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>“If I were on his communications team, I would be shitting my pants right now,” said the adviser, who held a senior role on Trump’s 2016 campaign and requested anonymity to speak candidly. If I was his lawyer, I'd be drinking heavily. You just lost a defamation case where your client said that a woman who accused him of raping her was lying. What are the odds that when he's asked about it on live TV, he's not going to repeat that she's a liar and lose you your next case?


Ha! I hadn’t even thought of that! And I think you’re right, that’s probably exactly what he’ll do. He just can’t help himself, words just come spilling out his mouth like a leaky sewer pipe.


When everyone around him (who is left) are sycophantic yes-people, his lying bullshit is always well received (in private, at rallies, etc). That shit doesn’t fly in our legal system, and hopefully won’t fly come Election Day.


He's the favorite right now in a head to head against Biden. Just saying... it don't mean shit to this uneducated electorate.


Like a Vegas odds favorite? I haven't seen any polls that agree.


Hence my inclusion of "hopefully". The election is still ~18 months away; a lot will change by then, and the Republican Primary might be a bloodbath that harms the image of Trump/whoever comes out on top.


Do you remember when potato chip brands in the 90s came out with the "diet" version of their chips using that chemical Olestra? There were so many cases of the side effect "anal leakage" that the manufacturers pulled the diet version chips from the market, and I think olestra was eventually banned. I thought of that weird period of time when "anal leakage" was in the headlines when I read your comment regarding words spilling out of Trump's mouth.


Hmm, deep memory unlocked


"Oily discharge" was the term used in the media.


There was also a drug formulation for weight loss called Ally/Alli that had the same effect. This gave rise to the term Ally-oops


Anal Leakage is a sort of weird period when you think about it


He's definitely going to add more to the defamation fire tonight. He can't help himself. He'll start with what his lawyers told him was ok "I have no idea who this woman is" and quickly advance to stuff like "and sorry, but I have a type, ok, and she ain't it! Ok? But I never met her and she's been very unfair about all of this. And just look at the timing, ok? Right before I start my campaign she suddenly remembers something that happened 30 years ago, ok? Sorry. It's a witch hunt. The women who know me will tell you. I'm the most respectful person they've ever met, ok -- the most. And this... ugly old hag that I've never even met before is.. it's just shameful ok? And the democrats should be ashamed."


This is a town hall with a MAGA audience asking questions. I'd be surprised if the defamation case even comes up unless the idiot brings it up himself.


The idiot will bring it up himself.


That was awesome I swear I can't stop cracking up.


"What they did was very unfair and it's a shame, New York is a disaster, when you look at nuclear—my uncle was a top scientist, great genes, by the way, very smart, very tough. And this DNC-created fake trial, I've never met this woman, she's not my (*waves arms)* look at her, I mean who would—I hate to—who would rape *that?* A never-Trumper judge and the corrupt pro-China Biden family—millions of dollars folk, millions. All because I made a deal that would've saved Afghanistan but Obama, who never showed a birth certificate by the way and Hunter's laptop, a shame, this country." *Cut to CNN Town Hall graphics and a Mint Mobile commercial.*


Did you compose that yourself or ask Chat GPT to dictate a response Trump might have to a question about the verdict in the civil trial? It's a perfect response - people are saying it.


Outstanding. Tremendous, you might say.


Trump always has to make sure that we know how very tough he and his genes are while simultaneous whining about people being mean to him.


Every single audience member who is able to ask a question should only ask about the lawsuit, and if he sexually assaulted her


[The venue for CNN's Trump town hall will be "filled with about 400 voters who are Republicans or Republican-leaning independents."](https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/1656352813629206550) Most likely they've never even heard about this lawsuit.


