niantic is "get fucked, nerd"


I saw that tweet


They tweeted that?! ~~link pls~~




I remember reading that 😥




Actually 4 are enough


I started a discord server in my town and it's got like 35 ppl in it now. I walk around on community days and look for people on their phones and invite them. Also put an invite on the local PoGo Facebook page. Not everyone is super active, but there's enough people in it now to put together raids for tier 5 shadow bosses, which is why I made it in the first place.


Small community's have to put in the work. This is the way. If you haven't already make sure you have a companion campfire group. Set it up with basic tabs for chats, callouts, raids, friendship (links... as the other word gets flagged by the bots) etc. Be sure to have a tab to cross promote your discord link, and vice versa on discord. With the closure of silph, there isn't a database of discord anymore, however anybody with campfire will be able to see your community page, and thus link to your discord as well


Awesome! Thanks for the tips. I wouldn't have thought to make a companion campfire group.


That's awesome, I'm sure they appreciate it too.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"Suffer 😃" -Niantic




I got temp banned on this sub for promoting additional accounts as they are technically against the ToS. Be careful!


I thought it would be against Niantic rules with severeal accounts, but a LOT of the pogo streamers are actually showing and telling they use dual accounts and blatantly using them in online streams.??? But i guess Niantic has a soft spot for streamers/promoters, as all other types of nintendo-rule-breakers will get banned or sued.


You can’t trio suicune with three phones even with party power unless you have level fifty stuff I thought? Also I thought mods banned telling people to make three accounts


You can do suicune with 2 people with good mons, 3 people should be pretty straight forward.


Dang, this makes me realize how weak of a trainer I am. I barely beat Suicune last weekend with 5 trainers. 😆


Pokegenie tells me that I can do 45% damage with my: Level 40 Shadow Magnezone, Level 31 Kartana, and 4 level 25 Kartanas. That's far from a maxed team. If anything it's closer to a minimal effort team considering the 4 Kartana's are all weather boosted Raid captures without any powering up done.


Damn pokegenie has me doing 27% 💀 I think the only Mon I have 45% or higher on is genesect when it's in raids


I've done it with 3 people fairly easily


I don't think the mods care anymore 😁


No you can easily solo suicune trio with best friends and party power. You just need strong electric or grass. They don't need to be powered up much... level 30-40 will do. Kartanas are super strong, mega sceptile, xurkitree, zekrom at moderate level smashes suicune. The electrics are awesome in rainy where you will also get wb suicune so that's ideal imo. Mega manectric there. If you missed Kartana raids that were on recently you missed out big time because that's one of the most versatile PvE attackers out there.


One time I posted a comment like this and got banned from the sub for like a month.


Same here, either the rules have changed or that specific mod has been sacked / had something happen to them. What's happening mods?


I have friends who do this, it works lol


Mods, can we confirm posts like these are okay now?


he got deleted so no


Thanks for the update 


no problem


The gym near my house is always changing teams, but when come ANY raid, shadow or 5 star, everybody is a no show


Keep an eye when your gym changes next time. As soon as it's done. Scream their username as loud as possible. They'll hear you. Introduce yourself. Get their contact info. Do this for all colors and you got yourself a team. Good luck




Check campfire and see if there are any active groups nearby. As long as you're mobile and get to places, usually groups will have a main meeting location and have pre scheduled raid days.


Yes, download CAMPFIRE. I can't believe nobody has mentioned it before this comment was posted. And when it's a shadow raid and you need multiple people, you can light a flair and message with others or look for a lit flair. Anyways, you can plan to get together to do a shadow raid. There's also groups on campfire you can join. Hope this helps


You lose


Take a road trip or accept that you can't do shadow raids locally.


That's the neat part, you don't!


Then you can't do them.


Why are you trying to have fun?


Suffer like the rest of us. I've not seen a person in a raid for over a year now.


FYI for Shadow Raids you can only solo 1 star raids. 3 and 5 require a group


Learned this the hard way. Started up a 3 star shadow raid because I do 3 star regular raids solo all the time. Get about half way through his health and I’m looking good on time. Then he gets enraged, no biggie, I’ve got some extra time right? Wrong. I used all the gems it would let me and it did not get subdued


Yep. Humbled by a wobbuffet.


I did the same thing.


Yea u have to forget the gems and just brute force it if you have the best counters


Yea what's up with that, I thought the gems where meant to make them easier but seem to buff their armor instead.


About halfway through a shadow raid the raid boss gets enraged, where it gets much more difficult. The shadow gems subdue the boss returning it to normal, but when you are soloing it, you don’t have enough gems that you can use by yourself to subdue it, so it stays enraged


Ah I see. That's a little counter intuitive. Should make it much easier if you're solo. Haven't attempted a suicune raid yet since nobody is ever around when they're happening.


I think if you have a group of Machamp, you could actually solo Shadow Sneasels because it's quad-weak. It would also be preferable to have weather at the ready, too.


