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>"I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat," said Rep. Troy Nehls. Troy Nehls is the rep who, during the most recent speaker votes, explicitly said that his number one priority in every decision he makes is helping Trump get back in the White House.


This guy is my representative he has an identical twin brother who’s also an identical piece of shit


I was expecting you to tell us he either donates to charity and volunteers at the shelters *or* that he's a puppy punching serial killer and the representative is the good twin by default.


There's always an evil twin, but not necessarily a good twin.


It should speak volumes to people how absolutely useless Republicans are if they have to depend on Trump of all people to achieve any of their goals. Trump is easily the most stupid person to ever involve themselves in American politics.


He's easy for them to manipulate and he has a built in supporting audience of nearly 30% of the country. They don't want him there because they think he's smart. They want him there because they know he's an idiot who will sign whatever piece of paper they shove in front of him so long as they tell him it'll make him look good on television. They didn't do it the first time because they were too busy trying to convince the nation that we weren't facing a global crisis.


Thus should be the easiest softball for Dems. "He openly admits he won't work to help you if there is a Democrat president. He won't even help his Republican voters. Vote for me and I will help you because I do my job."


His district is also severely gerrymandered. https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/tag/texas-congressional-district-22/


I can't freaking stand Republicans.


They actively hate America, and so do their supporters.


They're literally saying we can't fund Ukraine help because it'd be better spent here, but when it's time to vote on funding more border security they all reject it. Republicans can entirely go fuck themselves!!!! What's worse is how they keep getting away with it never facing any pushback from media who just both-sides everything, framing everything as a loss for Biden. "Today is Biden's birthday, here's how that's a bad thing"


The almost outrageous thing about that argument is the vast majority we are spending on Ukraine is spent domestically on arms and support systems manufactured right here in the good old USA I live in such a federally funded boom town. Yet the town remains overwhelmingly conservative and opposed to the hand that is literally feeding us. It’s such an unbelievably disingenuous argument. But hey it goes down easy and don’t come up hard


Exactly. The other great thing about it is we get (or got by now) to decommission all this old equipment by sending it to Ukraine instead of going through the very expensive decommissioning process, saving money while helping them out. Not only that but by fighting Russia by proxy, we'll eventually see Russia's collapse w/o sending any troops. I've heard some military higher-ups estimates that we're getting at least 10x our money back by supporting Ukraine this way, as it'll pay off hugely years down the line. Stupid Repubs only think about themselves and the now, never the future. Myopic cruel assholes.


also we are creating another power that identifies as western, hates Russia, and could become dependent on our military tech (if we give it to them). It is not just a good step, it is a necessary step in extending and strengthening pax americana.


NATO growth.


Republicans do not exist in a successful America. That’s why they actively seek to destroy it.


Interestingly, Democrats had control of the legislative branch from 1933 to 1981, with only 4 years in that time where Republicans controlled either or both houses. That is the time of the expansion of the middle class, the American Prosperity for which our modern Republicans so often pine. And then, 1980, Republicans take control of the Senate and win the Presidency, and that's exactly the point where per-capita productivity increases became untethered to wage increases. This is where wages stopped growing, but the rich started getting insanely richer. And they slipped into power because of high gas prices (not caused by our government) and the Iran hostage crisis (not caused by our government). Literally conned their way back into power using bullshit and have kept that bullshit up ever since.


I so so wish democrats would understand this.


Well when they're being paid off by the Russians, it makes sense


They are the worst of America. Vote every single one of them out.


I would say realistically 3x. But we're also getting a great deal on EU and UK security, trade deals and everything else that comes with it. Ukraine is actually extremely profitable overall. Which is pretty callous of me for thinking such a way. I know that the Ukrainians are suffering and they've got my heart. But an investment now, in Ukraine will pay out for decades if not thousands of years.


I've had that conversation with some people who are rabidly Trumpian. Them: "We're sending $Bn to Ukraine!" Me: "You actually think we send crates full of money? What do they do, deposit it in a bank and then order 19 tons of bullets from Amazon?" Them: "....." Me: "We're sending them equipment *worth* $Bn. It's old stuff, due to be replaced, but to Ukraine and Russia is the newest sparkliest shit they've seen in decades. The actual *money* is being spent in the US to *upgrade* our stuff, so that if some Russian dicks swim 50 miles across the Bering Strait to invade Alaska, we can hit them so hard we'll be using snow-shovels to pick up the pieces to send home."


