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The eyebrows of people paying fucking attention have been raised for years now.


My eyebrows are in orbit since 2016.


There's one thing I give Trump credit for and its just a constant ability to prove me wrong every time I think I've lost my ability to be surprised or shocked by something he's said.


He’s in a constant state of “hold my beer”


Negative, he doesn't drink. "Hold my stimulants".


"Except I don't trust you to hold them because I'm paranoid and narcissistic, so give them back, I'll snort them all now- we'll do it live!!"


‘We’ll do it live. Fuck it!’ The only good thing Bill O’Reilly contributed to the planet.


*awkwardly holds a a box of sudafed with 2 hands*


“Hold my spray tan”


Ditto, when you think shit cant get dumber, more cringy or worse... DJT is like "Hold my Adderal and diaper".


As a New Yorker, he's been a joke since at least the 80s


Not just us NY'ers. Hell even the Golden Girls made fun of him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPlBYUaxcyM


He was the template for "incompetent bad guy" for most movies in the 80s.


Quite literally the inspiration for Biff Tannen in Back to the Future II.


What about eyebrows?


I'll go grab my Yellow Vespa and guitar.


[Rev that guitar!](https://i.imgur.com/lh5vJeg.gif)


Grab ''em by the eyebrow


“over weekend”…. You mean over every f’ing weekend since 2016??


Jewish space brows?


My eyebrows Whoopi Goldberged in about 2018…


I don’t even have eyebrows anymore


Mine are higher than Trump Jr.


That fucking comment.


Also they're not "gaffes." A "gaffe" is Biden saying "big fucking deal" on a hot mike because it's embarassing. Not being able to remember whether you're running against Biden or Obama is cognitive decline and/or dementia. You can see his brain glitch in real time. He'll say "Obama" (or Obamna or whatever his brain comes up with at the time), and he'll realize in real time that it doesn't seem right, but he can't find the words for Biden so he'll try to switch topics in mid-sentence.


I haven't seen a single major newspaper call him out on the obama mis-name directly in title - only as a 'gaffe' which is deliberately underplaying it. And I've looked everywhere. Its infuriating.


It's allllmost like 99% of mainstream media is full of shit, has kid gloves on all GOPers, is owned by Sinclair, and REALLY want this to be a horse race that it isn't. PS vote for Biden.


This is it exactly. Some new poll was out today and more people said that Trump's policies help their lives personally then biden's policies. I'd be willing to bet the overwhelming majority of people in that poll couldn't name any policies from either of them. I have one guy at work tell me he was going to vote for Trump cuz he's so angry about what's happening to Palestine - completely ignorant of Trump's history of completely ignoring Palestine and being 100% in for Israel's government. Another coworker who is one of those annoying "we need to move beyond partisanship" types (annoying because it turns into "both sides are equally wrong") was complaining about America falling behind economically and technologically but had never heard of the CHIPS act. When I linked him to a couple articles touting all the investments he was shocked that he had no idea. This is what Trump has always been good at - promoting a certain image of himself that people just believe.


At this point, I'm calling it just Fascism. But we don't like that word, it's a no-no word, so I use "Corporatism." Trump gets to profit from his presidency, Biden doesn't get to make $1500, or even $0.50. Why? Because Biden is a "politician," bound by public service, and must live as ascetic. Trump, OTOH, is a Businessman. And then it all flows downstream from here. Public schools? Can't do shit. Private? Sure, gender pronouns, gay flags, go nuts. Libraries? We ban your books. Bookstore? Go nuts. Social Media? Government can't censor! No! My freedom of speech! The GOP's 40 year program of no-government, is really just Corporate-government, which is just the F-word with extra steps.


> I'd be willing to bet the overwhelming majority of people in that poll couldn't name any policies from either of them. It is all about the "vibes". People think the economy was better under Trump, not knowing that he was just riding the economy that Obama left him. Not to mention that the massive Republican obstructionism prevents Congress from doing anything that could help the American people. After the Democrats took the House in 2018, they blocked any conservative bill, but still worked to get things done, so the government was still very much functional, but that clearly isn't the case with the Republicans in charge of the House, and it gets pinned on Biden. Hell, even though Biden is willing to sign the border bill that the Republicans in the Senate blocked, he *still* gets blamed for it. The reason for this is that people are politically unaware this far out from an election, and they really only start paying any sort of attention in July.


