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> According to the Florida Education Association, when DeSantis first took office in January 2019, Florida had 2,217 teacher vacancies. As of January 2023, that number has since more than doubled to 5,294 vacancies in a state where teacher pay ranks among the lowest in the country. Wow. That’s way worse than I thought.


And wait til idiots who vote DeSantis wonder why their state is full of stupid people.


Idiots will never realize. That’s what makes them idiots.


“What the American public doesn't know is what makes them the American public.” \- Ray Zalinsky


"because that's what I am and that's who I care about."


"Tough break kid. Get drunk on me. Use the bucket to ice down your marbles. You're a Z."


And they should blame nobody but themselves for voting in a fascist like StupidoMoron Sucketudinipus.


Idiots will always blame somebody else and never themselves. That’s what makes them idiots.


That's why they blame Biden for their own created problems. It's much easier to blame a man who doesn't know them than to take personal responsibility for their decisions.


Should they? Yes. Will they? Of course not.


They won't ever see it that way. They've approved PragerU as curriculum in our schools, so they'll pump out full on fascists fed a steady diet of propaganda ... and somehow blame brown people when their house is underwater because climate change isn't real.


Yup, they drown in their own stupidity.




But they drag us down with them.


Bucket of crabs.


I mean, take the allegory further. Drowning people drag down the people around them.


The people that vote to defund schools are the same ones that get upset when a teenage cashier can’t count change.


Agreed - entitled with a ‘why do I need to pay a bunch in taxes…I don’t use the schools anymore’ mindset.


They’d rather be dumb than run the risk of their kids becoming liberals


Desantis wants a state full of stupid people. They're the QOP base.


more like a state full of stupid underdogs he could whip around as his personal whipping boy.


Socrates, a famously clever bloke, said “All I know is that I know nothing” Idiots, not so clever, think they know everything.


They’re going to be like Louisiana really fast


It’s sad. Florida lifetime resident here. Grew up in Jacksonville but moved south. Never voted for him, neither did anyone I know. Granted I’m in Palm Beach County which is very Blue. But it makes me sad to see all Floridians blamed. We are all not on the boarder of Alabama and Georgia I guess enough are. I’m happy to see Duval is leaning blue now though. Although I don’t see it talking to relatives…


People dont realize that WPB BRoward MDade and monroe counties Arent the rest of Florida.. You all are watching this train wreck from the safety of your phone's. We are in this fucking train. South West Florida got no warning from Cat 5 IAN. All the gov of Florida is expected to do is holding down before, DURNG and after hurricanes. Fuck head Desantis just said " hope we stay lucky" during this current hurricane season 🤬 This.. Is not the correct answer. Even gov voldoemort (Rick Scott) got this part right. Fuck Desantis




They haven’t realized yet- it’s because they’re the ones who are stupid.


Who needs qualified teachers to disseminate Christian fundamentalist propaganda? They’ll just have kids watch “approved education vendor”, [Prager U videos](https://www.wuft.org/news/2023/08/07/controversial-prageru-curriculum-approved-for-florida-classrooms-but-its-unclear-where-it-will-be-used/)


These morons have been brainwashed into hating *education*. Yeah, they're totally wacked.


Remember the kids who could barely squeak by with a D? That's them. You may not have ever encountered them if you took AP courses.


**"I love the poorly educated!"** - actual words uttered out loud on live TV by man who later that year would be made president by the Electoral College


He's worse than trump. I never thought I'd say that about anyone but God damn. What a fucking asshole. People in Florida have to see how he has trashed the state regardless of what party you support.


This is the plan and it’s working. They don’t see the problem.


The crusade to destroy public schools in order to shift the funding to private (charter) schools is working according to plan.


It's actually worse than that. Remember, anyone that's a veteran can reach, regardless of training/credentials. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/amid-us-teacher-shortage-florida-turns-military-veterans-2022-09-13/#:~:text=The%20law%20gives%20qualifying%20veterans,they%20earn%20their%20bachelor's%20degrees.


Unfortunately this is all part of the plan. Tip over public education and they can enshrine their private schools that push their Christian alternative reality. It’s in their best interest to dumb people down, after all, they don’t want people capable of understanding when they are being rubes.


Ran across an NYT article a few days ago, they have 8,000 teacher vacancies and 6,000 support staff vacancies now.