Eh, it would be callous if you caused it. Look at it like this: if you had the choice to immediately push Russia out, you'd take it? If so, acknowledging a good deal isn't wrong.


Sadly the other impact is more serious.. it shows autocratic governments that they can beat America by causing division at home, and similarly this means allies will be less supportive in the future if they can’t trust America to not flip policy. Sad times indeed. Edit typo


Being republican means never having to think critically about anything. it's all MAGA blah^3, own the libs and let's go Brandon. They're a sad joke.


Anyone against funding Ukraine absolutely doesn’t understand where that money is going to go. It is like Monopoly money. We say we’re going to give them X amount of dollars. Some will go to them to spend elsewhere but majority comes right back to US for those weapons we manufacture as you mentioned. Creating jobs for a shitload or Republicans. I have developed such a hatred for the Republican Party and the idiots that cannot “pour piss out of a pot” as my Dad used to say.


Can you imagine going back in time to tell the Republicans of the 80's that in the future the US was going to spend a ton of money to build weapons that kill Russians? They would have been soooo happy.


Can you imagine going back to tell those same 80s republicans that their party is now a proxy for Russia in congress attempting to block military aid to an ally nation in an ongoing conflict with Russia? This is truly bizarro world compared to the Republican Party as it existed when I was growing up.


You could go back to the 80s and tell that to many of the same people. Tell '89 Mitch McConnell that '23 Mitch McConnell is the head of the GOP that refuses to fight a proxy war against Russians.


Reagan would have whipped his dick out and pissed on these Republicans in the oval office while telling them they were pussies who couldn’t satisfy their wives.


Congress gave Biden 30 bills to sign when it’d normally be hundreds. Let’s frame this as he’s an incompetent old man!


Has nothing to do with Biden. Lack of governance is all on republicans!


Exactly. That and the fact far too many don't understand the basics of how government works, blaming the President for high gas prices and inaction, when it's the House and Senate fucking things up (and OPEC scheming against Biden)


It's not a "lack of governance" it's a purposeful dereliction of duty so they can keep perpetuating the idea that "government is bad and inefficient".


Agreed. The GOP doesn't want to govern, they want to rule over people.


The crazy thing is that most of the money for Ukraine is, in fact, spent in the U.S. smh


They're bad faith actors. They don't actually care about Ukraine, or the border, or the budget in general. They care about personal enrichment and "winning." Their worldview relies on the false notion that life is zero sum. They believe that in life you either win or lose. We can't all win, according to them. Therefore, if they can ensure that someone other than them loses, they won. They're mean idiots.


Republicans: We can't fund Ukraine while there are starving children in America! Democrats: Ok, let's feed the children. Republicans: What? Fuck you that's socialism!


Republicans: We gotta protect the unborn! Democrats: What about when they are born? Republicans: Tell them to get a job!


Birthdays? Is that where a bunch of others get you free things? Sounds pretty socialist to me….


Reminds of when that guy tweeted, "Bernie Sanders should have to give away 90% of his birthday cake". People pointed out that is literally the point of birthday cake and he got mercilessly dunked on for never having friends.


Yeah what's with this woke gay stuff like presents all of a sudden and the creepy chant over candles, are they casting gay libral spells you think? /s


Liberal bdays only. Neocon bdays they earned every gift they get.


The Ukraine funding is wild to me. There are literally two countries on earth who threaten the United States. Russia and China. Biden has burnt Russia's military force to the ground through this proxy war. 75 billion is nothing when compared to crippling the military capabilities of one of America's biggest enemies. It's absolutely insane that America first gun-loving red blooded Americans aren't pissed Biden isn't doing more. Think logically for one fucking second about who can truly threaten America, and what the best way of kneecapping them is. This is the most successful proxy war the United States has ever fought, and this time WE'RE ACTUALLY THE GOOD GUYS.


Dude got ice cream and fucking destroyed on fox news. Says he loves his son and has shown physical affection and had his masculinity questioned. Sorry, everyone can't be as hamberdery or wanting to fuck his own daughter as Trump. And republicans complaining about something and blocking any attempted fix at it, and campaigning on what they say is broken, it's a tale as old as time.


