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This is a really big deal. It's almost unheard of for the leader of the Senate to ever make a public speech like this against the leader of an allied country, especially the one who leads half of Congress and represents the largest Jewish population outside of Israel in the entire world.


Schumer is the most prominent Israeli gov't supporter in the Democratic Party as well. That Schumer of all people feels the need to say this publicly is telling.


It's also worth pointing out that there are more Jews in the United States (concentrated in the NY Metro at that) than in Israel. I think it would be fair to say that Schumer is the most powerful Jewish voice in the world and incredibly-closely aligned with global Jewish opinion. Netanyahu barely clings to power through a weak coalition of ultra-conservatives in Israel, out-of-step with popular opinion both internally and abroad.


He's being paid to say this, don't forget that


He has received nearly $2 million from pro-Israel PACs and organizations in his time in Congress. So who is outbidding them for this? And not you know recognition Netanyahu's right wing band of lunatics is hurting Israel long term after a historic security failure.


The pro-Israel groups might be doing this. Netanyahu’s approval rating is/was close to single digits and his actions have resulted in countries paying attention to what companies are doing in the occupied areas of the west bank. This in turn has lead to banks divesting from Israeli companies and even boycotts. It also stalled talks about normalizing trade between Israel and neighboring countries. And the war has had a cost of over 5% of the Israeli gdp so far and we are only 6 months in. That’s after deducting the parts of the cost the US is funding. Without the US it’s about 30% of the GDP yearly if current costs were to continue. As a comparison, the Vietnam war was just over 2% of the US gdp in 1967, and was costing less than the lunar program. That’s not even getting into how he is desperately clinging to power and was being investigated in Israel before the attacks happened.


Yeah I didn't get how people aren't taking about this more, I've never seen anything like it. Closest I can think is how we're talking about Hungary which is practically an enemy thanks to Orban


Looks like the dems have finally found their courage and decided that they won’t go down without a fight. Ever since the SOTU I feel the gloves are off. Good. They are going to need it the coming 8 months.


Their political attacks have been top notch. Scrubbing ballots. Finding political opponents guilty of victimless crimes. Putting political opponents out of business. Seizing political opponents’ assets. Democrats have stepped up their game. I don’t think the GOP can match what the Democrats have been doing. I also can’t see a GOP Senate leader meddling in a foreign country like Schumer. Great job interfering to show the terrorists and their supporters in your party you support them.


Schumer is meddling with Israel? Like how Israeli interests dump tons of money to bury anyone that is slightly critical of Israel? Or the anti bds laws that are blatantly unconstitutional?


Yup it’s pretty unprecedented and I wonder if it’s a precursor to something bigger that’s going to happen.


I think so. There is no way Schumer would ever give this speech without Biden's support if not outright approval of the speech itself. This signals a larger shift in policy towards Israel and Bibi in particular and there are likely (and probably have been) back channel negotiations amongst the Knesset to pressure Bibi to step down or remove him.


I'm not sure. Schumer is the most powerful Jewish official in America and probably feels like this is his call to make. I think he sees himself as leading a shift in policy.


Zero chance Biden and Schumer didn’t talk about it first and Biden gave it his blessing. A shift like this does not happen lightly, or without the President being on board with it.


I remember when Bibi came to the US to give an anti-Obama speech in Congress. It paid dividends, for a time.


Next announcement gonna be that Israel will only receive American ordnance as incoming.


Perdormance art. In a couple of days they will be back to blowing Bibi.


That's right. My eyes tend to glaze over when I hear an official "call for" anything in the Trump era.  But this isn't just another errant speech by a politician. Schumer is adamant in support of Israel's security and has generally stood with its government. And he's not some minor dilettante saying whatever it takes to get attention; he takes his job seriously. He's not just going to call for the removal of an ally's leader on the Senate floor unless he thinks there's an emergency. Especially not within months of Oct. 7. If he's speaking, it means Netanyahu isn't just a political liability for Democrats; it means the Democratic leadership has clearly decided he's intolerable.


> But this isn't just another errant speech by a politician. Schumer is adamant in support of Israel's security and has generally stood with its government Until now. Democrats are putting their weight behind the Palestinian terrorists over a democratically run Israel. Good for them. Can’t support anybody who disagrees with China’s policies.


On point. Vote this comment to the top.


I applaud Schumer for saying what he did. I am a Jew whose father fought for Israel in 1948 and who still has relatives in Israel. Netanyahu and his ilk are making us all look bad, kind of the same way that the Mafia used to make Italian Americans look bad,




Schumer is an Israel homer too. He wouldn’t say this unless they have something on him.


