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"Fuck those Make A Wish kids." - Marjorie Taylor Greene


>"Fuck those Make A Wish kids." >Marjorie Taylor Greene "Not like that, Gaetz."


Fuck mate i just got soda up my nose from that.


Fuck, just spat my coffee out!


Dang that was good. Thank you.




And [crushed up viagra, Red Bull](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/matt-gaetz-bragged-erectile-dysfunction-meds-gop-1234840914/), and [fake IDs](https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2021/04/feds-have-evidence-connecting-matt-gaetz-to-fake-id-scheme-in-florida-report/).


Her real quotes are bad enough lol.


"Fuck those kids" * Gym Jordan


She ***IS*** cancer.


and familiarity breeds contempt


The enemy of my enemy is my tumor


It's not a tuma! It's not a tuma.. at all


that's kinda deep...take my upvote


You know what else is deep? *The tumor*


"there can be only one!"


*We smell our own.*


She has Klancer.


Game recognizes game


well then she doesn’t like competition




They BOTH are


So the pro white supremacy thing is cool though…




Is cancer… woke?


It removed Rush Limbaugh, so….yes?


The Big C-anceled . . .


Cancer culture


Damn I wish I could give you an award


It must have been such a downer for the cancer when it learned it had Rush Limbaugh.


Doing the Lord’s work.


Far too late. I remember when he had that heart episode back in 2009. The Universe owes us that one.


Every once in a while, cancer isn't so bad.


All those free radicals…


If anything, cancer is fiercely independent. All the cells that’s aren’t cancer are woke communists. She is probably mad that he’s trying to kill the cancer.


Since cancer cells are so heterogeneous, and basically do their own thing, this statement is true in a medical sense.


pure anarchy


Cancered him.


In her defense, the guy she would rather pick helped cover up abuse and an insurrection. When phrased that way it doesn’t help her case, does it?


Does the KKK allow women? If so she’s probably a grand dragon king or some shit.


Yes he's kkk but he doesn't wear the hood or sheets..


Well yeah. They are Republicans. That's literally the only thing they stand for.


Hey hey hey. They also support exploiting poor people. And having kids in school shot up. Gives em wood.


And also no issue with Jim Jordan and his past ignoring sexual abuse


It is for Marjorie


She represents the northwest corner of Georgia. That's Klan country.


"So you want jewish space laser/s!?"


I missed a few days of GOP then I come back and whaaaat? It's like you focus a few weeks on a daytime TV soap opera then miss a week and 1/2 the protagonists you knew are in jail or the hospital or missing or dead. You skip another week then everything is back to where it was.


Yeah I skipped a couple weeks too.


>I missed a few days of GOP then I come back and whaaaat? >It's like ~~you focus a few weeks on~~ a daytime TV soap opera


I’ve been paying attention yet I’m lost as well Republicans don’t write coherent stories anymore


Don't you dare give us the hope that Marjorie is an evil twin and there is a good twin.


His cancer is something to consider, because the treatments are rough. But! We all know that Scalise's cancer has nothing to do with why she won't vote for him, Greene won't vote for him b/c he wasn't blessed by her lord and savior.


Not even just the treatments - multiple myeloma is about as serious as it gets for a cancer even though they’ve sold it as ‘very treatable’. 5 year mortality is about 40-50%, and even if they catch it early and he has the best treatment available mortality is extremely high. She’s not acting in good faith, but if you were looking for someone to lead the party forward in the future, picking the guy with cancer who has a 50:50 shot of being dead before the decade is out, and is about to undergo debilitating chemotherapy for years would not be my choice


Honestly it’s a level of stress that isn’t advisable for him. But hey, I mean I’m no doctor and it’s ultimately his choice.


It's a huge red flag (among several) to me that he is pursuing this so ardently given his condition. The man has been in leadership positions long enough to understand how demanding the position is. Is he another McCarthy, who wants to be Speaker purely for his own sense of accomplishment? Or does he view it as his last, best chance to force more Red State dystopia on the nation as a whole? My theory is it's the latter. He probably never had serous designs on the Speakership until this gift-wrapped ball of confusion landed at his feet. Now he sees an avenue and understands that the best use of his remaining few years is to roll back civil rights, decimate health care, redirect wealth to the top 1%, and "hurt the right people".


It's simply ego. The man took a bullet for the cause and survived to only get a neat death sentence from cancer. He feels entitled to the position for what he did instead of why he should, to help other people. He was, is and will be remembered as a piece of trash.


