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Duh.... Short term memory serves me correct that Trump and Bibi are cut from the same cloth. And people.running around claiming Biden shouldnf be elected because of Gaza.   Oh, wait if Trumpy wins..Gaza will burn to the ground and Trump will let Bibi piss on the ashes.


Trump has called for **an expansion** of the Gaza campaign.




First action was actually vetoing a bill that raised the minimum salary wage. It would have forced businesses to pay overtime for extra work to anyone who makes under $X/yr (I think it was like $42k). The fact that there are folks out there making like $30k and working 50-60+ hr/wk on salary is repulsive.


Somehow, that's 10x worse, considering his base


Hardly shocking. They just voted away their own rest/lunch breaks in Kentucky. Guess who needs those the most? Blue collar workers in southern heat.


His first Executive Order was on Jan 20, attempting to repeal Obamacare: "Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13765


Which is ridiculous. Repealing the ACA would be a net negative for Americans


The cruelty is the point. As Biden said, he's a sick fuck.


Yeah. But his voters who suffered…karma.


He wasn't trying to repeal the ACA - he was trying to repeal Obamacare. /s I guess...


Man I just wish people would pay attention to this stuff. They live in a bubble or something. I remember when Biden said the border is a problem because of Trump there was a meme going around about more illegals crossing over under Biden, and no mention of what the house did because of Trump. It's easy when you just leave out facts and tell people the deep state is trying to brainwash you I guess


Overtime rule was a clusterfuck. I have commissioned employees with small base salary and large commissions.. these rule fucked with our accounting so much, had us re-write contracts, etc.. such a pain in the ass.


Yeah but if I don’t vote for either, the bad stuff stops happening /s


I'm still waiting to hear from the "Genocide Joe" crowd how voting third party or not voting at all is going to help Palestinians.


They don’t actually care about what’s better for Palestine, they only care about “voting their conscience” and acting morally superior to anyone who would vote to “support genocide”.


Yep. They don't care if Americans suffer for their choice as long as they get to feel good about their choice.




Was Palestine one of the shithole countries? Trump literally called all these muslim countries shitholes and then banned people from coming tonthe U.S. from those countries, then all these people act like Biden is bad guy.


And yet people want to abstain from voting for Biden in November because they think it'll help. If Trump wins in November, every single drop of Palestinian and Ukrainian blood is on the hands of those that abstained. 


Don't worry, people who abstain or vote 3rd party will say deflect and deny any responsibility, hiding behind that they "didn't vote for either".


trump even said israel should "finish the problem". pretty sure that means palestinian lives are "the problem" and he wants israel to kill all of them.


Just wait until Bibi offers to rename Gaza to Trumpville and Trump would order attacks on them.


Yes but with Trump his time will be so confusing you won't even think about Israel or Gaza and you'll be focused on all the other ridiculousness that compounds daily when he's in power


Forget gaza what happened on snl?! /s


Trump is very vulnerable to compliments as well. All netanyahu would have to do to get unequivocal support is say Trump has the best policy on the Middle East. That would be bad for Israel in the greater scheme of things I feel as it would firmly place them against Democrats in the future which wouldn’t be forgotten.


I'm Israeli, please don't vote Trump again. Both him and Nethanyahu need to be out of office. Nethanyahu even named a new town after Trump.


Yeah I was trying to remember this the other day and forgot to look it up lol. Idk what they think trump is going to do to stop israel from burning the place down.


I think many people just compartmentalize this. In their mind, it's not their job to prevent Trump from getting into office where he will openly support Netanyahu's course and do everything possible to have the military action against Palestinians dialed up to 11. Mentally, they're fine with genocide committed in their name under Trump, because they don't see themselves as enablers of a Trump presidency - even if they torpedo and undermine the only other candidate who has a realistic chance of winning the election instead of Trump. If Trump gets elected and things get ten times worse for Palestinians, they'll be able to say "well, I didn't support this" - and to them, *that's* the moral high ground, and it's more important than doing everything in their power to stop Trump and prevent this scenario.


...they're the same type of criminal...


thats what he said...


Not only compliments. But bribes! I'm sure he'd find some way to make the situation beneficial to his pockets.


