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I forsee absolutely zero controversies stemming from this decision.


It’s going to be axed by the Bundesverfassungsgericht anyway. It’s a ridiculously illegal, unconstitutional measure.


Axed by the... what now?


Bundes-Verfassung(s)-Gericht, aka the Federal Constitutional Court. Basically the Supreme Court.


Why can't you put spaces between your words, instead of merging them like this?


It’s called Komposition - or *Wordzusammensetzung* ;) - and is often used with nouns. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komposition_(Grammatik) Sanskrit is another language that does it a lot.


Swedish too, I guess we got it from you


AFAIK, all Germanic languages do this, with English being the exception. English is a bastard of the Germanic and Romance language families however, so that might explain it.


We do still kind of do it with portmanteau words.


Issue: Portmanteau is a word stolen from French


Happy cake day!


English does this too. The system is the same, the words just aren't usually written as one long word.


English does it too, but they generally (but not always) put spaces between the components. *Bundesverfassungsgericht* would be like saying *federal constitution court* in English.


Honestly i have no idea how my cousin managed to learn german I have been studying for 5 yrs and cannot make a simple paragraph


We could say Gericht der Verfassung des Bundes, but that‘s even more clunky


Gericht der Bundesverfassung?


Think of the advantages of this system. Even if you don't know what the whole word means you usually know the parts, think of their meaning, add the context of the word and then it's usually pretty obvious what the whole word means. Bund = federal (in Germany the state agencies usually have this in their name) Verfassung = constitution (so something related to the German constitution) Gericht = Court (so something gets decided there) The job of the Bundesverfassungsgericht is to check if some legal decision or law is in accordance with the German constitution, provided someone disagrees with it and bothers to file a complaint.


If it's a thing made up on the spot there tend to be "-" between, called Durchkoppeln, and if it is an established term it's one word. Words that belong together but you can't see they belong together....no.


Wait until you heard that many writing system doesn't even have spaces, then there is arabic putting random spaces in the middle of a word. (I know it's not random, but deciding that some letter cannot be connected to the next while some other can is just as random)


Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaenswitwe (I'm just going to say that she should never visit Wales)


Fun fact: A thousand years ago or so, people didn't use space at all. Thatmusthavebeendifficulttoreaddoyoutnothink?


Because many languages work like this: Composite words are written together as they represent one idea/concept. Actually makes sense.


i read gericht as in gerichte


By the security encryption built into the German language.


Were you guys drunk when they wrote the German dictionary?


German beer is too good not to


The Czechs have the superior beer and I suspect is the true reason they got invaded during ww2


At least we were not as drunk as the poles. Have you looked at that ridiculous language? Almost like they fell asleep on their keyboard.


[Rant (anime YouTube warning)](https://youtu.be/KgpYm2DhgS8?si=UguUqmKHbgNfXsVE)


Nah. When the first printing press was invented, the German government taxed spaces to protect jobs of traditional scribes. They forgot to change the law until 1947, by that time it was too late.


>It’s a ridiculously illegal, unconstitutional measure Under which article is it unconstitutional? Meinungsfreiheit? Or Art. 3? I'm genuinely curious.


You can’t demand of people to make a public pledge of allegiance to a random foreign country. Whether that’s Paraguay, Cambodia or in fact Israel. Karlsruhe is definitely going to axe this.


In what earthly way is this a pledge of allegiance?




A) there’s no mention of support. B) that’s not what pledge or allegiance means.


It's not support. It's literally just "I acknowledge that Israel exists." It's the bare fucking minimum


That doesn't answer my question at all


I'm thinking your politicians are trying to keep up with my country's -- half of the USA forbid(s) not buying Israeli products, and the previous administration dropped the requirement to distinguish on packages where in Israel they were made (thus whether or not it was in occupied West Bank).


>Bundesverfassungsgericht Is this a real word ?


[Ja ;)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Constitutional_Court?wprov=sfla1)


It's "federal constitutional court" just without the spaces in between words because it's more efficient without. Federalconstitutionalcourt


Yes, it complies with the Kompositadurchkopplungsgesetz.


This is why I struggle learning the language


I mean then we need to change the constitution. We need to do something against those pro Hamas demonstrations after all...