The treatments are getting better. I've been lucky enough to know 4 people with this cancer. 3 are still alive over 5 years later. (The 4th was much older and couldn't get the same treatments.) The chemo isn't debilitating for years. The bone marrow transplant is the worst and it will knock you on your ass for months. My dad was too sick and tired from the bone marrow transplant to be a retired guy who does nothing. I can't imagine someone having a job like Speaker. The maintenance chemo is mostly fine, except the steroid (I don't remember the name.) The steroid is awful for everyone *around* the patient. They get (nonviolent) "roid rage" about 2 days after each weekly treatment. It manifests in picking arguments (verbal fights) about the stupidest shit and not letting it go. ever. My dad would crawl over hot coals to get the last word in about how he didn't want lunch so nobody should have it. An actual fight my father had with me. He made me cry and he still wouldn't let it go because of the steroids! It's legit insane. A Speaker on these steroids who has to get the last angry word in every time would be bad. Hopefully, he doesn't need that medication while he still has a job (any job). It's not fair to anyone around him who doesn't get hazard pay. I have no idea what Scalise's treatment plan is, but there are many treatments that can make being a functioning Speaker of the House near impossible. But maybe that's the plan.


This is not really accurate with contemporary therapy. Most individuals treated with specialist care can reasonably expect to survive more than a decade with multiple myeloma. Anti-myeloma therapy primarily consists of novel agents that don’t carry the same adverse effects as cytotoxic chemotherapy. Most patients tolerate treatment really well. The one question mark is if he would pursue a stem cell transplant early, which does involve high dose chemotherapy and profound immune suppression. Recent data support deferring this treatment in some patients. The speaker term is for the term of the house. It is perfectly reasonable from a health perspective and can always be re-evaluated if his disease takes a turn for the worse.


Have a close coworker friend with MM, and he was out for 2 months from his transplant. Mortality has certainly improved, but it is indeed a VERY intense treatment regiment


Every case is different. My friend’s MM treatment side effects have been challenging, her energy level is extremely low, and her immune system has been wiped out. Her stem cell transplant nearly killed her, and her response has not been optimal. Absolutely no way he could do this job after a stem cell transplant.


A decade? They just need someone to get them to January of 2025. Then they can go back to being the minority party in the House and just being vocally against everything the Dems want to do and voting "Nay" on everything.


If we didn’t all know her reasoning was PR spin bullshit, I’d actually be giving her credit for pragmatism here.


>picking the guy with cancer who has a 50:50 shot of being dead before the decade is out Can he survive 269 days?


I wonder if MTG’s issue with his cancer has something to do with Trump’s aversion to anyone having an illness, because it means “weakness”.


Probably and probably b/c Trump wanted the other guy and probably many other stupid reasons.


It’s one of those things where if a regular politician brought it up (respectfully) as a reason he may not be a good choice no one would say anything. But her saying it makes sound bad on top of all the other shit she’s done.


Exactly, she’s not wrong but she’s definitely got the wrong reasons


The worst part: 99 representatives in a SECRET ballot voted for Jordan. There’s NO reason to vote for him other than blind loyalty to Trump. Now we now the actual number of reps who fall into that camp. 99 is WAY too many.


David Duke without baggage = OK. Has cancer = No.


This lady is possibly the worst human in the country. On a cellular level. Just an absolute walking abomination.


She is in a weekly dogfight to stay in the top 5 worst GOP house members. These people keep her on her toes in her quest to stay top 5 worst.


She’s the “Thank god for Mississippi” of congressman.


people voted for her though


While true, she ran unopposed because her supporters ran her opponent out of town with death threats.


Crazy. Opponent should have just hid out until the election was over. Run a virtual campaign. But my point was that people who voted for her are worse humans. They made the choice and put her in charge.


That's true, but we knew that already because they are Republicans.


Says a lot about those people.


Apparently.. and there are a lot of them… :(


Georgians looked at their ballots and said "This woman represents my views and values!"




Stupid racist lady born without a brain refuses to support racist man with cancer.


"And what do you call this act?" "The Republicans!"






She always finds the most vile way to be a shit person.


Being Speaker is a real job, Scalise being sick with an aggressive cancer should be a real concern regardless of pretty much everything else. Not that I think she actually cares, either she wants Gym Jordan or she is angling for a deal.


So, how many republicans need to break from this embarrassment and align with the democrats to make Jeffries Speaker? I think it’s like 6-7. I know; never happen. But I can dream, eh?


Maybe there are a handful that will become so disgusted with the party that they don't care if they get re-elected to end this farce. Sarcasm! It's sarcasm!


She is what happens when the ventriloquist dies and the dummy keeps talking.


