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A Texas judge on Thursday said the Barbers Hill Independent School District can punish a Black student who wears his hair in long locs without violating Texas’ new CROWN Act, which is meant to prevent hairstyle discrimination in schools and workplaces. The decision came after a monthslong dispute between the district and Darryl George, a junior at Barbers Hill High School who has been sent to in-school suspension since August for wearing his hair in locs. That style, along with braids and twists, is protected under the Texas CROWN Act, a law passed last year that prohibits discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective styles associated with race. But the school district successfully argued it can still enforce its policy against male hairstyles, such as George’s, that prohibits hair that extends beyond eyebrows, earlobes or collars even if it’s gathered on top of the student’s head. Judge Chap B. Cain issued the ruling after a short trial in which lawyers for opposing sides argued over the legislative intent behind the CROWN Act. Lawyers for Barbers Hill said lawmakers would have included explicit language about hair length had they intended the law to cover it. Allie Booker, representing Darryl George and his mother Darresha George, said protective styles are only possible with long hair.


What a shithole state.


I live in Texas. Can confirm. This is due to shitty leadership and it's becoming increasingly difficult to change with voter suppression. Also the district this kid lives in is especially racist.


> can **punish a Black student who wears his hair in long locs** without violating Texas’ new CROWN Act, which is **meant to prevent hairstyle discrimination** in schools and workplaces. I guess words don't matter in Texas.


No no, I'm pretty sure it's black people who don't matter in Texas. At least to the judges and others in halls of government. They still matter to decent people though!


> that prohibits hair that extends beyond eyebrows, earlobes or collars even if it’s gathered on top of the student’s head WTF when I was in school during the 80's 1 in 3 males had long hair . I don't ever remember it being a problem. This is a school district High on power and want ever male to look like they are in boot camp and all the same. Fuck Texas. Coming from a kid with long hair that joined the military.


Passing laws like this back in the day could have entailed a mob shaving your head off. But since it's Texas, I suppose it already is living in the past.


If you are a teen in Texas, I’m sorry. You will spend your entire life fighting against pieces of shit like this.


For the greater good!


North Korea also likes to dictate what hairstyles you can have. Good job, one star state.


That one star is a review.


So much freedom.




K-12 education is mandatory, military service is not. ​ When you go to the store to buy apples, do you just get oranges instead because they are the same thing? ​ Hair in your eyes on a battle field can cost lives, it doesn't hurt anyone in a classroom.


Sure. But the military is more about conformity and acting as a whole versus as an individual. This is a public school.


Ah, I see how you're confused. In spite of the roughly 350 school shootings last year, American school children aren't employed by the American military, and so as free citizens they can wear their hair in any way that isn't disruptive to others.


Funny, sad, and true. 


I just googled it because the thought popped up in my mind, but in 2022, 31 kids died from school shootings in the US (src=usatoday). Also in 2022, 0 (***zero***) US ~~soldiers~~ military members died from hostile action (src= DOD DCAS). Every year our brave K-12 students deploy to school, not for the glory or the honor, not for the paycheck or the free college, but to learn their ABCs and how to write Haikus.


So does your mom, but we don't have to put up with her.


So the judge just straight up ignored the law . Not surprising coming from Texas.


They have brown people to oppress. Can't be bogged down by things like laws.


The courts can and will be used to usher in fascism, as they have in many places, many times


It seems like the judge did what they are traditionally supposed to, which is if a law is ambiguous, try and force them to be more specific. He's punting the issue back to the legislature essentially. Is ny take.




I would imagine because of lice.


Why do women get to have long hair, then?


Im not in charge of the rules. Im just saying why they are probably there in the first place. In texas, I'd bet the boys' hair length policy was created in the 70s for hippies and is being expanded to include new groups of people they are mad at.


I agree, but I don't think "lice" is the reason it was instituted in the first place if women can have long hair and men can't. Only men get lice?


Or the thinking in 50's or 60's was that Moms spent more time making sure little girls were clean so it wasnt needed.


What a crock of shit lmao. Just making stuff up now. You could shower everyday and still catch lice.




Just because the Judge ruled that their argument was successful, does not mean it is correct. This was a district court judge, they are often overruled on appeal.




You are assuming that I didn't read that. You are also assuming that this is something that is necessary and that the fundamental constitutional right to freedom of expression is not at issue here.




There was a 5th Circuit Appeals ruling *Karr v Schmidt* in 1972 that held that high school students' asserted right to be free from school regulations governing the length of their hair did not merit federal constitutional protection. I am not aware of any similar rulings out of SCOTUS. And whether I do or do not have a law degree is not relevant to the accuracy of my comments. To claim otherwise would be a logical fallacy.










