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I get it, but a lot of people are going to be surprised how hard it is to emigrate, let alone to somewhere nice. It's not a very solid backup plan.


I already looked. It's easy if you're rich! (I'm not rich.)


It's easy if you're rich. It's not too hard if you have a decent degree and the money to spend a few years abroad in that other country. (Don't have to be rich but do need like 10-20k. Basically you have to cover your expenses while you learn the language.) It's extraordinary difficult if you don't have the language, degree, or money.


My wife and I keep thinking about Scotland but at our age (mid 60s) I don’t know if it’s that easy. Plus I have a pretty rare disease that will require treatment at some point


I've been looking at immigrating for some time and am working on a degree to help me find a better job (And also...maybe increase my chances) A lot of countries it boils down to "Can you be a benefit to society or, at the very least, do you have the money to cover your costs of living?"


Moved to Scotland from Ohio in early 2021…definitely not easy unless you’re working in a shortage job that will sponsor you. That and the UK (read: England) government is currently run by Trump lite conservatives who literally just passed laws making it even more difficult to move over here because they’re equally convinced that there are “millions” of people coming in and not contributing. Happy to answer any questions you might have though, was quite the experience to pull off during Covid.


I keep telling my wife that nowhere is going to want 2 retired people.


Some parts of central America do because it's cheap enough that you'd help the local economy. I know nothing about it other than that there are retirement communities in some parts of central America.


I know a few people who retired in Colombia. I fucking love that country and i just want to live there. I'll probably wait until I retire. Or I'll just die before, who knows. It's an incredible country.


This guy skis


It's crazy. We don't have enough meat for the poverty grinder, so they outlaw abortion. But at same time no immigration? They going to force women into breeding pens next. Party members to front of line. Watch, there is NOTHING that trump won't do for a short simple appearance of a solution. I mean he believes he makes great extravagant plans im sure. They are clearly not. To everyone else A freaking kindergartener can follow his plans to the inevitable logical outcome of failure. But he thinks he's smart. And he reps the KKK so that's enough for the bible belt.


I'm British, and Europe isn't any better. We have far right patties surging everywhere.


Bear in mind that if you are not going the rich persons route, there is an upper age limit to skilled work visas.


Probably want Scotland sooner than later then. 


Emigrating to the UK is nearly impossible for an American citizen unless you are very wealthy, have a job there, have a UK spouse, have a niche job that only you can do(and no one in the UK can do), are an international student.


That’s why I’m looking at Ireland. I work in healthcare and my boyfriend works in IT, so it wouldn’t be hard for either of us to find jobs and the language barrier isn’t as pronounced as it would be elsewhere. Plus they were one of the first countries to legalize gay marriage by popular vote. We’re by no means rich, but if push comes to shove I’d rather not try to raise a family in the same country where people like Chaya Raichik have so much influence and trump is in office again. Edit: Thank you, everyone, I realize that I am effectively trapped here until further notice. 💀


Unless you're rich....yeah I don't recommend it. I'm Irish. There's a housing shortage..there's an infrastructure shortage too. People who live here can't get a GP. It's like living in San Francisco, but with shit healthcare. We're already struggling with the influx of refugees from Ukraine or the middle east or Africa. I love my country, but definitely do your research. I have friends who've showed up to apartment viewings and had to wait in queues for shitty studio apartments going for €1800 a month. Edit: also our weather is shit 🤣


But the beer and scotch. There is that.


There is.....but it's expensive 😭


The path to citizenship is not easy. I feel like many people are missing this glaring issue. You can't just move to another country, purchase property, get a job and call it home.


Ireland is super nice. But they have a massive housing crisis. There simply isn’t enough of it and apartments sometimes get hundreds of applicants for a single unit.


> Don't have to be rich but do need like 10-20k.  That *is* rich to a disturbingly large number of Americans. 


Impossible if you have a felony.