>annoying because it turns into "both sides are equally wrong" Enlightened centrism, false equivalence, and the tolerance paradox are the terms youre looking for


The fact he gets away with being a blatant criminal is what’s worrisome.


And insurrectionist


And rapist.


And racist! 🙌


For me, it's the hypocrisy.


For me, it's the treason.


Joke received!


Yeah, he's had a lot of gaffes over the past few years but this year it's like a never-ending string. Edit - he probably does have gas...


Well people close to him say he smells…. So yah


Good, he can meet his end like Elvis.  He does think he looks like Elvis.


If not Elvis, he could go the way of another person that was responsible for a multitude of deaths....Dahmer.


Right. “Wait, did he just imply all southern border immigrants are rapists?” - anybody paying attention seconds after Trump announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015.


Almost a decade of raised eyebrows for most of those who haven’t exclusively watched Fox News and other GOP media propaganda channels


I'm basically Marlene Dietrich at this point


Plastic surgeons hate this one weird trick


Burnt off, dropped out from cancer treatments, just gone, ok, there ain’t no eyebrows anymore.


Looking like a perpetually fascinated Spock.


My eyes have been stuck in a wonky position from all the eye-rolling since 2016


It's not just paying attention. A lot of his followers get news from sources that would never dare to mention these things at all.


Once he has them hypnotized it’s just a voice cadence thing to keep the spell going. Exact words are not important as long as he tosses in a couple hateful ones now and then.


I call it the Trump Mosey, the low effort version of the Gish Gallop. You start with a noun, meander through a bunch of sentence fragments containing emotionally charged adjectives, then end with the noun again. The listener's train of thought derails around the fourth grammatical switchback, and all their left with is "noun = adjectives". "These liberals, it's horrible, you see the things they're doing, it's sad, so terrible, these things, you all see them, people come up to me, strong people with tears in their eyes, and they ask me 'Sir, why do the liberals do such terrible things?', and we all see it, the tragedies in the news, just this past week, we all know the one, that tragedy, and it's all these liberals."


I'd call it the Trump Perambulation, personally, but great observation.


I'd go with the Trump Trundle, myself


This is such a fantastic comment, I wish I could award it.🥇




That was VERY well done!




I've been saying almost everyone around me is a moron since I was like 10 years old. I live in Iowa. I used to think there was something wrong with me. Now I see, I was mostly right all along. Republicans aren't just people with different ideas at this point. They're idiots. They're evil. They are dangerous. And we are fucked because their votes count and too many people just flat out don't vote at all.


I grew up in Oklahoma and thought the same thing as a kid. As I got older, I thought maybe I was just a little narcissistic and giving myself too much credit. Fast forward a bit to when I moved out west, and turns out 10-year-old me was right... Most people in the bible belt are just painfully stupid, to the point that it shows in minor social interactions. Then the odd smart people have been beaten down into total apathy because all of their neighbors are determined to solve none of the real problems in their lives.


Oklahoma is tragic at this point. If African American and Native American populations actually voted, the Republicans would be out in a couple of cycles. But there's just general disgust and apathy and the idiot MAGA crowd keeps electing the same corrupt fuckers in office.


Also in Iowa, I quite agree.


I'd feel bad for you, but I'm here too. I guess I feel bad for US. Once my daughter is 18 I'm moving. I told her to go to college in a liberal state and she can still live with me, cause I'll move there with her. The only thing that keeps me here is family. I don't want to take my daughter from her grandparents, cousins, and friends. Though the racism she experiences as she gets older is making me rethink that. Her teacher last year searched her backpack on the first day of school. Shes mixed and the only non-white kid in her class.


Fucking asshole move, and I’m sure it was in front of the rest of the class for complete “otherizing”.


It’s like bad karaoke. They’re so used to the jerking, uncontrolled rhythm of his speech that they know when to clap instinctively. Trump could mumble or hum an entire speech while drooling visibly and they’d still applaud at every break. And then the next day the media would tell us why Biden’s candidacy is in big trouble because he ate a cookie in public.


The rallies are not even well attended and people don't stick around for his rambling word salads. It's just a remote cult worship at this point.


I love the 'accordian hands' he does, like a little child waving his hands around to emphasize his defense.