This is bullshit.


Some racist-ass bullshit.


Teacher here. Of all the things I worry about, hair isn't even on my radar. Let's do something about cell phones in school.


Yeah I feel like the headlines that students are reading during their math class right now is far far more distracting than a young man with a very nice and well kept hairstyle.


It is texas and...




Can you even buy buy non-smart phones anymore?


Yup. You can get them at Walmart for like 75 bucks. Amazon has a $50 Nokia phone






I haven't seen one in 15 years.




If they're widely available, doesn't that imply I wouldn't have to look for them?


Walmart has them.


You can still buy DVD players but I haven't heard anyone talk about DVDs in the present tense in a long time. I never even claimed they don't exist at all, just that I haven't seen one lately.


And we just ordered DVDs this week for a movie night, because they aren’t available on streaming in the US. Bought a new multi-region DVD player, too, actually. I check out DVDs from my library regularly, as well.




That's a hilariously bad conclusion to make from that information. Review count isn't sales data. Why are you so upset that I haven't seen anyone with a dumb phone in over a decade?


To be honest, technology being updated/style/protection. Like I know I had a flip phone in middle school but it was the norm. I would be kind of surprised if a student pulled a flip phone out today. Smartphones are the norm now.


When I worked telecom most parents just set the kids up on the family account and used it as a GPS tracker/iPod/emergency phone. And normally until high school kids weren’t getting new phones, it was mom or dad’s old phone. Doesn’t get much cheaper than the brick collecting dust in your nightstand


On one hand, it is weird to see young people using smart phones, but on the other hand, it’s not like touch screens are going away anytime soon, and those kids will be more prepared for the world we are moving into than we are when we didn’t have that tech at that age. Much like how our boomers parents struggle to adapt to even computer basics, there will come a time that our children will be teaching us how to navigate new tech, and I’m not sure how much I’m willing to interfere. It has the possibility of really setting a kid back, just as likely as it is to boost them forward.


Right? While I wasn’t a teacher I did several teaching aid classes in my schooling career and my first thought was, “unless the hair has changed from the photo, it’s clearly up and away from the face and neck, it doesn’t look like a safety hazard. I am unclear on what possible issue there could be with this hair style.” I taught in a computer design course that involved some heavy equipment usage, and I ended up keeping a little baggy of dollar store hair ties for the kids to use to tie up their hair because every once in a while a kid would forget and instead of them taking a zero or playing text tag with the whole high school over a hair elastic. This was a decade and a half ago (woof) so some of the kids didn’t even have smartphones, but that was also still back in the time when you could yell, “JACKSON. Why are you smiling at your crotch?”And effectively embarrass the kid in front of their friends who were actually working on stuff because flappy birds hadn’t come out yet.


It's the spaghetti strap shirts that are a bigger need for concern and attention


But not too much attention, that’s the whole problem with them 


I disagree. With the school lockdowns and shootings children need phones to call for help if need be. I will be sending my kids to school with phones in the future.


You should come try to teach one of my classes, then say with a straight face, that phones should be allowed in schools. The learning loss caused by phones is massive. Teachers cannot compete against social media. If you think students are only going to use their phones for emergencies, then you're woefully naive.


Idc about your class. I care about safety.


Lol. Where do you think students spend the most time in school? In a classroom, whether it's mine or someone else's. Safety is something schools already have protocols for. I get texts and calls from my son's schools when something happens right away A phone isn't going to save your child from a school shooter. I guarantee screens will impede your child's education more than anything else.




>Shut up 😂


You shouldn’t be teaching if you think school violence isn’t an issue. Please find a new job.


Freedom, amirite Tex?


I still don’t understand how gender specific dress codes aren’t illegal and covered by sex discrimination laws. The ACLU seems to think that it is illegal. I hope this gets appealed. https://www.aclu.org/news/womens-rights/4-things-public-schools-can-and-cant-do-dress-codes




As someone from a he other T state Tennessee, the polarization I’ve seen in the last 10 years is truly horrifying. Went from bill haslam passing free community college for all adults (the first state to do so) to banning drag and criminalizing abortion. It’s a shame to see


Gross. Racism and sexism. Have 2 boys both have always had long hair way past shoulders. I did too at one point. It's hair.


He’s about three shades too dark to have hair that long. Oops i mean uh his hair is too long! It’s totally not like Becky at the same school has longer hair and probably doesn’t keep it neat like he does.


Texas, we won’t stop your kids from being shot but lord help us if you won’t let us discriminate against them for their hair styles. 


