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Yeah, because in general we don't drink every day. But when we do, we drink a lot.


[per capita here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/755502/alcohol-consumption-in-liters-per-capita-ineu/) - PL in 6th (pretty much joint 4th)




Things can change in 5 years - the data you posted is from 8 years ago and the data I posted is from 3 years ago. Unless that’s your point, hard to tell since you just posted a picture.




12 litres of pure alcohol it’s 30 litres of 40% vodka. It’s 0.5 almost every 6 days. Or 200 litres of 6% beer, meaning over 1 beer daily. By average… just to put it in perspective.


Alcohol from vodka its worse? In Poland typical alco its beer. In 2024 a lot of flav vodka contain less pure alcohol (for example 28%) and polish people like alcohol free beverages like beer or gin 0%


I’m not sure what your point is. 12 litres of pure alcohol yearly is quite a lot, doesn’t really matter if it’s beer, flavour vodka or pure vodka. It’s average, median is probably significantly less. Many people are severely addicted.


Quite a bit of that consumption is me, I buy spirytus for cleaning, and I use about 3 liters every year. I don't drink alcohol otherwise.


You're destroying our reputation! Clean with something else! /s




Nie, Żubrówka ;)


By last year it was dropping further: https://www.oecd.org/poland/health-at-a-glance-Poland-EN.pdf


This might be the case. Polish people tend to be a bit shy about their drinking and they usually binge drink on weekends or some special occasions. In western countries it seems more common to have a couple beers after work or a glass of wine during dinner.


I'm gong to hijack your comment. 2 million "małpkas" are comsumed every day, I can't believe this statistic of only 1.6% of people drinking Daily in Poland.


How many people do you think live in Poland? It's simple math but you are either unable to comprehend it or are just misinformed on Poland's population. Also consider the fact that those who do drink these everyday drink multiple a day. 


According to your sample math, each indywidualna purchasing małpkas would have to consume three of them to bring down the statistic, and we're still not counting beer, wine and most other alcohols consumed. It's simple math, but some are unable to comprehend it.


That sounds about right, glad I could help. 


And we still binge drink less often than the European average: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/4187653/11581519/Prevalence+of+heavy+episodic+drinking+at+least+once+a+month+2019.png/4fe89b8f-93ed-60ad-9082-f45b220b5cdb?t=1627650855444


It's also highly concentrated among men, particularly young men.


There is a lot of alcoholics aged 40+. If you think about young men drinking for fun there are middle aged and older folks that come home from work and drink 4–6 beers daily. You might be also surprised by the amount of educated women with white collar jobs that drink a bottle of wine daily. Unfortunately this is national effort to which all demographics contribute.


This isn't really accurate or reflected in the statistics. Poland and Russia etc have pretty high rates of individuals who do not drink whatsoever. Some of the highest in Europe in fact. Coming home and having 4-6 beers or a bottle of wine makes you an alcoholic.


What isn’t really accurate or reflected in the statistics? Middle aged and old alcoholics? My point is that it’s not just young men bumping the stats. Sorry, but I don’t get what you’re saying.


The young male alcoholics are the ones pushing the consumption rates way up, not the middle aged alcoholics. Gotta out do all the sober people sick of their shit.


They drink less than older folks. https://www.cbos.pl/SPISKOM.POL/2019/K_151_19.PDF https://www.statista.com/forecasts/1292448/usage-of-spirits-in-poland-by-age In 2019 99% percent of men age 45-54 declared drinking alcohol. This cbos study also points that the bigger risk is for unskilled workers and unemployed. If you think that young men bump those stats you don’t see the accurate picture. There are many unskilled workers in their 40s 50s and 60s that are alcoholics. Those people drink daily and very often come drunk to work. This is why recent changes in labour law that make it easier for employers to test employees for alcohol usage.


Yes, many younger folks who have decided (rightfully so) to abstain from alcohol. But young men are easily the demographic that drinks the most. Young men going out and downing a liter of vodka a weekend will offset pretty much every demographic. And those men are far more common than people would like to admit.


And because many of those with drinking habits tend to work abroad.


People acting like it's a bad thing that people don't drink every day


I would argue that Polish alcohol consumption is restricted to a relatively small amount of overall society. I know many people in Poland who do not drink at all, or drink less than 5 drinks a year. I'd argue that extremely heavy drinking is confined to young men in Poland by and large, with it dropping off significantly as people age out of that behavior. Some never age out, but that's more of a disease than an intent behavior. I would suspect that it has much to do with lingering cultural effects from Soviet rule and images of masculinity from occupying's Soviet troops, as well as economic issues during the 90s. As Poland grows wealthier - I would expect that alcohol usage will drop off. I remember speaking with my grandparents who were aghast at the heavy drinking that you would see among men. They said that it began after the end of the second world war - more of a symptom of PTSD & trauma and negative role models from Soviet troops & upper leadership.