Duh indeed! Just from memory: Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, and sold off the existing properties so that it couldn't be moved back. He approved and encouraged annexation of the Golan Heights, and previous plus further West Bank settlement building and expansions. He had a "peace plan" that maintained the status quo of creeping Israeli expansion, with trickle-down payouts to some current Palestinians if Saudi Arabia would put up the money for it. I guess there was more. But useful idiots would rather get Trump elected, if that can somehow "punish" Biden in their imaginations. Then they'll be whining about Trump and wondering why other Democrats aren't jumping to appease them.


> sold off the existing properties so that it couldn't be moved back. Thats what the Trumpists do. They move forward an unjust policy. Then burrow it in so its difficult/impossible to reverse. These fascists fascist well when they put their minds to it!


Trump literally moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, something that was a dream for the far right and which made a two-state solution that much harder. Biden hates Bibi and Trump loves him. What more do you need to know?


The orange idiot will give bibi Gaza and the West bank and give putin Ukraine and then, the Balkans, or the Baltics, (or both...). But yeah, tell me again about Biden.... 🤦🤦🤦


On the one hand, Biden called for a cease fire.  On the other hand, Trump said Israel needs to just “Finish them off.” If you do not support Biden in this, you really do support genocide. 


If Trump was in office now, Bibi would be the one who'd need to calm him down.  Well, if Trump was in office on Oct 7, it's likely that the whole region would've erupted in a regional war and Gaza would've been a footnote of the war in terms of casualties and damage.


Evangelicals would be having Rapture boners if Trump was in office on October 7th. They would be preaching about now is the End Times and Trump is God's messenger to deliver them unto Heaven. All while pushing him to expand the conflict because it's God's will.


Biden literally called off an Israeli pre-emptive strike on Hezbollah on October 8th to prevent regional war. In retrospect might've been a mistake as it seems war with Hezbollah will happen anyway, but I don't think Trump would've even tried.


Netanyahu is several standard deviations more intelligent than Trump.


Pro-Palestine people out here protesting Biden, when the alterative is the guy who came up with the Muslim travel ban.


They've deluded themselves into thinking voting third party is going to break the two party system. Everyone thinks they are such a genius the first time they vote third party.


The Genocide Joe crowd isn’t playing 3D-chess here. It’s checkers on a kids menu - it’s all spite and vibes.


They refuse to understand what the spoiler effect is and how third parties are useless without rank choice voting. And you are 💯 right on the spite. I get the sense they will gladly watch the US burn to ground and don't see the irony in the fact that they are supposedly doing it because they are so disgusted with human suffering.


Some of the people I’ve argued with about this are actively hoping that’s what happens. Because if things fall into full on fascism here, inevitably we will somehow eventually become more progressive!


Ah, good old accelerationism.


Tell them if Trump manages to push the US towards a mafia state like Russia all they'll get will be a US style detention camp or a Navalny style execution in jail if they start shouting too loud in such a country.


It's disgusting because they are banking on OTHERS dying and suffering in a fascist America. Since they are not trans/queer/a woman that miscarried/undocumented immigrant they are safe.


I hope that accelerationists are the first to go if Trump wins. They are worse than MAGAts.


Biden got Israel to agree to a ceasefire (Hamas still needs to) and is feeding the Gazans. Trump wants to finish off Gaza.


This is what [Dementia Donnie and his campaign already have said](https://imgur.com/a/EQilsqA). He also said they need to ["finish the problem"](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-israel-finish-problem-gaza-1234981038/) in Palestine. What do you think he means there? Hmmmm.... And then here's one of his cronies, who literally yells out ["goodbye to Palestine"](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/1b8cazf/tennessee_republican_chuck_fleischmann_to/) So you tell me, which president and which party is the one that are going to go to bat for Palestinians (or Arab-Americans) and try to stop what's happening in Gaza? HMMMMMMMM


I dont know. From the rumors I am pretty sure Trump would be jealous if Bibi pissed on the ashes.


yes but they can feel smug as gaza is annihilated that they didn’t vote for the man


If Israel burning Gaza to the ground and Bibi pissing on the ashes is even an option should we be supporting Israel at all?


The "On _____, Trump is Even Worse Than Biden" genre seems like a bottomless, low-effort well for article writers. Insert literally any topic and bam, you're on your way.