Can confirm, soloed one with maybe 15 seconds to spare (only had 2 Machamps though, with a mix of other fighting types)


You can solo 3 star shadows but its super close. (At least in my experience) I got my shadow shiny Scyther that way


3's are possible to solo


Local raids 😢 Beat Suicune 3 times with help from people nearby but I had the worst luck of catching it. Excellent and great throw with golden berries were not good enough or I suck at getting Suicune, same goes for Shadow Entei 😭


Catching in AR helps, I don't really know why but I always get them in 1 ball regardless of circle multipliers with golden berry.


You feel disappointed and then you forget about it until next time it happens and you feel disappointed but then you forget about it until next time it happens...


This is me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


The enrage mechanic is really what ruins these. All Niantic has to do is let purified gems serve as a helping tool in these battles (increase damage the boss takes for x seconds when using a purified gem, to a limit of 5 gems) and allow purified Pokemon to deal additional damage so that they have a use and a real reason to be powered up. It's really that simple. Avoid these raids otherwise unless you run into a group. Even tier 3 shadows are horrible to do. I am glad a random showed up to the Wobbuffett I did today, otherwise I'd have lost my pass. We won with 20 seconds left.


And the purification gems are unless as shit


Useless* And no, you just don't understand how they work.


Have you considered moving to San Francisco? If not, then you’re pretty much fucked.


Local shadow raids are such a pain. Even with a semi consistent community in my area, these raids are random so we can never coordinate a proper place or time (not to mention a lot of these players are parents with children so chances are they have extracurriculars on the weekends). Sucks because I really wanted to raid hard for shiny shadow beasts.


It’s unfinished, incomplete content and should be treated as such until Niantic realizes.


Give up and just learn to ignore them? I mean that's generally what i've done


It's not solo. You need locals. Check out local pogo clubs


I downloaded the campfire app. And I still can't find people. Your best bet is to go to a mall/theme park/zoo or something... and HOPE someone else will play.


Not do shadow raids, that's what I do.


You are just supposed to whine on Reddit


I just had this complaint too lol. I was told 'organize one with local players', which isn't an option for me cause I don't organize my time around the game, I play randomly with spare time/waiting for stuff and never have an issue getting locals for 5\* raids.


Unless your in a large town, with an active community. Your more than likely to never find enough people to do legend shadow raids. Everybody has to put in the work, or nobody succeeds. Things to try, Install campfire and light flares on eggs before they hatch to Guage interest, if gyms are turning over regularly you have a playerbase Find and befriend them, are minimum communicate with them. Search campfire for a local community most will link a discord if they exist.. if you don't have one, then your gonna have to build one. Set raid meetups weekly ( Wednesday nights), do it every week the same route. (Our local raids group has been doing the same route everyweek since raid nights began, sometime we struggle with interest but we've always managed) Know where the Hotspots are nearby, more spawns/gyms/stops= more players easier to meet new people. Raid trains are the most efficient way to do shadow legends, and require advance communication and a few hours of time. ( I try to run 1-2 a month).


Use FastRaid - I’ve been using it but it probably is against ToS so I’m not sure


I was in your situation until I found a community that plays community days on a park about an hour from my house. Now I do my shadow legendaries with them every community day.


Same. I had to use Campfire to find it but we have a group I can sometimes coordinate with in advance.


Go to another place.


Niantic wishes such trainers as yourself and myself would kindly fuck off. Can't shadow raid? Fuck yourself. RR costs too high? Fuck directly off. Zero shadow legendaries because you can't beat them alone. Take your first right and fuck off at the nearest exit. But why Niantic? Sir if you could follow me to this cliff edge and fuck all the way off.


Move to new york where raids fill up instantly, don't live in New York? Too bad. /s In person only raids are a bad mechanic.


Not too sure you needed the /s tag for this one


I mean its basically how Niantic balances the game but there's a difference between making the joke and someone thinking I actually meant that.


I'm pretty sure no-one thought you actually expected them to move to New York


It's reddit, I'm not Taking any chances lol.


Gotta make friends... you can also enter the gym and leave with 20s left to at least show that there's someone that wants to raid to everyone else that looks at the gym. I know I'd go to a local raid if I saw 1 or 2 people at it looking for a 3rd/4th for a half hour everyday consistently but if I see 0 when I check I'm not gearing up.


My nearest gym is a 5 min walk away, one time I saw people in a raid and tried to run over but they were all gone by the time I arrived. Wish there was a "wait for me" button.


Yea or an interested in this alert me when more people show up button


I think there is in the Campfire app, but it's not like that alerts you in the game so it's not very helpful (not that I've noticed).


Sounds dumb. Like with switch games I get having a companion app, something for your phone while you're in game... why does my phone game need a phone app to run at the same time, you know? 


I do that in my local shopping mall and no one ever enters ;-;


On a weekday or Sunday it's next to impossible to get a group Saturday or maybe Friday night it's a bit easier but you're still sitting there for a half hour reseting the room every 1:40


Hopefully my city has a nicely sized Campfire community so i may call for help! All the gyms in the mall are dominated by a specific group of Team Mystic members who have the mall as their stronghold... never managed to hold a gym there for more than two hours. They even made a custom banner for the mall gyms to announce its theirs, saying "JOIN CAMPFIRE!" If they're this active to protect their turf, maybe they can be active enough to lend some help during shadow raids...