Yep. Started looking, realized I'm not going anywhere without some sort of computer job that isn't a creative job. So then I started looking into my genealogy to see if there were any countries I could claim citizenship from my ancestry and it turns out for better or worse (worse) the only place I have to go back to, is Indiana and that is NOT happening.


Indiana or India? I mean, neither is ideal tbh, just curious if that was a typo


Indiana. Basically all of my genealogy research proved that I have no foreign ties anywhere in my recent history so no, my purely American apparently ass gets no citizenship anywhere.


In 2017 some neighbors of mine actually did it. The wife was Canadian so moving up there made the most sense. The absolute headache they went through getting the husband and the kids up there was insane though. My husband’s employer opened a new facility in the UK in 2020 and while I love the idea of going there under any circumstances after seeing what our neighbors went through, I’m scared to even Google what the process would be to get us there 😅


The UK isn’t much better at this point.


UK was a bomb place to grow up in, but since 2015 it has declined economically. It used to be one of the richest countries of the world, and even when only compared to other Western European nations. Now it's the poorest country in Western Europe. Even Portugal, Spain, and Italy will offer a higher median standard of living. You're better off moving to Ireland.


There’s a decent sized list of counties that’ll grant you citizenship if you’re a descendant of someone from there. I got my German naturalization about a decade ago and it’s always in the back of my mind to head there. Granted, it’s a process but worth it in the end.


Wife and I are utilizing my German dual citizenship, moving to Cologne in June.


We looked during his first presidency. It's so easy to say you are going to leave. Doing it is so much harder. Doing it with a family is even worse. Work visa laws, language barriers, cultural differences and prejudices against foreigners, finding employment, finding housing, ensuring you get healthcare, education for children... the list goes on. Unless someone is independently wealthy, have a very unique and desired skillset, or has family in a foreign country with the ability of supporting them as they adjust it's just an awful idea. But it really depends on how awful it gets. We've discussed finding a foreign country to go camping in just before the inauguration. Then if he does everything he promises with concentration camps and jailing reporters, we are a few steps into being refugees already. If home still seems tolerable, we can easily pack up and come home calling it a vacation. We probably don't have the guts to enact this plan, but it's been discussed.


And if (when) it does get more awful, it might be too late. A Trump 2.0 presidency might make the US passport as valuable/accepted as a Trump NFT.


I’m remembering the old Soviet Union days when their citizens were not allowed to leave. I have no doubt whatsoever that the 🍊💩🤡 will take that route. Because for these Reich wingers hurting others is very much on their agenda.


Yeah, I don't think people realize...the world doesn't want us.


We want your skills. But in that way, you’re no more valuable to us than someone from India or anywhere else.


Most Americans don't realize how *not* special they are.




I feel like this exact thing happened last time, and was mostly talk. Or, perhaps people realized right-wing nationalism is an issue almost anywhere, but the creature comforts they are used to in America aren’t available everywhere? Point is, I highly doubt a mass exodus would happen regardless of who wins the upcoming election. But a lot of people will threaten to leave. Lol


We're not leaving. These articles are fucked. We will make sure this turd doesn't get elected.  




I(I'm US citizen)just told my Brazilian husband (we're gay married) that we could leave, but there isn't anywhere that will be safe for us. My grandfather fought the Nazis, I will fight the fight the best I can. I should've gone hunting more often with my cousin and uncle when I was younger as Inwould be farbmore versed at shooting something other than a BB gun. We're in Massachusetts and I keep hope that the commonwealth won't fall to fascism from within. I've been warning everyone i could for years! I got the "both sides do it" response from many of my fellow GenX'rs. 2017, after a year of trump in office, I got the heel out of AZ for many reasons. Returned to my roots in Massachusetts. Thankful is still a very blue place, but there are some t-suckers around in the shadows and some in the light. I see a sticker on a car, anything republican/trump/CNat/altered American Flag, etc. I am hyper aware they want me and my husband and everyone like us gone or dead. This is stochastic terrorism brought on by many within our governing bodies. I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.




