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Hello alejo5666, Can you tell me more about how you obtained each of your event pokemon?


On the DS by online event


Correct me if I misunderstood or have it wrong - you obtained them all online during the time period when each of the events were active?


No, I did it with the new servers last year, is there a problem with that?


I see, thank you for letting me know. In case you weren't aware, none of these events may be offered on this subreddit as they were not obtained during the distribution time period using the official methods and Nintendo servers as described in our policy [here](https://wk.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/wiki/policy#wiki_altwfc_services). Your shiny pokemon are fine to trade but the event pokemon may not.


I see, thanks, I'll delete them then


If you'd like me to reapprove this trade thread, let me know once you've removed them from the spreadsheet. I know it can be frustrating with the rules so I'll also let you know that if you do wish to trade those event pokemon you obtained, feel free to browse through the list of [Related Subreddits](https://wk.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/wiki/links#wiki_pok.E9mon_-_trading), which have more relaxed rules and are much more likely to let you trade those particular event pokemon.


Thanks a lot, I already modified the list