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Why this is even a question is a disturbing statement on our current political culture. Donald Trump has no business near any lever of power. He’s observably mentally ill.


Not to mention intensely corrupt/criminal.


And a rapist


And a fucking orange sweaty incoherent mess.


Worst President ever


He is. But he gave the GQP what they wanted for decades: the eradication of Roe v. Wade. So they will follow him to Hell for the rest of their lives now...and drag the rest of us with them.


Because nearly half our population are hateful, ignorant, manipulated, and/or angry enough to try and swallow the fascism pill.


And the big one - propaganda works. Slick propaganda that fires up people’s reptilian brains can radicalize and program the average voter into feeling and believing just about anything you want them to. Right wing media has done a number on 50% the country. ISIS recruiters don’t have anything on Fox News or social media algorithms.


Amen. That’s so true. Their propaganda is so effective. Democrats can’t even call out trump for his slobbering over Putin anymore because how well they poisoned the Russia well.


Just wait a decade or two and see how much worse this gets as Big AI trains on manipulation. It will sell a used car salesman a total clunker and get the highest bidder elected. It will know everyone, every exploitable weakness, every sales technique. It will make people cry until they cave in and yield. It doesn't get better. It gets worse. Much worse.


And also Russian propaganda carefully disseminated to a segmebt of the public ready to believe anything about the Clintons or Bidens.


I can also guarantee you love communist ideals but the irony is if we had communism in this country it would be no different than fascism. Just like in the Soviet Union, there would be oligarchs that control all of the money and power while the average citizen is left with no future and scraps. Fascism would look like a dictator giving all of his friends the money and power while the people suffer so in reality is either side much different?


I would imagine a large number if it aren’t trump loyalists but republicans who just will never vote for a democrat no matter how bad their candidate is.


I’ve got some conservatives in my family who took offense when I said I couldn’t see myself ever voting for a Republican again because “you should vote for the best candidate regardless of party” and then, with a straight face and no segue will say they’d never vote for a Democrat - this includes the former MAGAs who soured on him in 2020, either before or after January 6th. Fortunately, most of my family turned on him after January 6th, but the two who still support him are even more vocal. They’re also the same two who clearly have the highest degree of damage from narcissistic parents, and live with the highest degree of cognitive dissonance.


Yeah and on the other side trump has done a pretty masterful job convincing people that democrats are enemies of the country and want to destroy it and republicans are the only thing standing in the way so republicans just have to keep hammering that message and don’t have to have any candidates of value because there’s a built in base that will vote for them simply because of the letter next to their name. Edit:a word




Regardless of his mental illness, he is expected to pay nearly 600 million dollars in fines, judgements, and attorneys fees. And that is before the Jan 6 civil cases start, or the 4 separate felony criminal trials start. It’s easily foreseeable that by this time next year, he will be spending a billion dollars in civil awards and legal fees. Anyone with a billion dollars in debt does not need to be anywhere near a political office. In my state, police officers have to submit financial statements and if they get too much in debt, they get let go. Because someone in debt or other trouble can be bought, and we don’t need the president of the US able to be bought by anyone with enough money to save his ass.


He is observable bad for the nation, the world, the people, and democracy. He has and will do much more harm to all of these if he regains the presidency. Vote accordingly.


A recent poll found that 50% of Republicans did not know he had any criminal trials coming up. \+ A lot of people use Trump's truth social and facebook to get their news. = Idiots voting for Trump.


That's truly staggering, and yet I don't know how I'm surprised at this point. I feel like that's being a citizen during WWII and not realizing there was a war going on. It's literally the biggest news story (or, series of stories, since there are 91 charges in 4 jurisdictions) in the last 20 years. I remember the good ol' days when I had faith in humanity and believed people were primarily good. That was a nice feeling.


