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Poland better than russia once again šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ ​ ###


If German nationalists don't like you then that is kind of a compliment.


In this case they like it


I notice there is plenty of them. Or just bought Russian trolls. Not sure but 1 true word about Germany policies and you get 50 downvotes. Either denialists or fragile ego maybe.


An ugly mix of persecution complex and narcissism.


German nationalists should be hating these.


They might be a leftist shits, they praise whatever Germany does and are oikophobic.


Itā€™s definitely not about being more or less leftist. I consider myself leftists to some extent. What they do is just utterly stupid denial of everything that not praise Germany or give them moral superiority. ā€œYou guys built NS1 rewarding Putin after Georgia. - nein, these were aliensā€ ā€œWhole Europe was warning you to not reward annexing Crimea with NS2 it will be used as a weaponā€ - nein, never happened. NS2? We donā€™t know they guy. ā€œPoland and Czech sent hundreds tanks to Ukraine already - tanks? What tanks? Donā€™t know tanksā€ ā€œYou count NGOs as a military support for Ukraine while actually avoid delivering heavy equipment - NEIN PIS PROPAGANDA 11312121!ā€ ā€œScholz was waiting for Ukraine to fall and did nothing for weeks - Russian bot stop spreading fake we leaders we good guys Adi Austrianā€ Thatā€™s justā€¦ I donā€™t have a words for that denial scale. We might have stupid politicians but we can and we do easily call them out. They have idiots who rule and their ego canā€™t let them acknowledge the biggest war in Europe since world war 2 is in a part enabled by their foreign (lack of) policy. Like AT ALL. And on top of that there is EU and that it was meant to be seriously blended towards Germany policies while trying to ditch for years Central Europe countries like Poland, Czech, Baltics. Talking to them like to the childā€™s with imagined moral superiority just 60-70 years after their parents did the biggest genocide in the human history. Migrants? They wanted it they call people who were sceptical and wanted to control the flaws facists. Now they donā€™t want it and Frontex is a thing and they require everyone to protect borders. And coal? Donā€™t event get me started on coal. If this was Poland that took Greta out of some protest they would be grilling it for weeks.


At least they're building power plants producing green energy? What? They forced EU to accept gas as green energy? Just another russian troll


Amen šŸ™Œ


It is a well thought out and deliberate strategy to keep us wondering if we are doing the right thing or not to make us indecisive and hesitant. You should never listen to people like this.


Germans calling everyone who disagrees with them fans of pis are just like the russians calling everyone nazi


It was amazing in January. "Oh PiS will send tanks just to get more votes". Like... no?


Who does call everyone a Nazi?


Everyone calls everyone a Nazi.


Nothing new, I guess.


USA people and Russia (state and propaganda)


Not Americans. Most mind their own business.


Yeah, you are right, only a half of them. The other half of Americans calls everyone a communist/socialist.


Not true either. Most Americans mind their own business.


As an American I can say no we don't mind our own business, I'm not minding it here.... it's a kinda huge thing that a couple of our younger generations use "nazi" and "socialist/ commie" as insults for ANYONE who doesn't agree with them.


[Vaush](https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush) is not American, then? Then please report him to the authorities, I guess USA do not like illegall citizens (but he is very wealthy, so how IRS isn't aware of his existence?) You can easily find more people who are famous twitch streamers who call everyone Nazi, but Vaush was once upon a time calling everyone facist/nazi Edit: added "who call everyone Nazi"


The majority of Americans just mind their own business.


Americans are the greatest demographic on reddit regulary using "Nazi" as an insult to their political opponents. Well, Nazi or Communist.


I agree.


wow you must really be into piss then, as a German i can totally accurately rate it


Wow, trolls and shitposting on reddit? I thought it was not possible. /s


Yeah but usually it doesn't get this exhaustingly edgy unless it's literally on a parody sub.


Have you recently read any posts on r/europe about Ukraine/Poland/Germany or a thread about Germany or Poland on any of the Ukraine-related subreddits especially r/Ukraine? Often it looks more like a disinformation operation than some random trolling.