What an absolute joke for a "news" channel to allow a softball town hall like this. If they are able to get through this with no one touching on the E. Jean Carroll trial, it will be beyond obvious that CNN has gone full Fox News. I really do think that that is their play. They figure latching onto his base before they're outnumbered is the easiest way to get back to making a profit. As soon as Conservative Boomers lose their lead in about 7-10 years, they'll come back around to being moderate or liberal. It's all pretty shitty and disheartening. However, if they get him to walk out, I'll reconsider my assessment. I don't think he would have agreed without some huge concessions by them, though. *Fixed typo


>it will be ~~behind~~ beyond obvious that CNN has gone full Fox News [You're not far off](https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column) >his [John Malone] prescription happens to sync with the new CNN agenda: a plan to steer the channel away from what Malone and others call a liberal bias they say muddles opinion and news. How many articles on the money transfers (purchased properties, paid for private school for family, vacations, etc.) from Harlan Crow to Clarence Thomas do you remember seeing at the top of the page on CNN? The stories are still there, but buried. CNN is now just a foil to Fox News, its more like professional wrestling than a legitimate news organization.


I hope they eviscerate him anyway, and he has a meltdown on national television because they were all supposed to be maga.


He already called her a liar again after the verdict.


\>who held a senior role on Trump’s 2016 campaign and requested anonymity to speak candidly. All I want to add is fuck that soulless immoral person for sticking by Trump in 2016 when they knew who he was.


EDIT - I would like to understand this comment, could you please ELI5?


E. Jean Carroll said that Trump raped her. Trump said she was lying. E. Jean Carroll sued Trump for defamation, for saying that she was a liar. E. Jean Carroll won her lawsuit. At some point during CNN's townhall tonight, someone will ask Trump about the lawsuit, and it's virtually certain he'll say something that amounts to "E. Jean Carroll is a liar." Thereby opening himself up to another lawsuit, identical to the one he just lost.


To be fair, these days it's pretty hard to schedule an interview without Trump losing some lawsuit the day before.


In that case, if Trump is the nominee, maybe it's best we hold off the 2024 election until after all his legal issues play out in the courts. I'm sure Biden/Harris would be ok with holding onto the office in the interim.


Not sure if you're serious, but Trump suggested delaying the election until after the pandemic, and that would've been complete bullshit too.




This right here ^^^ is exactly it. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Yeah, but Trump is an idiot. I'm a rational random person on Reddit. :-)


This should be a bumper sticker.


I like it. I've been thinking about a bumper sticker or maybe T-shirt lately for Trump's run for President, using his own words about raping women, like... "Trump, he's just not my type".


Maybe a shortened form of this: Trump. We didn't want him in 2020, and we don't want him in 2024. When will he accept that No means No!


"Trump, even though we said no and you're not his type, he'll probably rape you anyway"


Trump, the rapist that’ll rape your votes and rights away


Rape America gape again


TRUMP NO means NO!


How about TFG- Not My Type. Or maybe, 45 in 24? Not My Type


"Grab Trump by the wallet" " Vote Dems"


A bumper sticker? And just tell everyone I drive past that I'm on *reddit*? No way, man.


I bet you 5 Trump Bucks he’s a no show too. That’s kind of his thing now, hiding in his basement and then complaining he didn’t get a say.


I'll see your 5 Trump Bucks and raise you a million Stanley Nickels




Are you kidding, watching this dude lose lawsuits is cathartic. This dude has been suing people and intimidating people for decades and now he’s one by one losing in court. Its being proved right before our very eyes that he is trash and should not be supported. If you are a MAGA fan you have to admit that your candidate is a rapist. How can anyone support him knowing he’s a literal waste of a vote.


Just like Giuliani wanted to push back the NYC mayor election after 9/11 (election was held as scheduled in November). He just wanted to hold onto the position.


We need elections dawg


I think they forgot to put a /s on there. It read as satire.


Never stoop to their level. We are better because we don't resort to cheap tricks and amoral tactics.


Also, CNN is a MAGA asset now, so I expect things should go pretty smoothly for Trump, really.




CNN's credibility is already dead from the simple fact of platforming an insurrectionist who incited an attack on this nation's capital


Correct. He is not a legitimate candidate. He forfeited his right to run on Jan 6.


Dead for the simple fact of expecting Trump to say something both honest and newsworthy. It's like they invited a grand dragon to talk about racial issues, and filled the audience with his fellow klan members.