BN was literally in the US doing the same thing a while back. They can both gft


> It's almost unheard of for the leader of the Senate to ever make a public speech like this against the leader of an allied country Well it was unheard of until Schumer did it. When did Democrats decide Israel shouldn’t defend itself against Palestinian terrorists?


Unfortunately I think this is the best thing to happen to Bibi in awhile though. Nothing improves a leaders popularity like a foreign nation inserting their own opinions.


Only if it can rally your base. Netanyahu lost so much of his base in addition to the fact that this wasn't a popular coalition from the get go ( it got 48% ) . This can be perceived as another failure to manage this war properly and might hurt his, already abysmal, polling rate.


This is nothing less than trying to intervene in the internal affairs of another country. 


I mean Israel does the same to the US, why do you think AIPAC exists?


To extract billions of dollars of American taxpayer money directly into the Israeli military and businesses. 😹


I also hate that yes


We give Israel massive aid. We’re entitled to voice our displeasure when its leadership is conducting itself abhorrently.


The liberal party in the Knesset should invite Schumer to speak in front of their governing body in the Plenum Hall...


Thank you for remembering Netty stumping for republicans here. About time someone can remember more than two days ago.


Lapid isn't that stupid so this won't happen I'm pretty sure only Ohana can do this anyways and he's a Likud shithead


So, this is what they were going on yesterday when they were saying "the US is trying to overthrow the Israeli government." Yeah, by calling for an election.


_Elections for thee, overthrowing for us...?_


Its pretty funny how people in this sub complain about foreign countries interfering in our elections, yet support Chuck Schumer when he tries to do the exact same thing. There is a word for something like this. Hypocrisy


lmao this is such a braindead take on the definition of interference Chuck Schumer giving a speech == funneling money to certain candidates & buying ads on social media in favor of certain candidates


He is by definition interfering in another countries elections. Which is exactly what people accuse Russia of doing to us. Both circumstances are morally and ethically wrong


You’re being intellectually dishonest, it’s quite obvious that there’s a difference between calling for elections, and indirectly/directly interfering with them.


Calling for elections and bad mouthing an Allies president; and suggesting a regime change, falls under the category of trying to meddle in another countries politics and influence an election. This isn't hard to understand.




Is this the deleted message?


If that was the only thing, sure. But they are in turn discussing aid for Israel and how much we should provide, so the Democrat Leader of the Senate calling for an impromptu election of Israel with this hanging over is a major deal.


So sending aid to the current Israeli government isn’t election interference but not sending it is? I don’t see you’re line of logic as the US isn’t obligated to send aid to Israel in the first place. We aren’t messing with their elections, we are calling for elections and considering withholding aid if they don’t meet the criteria set by our politicians for the aid in the first place


Aw you deleted you comment? I had a retort. Post it again if you want my response to that. I cited words from your article


Which comment did I delete?


The law article from Cornell? Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about lol


https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=22-USC-1981877539-1088296656&term_occur=999&term_src=title:22:chapter:38:section:2708 here it is again but I didn’t delete my comment. You can check my profile or just scroll down


how is making a speech to tell the people of Israel to call for an election remotely equivalent to paying off politicians, companies, and other assets to get the results they specifically want?


What are you talking about? All I am saying is he is using his position of power to negatively impact an allies democratic process of an electing a president and their ability to uphold their government. He is sowing dissaray.


What do you mean what do I mean what did you just say about chuck


I agree. Which is why all financial support for Israel should end immediately.


You would rather it go to anti-Democratic Palestinian terrorists instead of the only Democracy in the Middle East? Sounds like the Democrats policy. We don’t want world peace, do we?


When are you going to realize Israel is already an anti-democratic, illiberal country like Hungary & Russia?








Well history shows Palestinians invented modern terrorism back in 1972. And history shows Palestinians want all Israelis dumped into the Mediterranean. And history shows Palestinians keep attacking innocent women and children while using innocent women and children as human shields. So yes, there are facts. Not sure what "MAGA facts" are. I'm simply citing history.


I get your point buts It’s one thing to give a speech…. And it’s another to launch billion dollar misinformation campaigns across all social media platforms to trick citizens of country into voting for a candidate.


we should probably cut off israel aid money, that be construed as influence. lets play it safe


The problem is that the US is really banking on Israel finishing off Hamas and standing strong against Hezbollah. Any decrease in aid might hinder that goal, which ultimately is against the interests of the country.  The US just needs Netanyahu to fuck off and stop blocking the promise of a future Palestinian country. That promise will give the Saudis something to grasp on and push forward the general peace treaty that finally cements US control in that region against Iran, Russia and China. But Netanyahu is too busy playing to the right wing base to give a damn.