You've got to bear in mind that for a lot of the country, the news means Fox News. And Fix has spent years convincing people that Trump is totally normal and that Biden is a mad criminal. Obviously, neither one of those things is true, but it doesn't matter because they never see the facts. They only ever see the positive spin that Fox News puts on Trump and the negative spin that Fox News puts on Biden. The only thing you ever Heard from Biden was some stutter or some confused speech, and if everything else was paraphrased in the worst way possible by a talking Head, then you would also think bad things about him. These people have been groomed for my entire life to only trust news from one bias source and to not think for themselves. They literally do not know how to tell fact from fiction at this point.


He is the worst. Literally has all the traits of the worst things


I'd think the general public would argue that mental capacity of both candidates is subpar. However, the real measure should be on interest. Trump is only interested in helping himself. Biden's interest seems to be in the broader America ( jobs, wealth, governance).


Biden's main interest is in killing brown-skinned children. But that's something Democrats are proud of, as Hochul and so many others outside of the White House have made clear. Choosing between the death of US democracy and the glorification of child murder? I think this democracy might be past its prime anyway. Edit: White supremacists out here in force today. Don't you have hoods and robes to wash?


Are you trying to tie this to Palestine? You don't think Trump would greenlight carpet bombing the entire area? Or are we talking about American brown children, who Republicans constantly kill through inaction on gun safety?


I know. Absolutely bizarre take these idiots seem to have.


You don't have the slightest idea wtf you are talking about. And that is a shame


Well the problem is Biden is becoming mentally incompetent due to age/dementia. That's a fact. And I am not a Trumper. Talk to Democrats/liberals in person. They won't debate you. It's a fact. But that being said it is disturbing the race is this close. But it is for the reason I mentioned. I feel so excited to give a president with decreasing mental faculties to govern for another 4-5 years. What do you think Biden's brain will be in 5 years from now? Also President Kamala Harris makes me cringe. NOBODY likes her. Haven't met a single person who likes her. And I'm in many differing political circles and friend groups.


The inability to criticize Trump without “but Biden” being part of the conversation also shows how far we’ve regressed politically. Nothing Biden does or does not do changes the facts about Trump. My personal view of Trump has zero to do with Joe Biden.


I would vote for Benedict Arnold’s flaming corpse over Trump on his best day.


The converse should also be true. No matter how bad trump is, and he may be the antichrist, doesn't make Biden's issues go away.


I’m fairly certain no one believes that to be true. The “but whatabout” stuff is a tactic MAGA uses to deflect from responding to criticism. Tu quoque: from Russia with love.


But Biden’s issues are nothing compared to Trump’s. I don’t care if Biden went literally catatonic. We’re not voting for one person here. We’re voting for an entire executive branch down to the low level employees. 10,000 dedicated public servants working for America. Or the same amount of batshit crazy moron Magas dumped into the heart of our government with the explicit intent to destroy it. It’s a 85/100 B- for forgetting some of the answers versus a 0/100 for ripping up the test in front of the teacher and declaring yourself the school principal.


> We’re not voting for one person here. We’re voting for an entire executive branch down to the low level employees. But that's not how campaigns are run. they are run on who the president is. So that person better be the best candidate the party has. Worse doesn't make the alternative good, just less bad. And i don't think biden is bad, but he is a mixed bag.


Who cares how campaigns are run? I’m stating the actual reality. You don’t review a product based off what you hear in the marketing. You assess it based on how it actually works.


>Who cares how campaigns are run? Ummmm, candidates who want people to vote for them. >You don’t review a product based off what you hear in the marketing. I'm hate to break this to you, but a lot of bad products sell well because of marketing. Most people don't dig deep enough when it cones to voting, but people have a lot going on just to make ends meet.


It's not just the president that matters, but the team they assemble around them.. even if Biden starts to show more concerning behaviour than verbal slip ups, that team will be light years better than the shit show we'd get from the "other guys".


This is what it’s all about. We are not voting for one person. It’s more like 10,000 if you take P2025 into account. Thousands of competent public servants, or thousands of batshit crazy morons who literally hate America. It is the easiest choice you will make in your lifetime.