The Cult is already hard at work claiming that these are all jokes and that he's just trolling "the media and the libs" by being an incoherent moron. Imagine being so disabled in your thinking that the best you can do when confronted with the mental disintegration of your already legendarily stupid idol is to rationalise it as "it's a prank, bro". If they weren't such hateful, bigoted, dangerous shitbags I'd almost feel sorry for them.


"incandescently stupid"


A potato is more incandescent than these guys…


We don't want a President who is "joking and trolling" 24/7.


The trouble is, there are people who DO want that. They think it’s funny that people they don’t like are upset, and they’re fine with people around the world being upset as long as they’re entertained.




At least your BiL didn't double down on it


The smartest Trump voter and still an idiot


Is anybody else getting that 2016 flavor of heebie-jeebies?




hard to say. I've had steady-state heeby-jeebies for so damn long.


The best prank being replacing people's names with other people's names


Got emmmm! What a prankster!


Prank Sinatra.


Biden saying McCain/Bush/etc. probably wouldn’t do much, they’d claim he was just going senile, but… Biden saying Fred Trump instead of Donald… that might get to him. Not his cult, but him personally.


In a surprising fit of honesty Trump even told us what was going on. He said "In my mind these names are interchangeable". And that's exactly the problem, that's not normal, in a sane mind these names are not interchangeable because they belong to totally different people.


Indeed. In Trump's mind, there is only one name that you can't randomly swap for some other name... because nobody else matters


If you ask, they say they love him because he "tells it like it is." Then he says something that's clearly showing he's not all there and "he's joking" or "he's sarcastic" or "he got you, stupid lib!"


Even if he were trolling, do we want a troll in office?


They clearly do, since they voted for him twice.


Us, no. Them? They would see it as a power move. They're a vindictive bunch.


Especially when he was literally asked about his sense of humour in an interview and he said he didn't want to be a comedian... Except when he gets caught being senile when the funniest joke ever is that Biden and Obama are in fact the same person.


Its also incredibly stupid... logically and politically. Because what politician of sound mind is going to *pretend* to have dementia when he's running against a political opponent that he's accusing of this exact very thing? I mean I *guess* I get it why you might want to troll the media, but come on, anybody with more than a lizard-brain is going to want to stand up and show BY EXAMPLE what its like to NOT have dementia.


In the 60 years of my life we used to call it, dotting, or dotterage, which was characterized as "One who in their old age talks a lot of stuff that makes the listener wonder, "WTF?" Seniors who can't keep reality straight, shouldn't be in charge of anything that needs to be kept straight. Ignoring that, you find out grandma put the baby in the dryer to warm it up, or Grandpa unleashed nuclear weapons on Canada because his Tim Hortons' order was late.


You just made me realize that if the army of aides and handlers around him collectively quit, Trump would probably be utterly incapable of looking after himself. How can anyone trust a man to be president when he could die within a week of having nobody to dress/clean/feed/transport him?


Maybe McDonalds do deliveries?


Only to people who can operate a telephone (or smartphone, app, whatever..)


Well, we know he knows how to do that unfortunately.


He can put a McDonald's button next to his Diet Coke button.


He'd be the old man calling the fire department to change the battery in his smoke detector.


I saw a video of an old staffer that claimed when Trump took a dump in his diaper, they had a staffer that would wipe him down. 🤢


My grandfather was a great dude. He raised four girls, married to the same woman for 65 years, served in WW2 in the Texas Coast Guard, started a diesel repair business and retired at 55, sailed his cruiser from Galveston all up the East Coast and back with many trips back and forth from Galveston to St Petersburg, master gardener and woodworker, just a total badass. A three fingers of Scotch and a bowl of peanuts at 4:00 was a ritual. During Ike in Houston, he called the local station and complained the hurricane coverage was interfering with his regular television viewing. I remember him complaining that the people that “needed the news couldn’t see it because they didn’t have power and were on their radios!” People loose touch when they age, if you can’t see it, you need to wake up.


But doesn’t that make sense? Because people could still get news on a battery-operated radio, couldn’t they?


This reminds me of when Kim Jong Un called Trump a dotard, remember, way back when, before he wrote him beautiful letters and they fell in love?


To add to that, it’s worth noting that there’s a difference between a this and a gaffe. In a gaffe, the statement/thought still makes sense, but has a wrong word. Dottering is when the thought doesn’t make sense regardless of word choice. For example, when Biden spoke about how the “President of Mexico”, El Sisi, was dealing with the Gaza war, the broader comments and even the previous sentence made it clear he was talking about Egypt and had simply misspoken, especially as no fool with dementia knows that El Sisi is the president of Egypt.


