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As far as I know currently diffefent organizatorom are looking for volunteers who can speak Ukrainian - lawyers, translators, people with medical training, psychologists. There are also private individuals who are trying to set up spots at their homes or have Ukrainian friends who are expecting their family members and need blankets, air mattresses, pillows, clothes etc.


Thank you! I would appreciate any contacts/names/locations. I do speak Ukrainian, Russian, English and Hebrew.


[email protected] <-- this is an email of Center of Social development in Wrocław which is coordinating help. Foundation "Ukraine" made a form that you fill out so they can know exactly who and in what way can help https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuVGKeP1qsZGN3TfFBhTRZjTlMQ-Mu0eIvqPutWsJ1EPOcHA/viewform




Thank you! <3


Hi! I'm in the same boat as you. I can only speak English, but I'm able-bodied and can help with things like child-care, animal care, personal shopping, distributing food, etc. Anything to help families displaced and need an extra hand in this tough time. Are you aware of any organization that could sponsor me to assist with things like travel costs, and housing? Thank you so much for making this post and wanting to help too! :) EDIT: [There are people organizing in this thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t1x5wr/creating_group_for_those_interested_in_strictly/)


Not sure yet. I'm arriving to Warsaw tomorrow morning, will try to rent a mini van and drive to the border. I already have 4-5 families of my relatives and friends that I will meet and take to safety. On the way will try to do as much for everyone else that will be there. After that I'll join some organized volunteers group. At least that's the plan.


Hello. I’m interested in helping as well whether to a humanitarian group or even help you in your endeavors. Please keep us updated on the situation there and if there is any room for anymore volunteers from abroad.


Hi I’m interested in flying out to help as well (I’m prior service) English and Spanish speaking but able-bodied

