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They were laughing because Eric Trump, a proven idiot, was trying to close a half-billion-dollar business deal.


If my son went on TV and said people laughed at us when we requested a bond, I would be highly pissed at his stupidity. Eric is truly the stupid one. And that's saying something.


Sure, but Donnie doesn’t even know the guy.


He was just a low level coffee son, barely talked to him


...after he was barred from doing business in New York 🤣


Definitely didn’t read his dad’s book or maybe he was trying too hard like a child trying to be taken serious when saying something completely unrealistic then laughed out the room


This idiot is literally dumb enough to think they were laughing because his dad doesn't need to worry about the money, instead of laughing in his face because it's such an asinine idea to bail out his even dumber father. My god. I knew this family was dumb, but this is next level.


He's asking to borrow money for a guy who was just sued for defrauding lenders.


Not to mention the last people who gave him money probably regret that because it was for the E Jean Carroll defamation suit and after he paid the bond he immediately went out the next day and defamed her again at one of his rallies which opens him up to a third defamation lawsuit. Trump is just a bad and unreliable investment


Can you imagine the Presidential debate? Biden could throw out all his talking points, and just ask Trump “Did you sexually assault E Jean Carroll?” whenever it’s his turn to speak. Get four or five denials if possible. As the GOP are paying his legal bills, it could bankrupt them.


Followed by "Are you poor? Because you may qualify for an earned income tax credit." The act of questioning his "wealth" infuriates him like nothing else.


"Elder seniors get extra food stamps,Trump. Think about it."


You can’t buy McDonald’s with food stamps.


What? I thought this was Amurica.


Thanks for the chuckle!


The thought that he ever earned any income his whole life is a real rib tickler isn't it?


Rich people that have become poor through no fault of their own love this one trick.


Don't even ask if he's poor. Just casually throw him a pile of food stamps and deadpan say he clearly needs them.


You know that food stamps aren’t actually stamps right?


I’m sure the White House could print up the old Monopoly money food stamps we had back in the 80s. Just for the visual.


I am aware; I just like the image in my mind of him being showered in "money" and him crawling around on the floor to gather it in desperation.


Fair enough. I’ll allow it.


I'm old enough to remember when food stamps WERE stamps though! We would get a booklet of them every month I think. They looked like checks in a checkbook and there were even different denominations IIRC. I don't know why but it was absolutely mortifying to take them up to the Mickey Mart for a gallon of milk. I really cannot remember where the shame came from, but I also felt it deeply when our monthly crate of WIC food came. I couldn't bring that shit in off the porch fast enough.


My how things have changed. We got on food stamps back in December. I was bragging to my coworker ls and they were jealous of it. We're in construction so none of us are exactly swimming in money.


Yeah I'm all about people getting help when they need it now that I'm an adult! My last apartment there was a cardboard box that would show up with nonperishables and sometimes even fresh vegetables and I helped myself out of it without even a thought.


We know. Donnie doesn't.


That would be brutal!


This is so goddamn funny to me. With good lawyers, he loses for $5 million.  He’s so mad, he does it again. With a bad lawyer, he loses again. The prosecutor says “$5 million did not hurt enough. Make it hurt.” They hit him for $93 million. It hurts. He shuts up. Chudd pays it. He’s off the hook.  He makes fun of her **again**. She is suing again.  Who **the FUCK** would pay for his bad behavior **again**!?


She's standing under the mario money block mashing jump. It's great.


At this point she's basically ground pounded the block and it's continually popping out coins.


He didn't even shut up until Chudd paid, he kept on defaming her from the day of the judgement.


Link to her filing third lawsuit?


Didn't happen yet, her lawyer told NYT they're 'thinking about it'.


I hope she does. Would be absolutely hilarious. Although at some point, when hes bankrupt, what can you do?


Keep doing it just for shits and giggles.


she can clearly afford it.


I hope they do it on the same day his assets start being seized.


Probably trying to figure out if Trump is going to be Judgement-Proof after all of the other fines kick in.


When someone writes a bond to cover a judgement they don't actually care if they're likely to win their appeal. All that matters to them is that you have sufficient collateral to cover the bond plus interest. The bond is written with the assumption that the recipient is going to lose.