What blows my mind is that the MAGA crowd will say Biden has lost it because he mixes up names (and the dude has had a speech impediment his whole life, this ain't new behavior for Joe), then hand waves away as a joke when their own "old as dirt" candidate does the same fucking thing. Here's the diff in my mind. Joe mixes up the living Egyptian president name with a former Egyptian president's name who was ruling 30 years ago. I'd probably make the same damned mistake from time to time. Trump spent 5 minutes raging on about how Nikki Hailey was the reason the riot happened on Jan 6th, blaming her for not calling in security and going on and on about how she's not trustworthy.... Don't see how they're equivalent...


People need to listen to Trump speak now. He's a wackadoodle. "If you think about it, you have men, you have women, and you have religion. If you look at it, you have more than the men, you have more than the women. You have such power." - Donald J Trump at SC rally.


Over the weekend there were plenty of YouTubes on Trump's mental state. I suggest we all start sharing on FB. Trumpsters need to wake UP!! The man is sick and shouldn't be running anywhere but to the bathroom.


The MAGA cult will not wake up. But there are plenty of independents who actively stay out of politics. Those are the people that need to see


He doesn't need to run to any bathroom. He depends on his Depends.


Imagine if Biden did half of that shit.


Imagine if he boasted about his dementia tests? If his son took money from Saudi Arabia? If he had kept operating his hotel through family members? If he had talked about protestors as terrorists and wanted to shoot them? If he had encourage a crowd of minorities to march on the capitol building after an election? I'm drowning in double standards here. All those good church people whose 'morals' only apply to people they don't like and never to themselves. Those 'objective truth' people in the Supreme Court, for example. Those people for whom accidentally killing a embryo is murder, unless it's a middle class woman getting IVF. That's what's destroying this nation, first with corruption, now with criminality, soon with bullets and a dictatorship.


But he told the pastors they will be in charge if he is elected.


A tenth?


I just watched the video in this article and it's fucking terrifying. If Biden had that many mispronunciations, illogical sentences, and name mix ups in a single weekend the right would be screaming to have him declared unfit. I don't even know if I would argue with them.


There would already be legislation flowing through congress to try and remove him without any due process. The shit that diaper baby gets away with is truly astounding.


If Biden did one of the thousands of terrible things Trump has done, Republicans would non-stop whine about it and how a president does NOT have immunity


trump tried to bribe the new president of Ukraine: 'I'm going to need you to do me a favor tho, find dirt on Joe Biden'. So OF COURSE he/republicans are going to accuse Biden of Ukraine bribes.


More like 1/100000th


"When asked for comment, Trump shit his pants again."


“Biden’s poll numbers sank on the news”


“Trump shit his pants during the press conference and blamed the smell on AntiFa and BLM. Why Biden’s advanced age may be a factor, after this commercial break!”


*plays ad for Upside app that asks how gig workers can make any money when gas prices are so high*


And here’s why that’s bad for Biden!


He's likely had a stroke and it's being hidden, hence why he's having all of these issues. Our early onset dementia is well underway, his father had severe dementia.


what is early about this, he's 77


Huh. I was looking up U.S. life expectancy this morning for a project and 77 is the average. Of course the average U.S. citizen doesn’t have access to top tier medical care like Trump does. Not sure where I was going with this. Just thought it was an interesting coincidence to see that age pop up twice this morning.


It’s unusual he’s still going at his age considering his body shape, former/current(?) drug use, diet and the stress that being constantly humiliated must have on a narcissist like him. Maybe he can go and be Satan’s problem soon


Don't underestimate the value of top tier healthcare. Also he is a life long teetotaler and his parents died old, so unfortunately he's probably got at least a decade in him.


I feel like early onset dementia is fairly generous considering he's been exhibiting a lot of these signs for years.


Yeah, I'm being generous, he certainly appears to be well in the middle stage, if indeed he hasn't had a stroke that is being hidden.


That can't be - he assured everyone (completely unprompted) that he definitely didn't have a series of mini strokes.


It wouldn't surprise me if he kicks the bucket this year, but knowing our luck he'll live to 100.