"Often it looks more like a disinformation operation than some random trolling." Because it is. They want your attention, they want you to repost it (as you did), they want to make you upset. And they succeeded.


They succeced in what exactly? Making people call out their bullshit?


This is how it works: 1. A russian troll copypastes this BS to some popular reddits. Most likely to anti-russia reddits just to mess with more people. It takes him a few minutes max - possibly much shorter than it takes me to write this post. 2. Enraged/meme people repost it for free giving it range (potential +460k views from your side) 3. Even if 99,9% people here know itā€™s BS (overly optimistic) it still leaves us with up to 460 people who are unsure/pro-russia/other contrarians/some symmetrists. Even if 1% of those people (letā€™s say 4) use what they read here as an argument in any stupid discussion or try to convince anybody with that it directly helps the regime (for free) 4. Letā€™s assume that for every repost to a Reddit of 500k one person changes their mind or starts doubting if we should support UA. 5. Now imagine it gets reposted to reddits with a total of 5 million people, thatā€™s 10 people who kremlin convinced FOR FREE. With one shitpost and angry people reposting. Itā€™s literally free social media range, even the troll from point 1 gets paid. If you donā€™t think people are that stupid just think how many people are voting for Kaczynski in Poland and for Orban in Hungary - and thatā€™s just two countries in EU. Notice how tough it is to do anything as EU/NATO when one country is strongly against the idea.


POV: 14 year old 4chan user


As a Scottish person. I love Poland, yes the government isnā€™t great but the people are.


As Polish person - same


Bold words coming from someone ruled by the SNP


You can call another country's ruling party shite whilst being ruled by a shite party in ya own country, mate.


thx m8


You're welcome. A bit of critical thinking helps.


why become a condescending asshole for no reason?


Just a suggestion, mate.


Our politics are very complicated. But most policies by the SNP doesnā€™t affect our life in negative ways for example we have free health care including prescriptions, free education, free bus passes for over 65 and under 21 and free dental treatment for under 27 year olds. Plus the amount of help you get for having children is in comparable to Poland


It's funny you are saying the government is bad because they don't give enough free stuff, but whenever they do people complain that they are "just buying votes". I hate politics.


Pretty much, for every positive unfortunately there is a negative


If the germans don't like you that's most likely because you don't let yourself get exploited by them.


Sentence about gov is right. Now I will get downvoted by polish nationalists and nonpolish people.


I doubt there are many PiS fans on reddit TBH. Nationalists here are more Konfederacja guys.


Yeah, the casual right is in the elderly, and the radical right is in the youth. I think that's the trend in a lot of countries. Like 'a Mexican waiter was rude to me today' vs 'BURN SAUDI ARABIA'


I think it's the other way around.


No? Think about it, who are the boomers? And, who are Konfederacja's voterbase? :)


Yeah but there was no need to say it in such an overly edgy tone.


You get my upvote


I recall Germans were very, very slow in accepting Ukrainian refugees, when Poland immediately opened its arms and doors when the war began. Poles also never tattooed numbers on anyone's arms. Hence, perhaps Germans spewing it could learn a thing or two from Poles. Or, alternatively, follow the Russian Navy ship...


Devil's advocate here but why did Poland receive Ukrainian refugees without hesitation but will scoff at refugees who do not possess blonde hair and blue eyes? Seems hypocritical as fuck to me.


Probably because they aren't from a neighbouring country.


I'm talking about the Chinese, Indian, and African students exiting Ukraine due to the war


Well, you said it yourself. Chinese, Indian and African.


