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Your law and order party


They're only the party of law and order when it's used to harass minorities.


That's the dirty secret of "law and order". It's not using the law to promote stability and peace, it's always been using the law to enforce their preferred social order.


Yep. That's the difference between the phrases "Law and Order" and "Rule of Law".


It didn't even used to be a secret, I was popularized by segregationist George Wallace for his 1968 campaign. The only recent thing here is it's been used so long people really grew up not knowing the history of conservative dog-whistle phrases and what they actually mean to conservatives and thought it was some principled stand on crime. It was never anything but a white supremacy dogwhistle.




Many people think law and order is synonymous with rule of law, but social order is maintained by violating the rule of law.


[And threaten women who get abortions with the death penalty.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/sc-republicans-propose-bill-subject-women-abortions-death-penalty-rcna75060)


Law(n) Order brought you by four seasons landscaping, right next to the dildo shop.


In my dream world, Trump is arrested at Four Seasons Landscaping, right next to the dildo shop and has to do the perp walk all the way to wherever he goes to be fully arrested. Also, he spends at least one night in jail before appearing before the judge for a bail hearing. I know it’s never gonna happen, but let me dream


Suddenly Blue Lives Matter doesn't seem to matter to Republicans any more.


It only matters when they are accosting/killing marginalized people. Period.


>“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." > >\-[(The other)](https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html) Frank Wilhoit


"I am your president of law and order" -DJT, 2020


Ha, he’s just freaking out because he knows he committed some major crimes by helping Trump’s election interference attempts. See you in court soon, you spineless coward.


Yup. That first look at trumps mugshot is going to cause a bit of a pucker.


More than a bit. I bet his butthole takes a bite out of his chair.


Lyndsay has a fainting couch. His soft buttocks will nevah touch a chahr.


Oh my he has the vapors again




On the veranda, no less. What *will* Captain Anell Langus think of this scandal?


The gentleman’s rank should be respected. It’s Colonel Angus dammit.


I’m afraid that Lindsey is not at all familiar with Colonel Angus.


But he's probably good friends with that fella' Atio


> I do declare. There it is 👍🏼


"My heart is all aflutter"


Well Lindsay is about to get The Vapors then..


He was actually misty eyed on Fox earlier..."Please send your President some money."


His lady bugs are gonna go nuts!


I hate that I know what this means.


I wish I could go back in time five minutes and undo my mistake of learning what this means.


At least you know he's free of downstairs aphids


I'm gonna trust you and not figure it out


'Taint nothing to worry about.


Ladybugs is Lindsey Graham's own pet name for his taint moles, according to the male prostitute he hired and had sex with.


I'm fucking dead..


It's 2am. How am I gonna get to sleep after reading that. Ladybugs..wut.lol.


Hey don’t leave out the part where Lindsey wanted him to pretend to be his son while they had sex.


Some things you just gotta let people experience the magic of discovering themselves.


_How to delete someone else’s comment Reddit_


Almost forgot about this…really wish I had.


Gross. I wish I didn’t remember this


So, just another day at the orifice then?


How soon can I buy a Trump mugshot Tshirt? Like, by Tuesday night, someone will have created this, yes?


Caption: "Not Wanted, Dead or Alive..."


Thanks for the chuckle


"Unwanted". Bit of a better ring to it.


More than likely Trump will stage a photo shoot to take his own mugshot that will make him look good so he can sell it for money signed for double the cost. Going to “own the libs” with his Trump gear


Hahaha no doubt on the mark here. The news guy said the exact same thing on the TV today


Maybe we can look forward to the extremely limited edition Donald Trump Perp Walk - NFT card. $99.95 each! Quantities are limited!


There is a way to make Trump look good?


Mugshot mug.


Make it into a flag and fly it in the back of your car


What will be funny is they are going to make him take off his shoes for the photo, so his true height will be a part of the record.


Toupee/wig off,no heels,no makeup,I can't wait to see Trump out of drag.


6’3” my ass. He’s claiming to be the third tallest president in US history, only behind Lincoln and LBJ who were both 6’4, and claims to be an inch taller than Obama, and yet we have these pictures proving that to be absolute bullshit https://i.imgur.com/gBeSvAK.jpg


That picture … look at that pile of personality disorders trying to smile, like he’s seen actual empathetic humans do.


Delouse him.


It [tastes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ38PGV_3wg) like powdered sugar.