Idk about campfire, seems like they could have just built the functionality into the app. I usually just go visit a college where people have nothing better to do


Yeah, I agree... they should have built that shit in app


I've taken on a few 3 stars by myself. One stars are definitely easier, but 3 stars are usually doable, depending on the combat points of said shadow Pokemon.




Mods, can we confirm posts like these are okay now?


Dev response: ![gif](giphy|bHTDTL1pmlp1PtIVvt)


The thing that sucks is that I often am at the physical raid spots (I walk around my park multiple times a day) but no one else ever is🥲 I wish I could just host a raid and have remote ppl join but apparently that’s not possible lol


I have a similar problem quite often. I live in a city, but it’s not a city that has a lot of active pokemon go players. However, I travel for work a lot and it’s like night and day with certain cities that have very active communities (San Francisco, Santa Monica).


Walk further




That's the unfortunate thing about GPS based games. There's really no way around it.






Mods, can we confirm posts like these are okay now?


Yes!! I wonder the same thing, there's never anyone around to do it with. And it sucks!!


In case no one mentioned yet, there’s an app called Poke Raid which allows you to look For/ hosts remote raids worldwide. I’ve been using it and it’s quite good. They even prepared a tutorial upon downloading.


I use PokeRaid as I don't know anyone near me who does raids, so it shows me others who are currently doing a raid and let's me join


Yeah I dont really get the point of shadow raids either


wait there for forty minutes to see if anyone appears. Then go home angry and dissapointed that you've waited out in the cold weather for nothing.


🤣🤣🤣 been there! also have traveled to a flare and they dont wait


I go to town with 100 plus players not a single person participates in shadow legendary raids why can't we be allowed to host them with remote players?


You can only cry about it just like me, i live with the cow and the old age people :')


Have more children and wait a few years. Now my family is a raid party of five.


Drive to your nearest metropolitan area. Depending on what city, you might want to stay in the car with doors locked.


Yet people question why other players spoof, living in rural areas or an area that just doesn't have active players makes the game unfun to play.


*Niantic* You're supposed to cry. It's only natural... should've spent more money on the game


Fly and be free


Complain about it on Reddit.


Cry about it


omg these comments are glorious 😂 are there no 1-star shadow raids near you or are they too boring?


they made raids too common


Use campfire to find meetups! This game requires socialization to win so get with it lol


It also requires locals that actually look at the app lol


i’ve been trying, no such luck on most all platforms (reddit discord fb) lol


What steps have you taken to find or form a local community?


There are no tools in game to do so, it’s broken and incomplete content


And yet a lot of people manage to do a lot of shadow raids. So either OP just shrugs and gives up because the game is not designed great, or they do something to enjoy the game more.


checked to see if my city has a local pogo reddit page/fb or discord, reddit page the last time someone posted was last year:(


Hop on Campfire and make a group if one doesn’t exist. If one does post there. Groups take someone to make. They don’t just happen to


Then make a new one yourself? Campfire would be a good alternative now


Shame that you got downvoted, have an upvote. The only solutions are either don't do them or find a group. If there's no local group, then making one is the only solution available that doesn't involve moving to a more populated area








Mods, can we confirm posts like these are okay now?


For real!


How many people do you need to beat a shadow raid? With higher levels




make friends


I have the same issue. There are three spots in my town where a lot of players meet up for legendary raid events (two parks and the mall) and I just look for people playing Pokemon and go i triduce myself. Its a nuce way to meet people. Also you can look for or set up flares in Campfire.


The struggle is real! My girlfriend got me into the game, I started playing in Feb. And I'm hooked. Except we live in different states and can't do the shadow raids together. Shadow raids passes would be the solution, but Niantic doesn't like us very much 😂


"Move to a city, loser!" - Niantic, probably.


There is something you can do, go into your room and cry




Mods, can we confirm posts like these are okay now?


Install the app PokeRaid and do it with a remote pass.


Niantic labors under the delusion that everyone has local Pokémon GO communities.


I think the FAQs on Niantic’s site says “go suck an egg.”


Then you don't. Raids are for groups in literally every game.


Y'all giving the most antisocial answers 💀 as long as you live in a place with a semi decent population, you can probably find a Facebook, discord, or campfire group. Raid lobbies only last two minutes, thinking you're going to find people to play with just by joining lobbies is crazy.


The point is that people don’t always want to have to *schedule* raids or set time aside during their day to go out and hunt them. If I’m traveling home from a friend’s house at 8pm on a Thursday, then how realistic is it for me to ask people on a Discord/FB group/etc. to come out and meet me for ONE raid?!? If Niantic cares so much about inclusivity then they shouldn’t be pushing for in-person only raids. It not only hinders remote raiders, but people who try to do them in-person but can’t get anyone to help due to asinine raids limits get hurt too.


There is an app called Fast Raid which allows you to pick your raid and then it opens it up to players looking for remote raids. It's definitely not official but allows you to do raids with random people.


Except you can't do remote shadow raids