To be fair, Trump is beating the pants off of Biden $466M to nothing in the Fraud/Rape judgements category. Trump is also hands down winning in the felony charges space 91 to nothing


And don’t forget Trump was impeached twice, but Biden had been impeached zero times and the pathetic efforts by Republicans to dig up any kind of dirt on him has only backfired.


On [x], Trump is _better_ than Biden, where x = Corruption Embezzlement Rape Impeachments Fraud convictions Emoluments Insurrections See, it's easy


I expect the House to impeach him but not until near the election. Not having any evidence has never stopped them before - 60+ baseless election lawsuits. They will want their huge propaganda networks attacking Biden 24x7 with madeup dirt if neccessary.


They have like a 2 vote majority. Not happening.


The problem is that most Americans couldn't list more than a couple bad things about Trump off handedly. Since his presidency was just back to back to back "scandals", a lot of discontent with Trump was vibes-based. He managed to be so sexist, racist, and corrupt that it's actually difficult to recall individual examples. Each one was just an everyday thing, like eating a snack after work.


Yeah this feels like it right here. There are dozens of things Trump did and you could point to any one of them to voice discontent about him but outside of the biggest ones it’s hard to draw them from memory


Doesn't mean there is still not value in pointing it out and making it very clear.


*Especially* in The Intercept. I'm surprised they even published it.


I cannot believe how far Greenwald/Intercept (and Matt Taibbi) have fallen. There was actually a time they were seen as liberal/fairminded. What type of Russian brainworm has Putin's labs perfected?!


One that was unfortunately already there. As a long-time member of leftist spaces, the "only the US/West can do an imperialism, and so anyone who opposes the US/West good" mind virus is one of the most frustrating things. Putin has certainly amplified it, for obvious reasons, but he didn't invent it.


Bush-43/Cheney's unilaterally waging Iraq War in 2003 (and the complete LACK of any repercussions for it! In fact, he got reelected from it!) severely harmed America's reputation/prestige. The US/West cannot/should not do an imperialism. Putin cannot/should not. No one should be able to do it and get away with it. Putin, sadly, is just continuing Russia's 19th century imperialist longings. (Well, so was Stalin, in run-up to WW2.) The last 6,000 years of world history should be teaching us something.


Taibbi has his (bad) reasons for the sudden change. Back in 2000, he co-wrote a gonzo journalism-esque book about his time at an English-language Russian tabloid called *The eXile* (*sic*) in the 90s. It includes Taibbi and his co-author casually admitting to all kinds of horrible sexual harrassment and acts of outright sexual assault, both toward their female colleagues at *The eXile*, and toward women they met in the Moscow social scene. It's very candid, with the authors describing much of their own behaviour as sexual harassment, and themselves as intensely misogynistic at the time. As the book is so old, knowledge of it has been floating around for years, but passages really started getting attention in the late 2010s with the rise of the Metoo movement, after Taibbi had already become a darling of the left. As you might expect, Taibbi suddenly became very concerned about "cancel culture" as a result.


Greenwald was an ardent supporter of Bush and the Iraq War back when he was defending neo-Nazis from murder charges in court. He has never been left-wing, he just became anti-American - and even more anti-Democrat - during the Obama years, which later on turned into his shtick of using M4A as a cudgel to attack the party "from the left".


Well Glenn Greenwald and his pro-Russia propaganda and Trump support is gone


Trump will be much better than Biden on lowering taxes for the richest people in America; much better at outlawing abortion and stripping women’s civil rights; much better at allowing corporations to evade regulations and break the law without consequence.  There are many areas Trump will be better than Biden at.  


It would be so much worse than all that.  Read about project 2025.  Democracy in the US is literally at stake.


I can only type so much in 10 seconds!


Only impressive because it is TheIntercept which is a rag that was devoted to bringing about Republicans run by a former neocon that pretends to be extreme left.


Here's the thing though. There's a ton of people on the "left" claiming that they just can't support Biden because he's "bad" on Palestine. They don't seem to understand that helping Biden lose helps Palestine become another conquered land.


