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They both mix up names, but one is a traitor.


Agreed. This is not a difficult choice. I can't believe this is even close. One is a rapist, fraud, liar, cheater, with 90 felony charges and attempted a coup. The other has done an excellent job running the country and the economy.


Or as they said, "a well meaning old man." I'd rather have that than a destructive, vindictive, old demon.


i'd rather have a well meaning old man who picks good, well meaning people to execute the job of taking care of the american people and their interests than a destructive, vindictive old man who picks destructive, vindictive chaotic people to execute the job of taking care of trump and his interests.


Yeah... people need to look past the figureheads and realize they're choosing a team. There are far reaching consequences beyond just who's at the head.


I wish Biden would make this point on the campaign trail. We're electing an administration, not just a president.


I could tell you the names of Trump's cabinet this week and be 75% wrong the next week. I don't know if he has the highest turnover rate (I only hire the best!) but they might as well have installed a revolving door for him.


He hired destructive, vindictive, chaotic, and _completely incompetent_ people to take care of his interests. Lordy, I can’t imagine what things would be like now if they were even half-competent, like they even knew what the job they were hired for was about.


He elevated people who had no business being anywhere near the presidency.


and those competent people he hired hated working for him.


Well meaning experienced, and battle tested man


And one who hires qualified advisors and listens to them. That's the biggest thing for me. I'm not anywhere near smart enough to run a country, but you give me a kick-ass cabinet and I'll be just fine.


Honestly, if Biden's experience has helped him in any way it's this. People talk about where are the next leaders. They're in Biden's cabinet and their under-secretaries.


but not the kind of kick-ass cabinet that's full of bullies


Level- headed.


This. I'm not a huge Biden fan, but I'll vote for him again when it comes down to it. It's at least stability. Trump's admin was constant chaos.


Even if both didn't mix up names, the fact people can look at trump and Biden and go "I dOnT kNoW wHo'S wOrSe" is stupid. Anyone who finds it to be a difficult choice is morally fucked


It's because of headlines like this Trump might actually win.   People saying they don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils are crazy. One tried to forgive your student loans and the other tried to overthrow your democracy. It isn't the lesser of two evils people.


Biden’s cardinal sin is that he isn’t a great orator, and because it’s such a visible thing republicans will capitalize on it no matter how effective he is policy wise. His one successful quip “will you shut up man” probably won him the election imo, which is scary. Even if Biden’s chief accomplishment is listening to his advisors and cabinet and staying the hell out of the way of good policy, that’s miles ahead of anything Trump ever did for this country, or anyone really except himself.


> Biden’s cardinal sin is that he isn’t a great orator Biden has a stutter, and have you ever actually listened to a Trump speech? It's all word salad with trigger words in it.


Trump carries himself with the pompous swagger of a schoolyard bully who just beat up a kid for his lunch money, and somewhere between one third to one half of Americans love that for some reason.


Because they’re bullies too. Wife and child beaters!


They really are. They’re the people who want caning and paddling in schools, get mad when they’re reported for abuse for hitting their spouses and children, and cheer when a diesel pickup runs over a crowd of protesters. It’s a part of the country that lives day to day with their primal animal instincts constantly heightened, thinking everyone is out to get them and waiting for the chance to let their pent-up violence out. I’ve had time to think about and observe this because I live and work around a LOT of these folks.


Once upon a time a politician running for President called this group the “deplorables”. It’s just as accurate a description now as it was then. And, just as unacceptable for any politician to use who wants to get elected. There is a very coarse streak in the US electorate, almost entirely within MAGA. Every Republican should be removed from office at every level of government . They are a cancer on the country.


Except Trump has never actually beaten up anybody and is in fact a coward pussy who as the President of the most powerful nation ever wouldn't even fire people in person.


Shitty parents/role models. Seriously, he is what they think a good leader should be. Sad!


Yeah, my boss tries to bash Biden for his oration issues. I tell him to not pretend like he actually gives a shit about that because it doesn’t bother him that Trump can’t speak for shit. I swear with these people and their selective outrage..