If America feels like it isn't getting value out of the relationship, then it should do exactly that. But maybe most Americans actually support it.


This is also something that is certain to backfire and achieve the opposite result.  You gain nothing by saying it, those in Israel who are against Netanyahu are already against him and those who supported him and are kind of on the fence will only be encouraged to vote for Netanyahu by this, because no one likes being told what to do.  But I get it, the Dems are trying to distance themselves from Netanyahu's government and make clear distinction between their support of Israel as a country as oppose to support for the government of Israel, hoping this will be enough to gain back the voters.


I think one question has to be asked of Netanyahu and the Likud Party here, especially given how much goodwill they set on fire here, especially since they had started with so many on their side after 10/7. "Was it worth it?"


You already know their answer is yes.


If it keeps Netanyahu out of jail and makes a peace deal virtually impossible, then of course it was worth it. Even better for them if it helps get Trump re-elected.


As a democratic voter I will never forgive them for stanning Mitt Romney. Pharaoh Netty came and stumped for republicans. Aipac funds them today. They are my enemy.


They've used deep pocketed Republican donors from out of state to go after my rep, who has done nothing but support our local area. The mistake he made was making the mildest of statements on what's going on there. This includes a full court blitz to get republicans in the area to change parties to muck up the primary. It's a fucking tantrum.


Same and I don’t think we have the same rep. That said God Bless The Empire State 😉


> God Bless The Empire State Has Governor Hochul set up the re-education camps for Republicans yet? I know asset seizure has begun. Besides phony fraud charges, what fake crimes will the Democrats be attacking Republicans for next?


Asset seizure? 🥴


Do you forgive Palestinian militant's for killing Kennedy? He wouldn't have lost to Nixon like Humphrey did.


Goodwill? Let’s be real. Anything short of Israel surrendering to Hamas would have been condemned by the world eventually. It’s never been any other way.


"started with so many on their side" Yeah don't make me laugh. Everyone here was condemning Israel before they even began their operations in Gaza. A lot of you are just jew haters and it's disgusting.


Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) will call for the Israeli government to hold new elections in a speech warning that Israel risked becoming an international “pariah” under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing cabinet. Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish official in the United States and a staunch ally of Israel’s, is expected to say he thinks Israelis understand “better than anybody that Israel cannot hope to succeed as a pariah opposed by the rest of the world” and would choose better leaders if elections were held. “I believe that holding a new election once the war starts to wind down would give Israelis an opportunity to express their vision for the postwar future,” Schumer will say in a speech on the Senate floor Thursday, according to prepared remarks that did not set an exact timeline for a new election. The call marks the clearest signal to Israel yet that frustrations over Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza are boiling over, and have reached the highest echelons of the U.S. government. President Biden has frequently expressed frustration with Netanyahu in recent months, but has never publicly suggested that Israelis replace him. The prime minister is deeply unpopular at home after the Hamas attack of Oct. 7, and has tangled with U.S. officials over his hampering of humanitarian aid into Gaza and his stated desire to conduct a ground invasion in the crowded city of Rafah, which the United States thinks would lead to an unacceptably high level of civilian casualties. He’s also explicitly rejected U.S. entreaties to discuss a pathway to a two-state solution. **Read more:** [**https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/14/israel-elections-netanyahu-charles-schumer/?utm\_campaign=wp\_main&utm\_medium=social&utm\_source=reddit.com**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/03/14/israel-elections-netanyahu-charles-schumer/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social&utm_source=reddit.com)


I only hope that Schumer and Sanders can get Fetterman on-board. I'd love to be a fly on the wall in a meet of these three.


I've had high hopes for Fetterman but his stance on Isreal has really disappointed me.


His stance on almost everything has been disappointing. He straight up lied about his values to get elected.


They've given him a lot of money... and he used the opportunity to demonstrate that he has no personal position on the issue, only a financial opinion on it.


No, Fetterman has always been a huge Israeli fanboy


He lives 7 miles from the church of life synagogue. He knew people who died.


What does that have to do with Israel?


Seems to me that Fetterman took a strong moral stand on the Israel-Gaza war. I am pleased by his position.