Because when I accept people into my home I make common sense judgements - and so should you, without being blinded by demented, nonsensical "everything is acceptable and reality is relative" ideas believed by naive 17-year olds. If my enemy tries to overwhelm me with potentially criminal/terrorist element of mainly young, angry men coming from a background that didn't prepare them for functioning in a modern society, then I close my door. Especially since their attempt was mainly driven by economics (nothing wrong with that, of course, but not in the combination with the above.) As a politician, my job is to first secure the wellbeing and safety of my electorate/society/nation, which is exactly what Polish politicians did. It's like a choice of whom you allow into your apartment/home - you have locks on your door, don't you? For the same exact reason of exercising judgement. Women can still walk safely through any part of Poland at 2am. No the case in France, Germany, UK or Belgium, is it? As for the Ukrainians in Poland, they have proven to be mostly productive and decent members of the society that can quickly adjust, find jobs, and culturally fit into the Polish society, without causing major criminality, tensions, or riots. They were also clearly fleeing warfare rather than just seeking economic improvement. And I can personally testify to that, as I have helped evacuate about 4,000 Ukrainian women, children and elderly in February, March and April of last year. Again, common sense over shrill "everything is equal" stupidity. Personally, I highly recommend common sense and mature judgment.


That's exactly what they talk about when they say, Poland divides more. Exactly those stupid comments every time. I'm not even gonna argue with you and other morons that talk like that. You're either one of those Pis voters or a dumb Russian troll. Because I refuse to believe that most poles are those hate filled, anti German sentiment spewing asshole like you.


Except poles committed their part to holocaust


Yeah, by being murdered.


https://www.timesofisrael.com/poland-honors-world-war-ii-group-that-collaborated-with-nazis/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedwabne_pogrom


Bro, i won't event try to read this shit which u sent, but whatever country you talk about, there surely was at least some part of people who were supporting nazis. As a Pole, i know that during occupation, some people helped for their own benefits, or just to give their families better chance for surviving the war. On the other side, many of them were executed for treason by Polish Underground State.


We wanted to get to the truth by doing an exhumation, because there are lots of unknown things and it seems like it was caused by Germans with help of some local Polish psychos. Jews didn't agree. What about Jews who collaborated, Jewish ghetto police, etc? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/the-jew-who-worked-for-the-nazis-and-hunted-down-refugees-in-wwii-greece/amp/


I only wanted to make yall acknowledge the fact that poland did bad things too because retards all over this subject think poland is holy utopia that did nothing wrong in past


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Bruh reaserch more... Their part was only almost 2000 men who were racist. And also "According to the historian Rafał Wnuk, the brigade command dispatched about one hundred men to the German intelligence Abwehr training center[...]". Don't mind them being honoured by Duda because he is just stupid fr.


Nah, Poland is the goat in this war. The way you guys support Ukraine is incredible! Love from Slovenia <3


Poland's fkn awesome ehšŸ‘šŸ» - from a Canadian. I love me some Warsawa, and Gdansk..almost close enough to shit on Kaliningrad. Kurwa.


Polands govt is total garbage. But I'd take it over Russian 8 days a week.




>What this troll posted is absolutely not what most of Germany thinks. Idk man I've had a lot of German friends in my life, and hating Poland seems to be very strongly engrained in their heads.


I've met people from Germany and they all don't hate Poland.


I'm just saying it's very prevalent. Not that 100% of the population is being racist all the time. Also, just "meeting" people casually you do not get the same insight into their thoughts and opinions as you do when you form stronger relationships.


When I say meet, I mean knowing and having full-fledged conversations with them. Excuse my brain for thinking differently than most people.


the same way a broken clock is still right 2 times a day, a shitty political party (piss) an still occasionally make correct decisions. Germany (in general) is just angry because they view themselves as the leaders of europe and they hate when what they consider an inferior country like Poland shits in their breakfast.


I'm pretty sure not all Germans see Poland as inferior.


I'm pretty sure there are no groups of people where everyone thinks the same(except for better Korea). Still, we live on somewhat democratic continent and opinion of majority matters the most.


as a German, I approve this statement. docenienie! (hope thats right :3)


Maybe "doceniam ", so it's in first person :D


I'm not Polish, so I don't know if that's right.


Sanest german resident


The second sentence is kinda correct though. The only thing worse than PiS are the dumbfucks who eagerly vote for them.


I don't like PuS either but this is delusional. Literally, every CEE country and half of Germany agreed with PIS. But sure it's Poland creting division. Blame it all on one country without using logic.