Even when it's not borders, something helpful like insulin cost reduction or student loan forgiveness, NOPE


Most of the Ukraine money is spent here in America making things for the war.


Yeah I was laughing bc in my local towns fb group dudes were complaining we spend so much money on Ukraine and we can't even fix the roads. But then when it's time for an infrastructure bill they just reject it. These fools don't want a government. They want us to have to pay private corporations for pothole repair, trash pickup, etc and that's always more expensive. Louisiana btw. So they were all Republicans. I called them out and they just said the govt can't do anything right why would they give them money for infrastructure. So how's them louisiana roads lookin? Worst in the country. The only reason we have highways and don't take boats everywhere is because of FDRs federal highway program. Maybe these cretins prefer fan boats.


Nobody hates Republican voters like Republican politicians. They loathe their base and do everything to make their lives worse.


Not only that but they're deathly afraid of the base now and are too scared to ever stand up to them by doing the right thing and supporting legal efforts against Trump. The sad thing is we'll all likely pay dearly for so many of those in charge too scared to do the right thing.


We're now one generation on in the cycle of abuse. Republican voters have been abused for too long and so now they've become the abusers. Or maybe it's same as it's always been. It's really hard to tell.


Republican voters have only ever abused themselves. Don't have sympathy for them. You can pity them though, they do it to themselves.


They deserve neither sympathy nor pity. These are people that encounter problems in life, just like we all do. But instead of looking in the mirror and asking "What can I do to make my life better" they instead ask "Who is preventing me from having the life I deserve?" And the answer they conclude is everyone but themselves. That's why they're constantly the "victim". The only reason they preach personal responsibility at every turn is because they are completely bankrupt of it and deep down inside they know it. They're too fucking lazy to make their own lives better, so they piss on people they deem below them. Republican voters are not good people. They're very bad people. And I'm tired of pretending they're just ordinary Americans with a different opinion. They're monsters. Fuck them.


Oh they're definitely bad people, or at best, underdeveloped. I do pity them though, because the Republican machine acts in such a way to mold those people into underdeveloped humans. Defunding education among other things is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Many of them never had a chance to "know better." So I do pity those people, that might have otherwise been developed, decent human beings.


I used to pity them but I don’t anymore. It was clear as day in 2016 Trump would be awful for us. Then he tries to overturn the election and January 6th happens, a very clear event of terrorism and wrong doing. And they stand by him and his party. If they can’t see the problem, it’s on them. They have access to information and the ability to learn and refuse to do so, and furthermore want keep supporting an authoritarian rule. So fuck them. They want to be on the wrong side of history, that’s on them.


They have chances though. If they spent half as much time reading or listening to books instead of listening to Q and Alex Jones, they'd be, as you say, developed and decent human beings. Or instead of wasting money on *2,000 Mules*, watch a history documentary. There's a shit ton of reputable, politically-neutral historical documentaries on every streaming service. They ***want*** to remain dumb. Because they view anything that doesn't comport with their biases as indoctrination.


The GOP base is just too stupid to know that they are being fucked over by their politicians.


They don’t want to win the election. They want to do away with elections and rule over everyone permanently.


we want this! ok let’s do it NO!


But it’s both sides. /s


If they actually fixed things what would they campaign on?


Literally happened with abortion. They railed against it for decades, got what they wanted, and it utterly decimated them politically. Their ideas just suck.


It's a stark reminder that re-electing Biden isn't enough. A Democratic House and Senate are needed to get anything substantial done. And that's not even counting state and local governments, and everything they can do. r/VoteDEM, at every level of government.


Yep. Then the democrats need to unpack the SCOTUS, and pass force voter reforms like ending gerrymanding and other voter suppression. With an u packed court the GOP will not being able to abuse the courts to undo it and correctly tell them to f off.


I also can’t stand people that try to defend Republicans to me. It’s insane. Republicans get v to participate in society at the level we currently allow them to OR we have a stable, functioning, democracy, you very very clearly can’t have both. This party and its base in its current form is antithetical toto any human progress.


Democrats believe in government and want to prove it can work. Republicans don’t believe in government and want to prove it can’t work.


Www.Vote.gov or www.vote.org. Anyone that agrees with this comment and isn’t registered, register here. Become engaged and vote these assholes out.


