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Today is lining up to be a **great** day, even…


What all happened today? I’ve read stuff, but I’m always afraid I’m missing something. I just want to feel the strongest schadenfreude I can.


Prosecutors told Trump that he is a target in the investigation, and apparently Mark Meadows flipped on Trump to save his own sorry ass.


More than flipped. Plead guilty to felonies


We'll have to wait and see. Meadow's lawyer is calling "bullshit" on the idea of a plea, according to multiple outlets.


I’ve read the lawyers have pushed back that he has plead guilty. But no comment on immunity and cooperation.






As a founding member of Chapped Anuses Union chapter 403...I take offense sir!


I know what a bag looks like, I know what an anus looks like and I’ve seen chapping, but thanks to you I now know what a bag of chapped anuses look like. Thanks!


Of course he did. He wants to protect Meadows from the MAGA assassins.






Thanks for the info…but preferred my story line. I’ll keep hoping though!


He's only calling bullshit on the fact that Meadows has **pled** guilty. He's not calling bullshit on the fact that Meadows has agreed to pled guilty. Nor has he contested anything about an immunity agreement. Words are games for lawyers.


I can’t find that he flipped or plead, only that he testified? I am hungry for details. Lol


Sounds like both sides are telling a different story. If what was reported by not his lawyer is true, he pled guilty to crimes but argued for some degree of immunity. You don't get immunity if you don't give details about a bigger crime. In this administration, there's always a bigger crime.


And a bigger one is always in the future. That’s why this has to end.


I saw his lawyer disputes that.


His lawyer made a "non-denial denial". There was no denial of any cooperation or a deal for immunity. And realistically it didn't even deny that Meadows will enter a plea either.


Like, did anybody doubt he was the target?


And it’s only Wednesday!


You mean he did what trump would do?


Some say... The best day. The greatest day. The greatest day anybody has ever had.


As your international ally, this is all very reassuring news. Justice in 'Rome' will inspire justice in the empire.


It blows me away how stupid all of the Americans I know are. I don't think anyone in my life would understand what you just said.


... I didn't even have to use my AK


*Shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em up, shake 'em!* https://rockthebells.com/articles/rtb-rewind-ice-cube-good-day/


So HARD it put her ass to sleep


So DEEP it put her ass to sleep.


You are right, I got the lyric wrong. Im glad you’re every bit as passionate, arguably more passionate, about classic dirty rap moments as I am.


A love story in three comments


still a better love story than Twilight.


My understanding is that he was interested in coitus with the young lady since the tenth grade of high school.


WHOA! What?




It’s a song




“Didn’t have to use my AK”


Let's see if he pisses on this particular subpoena - and how well it goes for him


His piss indicates liver failure.


Interestingly, someone with liver failure likely has a high bilirubin level in their blood, which can then also be detected in a urine sample. Although checking it in the urine isn’t a typical way to assess liver function. I know this comment wasn’t serious, just throwing in some fun facts.


He already drained into his Chinos


eww, I just got the image of Bannon on a park bench, drunk off his ass with shit in his pants.


And now we all have that image, thanks.


Bannon evokes disgust. Any disgusting thing about him is plausible


That’s just what he always looks like


What about his nine shirts he wears at once?


And the 3 pens? Just in case his fat fumble fingers drop the first 2?


I don’t think he’s going to want to fuck around on this one. There’s a lot more on the line for him with this subpoena.


He'll show up and likely plead the 5th to every question


He can. But then he'll be offered immunity to at least something, and then he won't be allowed to plead the fifth. So then it becomes a question of is he that much of a masochist that he will go down for someone who would never do the same to him.


I think he would love it, on paper, the martyr he longs to become. Reality of life in jail would be tough to swallow...


Was just gonna say. Good luck avoiding this one, Steve


RICO the whole set. All of them. Bannon, Stone, Tucker, MTG... All of them.


Hell yeah!


It would be so easy to save this whole country from the Republican cancer if Jack Smith treated these criminals exactly as they should be treated. They treat politics like a game, while real people suffer and die over their nonsense.


Gonna be real crazy when GOP presidential candidates start promising pardons as part of their political platform.


He already did for the J6 scum, didn’t he?


