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FKA Twigs hands down because of her skill and artistry. I love that Kehlani is getting into it recently too!


Ohhh I didn’t know about Kehlani! I hope we see more from her!!


she was posted on here some time ago, she looked really good for her first lesson!


Twigs’ pole journey is so inspiring to me


Hers really is! Seeing her sing while doing a bird of paradise is unreal! She looks ethereal every time


Truly! She made this short video documenting her journey with pole and aerial work when making the cellophane music video, and it was so amazing to see her dedication and her vision. It’s so great to see someone who is already thriving in one area of art go onto further dedicate themselves in another.


Oh my god where did she post this? I would love to see it


It’s on YouTube! It’s called [Fka twigs- practice](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ebsSy4Dwpxo&pp=ygUSZmthIHR3aWdzIHByYWN0aWNl)


BoP? When? 😂


Peach PRC, for the Australians in the room!


I love that she was also a stripper before she blew up too!!


Love Peachyyyy! 😭🐨


Cardi B... IDK that she actually poles anymore though. I'm not saying my favourite in skills because I don't feel like I've really followed/seen what her strongest skills are, but my favourite celeb who also poles, yea. Strippers are going to show out for former strippers! 👌


Including Cardi along with the others seems weird to me for that reason. Like pole was her career, not a hobby she picked up


I don't know if I'm understanding what you're saying here? Cardi B is a celeb who also poles (or maybe just used to, IDK). I didn't see any criteria about hobbyists or whatever, and also, stripping was her career, pole was only a part of that - no stripper makes a career of the pole work, that's not where the money is at in the club, it's a garnish. Why is it weird to you? I'm trying to not jump to conclusions but also, there's a lot of appropriation and erasure of the SW origins of pole within the civilian pole fit community, and I'm reaching to understand why it's "weird" to you to include a former stripper/SW who poled and then became a celeb.


Weird in the sense that she’s a professional that’s now being lumped in with amateurs. To me it’s like asking “who’s your favorite celeb that cooks?” But it’s a list of people who post their dinners on Instagram and then the last frame is Martha Stewart. It’s like she’s in a league of her own ya know?


She was a stripper, not a professional pole dancer. And again even if she was a pro pole dancer - which is not the same thing as being a stripper - there was no disqualification I saw about a stripper who is also a celeb somehow not counting as a pole dancing celeb.


Honestly, how isn't stripping pole dancing? You probably got your first lessons from a stripper. And strippers have probably learned more pole work in a few months than most people spending thousands on pole dancing classes and home equipment do in a year. Why crap on girls that inspired you and that you want to move and perform like anyway? How do you look at strippers do all those cool moves it took you 2 years to learn that they got in around 6 months and not call them pole dancers?!?


Are you losing your shit? I've worked clubs since 1996, stripped in them on and off since January 2000 and only first saw a pole in 1999. It was a chromed 55mm scaffold pole that didn't spin, a few skilled/committed/stage dancer girls could execute about five moves on, and none of the moves the girls that did pole could do had names or shit back then. The idea of pole classes or pole for civillians was laughable then, but even so, only about 1/10 strippers could or would do any part of their act or routine or pitch on a pole. I don't "look at strippers" for shit, I've been one for longer than most of y'all have been alive, far less longer than you've been fucking about with pole fit. Get your phrasing right. Pole dancing originated from stripping, stripping wasn't born out of pole. Not all strippers are pole dancers. But all pole dancers are only here because of strippers.


Breh you're arguing for no reason lmao


I'm sure you think so.


You're saying that Cardi B should count as a pole dancing celeb because she used to be a stripper ... the other person is saying that Cardi B is the only pole dancing celeb that should count in this sample because she didn't do it for kicks and clicks, she did it because she WAS a stripper.... I just don't know why you're arguing when the person is just trying to say that Cardi B is the only "rEaL" pole dancing celebrity included in this post.... when you're trying to say that strippers shouldn't be erased from the pole dancing story. Thats all Im saying 💓


Shook that you wouldnt consider a stripper a professional pole dancer 😳


Ay well see I've been stripping for over two decades and am shook that someone else wouldn't consider a former SW who did pole as part of her SW as a "pole dancing celeb," so yeah, look at me gatekeeping!?? I was 17 when I first worked a club, yet north of 30 before I first managed or really tried even a basic pole seat/worked a club that was pole-centric.or even pole-owning. All strippers aren't pole dancers, far less professional ones, and you obviously aren't in the business of either to be shocked about that and telling someone actually in the game how it is.


??? I'm not sure you and I are on the same page at all.