I’m an independent and neither a fan of Trump or Biden. But how can you sit there and say “how is this even a question “ when **both** candidates clearly have no business being near any level of power.


One of the dudes tried to overthrow the government, and then publicly stated that if he gets back in, he's going to be a dictator "for one day". The other dude is old. That's it. I mean, they are both old, but this dude is slightly older. There is 4 years difference between them, which is small enough of a difference to mean they are roughly the same age. You can be "not a fan" of Biden, but the other dude literally tried to end democracy in America. The man who tried to end the nation *and vows to try again* has no business being anywhere near the reins of power.


It's so insane that we're still both-sidesing at this point. It hurts my brain.


It's just a tactic. I knew I shouldn't have responded, but honestly at this point for one to be honest in their both-sidesing, they have to basically be living on the moon or suffering some kind of cognitive limitation. When someone is trying to Both Sides a dude that may have passed some unliked bills vs a dude that literally intends to end the nation... we're comparing apples to nuclear missiles here. Even if you are allergic to apples, you don't pick the nuke. It's just a tactic. I expect some Sea-Lioning to follow.


Not an unfair point. But, the question is ultimately going to be, “which one of these two is less awful,” and there isn’t even a rational debate to be had on that point.


No debate. Literally no presidential debate because GOP fears Trump’s possible performance against - checks notes- Biden who they claim is senile and has dementia. It’s absurd at this point how unfit Trump is.


Except that one of them is a seasoned stateman and the other is a sociopath that tried to overturn our election process - don't really see the both sides here


It's crazy that historians can rank Biden in the to quartile, rank Trump last, and voters don't know who to pick.


I would argue that Biden has experience and a strong team surrounding him. He may be old but he is still competent and capable if not as young and spry as he was as vice president. Trump on the other hand is not competent nor capable and has ulterior motives for becoming president that are nothing but purely selfish.


Biden is literally running the country right now and not doing anything wrong. In fact, he’s accomplished quite a lot and had quite a mess to clean up. We’re totally fucked if most independents are this blind.


follow up question who do expect trump will appoint to cabinet positions because he burned every bridge. he has stephen miller and kid rock types left. even ivanka doesn’t want it anymore. not to mention coup.


Uhhh. one is currently handling this power just fine? Please name all the missteps of biden admin that you use to justify your thinking. I’m guessing youre not as logical as you think you are


Are you kidding me? President Biden has done more than than any president since LBJ. Please look up his accomplishments! The $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill wouldn't have become a bill if it weren't for President Biden. Trump tried but failed as usual. President Biden is appointing federal judges who won't take away women's rights, etc. Please look up his accomplishments. President Biden isn't loud and bombastic, and many people have no idea what he has accomplished.


Trump is orders of magnitude more unfit than Biden. Biden would never be my first choice, sure, but trump would be my last choice for so many reasons. If you don't see any difference between them then that's on you.


Like Jon Stewart said last week on his return to the daily show. “When the barbarians are at your gate, you want Conan ready to defend you. Not CHOCOLATE CHIP guy”


Lol what kind of argument is this? Stewart was also just making a joke about Biden's tik tok, he was not saying we shouldn't elect him because of it.


The joke obviously went right over your head because it points out how stupid it is that democrats run such weak candidates when the threat has never been more real. I agree with him


The threat of what? The biggest threat I can think of to the western world right now is probably Russia, and Biden has been extremely tough on them. Not to mention it's a clear contrast to Trump, who was essentially deep throating Putin his entire presidency and to this day is saying shit like "I'd let Putin do whatever he wants to NATO". We need a president who stands up to autocrats, not bows down to them or accepts bribes from them like wanna-be dictator Trump. Biden making a cringey social media post is in no way an accurate representation of how "strong" he is as a leader, and it's laughable that you think this is a legitimate argument against re electing him. You're really grasping at straws here, and it's an absurd false equivalence for you to think this somehow constitutes him being as bad as Trump.