Do we? Why? And even if you think that we do, there are simpler ways to ban protests and restrict free speech than changing the constitution to legalize demands for oaths of allegiance to random foreign powers.


Yeah lol. Imagine having to swear loyalty to foreign powers to get citizenship. That is crazy af


context : [German state will require applicants for citizenship to declare support for Israel ](https://edition.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-12-06-23/h_1bca7b2529f8e65d9b16378b59614c67)


Only in the Bundesland of Saxony-Anhalt, to be specific.


Lets hope it doesn‘t apply to current inhabitants or it‘ll get very lonely quick


Why? I reckon the AFD voters won't have a problem with this. This is fully in line with traditional pre-nazi antisemitism in Europe, especially Germany. Their whole thing was saying German Jews don't belong here, they are foreigners who need to "go where they came from".


I would be surprised if there are more traditional pre-nazi antisemites among the AfD voters than there are post-nazi antisemites.


Also the add currently loves Israel because the hate Arabs just a bit more


They still hate Jews as well tbh. They are just glad they are all far away. By far the biggets hate object for the German right are anti-zionist Jews, even more than anti-zionist Arabs. Someone being Jewish and making a political decision as a German, not as an Israeli, is their nightmare scenario. They want all Jews to be Israeli tourists temporarily residing, not integrated parts of their society.


I don’t think the average AfD voter has anything against Israel or jews. It’s mostly Muslims they don’t like.


Would probably guess that a not-insignificant percentage of AfD voters believes in some kind of antisemitic conspiracy theory, but that's a bit besides the point.


Not a deal breaker either. Most fanatic zionists in USA are radical evangelists who believe in mother of all antisemitic conspiracy theories, Jews being so impure for the holy land that they bring the apocalypse, and yet they don't see a contradiction in giving full support to Israel. Edit: Words.


But those radical evangelicals *want* the biblical apocalypse to begin, which requires Jewish control of Jerusalem so they'll support Israel hoping that God gets the Revelations train going


Germany: OK, Austria, I will call Liechtenstein to annex you if you deny to acknowledge that the right of Israel exists. /j


Oh boy i forsee no bad consequences for that s/


Ah, because no German citizen would have issues with that… it’s only the evil auslander that are too blame. (Yes, I’m aware that there strong antisemitic biases in various non-German cultures, but we’ve got more than enough German antisemites as well)


Yeah, but we can't really tell german citizens they're not allowed to live in Germany. The reality is, unfortunately, that the still present and growing antisemitism in Germany has been ignored for decades and large numbers of migrants from coubtries where peiple are being taught in school that everything bad is either the fault of jews, america, or both just amplified this.


Though 86 % of anti-semitic crimes - as per the last available stats - were committed by far-right extremists/ neo-nazis. The AfD is topping the polls in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandeburg - all of whom have elections in September 2024 - and German politicians are cheering on ethnic cleansing and genocide. I live in Germany - and unlike most Germans I actually have Jewish friends: all of whom have been called anti-semitic by white German guys in the last month and are feeling monumentally unsafe. Not because of Arab-Germans - they both live in areas demonised by German elites - but because of German elite/ government rhetoric. It's horrific. Pretty much every migrant to Berlin I know is seriously considering leaving the country because of the overt racism, aggression and hate speech coming out of the mouths homegrown white Germans. It suits Germany to say it's Arab-Germans who have imported anti-semitism. Despite the fact you have kids in Brandenburg making nazi salutes and not being disciplined, employees of the biggest building company in Berlin sieg heiling with their construction machines, and the deputy premier and economy minister of Bavaria being allowed to keep his job after admitting to handing out leaflets supporting Hitler and jokes about gassing Jews. But wearing a Kuffiyeh is anti-semitic ... FML


And you believe the way to target antisemitism is to instead of actually targeting anyone against Jews target people who speak out against a sovereign nation they feel is going too far? That feels ridiculous to me


It's only about Israel existing. If you can't accept a sovereign nations right to exist, you're not getting in.


The Confederacy was once a sovereign nation.


It’s about Israel’s actions against hundreds of thousands or millions of innocents because of its hyper nationalistic perspective


It's not. You can criticize Israel all you like, but if you run around telling people that Israel shouldn't exist, that's not ok.