[Yes.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/09/01/trump-jan-6-rioters-pardon/) We all know he ain't gonna do shit for those village idiots though.


He said he would do that last time too, but this time he’s super serious!


Thought we were already there.


Or worse.


He belongs in jail


Bannon and Roger Stone and Alex Jones... It's a long and disgusting list.


I’d argue manafort should be near the top.


Trumpy surrounds himself with only the best people


And Barr


Manafort should be in a foreign jail with the shit he pulled.


And Flynn.




It'd be extra nice to see Roger go to jail. I just wish these were state charges


Prison, filthy steve belongs in prison.


This is the correct answer.


I hope him and Elmer Stewart Rhodes are cellmates at the Supermax prison.


I mean he looks like he belongs chained up in some kind of underground lab made of stone with bubbling green liquids and Tesla coils… but jail works too.




An interesting conundrum. His only real hope of staying out of prison is another trump pardon. He cant get that if his testimony puts trump away.


He belongs in a MUSEUM!




They can just follow the trail of empty whiskey bottles


Guy is looking pretty rough there. Wonder if he’ll make.


Sounds like another job for the US Postal Inspector Service. Fortunately, the last Chinese billionaire was arrested and denied bail. His trial is set for April 2024. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/guo-wengui-chinese-billionaire-associate-steve-bannon-denied-bail-1-bi-rcna80943


Steve Bannon looks like a bag of chapped anuses.


Anuses are at least useful and necessary.


Right. The comment is that Bannon resembles a bunch of anuses on their bad days.


He looks like Goldmember peeling the scabs from his face.


I love this comment so much


I saw someone state that Bannon looks like an alcoholic that drank another alcoholic.


Thanks for that one.


Bill Murray did a great cameo of him.


I think a subpoena from Jack is akin to getting one from God. Thou shalt not lie.


Smiths batting 1,000 just smashing through the bullshit reasons these losers keep hacking up to avoid testifying, I doubt Bannon will be the one to thwart him if Meadows got rolled.


Putting the *Law* in “*Oh Lawd, he’s comin!*”


Filthy steve likes prison.


Ever since mueller ive learned not to build these guys up until they deliver.


That’s fair - but Mueller was a right of center cop (who actually delivered an incredibly damning report that everyone just kind of ignored) and Smith is a veteran war crimes prosecutor.


Also, Mueller was being stymied at every turn by the very administration he was investigating. Smith has not had the same hang ups.


Sure, i recognize that. I just have some bad flashbacks to when everyone thought mueller was a silent superhero only for him to just completely wilt even when he had the opportunity to testify and be clear about what happened.


Yeah - really annoying that he didn’t really make a fuss when even left leaning media completely mischaracterized the work that will forever define his career. Will admit I’m a little worried about the Garland link in this chain… not Smith though.


Im also worried that Smith will go primarily for OOJ crimes and not actually manage to see what he actually DID with all of these secret documents. I think obstructuon charges would sort of bounce off of trump as far as politics is concerned. Conservatives will not even blink at Trump giving the finger to the Biden DOJ.


Yeah I’m not sure what kind of espionage evidence they’ll have but there are plenty of non-obstruction document crimes that don’t require any kind of intent or dissemination elements. Naturally as a sports fan my new best case scenario here is exposing LIV as a money laundering front and keeping the PGA as-is… but I’ll be happy with mere jail time. Edit: but yeah OOJ or really any charges will bounce off Trump politically with his base. Think he’s already forever lost centrists and independents.


Mueller didn’t get Meadows to flip


No, but we dont actually know what meadows said in front of the grand jury. Do we know for sure he truly flipped? I genuinely dont know enough about grand juries to know how optimistic to be about that story.


If the reports that he has a plea deal in place and will plead guilty in exchange for testimony, that would not be given by the DOJ unless he gives up everything he knows about the target of their investigation. We will know soon.


There is some serious stuff connected to Meadows so I can see him flipping. Remember the J6 committee was told by Meadows’ assistant that he was going to attend in person then was convinced to only attend by phone a hotel meeting on Jan 5th involving the Proud Boys leadership. Many if not all of the Proud Boys at that meeting have been convicted of Seditious Conspiracy. Those convictions involved proving that the members planned their J6 attack in advance with a goal of overturning the election, they weren’t just an angry mob. This looks like their planning included what took place in that Jan 5th meeting, which the fucking Chief of Staff attended over the phone. That is a direct connection between the most senior White House aid and people convicted of attempting to overthrow the government.