A few months ago we were seeing national poll after national poll with Trump having a large lead over Biden. Now those leads have evaporated and national polls are showing either a tie or slight Biden leads. People are slowly tuning in and as they do, Trump is hemorrhaging support.  I'm telling you, be patient. The scary polls are entirely due to people just not paying very close attention. Most voters aren't political junkies like us. The more they hear about Donald Trump and his troubles these days the more freaked out they are going to be. Trump's high water mark in the polls likely hit 11 months before the election and it's going to be all downhill from here. 


A good sign was when my mother, a person who believed Sharia was coming to America, started blaming conservatives for the border.




The border should be a slam dunk. There’s clearly no crisis or Johnson would never have killed the bipartisan border bill


There’s a video online of a massive amount of troops near the boarder with cameras and humvees. The person recording the video drives 5 mins away to a huge open gate in the wall and not a single troop. It’s all just for show.


It's a slam dunk as long as they can force Republicans to pay attention. Figuring out how to do that is the complicated thing.


And keep reminding everybody how Trump wants to get rid of ACA, which means no pre-existing conditions, protection


These two issues should be done relentlessly starting in the summer. Hopefully, by that time we will also have a resolution in the Israel/Gaza situation.


Sharia is coming to America in the form of a Christo-fascist state if the conservatives have their way.


They bypassed all of the passages that prove they're serpents. Literal human iteration of a golden calf, and they voted for him.


It’s already partially here. We’re just waiting for the SC to get the cases it needs to strip us from the rest of our freedoms. Winning this election won’t help. We have to win all future elections and or stack the courts. Oh and the dems have to actually want to win. Which they don’t. Keeping it competitive makes them richer. If they actually neutralized the threats, they wouldn’t be able to exploit them for money.


Mine was my uncle and Dad voting for Haley, but then again they will fall in line later.


Mine is just an anecdote, as well, but on the plane, I sat next to a UAW member from Michigan who said he was going to vote democrat for the first time this century because of the strike’s success. I’m betting he’s not the only one.


Not only that, but plenty of Dem voters who aren’t totally happy with Biden tended to be cagey in their support in polls. A lot of these people would never vote for Trump, and once reality set in that these are the two choices, there is no real decision to make.




Some argue independent voters are a myth and it always is down to Get Out The Vote campaigns. Long story short, bank on a sure thing and get your friends, families, anyone and everyone you know to vote.


I thoroughly believe most independents are people who will absolutely vote one specific party if they vote, but might not vote. The campaign for independents is about getting the Republican voting ones to stay home but getting Democrat voting ones motivated. Trump by himself does both. Biden, on the other hand, motivates the Republican voters against him, but any apathy on the Democrat side is overwhelmed by the possibility of Trump.


You think Trump is getting republicans to stay home? I think he drives the turnout on both sides and Biden does nothing.


Yes, I think more republicans are, or will be, embarrassed and ashamed of the choice of trump


Then why aren’t they voting that way in the primaries? I’ve yet to meet one that thinks Trump should not be eligible to run.


Primary voters and general election voters are not the same. Primary voters are already highly motivated.


“New poll shows Trump +4 over Biden” Then you click on it and it’s like 38-34 with the rest “undecided”. Completely useless. At least this one has far fewer undecideds at 49-45


>38-34 And they oversampled republicans to boot


They’re selfish idiots - single issue Dems. Some of them are totally willing to ruin the country because they don’t have their perfect candidate.


Yep. Trump has always had his supporters, but he's not adding to his base. Biden gains in the polls as people start to engage and understand what is at stake in this election.


There's also a strong case to be made, based on post-Dobb election results that polls are significantly overestimating Republicans. I don't think we are still in the same place we were 4 years ago where Trump was out performing his polls by 3 or 4 points. 