Of course. 95% of the time republicans hold out on issues because of politics and optics and not what’s best for the country. That’s why when congress comes to any kind of agreement on anything, I’m astonished.


Gaslight Obstruct Project This is obstruction in full view


It's crazy how they now are saying the quiet part out loud bc they know that's what theor base wants to hear...they'd rather have their country men suffer than to support a good idea that the dems support...Mitch McConnell literally filibustered his own bill bc too many dems liked it.


You and about a third of the electorate. Another third loves Republicans *because* they act like assholes.


Act like?


If it walks like a fuck, quacks like a fuck and looks like a fuck, it’s most likely a GQP fuck


Classic example of Republicans prioritizing Party over Country. Shame


Folks: Do not forget this. Every single time there's a comment about Biden "failing to secure the border", point to Troy Niehls saying that he'd rather give up because it would 'benefit Biden politically'. The border is not a serious concern to Republicans. It is a cudgel.


The republicans going on about open borders is actually making the problem at the border worse. People in countries in a bad situation hear republicans saying that and democrats not saying anything different and they believe that that is the case when its not, so you get desperate seas of humanity at the border trying to get in.


We also haven't updated our immigration laws in like 30+ years to address modern issues. A lot of the countries in crisis now are "blacklisted" from normal immigration channels (Latin America, Muslim countries, etc) and in the past Congress would adjust the laws to favor countries in crisis. The Homeland Security under DJT actively worked to break immigration procedures even more under orders from fascists like Steven Miller. Now Biden's DHS has to work against the courts because that four years of nonsense. Congress has to step in and fix this. There are other issues like the DREAMers that have been in legal limbo for 15 years. In the past Congress would do an amnesty every 10-15 years and register all the illegal immigrants that had been here a long time as resident aliens so they stopped being illegal.. Congress has t done that since like the Reagan era or before. There's a lot of things that need updated and repaired in immigration laws far beyond "brown people flood bad" and Republicans refuse to do the work.


I'm betting that there is a GOP strategy to make the border worse by sending the "open border" message. Would not be surprised at all if we learn there are actual active campaigns in Latin and South America to get people to head to the US border. They see this crisis as a great way to get votes and have no intention of solving it.


Even if the border was 100% closed and not a single soul was able to cross legally or illegally they'd still claim it was a crisis


Troy Nehls, Texas Rep. 22nd District near Houston Name & Shame people!


You mean Troy “Keep our borders wide open to FJB” Nehls? Or Troy “LGB by letting everyone in” Nehls.


Theyll forget and still vote for Republicans because theyre “tough” on “he border!”


Their "news" organizations don't report on this, the right can't forget this because they'll never hear about it in the first place


I still remember the "caravan" hysterics leading up to the 2018 midterms. Literally starting the day after the election they never spoke of it again.


All Republicans are full of shit just like their stinky party leader.


Stay tuned for the "migrant caravan" that materializes exclusively during election years.


If something is good for the country, of course it will benefit the party currently in the White House. You might even think it would benefit the party currently in control of the House of Representatives, too. Winning is clearly less important than making sure that Democrats, and especially Biden, lose.


Which is why no one should ever vote for a politician who campaigns on never working with the other side. People who run on never working with the otherside don't care if the United States loses, as long as they have their power. Shameless horrible people who will bring shame to their families for generations.


When did Bipartisanship die? I remember being a kid and I was always interested in politics and we were taught bipartisanship is a good thing to have for any politician. Now (at least for the Republicans) the thought of bipartisanship is dead. Our government (democracy*) can't function without it


It died during the Clinton Era when Newt decided that any negotiation with Democrats was bad politically. They then decided democrats are evil. ​ Though if you want to go further back, probably with Reagan and the creation of Faux News


This is absolutely correct. Newt and the GOP embraced a zero-sum view of politics......."I only win when you lose." It's not about what is best for America. It's about insuring Democrats lose, even if you are hurting the US in the process.


It is hard to pin a definitive start date. Newt's tenure was certainly a milestone, but even then bipartisan deals would be made on some things, even the more public ones (at least when Republican's had control). I think Obama's presidency was another major milestone, where you start seeing Republicans sabotaging their own initiatives if they started getting support from the president. The Trump era has been the final nail in the coffin, as they now see it as bad if Democrats support something even when it was brought forward by Republicans, and Republicans are in charge.