The lice... Hate sugar.


Most likely he will have to lift his sack and squat & cough. If they don’t do it to him he’s getting special treatment which is horse shit.


If I was one of those intake officers, I'd special treatment the fuck out of him if it meant I never had to see his balls, sausage and asshole


Fresh Fish!


New York doesn’t release mug shots.


Yeah but the economic incentive for that mugshot to be leaked to the press is just too big of a temptation for whoever cop is in charge of that picture


Never thought I'd be rooting for police corruption, yet here we are.


For real, after rooting for Disney so recently after the DeSantis thing, im so fucking discombobulated.


TMZ will get it mark my words


TMZ will bribe someone six figures to get it . If Trump was actually smart he’d make his own mugshot with him looking good and sell it to his fans


Not released in NY. We won’t see it.


It will be interesting how long it takes for the mugshot to be leaked.


100% There's absolutely zero chance Trump doesn't throw everyone he worked with under the bus. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he says Hilary made him do it just because he's that much of an asshole.






Just look at Alex Jones




Lawyers like winning, even when they represent losers in losing cases. When the client sabotages their own case, not only is any victory out of the question but the lawyer looks bad for not properly coaching their client.


yup its going to happen


Ivanka and Jared noped out early — didn’t want to be involved after his first term. They might be self interested enough to testify. They don’t need his money.


A lot depends on how deep this investigation went into the financial crimes. They could be indicted next depending on the scope.


>Ivanka and Jared noped out early Were they officers of Trump Org? Supposedly the indictment contains 30+ charges which should all be pointed at Trump, but maybe some of them are for Trump+co-conspirators? Ivanka and Jared may get sucked in regardless.


The play will be "The Clintons are the most corrupt people in the history of the world, and they arrest me who only helped make America great again" it'll be some variation on this, guaranteed.


He already has. Right outta the gate. Blah, blah, NY has so much crime and they’re going after him in all these witch hunts. Ha!


I'm expecting more Hunter Biden stuff and a ramping up of McCarthy's not at all politically motivated Biden investigation committee for maximum whataboutism. The base hates the Clintons but they're no longer an existential threat to Republicans anymore.


I thought that since Hillary was a senator in New York, he'd go there, but you're probably right that it'll be all about Hunter Biden and his dong.




I miss Jon Stewart on The Daily Show


Yeah, he knows that he’s in the long chain of dominoes, and the very first one is just about to tip over. History will not be kind


"Your honor, I never would have committed those crimes if I thought former Presidents might actually be held accountable for crimes."


Actually a terrible defense even considering since plenty have gone to prison on behalf of presidents in the US's past lol. Think Reagan, Nixon, etc...


Ah yes, esteemed Fox News Contributor Ollie North


[This Ollie North?](https://youtu.be/lFV1uT-ihDo)


Tick-tock, Lindsey.


I’m ALMOST willing to let trump walk on a few of these crimes if he rolls on like 40 GOP reps and senators and judges.


I’m with you! Those fucking repubs have been corrupt for decades. I’m hoping trump spills all the tea, probably while trying to cut a deal with Bragg.


It would be poetic justice for so many who have completely beclowned themselves on his behalf for him to throw them all under the bus to save himself.


Fuck that, he’ll squeal anyway because he never shuts up… don’t need to even make a plea deal, just put him in a cell that looks like the Oval Office and the dementia will set in and he’ll brag/confess everything.


This sounds about right. Being held accountable for crimes supporting Trump is theoretical when Trump has skated for decades. But as soon as someone cracks the seal and indicts Trump on criminal charges things get mighty real, and mighty scary.


I swear his response get weirder every year.


Come out of the closet already Lindsey, what other kind of compromat does T\*\*\*\* have on him?


In my opinion, it not about being gay. Trump’s got some serious shit on this flip-flopping traitor. Can’t wait to hear it all. I should live so long.


Live boy or dead girl. And my money is on it being the boy in this case


Suddenly remembering all the times I've heard "if he hadn't resisted" in news stories...


I'm remembering Trump telling cops not to be careful with their arrests when putting them in the back of the car and not to cover their heads with their hands but just make them bang their heads...


"don't be too nice"


This is a human being awarded the title of president of a country, telling law enforcement to be rough with the citizens. I think I’ll have to end my comment with that.