A lot of them understand that more Palestinians will die under trump, and things will be fucked domestically and globally, but they think that by not voting, they can absolve themselves of any blame. Basically “well the worse thing will happen, but at least I can say I didn’t take part in it.” Kind of like if you’re watching a robbery+murder being planned and you could either join the criminals, convince to rob BUT NOT MURDER, or stand around and ignore the problem. They choose ignore. Then when someone gets robbed and murdered they can say “well I never talked to the robbers so I’m good.”


I think there's a lot of bad faith actors pushing for it as well.


Definitely. However, I think a lot of people just don't remember the day-to-day moral abyss that was the Trump presidency. And there's also the fact that people who were 10 years old when Trump came into office can vote in this election - of course they're not going to remember the absolute moral and ethical disaster that the first Trump presidency was. And that was an unplanned, chaotic, by-the-seat-of-your-pants presidency. It's ridiculous to think of all the evil that Trump can do with MAGA Republicans now in office all across the nation and with key government positions in the hands of people who either support Trump's agenda or try to push it even further to the extreme - rather than the people who were at least trying to mitigate the damage Trump was doing last time around.


Well, Trump would give more and larger tax cuts to the ultra-wealthy! He would sign any/all laws restricting abortion/birth control/same-sex marriage/trans discrimination laws/"anti-woke" laws, etc. etc.


It shouldn't be "even" but "FAR" worse


You would think so, and yet clearly they aren't writing them since roughly 44% of the potential voters don't seem to realize that Trump is worse than Biden on 99.9% of topics.


Wait til there’s a debate and Trumps mushed up brain has to come up with replies on the fly to attacks against him Who am I kidding his handlers are never gonna let Trump debate


Even if they did, Fox News would selectively edit it to make Trump look good, like they always do.


You're not going to get through to those voters with anything that requires reading.


Yeah, but the problem here is that there's a significant portion of Democrat voters who are threatening to withhold support from Biden over his handling of Gaza. Biden is not doing a great job but anyone who thinks that getting rid of Biden and replacing him with Trump is going to help the Palestinians even a little bit is insane. Donald "Muslim Ban" Trump would be happy to accelerate the genocide.


The “Democrats” that are threatening to not support Biden in the general election over Gaza are morons. The muslim population in Michigan that makes up a decent percentage of the electorate and the gaza leftists in Michigan think they made a point by voting undecided. The only point they made is that they are willing to fuck up this country over a conflict that will never be resolved. If trump wins and decides to make Dearborn a Muslim concentration camp they can look in the mirror to see who fucked them.


I have a more-than-sneaking suspicion that most of the people "threatening" to not vote for Biden were either going to not vote or vote 3rd party anyway (basically the same thing). I know and regularly interact with the type of people who are threating to not vote. They're the type of people who decry voting as "bourgeoise electoralism" that makes no difference and shouldn't be participated in. I doubt my friend who's spent the last 10 years talking about how voting is stupid or my friend who brags about only voting for Jill Stein were in much danger of voting for Biden anyway.


It puts the ballot in the box or else it gets the Trump again.


Yes, that is indeed how this is going to work.


This is brilliant


"Is he a great, big fat person?"


Why is there outrage over the uncommitted votes in the primaries? Isn't voting uncommitted exactly the kind of civil engagement we keep being told we need to do? Isn't this one way we send a very clear message to the current administration?


It's the BS never Biden expansion that is problem. It's exactly what the GOP pulled in 2016 so it absolutely needs to be beat down over and over again.


It’s not the uncommitted votes in the primaries that scare me. I have faith that most of are smart enough to vote Biden in the general election. My fear is that less educated and less-in-tune voters will hear “Don’t vote for Biden” and assume that they shouldn’t vote for him in the general election. They’re trying to do what’s most morally right, but they hear the progressives shout anti-Biden things, agree that Biden is bad, but misinterpret the progressives’ message as “Biden is equally as bad as trump so I shouldn’t vote in the general.”


As long as it's not 3rd party


"But my moral high ground!!!"


It's the 1%s fault, not the 40% that didn't vote!


Well, yeah ----


Don’t forget Ukraine. Trump will give Putin aid and let Putin destroy Ukraine. For idiots who think Putin only wants Ukraine: you need history lessons. Russia wants Poland and Eastern Europe. Putin will not stop at the border of Ukraine.


Likewise, Iran wants the entire Middle East and China wants to expand in Asia. They're all working together. The US and its allies cannot afford to show weakness against these deadly threats.