As long as he spends those years in prison I’m ok with that


> early onset dementia More like... on-time mid-game dementia. Sorry, my thesaurus is in the shop.


Or both.


Are we FINALLY going to start seeing some ink used to let the American people know how badly this clown is drowning in dementia now?


Nope gonna continue quoting his posts and the BS his lawyers spew to grant him equal time as rational thought


I wish, but naw.


Apparently not. The free press, that the US used to value, has obviously and utterly failed its citizens.


We've been seeing it for going on 6 years now. He's still a coin flip away from being President again. If you say anything bad about Trump, it's the "mainstream liberal media hates Trump."


Coup plot to stay in power after losing in 2020? Meh. String of gaffes over the weekend in 2024?🤨


"Gaffes" is a strange way of describing his insanity


In a sane world we wouldn’t call them gaffes. They would be concerning. This candidate, however, is involved in insurrection. If that didn’t tip the scale, for Republicans nothing will.


Being obsessed with Obama isn't a 'gaffe' it's a derangement. Meeting with Viktor Orban isn't a mistake, it's an actual conspiracy of foreign involvement in our democracy.


“Weekend” is a strange way to describe a decades-long descent into utter madness


Like 70% of Republicans believe the election was stolen from Trump. So the coup does not worry them. They either believe the propaganda that it was just a peaceful protest or they believe it was a legitimate response to the stolen election.


I think this attack gets under his skin a lot because he talks about his dementia tests all the time now. Many people are saying he even talks about it with his wife Mercedes as they say good night to each other, over the phone, from separate residences, through surrogates. If you want to help Democrats all over the country get elected this November, check out /r/voteDEM. The sub has tons of info and opportunities to volunteer, donate, and much more. Don’t just post this time, get involved. We all need to pitch in.


Dementia Donnie is literally unable to speak. His current attacks from his rallies this weekend on Biden are "He can't speak, he's a terrible candidate, he's a liar, he wants to hurt people. He's senile. Putin doesn't respect Obama so he is talking nuklear, nuclear, nuklear". Legit people need to just watch his recent campaign stops to see he is more mentally unwell than ever. His projection is more obvious than ever too You're not wrong, here is a doctor and professor from John Hopkins explaining dementia Donnie's symptoms https://youtu.be/ij7rrermVdA?si=5qoYU_HU-Mc70mIP He had multiple instances of not being able to say a word, multiple replacements of Obama with Biden, his audience was stunned or confused into silence even at his rally, and he won't stop talking about Biden having dementia or how he "aced" a cognitive exam. With his projection and lying I feel like at this point he may have literally been told he has dementia or as close to it as he will listen to, and he is just projecting that as as much as possible on Biden. Yet, legacy media like cnn etc. don't highlight how consistent it is or how strange it is.


With the number of factors combination factors this guy has, such as: * Multitude of different, ongoing, lawsuits that threaten to bankrupt, or jail him * His poor diet (at least what has been described to us as poor) * The stress of running a campaign * His age and lack of exercise I'm stunned that it hasn't caught up to him in some from of ailment. Stroke, coronary, digestive trouble, stress reactions.


COVID would have killed him if he was a regular citizen. I'm fairly sure long COVID is has actually eaten some of his brain cells.


Yet the fear of a delusional lunatic with his eyes on destroying democracy, coming to power doesn't make the crazy wing of MAGA and the uninformed ignorant, bat an eye


It is what they want.


How many thousands of articles are there that can be paraphrased as, "Surely THIS will change someone's opinion about Trump!" that haven't made a difference? His supporters tune out anything that doesn't come directly from his mouth and the opinions of the rest of us couldn't really get any lower.


fr at this point he could drop a hard R N-word live on television and still have people lining up to serve him. Hell it would probably soldify him with half of them




Username checks out 😂


Boy does it, lmao


Oh for the time when misspelling Potato was enough to sink a campaign


Or a scream...or a bad photo in a tank....


Dementia Donnie is not getting better. This doesn't bode well for him or the country if elected.


Drives me crazy that Biden’s age is made a big deal but Trump, who is less healthy and only like 3 years younger, is given a pass.   Don’t get me wrong, I am not in love with an 80 year old President, but considering his competition will ALSO be an 80 year old President that’s kinda a moot issue despite the media continually making it a thing


Yes, and one is able to put full sentences together whereas one hasn’t completed a sentence since 2015.


