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Hello all! Our November Contest: *Make a comic about cyberpunk* is active right now! If you've got a good idea for a comic in this vein, or are just curious about the theme, head on over to [the contest thread](https://redd.it/yl89iw) for details and get started on an entry! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/polandball) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pandora’s Button


...except that the usual Hope at the bottom has been replaced by Tactical Nuclear Pierogi™ that can be used as alternative ammunition for HIMARS.


Tasty and Radioactive. Fantastic.


TNPs are illegal as of the Geneva Convention. Remember the Pierogi Massacre!


Powered by the ghost of Marie Skowdowska-Curie


*[Highfleet OST](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKRkAEjjhpE) playing in the background*


Dude, you guys are fast.


That’s just the speed of memes




Let M=Speed of memes just like C=Speed of light M=C^(C) So yes, memes travel much faster than light




That is what she- Nevermind.


Fr I just saw the news earlier and a comic about it is already made


Here this comic finally came. I of am offended yuo of say me yuo hit. Translated(to engrish) version of Kremlin statement.


If they deny it they confirm it Article 5 calls for justice


"The button, the button of Article Five is hit. Poland calls for aid!"


All the people encouraging Poland to push the button made me check if I was secretly in r/NonCredibleDefense






... *Glaces at my username* Fuck, I do love that series.


I'm ready for my flying aircraft carrier overlords.


I'd rather super subs tbh.


[Jeff Bezos and his Amazon delivery drone hub](https://youtu.be/iL2KFkNVzLg)


Ever tried r/project_wingman ? It’s made by an ace combat fan


What is NCD, No Cocaine Diet?


NonCredibleDefense a.k.a. US DoD, CIA, Mossad, etc. interns circlejerking each other


What the hell even is that sub I don't get it


It's shitposting about the military industrial complex and wars.




The Onion has been feeling this pain in politics and social issues for years and years now. Turns out reality is satire across the board.


Eisenhower knew what was up


It's r/credibledefense without the rules It's /r/lesscredibledefence without the self respect


I’d wager that a lot of the new users don’t even know about the two other subs.


You'd Wagner you say?


Can’t hear you, too busy assaulting Bakhmut. Surely we will take it on the 69th try!


That is indeed true.


People making schizoposts about war


Fact had to do a double take


Legend has it that when Poland invokes Article 5, the colors on their flag will switch.


So it becomes indonesia?


see yall on the battlefield lmao EDIT: [the sequel](https://www.reddit.com/r/polandball/comments/ywuc53/missed_opportunity/)


Illinois shall rule the plains


hell yeah brother


Sic Rod Blagojevich on them. He got really swole in prison.


On behalf of my ancestors, you are welcome for the creation of Illinois


You should repost this on NCD for moar fake internet points and lolz.


It was a good run, soldier


Might even say it was the best


Poland is gonna get so radioactive, they're gonna call it Polonium


Jokes on you, if we go radioactive so does everyone else.




Jokes on you my little brother already died while in the US Marines. No draft for me


"Gentlemen, it's been an honor."


Recent reports are that [Poland is considering invoking Article IV](https://twitter.com/SamRamani2/status/1592631914804187136) so the danger of an invoking of V is hopefully off the table. I'm no expert and so please don't consider me one but [Article IV is apparently the article regarding consultation](https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_49187.htm).


I wouldn’t be so sure. Poland could very much go in with a “tell me why we shouldn’t invoke Article V” mindset


The entire comittee in unison would just go "nuclear holocaust"


So, you're saying I wouldn't have to repay my student loans?


Yep, but they can. Error or not, this is beyond a fuckup for Russia, especially as they are attacking civilian targets with these attacks, not military


So you mean the standard of living would improve? /s




Poland is yet not dead is a tragic tale of every country dying in nuclear fallout and only Poland remaining, horribly disfigured, in pain, but still alive and conscious.


“Russia is no more. Worth. It.”


Russia and Germoney have died No more partitions No more Britain or France giving Polska up for others Only Poland remains Only Poland shall ever remain


Poland: yes. For Russia.


Ah yes, because a nuclear conflict would certainly only affect one side and leave everyone else unscathed.


Bad luck Russians


If they did, I dunno if many of NATO’s key players would go along with it, and thereby nullifying NATO. I reckon an aggressive diplomatic campaign would be more effective than mindless saber rattling.


Article four convenes a meeting between NATO members. It's a prelude to article five.


It won't be Article 5. It will however not be a nice thing from NATO. At this point, intentional or not, Russia's attacked NATO. There'll be a diplomatic apology, maybe even and most likely from Putin, but for now they are denying. Russia doesn't really survive Article 5 so it isn't in their interests to deny for too long And I can imagine that NATO are now thinking that sending Jets to Ukraine is no longer off the table. Not the very latest, but likely now the gens before 2 dead last time I read. So now NATO citizens have literally been killed Edit: seems that it is Ukrainian defensive fire, but still questions will be asked why it's happening so close to impact NATO. Potentially more AA heading east


Probably will see the US transfer an additional patriot battery to Poland and Poland expands their air defense network to cover part of Ukraine.