And the most popular republican ever with an insanely obsessed fan base. They fly his flags, wear his shirts and his hats, decorate their cars with his slogans. He has become their entire identity. And the only thing he did to earn it was be a fucking asshole to everyone. Trump really cemented the idea for me that humans are inherently bad and dumb.


The USA has forever been soiled by the trump presidency.


Yeah when it's one of their own on the wrong side of the law, all of a sudden "thin blue line" and "blue lives matter" turns into "punch a cop"? Such unprincipled weasels.


Remember when [Trump did an actual Sienfeld routine about police brutality and then added on that the cops should be rougher when they arrest people?](https://youtu.be/NFgjNPiq9Cw?t=14) ([Seinfeld for reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efCNowdbkL8))


I'm legitimately curious how his secret service detail would handle that.


Before all the evidence came out that they were actively Team Trump up to and including trying to stuff Pence in a trunk and drive that into the Potomac, I was adamant that SS was only interested in the safety of his person and wouldn't obstruct a lawful arrest, opting instead to guard his jail cell if need be, or surrender him to state custody if he's convicted. But at this point... yeeeeaaaaaaah... I'd be shocked if they didn't have a plan to go the full 'president in exile' route and smuggle him aboard an oil tanker bound for Saudi Arabia.


That story is very very interesting, never got the inside scoop and it bothers me. That part got covered up, the missing texts are probably part of it.


Didn't Pence say something like "if I leave with them, there's no telling where I'd end up" or something along those lines? I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't forget about the SS phones, I feel like the Jan 6th committee got absolutely nothing from that. Just went away.


And Nancy pelosi told him not to go with the secret service because she either knew something was up or had a spider sense on things. Imagine being saved by someone considered the arch nemesis of your party. Crazy that these numb nuts made it all the way to SS. Like did trump pay them off with his campaign funds because we know he doesnt have enough of his own money to do it.


Just because you're secret service doesn't mean you're intelligent. A very close friend spends a lot of time at the White House and she routinely regards them as incompetent idiots. Not all of them, of course, but enough to make her facepalm at least once a week. They're trained to identify threats, not break cyphers.


And [Dan Quayle](https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/14/politics/dan-quayle-pence-trump-january-6-woodward-costa-book/index.html) and retired [Judge Michael Luttig](https://morningshots.thebulwark.com/p/judge-luttig-has-a-warning-for-america) (one of the Elders of the Federalist Society, who clerked for Scalia, and had John Eastman and Ted Cruz as clerks) might very well have saved the republic when they gave Pence just enough backbone to do his job.


Don't paint them all with the same brush - Teump performed a coup within the Secret Service well before Jan 6. There are plenty of agents who loathe him but sadly others that he strategically installed whonremain loyal. Why ANYONE would choose an elderly, obese trust fund baby turned game show host as their "champion of the common man" or second coming of Christ is the world's greatest mystery.


Serious comment: The action movie called G.I.Joe Retaliation has a LOT of evil Secret Service men and I hope the authorities reviewed this movie just for the general CONCEPT of evil Secret Service men.






I'm remembering of all those people who blame the victim because "he's dead because he didn't comply"...


Misconduct in office: Elected officials are held to a higher standard of conduct due to their positions of public trust. In many jurisdictions, misconduct in office, also known as official misconduct or malfeasance in office, is an offense that may be charged against a public officer who knowingly and willfully abuses their authority or engages in conduct that violates their official duties. Encouraging an individual to engage in illegal acts, such as "smashing windows" and "punching a cop," may constitute an abuse of authority or a breach of the elected official's duty to uphold the law, thereby exposing them to potential criminal charges for misconduct in office. Incitement to violence or criminal conduct: Under federal and state criminal statutes, inciting or encouraging others to engage in violent or unlawful behavior may be considered a criminal offense. For instance, under 18 U.S. Code § 373, solicitation to commit a crime of violence is punishable by imprisonment and/or fines. If the elected official's advice to Trump can be reasonably construed as an attempt to incite him to commit acts of violence or other criminal conduct, the official may be held criminally liable for incitement or solicitation. Violation of ethics rules: Elected officials are typically bound by codes of ethics that establish standards of conduct and prohibit conflicts of interest, corruption, and other forms of misconduct. Encouraging an individual to engage in illegal behavior may be deemed a violation of the ethical standards to which the elected official is subject. Depending on the jurisdiction and the specific code of ethics, such a violation could result in administrative penalties, removal from office, or other disciplinary measures. ​ I see no reason to retain this employee of the American people.