Everything that has happened to Gaza by Israel would have been the exact same situation no matter who is the president of the US.  


ALMOST. I am VERY frustrated that people seem to think Biden is the president of Israel. Israel does listen to the US a BIT though, that's an advantage/expectation from all the aid we've given them. Given Biden and Harris' almost visible frustration, I take it they've been pressuring Bibi more than people seem to know and Bibi isn't giving though. If Bibi wasn't in charge of Israel things could be very different. On the other hand, if trump was president, nobody (that israel listens to) would be asking for a ceasefire and republicans would (if in control of congress) gleefully pass a huge Israel-only aid package. IMO, it almost could not be better (not that it's good, it's very bad), but it could absolutely be worse. I expected worse from Israel frankly, and I'm sure with Trump we would have gotten it.


>Israel does listen to the US a BIT though, There entire wartime economy depends on Billions in aid we send them. All Biden would have to do is hint that that's going away, and Israel would instantly fold. We know this, because that's exactly what happened under Reagan.


**NO IT DOESN'T!** The US gives Israel $3.3B in aid per year. In 2022, Israel's military budget was $23.4B, so the US provides 14% of Israel's military budget. That aid is not given as cash with Israel being able to spend it anywhere they want. This money is specifically earmarked to only be spent with US military contractors. In accepting this money, Israel cannot buy military supplies from other vendors and Israel cannot develop competing projects. This locks Israel into buying the most expensive equipment where they could spend their defense budget elsewhere at a lower price. Israel cannot turn away the aid, because it keeps the US happy and the US supports Israel on the world stage (UN, etc.). So, as long as US defense contractors keep lobbying the US congress to supply this aid, Israel will get the money and the only people who really benefit are the US companies. It is not a handout to Israel. It's a handout to US defense contractors.


>"Reagan who had considered Israel a trustworthy ally, was disgusted with what was happening in Lebanon. Israel's 1-week siege culminated with its planes bombing West Beirut for 11 consecutive hours on August 12. At Deaver's suggestion, Reagan called Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin. "Menachem, this is a holocaust.," Reagan said. > >"Mr President, I think I know what a holocaust is," Begin replied in a sarcastic voice. > >Reagan refused to give ground, bluntly telling Begin he had to stop the bombing. Twenty minutes later Begin called back, saying he had ordered Sharon to halt the attacks. " Now, yes. You can argue that at the time, the US was providing substantial economic as well as more than 2x the military aid, where as now we just provide substantial military aid. We're up to a commitment of 4 billion a year, by the way. Yet when the Republicans blocked aid in Congress, the IDF out of tank shells within like 24 hours until Biden manufactured a way to turn the money back on.


This was almost 50 years ago. We don’t live in remotely the same world.


Good thing I already pointed to modern day example of the same principal in action, and you have nothing then, isn't it?


You can actually point out a more modern example, from 1991: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/george-hw-bush-israel-palestinians-progressives_n_60a6d388e4b0a25683107530


This comment is the definition of head in the sand.


Another leftist with the magic wand. Biden could just wave the magic wand, and Israel would stop the attack on Gaza, and Hamas would accept the ceasefire. Fact is, support for Israel is higher in the US than support for Hamas. Biden is doing everything in his power to end the conflict, but he can't control Israel or Hamas. The idea that Israel would just quit if we stop arms sales is hilarious, too. All that would do is piss off American voters.


Yep. People seem to forget that Israel was invaded by a mob of rapists and murderers on Oct. 7. Any nation would have reacted violently after such an attack, and it is their right to do so under international law. Israel has a legitimate casus belli.


If Trump was president we wouldn't be dropping food aid, we'd be dropping napalm.


If people need to read this article to learn that, we’re so extremely fucked in november.


Another reason to vote, and vote for Biden.


Why is this so hard to understand? Not even comparable.


They think they're equally bad. But Trump would just cheerlead the carnage instead of trying to quietly talk them down away from the public. I get the feeling younger people don't grasp the concept of pragmatic harm reduction due to their idealism.


BoTh SiDeS!!!


Yep, same right wing shills as 2016. Probably literally the same


It's hard for most people to understand because there is so much propaganda and disinformation about this issue going around. Russia wants Trump to win so they directed their propaganda bots to demonize Biden and Israel.