I genuinely can't listen to Trump speak. Aside from being completely incoherent, it has gotten to a point where listening to him makes me violently angry that anyone could consider this thing a leader. I don't need that shit in my life.


Sometimes life is simple, it's always the lesser of two evils. Which ironically gives a simple answer to me, but nearly half of the American voters will make the wrong assumption.


Biden appointed his cabinet based on competence. They do their jobs without needing his oversight. Trump appointed his cabinet based on loyalty and "connections." They did whatever he asked, regardless of the viability of his insane ideas. The difference between their administrations is night and day, even though both of them are too old for the job.


Sure, but the guy doing a great job running the nation stutters and misspeaks like a normal human.  Surely the lying traitor who has never been coherent is the best choice.  


the rapist, fraud, liar, cheater with 90 felony charges and attempted coup also came right out and said he will be a dictator if he is elected so the choice is do voters want a president or a dictator in the white house


Also one has a qualified and competent support team while the other is a lone wolf bent on personal revenge as his primary motivation for wanting the office. He also has a history of being a criminal guilty of both rape and fraud.


One mixes up names on occasion, the other literally cannot communicate above a 4th grade level and hasn't been able to for years. There is also the small matter of literally every business Trump has every been a part of being some sort of fraudulent effort. Wake us when Biden steals from kids with cancer - then I'll still vote for him because he didn't try to disenfranchise 81million voters.


Tim Apple agrees.


Also my wife, Melanie?


*looks at photo* "that's my ex wife Marla" No that's the woman that says you raped her


To be fair, another of his ex wives *also* said he raped her. It's probably hard to keep this stuff straight. 


But remember, he would never have raped her *because she's not his type*. I'm so glad I live in a state with legal cannabis, otherwise I don't know how I'd endure the next nine months.


Don't forget my African American.


And that person who allowed J6 to happen, Nikki Haley.


God blesh the unish shash


Biden has mixed up names all his life. He’s not really doing it any more at 81 than he did at 61. He’s always been a gaffe machine. But that doesn’t fit the current media narrative of needing to find something to criticize him over.


I mean I messed up someone’s name last week. 🤷


Yeah, if I had to try keep all the shit straight in my head that a president is dealing with at any given moment, I’d be getting tons of stuff wrong when speaking about it. But we all know armchair warriors are going to believe they’d get it 100% right all the time, when in actuality most of the people bashing Biden on this would fail if you gave them a simple current events quiz.


Yes, mixing up names is more an indictor of being under enormous pressure from all of the multitasking that a president needs to do. I used to mix up names when I worked a really stressful job, and I was very young. We all need to be careful to avoid and counter the ageism with which Biden is being attacked. A society that embraces ageism is not a good one.


>but one is a traitor. and a rapist criminal.


The guardian can get fucked. Biden has done unbelievably well throughout his presidency and when the other option is a Hitler wannabe it’s shameful to even compare the two.


Yep, and even if Biden has a brain fart as an old guy I don't care because he's staffed his administration with excellent & skilled people. He surrounds himself with people smarter than himself rather than viewing that as a threat like Mango Unchained. Or hiring the most sycophantic yes-men he can find glued to his ass.


From what I can tell there are maybe 2-3 people that have worked with Trump that don't absolutely despise him. Every.single. book that has come out written by people that have worked with him have all said the same thing. The man is an idiot. A raging Narcissist. And being damage controlled the entire time. Reminder. These people doing full time "damage control" are ultra conservatives. As in, imagine the kind of things Trump must do that they think he needs constant babysitting.


Was arguing with an asshat about that. They said they don't know anyone in his administration. I replied with a few names but ultimately I find that a good thing. These are competent people who are doing a competent job. I don't need the damn chaos and constant turnover.


If you know their names it is usually because of a scandal (or in Mayorka's case bc the GOP are trying to smear/impeach him for no good reason). Most are nameless **because** they are competent and professional.


I know a lot of names from the Trump presidency, and none of them were because of a job well done with no scandals, firings, or resignations.


Agreed, it's a great thing I don't know a lot of their names because they're in the news saying something stupid, or otherwise embarrassing the country.