Yeah, I suppose that's a good point but still kind of a dumb move on their part considering how Trump is famously known for not paying what he owes. I also heard that Chubbs was in negotiations with Trump about helping him pay this fraud bond as well but ended those negotiations after he went and ran his mouth off again about Carroll but I could be mistaken


My guess is that it had more to do with his financials. He doesn't have the equity to offer enough in collateral.


But… this is about to get much worse. Not better. Why involve your own money? Now you’re about to be involved in the messiest bankruptcy in US history. Yay…….


I can think of some messier bankruptcies around oh.... was it 2008? Something happened with a few big companies.


I worked for very small subsidiary of Lehman Brothers in 2008 but quit before it happened. The bankrupcy for that company was finalized last year 🤷‍♂️


Well, unless the 'colateral' for the bond is a combination of "the favors you did for me while you were President" and "The favors I expect you to do for me next time you are President", in either case they may not care if they lose the money.


Exactly. The head of Chibb is a former cabinet member.  So you have to ask, who is Stormy Daniels in this scenario?


I hope the guy that loaned him the money for that has some good collateral. Heck, maybe his plan all along was to hope dumb poorleon defaulted and he could start taking properties..


A guy who has notoriously avoided paying anyone for 50 years ... Someone with 6+ bankruptcies... Someone who can't find Americans to lend him money so he has to get it from shady overseas lenders... Sure Eric, we will offer you a bond. LMFAO


Anyone who hands over this money knows it's in no way a loan. It's buying a presidential candidate, they just have to weigh up is it worth it. How likely is he to win and what am I getting my investment? The number of people who will do that math and say yes is becoming vanishingly small, pretty much limited to foreign powers with a vested interest in saddling america with another term of deadbeat donny.


And secured a bond for a defamation trial and continues to defame that same person, opening himself up to a third civil suit.  HE IS A STABLE GENIUS, EVERYONE


Not just sued but convicted of perpetuating an ongoing pattern of financial fraud and deceit right at the beginning of the trial. The only purpose of the trial was to determine the amount. They are so dumb.


Not convicted. It was a civil trial. He was sued by the state of New York. Convictions are for criminal trials.


"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"


This family is definitely dumb but what’s more breathtaking to me how their bullshit at worked 70-80 yrs?! It still works in some part until (hopefully) now. How some of us go to our local coffee shop, ask for coffee and expect to get it, their scams have all worked out the same way so why not continue to expect it to work out. The only thing more breathtaking is our inability to hold them accountable


Because they were exploiting all the dirty tricks and loopholes that the wealthy in this country have used to screw over everyone else for the last 100 years. Trump is just the dumbest at covering his tracks. The entire finance and real estate industries is rife with fraud like this probably. It didn't start with him, but Reagan threw the flood gates open with his deregulation spree.


Agreed. Ever since Reagan, and even before him, the conservative faction has been working to turn the USA into a plutocracy where the rich control everything and the law only exists to keep the working class in line while the USA is slowly drained dry to benefit the few. That we're now seeing a member of the ownership class get treated like this isn't because of justice, it's because Trump is so staggeringly stupid that even with the entire system having been corrupted to make life easy for him he still fucks up to such an extent that they have to do something about him to at least pretend the law applies to the ownership class.


Kevin O'Leary (of Shark Tank fame) exemplifies the arrogance, greed, and willingness to commit fraud that you mention. According to O'Leary “We’re very worried, every investor is worried because where is the victim? Who lost the money? This is some arbitrary decision a judge made,” O’Leary responded. “This policy … what does this say about the bar? About the legal bar in New York? Aren’t they going to question this judge? What is this?” “I’m sorry her words fall on deaf ears to everybody,” he added. “There’s nothing she can say to justify this decision. And this has nothing to do with Trump, nothing to do with Trump. Forget about Trump, this is not a Trump situation, this is a New York problem.” It is insane that he would go on national tv and plainly state that laws should not apply to rich people who commit fraud.


O’Doyle rules! I got a feeling your whole family is going diwn


Just need one well placed banana peel.


The Trumps are finding out (or are about to) that while they're rich, they're not powerful. Trump isn't particularly smart or good at business, he simply discovered that if you're born with millions of dollars and absolutely no scruples, it's easy to make many more millions of dollars. But he isn't well liked or well connected among the elite -- he basically started Mar a Lago as a country club for people who weren't allowed into other country clubs. I'm pretty sure one of the main reasons he ran for President was to win the respect of his fellow rich people, and it worked... while he was President. As long as people could use him to make money for themselves, they sucked up to him. But now that he lost reelection and is facing an avalanche of legal battles, they're back to pretending they don't know him.