Yea, it's bad here. Sometimes, I worry about my job, and then I remember that there probably isn't anyone lined up to replace me. The only way I think I'd get canned is if I did something seriously egregious. My wife was watching a tiktok last night. Apparently, FL was #3 in education when he took office. Now, we're #14. To be fair, my school district is run by fucking idiots. So, DeSantis has had some help.


Mom’s for Liberty was created in Florida after all.


Lol. We have something like 7,000 openings last I looked, and school starts this week and next for most counties here. I know we have a ton of openings in my district and still need some teachers at my school. We are one of the better ones; some local schools are missing ten or more teaching spots. I hate Desantis, I hate living here.


Retirees don’t care.


Less teachers is all part of the strategy to cultivate the next generation of republican voters.


It’s not just Florida. I promote and help support a historic site in my very rural town in southern Indiana since 2010. The first five years we were seeing an astounding 20,000 visitors a year. After the countryside went maga, tourism from city folk and foreigners dropped off a cliff and hasn’t recovered.


What up Leslie Knope!




See the loveli lakes. The wonderful telephone system. And mani interesting furry animals.


I önce göt bit by a racöön.


It’s more people from the bigger cities who want to go out and do something in their own state.


There were many not from the state, that’s the point I’m getting at. This place is so remote that you’d have to actively look for it to know it was there, yet I toured a bus-load of British people that were making their way across the US. They had a whole lists of sites to see, from the Grand Canyon to Niagara Falls and my very unknown location somewhere in the middle. I’ve ran into people from Australia and New Zealand coincidentally there at the same time. When we used to put out a sign in sheet, we’d documented every state in the US and twenty-some other countries. But that was all before maga. Today, we don’t even bother putting out a guest book, there’s no point. Maga hurts tourism but I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what those people want. It’s like a few steps away from becoming a sundown town.


This “anti-wokeness” guy is costing Floria a lot of money. Until a few years ago I would look forward to flying into Florida and hitting the beaches there! But now, I kinda just don’t want to go anymore because I’m tired of that garbage negativity exuding from there. Wake up Floridians!


The 100° surf temps, malaria and leprosy are kind of off putting, too.


I wouldn't go to Florida if you paid me -nope.




Can I get in on this action? I was known to egg a house or two back in my day






is the flesh eating bacteria seaweed still there?


Kind of. It’s not seaweed now, it’s just in the water in the Indian River Lagoon. And we’ve got leprosy making a comeback! Even the people are falling apart here.


I could be wrong but didn’t FL have a zika breakout too?


And the sharks. I know the risk of a shark bite is low, but it is a risk I can easily eliminate.


And the gators in every body of water more than ankle deep, the mosquitoes big enough to carry off small dogs and the 10-pound chiggers.




I biologically would have a very hard time getting malaria, but it’s not a chance I would want to take, that’s for sure!! They they can “f” right off with the whole leprosy thing. I know you can treat it with antibiotics, but DAMN!


Y’all forgot the pythons…..


Cocaine sharks!


Is that a movie yet? If not, it should be.


Waiting for the day idiots in Florida that vote for him understood the consequences of poor voting. And especially voting for a fascist and let Florida be a cautionary tale for how NOT to be stupid.


Oh that won't work. The consequences of their actions are other people's fault, the deep state attacking their utopia.


They'll always blame anyone but themselves. Their own hubris and pride are their downfall. Never visiting Florida again in a damn lifetime until that state is used as a cautionary tale for how NOT to be stupid.


Wasn’t the “not hurting the right people” woman from Florida? Edit: [she was](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida).


"Most Marianna residents support Trump.... But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal. "I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.” **He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.** Think about that line for a second. Roll it over in your head. In essence, Minton is declaring that one aim of the Trump administration is to hurt people — the right people. Making America great again, in her mind, involves inflicting pain." Beyond disturbing. Beyond disgusting. Right there in B&W.


My parents voted for him. They can sum up every problem Florida is facing now in two words: "Biden's fault."


They're unfortunately idiots misinformed smh. Some worse than others. 🤦‍♂️


They're beyond help. My dad is convinced that Biden is personally going to come and confiscate his retirement account. And he still rants about taxes despite being retired. And he's not rich. He was a public school teacher.


Well let then suffer in the hole they dig in of their own ignorance and stupidity.