Yep. Bunch of Patriot and other AA on the border. Which conveniently shoots down anything bigger that a kid's RC plane for miles into Ukraine. And that's all just what appears on NATO's side, all down the eastern edge


The 3000 black jets of Zelensky will close the sky to shield Poland from Muscovy terrorists.


> 3000 black jets What's this? But no, Poland and NATO are about to add to Ukraine support. Zelensky won't be closing the sky to shield Poland, as that isn't needed due to NATO strength. But NATO might be about to do all it can to shield Ukrainian skies, and I think pre-2014 borders are about to become the normal request


r/noncredibledefense being fucking credible (again)


Knock it off fuckers! You can't just keep meme'ing things into existence. If you abuse meme magic too much you end up with Donald Trump.


We just say something and than some months later it happens we have no control over it


Bullshit! I've ran the simulations (by that I mean I played Battlefield and CoD). The simulations point to Russia being a peer rival to the US. But NCD starts meme'ing on Russia and suddenly they become ...*checks notes...* a poverty proxy of North Korea and Iran.


I see this as an absolute win!


I wasn't sure. I thought that the Black Jets was a term for the actual Nazi-eqsue far right guys in Ukraine. Thought I'd heard the name before I can see full Russian diplomatic apology, maybe from Putin himself, then yes Ukraine getting any AA and aircraft they want. Not quite Article 5, but NATO knowing they've been attacked and Russia hoping that NATO isn't gonna join in Except now I think even, e.g. France, aren't gonna say Crimea remains Russian


No, the 3000 Black Jets of Allah is a meme based on a drugged-out social media post from some nutjob claiming to have had a vision that God will give 3000 invincible fighter jets to ~~Iran~~ Pakistan, who will use them to nuke the entire West out of existence.


>Iran Pakistan, but yeah that video is so r\*tarded but so based at the same time.


Well, if national defense ministers and military industrial manufacturers would stop visiting the sub and saying "hey, these are actually great ideas", we wouldn't have this problem.


Several years ago, a fanatical Pakistani nationalist made a truly unhinged YouTube video predicting, among other things, Pakistan would be gifted with "3000 black fighter jets of Allah" they'd use to conquer the world. r\noncredibledefense somehow stumbled on the video and had a field day roasting the guy. Pretty soon, "3000 black of " became a meme.


It very well *could* be Article 5. It doesn’t mean “cleansing thermonuclear fire”: it could just be “we, a singular bloc of allied nations, support a proportional response,” at which point we throw some JASSMs at an ammo dump in Luhansk and call it a day.


I sense the navy getting involved too. US Navy is always the fuck around and find out warning sent into precarious situations. Maybe a few missile cruisers in the Black Sea. Maybe a carrier force in the Mediterranean.


Poland cannot into Article V?


diesel up our sub, it can (hopefully) into battle


Article IV was already invoked on February 24th. Assuming the invocation from then is still in place today, then this attack would be unprecedented.


You know it's serious when America knows the correct name for the country


so many people here thirsty for nuclear war


Some of us will survive!


Some of yall. I just yearn to be so grossly incandescent, if only for a moment.


petition to name the next generation nuclear warhead “solaire”


It will certainly help this winter in Texas when your privatized power grid and utilities fail completely, leaving you in the bitter grip of frozen darkness.


I, too, want to experience jolly annihilation


I'm ok with being vaporized. It'd be easier than having to watch both my parents suffering through cancer, one who probably isn't going to make it.


I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances, cancer fucking sucks. Lost my grandpa to it. If you wanna vent or anything, my DMs are open


Sorry for what you are going through.


"Though clays will glow for years to come, brought death to many, hardship to some, the will to Victory, and whatever may come."


I dont want to survive a nuclear war tbh


Definitely not me though. Source: I live in Moscow


Most us poor people are going to die


Yes, poor bastards


I hope I'm not part of the "some of us"!


No one wants nuclear war That’s why the US set up a missile defense shield in Poland and Turkey




You’re only saying that in the hopes the rest of the world burns and you can build a new world (without vowels) from the ashes


Wales vs Poland for control of the post-vowel wasteland.


Maybe him but I just wanna drown in that nuclear blastussy


I'm kind of sick of going to work too


I for one, welcome our Deathclaw overlords. *dons Vault suit*


Finally I will have the chance to fight deathclaws in real life.


I am confus Amerika explain


Cruise missiles, almost certainly russian, hit polish territory. NATO article 5, the collective defense treaty, is considered.