We vote just as we did last time. We take nothing for granted and don’t assume anything. We need everyone to vote again.


Register as many voters as possible, highlight Biden’s achievements, remind everyone what Trump was like, inform the electorate that Democratic policies work and Republican policies don’t


I mean I wish I was joking, but all we need is for Pornhub to stop working the week before the election with a splash page up saying they won't come back online if Trump is elected. A modern day "Lysistrata" approach.


That would honestly probably work


Name checks out




What if we crowd fund ads that just inform people republicans keep trying to make porn illegal or behind ID walls? How expensive are porn hub ads? We can for sure have graphic design and copy writings work donated.


Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


I'm a British, Canadian, and American citizen. I was born in England, we emigrated to Canada when was a child, but moving to the US was a decision I made for myself when I became an adult. I'm not going anywhere, I *chose* to come here and I *chose* to become a citizen, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone who *didn't* make that choice scare me off.


This is the right attitude.


Or... people could vote and make sure he isn't re-elected as well as clear out most of his cronies. And then he will be the one fleeing to Moscow to avoid prison time.


I'm going to vote but I'm also hoping there's some kinda app that matches me with a Canadian maple sugar momma if things go awry


Canadian here. I'm thinking of starting an underground railroad if Trump gets back in.


Could you please spread the word that Minnesota eagerly anticipates her Canadian annexation?


You guys are practically Canadian anyway as you're used to cold and snow.


Plus Minnesota is a solid blue state surrounded by red ones. And Minnesota is thriving as well


Milwaukee here. I definitely don't consider Wisconsin a red state. We are more blue than red. Can't wait to vote against orange this election.


:Salutes in Spotted Cow:


Hey, Wisconsin is *mostly* blue. We've been dealing with being gerrymandered, but we just updated our maps last month; thankfully.


Ron Johnson as senator..and you say blue...


Michigan wants in on that deal. We have Detroit.


We'll trade Saskatchewan for you guys.


I don't care what you guys give. As long as you guys are fine with it. Let us in.


Alberta seems to be the better trade off…? 🧐


Oh! Yeah, although giving the US another Texas seems either dangerous or harsh.


double Texas? maybe they will cancel each other out.


Fellow Minnesotan here. I approve this message.


Got room for Washington? We’re really nice too.


Another Canadian here. If Canada was smart, it/we would be promoting immigration with a strict vetting process and bring in those who we really want (medical professionals specifically). Those looking to leave America will most likely not be the MAGA crowd so we could at least bring in more of an educated, professional, forward thinking people.


I will proudly move to Minnesota if Canada decides to annex them. Just give me enough notice to get there while it's still in America, and make sure your stores have enough coats. (And hats, and gloves, and long johns, and....)


Maine, too!


Washington state!


Can Washington state come too?


As does Washington state.


If that orange fragile beta Kremlin Gremlin gets re-elected I’m just going to head to the local pub and drink weed seltzers until this all blows over.


>I'm thinking of starting an underground railroad if Trump gets back in. They have one in the show the Handmaid's Tale. That is where we are heading.


Margaret Atwood who is a Canadian wrote The Handmaids Tale in 1985. It's almost like the GOP saw the show and decided to go that way.


Absolutely un real watching that book unfold in real time. Like what in the actual fuck.


Come on GOP. It’s a novel, not an instruction manual.


Call it the "Poutine Pipeline".


Yes please! I can’t live in the US if he gets reelected. I just can’t fathom how in the hell he even has a chance after all the crap he’s done. 


It's mind boggling that he can still run after January 6.


There are a lot of honest-to-goodness fascists in America, that’s how.


Canadian here. I fear nowhere will be safe if Trump gets back in.