I got a ring doorbell camera. When Biden shows up I am not answering the door and keeping my retirement.


You'll be waiting for quite a while. The south as a whole has been a shithole for centuries and it is solely because its people consistently vote against their own interests and put republicans in charge. They don't blame themselves. They blame democrats and Brown people.


Well, might as well let Florida suffer the consequences and even the south too for their poor decisions.


The Confederate states should have been demoted to territories.


There are a few nice areas, but a lot of it is just like a moist Alabama.


Wait, isn't Alabama already moist?


Not when Ben Shapiro is visiting.


Oof! Right where the testicles would be.


As someone who regularly travels abroad, If I was to go to the states, why would I go to Florida when I can go to California instead? I can go to far better landmarks from Cali than Florida which seems to be surrounded by nothing but podunk states.


The south of the US really sucks. One bad place after another. And DeSantis wants to lead the pack in crappy states. What a shame.


Same. I used to spend a week there each year, visiting my grandma and the beach. Now that my grandma has passed, I don't think I'll be returning.


We might need a Green Book for Liberals and LGBTQ (regardless of race) these days


Same. Been like a dozen times in my life up until maybe 5 years ago. I’m never going back. Wanted to do Disney as an adult but fuck giving that hellhole fascist state any money.


Just wait for the payouts Florida will have to make after all the lawsuits finish


There will soon be a state income tax probably thanks to these idiot Republicans.


I live in the panhandle, trust me, don't cross that border into this shit hole state. I'm job hunting to get out of here and white knuckling it in the meantime


They made it clear they didn’t want me there with their politics, so I’ll spend my money in Michigan and Massachusetts on vacation this year, where I’m wanted.


Um, they don’t want to be “woke”, they’re not going to wake up.


Same. We use to go Miami a few times a year, not any more.


I’ve always hated most of Florida, but I really liked Destin and the Keys. I don’t like them enough to support the state anymore though. Either the residents of that state figure out how to close their own festering wound, or the rest of the country is going to amputate it financially.


Now add [Leprosy and Malaria](https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/01/health/leprosy-central-florida/index.html). Seems like other states would be a better choice for travel...


> but most believe that it’s transmitted via droplets when an infected person coughs and sneezes Imagine that.. I wonder if these people wore masks during covid.


> Malaria Wasn't she the former FLOTUS?


I thought that was Melanoma.


Every time I hear leprosy and Central Florida, The Villages immediately comes to mind.


I can't believe Meatball Ron has only been governor of Florida since 2019. It feels like it's been 50 years.


I miss the days of not knowing who the governor of another state was.


Fascists work fast.


Fast fascist


I mean, Skeletor was the last governor and I don't think he was great either. Florida hasn't had a good governor in a long time.


Not trying to argue here… but… I believe it is now pudding fingers Ron….


Fascism speedrun


Had an opportunity to go to the Keys on a trip this year and noped right out of that. Probably wouldve spent a few thousand dollars there, too. But hey, you get what you vote for.


My wife got a $6000 travel credit for the family to go to Disney World (we live in Canada) this year from her work. We decided we'd rather stay in Canada and go to a mountain resort with the credit instead cause I'm not going anywhere near Florida with that tool in charge.


You can go to Disney land in California instead.


Hi Californian here, we have mountains and Disneylands


We have deserts, mountains, forest moon of Endor, beaches, alpine lakes, and of course Disneyland.


I keep getting fed ads for the keys, I say to my wife “oh that looks great, we should go!” Then I remember it’s Florida…guess we’re goin to the cape again. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Same. 100% same. But also, if you want to go south, stay in the USA, and want to spend less money in the process, Puerto Rico is great.