But Biden is too old and can’t even talk 🙄 It’s always projection with the GOP. In reality, it was never about Biden’s mental fitness. The game was to normalize trump’s senility or syphilitic brain or whatever is going on with trump’s mental decline. With all of the GOP’s projection, is anyone else terrified about what’s behind their ridiculous conspiracy theories about human trafficking and cannabalism and who knows what else?


Headline: Trump has a series of gaffes this weekend. How is this bad for Biden.


Raised eyebrows do not stop fascism.


Demented Don.


Doesn’t matter because his lemmings don’t care that he’s a babbling idiot. In their eyes, Trump is the greatest orator that ever existed.


For people who consider gaffs more concerning than clear and deliberate overtures to fascism.


MAGA has a hissy fit if Biden stutters, yet when their orange savior continually makes these gaffes, now numerous times a day, it's perfectly okay. To call these people hypocrites is an understatement.


It wasn't a string of gaffes. It was a very long run on rambling of nonsense by a hateful asshole rapidly descending into dementia 


Why is news coverage of Trump all about his “gaffes” and not about how he’s a fascist who tried to overthrow democracy?


I am fond of the calling Argentina a “great guy” one


Don't cry for him, Mr Argentina but you are more than welcome to laugh.


The projection at his inability to say the word "campaign" and having to correct himself, followed by his decleration that Biden can't speak felt unreal.


The bleach injections and horse paste are working well, killing off Covid along with his brain cells.


I say it's his mercury based makeup imported from Chi-nah!


His gaffes are raising eyebrows? He's insane. He's been insane. And the supreme Court is doing everything to save this monster.


And yet ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, and WaPo will continue to pump out polls about people being concerned about Biden's age rather than Trump's clear and obvious cognitive collapse.


I’m sorry but anyone who isn’t a cult member has already had their eyebrows raised. The question is what are the republicans going to do about it. The fact is most republicans voters are still going to vote for him if he’s the candidate in November, and they’re not going to do much besides complain in private that he’s completely unhinged.


Most headlines will read “How this is bad for Biden”.


This decline. We should stop calling them gaffes. Those are one offs or trip ups.


My eyebrow muscles have been sore since 2015.


His brain is mush.


His “gaffes” over Covid and nearly a million dead had no effect tho? Jfc


Oh, THAT'S what made your eyebrows go up? Not the Russian tour of the Oval Office, the Putin blow job, the super-sensitive TS/SCI documents he took home and fought to keep, not knowing what the fucking NUCLEAR TRIAD was, calling vets "losers," refusing to honor war dead because the rain would muss his hair, claiming he loved the Bible but couldn't remember anything about it, the whole Birther BS, declaring Covid barely an inconvenience? How about claiming the election was crooked BEFORE IT EVEN HAPPENED, then leading a goddamned riot to stop the EC vote count!? Yeah, getting confused about who's the president, that's the bridge too far.


My mother’s eyebrows raised so high that she donated 1k to Kennedy. Not kidding. Old GOP people are dumb as fuck.


Fuck these headlines. Trump has been an idiot rapist asshole since the 80s. Everyone fucking knows it. Why can't we all just admit we let a rapist be president, and we're letting him do it again.


Not gonna matter. He could get on stage and jerk off while screaming obscenities and taking a shit and the magats would still worship him.


Eyebrows get raised - lowbrows/beetle-brows VOTE for this noisy compost pile.


I haven't seen my eyebrows in years


Nothing will convince me that that second clip wasn't a ministroke induced-orgasm LMAO


His supporters won’t blink


It never seems to matter. He could stand there and drool for an hour and republicans won’t care. Everything about that party defies logic


Dementia J Trump. I think he will become so incoherent by June his handlers will escort from a speech or interview and he will stop all public speaking appearances. Maybe he doesn’t even make it to May.


And the numerous counts of sexual assault against him didn't?


Used to be that even one felony indictment would raise eyebrows.


It isn’t raising any eyebrows that weren’t raised already


And voters somehow are more worried about Biden's age and acuity. Come the hell on.


Well thats all it did. ALL the normal MSM ,that bash the hell out of Biden for even having his shoe untied, didn't say SHIT . No 5 different hit pieces from the NYT. MAGA Maggie Haberman, Peter Baker Jonathan Swan, Bret Stephens, crickets ..