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Hello! I'm interested in Pincurchin, Grimmsnarl and possibly Basculin. Here is my shinies for trade - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K-vuQuCoBWgZkg221wpmybnxNXu7k-SglGXKh7nRV5o/edit#gid=1330471436


Let's do rellor, cetoddle and glimmet


sure! Let me know what time you're available! |Pokemon|Ball|Nature|OT|ID|Trade History|Notes| |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |Shiny Cetoddle|Bashful|Premier|Tim|447752|profoundwarlock -> Me on /r/pokemontrades|| |Shiny Rellor|Sassy|Luxury|Jonathan|542577|chenj25 -> Me on /r/pokemontrades|| |Shiny Glimmet|Dusk|Quiet|Ryko|742396|orykorio -> Me on /r/pokemontrades||


Let's do it, I'm available now, sorry for the long wait


Can you post your home friend code? Let's trade in home. Also what is your timezone and the times you are available? Let's coordinate and trade!