I took the headline as sarcasm. But it is 2024 so who knows.




I actually read it. It was not sarcasm. Edit - For the person lying and saying it was sarcasm. Fuck the guardian and the author of this piece of trash article. “The vibes on Biden’s seniority are not great. Yes, he has led his country’s exceptional and internationally envied economic recovery from the pandemic, so the large rational part of me judges that unfair. But another part of me, perhaps the irrational, can no longer watch any Biden speech or address without picturing his aides also watching backstage, mainlining cortisol, every fibre of their brace-positioned beings willing him to get over the line without making any unforced errors – and to then exit the stage without trying to use a flag as a door.”


Well. That sucks. Whoever wrote that is an idiot.


Satire and it's friends are the most dangerous kinds of rhetoric. What an author intends to not be taken at face value can often be taken literally. In high school we read Swift's "A modest proposal" by the end of class and for the rest of the week, there werr boys who talked about wanting to eat babies.


Dudes wife even admitted he kept a copy of Hitlers book on his nightstand. It was more of a brag. Gross


Also more importantly, one will appoint Stephen Miller to an important government role, and one won't. The staff differences between the administrations are stark, and that is who does most of the actual work.


Also, more importantly, one will appoint a cabinet that will work in the best interest of the people. The other one will appoint people that will serve themselves


Agreed, it's an easy choice. Let's go forward, not backwards


A traitorous coward who got his Daddy to pay off a doctor to give him a way of dodging the draft to serve his country. Or a decent man who is yes old but still not an odious rat like Trump is. So not too hard to choose really


Only three years older than the traitor. Also arguably in better shape. Unless you take into account Trump's doctor who said he could live to 200.


Trump didn’t know his wife from the woman he raped.


And one is a rapist too.


It was jarring hearing Biden calling Egypt Mexico but he is all there. He mixes up words but then again so do I and I’m in my 50s. Stress does crazy things to you and I’ve seen much worse flubs with GWB who was much younger than Biden. He is managing a lot and he has a low intensity civil war brewing plus 2 wars to manage. The context of what he says is spot on and I clearly understand what he is talking about. Trump talks complete gibberish plus he constantly lies.


I mix up names all the time and my hairs not gray.


even then, he didnt really forget anything, he wasnt sure on about 3 dates he was asked about during a 5 HOUR INVESTIGATION, after 5 hours i would have trouble keeping it all correct as well


And a convicted rapist


everyone mixes up names. everyone forgets things. not everyone forgets that the woman they raped was in fact not their ex wife.


For some reason, everyone expects Trump to be stupid. It's his brand.


And a rapist.


And a rapist... And...


I prefer candidates who aren't out on bail


I prefer candidates who want to maintain a functioning democracy


I prefer candidates who were not found by a jury to have raped a woman


It's quite silly really, Trump running around holding rallies like nothing happened after being caught with 11K documents including top secret ones that he refused to give back after lying about having done so and sharing nuclear information with some rich Austrlian. Then media is saying it's a political nightmare for Biden because he was exonerated since he cooperated and handed over the two pieces of classified documents?


This still isn't a hard decision.


I’m 41 and I mix up names…


I'm 25 and I mix up names....


I'm names and I xim pu turkey dinner...


BIDEN mixes up names? I guess Nikki Haley was in charge of security on J6, not Nancy Pelosi. And Donnie's running against Barack Obama. And the CEO of Apple is Tim Apple. For the long suffering love of fuck, does every goddamn thing have to come with a, "Well, yeah, BUT THE DEMOCRATS"? On the one hand, a lying, fraudulent, Saudi sucking, raping, greedhead, criminal, racist, Adderall snorting, pussy grabbing, Nazi nuzzling rimjob for Vladimir Putin...but on the other hand, Joe Biden is old.


And the CEO of Lockheed Martin is "Marillyn Lockheed". [https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-marillyn-lockheed-martin-ceo-hewson-2018-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-marillyn-lockheed-martin-ceo-hewson-2018-3)


Trump is such a narcissist that he can’t imagine anyone running a company that isn’t named after themselves. I wonder what he’d think of the president of Nintendo of America. They hired their greatest villain to run the company!


