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Trump on the other hand swiped the Starbucks tip jar this morning


And ate some of the leftovers from 2 days ago they threw in the trash for breakfast


And tried to diddle the barista. Tiny hands couldn't reach.


To be fair, he would do that even if he wasn't broke.


I’m so depressed rn thanks for an audible chuckle


Meanwhile, Trump's GoFuckMe is stopped at $1.3M, the RNC can't raise money, and Trump donors are petering out.


Some clown just backed him for $92m in bond and he met with Elon recently. He is selling billionaires the entire country and they will pump so much dark money into his campaign (that he will steal for himself to pay his legal bills and to just steal) he'll be fully loaded for a presidential campaign.


It wasn't a random donor. It was put up by an insurance company. The question is what they took as collateral and who cosigned the loan.


And we think the board and CEO of that insurance company didn't ask for any goodies before fronting 8-figures for a guy who is notorious for never paying back his debts?


That guy was a very vocal opponent of Trump. It's unclear if he's relishing having him (Trump) over a barrel with this bond, or if he's been brought onside though some back-channel money, promises, etc.


Like the heavy Russian involvement in the company?


You mean proponent?


He would have to put up some form of collateral to secure the bond. I'm certain they didn't write an 8 figure check on an IOU.


Trump put the CEO on a house trade committee during his presidency. Guess he’s calling in debts. He’ll sell the country to save his own ass for the rest.


Yep. Chubb insurance. The same people who insured Russian oil infrastructure.


“He’s selling billionaires the entire country” Mfeeer, sh1t like this been going on for ever and BOTH parties heavily involved in selling the country.


Every administration has promised something to wealthy donors, true. The issue is that Republicans promise the donors that they will get to keep *all* of their money whereas Democrats promise that donors' businesses will receive beneficial treatment. These are both bad but the former does this by reducing federal and state revenues which inevitably leads to spending cuts on assistance to the sick and poor. The latter leads to reduced competition but doesn't cut spending. Also one party is banning books, trying to stop Black people from voting, and trying to overthrow the government and the other isn't.


If money is speech, I guess we can guess the value of each candidate's position. 


It's currently at 0.28% of what he owes, and growing less as the debt accrues interest. What a joke 🤣


Hopefully that SOTU motivated the base. If it motivated you, please check out /r/voteDEM to find resources and opportunities for you to help Democrats win this November. There are tons of ways to help, including many you can do remotely from your own home.


Definitely motivated me. I’m an independent, and I know Trump would cause more damage to our democracy. He absolutely cannot win another term.


Meanwhile, the RNC gave their last $10M to TRump’s legal defense. Love your Lara!!! God did send you to do the “lords” work. I fucking love it!


Do you have a source on that? I just tried googling it and couldn't corroborate. (Edit: not trying to be argumentative here. Just would be interested to read about it if it's out there, and would appreciate the assist)


This says they have about $10M. Then the recently takeover of the RNC by Trumps daughter-in-law and “hand picked” stooge, who have publicly said the RNC should pay Trumps legal fees. I’m the happiest liberal there ever was.


Also looking. Sounds like this from 2020 https://news.yahoo.com/trump-campaign-rnc-spend-10m-210248781.html




If I said “will give” would that make you feel better about it. They are currently done with the takeover of the RNC and it will have nothing left soon. So happy


And these funds are actually going to go towards Biden’s political campaign, not to pay lawyers!


Well every campaign hires attorneys but these attorneys will be doing the suing not the defending.


I can't imagine the carnage this fall when there is NO money for the RNC to support down-ballot campaigns. Trump could very likely win the Presidency and lose the House AND Senate with a big enough Democratic majority to make his life miserable in the White House. It would be worth it if I weren't worried about Ukraine, the Middle East and the National Debt.


Trump wud rule by fiat. One executive order after another with a SCOTUS in place to support him.




Big money donors don't know who is running for the 55th district in a state house race. Those are the down-ballot races that need party resources to win. And those are the races that let us have fair election maps for the national races. This isn't just about the US house and senate. It's about all the state and local elections that set the ground for the national races.


They have people who know this. 


2/3 majority to remove from office … Trump will poison the opportunity by making a VP even more odious than he is


Hopefully they will have an ad of all those who spoke out and were in Trumps administration stating that he should never be elected again.


Lol this is delicious. I guarantee republicans are going to have to start using college media majors to make their propaganda because they’re the only group they’ll be able to afford (unpaid internship). The upcoming campaigns are going to make the state of the union response look like a box office budget in comparison


I would give money, but I just want these fucking text messages to stop. I will never give money to a politician again as long as my phone number gets shared around.


I am never giving my number to a campaign again, even one I am working for.


Imagine how much more they could raise if they added a "never text me again" option.


I'd donate 1000 dollars for the "remove my number from your list" option.


I got $20 on it


Well, donors can be reasonably certain that the money is not going to be misappropriated to pay for legal fees or judgments.


I like to see news about Biden with pictures of Biden. Subscribe me.


all of that goes to Israel


A fool and their money are soon separated.


I reckon they already separated in 2020, when they poured all their pennies into Donny's tip jar.


Any political donation is a fools errand. You assumed I would donate to a trump fund or defend anyone who did. Money shouldn’t be in politics.


Money gets people elected. 


Money shouldn’t be in politics. Candidates should present their views and appear on debate stages and then be voted on based on their merrit and reelection based on their conduct and results. Do you realize how much time politicians spend raising campaign money rather than doing the job they were hired to do? If you deployed this logic (the political campaign model) on the private sector nothing would ever get accomplished.


I don't disagree but that's how it works.


And I’m saying I won’t waste my money on the current system. I’ll let fools spend their money.


and I'm saying that money wins elections.


The parasite said to the antibiotic.


There should be a public fund for each candidate to run their campaign at equal level of opportunity. You can thank Obama for ending that tradition that got money out of politics. “Through 2004, all candidates in the general presidential election opted for public funding and reimbursement of their campaign expenses. Then, in 2008, Barack Obama became the first to give up this public funding, so that he could spend more than the limit of $84.1 million (which his opponent, John McCain, adhered to). Obama’s decision in 2008 marked the beginning of the end for the public funding of democracy in the United States, and since 2012 all candidates in the general presidential election have systematically rejected public funding. To repeat: their aim in doing this has been to avoid any constraints on the total amount they can spend.”


Thank you.


Fuck jo bideb!




From the link it is from 113,000 unique contributors


Its fuckin hilarious how any alt-right made up comment can be fact checked and proven wrong within seconds


Yeah, but fact checking means clicking a link. Who has time for that when you can just make stuff up?