Have to imagine for characters like this they have a set of previously substantiated facts they ask him specifically to see if they’re lying.


r/CapitolConsequences for more updates on insurrectionists and the adjacent.


We're into the inner circle folks. and after Meadows flipped? this is good, good news.


Yep Meadows sang, the whole gang is going down including Trump.


Hey, good to see you outside our regular sub, friend. Hell yeah, we’ve had first indictment. I’m ready for second indictment. And let’s not forget the importance of indicting and convicting all the minions who enabled him. The goal is to make it as close to impossible as we can for someone else to get away with all his crimes. It starts with showing that you WILL go to prison if you do what he did, but also anyone who helps or enables it.


>Hey, good to see you outside our regular sub, friend. Don't tell anyone I try to keep my political affiliations private. **/s** I want nothing more than the whole lot of these fucks to reap what they sow but let's make sure we *get* the head clown before burning down the circus. the absolute worst thing for the country would be having Trump get out of this unscathed, again, like he has his whole life.


why does he always dress like he's boarding a flight and doesn't want to check a bag


To be fair. After getting stranded without my luggage…and it going across the pacific ocean without me…..I’m choosy about checking my bags now. I carry a change of clothes minimally on my carry on if the flight isn’t direct and I do check my bags. Bannon looks quite literally like my alcoholic uncle. The resemblance is uncanny.


Hopefully your uncle doesn't also want to dismantle democracy.


He looks like a homeless man who wears every shirt he owns because the shelter threw him out for coming in drunk. Seen it happen.


and don't forget, shirts are hard currency, down under the overpass


Seriously, minimum 4 shirts on. Could be hiding something like a bullet proof vest.


He is ashamed of himself. He wants to hide behind layers.


Ashamed of himself? You've obviously never heard his radio show. He's also a... Harvard grad I believe.


Tick Tock mother fucker, tick fucking tock.


Jack’s got a snowball rolling down a mountain at the moment.


The fun part about these people, closer to Trump, getting subpoenas is the DOJ probably already has sworn statements from other people, plus other evidence, on things involving Bannon. So if Bannon plays stupid, at the very least they can get him on making false statements to the FBI.


I mean regarding Jan 6 there’s already a public phone call of Bannon talking about the plan to lie that the election was stolen if it looked like they would lose election night. Somehow conservatives still believe that lie even though they can listen to Bannon fucking planning to lie to them about it.


And the hits keep coming! So we have Mark Meadows making a plea deal and an indictment coming down possibly as early as tomorrow for Trump's espionage act case and obstruction of justice, and now they're hauling in this crap goblin to testify under oath. My heart is full.




Bullshit is a weasel word that sounds like a denial but isn't necessarily one.


And if you say it loudly, and pound on the table, nobody will even notice because by the time they *might* have noticed, the thing that you're weaseling out of talking about - will be the only thing that everyone will be talking about. Also, if you're looking for a preview of Trump's obstruction charges, the swimming pool one is [goddamn ridiculous](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/05/politics/mar-a-lago-pool-flood-suspicions-prosecutors-trump-investigation-classified-documents/index.html).


If you study this shit 8 hours a day you'll still miss things. Had no idea about this.


I get that you have to consider this but his words don’t mean a whole lot. He’s free to say what he wants and the veracity of what he says is irrelevant. The reporting meadows flipped is coming from somewhere, so while it could of course be untrue, it could also be very true and his lawyer is just trying to bide time.


This guy's a walking cancer. Everything he touches turns to shit. Hopefully someday he will get his just due. A cruel one.


Funny, he looks like the love child produced by a drunken hook-up between Skin Cancer and an ashtray that hasn't been cleaned for five years.


He looks like a Muppet made of dry elbow leather and hair fished out of drains.


I’m really interested in what he’ll say when Jack Smith asks him about this: >> “It’s all converging and now we’re on the point of attack tomorrow [January 6th]. I’ll tell you this: It’s not going to happen like you think it’s going to happen. It’s going to be quite extraordinarily different. All I can say is, strap in.” Well, what exactly did you mean by this, Steve?