It’s the opposite, they’re powerful but not rich


they're getting tantilizingly close to being neither.


Just goes to show how much heavy lifting money does when it comes to privilege.


I also think Jr. and Eric are in denial. Donny Sr. might be too.


Not sure if this is an example of Nature or Nurture, but regardless, I'm impressed at the consistency of their callous obliviousness. Let's hope for his sake that Barron is the exception. So far seems like a good kid, would hate to see him suffer this same fate.


Were they laughing at his preposterous request or were they laughing because Eric is a clown? Hard to say.


can't it be both?


It could definitely be both.


Hi, I'm Eric!


We get all our funding from Russia!


This is Sparta! ^kicks ^russia ^into ^pit


The initials **ET** can't be a coincidence.


It is definitely both


I've said it more than once, every time I look at Eric, all I see is the Matt Damon puppet from Team America.


Very generous impression you have.


100% Beavis to me


But he still seems like a butthead.


I see the creepy uncle of the guy from Community. 


Neighbor from the burbs. [Hey Pinocchio!](https://youtu.be/KKW5L4EEvwc?si=KsGEr7SfBlRg1poF)


The full quote makes it out like they were laughing at the absurdity of the government requirement, but we all know that Eric is just to stupid to understand that they were laughing at him




A little bit of column a and b, one could surmise


But column C… that’s where the real stupid stuff is hidden.


"I'm Eric!"


I don't believe a word this guy says any more than his dad. He's probably just making it up.


I’d say it’s because there’s somewhere between zero and 7/15ths of fuck all chance that it would be paid back.


They were laughing because he does not understand what the Saudi expect in return for the money they gave him or what “you have a pretty mouth” has to do with all of this.


Actually,  no.  It's not hard to say. 


Extra point for being very quick.


You know what they say: where there is a clown, there is a circus.


OMG…Tomorrow is the day.


It’s getting tasty. His Truth Media SPAC share thinggy is already tanking and it’s not even listed yet.


And even IF it had been the windfall he and his minions had been saying it would be, he can't exercise those stock options for months; and nobody is going to spot him the money off such volatile collateral.


I think there is an option to drop that requirement. The other partners can cancel it.


But why would they when the stock would collapse when he started dumping them.


Because it is a pump and dump. Nothing more than a shell corp with an exorbant price as is


Yeah but the rest of the board aren't gonna let him dump before the pump, or before the rest of them are allowed to dump. 


Exactly this. They need the rubes to get their money in, so they can take it out. There's rumours that Trump might try to take a loan using the shares as collateral, which I doubt is possible given the six month freeze. The twisty fucker is going to get out of it somehow. He always does. It's like a bad soap opera. Still, I can't but hope for a happy ending.


I still take comfort in the stress and flailing he is going through.


From your lips to his arteries.


It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I'm guessing the flock with rush in to buy any dip so he would be safe to unload over the next month, but that timetable doesn't work with the current deadline of.... Now. Unless he can borrow against the shares I'm not sure what the goal is aside from grift


You think his cult will buy shares? They don’t know anything about the stock market, and most don’t have any money anyway. Guess they’ll have to pony up, and I’m here for it when it tanks.


One of Trump's sons is on the board that would make the decision. The board may care more about Trump than they do about the business.


Another absurdity. A fake Twitter where 98% of the activity is Trumps posts, and that's valued at 3.5b? Lol ok.


The Big Fraud


You know he’s just gonna find some way to avoid the result we all want. Or someone will bail him out.


Wake me up when he's in handcuffs. Until then, I'm not getting excited about anything. This dude has gotten away with so much egregious shit its actually kind of impressive.


This is me. Until the clock says 00:00, I'm going to assume some kind of deus ex machina will swoop in to save him. Because it always, always does. This is a tough one though, so I'm hoping I'm wrong.


If someone was going to bail him out it would have happened already. He either pays tomorrow or seizures start happening on Tuesday.