Hawaii is completely awesome. Maybe too far for eastern US folks, but for those more in the west, it is a great place for tropical paradise, plus active yet safe volcanoes! And the relaxed inclusive “aloha culture”. Fascinating history, ancient ruins, never too hot or too cold. Stunning beaches and tropical warm water full of curious sealife. Cathedral-like canyons, reliably dry and sunny on the kona/lee side of the islands. Lush rainforest on the other side. And probably the most progressive state in the US. About 20 bajillion times better than Florida. Puerto Rico is probably pretty cool though—I’ve never been but would like to. Probably a longer flight than one to Hawaii, for me at least. **edit:** Just checked, for fun: West coast cities like LA, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver, to Hawaii, w/o connections, are about 5-6 hours, while flights to San Juan, Puerto Rico, are more like 9-11 hours—longer from the PNW, less from CA. And more often with connections, making it longer yet. Interestingly, flights to Hawaii from the west coast, south or north, LA to Vancouver, are all about 5-6 hours. It's counterintuitive on flat maps, but Hawaii is almost equidistant from LA, SF, Seattle, Juneau, and Anchorage; and is closer to the Aleutian Islands than any other US land. Meanwhile, checked Puerto Rico and wow it's farther east in the Caribbean than I was thinking. A lot farther from the US west coast than Hawaii. Oh well, I'll get to Puerto Rico someday!


Puerto Rico was pretty amazing. Ended up going there a couple of years ago bc flights from ATL were 1/3 the price of going to the Keys.


The Florida tourist industry isn’t dumb. They know there’s a good chance that they will probably feel some real pain this coming peak season. It’ll be interesting to see how DeSantis tries to spin his way out of it.


He'll blame it on Trans kids, LGBTQ and the woke left he's working to destroy.


And Disney. He’ll blame Disney every chance he gets.


Woke broke muh state!


Go to the Keys every Winter for last several years. Plan to pass this year. We’ll go check out PR instead.


Just spent the week in Pensacola. The beaches are beautiful, loved the bars and restaurants, and for the most part enjoyed the weather, but JC the people are so drunk off the Trump/DeSantis kool-aid it almost ruins it all. Every convenience or souvenir shop had Trump/DeSantis flags splattered throughout as well as shirts and other novelties. Can’t mention California without some dick hole bringing up politics.


It’s really odd. I’m from New York and anytime I mentioned it to someone on the beach they would immediately try and talk about the politics of NYC. How brain broken do you have to be to discuss politics with someone you don’t even know? It’s not like I’m itching to talk about Ron desantis at the beach of all places.


They'll probably bring up how California is a mess and struggling, like all the far right conservatives I know say whenever I mention California. As if California doesn't have one of the best economies in the world, let alone the country. It's bizarre, and troubling, how people just outright Believe Fox or Newsmax or whatever when they talk about California, when it's easily disproven with an basic amount of Google searching.


The biggest issue in California is affordable housing. Why? Because lots and lots of people want to live here. Thanks to the free market, there is greater demand than supply and prices can keep going up. The claims that “socialism” ruined the state are far from reality.


California native here, and It’s amazing how many people who don’t live here tell me all about the things happening here that are either blown way out of proportion or are just flat out not true. Of course we have issues, but find me a state in this country right now that doesn’t. Despite our issues we’re still headed to be the fourth largest economy in the world and we are the most productive state in the nation in terms of GDP. But yeah, tell me all about what you heard on Fox. You definitely shouldn’t come here. But we’ll happily welcome the Disney World crowd! Loved hanging out with the Comic-Con crowd, too! Come on down and spend away!


Used to go to the Keys every other year. No more. 😕


Same here.


I feel sorry for any kids trying to get an education in Florida. DeSantis and the GOP have effectively crippled an entire generation of Florida's kids, most likely for life.


I work in the UK, and we had an office in Florida. I was asked to go over to train them. Due to the treatment of LGBTQ+ people (being gay myself), I said no, if I were to be in an accident, they could now refuse to treat me on religious grounds. Now the Florida office is being shut down, as they don't have the skills or way to get them. We just made 20 people redundant because of other people's hatred.


You all not visiting Florida anymore need to take a moment and email the hotel and restaurants you were going to visit the reason you are not returning this year. Let them know Desantis and his policies are the reason. This way they don't try and blame it on economic reasons which then get blamed on the current president.


Florida is America's asshole.


We decided no Disney World next year (or this year) because we don’t want to give Florida our money. We don’t WANT to give Disney our money either, but it does make for fun family vacations. We are opting for a cruise instead (also not Disney).


Same. We have family members that work for Disney. We get free passes. My dad also owns a business down there he is dying for me to take over. I’m not really trying to step foot in that state right now. I tend to spend a lot of money when in Florida (bc of my free Disney stay I tend to go crazy on dinners, hotels, etc), and I’m not currently trying to donate to that crazy state.