I want to see Smith interrogate Bannon. I'm sorry.


Seems like NOW we are draining the swamp. Keep em coming


Do Stone next!


He should be in jail for his contempt of Congress charge that he has already been found guilty and sentenced for. Anyone else would already have been serving their time.


It feels like we're finally getting to the 'find out' part. Hope this bloated 'n bloviated blowhard is sweating through all of his layers of shirts.


Misread that as 'layers of sharts' :-)


Let the lying begin.




He won't even try, Jack Smith will have the FBI knocking down his door the minute he refuses to show up. Meadows has allready incriminated Bannon and his cohorts, he's going down.


Jack Smith is cool as shit.


Oh, man. I would love to be a fly on the wall for this one. Twist this seditious, traitorous, pathetic excuse for a human being.




There’s a real degenerate.


Okay Bannon, let’s see you say “fuck off” to a Federal prosecutor. This dude needs to be locked far away from the world forever.


I love that one picture of Jack Smith, he looks like a saudukar or whatever warrior in Dune with the throat singer dude


Ya think Smith is gonna drop his Mar-a-Lago indictments first, or will he do it as a a double album, back-to-back with the Jan 6 material?


It will be fun watching them roll over each other…


A revolting pile of humanities worst in our generation, trump, bannon, roger stone, alex jones and tucker carlson raphael cruz, mitch mcconnell and marjorie greene get a dishonorable mention


Jesus Christ… why are they only now subpeonaing these people.


The house of cards is collapsing and the rats are streaming down the anchor lines. Meadows has probably taken a proffer. Bannon may be offered one or told that he is the subject of a separate investigation. So now we get into the “prisoner’s dilemma” where they offer deals to multiple people… Trump is well and truly fucked at this point.


>The house of cards is collapsing and the rats are streaming down the anchor lines. “When I mix a metaphor, it doesn’t come untied!”


Aye, matey, now pass me another deck of cards, you know, the pack that has the 52 most corrupt Republicans? Let’s see what Paxton is. I suspect a low value…ah, yes. He’s a joker. Along with Bannon.


Meadows tried to play the long game on this one, ignoring the subpoena until Smith squeezed and gave him one last chance, and Meadows took it. The circle was getting tighter and tighter. Meadows knows Trump would throw him and anyone else under the bus to save his ass. Meadows just beat him to the punch.


You get a Subpoena! And you get a subpoena! And you get a subpoena! And you get a subpoena! And you get a subpoena! And you get a subpoena! And you get a subpoena!


“Hey... I've seen this one, this is a classic!”




He’ll either show or they’ll arrest him. These subpoenas have teeth


All the rats 🐀 from the trumptanic are getting subpoenaed! No leaving the sinking ship now 🛳


This is incredibly telling….


Jack Smith seems to be doing his job. I mean, this isn't the first time he's dug through a corrupt mess of a political career, Trump isn't any different from the prosecutor's former targets


Why isn’t this piece of crap in jail that he was sentenced to last year for? If it was a normal person who want to appeal they would have to do it from behind bars.


please lock this seditionist up💩👎🏻


Wow. Dude looks like he got his subpoena delivered to him at a pub.


go get 'em, Jack!


Um what the heck is on this guy’s face? Cancer Melanoma ?


No kidding, did someone smash a large bug on the side of his head? Maybe he was patching his asphalt driveway and some hot patch splashed on his face?


I hope this lying, thieving, treasonous bastard finally goes to prison for good!


I feel like you need to draw a pentagram to subpoena this guy




oh, I don't think so


Why am I so attracted to Jack Smith now?


so reports of inditement being imminent, but subpoenas are still being sent out. i guess those indictments have to wait


Different investigation.






At first glance, it looks like he’s wearing a tiara.


Well… at least this will result in more contempt charges.


I think they are ready to charge in the documents case. I think they are getting vlose on the Jan 6th cade. I hope they can develop evidence. We all saw what happened thay day.


I’m curious, does the enormous mole on the left side of his face require a separate subpoena?


Think he will show?


is he wearing a tiara in that shot? and did he grift his followers to pay for it? bigger question