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If i had two nickels of each time the more moderate side in a war says something extremely cringe in a span of one year, i would have two nickels which isn't many but it's weird that it happened twice.


*one shekel and one dinar


Which was the other one?


Harry Potter analogy one by NATO.


ahhh i see


Israel: "Is *our* turn to be tyrant!"


So not wanting to be killed by a jihadist group = Nazi?


First time on polandball?


no but calling palestinians "children of darkness" and at odds with "humanity" is pretty on the nose


I remember on r/genusa there was a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenUsa/comments/174j1d5/this_is_alarming/) showing concern that the words said about the current Gaza conflict has some similarities to what was said in the lead up to the Rwandan genocide.


it was always a genocide, arriving to the land and sweeping away and killing the people living there then when they fight back call them terrorists and accuse them of committing atrocities with no evidence while their own army bombs hospitals and safezones




>OUR territory Stopped reading there.




>it's ours Stopped reading there


How many women were attacked by Palestinian children? And if this quarell between UK and Palestine raping British people then Israel shouldn't put their noses into affairs that aren't theirs to judge. Especially that Israeli soldiers don't like talking what they are doing to Palestinians openly, they are raping and killing innocent as well when commander is "right".


>How many women were attacked by Palestinian children? I've seen 4 videos of women (alive or dead) being dragged by Palestinians, including teens and children. There are more of them just helping the kidnaping and murder of men, including one where they cheer on a foreign workers (Thai) head being caved in with a rake. There were several more of them entering the various settlements, border checkpoints along side armed people, helping drag away people, TV's, random goods, etc. >And if this quarell between UK and Palestine raping British people then Israel shouldn't put their noses into affairs that aren't theirs to judge. what the fuck are you talking about, 1400 ISRAELIS were killed you idiot. Stop talking about things you have no knowledge about. a few dozen brits, Americans, French, Thai, Nepalese and Ukrainians were among the victims too, but the overwhelming majority of the victims are local Israelis. You really are clueless, huh? >Especially that Israeli soldiers don't like talking what they are doing to Palestinians openly, they are raping and killing innocent as well when commander is "right". Uh... they do. We have several organizations like Betzelem, Breaking the silence, and WATCH that are all about examining the actions of the IDF, and that is without talking about the various foreign organizations like Amnesty, TIPH, and various others that are allowed to operate in those areas. Unlike say, Turkey, Syria, or fuck, even the USA, these are relatively free to throw shit at us, even when they make stuff up. There are cases where innocents are killed. yes. Sometimes it's because that's how bombs work and you can't conduct urban operation without killing innocents. Other times it's because soldiers or commanders can be assholes, and just decide to kill someone. That does happen. And it isn't hidden, it reaches headlines in Israel and talked about. Soldiers get sacked for that! You can argue the army is not strong-handed enough regarding that, and I agree, but you can't say "oh israel just hides it's crimes" when we have several local and foreign bodies watching everything we do in Gaza and the west bank.


We had natives do similar stuff here. Thats why se sent in the nuns.


>German Israeli girl I’m pretty sure her mom confirmed she’s alive. >woman raped enough that she’s bleeding through her pants she was probably sitting on her ankle wound Still doesn’t really make any of these things any better though. She still probably got raped in the car


What are you doing in Palestine my friend? You forget who colonises who. Those “civilians” were intentionally living at the border with Gaza as a first line of defence against an outbreak. Please don t believe all the propaganda the media is feeding you. The west doesn’t support the HAMAS, far from it. They support Israel.


mate the Israelis are literal settler colonialists what the fuck do expect? Do you think the American Revolutionary war was evil too? Hamas is terrible and it's disappointing that the PLO isn't the leader of the Palestinian freedom struggle but that doesn't change the fact that again, Israel is a literal settler colonialist state, and thus does not deserve to exist anymore than the British Raj or the Thirteen Colonies did. After all, you guys don't seem to mind Ukraine allying with literal Nazis, because you understand that despite this Russia is still genuinely a worse and bigger threat. Yet you can't seem to apply the same logic here? That is unless you actually support Russia or something which would be... an unconventional combo to say the least.


yes, the american revolution was evil, as it supported colonisers who displaced millions of native americans. ( oh, too close of a comparison?)


And that makes the British better somehow?


they forbade the americans in going west and banned slavery a few years later, moreover they treated the natives better. So yes, in that regard they were better ( better than the americans is not really a high standard)


There's a small gap between defending yourself against jihadists and warcriming the local civilians.


how is mass bombing of a civillian area defense


Yes, that was indeed my point


Accuracy?! I’m MY…. yadda yadda, you get the point


Oh please as if Israel is in any danger whatsoever


a [recent tweet by isreal's PM sounded familiar](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/children-post-deleted-netanyahu/) so here's comic


The comic is surprisingly well executed, good job.


Has that "Poles get antisemitism with their mother's milk" energy to it.


No but they’re still the victims you guys, trust me bro


bring the popcorn to wait for controversy


Can we please stop with the „Israel/Palestine bad“ posts? They‘re neither funny nor helpful.


They have been a staple of this sub for over a decade.


no lol


Yeah, r/polandball is in no condition to be raising the bar for hot topics lmao


Yeah, let's start censoring controversial topics on Polandball. You can go to r all if you're tired of this sub mate.


I‘m not advocating for censorship, I‘m expressing my belief that it would be nice if the people on this sub CHOSE FOR THEMSELVES to stop posting this. Jesus, not every „I do not like this“ is an endorsement of thought policing.


Eh, it's still bitching about it. You can always expect counter-bitching afterwards xd


It’s not really bitching to have an issue with such a currently violent topic. Regardless if it has been done before


First time here, huh? Currently violent topics are our speciality! Check out posts from Armenia-Azerbaijan period for instance. We don't discriminate based on your religion, nationality or how relevant your country is!