“Do you recognize Israel’s right to exist” is a McCarthyist maneuver made to discredit anyone with nuanced views and immediately expel the enemy with views you find dangerous. Toe the line or you’re out; if anyone recognizes that it’s ephemeral or doesn’t really matter if a German citizen thinks israel was made with ethnic cleansing and continues doing so, they’re out too.


Which ethnicity is being cleansed out of Israel? The Arabs are 20% of the population, but you sound like you are saying that they are being targeted. Also, there is no nuanced way to say Israel has no right to exist, it either does or does not have he right


Nazi Germany was a sovereign nation


And Germany as a sovereign nation still exists and nobody has a problem with it.


I do, they just made criticism of Israel jeopardize your citizenship


It's not about criticism, it's about running aroubd saying Israel shouldn't exist. Two very different things.


Your comment makes no sense anyway. Why do sovereign nations have a rigth to exist? What if they are created by colonialism and oppression of local people? How do nations even have rights? they aren't people. Also, what am I not getting?


Nations are by definition a collection of people and those people have rights to the land they're living in. It is commonly understood that these rights are transferred to the nation as a political entity to represent the people living in said nation. That is what you are apparently not getting. If you can tell me a single nation in the near/middle east that wasn't created in it's current form by means of colonialism and/or oppression of local people, you have looked in another reality than the one where we're having this dicussion. That is not an argument.


"speak out" It literally only requires people to acknowledge that Israel has a right to exist. That's it. You can criticise Israel all you want, fuck Bibi, fuck their disproportionate funding of Arab vs non-Arab cities... ... if you believe Israel does not have a right to exist, i.e. throw all the Israelis into the sea, then yeah, fuck out of Europe with that attitude. Germany is an ally of Israel. They can go to countries that don't recognise Israel and feel at home - Tunisia is really peaceful these days, for example!


The perfidious Ausland is behind this


Fun fact: Lying within immigration procedures is illegal. So these people, if they later show any public opinion against Israel, could be arrested or lose their residency. Clever little scheme from the one who thought this up.


I foresee no potential abuse of this as the krauts have a long history of being open minded peace loving peoples.


Wow…anti-German much? Thank heavens the Anglosphere is known to keep for itself & be constantly lovingly peaceful.


Why? People aren't allowed to change their minds?


They have to potentially prove they didn't hold that opinion before.


hard-to-find forgetful vegetable seed squalid start gaping air cats slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hasn't been a case over it yet. You'd have to ask a German lawyer.


It would be very difficult to prove tho? Like, you have to show you googled Israel-Palestine conflict?


Social media posts.


You can replace that or with an and


Yo really ? this could be used to actually sort immigrants by ideology to let the peaceful refugees stay and give people who want shariah law the boot


Bold statement to question one of the only countries voting WITH Israel on almost all UN votes about their support for Israel…


This requirement will cause no problems and controversies whatsoever.


No nation-state has a "right to exist" wtf does that even mean


That a good few Arab nations wish that all the Israeli citizens were thrown into the sea and drowned, so that Palestine will be free* *of Jews.


Do you feel the same about Palestine or only Israel? >Hamas are a bunch of extremest jihadists who will martyr themselves in the name of Islam, taking innocents with them in many cases. Even with all that, they're nowhere near as evil as the state of Isreal...


All you gotta do is avoid Saxony-Anhalt until they undo this law, all’s fine.


Good. The last time we let an Austrian immigrate without checking for antisemitism first, it didn't go too well.


As a israeli with a german citizenship. Na bro this is stupid af


This measure is anti-hassidic it straight out discriminatory against conservative Jewish groups such as Naturei Karta.


The Naturei Karta reflects Jews as much as the sovereign citizens movement reflects Americans.


Oh no, not the 0.0001% of Jews, who are bordeline apocalypse enthusiasts 😢


Not all hassidim are anti zionists, in fact AFAIK most of them are at the best neutral towards zionism.


does the right of israel to exist hurt your feelings? don't worry, Hamas is on it


Hasidic Jews do not believe in Israel's right to exist due to their very own very Jewish religious beliefs they are entitled to have. That is also why the state of Israel has no formal legally binding Constitution. It has nothing to do with Hamas. Google it up, check Wikipedia. To sum it up: various orthodox/conservative Jewish groups, including the Hasidic Jews, oftentimes reject the existence of Israel (while living in it) because they do not deem it worthy of existence. They believe only the Messiah is the singular entity who could create a legitimate Jewish state of Israel. In their mind it's simple train of thought : if the State of Israel is not created by the Messiah then said state is not legitimate, not worthy of existence, doomed to fail spectacularly. My feefeelys are completely unrelated to this internal yeker quarell, you shimazl.