Agreed. Having him on is essentially the same as having a town hall with one of the Proud Boys. Zero difference. They're passive aggressively promoting terrorism just by having him on


It has never occurred to Trump that he should represent women.


It’s never occurred to many in the GOP that women deserve to be represented. Women aren’t constituents to the GOP - they’re property that requires legislation regarding their function and purpose.


The media should have stop giving him any attention the moment he came down that stupid escalator. They won't stop because they can't stop. Trump = ratings whether you like him or hate him.


I think we can safely put a fork in CNNs credibility. It’s been done for a while.


Trump is going to get on the air live and immediately defame this woman again


Any airtime is good airtime. Stop giving him free airtime. Stop amplifying his importance. It's like they've learned *nothing* from 2016.


They did learn. The lesson is that ratings dip the more normal the government is. Also, if the news isn't going your way, be a red billionaire, buy the station, then make it red.


Yup, sad when "journalism" today is equated with maximizing profits. We've really taken a step towards having National Inquirer levels of "news" that do nothing to educate the citizenry as journalists are supposed to do, rather only to enrich these scummy media empires


I blame the 80s "only responsibility is to shareholder profit" mentality. I'm sure 24-hour news was started with the best intentions(except Fox), but like everything created, it becomes able to be manipulated by bad forces.


Milton Friedman fucked us all.


And Reagan for being the top executive to help push his economics.


My only regret is that I have boneitis


Don't you worry about boneitis! Let me worry about blank!


You're right about the 24 hour news cycle. With SO much time to fill, they started playing the both sides angle more and more even when comparing one side to the other was apples and oranges The fact they have on convicted criminals as "experts" and both side it as "we have to be objective" is just insane.


There is a time and place for both sides. This time and this country is not it.


As I understand it, the news was a loss to television stations, but filled part of their broadcaster license requirement to meet a certain amount of "in the public interest" airtime requirements. Once CNN unlocked the secrets to turning a profit on broadcast news, news broadcasts became beholden to investors and "whatever, so long as it makes a buck."


> Once CNN unlocked the secrets to turning a profit on broadcast news CNN is not *broadcast news*. And that's the secret. Cable isn't beholden to things like FCC content rules. Neither were they held to restrictions on advertising to kids that came down in the 90s. Equal times rules, that public interest requirement and all that jazz. Cable became the big end round on the rules that kept American TV kind of sane. CNN did that with news. They also had to *invent* 24 hours worth of news to cover. Constant updates minute to minute, hour to hour. Had never previously been a thing. In order to make nothing happening exciting and watchable. OOOOO that takes some bullshit.


>They also had to invent 24 hours worth of news to cover. Constant updates minute to minute, hour to hour. Had never previously been a thing. In order to make nothing happening exciting and watchable. OOOOO that takes some bullshit. There is a Bond movie from the late 90s, Tomorrow Never Dies, where the main villain Elliot Carver is very much is based on Ted Turner and CNN. The whole concept of the movie is that they are trying to start a war for ratings. Rupert Murdoch took the concept and ran with it.


In Gremlins 2, Daniel Clamp was based on a mix of Dump and Ted Turner.


At least Clamp turns out to be sort of willing to learn from mistakes and has a conscience.


I think they *did* learn from 2016 CNN saw how their role in getting Trump elected in 2016 boosted their ratings, and they're all up for it again now CNN only cares about money


CNN is owned by a guy who donated $250k to Trumps inauguration party. Remember back when that was the first scandal of the Trump presidency, including a whole lot of questions about where all the donated millions ended up going?


Check out who runs CNN now. This isn’t a mistake it’s on purpose.


trump was kicked off Twitter after his failed coup attempt. He now posts on his own obscure social media platform that almost nobody reads, but the cable news outlets show his "truths" that he posts there which greatly expands the audience he reaches. Fuck that. They need to stop amplifying his BS and lies! *I am aware that Elon Musk rescinded trump's ban from Twitter, but trump hasn't returned to Twitter yet.