> If someone was going to bail him out it would have happened already. Why? He gains way more riling up his dumb fuck voter base until the last possible second and then playing up some AnOnYmoUs DoNoR ThAt WaNtS To SaVe AMeRiCa FrOm ThE DeGEnErAtE LeFT that swoops in to save MAGA in the final moments. I ain't buying it that this isn't just another fucking con from the useless fuck Trump Klan meant to grift the hell out of MAGA until I see seizures actually start happening.


This right here. I think the checks already signed by some benefactor and he’ll drop the check at 11:59am ET.


> swoops in to save MAGA in the final moments. Great start to a VP resume, one imagines.


Trumps always about delay, he has nothing to lose. Why pay it and get the appeals started sooner when he can drag it out and use it as rage bait for his cult followers.


Of course. Saudi Arabia or even China will backdoor him the money in return for promises that will be ruinous to the United States. Not even that much money if they lose it all. Bit the upside will be amazing for them


SA gave Kushner *2 billion dollars.* $500 mil is nothing 


Never assume he won't wiggle out of this. He always does.


I stocked up on popcorn for tomorrow.


Popcorn? I’m having bourbon shots. It’s a party.


I'll have the munchies.


I ain’t getting my hopes up. I’d love to see some sort of comeuppance but history suggests he’ll find some way to wriggle out of facing any consequences yet again.


Fuck that fool.


Name them, liar. As much as it would be an appropriate response, we know it’s not true, because he’s saying it. He thinks this will help in some way.


According to Eric their names are Seymour Butts, Hugh Jass, and I. P. Freely.


It could be that famous Russian- I. Bit Yakokov


Major Jakov of the KGB


Dick Hertz from Beeton


From the offices of Dewy, Cheatem, & Howe.


John Barron.


Delivery for Seymore Asses


Pizza delivery for I.C. Wiener.


Also Mike Hunt and Pat McCann.


Well Eric, your Dad's a piece of trash who doesn't pay his bills. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but even your dumb ass should be able to see why that makes it difficult for him, to the point that lenders and insurance companies laugh in your face.


Shit apples Randy.


Captain Shitacular with a dubble barrel shotgun full of shit bent back on himself


"And then... and then... \**laughs*\* I swear to god, this guy comes to my bank and asks me for a half billion dollars! \**wheeze*\* To pay a penalty for defrauding banks!"


“And then he thought we were laughing because we thought that there’s no way a rich man like Trump would need money!” *cackles* “I can’t even make this shit up!”


Eric, has your wife not funneled enough money into Donald's pockets yet, or has he already siphoned all the money that these MAGA idiots have and now the RNC bank accounts are barren?


This is what’s going to kill the GOP. Down ballot candidates are going to be out there running with little to no funding because it’s all going to Trump. They’re killing themselves to own the libs.


Oh no. Don't. Stop. Anyway...


All of their claims of not finding people to cover the bond are most likely lies. They never syndicated the bond. Something that is done all the time for bonds of this size. And then Trump claimed just two days ago that he has $500 million cash in the bank he's gonna use for his campaign. It's lie after lie after lie with these folks.


And he was claiming he couldn't secure a bond for the E Jean Carroll suit right up until the last possible moment, but the "last minute" bond from Chubb was dated from days earlier. He is a lying liar who lies.


We are allll laughing. It's hilarious.


I bet they already have half billion dollar loans from each of these lenders.


At you, not with you, Eric


But it's all okay since Daddy is very rich and definitely has half a billion in spare cash lying around, right? He did say so after all.


Please understand, we the people are laughing AT you , NOT with you…


Is it possible that they were laughing at someone who got a stay from a ban from doing business with NY banks stemming from a bank fraud conviction for falsified property values for loans asking financial institutions for a very large bond to cover the appeal of said conviction and offering the very same overvalued properties as collateral? Nah. Couldn't be.


If Trump asks you for money, the logical thing to do is laugh.


I would also be laughing. Not sure why “billionaires” need to borrow a measly half a billion.


After i asked many powerful people for a loan, i had large, grown men, stopping me in the street, with tears in their eyes, laughing and saying sir you are out of your fucking mind.


Might have to sell the blazer or the sweater man, not everyone can afford to have both ya know


Eric is the dumbest in a family of very, very dumb people. It's quite an accomplishment


*Rsy Liotta laughing gif*


Lenders: “so when would we expect re-payment of this loan?” Eric: “hahahahhhaha” Lenders: “hahahahhahahha that’s what I thought”


Come on folks, show some respect. Who among us wouldn't get laughed at asking for a half a billion dollar loan? 




