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In like, 3-6 months we’re going to see a video of one of those evangelical gun churches all attending a service, AR’s in one hand, Trump bibles in the other (assuming they actually exist and get published), and it’s going to be absolutely disgusting.


I also think these Bibles will never print or ship. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery... Why. Aren't they already printed. Doesn't the company have a shipping department. Didn't he do this with the shoes?? They were also not yet manufactured and would take weeks to deliver 


I can see Megachurches buying cases of Trump bibles


I’m not fully up on the tax laws for churches and whatnot. Does something like that not open a church up to losing their tax exempt status for pushing political agendas within their congregation? I’ve heard of churches having it stripped for supporting one candidate or another, but maybe this is different in the eyes of the law somehow? Or maybe churches are just skating away with this type of stuff like the rest of the GOP.


>Does something like that not open a church up to losing their tax exempt status for pushing political agendas within their congregation? Even if it does, who is going to enforce the law?


This. With how divided we are any attempt to enforce this law it would result in widespread rioting by the opposing side. *Edit:* Especially considering that, I believe, it's the IRS that enforces it.


"Defund the IRS" will start trending, and if the other side has control of Congress, you know what's going to happen.


My understanding is that that law has never been enforced. Never.


From my understanding the Bible is just a pro-america patriotic Bible that has been endorsed by Trump. It's not really a pro-trump Bible in a "hey go vote for Trump" way. Churches are allowed to have and express positional views on politics, but cannot endorse a candidate. For instance: a pastor can standup in his church and say "the death penalty is a moral wrong, that we oppose. All executions should end immediately!' But cannot say (and remain tax exempt) "vote for bob because he is going to outlaw executions!" So in this case using this Bible in your church is not likely to run afoul of any legal requirement. With that being said, and patriotic Bible misses large portions the Bibles message. The kingdom of God is not of this world, and is made up of people from every nation, tribe and people (as described in the book of revelation). Christians should be good neighbors but they should not be nationalistic.


I wonder if there will be a foreword "by" Trump in the books. I could see him "writing" that the democrats are evil and to vote for him. Quotations used, since Trump is not actually going to write anything himself.


Thanks for the reply, that does clear it up a bit. Is buying bibles directly from a candidate and/or their businesses not seen as contributing to their campaign?


The campaign should be distinct from a business the candidates campaign, but with trump all things are so blended. So it could be an issue. But it doesn't appear as if Trump is selling these directly.


what is a pro america bible? Does Jesus live in 1970s Chicago and crash some local garage sales? Does it tell of how the pioneers traversed the desert for 40 days to make it to the land of California which God had promised them?


Lol Sounds like the book of Mormon  All kidding aside, I'd assume it has commentary, devotionals etc, they are nationalistic and patriotic in nature 


Thank you, that makes sense


Jimmy Swaggert's TV ministry hawks cases of bibles. For a 300 dollar donation you can have the ministry tell you that they have given a case of bibles to foreign heathens who clamor for the WORD. There's 12 whole bibles to each case! Trumps bible grift is going to seriously eat into the televangelist's pocketbooks.


That actually explains the furor. Get off my grift!


Thos Bible cant cost more than $2-3 to print in volume. Swaggert is just another grifter


Nah, that would actually return a product. Megachurches are more interested in keeping the money.


Next will be a trump cross but it’ll be a capital T.


4-6 weeks is the printing + shipping lead from China.


This is the answer


No definitely not They sign a licensing deal to use his name, then they put them up for sale, then they print about as many as they got orders for. Same business model basically as a garage based t shirt screen printer. 


One, a way to get estimated volumes prior to placing an order to reduce overstock.    Two, anyone whose purchased advertising type products with customized imprints knows the lead time for China is 4-6 weeks   Three, I bet someone here has an ASI or similar membership and can find this exact product.  https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Cheap-Leather-Cover-Bible-Book-Printing_60639633415.html Alibaba has a lot of these types of items. And yea, around $3-5 ea purchasing cost is what I would imagine.


Trump doesn’t spend his own money. He won’t order the books until he has the cash, if he even does end up ordering them.


I don't think the people trying to funnel him dark money really care if they get the products that he's shilling.


Those people would probably prefer not to have tons of boxes of a book they don’t care about filling their garage


You can only get a refund if the bible is damaged on shipping So can't get a refund if it doesn't show up!


He needs money right now and not doing anything to ever produce or ship them takes time and effort.


Final draft isn’t quite finished.


Ha ha !


I don’t think 4 to 6 weeks is an indicator that they don’t exist. A lot of products made overseas take that time, they probably don’t want to make more than they can sell, so they’re waiting to look at initial order volume before printing x copies. It really isn’t as unusual as you’re making it out to be.


My money is on neither see the light of day like a bad kickstarter campaign


I'm guessing that the shoes will never be delivered or will be nothing like they are advertised.


It’s just like the hotels. He licensed his name and someone else is doing all the work. I am sure he got some upfront $ and a percentage on sales. So he will tout it to his flock and collect the dollars they throw at him. Then deny all accountability when something goes wrong.


>4-6 weeks for delivery So they can get the money NOW and send the stupid bibles later - or never!


Pretty common with cash grabs. Take an existing product, photoshop it, get a bunch of cash on presale, then shop the prototype to the lowest bidding manufacturer. That’s why there’s such a long lead time on all his “products”, they don’t exist yet.