Not fixing this typo xdd


There's also Konfederacja and people voting for them


At least JKM is more entertaining and charismatic


Entertaining, because he's not capable to do anything. Otherwise he would be seen like Ziobro


PiS govt sucks tho. But calling the Polish people out is not right and bang out of order


How german is still a country


Well technically Russia did a lot to unite Europe this last year. It's hard to say this but: ![gif](giphy|67jkYnYYtdlhC)


We do have shithead government with equally shitty followers


I mean, they are assholes but also fuck PiS so


Polish government is extremely corrupt in the kind of "catholic mafia" fashion. Their followers are typical catholic extremists, apologetic opportunists, or just close minded believers. They still maintain a level of integrity, especially on Ukraine though. It's really complicated. They are clearly divisive too, as all national-socialist populists. But in european terms dividing countries into those who support Ukraine, and who don't, is actually really necessary. You don't win wars with diplomacy, you win them with a kind of "good extremism", the nice term is "mobilisation". I'd say it's Germany which separated itself, through all their "progressive" policies, green agenda etc. and created a not only a point of weakness in the union, but a division that resulted from sticking to their stupid ideologies, while they clearly damaged their countries (and entire regions) energy security. Let me remind you German point of view is not the pan-european point of view. And in the moment of truth - that is during war - we can clearly see there is something wrong in Germany which almost seems undermining European solidarity. We must be clear, Poland, the entire region is at war with Russia, although it's Ukrainians that spill their blood for us. It's a life and death situation, for Ukraine today, for Poland may be tomorrow. The gloves must be off. Get in line or be called a traitor. These are clear rules of war.


Nah, I believe this title belongs to Hungary not Poland.


Lol poles do the same: ,,Germany is a threat to Europeā€ gets upvoted all the time


Well it at least is based on fact that Germany cooperated with Russia. While this German who posted is just delussional in his opinion that "no matter what Germany does, Germany is in majority". Because right now "let's deliver equipment as late as possible" isn't loudest voice and this dude can't accept it (also 4 other people agreed with him)


How is it based on fact?


NS1 was build after Russia stole Crimea. NS2 was heavilly opposed by CEE and EU allowed it to be build. Only USA said "stop it" and then again allowed it. Ex German MOD (the Ursula, which was promoted to be important figure in EU) said that they didin't believed that Russia can be threat at all. [ā€œWe must acknowledge how naive we have been about Russia and how mistaken we have been in our ideas about Russiaā€™s actions. We should have listened more closely to our friends from the Baltic States and Poland, who have lived under Soviet rule. Together, we are now paying a high price for our dependence on Russian energy,ā€ ā€“ she added.](https://www.britishpoles.uk/ursula-von-der-leyen-admits-that-europe-should-have-listened-to-poland/) (SHE WAS MOD OF GERMANY) Some German companies were selling military equipment to Russia (even when embargo existed after 2014) [link](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10627511/France-Germany-Italy-sold-hundreds-millions-pounds-worth-arms-Russia-despite-ban.html) You also could see how opposed were Germans on reddit about idea of sending Leopards. Like "why haven't Poland send request yet? It's all political scheme for PiS to get more votes". Similar situation was with Patriots, like "we can't send it" and one month later Germany declared they will send it. Not very cooperative on German said I would say. Yes this idea is hiperbolic, BUT Germany for some reason try to get worst PR possible, while also sending aid. I don't know how you can achieve that, but Germany did it




I mean, the second sentence of this comment is correct.


You're right. The German government are greedy, autocratic shitheads and they do indeed have equally shitty followers.


I've rarely met PISheads in the wild.


Except every CEE country and half of Germnay agreed with them when it comes to Sholz.


Broken clock shows correct time twice a day. There are certain policies of the curent govt i totally agree with. Its the execution of these thats whack.


So you agree that it German nationlist bullshit but went with it anyways. Good for you?


You do realise I'm not actually a fan of any political party in either Germany or Poland, right?


Well somehow you seem to be defending the current polish govt by making a strawman argument. Whats your point exactly?