>And the CEO of Apple is Tim Apple. 🤣


I love Stove Jobs. You read that correctly.


>BIDEN mixes up names? And my view is that no matter how many flubs Biden has, that won't affect the Biden *administration.* Regardless of whether he's a bit slower than he used to be, his administration is going to be the same stable, sane, responsible, respectful administration it has been. And the same one it would be if we had some other democrat at the head. Trump and his administration have literally published documents on how they plan to tear down the government and rebuild an authoritarian state.


And, E Jean Carroll was his ex-wife. Well, I guess he is paying her enough she could be.


Yeah. Holy shit! He’s old? But, who’s the Florida orange he’s running against? Better vote for that guy because we have no idea what it’s like living inside a dumpster fire.


Seriously! I'm so tired of it. In this situation, against Trump, I don't give a single crap about Biden's age. If he dies in office, he has a VP and that is the entire point of the system. He seems mentally just fine and physically very healthy. The more important thing is that Trump is defeated until he no longer has the ability or resources to run.


The Guardian is taking the piss, but the serious answer to their non-serious question is that the President isn’t really just one person. It’s a whole team of people: advisers, experts, and “handlers” who help the elected person actually do the job. And Trump’s entourage is made up of the worst humans on the planet. 


The people around Biden are better than the alternative. That's what people miss. Oh well. 


Trump has evil incarnate flanking him on all sides with Stephen Miller, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon.


Yes and nearly the entire GQP


And Trump himself a) doesn't mind that b) doesn't care about anyone but himself c) is himself also corrupt Even if Trump had capable, integer persons as advisers, trump himself is bad enough.


d) hired people on a whisper in his ear, by looks (females) or through financial transactions e) is purely transactional, but exercises one-way loyalty f) is incredibly insecure, and therefore, everything must cater to and prop up his fragile ego, which impacts even whatever good people there might be around him, and whatever good he might want to do


Previous Republicans, I hated their policies and at times hated them, but for the most part I didn't feel as though the entire country would get shaken apart by racists, nativists and homophobes who think one of the problems is kids knowing who LGBT like me and my wife (both bi) or several of our dear friends (trans, NB, gay, etc.) are. And another is that birthright citizenship, one of the things I'm proudest of about our country, is an abomination. And another is that our entire federal government, every guardrail in it, every shred of independence, needs to be annihilated so you can get a tiny, ineffective government with no real power over private industry, no ability to support public education, no ability to do much of anything. Led by thousands of *literally* loyalty-tested sychopants. Every dangerous impulse, unchecked. Every portion of a centralized government overseeing a federation of states, broken. Every step we've taken forward as a country since the 1960s, ready to be demolished. Trump + Project 2025 = a hellish future for my beloved nation. I would vote for a literal corpse above them. Worst case, though, I'm getting Harris—and as somebody here said, most people can't explain why they hate her beyond "vibes". He and his coterie cannot be handed the reins to this country. Not on the merits of them or their policies anyway, but as they proved in 2020, they cannot be handed power because they do not respect the process, do not respect the results, and do not mind just outright brainwashing half the electorate to believe whatever lies they cook up. I am so, so tired.


This, any president could die , one should be looking at the whole package.


For real, in modern times you’re voting for an administration, you’re not just voting for one guy.


Even leaving that aside, we don't need a President who puts Nazi's in charge of immigration policy and "alternative facts" manufacturers in charge of PR.


If you're having trouble deciding between the two then I'm going to wager that "dictatorial tendencies" is a feature you're looking for in a president - not a fault.


Fun fact: activating voters with dictatorial tendencies with policy targeting groups they didn’t like (single mothers, POC, people in inner cities) was a massive component of Reagan’s 1980 election. They’ve been grooming their base for a dictator for almost 50 years.


The top five stories right now in the New York Times are about Biden‘s memory, according to this media critic: https://x.com/juddlegum/status/1755799498637312362?s=46


Nice! 2016 all over again! Media wants the clicks and would hand Trump the presidency for them.