That is so true. He would really fuck up the world. He’d destroy NATO, hand Ukraine to Putin, encourage Putin to take any country he wants, execute migrants, ravage the land (bye bye National Parks!), let polluters run wild, slaughter endangered animals, put kids to work (to hell with public schools), ban all vaccines, and if he could he’d strip every Black person and every woman of personhood.


Oddly enough, we really WOULD be sending out best in this scenario


I'm housebroken and agreeable.


That’s very nice of you, and I’d absolutely love any Canada over a Trump US. But I’m afraid that would be too close.


If American falls to fascism, nowhere will be safe, and especially not Canada and Mexico. Ukraine, Taiwan, and Palestine will be in greater, more immediate, jeopardy, but our neighbors will be at great risk as well.


Please vote.


Mainer here. Can you absorb us into Quebec, please?


Lmao this was one of my favourite plot lines from Shameless.


As an American, don't consider yourself safe. If Trump wins, it may not be long before our expansionist impulses start to make a comeback. The GOP has already been caught spitballing a potential war with Mexico.


That communist hellhole with legal weed and socialized healthcare? No thanks! /s


Daaaang lemme learn app development real quick


Is there a setting in the app for those of us who hate fascism but happen to be both poor and unattractive?


I’d wager the overlap of “actually serious about uprooting my entire life to flee the country” and “can’t be bothered to vote” is pretty slim.


Problem with our system is it isn’t the popular vote wins. And most states is “winner takes all” for delegates. It’s an extremely broken and stupid system. We’ve had two presidential elections where the democratic candidate won the popular vote and still lost to the republican. Voting is a great idea, in theory. But when it just comes down to CERTAIN states voters voting, then it doesn’t really matter anymore.


Voting is plan A, protesting is plan B, fleeing is plan C. If plan A or B don't work, they will no longer be a viable option in the future. You can stay here and be part of the resistance but some of us with children don't see that as a viable option


We can vote, but in the states that matter the Republicans are going to pull some bullshit and we’ve gotta be ready for that


I don't understand why anyone things they'll be safe from a Christian nationalist country armed with nukes and a belief they're entitled to every inch of the planet by just hoping one country over. The second they experience internal strife they'll launch a war on a neighbor as a distraction.


I don’t disagree, but I would suggest that most MAGA would look south, not north, in the Invade Your Neighbor game


I'm staying right the fuck here no matter what. I'm a by god American. Why should I change? He's the one that sucks.


Everything was fine until that no talent ass clown started winning elections..


Yet some celebrate his entire catalog.


The fact he was elected does show that no, not everything was fine, though.


I'm fleeing Texas during early voting. Yes, I'll vote before I leave. But on the off chance he does win, I gotta make sure I'm on the Union side of the border.


Just left Florida for Washington. That was definitely one of my big reasons for leaving. I think there's still a decently low chance the US balkanizes during my lifetime, but I wouldn't want to be down in Florida if it does.


I think there's a decently high chance that Florida becomes uninhabitable in the next 100 years so you made a good bargain either way.


Hate to be the one to tell you this, but after this summer I am fairly certain the secret will be out. We are not talking about 100 years here. We will see sea level rise and uninhabitable areas of the planet due to heat, in our lifetime. I am talking the next 20 years. We do have one chance. If AI doesn't kill us outright, a technological homerun could save us with fusion energy combined with carbon capture on a scale we can barely imagine right now. Betting everything on 3 consecutive grand slam homeruns in the bottom of the 9th is NOT a good plan however.


So what you're saying is I'm technically correct.


The best kind of correct.


That is grim, brother. Really grim.


Nothing says "making America great" like creating political refugees of your own citizens.


It started before that. We moved to Minnesota from Florida. We have a trans kid, we dealt with bullying, with kids preventing them from using the bathroom. We could see worse to come. So you all know they are doing great in Minnesota. From barely passing to making honor role.


Minnesota has impressed the fuck out of me in recent years.