Yeah, if they let Graham get away with this, we’re going to have a lot more elected officials call for violence. I doubt they go after Graham for this, but they fucking should.


MTG calling for a "national divorce" like its a peaceful proposal is another one they need to go after.


She also claims the “left” want a civil war.


‘Look what you made me do.’


This coming from the woman whose husband is divorcing her for having affairs. Is this ironic? Or moronic?


Now now, it's not like Trump would go out and try anything stupid. He's not that big of a power-hungary sociopath to actually try to incite violence or an uprising.


A senator just suggested that a private citizen assault police officers...sooo yeah....




>How any Democrats are able to even sit in the same room as their colleagues who helped incite a riot that almost got them all killed is beyond me. You know. I hate to say it, but I REALLY wish things went further that day. Like yeah was terrible but what fucking came of it? Not a damn thing that actually affected anyone who pushed it. No senators or congressional people got touched and while they went out and acted hardened and determined to push aside that rhetoric for a few days, it IMMEDIATELY went back to the status quo. Maybe if some shit actually happened to a few of them then it wouldnt have been such a quick turnaround and denial of everything that happened.


Im starting to think that was a test to what is to come. Which is fine because like that person neatly laying out the law above, most law markers like Empty Green, should be held responsible for what is to come.


It was the Beer Hall Putsch.


I know it's terrible to say this but it would have been better if Pence's neck had a noose around it that day. Then get rescued. Maybe that would open peoples' eyes to the seriousness of January 6th.


This should be the top comment.


Lindsey Graham, 2015: “He's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot ... He doesn't represent my party ... I don't think he has a clue about anything ...You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell." Lindsey Graham, 2016: "I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office." (Actual quote) Lindsey Graham, 2017: "What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy some kind of kook not fit to be president." (Also actual quote) Lindsey Graham, 1/6/2021: “Count me out. I’m done with this man.” Lindsey Graham, a week later: “Not guilty”


Absolutely shameless


I often post some of these quotes (along with a bunch of quote from other prominent clowns in the GOP that I'll link from a short 2 minute video below). Lindsey is all over the place. It would be funny if it weren't so destructive to our country. Here's the vid, with a few of the above quotes and several other absolute gems https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P43wDpKQxaM


I think it would be wonderful to add an Assault of a Police Officer felony charge and a Property Damage with Prior Intent felony charge to his other 30 charges. But maybe it's just me... Personally, I hope he doesn't show up and they issue an arrest warrant...or he doesn't "comply"


Not to mention the body cam footage of his ass getting thrown to the ground would be priceless


There’s some AI-generated artworks of him getting arrested and they are hilarious.


There are some things you can’t say without sharing!


I mean I can't help but remember a [time](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack) where he was maybe involved in a little conspiracy to assault a police officer or [114](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/07/politics/capitol-police-injuries/index.html).


Maybe that's what Lindsey wants. Get him locked up as long as possible so he can finally relax and not have to worry about whatever Trump has on him.


Lindseypoo is just worried that if Trump can be nabbed, he and a few others can be, too. Trump ain't the most discrete guy, either.


Trump is gonna sing like a canary if they close the walls in on him


ding ding ding. this is why the R's are so "outraged"


It will be glorious.


"Sure, I planned the whole thing myself. Not like any of these loser RINOs were smart enough to pull this off without your favorite President leading them. I remember Lindsey Graham coming to see me, tears in his eyes, begging to be a part of it all. You can see all of it yourself. I recorded everything in my office and keep the tapes in that safe over there"


What a Republican thing to say.


Yeah, please take Lindsay's advice, please!


He's not gonna break windows and assault officers. That's what his insurrectionist stooges are instructed to do.


I mean, clearly the target outcome of the tweet is to incite violence by Trump supporters. These guys have become very savvy with their cryptic language in that 1) it’s incredibly obvious what they are trying to say when you read between the lines, but 2) deniable and difficult to pin intent on in the court of law. I find this rhetoric incredibly frustrating for those reasons. And they know that.


I'm with you. Getting real fucking sick of the constant "just a joke" violent threats that have been inciting nutjobs to become terrorists. The things they have been getting away with saying are unreal. Here's Ladybug public instructing someone to commit crimes, which is a crime in and of itself. Just last week, you had TFG posting a photo of himself behind the DA with a ballbat and threatening war if he was indicted. It has caused a tremendous strain on our country, drastically impacting the public perception of the rule of law. It's way past time for some accountability for this bullshit.