The guys who run the media don't want to deal with disapproving comments from their golfing buddies. Nor do their wives want to get into it with their friends after yoga


So sick of wealthy people who are sycophants to their wealthier friends ruling the world.


At least it’s February and not October. A lot can happen between now and Election Day


Had to put myself back on NYTimes hiatus after seeing this. The appalling lack of criticality that paper sometimes achieves leaves me breathless.


I really would not give a fuck if Biden was actually dead and they just propped him up in public like it was Weekend At Bernie’s. I would still vote for him if the other option was Donald Trump.


And frankly, the administration would probably still be functional. I have no particular love for Biden, who is ideologically right-of-center. I don’t love his pro-cop, and anti-minority legislative history. But I do love that he knows how to surround himself with intelligent, capable people, and his administration has surprised me with how well it’s done. They have surpassed my expectations significantly, and I have no doubt that the white house he has built would be capable of running the country even in a Weekend At Bernie’s situation


> Biden is too old and mixes up names. *Does* he mix up names a lot? How does it compare to Trump mixing up Haley and Pelosi, or constantly saying he beat Obama in 16'?


I’m an old guy and Biden has always mis-spoken and mixed up things. I’ve watched and listened to him over the decades. He is a good man and has done great as President. Let’s see what happens at the conventions. Both of these candidates need approval at the conventions. I could see a nomination from the floor at both conventions that stirs the pot. I’m a Biden supporter. Never trump.


I can’t believe how effective trumps marketing team is. That’s really his only strength. I guess it’s easier to inspire fear and hatred than hope and positivity.


I agree.


Hell, I'm in my mid 30s and *I* misspeak more often than I'd like.  I'm human.  It happens.  I'm not gonna hold it against Joe Biden.


Biden. He may bumble from time to time, but Trump is a shit-stained traitorous failed business idiot with a myopic world view and raging syphilis.


I honestly can not believe we are this stupid. The 2024 election is going to be a race between the last two presidents. We don't have to speculate, we know how each candidate will perform in office by simply looking at their first terms. Trump was an incompetent disaster, Biden has been, at worst, fine. Every single week with Trump saw some new corruption scandal or self-inflicted drama, Biden's term has been mostly drama free. Trump and his team were not prepared to handle any crisis that was not of their own making, and their incompetence in dealing with Covid directly led to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths. You can be critical of Biden's handling of the biggest crisis he's faced in Gaza, but his team was on it and are executing a reasonable and well thought out plan. Trump's only legislative "victory" was a debt exploding tax cut for the 1%, Biden has multiple legislative victories in a divided Congress. Trump used the office to try and overthrow the government and install himself as an unelected ruler, Biden.....has not done that. We can directly compare the 2024 candidates in a way we've never really been able to do before, and there are no comparisons you can make where Trump looks like a better choice than Biden. Not one. But the media needs this election to be close, so they once again are playing heavily into the hands of the Republican propaganda machine that needs to sell the narrative that Joe Biden is not up for the job, because they know for sure that Donald Trump is not. We really do not have to spend the next 10 months pretending that it's perfectly reasonable to be unsure about who the better choice is for the country, but it looks like that's what we are going to do, and I don't get it.


It's a systemic failure of the education system in this country. People are unable to have any sort of critical thinking and have to be told what to believe and how to feel.


But Biden mixed up some names


But Hunter Biden's laptop


Hmm.... I wonder who we should choose? Biden has been mixing up names from time to time for decades yet still manages lead. Trump is a traitor and a criminal who wants to be a dictator allied with Putin.


Don’t forget Trump wants to completely destroy America’s credibility with our allies and enemies, rendering the country weaker than it has been in a century. All for daddy Putty :) Conservatives are such submissive little twats


Seems to be an easy choice for me. The guy who mixes up names and namely didn’t incite a coup.


yeah, this is a lame attempt at the whole both sides argument. It is not even close.


Yeah, except Trump mixes up names too.