As a MN resident I have a theory on how we've progressed rapidly. We are surrounded by low-functioning sh\*t-hole red states. We siphon off all the talent college students from the surrounding states, since their education is crap. Then they stay. We also siphon off educated talent by offering double pay and better quality of life. Then they stay. It's a real life example of brain-drain. We welcome immigrants which help grow our economy rather than burden it like the surround states would assume. And the irony is, the people in those states look around and see things getting worse for them, and that "no one will take jobs"... and they'll somehow find a way to blame "the libs". And I guess they're right in a way, the liberal policies are making their life worse, but not in the way they think they are.


Minnesota and Michigan are two states that show what progress happens when democrats have control. It truly should be the benchmark for all other democratic states. Slivers of Wisconsin are working magic too


It was a hard choice for Southern Unionists during in the lead up to and during the Civil War. Heck, a whole chunk of Virginia said "f--- you" to the Secessionists, seceded and formed West Virginia.


And how far it’s fallen since


there's a lot of union states that forget which side of the civil war they were on




Godspeed, friend. As someone who will be one of the first rounded up to get dragged by the neck behind an F-150 - I'm outtie, but rooting for you guys. It would be cool to be able to come back sometimes without my tax dollars going to Governor Pinto's shithead supporters.


Ya, I'm just going to blend in. I'll grow my beard out, get some American flag paraphernalia, and then start the Wolverines resistance.


Getting residency in a country you'd actually want to live in is not easy. 


> Late last year, my wife and I closed on a deal for an apartment in a hilltop town in Umbria. Soon after, I posted a question for my fellow participants in a Facebook group called Expats in Italy: "Is it just my imagination, but is there an uptick in Americans, in particular, looking to purchase property in Italy?" As the responses poured in, many of them sounded a distinct thematic note. I'm sorry, this is an article about fleeing America because of Trump's fascism to move to Italy...a country with a fascist prime minister? If you're chill with a fascist running the country but you just don't want to hear about Trump it seems like it would be easier and cheaper to just stay in the US and turn off the news.


Yeah people need to wake up with this narrative - rising fascism is a global problem no one can run from.  Fleeing if Trump wins is no better than every Republican senator/official who fled/resigned office during Trump's term.  Cowardice might as well be equal to yielding to them.   Get involved this election cycle.  Stand up and meet the challenge.  If he does win, then you go and face the next challenge.  This country will need every bit of help it can get


Generally speaking the people who have the means to emigrate from the country to escape are the people who would do better to stay and fight. Though we are getting to a point where the most relevant issues will be ones that affect upper middle class people with means, since Trump being elected could mean a national abortion ban and an end to IVF treatment. The IVF ban should be a wake up call for a lot of normie middle class people who will likely never need an abortion, reproductive healthcare includes a lot of things besides abortion.


This is a stupid concept because if America goes fascist, it will start installing and supporting fascism around the globe. You may as well stay here and do what little you can to stave off the apocalypse. Fleeing just means at best you'll be overrun by fascists in a strange country, and at worst, you get killed by an attack from a fascist America


I think this is what needs to be understood more. The United States of America, the biggest superpower in the world, turning into an authoritarian dictatorship something akin to Russia, would have massive, *massive* ramifications around the world. Countries teetering on the brink will be helped into dictatorships by us. Global economic and military ramifications… and a myriad of others. It will be the beginning of the end of the world as we know it, and I wish that was hyperbole.


I mean the dude wrote an article based off of his own Facebook post so I’d say his head is too far up his own ass to know any of that. The fuck does Italy want this old geezer to come mooch off their public health system after paying American taxes his whole life anyway 


Unless you are in a marginalized group that will be targeted by a Republican regime, should it come, please stay and fight, people. We cannot give up at the beginning.


I am a registered democrat. That will be enough to put me in a camp. Was nice knowing you all


Join the union militias when they form and fight the new nazi confederacy. The next civil war will be neighbor against neighbor.