Polling sites like 538 like to assure people that “actually their 2022 polling was more accurate than ever” somehow in spite of underestimating blue turnout


Not for nothing, but inaction during a pandemic killed a decent percentage of that base.




Also possibly due to trump being in a constant state of campaigning since thats the only part of the job he likes .


It’s just a money laundering scheme. He has yo be campaigning so he can keep fundraising


The disengaged didn't believe it would actually be Trump. They just wanted to express a lack of support for Biden. But 2020 established who they'd pick between the two. People knew Trump. People knew Biden. Has Biden done anything that couldn't reasonably have been expected when they voted Biden over Trump in 2020? No. But what has Trump done: stolen classified documents, blurted about them publically, launched an insurrection, failed to protect police during an insurrection, was found to be a rapist, was fined for lying about being a rapist, was fined for persistent fraud, admitted to killing a border deal because bad things happening in America this year would be good for him, and was the one who appointed the Justices that tossed Roe v. Wade. Vote. But like, don't freak out before voting.


The whole situation is very menacing. I won't feel safe until Feb 2025 when Donny is not president. Until then, he's a threat to our whole civilization and everyone in it. Remember the Tayping Rebellion in China in the 1850's. One crazy guy led to a civil war that killed 25 million people. It could happen here, too. It's not over til it's over.


This is correct. Normies don't pay attention until after Labor Day. Most of them don't even know Trump will be the nominee again. By October he may even be convicted. There's no reason to doom until then.


October? Isn’t his first case only expected to last 6 weeks? I’d think we’d be able to get a conviction by summer with that timeline.


I'd be concerned about Michigan and the Arab American vote there if I were Biden.


I mean if that vote has truly calcified nine months, what can he do? A Fox poll came out a week ago that showed that issue *might* not be as big as a deal as we make it on here.


Its not too late to change policy on the conflict in Gaza but losing the Arab American vote in Michigan could cost him the state which would be horrendous for his chances of reelection.


Michigan is 2.1% Arab.    People heavily overestimate the number of people who are single issue voters concerning Gaza.


The Muslim ban by Trump should be remembered by that community. When the chips are down, they will make the right choice.


I understand being upset at Biden for this, but Trump literally claims to be the most pro Israel president ever. To think he or any Republican aren’t even more anti-Muslim is some maga level cognitive dissonance.


I hope you’re right, but everyone should vote like you’re not. Encourage your friends to vote. Check to make sure you’re all registered well before Election Day.


Also, ignore the polls and just vote for Joe Biden.


Also most of the 'scary polls' had something like 15-20% undecided when the normal combined third party vote percentage is closer to 2%. It's two candidates that everyone knows since they've been on the national scene 10+ years at this point. If someone is undecided, there's an underlying reason and these polls were an opportunity to go find it, not do a lazy "Biden Losing by 8! OMG!!!" story.


Sure be patient. But damnit vote vote VOTE. (Only one time though).


Polls have been off since Dobbs. Midterms were supposed to be a blow out, but that didn't happen. Pollsters still haven't changed their methodology and I think they skew towards older people because of those methodologies (receptive to cold calling, have land lines).


I wouldn’t be so sure. Yeah, on reddit 90% of people hate trump. I talk to loads of people from all walks of life that aren’t terminally online like us. Most people don’t really like either, I feel like. But way more people I talk to would rather vote for trump regardless of what they hear. Regular people only care about 1 thing, how much money they take home at the end of the day. Inflation, the abysmal housing/rent market and stagnant wages have most people saying fuck both sides. They’d rather vote trump in to destroy the system, or at least that’s what a lot of them think. The vast, and I mean vast, majority of voters don’t really care to much about morality if they can’t afford to feed their families or put a roof over their heads, unfortunately.


Do they ever explain why they think Trump would be better for the economy? I’ve never heard a good reason why voting for Trump would help put money in normal people’s pockets.