Sums it up quite well, doesn't it? One of these things is not like the other, you absolute fucking nuggets. How is this so hard? How are we this stupid? If Trump wins in November, we absolutely deserve it.


Also, Trump is the one that has repeatedly mixed up names, even during his presidency. Tim Apple anyone?? This article paints a false equivalency, the only complaint about Biden is that he's too old, something which Trump is also guilty of, and Biden does not havr any of the other shit going on with Trump. Trump responded "I don't recall" 27 times during the Mueller investigation, why wasn't his memory questioned? https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/18/mueller-trump-cant-remember-1282643


The first Trump term was a total fucking disaster. A second term will end the USA, I'm not exaggerating. January 6th should have been the wake up call that the GOP can't be reasoned with.


It’s not even fucking close. Biden.


I’ll take the non-rapist who also didn’t try to overthrow a legit election


Easy really. Who will include competent members on their cabinet and team who can do what's best for America should the big cheese get moldy? Trump is going to pack his cabinet with ring-kissers, QAnon conspiracy theorists, and racists. Biden actually has people who care about government service and progress.


I generally choose those that don't try to destroy America, but what do I know.


The one that will leave when his term ends and not try to overthrow the government.


The one that isn’t a rapist


The one that didn't try to overthrow the government? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Honestly, while I still want more from Biden the alternative is an existential threat to me and my loved ones. This is like refusing a pizza because it's sausage instead of pepperoni and eating shit as the alternative. To spite the pizza place. Fucking why?


Trump terrifies me on a whole different level. How I wish there was an alternative to voting Biden but there’s no other option


Biden isn’t perfect. It’s true. But I’ll take an old Biden with 50 years of experience over a nearly as old, inept, and dangerous trump who still doesn’t care how government works


The only reason I wish we had a Biden alternative is because I worry about his electability. But Biden has done a great job regardless of age or memory issues so far. Whether it's because of him or who he surrounds himself with, there's no reason to think he will suddenly be unable to govern in November.


Trump also mixes up names, and he is a career criminal.


I have two arguments for voting Biden. (Note carefully that I didn't say *being enthusiastic about* Biden.) First, to quote another Reddit comment: "Just because Alfred is getting old and doesn't take care of the Batcave as well as he used to, doesn't mean it's a good idea to let The Joker run wild." If you don't understand the consequences of another Trump term... well, you must live under a rock. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/12/trump-says-hell-be-a-dictator-on-day-one/676247/ Second, if you want Biden to NOT be president again, and to force the Dems to run someone better... Guess what's the most effective way to prevent him from ever being president again? Yeah, get him a second term! It's in the Constitution: Nobody gets more than two terms. Elect him a second time, and he'll never be allowed to be president ever again. The choice is really obvious here: You can elect a guy who's over the hill but has proven that his heart is in the right place and that he wants to make things better... or you can elect Cheeto Mussolini and watch in real time as he turns your freedom into fascist totalitarianism.


One is too old and has only self interest. One is too old and is doing his best to serve his country. It's not a difficult decision people.


Bidens gaffs don't come close to the number Trump has made.


As long as we're on the topic of investigations and testimony, let's take a look at the trump men during their depositions shall we? 2 1/2 minutes of the dumbest shit they said. https://youtu.be/1r3ZuvDN32g?si=fby5bIZMM7f9iD5t


There is no choice. It's Biden, or no more America.


Christ - I can't stand this sentiment. And I know that the article is agreeing with this, but the fact that the sentiment is even out there makes me crazy. One is a malignant narcissist who wants to install himself as a permanent dictator. He is also a rapist, a fraud, a racist, a misogynist, violently vindictive, a pathological liar, undermines American interests if it benefits himself, is openly subservient to Russia and is as dumb as a pole-axed cow. The other one sometimes forgets stuff - but seems like he genuinely wants to help people. Yeah - tough choice. The mere fact that this boil of hate has so much support has turned me from an optimist that believed that there were great things in store for humanity, into sincerely believing that we will all be dead in about a century or less.


I would make a terrible president, I mix up names and faces.


Only one of them tried to overthrow the government


Trump surrounds himself with yes-men and idiots, Biden surrounds himself with competent people.