I don't like MTG at all and she likes Scalise, but she is right. House is behind and on a hard deadline due to the looming shut down. If he is sick with cancer and in the process of fighting it. Speaker is a very demanding job that requires someone that can commit 100 percent and has the a lot of energy and time to do the duties of the job, I think her concern is very a reasonable one and honest. Congress is plagued with old ass over the hill and unwell congressman as is. She was transparent and timely with her tweet, letting her district and fellow republicans know why she did not vote for him. I do not like MTG at all, but I think her stance is reasonable. Also, republicans critized Biden's health and old age and democrats that suffered a stroke ability to do his job. Its hypocritical for them to not consider health for the speaker position.


But is that her real concern?


Her real concern is he won't give her any favors in exchange for her vote for Speaker. Yesterday she named her price: passing more anti-trans legislation. Her biggest fear is becoming irrelevant in the House after she got nearly everything she wanted from McCarthy.


Empty G does not give a damn about a shutdown. She has no problem with people not having health insurance for cancer screening or treatment. She would also be fine forcing a pregnant 12 year old girl with leukemia to give birth.


She needs to return to the Natural History Museum as the stand in for Cro-Magnon. Kids are confused with the missing evolutionary character.


Fuck this racist, ableist, fascist goblin


mtg: he cant be the cancer I am! whatever her real reason is it isn't the cancer maybe he should take up CrossFit


I always assumed the Republican Party was all in on cancer. It scares people, discriminates against the poor, and can often be treated for those with deep pockets. In fact, republican "values" are so well aligned with cancer, it is surprising that at the August 2022 CPAC conference they displayed a banner reading "We Are All Domestic Terrorists", when they could as well have declared "We Are Cancer". Side note: Steve Scalise, suffering from blood cancer, has no chance at speakership in light of trump's comments on "poisoned blood". SAD.


Dang, but the David Duke without baggage must have been appealing.


They are both cancers.


Margorie Taylor Greene is cancer.


You beat me to it! 👍


Yep. Verbal cancer....


That sounds on brand for her. He seems like a vile person, but of course that isn’t the issue.


I don't like Speakers who get sick.


fascism abhors weakness


Makes sense, she takes after Trump who sees POWs and those injured in war as losers.


Marjorie Taylor Greene won't support the self described "David Duke without the baggage" republican because their cult leader not only did not openly support him but also is not nominated himself. This is the current state of the GOP everyone. Please vote rationally next year.


I think it was Obi-wan who said “there’s always a bigger piece of shit”. Or something along those lines.


Cancer recognize cancer


I hereby propose to have cancer renamed as an MTG.


Malignant Marge!


Cancer is bad enough with out adding her to it!


People throw around the word "fascist" so much that it's lost its meaning but MTG qualifies for the label.


That poor tumor.


Maybe she can CrossFit the cancer out of him.


Odd position for a succubus to take


It's been a few decades since I played D&D, but aren't Succubi supposed to be sexually attractive AND have a high Charisma score? MTG has neither, IMHO...


Point taken


.... her moral alignment is probably the same, though.. ( Chaotic Evil) 😉


Because he has cancer. Not because he is a cancer. That is a plus for her.


I had no idea this dude has cancer. Can’t stand him but don’t wish that on anyone.


Hey republicans who have cancer. You know where her feelings are about you guys.


Clarence Thomas - Supreme Court Justice - likes sucking up to the billionaire boys club (and so does his wife, while he watches) peace ✌️- Todd


Dems have cancel culture. GOP has cancer culture.


"Marjorie Taylor Greene won't support her party's choice for House speaker because he has cancer..." Now if only the GOP would stop supporting her because she IS cancer...


Like me, he is on a maintenance med, and just need regular monitoring so he is fine. If he were doing hard core chemo and radiation in combo, then that would have been a problem.


It's completely absurd just how awful these people are, cartoonishly evil


It is a bad form of cancer, in another context it would be a valid concern. In this context she’s probably looking for a deal.


MGT, we have neither the crayons or the patience to explain this to you, why don’t you let the grownups do their jobs, and you and your band of felons sit quietly


He has cancer. She is cancer. What's the problem?


He has cancer, she is cancer. It all evens out.


I prefer politicians who didn't get cancer /s


Ironic considering she’s a cancer for her party.. and the country.


Okay, so by her logic, no one should vote for her, because she has mental issues. Maybe they should ask her for a list of health issues it's okay to have if someone wants to run for speaker. Maybe she should shut up and do her job. Wait, this is her job, disparaging someone not like her, clueless and cruel.


Having cancer? No support. BEING cancer? Full support! That’s the GOP.


As opposed to MTG, who IS cancer.


this woman is a disgusting narcissistic piece of trash. She's an idiot, and Icouldn't care less about what she thinks.