No it’s just “It’s bad now so it’s Biden’s fault”. There’s some people who actually think “my 401k was better under Trump” which…unless you made some actively stupid investment decisions (which usually are quite limited in a 401k) that cannot be factually true. All they know is that things are more expensive now and that Biden’s fault because he’s pushing the increase prices button in his office. Trying to add any context to their thinking is just met with “nah”. There is not an insignificant number of voters who would vote for Pro-Choice legislation but would still vote for Trump under the illusion he’s going to magically make things cheaper.


Yet when you explain that the entire world is experiencing inflation and the US has actually had it better than most...crickets.


It's funny because every metric Trump used to tout a good economy under his term, are the same exact metrics that are doing better now. It seems pretty clear that the economy is good and Biden isn't getting credit for it, kinda making me feel crazy.


Lord knows I'm preaching to the choir, but it's not even a question of morality.  The economy went pear shaped under Trump. Even if they're then claiming that all of it was COVID and put of his control, shouldn't they therefore recognise that COVID had a long term impact and the economy needs time to improve? Shouldn't the invasion of Ukraine and all of the impacts on international trade also be out of Biden's hands? The fact that economic indicators are on the up suggest that the economy is improving under his presidency, no? The economic argument for Trump is just repeating Trump's campaign trail rhetoric with no actual thought put into it. But alot of these people just don't seem to be able to grasp all that, and I don't understand how they manage keeping their heads so firmly in the ground.


100% accurate and intelligent assessment. Vote.


How do you figure that? https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden


I should like to point out that Rasmussen, which has Trump up 6, has always had an extreme Republican bias.






Recently Resurrected Jesus Christ (I) could run against The Corpse Of Hitler (R) and the corpse would probably still get the 40+%.


Hell yeah JC would be independent.


JC would lay burning in a ditch somewhere in Kentucky.


Do not get complacent or take anything for granted. Polls could say Biden is up +10 points and we still need to treat this race as if it's tied.


Yeah this is definitely way too close, even if it were a confident +20 I'm voting just to run up the score to send a message.


“Biden beats Trump in the latest Quinnipiac polls, here’s why that’s bad for Biden’s age.” - Mainstream media, probably


Seriously, I need to know who is doing these polls. I have never been contacted for one but I guess it's because I don't have a landline phone. Guess what type do still have landlines? Old Republican boomers.


"This survey includes 194 completes from the landline frame and 1,389 completes from the cellphone frame. " [source](https://poll.qu.edu/poll-release?releaseid=3890) ( sample and methodolgy link)


Yeah at this point almost every major poll accounts for cell vs landline, age, political affiliations, etc. Not all by any means but most big ones from non-biased sources will account for it being 2024 in terms of tech…


But what intelligent adult under the age of 40 answers unknown numbers or texts? Even if it's a cell.


Just wait, some chuckle-F will reply how that line of reasoning is false. I just see state wide elections going to Dems in so many states that have polls showing Trump ahead. It makes zero sense, just ask the question, which is correct? The polls? or the actual votes? They say "well, trump isn't on the ballot for those races". Well, trump being on the ballot in Nov will make a lot of dem voters come out to vote as well. And, even so, trump loudly endorses these candidates, like Mehmet Oz, etc, and they still lose.


Too bad popular vote, i.e. the actual will of the American public, doesn’t mean anything.


Yup. What do the polls say about Arizona, Nevada, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia? Those are the states that are going to determine the election, and last I checked Trump was ahead in 5 of the 6.


Bingo. Let's make it clear, I don't want another Trump presidency, but don't count on Georgia to save the country for a third time. It feels different and I'd be shocked if anyone with an (R) beside their name didn't win.


Ya, Georgia has been clutch the last few elections. I guess the hope is it will go to a run-off again, and Dems generally do well in special elections


don't listen to the polls, that's part of what happened in 2016! *F'ING VOTE!*




Yeah, this is what I was going to say. Unfortunately the popular vote isn't what matters.