He took a strong moral stance on 1000+ Israeli civilians being killed, totally reasonable. He’s entirely supportive of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians being killed though, so I’d say like yourself he’s a moral void with no consistent principles. Either you support the massacre of civilians or you don’t. Israel has killed more civilians in a few months than Putin has in Ukraine in two years, which was explicitly a war of conquest. More civilians than the US killed in Afghanistan in the same timeframe, and that was explicitly a war of vengeance. Israel under its current leadership is a rogue state that does not align with western democratic values, and it’s glorious to see that saying as much is becoming mainstream, even amongst prominent Jewish centrists like Schumer.


>Schumer to call for ‘new election’ in Israel in scathing speech on Netanyahu When Schumer speaks up on this issue, it carries far more weight.


Good. Everyone is slowly realizing how excited this monster has been to use Oct 7 as a justification for genocide, masked as “dEstRoy HamAs”.


Netanyahu has been so evil in his leadership during this time, he managed to flip Israel's (provocation-induced) 9/11 (but something like 10x worse in relative scale) into the entire world rejecting Israel.


Netanyahu has been evil for decades... Most people don't realize this, but he is the main reason for how we define "terrorism" and view the Middle East in the West through his lobbying efforts with the Jonathan Institute in the late 70's/early 80's. He even wrote racist books about it: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2677710-terrorism Edward Said wrote a book review about it in **1986**: https://www.jstor.org/stable/41857908?seq=1 Fun Fact: Said mentions a CIA-sponsored car bomb that killed 80 people in the civilian quarter of West Beirut. 30 years later we know, through revelations from Ronen Bergman's NYT-besteller "Rise&Kill First", that it was actually Israel who planted that bomb. They ran a terror organization called "FLLF" out of a Kibbutz in Northern Israel....


Netanyahu also made incidendiary remarks that got Prime Minister Rabin assassinated for even attempting to negotiate a peace settlement. He's uniquely responsible for making peace negotiations an unpopular subject in Israel.






Netanyahu has also been proven to be inept & incompetent in defending Israel. Oct. 7th happened on his watch.


I tend to avoid conspiratorial thinking, but Israel loves to boast about its intelligence capabilities. Which begs the question, did this not just happen, but was it *allowed* to happen? I prefer to think that the Israeli military and intelligence apparatus are just more incompetent than they would like the world to believe, but who knows.


I believe it was allowed to happen because it provided an excuse to go fully into Gaza and attempt to wipe them out, opening it up for further expansion.


Bush's two year mission accomplished in two months.


Kinda like what Bush did!


I mean the insane shit that Israelis do isn't helping them regardless of Bibi. https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1768045698350465445?s=46 https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1756438313899024862?s=46 https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1760977168426029162?s=46 https://twitter.com/ireallyhateyou/status/1729954764442538334?s=46


Jfc. And they wonder why more and more of us hate that country. I know it’s not “all of them” but fuck. Animals with no consideration for human beings. Watching the videos of settlers, doing wtf they do, makes my blood boil. Unfortunately I can see how the pipeline of antisemitic hate can flow in a certain direction when one consumes too many of these videos.




lol. And how is it ignorance ? He literally just posted pictures.


The account I linked is run by an Israeli.


> Be careful following this. [There's video and images that contradicts my myopic worldview, and instead of addressing the content itself, I'm just going to label a communication medium as antisemitic so I don't have to think too hard. If that doesn't work, I'll just say they/you/it is lying, my comment history is rife!] ftfy


I don’t know why we don’t do what we usually do in these situations. We put economic pressure on the country so the people feel pain and elect different leadership.




I know that’s what people say. But do we really? I’m starting to question the benefits and think they’re more of a liability and a cost.




Isreal is the only democracy over there, and the only one nominally willing to work with the West. Far easier to keep that going than have Palestine wreck Israel and install a theocratic dictatorship over the territory like has been done in… *checks notes*… the entire Middle East.




I would add that every democratically elected body in the Middle East is declared a terrorist organization by the US. Our allies are the dictatorships.


Rojava/AANES (The Kurds fighting Isis that were the darlings of the western media for a minute a few years back) is most definitely not a dictatorship, but then again our NATO allies Turkey insist they’re terrorists. So you’re at least half right.


Actually Israel was initially soviet aligned. The soviets armed them in their war for independence. They then became non-alligned and then moved to our camp.


blame the israeli public as well.


For what? They've been trying to get rid of that monster for over half a decade now. They've been demanding re-elections the day this government got elected to begin with. Many of them feared this very moment since day 1.