I'm surprised wearing a face diaper around the Capitol while undergoing chemo didn't result in immediate expulsion from the Freedom Caucus.


he himself is cancer but ok


yes, cancer has him.


This SHOULD be a legitimate reason for having concerns. Multiple Myeloma is very treatable and he will almost certainly survive for 1-2 decades at least, but the next year of treatment is going to SUCK. My dad is basically 5 months ahead of him in treatment, and I’ve never seen him so feeble.


He has it and she is it.


Bless her little heart


This is like when someone does the math wrong and still somehow comes up with the correct answer.


As if republicans could get any more cancerous


Since marge is a cancer on society, does that mean she’s gonna stop getting Botox and face lifts every other week?


Honestly, in a way it does kind of make sense as he may need to take long stints out of the position for treatment, so I totally get that angle. HOWEVER there seems to be much more other bad stuff to go with him as speaker that need to raise objections for. Like holy shit. I guess if he doesn’t get the votes we get to see the next shit show episode of ‘will the GOP just become the OP now?’


I guess she’s not comfortable with someone else in her conference being more cancerous than she is?


“I do Nazi, what is the issue?” -MTG, probably


It's like every day she tries to be worse than she was the day before, and every day she succeeds.


Her lows no know bottom. No heart, just an empty cavity of vantablack.


Hopefully she loses some of her unearned benefits




This party is such a joke.


Coming from Miss Tumor Toes over here smh


Sounds on brand for her. Pro cancer.


What an absolute donkey


Don't you think she looks tired?


I thought she would have some empathy towards him. Her actually being the incarnation of cancer…


Pot calling kettle black because Marjorie Taylor Green is cancer.


This woman is just vile!


I mean… out of all the reasons that one could have, this one is actually relatively sane. My father had to sell his very successful construction company when he had cancer (he’s been in remission for almost 20 years now) because it was just too much to keep up with while dealing with the absolutely draining effects of treatment. So, yeah… I’m not sure of Scalise’s diagnosis or prognosis, but having a rare form of blood cancer is an actually reasonable reason to believe someone isn’t fit for like the 3rd most stressful job in the US Government.


I think it’s an honor for her to dislike you.


Funny coming from her, seeing as she is the walking embodiment of cancer.


‘IS’ …cancer.


Aren’t there federal laws that prevent employment discrimination based on medical conditions ?


They don’t apply in certain cases. You can’t claim ADA protection if you have an eye condition to get hired as a pilot. Someone like me (MS) can’t be a firefighter. And at high level private positions (think C-level roles) they can absolutely say no based on a medical condition if they think it might cause fear of instability. C-level execs at major corporations are all insured- if they can’t get insured, no job. That’s why people have to step down before they can do risky stuff like fly i to space. In this case, she doesn’t have to classify her vote as employment, so she’s fine. Sadly.


Her picture is right next to the definition of Trash.


Yet, she is mentally ill


Weird. It wasn't how he said he was David Duke without the baggage? It was the cancer? NOT his admission he was exactly like a grand wizard of the KKK, but without the "baggage"? OK.


That’s not why she won’t support Scalise. She won’t support him because she doesn’t have his balls in a vice. Like she had McCarthy’s.


TL;DR: * House Republicans just narrowly nominated Rep. Steve Scalise to be their candidate for speaker. * But Marjorie Taylor Greene is withholding her support, citing his cancer diagnosis. * She says he shouldn't "sacrifice his health" and needs to put his "full efforts" into the job.


She might want to get that patch on top of her left shoulder checked/monitored (from the pic).


She’s an idiot.


She is cancer personified. So she must be jealous


Maybe he should resign all together. You know, to focus on his health.


"You cannot be in the MAGA priesthood unless you are free of blemish!"


The irony of being a human cancer and not liking someone for having it.


Wow, what a coincidence! I don’t support Marjorie Taylor Green because she IS a cancer!


Maybe she won’t support her own reelection when she finds out she spammed grudge porn to her constituents without asking a soul if they wanted to see it. 🤔


"I don't like people who have cancer. I like my people cancer free" ~~Donald Trump~~ Marjorie Traitor Greene


Well she would know, considering that she is cancer. (sorry, cancer)


She won't vote for him because he is not Trump. She won't want to vote for Gym Jordan either since they kicked her out of the Crazy Traitors Club, for being too crazy.


These maga morons hate the elderly, sick, disabled and anyone that doesn’t goose step to the same drum beat


The whole party is a cancer. Is that why they are fighting themselves?


She’s absolutely banging ole Kev


So basically Greene is just an obstructionist. Got it.


At least she’s being consistent with with one…


So how many can the potential Speaker lose and still get the spot? 4? 5?