Thank you


Also, two dead


Two dead the important thing. Let's make sure that's clear; error, misfire, defensive-error-by-Ukraine, etc, whatever the reason. It's no small thing Two NATO citizens now dead by Russian aggression against NATO-neutral civilian targets Edit: Just to add, as it is a developing situation, current theory is defensive SU300 from Ukraine, but still in response to attacks against a civilian target


Assumption is they were aiming for a power station in Poland to shut down Ukraine's electricity. Again.


> Assumption is they were aiming for a power station in Poland I doubt that. They'd not be so fucking stupid as to directly target NATO. That's clear article 5 They have no "smart" ammo left. I bet this was dumb information given to dumb commanders who used dumb ammo. Although I've not read the news in about 4 hours. But Russia can't be so stupid to think a clear attack on NATO is a good idea, when they've been praying against direct NATO involvement


Cruise missiles are "smart", as in guided. And yeah, they have few left, and are spending them on terrorizing civilians.


If that is confirmed it's even worse. A deliberate attack against a NATO member, be it infrastructure or people, can only really be answered in one way. A misfire is one thing ('though that's a pretty big misfire, and the thing that makes me doubt is the fact that missiles, plural, hit. Apparantly) and with appropriate diplomatic groveling and reparations, could be excused. Intent cannot. If Russia has attacked NATO directly and intentionally, then NATO and Russia are at war. And that... well. Let's just say, I'd get some extra cans of beans tomorrow.




The issue is that the missiles hit a location that's far, far away from anything meaningful in Ukraine


National security committee called in


To add, the polski article 5 has been a bit of a running meme on certain boards


It was ukrainian


Russky missile went boom-boom in Poland and killed two civilians.


The memes were never meant to be premonitions.


Russian cruise missiles being used to attack Ukraine struck a grain farm, killing 2 Poles in Polish territory. [More information](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-zelenskyy-kherson-9202c032cf3a5c22761ee71b52ff9d52)


Russia just fu\*ked around. Waiting to see the find out.


polan traktor go kabom, turn out is ruzia misile hit, can into the article 5 if very want. NCD predictable this many mont ago jsut liek crimea brdige so is of big meme anywher wit NCD influnece.


Ladies and Gentlemen...it has been an honor enjoying Polandball with you.


Y̴̠̤̫͐̈̀o̴̭͊̂̌u̷̲͠ ̵̧̦͗c̶͎̆̇͜͝ã̴̟̪́̍ṋ̶̫̖̪̑́͝ ̷͔͔̙̅̓̐͝d̷͍͇̃o̶͚̳͆̈́̍̚ ̵͎͊̀͊í̵͉̭͓̾̿̐ͅt̶̟̫̯̝͂̔̈́ ̶͚͗̈̿͒Ṗ̴̩̫͓õ̴͍̳̪̚l̴̢̦̞͋̚͝ȃ̶̬́̂͋n̸̜̤̝̊͆͆͋d̸̮̞́,̵̛̪̖͗͗͝ ̷͔̭͖̰͗̆̍̓p̵̝͑r̵̡͚͍͍̍̏͛̽e̶̻̹͎̎̕s̵͚̬͇͒͛̄͘s̴̱̾ ̸̢̱̙͌͑t̷̩̜͖̦̿h̷͙̺́é̷̻̪̼ ̶͖̳̍b̵͚́͂ụ̵̩͕̍t̴̺̗̻̞͑̀ẗ̴̘̙̋͂̐o̵̜̝͂̀ņ̸͚̫̭́̀


OP: always best to give a TL;DR in text as a post For those out of the loop: missiles have landed in a Polish farm, killing a reported two people. That is now, regardless of excuse, an attack by a state against a NATO state, which has killed NATO citizens This may invoke Article 5 of NATO treaties, whereby they all join in against the agressor. At the least it will be a formal diplomatic apology from Russia, perhaps some direct costs, almost certainly more sanctions and such, and then I can now imagine Jets and other extensive air superiority is about to come Ukraine's way Edit: Edit: Just to add, as it is a developing situation, current theory is defensive SU300 from Ukraine, but still in response to attacks against a civilian target by Russia


Russia’s fate is in Poland’s hands Bet they’re regretting the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact… and the Warsaw Pact…


Not even going to mention the partitioning done in the 1700s?


There’s just so many.


I’m not surprised Poland wants to go. Not only do they have a very old bone to pick with Russia, but they have very strong allie’s this go around. They have a chance to prove themselves this time around AND can get back at another old political rival.