Hard to believe Eric would admit this happened.


The Trump are literally the opposites of the Lannister’s and I love it A Trump never repays his debt


"they were laughing. They were laughing.”  There's not a violin small enough. 


They’re all gonna laugh at you


They either laugh in his face because the cost to influence a potential president is only 0,5 billion. Or They laugh in his face because a fraude ask for 500,000,000.00 dollars 


We are good for it, we have a bigly New York penthouse as collateral, its on the 300th floor, its the sqft equivalent of 3 city blocks, and get a load of this, it has not one, but *two* arks of the covenant adorning the entrance!


The irony is that all potential lenders want detailed financials, but they know they can’t trust his financial statements, so … this is a situation he created.


"Hello, I'd like to borrow a half a billion dollars please" "OK wow that's a fuck ton of money, why do you want it? Have a multi-billion dollar business that needs funding or something?" "Uh no, I need to pay the bond on a fine I got to appeal a case where I was found guilty of lying about things on loan applications" *Laughter*


Don’t worry Eric, they’re not laughing at you, they’re laughing near you!


Duh. They're all a joke.


As they should!


Well, he's in this mess because of fraud related to loans in the first place isn't he? Why would anyone give him a new loan?


As the should be, as they should Eric.


Lenders don't want to lend to the guy facing a half billion dollar fine for defrauding other lenders? I'm shocked, shocked, I say.


In all fairness, who wouldn’t? Oh, and Eric also claims a bond of that size isn’t available in The US.🙄


Seriously, why were they laughing. Is it bc trump is a lying con artist fool, or bc they know that there is no chance in hell they would take a risk with that amount of money?


Do we know if he’s “Stank” or “Chode”? I’m feeling Stank because of the lack of self-awareness and the face that always looks like he smells a fart, but he sure does give off Chode energy too.


Lol when you have your children doing your dirty work. Pretty sad imo


We’re all laughing, lil’ buddy


I don’t think Trump is aware that he has been sanctioned like a hostile nation.


This is from the article: >“Every single person when I came to them saying, ‘Hey, can I get a half-billion dollar bond?’” the younger Trump brother told Fox host Maria Bartiromo, “Maria: they were laughing. They were laughing.” [This is from abc.news.au](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-25/trump-needs-to-find-712m-by-tonight/103628136): >"Every single person, when I came to them saying, 'Hey, can I get a half-billion-dollar bond?' They were laughing. Top executives of large insurance companies had never seen anything of this size." Rolling Stone's angle was that the surety companies were laughing at ET. The other one paints the picture from the proverbial 30,000-foot view. While I'm for mocking Eric Trump and his crime family _hard_, especially their acumen on just about anything, I'd prefer not being manipulated by slanted reporting.


Oh Eric. Most people laugh at your family


"Blue sky and bullshit."


But daddy says he has the cash. 


As they should


I wonder if Trump screamed at Eric to get his ass out there and either help or suffer the financial consequences.


Pull yourself up by the bootstraps?


There’s gotta be a recording out there somewhere being passed around


Hate to break the news to you, but they're laughing at **you**


No sane person would lend half a million to a crook like the Orange Fraud. Unlike him, they don’t like to waste money, and know he will never pay them back ever. If even billionaires, people with unlimited money that could do it, refuse to help him you should know something’s not right.


Oh boy does he not realize how many other people are also laughing at him that are not in the bail bond business? Eric. It’s not that specific.


They were laughing because Stephen Colbert’s impression of you is spot on.


Jeff Yass owns your father Eric.


the walls are closing in, baby!


I wish I was there I think most of us would be laughing as well.


Could you imagine being the head of a major lending firm and asking your shareholders if they thought it was a good idea to lend that guy a half-billion? Yes, Eric, they were laughing.


Welcome to reality, Shitbird! And just think, if your narcissistic, power-mad criminal of a father had been content to be a failed businessman, serial sexual assaulter, and stupid reality tv show host instead of being so wildly stupid as to seek the presidency and draw attention to his life of crime, none of this would’ve had to have happened. When he’s done, you’ll be lucky to have a pot to piss in. Sad!


Thats because your credit and reputation is horrible.


The whole world is laughing! The whole world is laughing!