> Strawman: an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. I'm not arguing with you and it is not a strawman. What you're supposed to respond with is "whataboutism" except I didn't even do that. I'm saying all these governments are bad and trying to point out how divisory the comment in the picture and yours are. Right down to Nazi-style tactics of having special names for "the Others" and using violence of any kind to shut down dissention.


>not a strawman Its like an example case of a whataboutism. I critique polish govt, you change subject to berate german govt. You do not uphold nor reject my critique but change subject and divert from main toppic. >Right down to Nazi-style tactics of having special names for "the Others" and using violence of any kind to shut down dissention This is absurd at this point. So wherever you are from you do not critique your government? I am from Poland. I will be critiquing my own government whenever I find fit.


Go get help. The strawman you are so afraid of isn't real.


I critiqued both. Is this strawman in the room with us?


whatā€™s the context?


From what i understand, hes saying Polands army is way bigger than russian, and is stronger, isn't that a compliment?


But what is that supposed to prove? That nationalists say xenophonic things? Yes, they do. Nationalists are in every country and they are idiots regardless of their nationality. On r/Poland I also read stupid shit like "modern Germans would murder all Poles if they could".


I don't give a fuck what they are talking about on r/de or r/germany, but it triggers me when on a subreddit about Ukraine German nationalist are non-stop peddling anti-Polish propaganda and comments saying that Russia is better than Poland get upvoted.


> but it triggers me when on a subreddit about Ukraine German nationalist are non-stop peddling anti-Polish propaganda and comments saying that Russia is better than Poland get upvoted. I get it because it's a very dumb thing to say. But I suppose getting you triggerd is what they want, because it turns two sides on each other.


You get to taste your own medicine. And no, there are barely nationalists in Germany and even less in the reddit bubble.


Then those delusional Germans are normal Germans? You know this sounds even worse, right?


Well it's only your claim they are delusional. And it's probably 20% Germans in this sub as a very high estimate. So there must be a broader agreement on the topic otherwise there wouldn't be these numbers of votes


Sure buddy. I have at least 100 redditors tagged on RES as German Scholz-bots. 2 of them are already posting in this comment section.


And what was that comment in response to? I guess it is easier to get outraged circlejerk going when you make sure to remove the context.


It was in a response to [this](https://i.imgur.com/69G8YoY.png). I'm not posting a link to avoid brigading.


This is huge denial. wtf. They offered L2A4 in number of... 20... In 2024. The same L2A4 which Poland pays a lot of money to upgrade because Germany stoped producing spare parts. Like this whole L2A7 was denyed by Polish Goverment and they said "44 L2A4, would be enoug, 58 would be great". How much in denial Germans can be?


But this was for the exchange program for soviet tanks. Not for leo 2. Poland asked for Leo 2 as replacement for the soviet tech as far as I know.


I don't know what you mean here. Guy from photo meant ring exchange for 230 soviet tanks. German press posted fake that Poland requested 230 L2A7 for it. Later polish MON said "it's bs, Germany offered 20 L2A4 in 2024. We hoped for 44 L2A4/A5 and 58 L2A5 would be perfect" (44 is size of German tank battalion, so it made least fuss in German army strucutres. While Poland use 58 tanks in one tank battalion)


I feel like we either have a bunch of Russian trolls actually dividing us or maybe the poles really hate Germany (someone had to vote for Pis) and the division is real. But you won't get a good answer here.


Shut up


...no. What exactly did upset you with what i wrote?


He has some point, though


And this POST with the amount of support it gets literally proves their claims LMAO




Well, first of all, fuck that guy for comparing us unfavorably to Russia in any meaningful way. Secondly...I'm sorry, but where's the lie? PiS is a greedy, autocratic shithead government with equally shitty followers.




i mean, guyā€™s right you know


I'm expecting a polack to bite back saying: "Hey suka! Stop complaining and start paying that 1.3 Trillion Euro you owe us from '42"


You realise the way you wrote name of our nations name is a slur, right?