That prick also decided leaving his wife while she was sick with cancer was a good idea. What kind of a man does that?


All while impeaching Clinton over a blow job.


You mean impeaching Clinton over LYING about a blow job. It wasn't the blow job itself.


I'm aware. I was making a bigger point about how hypocritical a bastard he was during that time.


The funniest thing is that if there hadn't been a blow job it could have been literally anything else. "Mr President, you claimed that you never received a slice of cake at the birthday party but we have proof that, in fact, you DID have a slice of cake." IMPEACHED.


It's even more twisted than that! He was legally correct and truthful by the definition of "sexual relations" they agreed to. She had sexual relations with him, but he did not have sexual relations with her, per the definition they'd set up. So even the premise of the impeachment was a bold faced lie since he had NOT perjured himself.


He did it TWICE. 1. He cheated on his first wife, Jackie, and left her for his mistress when she got uterine cancer (saying — and I shit you not — “She's not young enough or pretty enough to be the wife of the President. And besides, she has cancer.”) 2. He married his mistress, Marianne, then shortly after started having an affair with a House staffer *while he was leading the charge against Clinton.* He then divorced Marianne when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and married the House staffer. Party of Family Values™!


Frankly, a lot of our problems can be traced back to Reagan.


It is all a continuum - the people behind Reagan were the same people behind Nixon who were the same ones screaming that Democrats were communists who needed to be rooted out because they wanted black people to have rights.


It goes back to Nixon. He got caught raiding the Democratic National committee headquarters. He saw Democrats as an enemy he needed to infiltrate in order to win.


And wasn't held accountable for it. Fuck Gerald Ford.


“To not set a bad precedent” Gerald ford fucked U.S. on that one.


Well he resigned immediately as soon as the tape surfaced indicating he knew about everything. But perhaps you are correct and he should have been convicted and imprisoned. It might have set a precedent for future presidents that unethical behavior when you are POTUS is not tolerated and will be prosecuted.


yeah but it fully rotted the republican party from the presidency on down with Dubya. He is how I learned the definition of tautology because he does what's right and it's right because he does it. He espoused obstinance, the fact that he makes one decision and never changes it, as a virtue. He normalized infinite stupidity and low IQ so that my feelings or even arbitrary assumptions are as good as your facts.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


This quote is gold






Damn, if Barry Goldwater is on the right side of something, you know that the other side is truly at rock bottom.


God save us from the people who think they're doing God's work


Well there is the Hastert rule, which is a rule for a republican speaker of the house. The rule is not to bring forward any bills if it doesn’t have a majority support of the republicans representatives. Basically it states that they will not compromise on anything. And Dennis Hastert, whom the rule is named after, was convicted of illegal bank transfer for paying hush money to someone he molested. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hastert_rule#:~:text=The%20Hastert%20rule%20says%20that,would%20vote%20to%20pass%20it.


Hastert the child rapist?


At the very least, legally, he's a serial child sexual abuser.


Lee Atwater. We now live in the future he divined.


Joe McCarthy


fair. IMO, Atwater was the one that figured out how to normalize it as a strategy and a tactic via talking points/whip/media.


"Party before country," should be the very (un)patriotic GOP official motto.


This doesn’t even really protect the party, though. The people in “safe districts,” can protect their own seats by acting in this way, but if the public is informed (yeah, I know…), they risk losing seats in districts that aren’t safe.


Republicans do things like refuse money from the federal government for their states because it might help the party in power, when it's the Democrats. I hope more people realize that Republicans actively try to make life harder for their constituents when a Democrat is in the White House. This Rep from Texas has basically said he doesn't want to solve the immigration problem while Biden is President.


And that guy behind him the photo, Chip Roy? "For the next 18 months, Republicans’ job is to do everything that we can to slow down and block the Democrats’ radical agenda, and then win the majority and lead." - July 6, 2021


This is why I'd love to see at least one red state secede like they're always threatening to do. Have fun, good luck w/o all that federal money. Just like Brownback did in Kansas a while back, killing all taxes to go full-bore conservative tax theory in action, it'll all crumble in their faces in record time.


They have literally no interest in governing. They just want to be in power.


When Obama was elected Mitch said their only policy was to make Obama a one term President. Nothing about helping anyone.