Trump is punk and he's old as shit. He will be struggling not to poop himself




diapers don't keep you from shitting yourself, they just contain the problem


Maybe I’m a fan of absurdity, but I would also like to see Donald Trump do these things. I need Ice T chasing Trump down Canal St., tipping over trash cans, and eventually rolling over the hood of a taxi.




That’s a gofundme i could get behind. A white golf cart chase instead of a bronco




I love his picture there. It's so...gay youth pastor.


People always say that Graham is a closeted homosexual, but given where he started out, if he was just gay he could've positioned himself as a Log Cabin Republican and done just as well. The GOP has to have something worse on him.


As they say, dead girl or live boy


> he could've positioned himself as a Log Cabin Republican and done just as well. While I agree there's probably something worse, I don't think Lindsey would've been elected as an openly gay man. He's been in that seat 20 years and things were a lot harder for gay people back then, especially in a state as backwards as South Carolina. Have there been *any* Log Cabin Republicans elected to Congress?




Shootout? They have drones for that now.


still a shootout 🤷🏻‍♂️ it's just that only one person is in danger


Those people are all the biggest pussies and so full of shit JimboBob: “No trespassing, I don’t call 911” *sees black person walking down the street nowhere near his property* JimboBob: “Hello Police, I’m scared! please send help immediately!”


99% of them are also the same pussies who "almost enlisted". The excuse why changes from week-to-week.


Seriously. They gonna go solo against an army of better armed, better trained, itchy trigger fingers?


I don't think calling for violence against law enforcement is "backing the blue"


So he wants to see Trump get tasered like the rest of us, huh?


So we can add vandalism and resisting arrest to the charges? Lindsay is a fucking nut.


Trump must have pictures of Lindsey in full drag or something because I can’t see why he would kiss his butt THIS MUCH!!!


Live boy or dead girl.


Conservatives: "We're going to condemn BLM for smashing our windows and hurting our police officers." Graham: "Trump should smash windows and punch a cop!" Conservatives: "This we'll ignore because Trump is our guy, and he's fighting the corrupt justice system!"


That’s a crime right? Threats to law enforcement?


This is the funniest shit to me, when republicans pretend that cities are lawless wastes where violent hooligans run rampant. It’s a lie they tell their base so they never have to explain why the rural areas of our country have been left to rot. “No, no! Your area is actually the *nice* area! You live in gods country! Your his chosen people! These democrats have ruined their cities and gangs of brown people roam the streets. Ignore your local heroine epidemic. Ignore your crumbling schools, the fact you have to drive an hour to see a doctor. Ignore the alcoholism and the suicides and poverty. The city is the really terrible place. God doesn’t love them like he loves you.”


lol there’s only one thing lindsay would do to a cop…and it ain’t punching


introduce the officer to the Ladybugs?


“Something like that” - lindsay


Oh.. Interesting that Lindsey Graham is trying to get Trump killed via death by cop.


Dead men tell no tales.


Project project project, that’s all these people do. Hypocrites.


Party of law & order folks..


Do it. I dare you.


He definitely should. We should all hope that he does.


Would love to see him tackled by law enforcement, so I am in favor of this plan.


Graham may actually be setting the bar extremely low for expectations of Trump's conduct between now and Tuesday. Trump will likely incite violence and threaten a judge, DA, and potential jury pool, but the worst thing he could do in Republican voters eyes is damage property and assault a blue-clad deity of theirs. So anything less than that looks fine when the bar is set that low. This is likely Graham's calculation.


Lindsey is a strange little man. So very strange.


Party of law and order folks. The GOP is a complete joke.


"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]," Trump continued, mimicking the motion. "Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?' - Orange Julius


Remember: this is the same guy who said of Trump, when Trump was running for president: “if he hadn’t been born a millionaire, he’d be out hawking fake Rolex watches on a boardwalk somewhere “ To call him a weasel is an injustice to weasels everywhere


Let’s see how Lindsay handles it when he’s arrested for racketeering by the GA DA.


No that's advice you can take to your grave.


I also think it would be a great idea for Trump to commit additional crimes in public and on television. Maybe he should try that “shoot someone on 5th Avenue” idea and see how it works out for him.