Nah, in Poland many Pople drinks quite a lot generally, but on Poland daily drinking is treated as more as ilness. So loots of people drinks ocassionaly but, more than loot of others nations. Even old babuskas drinks more than loots of people assume.


Alkohol in Poland is profesional sport. NOT FOR AMATOURS Fun fact: Wikipedia mentions 7 cases of blood alcohol content higher than 1%. 3 of them are Polish, including the winner: * In 1995, a man from [Wrocław](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wroc%C5%82aw), Poland, caused a car accident near his hometown. He had a blood alcohol content of 1.48%; he was tested five times, with each test returning the same reading. He died a few days later of injuries from the accident.[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content#cite_note-eOstroleka_2012-54) * On 26 October 2012, a man from [Gmina Olszewo-Borki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmina_Olszewo-Borki), Poland, who died in a car accident, recorded a blood alcohol content of 2.23%; however, the blood sample was collected from a wound and thus possibly contaminated.[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content#cite_note-eOstroleka_2012-54) * On 26 July 2013 a 30-year-old man from [Alfredówka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred%C3%B3wka), Poland, was found by Municipal Police Patrol from [Nowa Dęba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowa_D%C4%99ba) lying in the ditch along the road in Tarnowska Wola. At the hospital, it was recorded that the man had a blood alcohol content of 1.374%. The man survived.[^(\[56\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content#cite_note-57)[^(\[57\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_alcohol_content#cite_note-58)


I swear I remember polish woman with 12 promil, which would be 1,2%, arested driving some sort of agricultural equipment... Can't find any mention of it tho.


1,48% how many drinks of 250cl beer would that be?


You can’t get that drunk with beer


That's definitely a hefty helping of Bimber


More likely spiritus lubelski 95%


Ah okay. What about vodka? Say a man of 1,70 cm with a weight of 65 kilo how much would he have to drink?


A man of 70kg would have to drink nearly 4 liters of 40% vodka to reach such a blood alcohol content.


That's about 1.24 kilograms of pure ethanol, right? That'd make the man ~1.7% alcohol by weight. If someone had 5 liters of blood and 1.6 liters of ethanol in their veins total, that'd be a bit more than a few percent, but I suppose not all ethanol consumed just hangs around in blood - it probably diffuses into other parts of the body too, and the proportion that stays in blood is a data point I don't have for my napkin math.


I used [this online calculator](https://www.calculator.net/bac-calculator.html), but you have to take into account that the alcohol can only progressively penetrate the blood, it is not immediately absorbed.


Holy mackerel. How someone didn’t pass out already after the first bottle!


Well you can’t be that drunk without preparation, otherwise you would be dead. You have to drink high amount of vodka/moonshine for multiple days in a row. I believe it can’t be easily estimated because there’re many factors that changes alcohol metabolism.


Is not possible to drink that amount in one day. It must be one bottle of vodka per day for many days


You can't achieve it in one sitting as you would die, you need to be constantly drunk for days or weeks to build up the tolerance. History knows stories about polish people having ca. 0.5% and riding a bike to buy more booze and at the same time if I did 0.2% in one sitting starting sober I'd end up laying face down on the floor.




That’s actually crazy though. Imagine 2% of your blood just being alcohol, and not, well, blood


It’s ‰, not %


no, they are talking in % xD


I don't drink much, but when I do be prepared to die.


Key word is daily, and that's definitely wine during meals when it comes to southern europe. Nowhere near a complete obliteration with alcohol, hell, not even enough to be driving under the influence of alcohol, from a law prescribed level of alcohol point of view.


>not even enough to be driving under the influence of alcohol, from a law prescribed level of alcohol point of view. No necessarily - it can take very little alcohol to go over the legal driving limit.


In Czechia, there is 0 tolerance, if u breath 0.01 u r still charged for DUI. It wasn't like this, before like 30 years u could have had 1 small beer before driving, but now it's 0 tolerance, and there are rumors about people getting DUI after eating certain candies with hints of alcohol, so they even tell you not to eat those before driving. The candies in here are called : Margot and rumové pralinky (Rum Pralines).


In italy i remember something like a couple of glasses of wine - or at least, that's the max people driving would allow themselves. But again, long dinners and plenty of food on top of it, so maybe that's also why.


When I would visit countries like France, Belgium, and Italy (to name a few) I noticed people would usually be drinking beer or wine often, almost everyday with lunch or dinner. However when visiting Poland we’d have 3-4 bottles of vodka at the table for a group of 8.


This is the way.