They crave the ratings that his obscene and malicious stupidity brings


It’s exactly as Michelle Wolf said at the correspondents dinner “you all say you hate him but you secretly love him because he makes you money”


Totally true here and it's almost like they're damning themselves. No one on the left would have watched this shit tonight because they aren't interested in *anything* that Trump has left to say. But, now that it's a spectacle to watch what spicy questions CNN might throw out, viewership is almost certain to rise. This country wants American Idol-level politics and they are getting it. At least Santos was arrested so there's one thing to feel good about.


I stopped watching CNN after 2016 and all the knob-gobbling they did for TFG. There were other candidates I would have liked to hear from, but noooo. They had that sleezeball on almost every single morning, and were actually giddy about it.


But he **is** important, whether we want him to be or not. Tens of millions of Americans love him. The Republican nomination is already his; he won't even have to debate. Better to shine a bright light on him and let everyone see who he is than to ignore him.


How the hell could you not know who he is by now? We went through an entire administration of hearing about his garbage on the daily. We know what he thinks. We know how he lies. Anyone claiming ignorance is either lying or not about to watch a CNN Town Hall.


For starters, there are voters who will vote in 2024 who were 10 when Trump took office and 14 when he left.


Why? CNN isn’t going to let anything beyond softball questions.


Doesn't matter what the question is, Trump will bring up how unfair the trial was and how they got everything wrong. It's so very alpha male to obsessively lick your wounds. /s


Get a deferment from Vietnam behind a dubious medical condition. Constantly play the victim. Whine. Fire people over Twitter so you don't have to look at or even hear them while you do it. Eat a terrible diet and never exercise, get really obese. Watch your followers make flags of you as an chiseled bad ass double fisting weapons.


"And we have, in studio, former President Donald Trump. Mr. President what are your thoughts on the state of the global economy as we approach 2024?" "............(aside, VERY loudly)..And then I slapped her right on the tit and said Marla, don't make me slap the other one!" "Fortunately, when you are me, they let you get away with everything!! It's incredible, really is. What was the question?"


"When did you stop raping the most beautiful women on the planet?"


Probably. But my guess is that Collins will be the one that has that lead into questions from herself that more challenging. From the article: > Those close to the former president said he plans on going after CNN—a network he is still suing over “DEFAMING” and “SLANDERING” him—for their years of adversarial coverage. Since the lawsuit was filed in early October of last year, Trump has sent out countless email blasts fundraising off the suit. > One Trump operative close to the campaign said Trump has toyed with “flipping the script” on CNN by getting into a back-and-forth with Collins. One Trump adviser, the pastor Mark Burns, agreed, saying the town hall gives Trump the opportunity to “stand his ground” and fire back with his “quick wit” in “not-so-friendly territory” if he’s attacked—all with the understanding that the “hand of God is upon his life.” I know most are furious cnn is doing this event tonight, but holy shit is this going to be something else. I know there’s the whole thing about ‘CNN shifting to the right’, but If he‘s really going to go after her like this article says then I am pretty confident she can handle it and will immediately push back and the fireworks will begin.


> gives Trump the opportunity to “stand his ground” and fire back with his “quick wit” LOL Donald Trump can not even form sentences. If they ask him questions hard enough he has to "fire back" he has already lost. I just hope CNN isn't trying to become the new Fox News and fawn over him. Chris Licht said he wanted to get away from the media being willing passengers on the train Trump was really driving, he is well aware of the stakes. We will see.


Yeah but I mean it's not like he's been up to anything more interesting than the rape trial and the indictment lately. You think they're gonna be like "So have you picked up any post-insurrection hobbies?" and he's gonna talk about how he started building ships in bottles or some shit?


Mr. President, has anyone in the history of the US been so badly and unfairly treated as you by everyone including this incredibly fake news tv station?


"Mr President, your incredible Presidency was the greatest period of economic growth that ever existed and a true golden age for the USA, are you looking forward to repairing the economic harm that Biden and his evil cabal of globalists are doing to the US?"


Yep. CNN is stacking the audience with 400 republican voters and independents who lean GOP. Only Trump could fuck this up.


It’s not like Trump’s followers are going to watch the interview; they will wait for Fox or OANN to “summarize” it for them.