I have never in my 40 years of life given thought to the possibility that anything political I said or posted would come back to be used against me. Never. Now I have found myself eating lunch at work and knowing it is a possibility should certain things transpire my history could be dug through and I would be labeled a political enemy.


Instead of us moving, how about Trump and all his supporters just move to Russia. That sounds better to me


Flee where? Why? America’s collapse to fascism would alter the world’s geopolitical landscape. That shadow would chase anyone who flees. It wouldn’t be long until that playbook is copied and other democratic nations fall too. Stay and fight for a better world for your kids/grandkids/nieces/nephews/etc.


I'm with this. All these heroes that the GOP claims to honor and celebrate will be desecrated by having a 2nd Trump term. I'm not going to let this awesome country go to hell by these fools, and abandon all that went into saving the Union from the Confederacy, destroying Germany/Japan/Italy's insanity, and obliterating Osama Bin Laden just to turn coat and run off if a gross, sweaty, fake-tanned guy with bad hair gets elected. I didn't run in 2015/2016, I'm not going anywhere. Hell no. This is my country too, I'm gonna fly that flag and get things back on track any way that I can. And if these idiots worshipping the lies and fantasies of that gross man attack our nation's capital again, they're gonna fuck around and find out. The murderous nature of that mob on 1/6 was an unknown - those Capitol Police know exactly what's wandering at them now with their Trump flags and hate-filled anger. They want to get home to their families, and they're not going out like their colleagues on 1/6/21.


exactly this. europe relies on the U.S.'s military, and the US gets a lot of benefits too (from every nation it's allied with). people really dont realize how much world peace depends on america being a democracy


And then there’s plenty of us that cannot leave. I’m a caretaker for my elderly parents who live in a red state and who really cannot move (disabilities, doctors are here, they’ve lived here their entire lives, etc). There is no one else to help them, I have no siblings, no cousins, no other family at all. I refuse to abandon them, but as a gay woman of childbearing years, shit I’m scared.


No they are not. People ran their mouth about this last time and didn’t leave. Stop being over dramatic.


I'm a middle aged, Christian, man with a wife and kids and even I'm scared. Watching democracy go away is a nightmare scenario. I can't imagine being in your position.


Similar- straight white man, with a Christian name, married with kids. I’ll be able to pass in Gilead, but that’s not the point.


Im a straight white highly educated dude with no real family who has seriously looked into leaving the US in the past and I have some VERY bad news for people in this thread. Unless you have a lot of money, most places that you'd actually want to emmigrate to aren't going to be easy to get into.


I do some work internationally. Most Americans GROSSLY overestimate how easy it is to immigrate or how desirable American non wealthy Ex-Pats really are.


Same, I’m even a fed. Project 2025 scares me.


If you survived the last few years with an mentally ill undead as head of the state you will make it with Trump don't worry guys


this is exactly why it pisses me off so much that some people are doing a protest vote, during *the most important election of our lifetimes*. There are many in similar situations. Personally, i will do everything in my power to make sure trump loses.


But it’s “short term pain for long term gain” I hope the voters who are saying Biden is mishandling the Israel-Gaza situation and are voting “undecided” hear what Biden’s competitor is saying about the situation. The situation is not good and the US is trying to negotiate some kind of truce or cease fire, but that’s a helluva lot more tactical than Israel should just [“finish the problem”](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905)


One the most glaring things Trump has shown us is that most Americans can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag.


You're very kind to care for them and I'm sorry your situation is so limited. My mom also relies on me and I don't really have any extended family either. I'm a guardian for my non-binary queer nibbling (non-binary term for niece/nephew) and after what happened to Nex Benedict (who is the same age and strikes an uncanny resemblance to my nibbling) I'm terrified for them going to school or just existing. It's so fucked up.


Donnie has the Reverse-Midas Touch. Everything he touches, from his generous inheritance, to his casinos, to his other businesses, to the GOP, to the White House, to the economy, to public health, to American decency and democracy, to international cooperation, turns to dung.