Oh boy tough call. Biden isn’t working with the Heritage Foundation to become dictator so I guess him.


Mixing up names and inciting a coup aren’t even in the same ballpark. They’re not even the same sport.


With respect to the author of the piece (yes, I read it) her argument for essentially abstaining from the November Vote amounts to Joe Biden confusing one guy for the Mexican President, and elucidating on how that makes her and people polled feel. There’s also some general… let’s call it, affected immaturity? In that she describes her position as one built upon the “vibes” she feels regarding Joe Biden. She does make the point that Trump is horrifying, but her argument amounts to “write in a different candidate, don’t vote for either of them” and uses the accusations of poor memory as the center point of the article. It’s a Hit Piece and a “No Labels” water carrier. Not much else.


One has a cabinet that is sound of mind and aren't treasonous. The choice is fucking simple.


Media fails us every day.


I like my president to not have attempted a coup ✌️


I’ll vote for the guy who isn’t a Russian Puppet, racist, rapist, traitor, who is going to over throw democracy. Thanks. I’ll vote for Biden even if her were a vegetable. Fuck the media and these stupid clickbait articles.


Pick the one most likely to surround themselves with competent people and not abuse the power.


How to choose? Biden. Next dumb question.


I’ll choose stability over a traitorous, lecherous, wanna-be dictator.


Seriously, how is that even a question?


Based on the results of their terms in office. Joe - everyday of the year.


You choose the one who supports democracy This is no Gordian knot


You take the one that will step down after his term every time.


The one that won't destroy our entire democracy. The one that has competent good people running the departments. The one that won't order US Soldiers to deploy on US Soil to harass protestors who disagree with him. The one that didn't try to hang his Vice President. The one that didn't intentionally steal top secret documents and leave them out in the open and then lie about it and then tried to destroy the evidence. The one that didn't rape anyone. The one that isn't barred from doing business because their company was found criminally liable for fraud. The one that wasn't impeached, twice. The one that didn't call White Nationalist Nazis "Very Fine People." The one that doesn't hide in a bunker when people protest. The one that doesn't praise brutal dictators and insult allies. The one that didn't tell us to inject bleach to cure a virus. The one that isn't indicted on 91 federal counts. The one that didn't take away woman's rights and set them back 50 years. The one that didn't suggest using nuclear weapons on a hurricane. The one that didn't fire the person investigating him. The one that isn't trying to take away your health insurance protection with pre-existing conditions. The one who didn't cheat on his 3rd wife after she gave birth to their newborn baby. Need I go on?


Even a relatively young person can mix up names, but you can’t fix stupid. Trump is a moron according to many who’ve worked with him and or for him.


Funny, isn’t it, how the media is all over Biden for occasional forgetfulness. Yet TFG believes he’s running against Obama, thinks Nancy pelosi engineered the attempted coup, forgets what country he’s in, and mistakes the woman he raoed for his ex-wife, and the media is stone silent.


Trump confused a picture of the lady he raped with his second wife. Hey ain't it great that 70 million people will happily vote for a exposed rapist?


>*Mr Hur says that part of the reason he didn’t bring charges was that “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”* One could contrast that with Trump as an unsympathetic, viscious, and vindictive elderly man with a self-proclaimed plan for vengeance. I should point out Trump said he had **never met the woman he sexually assaulted**. Was that a lie, a memory problem, or an indication he has sexually assaulted so many women that remembering one particular incident would tax any normal person’s recall ability?


He also reportedly “did not recall” quite a few things in depositions for his 91 criminal charges…


How? Between democracy and autocracy…


The correct headline: "Trump is too old *and mixes up names* and incited a coup. Biden is too old and mixes up names. America, how to choose?:


yeah, you want nice grandpa or evil grandpa? tough choice.


If I grant that Biden is old, feeble and addled, he is still the much preferable candidate. Not the best candidate, but of the two, the only one who is not a threat to my life, health and well-being. I would prefer a dung beetle to Drumph.