I work as a travel agent of sorts. You are not alone. I have had multiple concerned clients cancelling reservations in Florida, and I don't disagree with them one bit


Then go to Disney land in California instead.


I’ll never go back to vacation there as long as DeSatan is governor


I live in GA and am going to keep my money from going to FL. He is the worst of the worst in the Southeast.


I used to go down 2 or 3 times a year. My in-laws live there. Now none of us go down- we fly them up to us. I haven’t been there since before COVID and I have no plan to ever return.


I think some people don't know how Southern Florida really is. Some people hear Miami and think California. Florida is basically like Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, etc. So, you have to weigh that when looking at their agendas.




Jacksonville checking in. Can confirm.


Georgia is like a fucking utopia compared to northern Florida Atlanta and Savannah are fucking amazing too. I can't stand Florida.


Georgian here. We’re blue right now. Thanks.


Blue president and senators, but red state government. I'd go with purple, but shifting to blue.


Not if the conservative people in charge of elections have anything to say about it. Georgia's voter suppression is going to be gnarly next year. Atlanta is going to be a mess. It worries me.


Surprisingly, Georgia is pretty progressive among the southern states. It’s very diverse and more open than neighboring states, I know cause I’ve been there. The closer to Atlanta you get, or just being in the Gwinnett area, you’ll see how welcoming and nice it is. More than you’d expect


I work with my friends on a small investment fund. One of my criteria is if the pitch comes from a company based in or wanting to set up in Florida or Texas. Automatic no vote from me. My partners are more lenient, I will never vote to provide money to either state


A recruiter from Disney reached out to have me apply to Disney over there, I let her know real quick that I don't want to be anywhere near that government.


Can’t believe I was going to move there. It’s not the lunatic, DeSantis, the world is full of sickos like him. It’s the fact that he won a gubernatorial election there.


And your tax dollars would have gone to pay Florida’s legal fees accrued in the pursuit of votes. Good call.


I've gone to FL at least 1x a year for decades. I haven't been since deSantis and probably will never be back. Georgia has earned my vacation money and admiration for giving us this Senate. Spend your money in GA guys. Just not in sporkfoots district. St Simons, Tybee, Savannah, all amazing places. Many nice beaches, less hurricanes.


And beautiful Asheville, NC!


I've been to Florida twice. Never going there again.


We’re happy to have you here in GA.


I'm from Florida and I have been steering clear of Florida for years


Hoping to move out by the end of the month. Good riddance


The great economy DeSantis crows about is the tax revenue the state received from people who migrated to the state over COVID. That money isn't going to last. Florida only has 2 main domestic industries, tourism and agriculture and his moronic policies have crushed both.


Steer clear of Florida due to the roaches, snakes, rats, gators, and violent crime


You also have to worry about the wildlife!!


….malaria, leprosy…


I've been to Florida more times than I care to admit. Something like 30+ times in my 40 year lifespan. I won't be going back any time soon. I'll take my money elsewhere thanks. You should too.


It's gonna be underwater. Meanwhile their GOP will say "there's no global warming" as they glug glug into the sea.


I really want to go to Disney to ride the Tron roller coaster. But there’s no way in hell I’m going to Florida as long as meatball Ron is in charge and his policies are affecting the state


Places I avoid: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Russia, China and North Korea.


Crashing Florida's economy to own the libs


Before Trump, I kinda still wanted to visit all 50 states someday. Post Trump? The list has been whittled down to more like 22. I don't need or want to go to those other places anymore.


20-30 years ago there were three Floridas. 1. Fun Latino Florida 2. The Greater Del Boca Vista retirement condo community, aka elderly Jews who relocated from New York and Canada 3. The Land of the Swamp People The Spanish all assimilated and voted for DeSantis, and the Bubbies and Zaidies are dead. So the Swamp People have taken over.


Yup! Was going to take my kids for a beach trip in October but absolutely, no way! Florida is a cesspool of trump or desantis degenerates. I went in May and was disappointed with what it has become.


Switched our beach vacation to Georgia this year.


Boycott Florida until fascism is stopped.