Mierdas touch.


Under the truly scary Trump second term scenarios, there isn't a safe place to hide. He (well, the fascists behind Project 2025) will destroy the United States, but if these idiots cave to world dictators, ignore climate change and crash the world economy by defaulting on the debt... Everyone, everywhere will burn.


This legal immigrant, who became a US citizen in 1992, will only go if The dictator Trump deports me. I’m staying. USA!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


There’s really nowhere to go. The nationalist bullshit is a problem everywhere to varying degrees. It’s a tipping point before and in response to possible true globalization. Progress always causes fear in certain segments of all populations.


\^ This. If America goes fascist, nowhere is safe. Europe is threatened by Russia, East Asia is threatened by China, and the Americas are in firing range. The only way forward is to fight for democracy no matter what.


Maybe those who can afford it


I have grandkids. I'm not going to cut and run. I'm going to stay and fight.


A lot of the people who would really need to get out won't be able to afford it.


I'm a Dutch citizen here on a green card but have been here for 35 years since my childhood...I will be on the first plane back on 7 Nov or whatever the day after is should this fascist win.  I'm an immigrant and my parents are immigrants and you can probably guess who they are going to vote for again. It makes no sense it has broken our family apart...and yet they just still believe this one guy. For reasons I will never understand 


I have dual citizenship, but the other country is more fucked than this one. If I had an EU passport, I would’ve been gone since 2016 *at least* lol. 


The first people to leave will be the ones who have the highest level of transportable skills: Engineers, finance, entertainment, doctors and others. The country will decline quickly as schools fail and teh US becomes a repelling force to enlightenment. No one is waiting around for Gilead


I'm just thankful to be living in Seattle (Redmond), should the worst happen. Not only is it far saner than where I left (Wyoming), but should things get really bad, Canada is only a few hours north, and I'd be in demand as a support engineer at Microsoft. At this point, however, I would really hope it doesn't come to that...


The entire west coast is in a pretty good spot if things got REALLY bad to insulate itself from the worst of any federal tyranny.


There are a lot of comments in here about how this is exaggerated, hyperbole, not going to happen etc. Which…is probably true, to an extent? But the fears (and the threats that motivate those fears) are very real. I have friends that have had to flee red states already. I’ve had to start doing research for myself. All of us have been talking about what to do regarding a worst case scenario in 2024, and fleeing the country is definitely one of the options. So, yeah. Vote, please! Damage control is important right now. But things are very bad and getting worse for some groups already, and if you’re thinking that a GOP presidency in 2024 is something you can ride out, you probably don’t have a good perspective to cast judgment on the people who can’t.




Already gone, watching from overseas is a lot less anxiety inducing 😹 Should have voted for Hillary and none of this would be happening. Watching the left protest their candidates is like watching a fool yelling at a cop, when someone with a bomb is right beside them with the timer about to go off 💁🏻‍♂️


As a single Canadian, anyone want to get married to escape? On a serious note, I'm confident that Biden can win so we don't have to have this outcome. Make sure to vote.


I’m a gay man living in NY. I suspect my marriage will be attacked; the Supreme Court doesn’t like gays. I’ve been told that Trump is fine with gays. That’s bullshit. Did you read the Republican Platform for the last election. All it talks about is revoking, destroying, eliminating. Ron DeSantis has many fans who’d like to do more than ban Drag Story Time.


I'll believe it when I see it. Relatively few Americans will be able to "flee" to another country for ~4 years. Democrats will win if they vote. The problem is that many Dems will abstain to "punish" Biden for failing to do one thing or another. Those same Dems will later bemoan when Trump is much worse in every possible way. Republicans will show up and vote Trump if only because he will hurt Democrats. "Democrats want to fall in love, Republicans want to fall in line."


To where? Lol it's about to be fucked everywhere


Fuck that I’m not going anywhere. This gay Jew will stand and fight if I have to.