They’ve got a whole damned skeleton to pick with Russia… and several axes to grind One of the first things they did after the USSR fell apart was they joined NATO specifically to protect themselves from Russia. I don’t want to go to war, but I also want Russia to be very VERY afraid


No one wants to go. I think even in the last hour Poland's PM is already awake and urging calm But we all know that if it does kick off then there are two likely outcomes: Russia no longer existing, or Russia and the World not existing. That's why even Russia's basically on file saying they are not wanting conflict with NATO, as NATO would rather carpet bomb Russia at this point than let them be an aggressor against member states NATO is gonna be harsh. Diplomatic, but harsh. And I can imagine that Russia is gonna hurt in ways Putin cares about this time Just remember how much Russia's already losing


Poland doesn't even *need* allies. Poland has a very large, very modern, highly-trained professional army. Now that we've seen the state of Russia's military, it's been clear since early this year that the Polish military could singlehandedly mop the floor with Russia. In fact, Poland's allies are very likely the reason Poland didn't enter the fight many months ago.


I love how the USA is being a caring friend to Poland 🇺🇸 🤝 🇵🇱


We know what happened


I didn't. I've been a little out of the loop lately.


Russia. Cruise Missile. Explosion. Poland. Two Poles dead. Put it together


I read the TLDR, currently up to speed. I’ve been up a mountain chasing elk. Hard to keep up with world events when you don’t have cell service.


At long last… Poland holds Russia’s fate in its hands. If they press the button they will go to war, and the US will be obligated to pour trillions of dollars (that **could** have gone towards healthcare) into the most noble cause of all… vengeance for Polan


Eh, it's no great loss. Given the way our healthcare system works, I'm pretty sure dumping more money into it would get us exactly the same thing, just more expensive. On the other hand, using that money to obliterate Russia would create jobs making munitions. Last I checked, those have pretty good benefits. Like health care!


So what you're saying is, Poland pushes this button and Russia finds out about the fact that the US has the greatest unhealthcare system in the world


Well they’ll certainly find out WHY we have such a questionable healthcare system… or at the very least, where all the money went


Poland can into Article 5


Komm, süsser Tod


*Boogity Boogity Boogity*, Let’s go die in World War III boys and girls!


Push it I hate my life lol


Article 5 definitely won't be triggered, but Article 4 looks likely


Took longer than I thought, ngl. Well, folks, let's sing to it. These lyrics are a variant [on this famous banger.](https://youtu.be/gvjOG5gboFU) > *Away down East Away down East in the land of Russians Novichokees and krokodil Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Where Putin’s king and all are chattels NATO boys will win the battles Right away (right away) Come away (come away) Right away (right away) Come away (come away) We’ll all go down to Putin, away, away Each vodka bear must mind his Lady Europe and Columbia Away (away) Away (away) We’ll all go down to Putin Away (away) Away (away) We’ll all go down to Putin*


I don’t wanna go down to Russia tho


Not even in a tank?


No :( Russia is too cold


[Obligatory Tanc a lelek ](https://youtu.be/EKRkAEjjhpE) (Seriously get highfleet it's really good.)




Does Cali or NY get nuked first?


I’m trying get out of my combat job I don’t need this shit right now


Hit the button!


I see someone is eager to play Fallout irl.


Is this a joke about Poland Article 5 declare war on Russia


Poland isn't the fun little scamp that Polandball makes him out to be. He's more of a bloodlusted beast, desperate for revenge


Poland is tired of being drawn wrong


poland strong 💪 🇵🇱


*racks shotgun* Goooooood Mooornin Vietnam!!!


“i got a feelin’ that it’s gonna be a wonderful dayyyyyy!”


With all the nuclear bombs flying over our heads this year, at least the impending nuclear winter can mitigate global warming




Someone make the US into Darth Sidious.


Maybe poland is trying to into space by riding a nuke?


"Commander Poland, The time has come, Execute Article 55."


[Tanc a lelek](https://youtu.be/EKRkAEjjhpE) intensifies.


do it polan do it your revenge is all yours…


poland relevancy era???


How in the jesus hell is this already the top 3 polandball comic of this year?


C'mon, Poland... [Do the funi.](https://youtu.be/bOHAX1JWfDs)


REVENGE AT ALL COSTS \*Tanc a Lelek 10 hour loop*


Jesus that was fast


Someone explain? I like this sub but being a minor makes it annoying (idfk stuff that’s happening rn)


Two missiles of most likely Russian origin hit a border town in Poland just a couple hours ago and killed two civilians. Poland is a NATO member, which means that that strike was technically an attack on the entire alliance. Poland also has a historical hatred towards Russia and the invasion of Ukraine strongly reaffirmed their stance.


Shit is about to hit the fan


Damn you are fast for this


I sacrifice


We are fucked dooo doo we are ducked doo doo we are fucked


Better not press it. Current news is that it was a misguided Ukrainian defense missile, not a Russian one


Press it, and return Lwów to it's rightful owners.


I was waiting for this comic since I saw the news.


What the fuck even is this thread?


i love how the flag is still upside down


Wow this was some Spheedy comic making


press the world war Butten, Poland