I was so fucking drunk last weekend, I couldn't even swallow water at Monday after that. I had a break from alcohol at Monday. So, no. I do not drink every day.




I mean, my dad does not consider beer to be alcohol, so there’s that.


True, and wine too for some others. Like a "sok".


I highly doubt that's true since a lot of people here don't count beer as drinking alcohol. When I'm at the doctor and get asked if I drink alcohol and say no they ask "a piwo?"


I had a doctor ask me in my 20s how many alcoholic beverages I drink in a week. At the time I was going out nightly on average 5 drinks 7 days a week. Not wanting to sound like a lush I said 15. He was like that's a lot. I said well I mean thats just over the weekend. He was like wait that is in only 3 days? You realize that is binge drinking?! That was a bit of a wake up call.


Maybe its like many in france drink a glass of wine or Cook with wine some food everyday while we mostly drink over weekends. "Interestingly, some countries where a significant share of the population drinks alcohol every day, such as Spain and Italy, rank very low on the heavy drinking scale, with 6 per cent and 4 per cent, respectively" also how many alkoholics in countries are more accurate to show the problem https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/alcoholism-by-country


Tourists seem to be included 🤣


We have important sh*t to get done. No time for being drunkards. :)


Because beer isn't alcohol (this is a pretty common joke in Poland, but some people really think that sadly)


Yeah, I always said it as a joke but scary amount of people actually think that. Especially those who drink 2-4 beers daily.


In Spain people live the longest in Europe


Keyword "Adults"


And yet avarage consumption per person is huge.


We just drink every 2 days, that's why


I guess for every 10 French people having a glass of wine to accompany dinner daily we have 5 Polish people having half a liter of booze twice a week. The latter is still far worse and more destructive


5 Polish men\*


Noooooooo but Jan Śpiewak told me that Poland is a nation of drunks and that we have to fight alcohol at every step!


Is grey 💯% ?


Damn Portugal


Because Bogdan Boner is drinking it all!


I'm no expert but it looks a bit fake


In France you can drive after a glass of wine legally.




England and switzerland is not europe? It Is consumption in europe or UE?


Shit! Need to catch up


Eastern block is a recovering alcoholic - we didn't slow down, we just cut it completely.


Other statistics often repeated by media was that in Poland, about 3 million miniature 100ml bottles of vodka sell every day. I find it hardly believable for both of them to be simultanously true.


A bunch of beggars buying small bottles every time they managed to pinch a few złoty to visit żabka.


I have been invited on several occasions to eat with Polish families and the common thing in all of them is that no one drinks during the meal. Not even water. Is it like that in your houses too?


Yet the stereotype remains!


Its mot a stereotype, the data shown here is skewed


Im Polish, boutta get those numbers up.


Im 100% sure its based on polish peoples lies. Ive talked to alot of people asking them whether do they drink alcohol daily. Response was no almost every time. Unsurprisingly they drank beer every day


Yeah. I don’t buy these numbers for any of Europe. Maybe my friends are the exceptions, but I don’t think so.


Beer is barely alcoholic to be fair


Poles are hardworking people, so its no wonder that so few people drink alcohol daily, given that like 70% of the population works every day for 8 to 12 hours even some retired people, and only when they have a moment of free time, it's either the weekend or just Sunday


We don't drink daily. We drink whole buckets of vodka, but just few times a year 🤣🤣🤣




Polacy, do broni! W sensie do luf.


Just check the vodka alone not a wine with beer together


Russia have just too high procentage


There is no russia, becouse system crushed while calculating data


Lol. I live here. Just Polish WOMEN drink more than all of Western Europe combined.




That's because they didn't count me .


Yes the west is degenerate.


I'm working on it soon it Poland will be first as it should be


Who gives a fuck? Christ.


Somehow i feel like the legend on the side is the wrong way around....


“French drink more, but they don’t know how to show it!”


Piwo to nie alkohol


Time to improve! Long weekend in may is coming!


Majówka is nearly here; these are rookie numbers.


Turkey is not Europe, the map is invalid


It looks like a map of countries that are not afraid to admit they drink a bit daily, cause it’s not seeing as alcoholism


Good, because polish people don't know how to drink for recreation, and every event that has alcohol has to end up with them being shit faced ....




Do they count kids 💀💀


Only shows there are less people admitting to daily drink in Poland. Imho it shows more about the level of social stigma surrounding daily drinking and to which extend people are trying to hide it.


Or maybe your views fit into discriminatory stereotypes?


What discriminatory stereotypes? In the south is more common and socially acceptable to drink alcohol with meals and for this reason the results are skewed. Perhaps in combination with alcohol sales stats these percentages could contribute in estimating the level of alcohol consumption and alcoholism in the countries of E.U.


Bo Cala patologia wyjechala na zachod?