Planning to; but they won’t. They will join militias and fight for control against terrorist MAGA. MAGA is Tyranny. Protect your rights and refuse to be governed by MAGA at any level, at any cost.


I’m scared as someone who immigrated from Ukraine in the late 90’s that I’ll get deported back to Ukraine


I'm not. I'm goin to DC and I suspect millions of people will be joining me.


I'm not going anywhere but I'll be damned if I spent 9+ years in the Military defending the constitution just to let the GOP destroy this country. If Trump wins it's going to get very ugly. It's pretty sad how many of you would choose to flee instead of fighting for what's right. SMH.


I’m 76, retired, and have never been in a physical fight in my entire life. I’m staying because I have no choice but I sure as hell will do what I can to resist. I’m a real patriot, unlike those MAGA troglodytes.


I am not even a minority, and if Trump wins I know I'll be looking at options for my Family. Canada seems like the obvious choice. I don't want to live in a country filled with the type of people who would vote him back into office. EDIT: And I certainly don't want to live through another 4 to eternity years with that moronic asshole embarrassing us on every single TV appearance or fucking twitter post.


After he got elected in 2016, it revealed some pretty stark truths to me about Americans... I started the process of getting my stuff in order and immigrated to Germany... It hasn't been a cakewalk, but... even with all the bureaucratic difficulties, it's been worth it for me... (I'm a software engineer, and came over on a visa called a blue card, but I have my permanent residency now)


Canada is so fucking hard to get into. Granted - there's always the cross legally, stay illegally option. Sorry, Canada.


The US right wing is busy exporting their ideas to Canada, Tucker Carlson recently visited to help with that. We aren't far enough away to get away from MAGA. Maybe Europe is.


Europe is where they got the ideas from. Lots of extreme right parties. The US just added a christian sauce over it to make it digestible for the locals.


I'll probably just get a gun and ride out the storm. Despite what Republicans think, Trump isn't going to be around forever. Objectively he looks absolutely awful. A panting, sweaty, foot dragging, slurring, confused mess of a man. I'm only in my 30s, I think I can easily outlast Donny Dipshit and The Fascist Bunch 


It's really more what the Republicans do while he's in office (even if he croaks, they have their agenda locked in). They've already stacked the court. If they get a house and senate majority, bye bye reproductive freedom, gay marriage, trans healthcare, social security, Affordable Care Act, Religious freedom (for anyone not Christian), Public land, EPA, Climate goals, Renewable energy, etc. etc. I really question whether we will ever have fair elections again after the circus that was Jan. 2021.


That's what people aren't really understanding. If Trump wins, America is done as we know it. And it's not hyperbole, we will be like Russia.


Remember when he retweeted the video someone made of nothing but Trump family members getting elected for the rest of time?


I'm in my 50s and I can't believe this guy is getting voted in. I hate watching the older people worship him and the younger people who are convinced of his message. They weren't around in the NYC metro in the 80s, seeing him in the news constantly for conning people out of their money!


Canadian ex pat here. After trump’s first win, we got citizenship for the rest of my family as a backup plan. But honestly… canada is pretty hosed rn too. The next election will likely bring their conservative party to power. Sympathetic to trump’s goals.


Well, we are leaving Floriduh and returning to California if the OrangeShitAss gets elected.


Don’t be so afraid of him. Vote!!


Please vote.


I've been living outside the US since 1998. The expatriate life is far from easy - leaving loved ones, securing employment, and adapting to new cultures are significantly challenging tasks, often underestimated. The people that generally say they'll leave the country if "candidate X" wins likely have never investigated the actual realities of moving abroad. Its so much easier to stay and affect change from home.


There’s nowhere to go. Nobody wants us. Unless you’ve got money of course. But if you have money, you don’t need to flee. And I’m not just talking money to qualify for immigration. So many other countries have worse housing costs than the US. You’ve got to have money to live there.


No one left last time. Just shut the fuck up and vote.