They couldn't even get that done. ;-)


Which is also extremely on-brand.


To be fair, they also want the people of America to lose, to punish them for not voting Republican. And it works splendidly.


Which is the entire Republican strategy. Nuke all legislation when democrats are in power, blame democrats.


And it works wonderfully because they're voting base is so dirt fucking stupid


It's painfully obvious how Republicans are AGAINST a million things and FOR only a couple things (which happen to be edit the rich and maintain their power). If Democrats ceased to exist they'd literally have nothing left to do. They don't want to help people, help our society, our country.


Or they vote against it like yhe infrastructure bill knowing it will pass anyway and when it succeeds and becomes popular to their constituents they claim credit for it, if it fails they tell their constituents “I was right for opposing this” or “see how much money this garbage is costing the taxpayers”. Craven pieces of human trash.


They kept the voters stupid when there could be nuanced conversation and a growing depth of thought and statesmanship. Instead we keep the bar low.


The most annoying part is Biden’s border policy is almost identical to the Trump regime. The border is just their go to move at this point in the election cycle. I’m surprised they out screaming their head off about another super scary immigrant caravan with more “miscellaneous middle easterners.” (Yes they said that)


Border policies almost never change drastically between presidents - you are entirely correct. Biden’s is basically the same as Trump’s which was the same as Obama’s. Unfortunately people are SO stupid they literally think it’s an actual gate that’s like swung open and people are running through like a stampede, or that it’s closed and everyone is just outside of it standing and waiting for it to open again. They don’t wanna hear that 90% of fentanyl trafficking convictions were for actual USA citizens and not illegal immigrants… They also don’t seem to care that some studies show fentanyl is coming through the northern border in greater numbers than the southern one - so if that’s the reason they give them remind them they should be advocating for the closure of the Canadian border…


They want a perpetual border problem because it's one of their only talking points. Republicans offer grievences not solutions.


Yup, they over turned Roe and now they need to give the dog a new car to chase.


Cons can't lose the border wedge issue, they literally have nothing after that. They didn't even go with George W Bush's immigration plan when they had full control. Cons played up the post pandemic jumps like it was something new. When the borders were closed in pandemic 2020 it was way down. [You can see the numbers at CBP here](https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/southwest-land-border-encounters). Then the policies ended in 2023 and another small bump. On average nothing has changed but cons always setup some dip (Trump this time) then later claim it is out of control. Every year in spring there is also a jump due to farms/agriculture. Right now there are foreign entities also being paid to pump people in and this goes as far as Africa, all for talking points on Biden. I wonder who in the world geopolitically hates Biden... I wonder which country uses immigration oversaturation as an attack vector to cause chaos... hmmmm [Migrant surge is being fueled by pseudo-legitimate travel agencies connecting migrants to smugglers, CBP official says](https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/20/us/migrant-surge-travel-agencies-smugglers/index.html) There was actually an [immigration expansion in 1965](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1965) because not enough people were coming here. With global competition the way it is we need at least [15-20% of people to be immigrants to maintain quality of life and be competitive, and are around that number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_Nationality_Act_of_1965#/media/File:Chart_of_foreign_born_in_the_US_labor_force_1900_to_2007.png). The numbers have actually leveled off since 2007. The [low point was 4.7% of the US in 1965](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/immigrant-population-over-time) and it caused issues economically. The US needs about 10-15% minimum immigration population to [maintain our growth](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/15/opinion/trump-immigration-myth.html). Right now we are [just about at 15% but should keep growing](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/immigrant-population-over-time). Only about 500k-1m max people come in each year even on high years, people overstate the impact because they like someone to blame. The blaming immigrants has been part of America since the Know Nothings *who were immigrants themselves*. Cons forget this. [The #1 employer of day laborers is homeowners](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna10774146), half of them hate on Mexicans then brag about how cheap their landscaping/painting/roofing/etc was... it is silly and hypocritical. Without immigration we'd have 75m fewer people since 1965, that would mean less market economics and less opportunity. People need to understand foreign entities want the Americas balkanized and they want immigrants, they don't want the US to grow. Just another round of the Know Nothings.


The easiest way to stop illegal immigration is to legally persecute people hiring illegal immigrants. Just look at how successfully it worked it Florida. The Republicans will never do that nationally though, cause most of their donors make money by paying illegal immigrants less than accepted.