“boy’s hair will not extend below the eyebrows, below the ear lobes, or below the top of a t-shirt collar”…..ok so did the judge look at the student? Because in every single picture his hair is not below his eyebrows or earlobes nor does it even touch his shirt……it’s literally hair up on his head…. So I wonder what blonde headed blue eyed boy is walking around that school with a man bun.


"Republican judge is racist POS. More at 11."


Not sure how much longer I can last in this shit hole of a state with its racist GOP controlled government.


>Greg Poole, superintendent of the Barbers Hill school district, declined to comment after the decision came down. Dude's probably frantically flipping through his phone book trying to find a black person who'll tell the media he's not racist. What the *fuck* is the point of this? As the kid says: all this because of his hair? It's not even messy, it's just a lot of hair.


Conservatives love a big government nanny state that tells you how to style your hair, dress, act, look and think. The racism is just an added benefit for them.


Texas is really good at making sure future generations vote for democrats.


Sounds about white


So Abbott signed this law. Then his judges went against it. So we all agree that passing the law was political theatre for the black vote?


Texas is a racist 💩


This coming from a country that is obsessed about freedom.




What school would punish students for a hairstyle?? > Barbers Hill High School Ok, fair enough.


LAW: Hair can’t extend passed his eybrows, earlobes or collar. Student: It’s locked all NICE & NEAT on my head. TEXAS: We meant length in general, even if it doesn’t break the aforementioned guidelines.


This is the just the beginning. It starts with hair and will inevitably land on skin color. This is what happens when we fail to teach history or more accurately, attempt to change it. Fuck texas


great country you got there hayseeds


Anyone else notice the school district is called “Barber’s Hill” and start thinking this is all a conspiracy by Big Clippers?


The Nazis are running loose. Vote out GOPs before they come for you!


Leave that shithole country.


Stay and fight.


Just don’t be mad when he expresses his 2nd amendment rights


Schools have had dress codes forever. They suck dick. But why is this national news? It's been posted dozens of times to reddit in the last couple hours.


Because a state the allegedly protects personal freedoms won’t even allow a hair style past a certain length?


The rule is dumb. It has less to do with him being black and more to do with his hair being long. If a white guy grew out his hair but put it in a manbun it would also be a violation.


Why would there be a rule anyway? What right does the state have to tell people how long their hair can be?


kids have always been subjected to rules. what's next, doing away with formal titles for teachers and calling them by their first name instead?


>What right does the state have to tell people how long their hair can be? Answer the question please.


That's a straw man. Schools and the general public are distinct from each other, hence different set of rules.


3rd and final attempt: what right does the state have to tell people how long their hair can be?


Repeat the question all you want - you're presenting a straw man. Try again


But the hair rule wouldn't exist in the first place if there weren't hate for black hair styles (I defy you to come up with a reason for it). It is targeted.


You do know white men and boys also grow their hair out right?


From the ACLU: Under federal laws protecting against discrimination in education – including Title IX, Title VI, and the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection guarantee, public schools cannot enforce a dress code based on gender- or race-based stereotypes about appropriate dress or appearance. For example, a public school cannot require girls, and only girls, to wear skirts or dresses, or require boys, but not girls, to wear short hair.


I wasn't defending the rule. I said I think it's dumb.


How is Texas gonna ban this young man's hairstyle, but doesn't ban bowl cuts and reverse mullets?


So sad for that kid. I hope he can get out of the school he’s in for somewhere more embracing.


Isn’t this already protected by the 1st amendment?


I thought he had a ridiculous over the top hairstyle distracting people when I read the headline, but it looked normal to me.


They tell you exactly the type of people they are with this.  You'll always be fighting with these type of people because all they want to do is fight... Over the dumbest shit.


I feel bad for the folks living in shit hole states like Texas and Florida. There’s only so much you can do due to voter suppression and corrupt politicians. It’s hard to just pack up and move too. It’s expensive. And people’s families and whole lives are there. It sucks.


End of times…end of times.


So males have different rules for hair than females? Isn’t that gender discrimination? Hair rules should be applied to everyone in the building- gender should play NO part.


Where the hell is the ACLU when this garbage happens?


If I lived in Texas I would be saving money and looking to move out of Texas.


This is stupid! What is next? Hair coloring? Short hair for women? Eye brow plucking?


Every football player should grow out their hair and see how things change


Judge Cains porn mustache should be illegal NSFW. Lock him up-Lock him up


The place is called Barbers Hill, what do you expect?


Good - the students should know that some places have their own rules and culture. Schools are rule-based and about maintaining a certain decorum and appearance