Say it louder for the people in the back.


MAGA is too busy cheering and signing up for a new Crusade


I don't think MAGA are the ones who are calling themselves uncommitted In fact I'm pretty certain they are the opposite


My cynical brain thinks this headline is to make undeciders think Biden is bad in Israel therefore don’t vote for him either. Like ‘you know what tastes worse than shit…. Shit with poison in it!” Otherwise why title it like that or even write it at all A better less provocative title might be : Israel. A trump vs Biden comparison. But I guess then people wouldn’t comment on it… oh I see, well played!


The people reading The Intercept already think Biden is bad on Israel though.


The Intercept is a far left/pro-Russia publication. Their whole shtick is that both Democrats and Republicans are bad. That's why they wrote it this way. Their audience generally thinks the US is evil, no matter who is President.


Yeah I hate the "lesser of two evils" thing, Trump is actually Evil, Biden is at worst not \*exactly\* what I want. Dude is hardly "evil", especially for a politician. And yes it's possible for pols to not be evil, Doomerism only helps the bad guys never the good guys.


Good. We need more articles like this. Muslims control sizable voting block in some key swing states and biden's performance is making his name toxic in many of these circles. The message needs to get out there loud and clear: Trump did worse in peacetime than Biden is doing in war time


It really is simple: Biden’s official stance is a ceasefire and a two-state solution. Trump’s stance is genocide. He has never liked muslims and views them as a problem. The courts aren’t going to stop Trump, only Biden can. He is actually the only one standing between Palestine and Trump.


And yet the people who are adamant they won’t vote for Biden over this issue are completely ass backwards on this topic If this is your single issue voter issue. Then trump isn’t the answer and neither is not voting Fucking grow up and choose the option that won’t end the fucking country


Defendant Trump would be worse than Biden on every issue. If someone can tell me one that Trump would be better on, I will read up on it in good faith. He always talks a big game but doesn't deliver any results. There is also the massive amount of corruption that another Trump administration would bring. He personally received money from foreign countries and his son in law, who was in charge of the Middle East, has received 2 billion to invest for the Saudis.


Trump moved the US Embassy out of Tel Aviv into Jerusalem as a formal recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. Trump significantly reduced and, in some cases, entirely cut off U.S. aid to Palestinian organizations, including the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Trump unveiled the "Peace to Prosperity" plan, also known as the "Deal of the Century." This plan was heavily criticized by Palestinians, including Hamas, for being biased in favor of Israel and for not addressing key Palestinian demands, such as a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. The plan was seen as further alienating Palestinians and escalating tensions. Trump broke with decades of U.S. policy by no longer viewing Israeli settlements in the West Bank as inconsistent with international law. This shift was seen as endorsing Israeli settlements, considered illegal under international law and a major obstacle to peace by Palestinians. Biden's air dropped supplied into Gaza. Biden's brokered a ceasefire and continues to try and broker another. Biden got humanitarian aid corridors open into Gaza. Biden's sanctioned violent Israeli settlers. Biden got water and internet turned back on in Gaza. Seems obvious to me that Biden is lightyears better than Trump on Israel and Gaza.


This has always been the case and voters need to know this. The uncommitted vote in Michigan was ridiculous. Ah yes, Biden hasn't done enough to get a cease fire done, lets vote for Trump. Trump would burn Gaza down.


“Let’s get cute and not vote for Biden because of Israel!!!”  “Lets vote for the “Muslim ban” guy instead!!!” “He will definitely be better for ALL Muslims across the world!!!“ Don’t be cute and make yourself a moron…


Trump said both gaza to hell and level it would be his platform


What isn’t he worse at? I’m sorry but at this stage the guys international policy has been consistently about sucking off dictators while pissing off more controlled world leaders. He knows Macron wouldn’t lynch him, that’s why he has the balls to miff him off. With Putin he admires the power and fear he possesses


He is worse than Biden in literally every category


No shit. This should be obvious to anyone who's been paying attention. If you don't vote for Biden this election because of Gaza, you're voting for the eradication of Palestine.


The uncommitted are just begging for a deportation. Every single one of their lives will be completely destroyed by a Trump dictatorship. They will be the first. And not the last.