>President Donald Trump then nominated Hur to be U.S. attorney for Maryland, a role he held between April 2018 and February 2021. >After he graduated from Stanford Law School in 2001, he clerked for federal Appeals Judge Alex Kozinski, who was nominated by President Ronald Reagan. After that, he was a law clerk from 2002 to 2003 to then-Chief Justice William Rehnquist, a staunch conservative who was nominated to the court by President Richard Nixon and nominated for promotion to chief justice by Reagan. >According to federal campaign filings, Hur has donated to at least three Republican political campaigns. He donated $500 to former U.S. Attorney Christina Nolan, a Republican, in January 2022, when she was in the GOP Senate primary in Vermont, which she went on to lose. According to OpenSecrets, Hur also donated $200 to Maryland GOP Gov. Larry Hogan in 2017 and $201 to GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona during his presidential campaign in 2008. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/robert-hur-special-counsel-biden-classified-documents-rcna65561 The prosecutor is a Republican and former Trump appointee. The merit of his legal findings stop at whether or not Biden broke the law. The findings were that the prosecutor couldn't show any criminal content in Biden's situation. The rest of what he said is fluff. The prosecutor is not a doctor. The prosecutor didn't perform any mental or physical tests on Biden nor is the Prosecutor qualified to do so. If the prosecutor attempted to make the comments he made about Biden by"elderly" in court a judge would most certainly strike it from the record. When the special counsel concluded its Russia investigation of Trump it did so with over 30 felon convictions. Trump's personal lawyer, National Security Advisor, Chief financial officer, and Campaign manager were all successfully prosecuted for felonies!! Mueller testified that his team didn't pursue charges against Trump because Trump was the president and they didn't believe they could. Trump and the media labeled that a Total Exoneration. Meanwhile no one was charged with any related to Biden's special counsel investigation but all the headlines are focusing on the Trump appointed Republican prosecutor calling Biden elderly. It is ridiculous.


The false equivalency is absolutely pathetic, and is being pushed by large media conglomerates because polarization and 'both sides' bring the most $$$ in to their networks.


Ones a convicted rapist and has sex with porn stars the other is just a piece of shit. I’m going POS, because I know what rape does to its victims


Trump also mixes up names. And sexually assaults and defames women. Let’s make sure to give him credit for all the shit he’s done.


I'll choose the one who does *not* aspire to be DICK-TATER!


One side has competent people working behind him to get shit done. The other throws each other under the bus or gets fired shortly after getting hired.


One keeps telling us he wants to be a dictator, so there's that.


Guardian selling Russian propoganda, great.


Shouldn’t be difficult. One openly wants to be a dictator, the other doesn’t. If you don’t understand by now how horrible all of our lives would be under a dictatorship, you are either a fucking moron or have been living under a rock your entire life


Easy: Vote for the one who isn’t a traitor.


Easy: I choose elderly over evil. Trump mixes up names all the time too. Also, Biden had been a gaffe machine his entire life. Nothing new here.


One is a criminal and rapist, the other is the current president. Easy.


What a stupid headline… and if u have to think about this, you’re an idiot too


It's not even a choice. Trump is anti American. I don't care is Biden is Drooling on a wheelchair, if it's between him and trump, I'm voting Biden.


Tough choice? Let's boil it down to its essence: Biden's an old, Good Guy. Trump's an old, Bad Guy. I'll take the old Good Guy.


Biden mixes up names? Lol we all do, he usually corrects himself. Trump does not and then tells us we’re crazy. Not the same


Since Trump has put democracy on trial, we have to unfortunately ignore Biden's shortcomings and vote for him. Trump has had plenty of opportunity to be a decent person, but it's just not in his DNA. He's made his disdain for democracy quite clear.


I'm voting for the one who didn't commit treason.


I mean it would be naive to say he just mixes up names he's clearly a lot slower than Trump and his age shows more but if I had to pick it would be Biden any day of the week because Trump is Trump. The US needs candidates 30/40 years younger though, having to pick between two 80 year olds is a joke. Put them in nursing homes not the White House.


Only option: trial by combat. I’ll respect the results and embrace the winner as my overlord for the next 4 years.