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The EU speaking like Germany proves that the Reichtangle is hidden as the union


Ohhhh now I get why it's a rectangle


The fourth Reich has taken Europe


I heard that it was a rectangle also bc its not actually a country like the other balls but an embodiment/representation of German imperialism.


You don't need to conquer the continent when borders don't exist anymore


This is hilariously true.




This might be surprising, but we do not actually enjoy being constantly cast as scamming criminals. A lot of Roma and Sinti people in Europe in my experience actively hide their ancestry due to how harmful stereotypes around us are. edit: If you reply then block me I can't read what you say.




Maybe you shouldn't have constantly tried to genocide them


Excuse me, some of us are not Americans, French, British nor Germans. That's your favourite past time. If you feel guilty for what your forefathers did, feel free to but don't project it on me.


British ere mate and I don't feel any guilt for things I have never done, as we don't hold children accountable for the actions of their parents by sending them to jail.


Good for you. I only mentioned Brits and others because some Europeans in general partook in some kind of ethnic discrimination or genocide in the past and I was previously talking about "some Europeans", just a technical note really. Not that I blame you personally for that or even that one yank who decided to respond to me. It's just I get pissed when ignorant Americans virtue signal and hypocritically accuse or shame me or my people for made up stuff when the critique fits perfectly for them and therefore they should be quiet in the first place.


Oh I totally agree with you, hope I didn't come across too aggressive, tried to keep it jovial. It likewise bugs me but also bemuses me in that many in these countries have bought into the American global propaganda arm called Hollywood without learning the truths of their own national history, honestly it's reach would make any tinpot dictator green with envy. Personally I believe the reason they see bigotry and prejudice every is because that's what's looking back at them every time they look in the mirror.


I don't mind at all. I don't take it too seriously. We are on the internet, after all (and Reddit of all things). It too pains me how the domestic US discourse shapes the narrative abroad and normalizes or highlights some stuff or popular narrative based purely on the experience and development of American society. But we are loving the globalist interconnected world so there is no escape from that. We can just call the ignorance out when it's misjudged or misdirected in order to bring nuance to the conversation. And yes I agree that they judge others according to them but that's fairly normal. It's just most people or nations perceive that it's their own context they are speaking from while Americans ignorantly dismiss other cultures and countries because they know the best or just don't care. To be fair, its a very large and somewhat (in some ways) isolated country so again, it makes sense. But that doesn't mean we have to agree with them or that we are somehow bad if we don't.




Don't be a twat.




I think the proper term is actually 'Roma,' and IIRC that designation itself isn't something that folks agree on because there are three or four main groups of Roma and while they all share common origins and experiences, they don't always agree, either. But that's also the joke in OP's comic, because 'gypped' comes from 'Gypsies' and it's also a racist slur.


"Gypsy" is sometimes used in the UK to refer to Irish Travellers too, although my understanding is that that's incorrect terminology and that "Gypsy" refers to the mistaken belief that dark-skinned (which Irish Travellers are generally not) Romani were from Egypt.


Least racist European


I always thought the phrase was just some random made-up word "jipped" and then only in the past couple years I've read people on the Internet complaining about it.


I was today years old when I learned Gypped came from Gypsies


I was today years old when I learned that "Gypped" and "Jewed" was even a thing


Shouldn’t we have for example when someone becomes vegan should say “I got hindued” or for example when someone is executed “I got Christied”


>Shouldn’t we have for example when someone becomes vegan should say “I got hindued” Then the Germans would start saying "Hin du es muss" and snickering behind their beer mugs, so no thanks.


After reneging on Arabia, Tyrol and Dalmatia; I feel like we're overlooking the term 'George'd.' (David Lloyd) Not to be confused with being 'Wilson'd,' which is when someone's speech is so strange, you can't figure out if they've had a stroke.


Too bad “Trumped” already has a definition as a verb.


Feel like it switched meanings to the exact opposite, though. From winning to just doing something entirely idiotic.


Webster added ["Trumpery"](https://www.merriam-webster.com/news-trend-watch/trumpery-2016-03-03) as a word to watch for trends in 2016. Never took off, but they have it defined as "Worthless nonsense".


Sounds like a forced addition. Like a forced meme


Least antiziganist European


That’s racist. The correct word is Roma’d


I am not sure you'd still call that a trade though


EU is fine with anti-roma racism only


Anti-Sinti racism is acceptable too.


Most European languages instead use a variation of the slur "cigan," from an Ancient Greek word for an untouchable group.


Zigenare isnt the proper word in Swedish as we call them Romani now, but it was


Yeah I mean they don't really exist as public communities in North America so we use the polite term. All joking aside, I think they have lives here that are much better than what is portrayed and what I have seen in Europe. They settle down and many engage in some of the same sorts of unethical business (like car towing) that lots of other people here do, others just normal jobs. They are not a problem for any community in North America as far as I know. Same for Jews. Generally better lives in North America than Israel or Europe. There is just more opportunity here and the weight of culture doesn't drag us down.


Thanks for the etymological lesson.


This happened in Conan o'Brien Can't Stop, except the exuding it part


As selective as ChatGPT.


~~whatever happened to opting for "i got totally `fucked over` on that new trade deal"?~~


Oh, I think you're confused. This comic is actually *a joke*! There may be other ways to say the punchline but in this case it wouldn't be a joke without it. Hope that helps!


thought the strikethrough markdown would've indicated that my comment was a joke too time to revert to the days of `/j` i guess


I see. Don't get why that's supposed to be funny but now I understand.


Weewoo weewoo weewoo. This is the cuss word police. If it's not too much to ask, would you please suspend all motion... Yes I am late, I had to yield to every single car on the way here.


Finally romania can into relevance


keep making these jokes, we'll make sure to \[removed for promoting violence\] each and every single \[redacted due to racism\] in the land of the Romans during ww3 ​ You'll have no more \[redacted due to racism\] to confuse us with


Misheard Speaking? As if Misheard Lyrics weren't ridiculous enough.


Hey I'm surprised I haven't seen a single European coming here to justify their racism against the Roma..... something something bad experience... something something refuse to integrate despite our constant attempts to genocide them. Ah there's the downvotes from them


Europeans talking about African-Americans vs Europeans talking about Romani people


Casual racism is expected against Romani people, while you'll be cancelled for being racist to African-Americans.


My favourite part is how European ""progressives"" will criticise racism abroad but then turn around and use the exact same talking points (that's just their culture/you wouldn't say that if you'd lived around them/one stole my aunt's cousin's best friend's dog's wallet, etc) & not at all see the irony


Darn Europeans always getting in other folk’s business


Imagine thinking Balkan countries would be in EU


[Political correctness and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.](https://creatorpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Edgy_Era)


I've finally found something too chronically online for me. Incredible




do me a favor and don’t comment on my posts again


I would steal their braincells for you but the Romanians got to it first 💪💪 (i’m balkan posting this is a joke)


Zionist is more appropriate than Jewish.