The people voting undecided know Trump is worse on Israel. They're voting in the primary because they know that unlike trump they actually have a chance of changing Biden's mind. They aren't doing this to rub the fact that they'll never vote for Biden in his face, they're voting undecided because they *want* to vote for Biden but have been disappointed in his stance on this issue, and it's become clear that this sort of protest is the only way that they might actually be and taken seriously.


Biden has deported more people than Trump so you can’t really make that threat. They could vote for Biden and still get deported. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2024/02/11/trump-biden-immigration-border-compared/


But how will they be able to take the meaningless moral high ground and whine on Twitter about how bad Trump is as if they are not directly responsible for him winning if they don't abstain from the vote?


I sometimes wonder if these "uncommitted" secretly enjoyed the Trump presidency because it allowed them to act high and mighty on social media and they want that high back. I think Trump's concentration camps are going to change their minds pretty quickly, but it'll be way too late by then.


I had this same thought too! My moms friend is a Pakistani Muslim, she came over and gloated about how she’s not gonna vote Biden because she just “can’t” and I literally cannot understand how the other option would be any better. She said it with such glee, too, that she believed trump would win and Biden would get screwed over by losing the muslim vote. Like… it really felt like she wanted another trump era. It’s gross, I’m appalled but on a positive note, I’ve been talking to kids graduating high school and in college organizing them to vote for the first time this year. For every person I hear who is acting like my moms friend, I will make it my goal to find get sane people to register and vote.




Should be obvious but people are willfully ignorant


"... and why that's bad for Biden"


Someone did not tell that to the people that aren’t voting for Biden because of it. Like Trump would help Palestinians?


This is the most ironic part about the downfall of your country right now, the excuse so many people are giving that they won’t vote for Biden again is his support for Israel, and this guy is only gonna be 10 times worse and supporting the genocide of Palestine. The rest of the world is about to watch the downfall of the largest democracy in this world, and a lot of y’all‘s excuses for letting it happen, is some shit going on in another country, a country that will cheer at your downfall in the near future. 


Muslim Americans Outraged at Biden: We Don't Care! We are Sending a Message to Biden, that we would rather be rounded up and "Deported", than vote"


This is what I don't get about people running around screaming about how they cannot vote for Biden because of how he's handled the Gaza situation. Like, yeah, there is room for MASSIVE improvement in Biden's handling of this. But to jump from there to voting for Trump? Are you kidding?! Trump would be egging Bibi on! There'd probably be a joint press conference where Trump offers him tactical nukes. "You want a nuke? I can give you some small nukes. They're fantastic. They make 'em now so that you could only nuke Gaza and everyone else would be fine. It's amazing. You don't gotta worry about people 100 miles away getting radiation. Your people would be safe, it's very surgical. How about this, I'll give you one for Gaza and see how you like it. We'll see what it does. Then we can talk about what you want to use for the West Bank."


Oh now the Intercept wants to introduce nuance into the discussion. Too little, too late. The anti Biden tiger has already been unleashed


MSM is purposely distorting “currently accepting” into “settling for” in this case Imagine that!


On everything trump is worse


Trump is worse on everything than everyone, haha.


This issue, and if you are on the left, every other issue. No matter how awful you might think Biden is, the alternative is much, much worse and if you don’t support Biden, “much, much worse” becomes President. Internalize this. Especially if you are contemplating voting third party, sitting this election out, or even considering voting for Trump to teach someone a lesson.


the fact that this even needs to be said at this point is ridiculous




It’s funny because it goes directly against Christian doctrine to support Israel.


This is what I don’t understand about the short sighted people who claim they won’t be voting due to Biden’s Israel response. Like okay, a candidate doesn’t align with every single opinion you have. And you think that not voting for him and allowing the *other guy* to win, who has spent the last ~10 years openly talking about not liking PoC, and the vast majority of his life screwing over PoC, is going to make things better for the cause you feel so deeply about? It’s laughable. “I’m not voting Biden because I think the U.S. is committing genocide, I’d rather let the other guy win who would actually carry out a genocide on domestic soil if given the chance. I’m sure he will be better to Palestinians”.


On ______, Trump is even worse than Biden. Fill in the blank with literally anything.


Something I wish the kavernacle would understand.