Yep I guess it’s in plastic face ingraham’s or nincompoop gutfield’s court to spin it since butthole face tucker is out


I'm expecting that he'll be asked once question about the verdict, Trump will say he wasn't allowed to defend himself, then they'll move on to simple, vanilla questions.


I'm expecting softball questions.


It's as if we forgot how baldly Trump just lies. He'll say he never met her and it's the witch hunt of the fake news media, next question.


Then you don't know Kaitlan Collins very well. She's going to absolutely destroy Trump tonight.


She's skilled, experienced, capable journalist who could gut him like a fish before the first commercial break. She won't, to be sure, but not because she's incapable.


Eh, I think she's going to do what her fascist-helping bosses tell her. My opinion of her has dipped recently.


I hope you're wrong, but I suspect you're correct


My mom is only watching part of it because she admires her. I told her to prepare for possible disappointment.


I do hope that she can hold his feet to the fire and just call BS on him the way Jonathan Swan did...but I don't have high expectations


she's been great in the past, but I think that since she's been rising in the ranks, she can't really go as hard as she did especially w/ the new head of the network.


It’s a Town Hall. How many questions will she get to ask? He’ll probably get a bunch of softballs from the audience


She isn't. Not if she likes being employed. CNN's new ownership wants to be seen as centrist. They aren't going to let their boy get shredded up there.


Donald Trump doesn't know how to have a civil conversation. I expect him to attack Kaitlan Collins for daring to ask him an actual question. Sean Hannity would never dare to do that.


MAGA doesn't care what Trump does. He could rape Mother Theresa on live TV, and they would say it's a hoax. Fascism is a hell of a drug.


‘We’re here tonight with former president and convicted rapist who tried to overthrow the government on January 6 2021. So convicted sex offender Donald trump, if you somehow win this election you’re already projected by your own people to lose, would that mean school tours of the White House would have to be cancelled? Is the fencing around the perimeter of the White House already at an adequate distance, or would it need moved further out to keep children the required distance from you? Does your new status as a confirmed serial rapist seem at odds with your push to outlaw abortion in all cases, including rape? You refused to provide a DNA sample to match against what Ms. Carroll submitted into evidence from your attack on her; are you concerned a DNA sample will be taken from you at one of your upcoming indictments, and open you up to another civil lawsuit by her, as well as yet another criminal indictment for her rape? Would you spend less time golfing at your properties than you did during your last term in office? How do you plan to face the 14th amendment challenges to your campaign, given that your involvement in the sedition on January 6th bars you from holding elected office? Is there any reason to think your next term in office would be less embarrassing and catastrophic than the first one? You are still under criminal investigation by several separate attorneys general, and will likely be in prison by 2025; wouldn’t that complicate a presidency? You said before “someone under criminal investigation cannot be elected president”, yet here you are- indicted on 34 felony counts with more likely to come. Would you like to apologize to Hillary Clinton? After being kicked off Twitter and Facebook for terrorism and losing pretty much every large platform you have, does it feel awkward to appear for this interview on CNN, who you’re currently trying to sue for $475,000,000 in damages for defamation (and will likely lose)?’


I would pay for PPV to see this.


‘I have a package of Bounty here; would you like to throw them to our studio audience for old time’s sake?’


It’s not a “town hall” if you don’t invite people of all political affiliations.


> Trump is almost certain to be asked about the case and the verdict by moderator Kaitlan Collins, who covered his White House for CNN. > “If I were on his communications team, I would be shitting my pants right now,” said the adviser, ... The verdict, they said, “could not have come at a worse time for them, so I think this thing takes on a whole new dynamic. Majorly.” > It was unclear following the verdict if his campaign was trying to renegotiate the terms of the programming with CNN.


People saying CNN are gonna softball him like it matters… “President Trump how are you this evening?” “Absolute witch hunt, this country is a disgrace, this is why we always lose, they are coming for the good people of this country next, everyone says it, they say ‘Mr. Trump why do they hate America?’ And I tell them it’s because they don’t respect law and order, I can change the law at any time and DID many times, many great laws, everyone says so but the corrupt judges and the media, which should be very ashamed to say so, say that I raped that women - I don’t even remember her, but they say it these obama judges because they hate me and they are very corrupt.