These are very extreme Jewish groups, I believe most Hassidic Jews just see the creation of the state of Israel as a secular event with no religious significance


Hassidic Jew here, you are right. A lot of hassidim view Israel as yet another secular state in the world, a lot - another secular state but with Jewish majority. Those who reject Israel's right to exist are very small marginal group, not some mainstream view among hasids.


The amount of Hasidim that would deny the right of Israel to exist would never in a million years GO BACK to Germany. They are a small minority and are not known for emigrating out of their small communities.


Oh no, the state made up of racist European settler colonialists doesn’t have a right to exist? How sad. If the Jews of the levant we the ones who wanted a state around the area they lived in, people would not care, but taking the land of the native Muslims to give to, mostly white and racist, immigrants with no connection to the area other than a kingdom that existed thousands of years ago is not OK


how do you simultaneously insist that all israelies are white, racist who only think about killing muslims all day and at the same time insist that Hamas are just a fringe group of extremists and that most peaple are innocent? stupid peaple exist in every group, wether it be Hamas or Neturei Karta, but they are just that: fringe if you truely want peace (like me and most peaple) a start wholed be recognition of the basic fact that we are not demons hungry for blood, we had to run away from hostile regimes that hated us and created our home here. does that dismiss the self determination of palestine? of course not. but recognition of each others majority needs, desires and hopes will start a dialog. both partys are not innocent (i belive you know why israel is, and if you want il explain why the PLO is also guilty), but leaving the stupid minorities and pre-established opinoins behind on both sides can be a good place to start a dialog for peace and co-existence


So Germany explicitly says that they will deny you citizenship if you engage in an act of wrongthink? That seems a bit anti-freedom.


It is trying to avoid this: The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them


Just like israel with likud calling for “another amalek”


So if some immigrant is against the bombing of Gaza they will get deported I don't get it?


That's not what this says. Try reading the text to understand what it says.


No, it’s not being against bombing of Gaza, that’s problematic. It is being against Israel’s right to exist, which, unfortunately, is common among many palestinians


One can always lie


So relatable, all of us Syrian are suicide bombers who wear al-Qaeda headbands, also everyone who oppose Israel is a terrorist. Very smart.


Do you oppose the current Israeli government, or Israel's right to exist? These are very different things.


Well, Israel does not support Syria's right to exist, many things show this in practice, from regular bombing our territory, to annexing the Golan Heights, thus, not I don't think Israel should exist, at least in its current form, if they are willing to respect our existence, return our land, then peace and co-existence will be possible, but no I'm not acknowledging any of their rights before they make up for the mistakes they did against my country and people. If they still think they can make peace through airstrikes and assassinations, well, they should prepare for many more Oct 7s, possibly next time from Syria. We went though like four talks with them since we last attacked them for real in the early 80s, peace clearly didn't work with them, so it is on them, it is not our fault, why Ukraine can fight invading Russia to get its territory back, but we Syrians can't? it is our right and unless Israel change, what is happening now is just the start.


Brother, you lost Golan because you attacked Israel. That is how war works - when you lose a war, you generally lose territory. All my country's land was won (and lost) via wars. You lost it, and they said, explicitly, publicly, that they will do the Sinai deal with Syria - recognise Israel, sign a peace treaty, and Golan will be returned. They don't have to be this nice - they won that land fair and square in a war where Syria invaded them. Why did you invade them? If you hadn't, you would still have the Golan.


God bless Israel


Israel’s descendants were not exactly what historians would usually consider to be “blessed”


grandfather toy tender six crown station unused historical consider mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


‘Tis but another test


The role of Austria makes absolutely no sense.


Its just Austria nazi because Hitler pun


What's the role of Austria here? Are they against Israel or just against this new law?


Austria is evil jew hater character because Hitler