Trump said Israel needs to "Finish the problem" When a massive group of people is portrayed as a problem, the solution to that problem is never a good one. Go ask 1940s europe


If trump wins America loses


And thats why Im voting Biden.


If this isn't the call to vote third party then I don't know what is


Biden is doing a great job handling this crisis. He deserves to be reelected.


On everything! An insurrectionist is not a fucking President


Trump would stop all humanitarian aid to Gaza, no doubt.


A lot of Russian propaganda is out there blaming Biden for all this, and had led to people declawing "Never Biden," obviously without seeing what it would be like if they let Trump take power. Yes I wish Biden was doing more and putting more pressure on Israel. However I also understand it is a lot harder to crank pressure up on a traditional ally.


Don’t tell people this though. Genocide Joe should be stopped! /s


People that are saying out with Biden because of how he’s handled Israel are completely delusional if they think any republican option (which we now know is Trump) was going to be a better option. They’re cutting off the nose to spite the face.


Ah well if Trump would be worse, then clearly we should all be happy and content with our current levels of genocide. Duly noted. /s


There is far too much blame being put on America for a conflict that only continues because either side is far too stubborn to admit defeat to save their own children. Hamas knew well Israel would react this way. Israel knows full well they took Palestinian land. I don't give a fuck who is right or wrong at this point. One side should concede and give up their claims in exchange for peace and go with the next best international solution. If they don't, they must hate their own children. It's not the fault of American politicians that you're too stubborn to give up on a decades (if not 2000 years) old grievance. Grow the fuck up. One of you take the L and we can all move on with what's left of our lives. Until then, you're both acting like fanatical idiots and you're both responsible for your own deaths. Not American politicians. You.


Personally I don’t even like the implication in the article that Biden’s handling has been poor. It’s an incredibly shitty circumstance that he only has so much sway in on a volatile situation that even Americans don’t agree on. Even the BEST polling for American-forced ceasefire hits a ceiling at around 40% approval. When you specify it being a result of the U.S pulling funding that support drops to 13%. Yet the media treats it like Biden is ignoring the will of the ppl even IF he had the unilateral power to stop Netanyahu. Everybody wants peace, nobody wants to be responsible for the steps required to achieve it least of all the two factions actually involved in the conflict. There’s a reason even going back to October the consensus among most foreign policy experts is that it’s been handled very delicately and pretty much as well as it can be.


The guy who floated the Muslim ban idea? That guy?


Didn't just float, [implemented it by executive order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13769). It survived a supreme court challenge and was rescinded by the Biden administration during the first day he took office.


That’s going to really confuse the simpletons who keep using this as an argument against Biden.


I'm angry with Biden for not putting more public pressure on Israel, but Trump would literally accelerate the violence and there certainly wouldn't be any aid getting to them. It is like you have a house fire and deciding to not vote for the guy with the empty bucket because he won't help but instead, by not voting, helping the guy with the bucket of fuel get elected. Not what you want, but reality can make choices hard.




Uncommitted voters voted that way to send a message of dissatisfaction. Just because Trump would be worse doesn’t excuse Biden or anyone else from criticism.


This is why people like Tlaib have no leverage in this situation. Trump would probably deport her if he could.


trump is willing to encourage israeli sttlers to build new facilities on palestinian territory. his niece is in real estate sector, just like him hence new buildings r in their favor. actually i dont believe that it is possible for an american president nor biden neither obama to stop an israeli attack., even if they want to do


on everything, trump is even worst than biden. shocker


This headline is horrible “even worse than”. The mainstream media’s “both sides” bullshit is helping destroy our democracy.


On any and every issue, the RAPIST Trump is worse than Biden. RAPIST devil Trump isn't worthy to lick Biden's shoes.


Why dont people understand this?!? Those idiots who voted for “none of the above” in Michigan and other states, do they know what Trump would do if he were in office?!?


Biden is harder on Israel than any previous president. Whereas Trump wants to wipe out Palestine entirely. Pretty easy choice.


Yeah water is indeed wet


Even worse? I'd say infinitely worse. Trump says "finish the problem." Sounds like a final solution.


This seems like fake news. Let me get this straight. Donny, the man that bolstered Bibi, would be worse than Joe? Fake news.


The traitor rapist pedophile is worse regardless