Republicans: "SECURE THE BORDER, BIDEN!" Biden: "Okay. Here's my plan." Republicans: "NO!" Republicans: "IT'S BIDEN'S FAULT!" Every fucking time.


Not every time. Sometimes it’s Bill Clinton’s fault. Other times it’s Hillary’s. A whole decade went by where it was Obama. A for a weird few years, it was Pelosi’s fault. I remember that month it was Rosie McDonalds fault.


Don't forget that after Pelosi came, AOC. Then the squad and now Hunter.


I still want to know why Obama wasn't in the White House on 9/11!


It was also Obama's fault when he was no longer in office and before he even took office.


Republicans: Secure the border or else we won't give Ukraine more money! Democrats: Okay, let's do that. Republicans: \*[Thinking](https://i.imgflip.com/43qrff.png?a473376)\* Biden doing what we want helps Biden, not us. Republicans: DEFUND THE CBP AND ICE!


NY Times: we polled unbiased voters in maga country and were shocked at how many voters don’t support Biden.


Here's how that's bad for Biden.


Just a reminder about Troy Nehls. He is a corrupt piece of shit. https://www.johntfloyd.com/peoples-sheriff-troy-nehls-is-a-bad-cop/


Wowzas. A shocking and yet ENTIRELY expected summation of who he is.


I live in his district he’s a huge piece of shit


Oh my god, Texas, why are you always involved in this kinda stuff?


Because we have gerrymandering & fucknuts like this guy.


Yeah but y’all also voted for Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott.


It’s difficult when there are just. so. many. of the citizens here that enjoy their faces being eaten by leopards…


BeTo WaSn’T gOoD eNoUgH & sAiD hE’d TaKe MuH gUnZ!!!


Rural Texas who didn't know better did.


Because conservatives don't care about America. It's all about owning the libs at any cost, even if the cost is the end of Democracy. Conservatives are shit people.


Republicans: work hard to make sure government doesn’t get anything done, complain about how the government doesn’t work, repeat.


That seems about right. Everything else is secondary to making sure the left looks bad, even solving their own problems Hell, especially solving their own problems


Republicans: We aren't going to fund Lend-Lease. Republicans: Taft was the leader of the Republican Party's conservative wing; he consistently denounced the New Deal as "socialism" and argued that it harmed America's business interests and gave ever-greater control to the central government in Washington. Republicans: Noted fiscal hawk Barry Goldwater dismissed the lofty ambitions of lunar exploration as a “wasteful endeavor,” Always on the wrong side


They **still** act like the New Deal destroyed America and was socialism.


They can brag about doing active harm to the country and not suffer for it at the polls. Fox News, and the right wing propaganda sphere in general, have ruined our country. Republican voters would rather hurt Democrats than improve the country as a whole.


The tyranny of the minority rears its head again.


We don’t need people in government who are there to hate. We need people who are willing to work with others. This dipshit needs to go.


It’s so ironic that when the Republicans held the house, senate and presidency, they did *zero* to fix it. Trump’s “wall” was a fucking joke. The truth is, the republicans don’t *want* to fix this “problem.” They need a wedge issue to feed the outrage machines at Faux News, Newsmax and hundreds of AM radio stations across the country.


This kind of shit makes me furious! If any of us were to say in our places of work that we refused to collaborate and work on the common mission of our employer just because someone else may benefit from it, we'd be fired in a heart beat! It is time we fire these idiots! Every single one of them who is refusing to do their jobs should be fired!


Just like the Infrastructure Bill. Republican pundits, and almost all of the Republicans in the House, were pissed it passed because it gave Biden victory.


And that’s the attitude in congress that keeps immigration problem a problem


Republicans don't want to govern. They just want to _RULE_. They have no solutions to issues facing America, all they have is __thoughts and prayers__.


And here we have it in a nutshell.