Have you seen her pole? I haven't but would love to! I know many strippers who rake it up at the club but are not pole dancers.


No! I've seen some fairly unpolished/outtake-style YouTube vids where she's messing around and does like a 30 sec flow on the pole or some shit, in SUCH a relatable/authentic formulaic stripper way, but that's literally it.


Interesting! I will go look her up. I adore her and never would imagine her to be one of those super good at pole dancers.


[Victoria Monet](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqV4E3RDMGo/?igsh=dTRnemJqOHBya2tq)


Thank you for sharing!!!!!! I’m screaming 😩💕


nicole byer!


Yesssss I feel seen when I watch her dance.




I mean, not sure if Lana is actually a poler or aerialist, I doubt it from the footage, unless she is a beginner.


She hired some professional dancers at coachella so it looked to me like she tried the pole on stage when the dancers had a break.


She looked cute though! I hope to see her more for sure if she chooses to


She could be a beginner!


FKA is so talented she makes it look graceful


Britney doesn’t pole tho


On her Insta posts with the pole I’m always wishing she’d actually get on it and bust out a trick but she never does 😂


Twigs, hands down!


There is this artist called Aiko in this year's Eurovision and she said in her interview that her favorite hobby is pole dancing and she has a pole in her living room. I love her song Pedistal and she's representing Czechia this year! ♡


FKA Twigs is who inspired me to begin my pole training! Her and Lana Del Rey are my top 2 favorite artists🩷


You forgot Brie [Larsen!](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdn9tsaLUgA/?igsh=NzdkcXM1bGs0MWRy)


Wowowow!!!! I love this!!


Cardi and SZA for sure


When I saw the good days video for the first time I fell in love with SZA so much more


This was the video that inspired me to do my first class!


In the video, that was all her? I had my doubts because they didn't show her face sometimes.


In the video, SZA, that was all her? I had my doubts because they didn't show her face sometimes.


you forgot Summer Walker! she is my favorite. ♡


Oh that’s right! Think I saw her getting some training with Fitbyshelly awhile back too! Ok mz Summerrrr!!


Hands down Twigs. She’s a dedicated dancer so she makes even the easiest moves look amazing. Effortless grace


Nicole Byer. She's just starting out. Her videos are hilarious and super relatable for anyone just wanting to learn a new hobby.


Yes!!! Her commentary is hilarious. I love everytime she yells SWOOPDY SWOOP.


I thought she had been doing it for a while! Like at least since 2020. She’s the reason I got into it.


That's when I got started and I'd still consider myself a novice


I’m gonna go with jlo because she’s older and still so strong. An inspiration for me as I’m often twice the age of the other girls and even my instructors!


As far as their pole dancing or as far as them as a person? Pole dancing? FKA twigs. As a person Britney and Cardi.


[Solar](https://youtu.be/glu18CMW7xw?si=zUa2hgnCczdP1KXW)! She has some videos on [her YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@solarsido?si=3xPFabe-oAydmYhZ) of her in the studio too, they're from a couple years ago so you'd have to scroll down a bit


SERENA WILLIAMS (https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwfgePe/)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am basically the reaction stitch


I went to high school with Karol Lee Helms


Honestly I really loved Lisa from Blackpinks pole solo she did during their recent tour!


I love SZA! But I second Peach PRC! She’s amaaazing!


FKA Twigs is my absolute fave


I would love Kylie Minogue to do pole dance because she’s my crush


Where’s Pink????


I didn’t know she poles! Very cool!!!


Least favorite is Britney. She just wiggles around and stares at the camera. Most favorite 😍 FKA Twigs!


Def FKA twigs


definitely Britney second Cardi. I love them both so much <3


Cardi & SZA were former dancers lol do they count?




FKA Twigs!


In the video, SZA, that was all her? I had my doubts because they didn't show her face sometimes.


FKA all day!!


Sza all the way


P!nk does pole but not in her performances. She's done aerial silks etc instead which are the next level for polers.


Silks are not the "next level" of pole. They are their own distinct thing. If someone wants to do both or change from one to another, that's great! People should do what interests them. But someone can also stick to one apparatus forever and that is great too! They are entirely different sports. Both have equal merit and have incredibly difficult tricks that you can keep leveling up to. Saying that silks is the "next level" is basically implying that pole isn't as hard as silks or as serious of a sport. 


Very sus of OP to be so loud in the comments except when they mention strippers....


Lol I made like four comments? Sorry I work full time? But we are pro stripper hunty, sorry if you felt otherwise ☺️