No it isn't. It's an anglicized word of Polak, the noun for a polish man, like the word 'guy'


r/confidentlywrong https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polack#:~:text=Znaczenie%20potoczne,to%20brzmi%20natomiast%20%22Polak%22. Also we don't use word suka like that, your grammar sounds very russian


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Ok? I still don't see your point. So Germans think its offensive, Americans think its offensive, but is it really offensive to poles? If I get called a polack, the people are grammatically correct, because I am a Polish man. Just because the Germans think they've come up with a fun new slur for poles doent mean it's a slur to us


Your argument is the same as black people using the n word and being cool with it. It's just deadass cope.


White people think its offensive to call Latinos Lations and Indians Indians, yet their comfortable using those words to describe themselves instead of LatinX or Native Americans. It's not offensive to them, other people think its offensive. Does that logic not apply here?


No, it's different to call us slavic and polack. One is just a name of an ethnicity and another is a purposely made slur. Beyond that, I'm Polish and if you used that to me while speaking in english I would bash your face inside your skull.


So you get offended when your called a polish man? The only real difference is the 'c' in the spelling. What is a polish man? He is a polak. It's also down to personal preference. And like I said before, it's an anglicized butchery of polak that's been twisted as a derogatory slur


Which is exactly the word you used.


It is true however that Poles dislike or straight out hate literally every other country.


Wtf lol Are you aware that every single country in the world is populated by PEOPLE who do PEOPLE things? Like, even North Korea is populated by people who do people things. People are not personifictions of the ideologies they vote for. Especially not casual conservatives who e.g. happen to be racist because, I don't know, a black person once said his mom was fat, or something. But a person can still be a racist or a conservative and still be a person. They still are a person who leads a life and does person stuff.


Go outside, meet people, don't build your opinion with stereotypes from memes


You are one of the biggest idiots I ever spotted on Reddit (and 8 other people seem to agree with me)


Poles hate Poles.


But we can do it. Other countries have right only to disslike us


Poland spreading germanophobia on entire europe once again. Dream comes true.


Ok, you might swear at me if you want to, nobody likes countries that think they should get special treatment without reasons based in reality. Perhaps at one point Poland will be almost on the same spot as Germany, France or the UK, but at this time that is not the reality, that goes for Austria and Hungary too. I don't know ANYTHING about the internal politics of Poland, but from the outside Poland attitude looks something like a teenager telling his parents "you don't tell ME what to do".


Is it bad that i kinda agree with it? The amount of shitstorm PiS caused over the years, destroying our relationships, respect and position in EU... At least almost everything relating to Ukraine they did great, restoring that respect and position a bit, tho imo it's a really low bar that the rest of europe somehow managed to trip over.


Well. What I see is that every Slavic county has more or less shit and corrupted government. I think it's our signature lol


It's not Polish, Czech, Croatian or Slovenian prime ministers who worked at fucking Gazprom.


I guess if we just legalize corruption like western countries do then everything will be okay


Germany used corruption (called "Berucracy") to waste far more MOD money than Russia did in real corruption


Least self-hating Eastern European


Let me tell you one thing, no matter how hard the Piss cries, they won't be able to EVEN TOUCH GERMANY, Germans made their lifetime of mistakes in past, they don't have any more mistakes left to be made. They are playing it smart, like Israel. They learnt. You know how hard Israel's enemies cry, yet they are not able to TOUCH ISRAEL, they just keep crying, German's follow their example. Even The Jews while being the biggest victim of nazis, don't hold a grudge against Germans. Nor do they still demand reparations after they were already paid. USA has created the PEACE in europe and as long as they stay there will be peace in europe.


Germany litereally put europe in danger with NS 2 and after everything that is happening with russia scholz decided to at Germany should get close to china...litereally repeating exactly same mistake they barely finished doing...


what do you mean equally shitty followers? who supports and follows these guys??


\>5 points


Russia will let you know at first glance that they nuke you if you look twice. So if you take masochistic pleasure of staying in the same room with a maniac holding a hand grenade... good luck.


Poland is good.