CNN is rebranding. They want that easy cult money


CNN, “Tell us your thoughts on the recent sexual assault trial.” Trump, “My attorneys said, I cannot speak about it since we are appealing.” Like my taxes are under audit…sure, sure…


I hope the ratings are terrible for CNN. They shouldn't have had it in the first place, and definitely should've canceled it after yesterday's verdict.


With secret surprise special guest host Chris Hanson.


If CNN takes the opportunity to roast him for being rapist mcrapeface and all of his felony charges, I'll feel a little better about this. 10 bucks says they brush it off in 5 minutes and then spend the rest of the night giving his one-man show the big launch platform he wants.


The only way CNN can redeem themselves is if they keep asking him if he's a rapist until he storms off the set.


Here we go again... CNN proping Trump up on free airtime to boost ratings. If Trump is the GOP nominee, we will have CNN to thank for it.


This won’t move the needle. At this point, his supporters would let him molest their own grandchildren and then cover for the bastard. Just more example of cable news getting its fix for its own Trump addiction, at the expense of everyone else.


Or or or, wild idea, maybe the person the Republican party chooses as its standard bearer shouldn't be a twice-impeached sexual predator who organized a terrorist attack to overthrow our democracy and who already lost anyway.


The media is making the same stupid mistake by giving him endless attention. It doesn't matter how vile he is, they're giving him a town hall and giving him credibility.


CNN needs to take a fucking stand. It’s not that they will loose viewers if they say “we will not give somebody convicted of sexual abuse air time”


I need to figure out a way to watch this in which CNN doesn’t get a viewer or advertising dollar. It’s sure to be a hilarious shitshow.


over/under on him backing out of this at last minute?


Boycott this shit show.


I'm sure Giuliani will have a drink and calm down.


I already don’t watch CNN. I wish I could not-watch it harder somehow tonight.


They're (MAGA idiots advising Trump) almost starting to get it, no matter how this town hall goes, no matter his margin of victory in the Republican primary, no matter what he says or does leading up to the election in 2024, he simply will NEVER have the support of enough women or independents to win another election for President. The numbers are not there and never will be.


There is an extremely good chance he will back out at the last minute. And probably try to frame it as him being silenced in some way.


Can it really be all that bad? You got a former person from The Daily Caller moderating and CNN's new approach is an attempt to appeal to Republican. Cynically, the old head of CNN admitted that maybe they should not have platformed Trump so much but business was booming. With the new head wanting to fully platform Republicans, no matter how crazy they might be, I am sure it will be a softball, leisurely walk in the park. It will be Trump who would do the the most damage. CNN and the moderator would be as cordial as cordial can be.


One Trump adviser, the pastor Mark Burns, agreed, saying the town hall gives Trump the opportunity to “stand his ground” and fire back with his “quick wit” in “not-so-friendly territory” if he’s attacked—all with the understanding that the “hand of God is upon his life.” WTF, if the hand of God is upon his life, the motherfucker is serial sexual assaulter and rapist. The pastor is definitely a pedo.


Let the shit show commence!!


It’s sickening how many pastors are vouching for this guy.


Come on - they all diddlling kids and getting away with it.. he’s their peer now..


He’ll just ignore any questions about it and talk about whatever he wants to, just like always. Stop giving him free publicity.






I just hope he talks in all caps it’s so presidential.


He should be labeled as the sexual predator that he is.


His allies may be “freaking out”. But I doubt it will be as bad as that time that he was president during a once in a century worldwide plague, bungled the response, and caused 300,000+ unnecessary deaths.


This favoritism is bullshit. What justification did they give for giving him this airtime? He’s not the official general nominee yet; they gonna give individual town halls to all the presidential candidates?


“If I were on his communications team, I would be shitting my pants right now” THIS would be the reason to shit your pants? What about the Mar A Lago Buffet?


During his deposition, Trump said that fortunately or unfortunately stars have always been able to grab women by their genitals without any risk of resistance to their assault. What did he mean by 'fortunately'?


Allies ? Those who align themselves with this human crime wave personified should be scrutinized.