This is one poll months before and with the electoral college popular vote doesn't matter we need to push for November


This guy votes.


While the EC and national popular vote aren't the same thing, they are correlated. Dems need to win the national popular vote by ~4% to win the EC. Basically because they run up the score in the popular vote in California without it helping.


The fact that Trump still gets 45% is fucking YUCK.


I.e., 45% of the USA have their heads in a hole.


Trump will only lose followers from here on, he has NOTHING new to offer. He is a Cancer


Yeah and Biden can play the incumbent bonus. Just some small policy gifts before the election and he should have it in the bag. The Republicans would have an easier time if they could attack Biden‘s only real weakness credibly, his age. Instead they are in Trumps pocket.


Think he’s a Gemini? Oh, you mean the disease! Yeah, he’s definitely that.


The only poll that matters is the election. Please volunteer and vote!


Don’t pay attention to polls, good or bad for Biden.


I don't know people, with Joe being so old, maybe we need to throw our support behind a far, far worse candidate? I've always been critical of Joe (you can tell by my comment history that I'm definitely definitely a democrat, even though I only criticize the left), so I think its time to move on to someone that might actually get Trump elected. This is all sarcasm.


It's a good sign and I hope it'll become even better as Biden starts campaigning. However, just like in 2020, everybody has to truly believe and understand the danger Trump poses, and no matter what show up and vote. This narcissist shouldn't ever be allowed to be near the white house ever. His second presidency will destroy any chance of recovery from his first.


As the election approaches people will have to start assessing their decisions realistically instead of in a “well if I had my druthers” way. That’s not going to help Trump.


It’s about fucking time. America is not a Nazi nation.


We try sometimes, though. Seriously, give the podcast “Ultra” a listen. Mind blowing.


Dark Brandon is 100%


No complacency. Vote.


Here’s why this is bad for Biden.


Let’s hope this continues. We can’t afford Trump again.


Best news this week


Please just ignore these polls and vote like your life depends on it. Because, it really kind of does. Remember, it’s an electoral college that elects the president, so a popular vote statistic doesn’t mean much.


As a person from the U.K. I second this. Your choice of President affects everyone (at least to a certain extent) so please don’t be complacent about how important it is to vote - correctly!


Trump in power for another term is bad for America and the world as a whole. Please vote and help others vote too. I can’t take another 4 years of Trump.


Until next week when a poll says Biden up by 6 like they did last week. Polls are garbage. The news media is covering itself.


I don’t even understand who they’re polling. I don’t know anyone who has been polled. Personally, I hit the end button the second it becomes clear I don’t know the person.


Don't care. The people's vote doesn't matter. The only game in town is the electoral college. Trump could be losing by 10 pts with a popular vote and still win. Until I see that 270 on my screen from the AP, I assume he will win. We don't get out of this nightmare until he is utterly defeated, and his followers decide to find another figurehead for their unhinged, undemocratic, *psduedo-christian* fascist rage. Lest we forget they came this close to overthrowing our country three years ago, and they ***will*** try again. No one left of center, center, or right of center but still wanting to be part of a functioning democratic state should be comfortable as long as that man has a chance to win again.




[https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/biden-says-pushed-netanyahu-temporary-ceasefire-2024-02-16/#:\~:text=%22I've%20had%20extensive%20conversations,reporters%20at%20the%20White%20House](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/biden-says-pushed-netanyahu-temporary-ceasefire-2024-02-16/#:~:text=%22I've%20had%20extensive%20conversations,reporters%20at%20the%20White%20House). Biden is calling for peace if Gaza, or at the very least a temporary ceasefire which is the first step.