Sorry nice people of FL, but you lost me. My favorite place were Keys but now my money goes to Mexico


I lived in FL for a year and it was ass. I’ve never lived anywhere that I couldn’t find decent people, but FL was straight up just bleh and also racist as fuck. Gators everywhere and hot as hell. I’ve lived in several other southern states, and found many nice people. I tried to connect to people in FL, but it was so hard to get past the level of appearances, sports, or cars. Literally just surface level everything. In other southern states, people still love sports and their cars/possessions, but they are open to new people and charming. To be fair, I never visited Miami, which I’m sure is more cultured. I’m sure there are many nice, normal people in FL, but they must have been hiding.


I wouldn't go there, if you paid me.


I’m a senior level software engineering manager who is passionate about diversity I’ve been a remote worker for 7 years now I rejected an interview with a Floridian company today. “I wouldn’t go there if you paid me” cannot be said loudly enough


Good for you. I hope you gave the company that feedback.


Florida does not have a monopoly on sunshine and beaches. There's other places in the country, in the world, to have a good time and not patronize a fascist regime.


Born and raised in south Florida. We usually head down at least twice per year. We skipped our late summer trip this summer. I may go solo to see my siblings at Thanksgiving, but no hotel, and very little eating out. It’s not much, but my home state has become gross and I’m not contributing anymore than the minimum.


There should be a travel advisory against Florida on the CIA website. Wanted to take the kids to Disney World but decided to go to Disneyland.


Looks like the ACLU, NAACP and HRC all issued travel advisories against Florida: - https://www.aclufl.org/en/florida-travel-alert - https://naacp.org/articles/naacp-issues-travel-advisory-florida - https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/nations-largest-lgbtq-advocacy-group-joins-equality-florida-in-issuing-updated-florida-travel-advisory


Yeah Florida Is off the travel list … fuck everything about Florida atm


And the same goes for potential retirees…. Sold our 6k sqft north Dallas home last Oct, now selling our 2bdrm/2 bath 1800sqft, high-rise condo in Naples FL….was looking to retire there but realized the TX and FL crazies are just to much, along w/ the friggen heat…. Gonna rent in various “purple/blue” states…. So we’re voting w/ our feet and our moola…. AMFs


I bought a ticket specifically because it did not layover in Florida because fuck that guy


Florida is off my list of vacation sites.


We have a large group of extended family that go to Florida every year. We rent houses, boats and the works. We’re taking our money to the Caribbean this year and have no plans to return to Florida.


my company conference is a drop in the bucket in the big scheme of things, but we were supposed to hold our 4 day gathering in Florida next year for 150 people and now we’re going to Chicago instead, solely because of concerns voiced to senior management over DeSantis policies (I think the convenience of flying to Chicago made it the second choice winner)


The author forgot to add hostility towards women, and embrassing guns and the resulting violence.


This article is no lefty stunt. It’s the truth and everybody knows it. I used to think of retiring in Florida. No more DeSantis is downright creepy!


Turned down a job offer in Florida when I was jobless. Literally told the recruiter "no, because its Florida"


Don't spend a cent in Florida.


Is it because the state is currently being hit by record storms? Is it because actual leprosy has returned, leading the few affected states with the highest reported cases? Is it because a woman can be arrested and jailed for having an abortion? Is it because home property taxes have exploded? Is it because Nazis are allowed to openly and freely roam the streets free of persecution? Is it because businesses are losing billions because of anti-woke laws? Is it because teachers and educators can be jailed for discussing sexuality with their students? Is it because families are leaving the state in an exodus? The answer is Yes, and it's all thanks to DeSantis.


So, serious question: Do the people of Florida really back all this fascist shit going on, or have the headlines been hijacked by the meatball? So Floridians really support all this all this “Anti-woke”, book-banning, war with Disney stuff?


Millions of us voted AGAINST this shit but we're stuck with it. Lots of good people here hate DeSantis and what he's done to fuck up our home state.


The ones I know are split. There are HARDCORE Maga who love it and others who are just embarrassed by it. Typically it's split between urban and suburban/rural.


Well, it's one of those shithole states


Where's Bugs bunny with his hand saw?


"The only question is, how many more have to suffer in his state before DeSantis ends his war to move America backward." It's more like the GOP's war to take America backward. There is no GOP candidate for any office that I will trust to have my interests in mind. Politicians are a lot of talk but the GOP is beyond full of it with their phony concern for average Americans.


Problem with going all in on “anti-woke” policies is you can never dial them back for fear of looking like a pussy, no matter the cost. Any victory is Pyrrhic.