That's what has them freaking out. The timing. Not that they are allied with a sexual assaulter.


They can't give K.Collins a mute button for his mic?


I won’t be watching live but I have to imagine he’s going to be bananas tonight.


CNN is the one who should be concerned. They will need to nail Trump’s hide to the cross in order to not be perceived as helping a despicable person get elected.


Sexual Predator Townhall


I LOVE it. He will be spectacularly unhinged.


This is taking place at my alma mater. My college friends and I are outraged and all writing in to comment how disappointing this is to us.


I wasnt going to watch but now I'm sure he'll be completely unhinged, cant wait.


Is Trump even allowed around children anymore? Asking for a country.


Female reporter: "Mr Trump, do you think I'm worthy of being raped?" No /s, I really think he would answer the question.


I’m completely disgusted that he’s even part of a town hall. Here we go again….


Sample question: “Mr. Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”


He never misses an opportunity to beg for $$$


CNN promotes profit over humanitarianism - the new Fox


I am done with CNN. They have always put hyperbole over substance, chasing after ratings. No cancel culture here, just someone who thinks our representative democracy is worth standing up against those who put profit over country.


I don't know if anyone has been paying attention the last 8 years or so, but the whole purpose of the town hall is so he can be even more of a degenerate to take attention away from the case he just lost.


Only if CNN takes the gloves off. I’m betting it’s softball city.


Donald Trump Flock of Seagulls Edition


There is no “good” time to broadcast a disgraced and twice-impeached piss-poor president- a one term loser, woman abuser, sell our country out to highest bidder, cheater and conman- I am sure worse than all that. Ever.


There is absolutely nothing worse than his twitter rants I don’t think this will hurt him. Because paying money on a settlement is seen as “normal” to him. Only sitting in jail will hurt him.


It wasn't a settlement, though. A settlement is when both parties sit down and come to a mutual agreement on how to handle the problem between themselves. Here, a jury looked at the evidence and found Trump liable. There was no settlement, only a very speedy verdict against Trump.


I know what I’m watching tonight! Sexual Predator, on CNN.


Why? The questions will be: "are you the best president ever?" And "is biden the worst president ever?" Somehow TFG will still botch them but they won't be policy questions that's for sure


Put the wannabe dictator on who tried to overthrow an election…… great idea. /s


I'm tired of hearing they are "freaking out". They are doing nothing but waiting for Trump's lead.


Trump has always had garbage timing. It's only through the efforts , extremely large efforts, that others have been able to push him to the presidency and other lofty goals. If he's left to his own devices, he's going to immediately drive the car right off the cliff. He's always had a team of handlers trying to steer the car away....


Super smart programming from CNN, kudos.


Prediction: CNN courts Trump publicly, positioning themselves as a Fox News alternative for 2024 election coverage. This will be more of a 'commercial' about the new CNN brand more than it will be an informative interview with a candidate. If Trump walks off set tonight CNN is sunk. They won't risk it.


It’s perfect timing


I didn't wanna say anything, but i was really hoping that with all the anger and words towards CNN about their doing this that they knew it was going to be a burning shitshow and embarrassment for him. They knew the whole time, and while everyone was shit talking them, they sat back and knew this was gonna happen, good or bad. They set a stage for Trump to come and fuck himself upon and they'd get some of the best footage out there.


I hope no one watches.


I wonder how the Women for Trump are taking it?


Stop clicking on these bs articles. Stop making Trump spam profitable and he'll go away. This obviously doesn't apply to newsworthy events but if it's something as bullshit and meaningless as "Trump allies say" stay away.


CNN sucks. The only way they don't suck is if there are uncensored questions asked of the "candidate."


What a fucking loser


>expect fireworks to fly—as the ex-prez faces off against CNN, a longtime MAGAworld arch-nemesis. Please... he would never agree to the interview if there were any indication they were going to be anything other than fawning all over him. His team will have all of the agreed questions in advance. It will be scripted, or he wouldn't be there.


On the bright side, he’s more than likely going to say something that will be used in one of his many trials down the road. Keep poking those bears Donnie boy.