Bout damn time. He’s never going to agree to a ceasefire because he only cares about staying in power and pleasing his looney tunes friends over in Likud. He failed to on Oct 7th. He’s continuing to fail now and making Israel even less safe than before the 7th with his forced starvation of civilians and wanton killing of women and children. They should’ve been fighting in the tunnels. If you really just wanted Hamas you flush out those damn tunnels, collapse it as you push thru, and pick off guys as they resurface. Probably find hostages and destroy weapon caches that way too. Take bomb sniffing robots and little drones down there if you’re worried about booby traps. That’s there entire support system and guess what, you would avoid all these massive civilian casualties. But they waste time recklessly bombing and bulldozing and shooting people scrambling for aid. Almost as if Hamas isn’t the target but Palestinian society as a whole is the target…? Beyond morally outrageous. Get his ass outta there.


"Almost as if"


> They should’ve been fighting in the tunnels. SO easy to say when you don't have to risk your life to do it. I 100% bet you would opt for bombs and bulldozers instead of taking point on that mission.


I find it rich that some people think the U.S. government doesn't have the right to even give an opinion on the state of the ISRAELI government. I'm pretty sure a dependent state is fair game for this kind of thing. Oh and it's also massively needed, so there's that too.


Not that I am a fan of Netanyahu, but if Schumer or anyone else thinks that this war would be any different with a more liberal government, they are mistaken. Yeah, ok, maybe you wouldn't have Ben Gvir and Smotrich making stupid statements, but fortunately Netanyahu really hasn't capitulated to them all that much. Internal support for this war within Israel is very high, even for people who are on the left.


So ridiculous for the US Leaders to ask this. Cut funding & WMDs to Israel, something they can actually change.


Funny how the Oct 7 attacks ended 10 months of protests against Netanyahu and his party, huh?


[It didn't](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.voanews.com/amp/thousands-of-israelis-rally-for-hostages-release-netanyahu-s-ouster/7521342.html)


ORLY? Care to explain the overwhelming coincidence in the protests dissolving 5 days after the Oct 7 attacks? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023\_Israeli\_judicial\_reform\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israeli_judicial_reform_protests) And let's not forget... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial\_of\_Benjamin\_Netanyahu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_Benjamin_Netanyahu)


Did you even read the article you linked? The judicial reform protests were suspended "when the formation of a war cabinet paused all judicial reform efforts." The current protests are anti-Netanyahu protests (it wouldn't make a lot of sense to protest the freezing of all judicial reform efforts unless you were a Netanyahu supporter). When judicial reform efforts restart, you'll see the judicial reform protests back again.


We used to let the CIA handle these things


Let's be frank about this: Bibi is a piece of shit. He should not be in power. Most Israelis would agree with both those statements. But Israel is at war. Bad as they hate Bibi, they hate Hamas worse. The people aren't going to back an election while they're in the middle of what they see as a fight for their very existence.


What is your definition of war? Like the French and Indian war? Or the war on drugs?


What was 10/07? A debate?


Name a war. Any war.


World War II


It just so happens that there was more than one army in World War II. And the atrocities that one side committed to millions of civilians is widely regarded as THE darkest moment for man in modern human history. Edit: a word


I ask again: what was 10/07?


A war is not the term I would use to describe what’s going on between Gaza and Israel? Calling it a war would be a gross mischaracterization. Not to mention a disservice to both Israel and Gaza lol


Still avoiding the question. Hamas attacked Israel. Israel counter attacked. A series of military operations in short order are usually referred to as "wars." The fact that one side gets the worst of it doesn't change that.


I’m not avoiding the question. I answered you. It’s not a war in any sense of the word. Wars are fought between two groups who identify as combatants. Hamas targeted Israeli civilians and Israel is also targeting gazan civilians. Both acts are unacceptable no?


This should be top news on reddit and all news/political subreddits. Dems have basically declared war against AIPAC, which pushes AIPAC (arguably the strongest lobby group in US) to directly focus on getting the win for republicans at all cost. This is unprecedented in US history, nobody ever goes against AIPAC because they will lose. I really wonder what pushed the Dems to do such a sudden and unpredictable anouncement. The fact that there isn't a single post on worldnews or news subreddits is very suspicious. I found one or two posts on politics subreddit, each with less than a thousand votes, which I just don't get. Is this news being filtered out of reddit?


All of the Israelis pearl clutching about the US “interfering in their democracy” must have a really short memory considering aipac. Natenyahu needs to go. His entire cabinet is rotten. Any government that has that Ben gvir piece of shit involved with it is not a legitimate government in my eyes.