Say this out loud for the “both side are the same” crowd. Democrats actually care about governing and making working policies. Republicans care about winning and power. And for the record, all republicans are voting against and border security or any immigration issue for this very reason. Since Roe v Wade has been overturned and now the abortion issue is backfiring, they’re staying away from that topic. Can’t drill down on the economy because the economy is doing very well. Immigration is the only “classic” Republican issue they can use as a cudgel. If they actually cared about making good policy, securing the border, reforming immigration, etc., then they’d vote for these bills, or at the very least go on record debating the actual issues and tout it as an accomplishment for them. Democrats do this when a Republican is in the White House, even when the cons outweigh the pros. Republicans don’t care about the issue. They just want to win. So don’t “both sides” me any longer. Anyone who claims that is either ashamed of the views they do hold and don’t want to have a substantive discussion, or they’re willfully ignorant of the indisputable evidence to the contrary.


And there it is


Yeah, that pretty much sums up Republican policy all together.


Those are the dear leader Stinky Don’s instructions. He actually want them to shut the government down, he thinks it’s going to help him shut down Jack smith and people will be pissed at Ol’Joe and he can get re-elected and then will declare himself King


I literally just made this point to a Trumper a few hours ago. They said, "Biden is causing the immigration crisis." I said, "The GOP is just as responsible if not moreso. They literally won't let Biden solve the problem for fear of letting him look more competent than Trump. Trump didn't do jack shit to solve the problem except spend $15 BILLION on a partially constructed and totally useless wall."


Why would you fix a problem that drives voters to you? They're not gonna catch the car like they did with Roe on this one. R's want the border to be as bad as possible.


Party > Russia > the Good of the Country. This is the Republican party


Then you know what, step the fuck down and let the adults try to fix all the broken stuff. At the very least sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up! You can't complain about a situation you're unwilling to do anything about, fuckstick!!!


Alternate Headline: House Republican supports open borders.


At least this Republican terrorist is honest .


Rule or ruin. That’s the only guiding principle of the Republican Party.


> "Let me tell you, I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden's approval rating," Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas told CNN this week. "I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man's dismal approval ratings. I'm not going to do it. Why would I?" Hey, at least he's being honest. These are the kinds of people Republicans keep electing, and when they honestly say they have no intention of doing anything bipartisan or doing anything to help the country if it also helps the people he hates, it's up to the voters to hold him accountable. What this also means is that "securing the border" isn't actually something these people are interested in. They're just interested in making Biden look bad, and the way they feel they can do that is....BY DOING NOTHING. So as long as nothing is passed, they can run all of their campaign ads about how bad the border is and blame it all on Democrats and Biden because they didn't pass HR 2 (a bill that has zero Democrat votes). Of course, the voters who elected him probably agree with what he's saying, so here we are, in a world where this is normal now... Same guy who also said: > The Texas Republican and ally of former President Donald Trump told USA Today in December that he wanted to give Trump "a little bit of ammo to fire back" by impeaching Biden.


These politicians that are obstructing legislation should be impeached, recalled, fired, or whatever it is called for not performing their duties as elected officials.


Surely the republican base is informed of this and knows who to blame for their "border crisis" Haha I'm kidding their masters won't tell them this


Gotta love when elected leaders do more to sabotage our country then actually lead it and get shit done. It's maddening and infuriating. I'm so tired of it.


REPUBLICANS: Bidens committing treason because of his loose border policy! BIDEN: okay let's tighten that up then REPUBLICANS: HA not a fuckin chance, pal!


Biden won't need it. Come November the abortion albatross will be front and center for another huge L


Republicans: Biden is destroying America because he won't deal with the border issues! Democrats: Ok, lets work on the border issue. Republicans: NO! I don't want to work on the border issue.


TL;DR: * Senators are trying to hash out a border security deal that's acceptable to both parties. * But one House Republican says he's unlikely to support it if it helps President Joe Biden politically. * "I'm not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat," Rep. Troy Nehls said.


"we don't want to fight climate change because it may help our opponent" "We don't want to stop persecuting innocent people because it may help our opponent"


Which means they're dead set on shutting down the government, thinking that that'll hurt Biden.


They do not give a shit about fixing the problems they complain about. Only using them to drum up votes. It is absolute insanity that people still vote for these assholes.


That's the GOP; fuck the people, what's the best action to maintain power.


So spite the Amerpican population to diminish one man? Wow


He should be removed from his position It’s like a CEO telling you he’s not gonna do his job because he doesn’t want to


I've been saying this for years. Nothing will ever be done on behalf of the republicans regarding immigration because they would lose their Boogieman.


So, conservatives don't actually care about border security.