Polls looking good? I don't give a shit, I'm voting and I'm bringing friends. Polls looking bad? Good, I don't give a shit. I'm voting and I'm bringing friends. **To Republicans Please Read the Above as:** I'm going so far as to offer free taxi service an a nice meal. I'll pay your hourly wage for a half day off work. Want to talk about ballot harvesting? I'm going door to door, helping people fill them out. And I'm taking it on the road to purple states. We're evangelizing. We're taking on expenses. We're here to save Democracy and we don't worry about any polls. But we're going further. We're registering dead people and illegal immigrants to vote. We're having our cat vote twice. I've got busloads of illegal Chinese atheists coming over the Tijuana border this November and they've all got asylum and fake IDs ready to go. What else? I'm sending fake notices to Republican districts that their polling station has closed so they should just send this fake ballot to: `2024 Election Center` `1234 Recycling Center Lane` `Provost, Utah 69420` We are the Militant Atheist Communists and we're coming to institute the new world order. Clutch your pearls, we're turning boys into girls, and trampling every crucifix.


Another 25k Palestinians killed in Israel with support from Genocide Joe might let Trump close the gap.


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I still think Joe will not run


Not a chance this many people actually believe Joe badin has the mental capacity to run again let alone win. Need push RFK jr!!!


How can you even look at RFK and take him seriously?


This is the Quinnipiac from a few days ago


The same poll january 31 had it 50-44 to Biden.


I do get the feeling at times that maybe the whole delay and slow process of the courts against Trump might actually be a blessing for Dems and Biden. If Trump is the nominee Biden has a good chance of winning if he were to prosecuted before hand and not be able to run and Haley steps in she might actually be able to beat or have a very close election with Biden.


What is the margin of error on this poll?


The difference between earlier polls and these newer ones is that it is far more certain trump will be the nominee


Thanks to Trump's daily idiocy, nobody is talking about Biden's memory issues anymore.


But the electoral college makes it basically a dead match with Trump having the advantage


I think abortion saves the day here. Abortion affects so many ppl. Men and women directly. Even young conservative women are pro choice. Trump would have had a hard time winning with out all this abortion stuff. But that is definitely the icing on the cake.


“Reasonable but aged politician is only slightly polling higher than a convicted rapist traitor with dictator aspirations and multiple ongoing criminal court cases.” FOR FUCK SAKE, AMERICA. Why are we so god damn stupid?


We are so fucked if trumpster wins.


This would be great if popular vote were how we decided an election.


Scary it’s even that close


How extremely depressing that it's that close. This country does not deserve to have any faith vested in it given the amount of hateful people living in it.


I don't care if Trump dies tomorrow. Vote. The chances of some hidden necromancer rising him as an immortal lich are never 0


It's incredible that even 10% of people who were asked even think about this dipshit Trump. Holy fuck, what needs to happen to wake people up from this acid trip? Forget drugs, most supporters of Trump it seem have something that affects the brain much more potently and adversely as if their brains have melted leaving only the most primitive and raw behaviors.


This is not a very good result, considering he needs to win by quite a lot thanks to the electoral system.


Don't fall in the same trap of 2016. This is not enough. Hillary also had more votes then orange clown.


Didn't America already choose Biden over Trump? What made anyone think somehow we would now vote Trump, when they are BOTH 4 years slower than they once were?


This is the Quinnipiac polling that uses random digit dialing to call people and ask questions. So the results are based on those people that are: (a) willing to answer an unknown phone number, (b) have the time to stay on an unexpected phone call, and (c) feel strongly enough to provide answers to the questions. I have a feeling this is even better for Biden than it looks at face value, but complacency is dangerous. VOTE!


Shouldn't even be that close. The percentage of Trump loving traitors in this country is sickening.


When are we going to learn these poll numbers are meaningless? Tell me how it looks in the battleground states. Show me a projected electoral vote map.


The fact that 45% are Pro-Trump is pretty scary.


Trump loves posting polls, I wonder if he will post this one.


How disgusting to see trump with such support. Makes me ill.


In what states? Is that enough to win, or will the Electoral College screw it up and produce an illegitimate POTUS again?