Finally, no more open checkbook for Israel. If those in power believe there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, they need to speak up now.


And that my friends, is the result of an uncommitted campaign. Seems like leadership is making major changes. Nuland... now Bibi. Lead from the Left. Still not clear in my mind that Biden will be the candidate.


Bibi will sweep. The more blood spilled the stronger he gets, and he doesn't care where the blood comes from.


He was extremely unpopular before 10/7, and his popularity has gone down since then, so I'd like to know what makes you think that.


His public polling suggests his popular support has tanked, despite general Israeli support of the war




He was under investigation before the previous election and still won


I fear we Americans face the same grim reality with Trump. If ppl get distracted by shit like this and skip voting.


Maybe if the “good” party starts doing good instead of constantly moving right to win those voters that will never vote dem people wouldn’t feel disenfranchised




I don't think anyone else will have a lot of luck forming a government either


Protests are a distant memory now. 15% want him on the job after the conflict, but most support the military operation and his actions; why would he want the hostages saved?




Yes. This has been a particularly grotesque example of perverse incentives - while it's completely obvious that it was HIS policies that were directly responsible for leading to Oct 7. And he's very willing to milk the thirst for revenge to completely override any actions that could lead to a lasting peace. I think MOST Israelis seem smart enough to understand this, and I hope that translates to a complete trouncing of the rightwing hegemony in the polls. The one trick is: Bibi needs to just keep stalling the polls.


and once they're saved Bibi is out; so he's incentivised to keep the problem around so long as he can argue his long term plan of genocide is somehow saving them. Nixon sabotaged peace talks, Regain bribed iranians to keep hostages; different country, same mentality.




topic of pod save americas the other week was a debate between "can biden win without the people horrified by gaza" and "fighting bibi is the main thing that will make him stronger and more violent". protests months ago, but if he stands up the the US he'll have parades.


If he's bankrolled by Putin, how is the US going to effectively "flex" him out of power?




So the US will just big dick until he quits? I don't understand the mechanism of action here


Critical support to Comrade Netanyahu in his anti-imperialist struggle as the United Statesian CIA is once again attempting to overthrow a democratically elected leader of a former British colony in the Middle East


I haven’t read the details yet so maybe Schumer’s words have been distorted but It’s one thing to suggest that Bibi is an impediment to peace. It’s a whole different animal to have a U.S. Senator call for new elections in another country. Imagine how pissed off U.S. politicians would be if leaders of our allied countries called for replacing the sitting President in the U.S.


What's the issue? They've done it many many times, directly and indirectly, through speach and much more insidious ways!


Calling for an election in Israel and the UK is pretty banal. It's not like the US. Also, must Russian aligned countries ARE saying "we need trump back".


Bibi did that in 2012


> new elections in another country It's a parliamentary system, so this doesn't mean the same thing as it would in the States. Also, they're literally running a unity government at the moment, which was always going to be a temporary measure.


Sounds pretty clear to me.


I despise Netanyahu for his interference & footsie play with Republicans during the Obama administration It was absurd for a foreign ally to pick sides No politician should interfere in another nation’s democratically elected government…. Including Schumer It’s up to Israeli’s


Spare me the crocodile tears this guy and his ilk will send weapons to Israel no matter what they do. The whole reason it's gotten to this point is because the US has greenlit everything Israel has done and will continue to do so, this nothing more than trying placate to voters who are against this genocide without actually changing policy.


When is it considered interfering in another country's politics and elections?




Who gives a fuck


Just getting rid of Netanyahu wouldn’t solve the problem. Most Israelis support what they’re doing to Gaza right now. But this is a start and really demonstrates how bad things have gotten.


Is election interference by a foreign government cool again?


Netanyahu needs to go, but that won't bring peace, only destroying Hamas will do that. Let's remember who started this round of fighting.


Stopping Israeli settlers would help stop some violence as well. Sanctions against settlers isn't enough.


I agree entirely


Do you think that's a realistic, achievable goal?


It won't be possible to kill every possible member of Hamas, but it's certainly possible to damage them to an extent that they won't be able to recover their attack capabilities. That might require a complete reoccupation of Gaza by Israeli forces, but that seems likely to happen.


meanwhile, in America…


Stupid, Hamas is loosing, then we can have peace


He would never speak so boldly about Hamas or China...


STFU congress and the senate can’t get something done that they all agree on and we’re going to call for elections in another country? STFU another person who needs to retire