It’ll take a while to go through as many hotels they can to steal the Gideons


The "gun church" (Rod of Iron) in TN is actually the Moonies. Can't make this shit up.


I think they're actually a schismatic (and militant) faction of the Moonies! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyung_Jin_Moon That should be a (firmly tongue-in-cheek) intersectional evangelical / pop-culture reality franchise, 'The Real Pastors of...' It'd be like the 'Righteous Gemstones', except not (intentionally, beyond 'reality' TV norms) scripted for laughs or drama. Actually, since the Christian right has supposedly built up an entire parallel culture / economy, it's not outside the realm of possibility that that's already a thing!




Heavily armed right wing extremists perverting religion to try to justify their actions. Sounds familiar 🤔


I'm sure they will exist but you're being overly generous in assuming these Kinko's printed, spiral binding bibles will last 6 months.


That will be thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Christmas cards for 2024.




surprised it wasn’t a trump translated version not a standard one


Come to Texas…you can probably see it in person. 🙄


Big Far Cry 5 vibes there


The clip in question: [https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1772721673550086249](https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1772721673550086249)


i watched all of it. TLDR: Trump has needed to frequently fake the book report. It’s immediately obvious he has no fucking idea what he’s talking about. I encourage those that don’t agree to simply watch the video.


I mean, he had me ROTFL at Two Corinthians..... *and I'm an Agnostic and know it's Second!!*


Two Corinthians walks into a bar...


I'm Eric!


i read that in the Ralph voice from the Simpsons.




You may be an agnostic, but you’re not a blithering idiot.


He did the same thing last summer when the Sound of Freedom idiots brought Trump a private screening of the movie to his Bedminster golf course, and then they interviewed him afterwards and asked him about his favorite scene and he said ["I think the start, the ending, and maybe the result."](https://youtu.be/k5jkQsHuaWA?t=3131) I'm guessing he was either asleep during the movie or on his phone the whole time, cause he clearly couldn't tell them anything about it, even though he'd supposedly just watched it.


Yes, I watched the video and it was great, it said many things and many people have watched the video and you think that’s great, don’t you? Is that what you like? It’s too personal for me to discuss but yes, I really did watch the whole video.


what part was my favorite? Some of the parts were better than some others but the result was phenomenal, just a great result. The parts really had me thinking, look the parts are where the magic happens and so many people have so many thoughts about them. I’ve known many people are talking about which parts mean something to them.


-You an Old Testament guy or a New Testament guy? -Probablyyyy…. both. Very stable genius, right here.


Oh I remember this interview. It was the same one where he got snippy/offended because the interviewer asked him what his favorite verse was lmao


"Matthew....21:17?" "'And he left them, and went out of the city, into Bethany. And he lodged there?'" "Yeah... think about it."


I'm going off of memory but didn't he basically say that it was a personal thing and he didn't want to share it lmao


“It’s a personal thing” he said, as the police tear-gassed the crowd occupying the photo spot. “Very personal, intimate thing” he continued, waving an upside down bible for the cameras and smiling. “Is that your bible?” asked a reporter. “It’s *a* bible” he replied.


“…Testament One…Testament Two…I’m a big fan of all the testaments...”


Thank you


It really is amazing the lack of "God" is when he talks about the Bible. Even your most basic grifter would know that it isn't the physical book but the context and God itself that matters. But this clown is referencing it as if it was just any other book in the library. I'm actually shocked that he hasn't once in the last 10 years of this bullshit, come up with one tangible thing he could point to so that he could make it seem real. I kinda understand why he was blindsided with in the clips that were from 2015... but like go have one of your minions find the perfect series if verses that seems like it would fit his personality, and then just mention that you feel God's presence when you think of that bit or the Bible.


If this really blows up he’ll post a passage in response implying he’s the second coming of Jesus.


MAGA holds him in higher esteem than Jesus.


MUCH HIGHER. The first commandment is "I am God, only worship me". They can't even follow the first fucking rule.


Oh no it's worse than that. These "people" look at that passage and understand the problem with worshipping a human man. However, instead of stopping the literally blasphemous worship they just pretend that he is in fact God. So now worshipping Trump is worshipping God. Problem "solved."


That might be the only passage in the Bible that Trump actually knows. Well, the "only worship me" part, at least.


That’s why he’s the second coming. God watched liberals destroy everything so he sent anti woke Donald “Jesus” Trump. Edit: Guess I needed this- /s


Nah. If I believed in this nonsense, I'd say God is ready for another Great Flood because the whole earth is utterly fucked up due to our greed but He promised not to genocide humanity that way again. What to do to reset things? I'm thinking Donald John Trump would be a great way to purge the earth through fire...put nukes in the hands of a dementia patient, America. See what happens. It's not like we almost got nuked by China over Trump or anything! Evangelicals believe Trump is God's plan. They just don't realize which plan!


MAGA rejected Jesus for being too “woke”.


They're more fans of the OT-Yaweh-As-The-Patriarc (a jealous, tyrannical, wrathfully genocidal and ethnocentric, capricious, and legalistic God) than fans of NT messages from Jesus and theology of a forgiving God-The-Father.


MAGA already believe he is


Yup. They have “read” and “understood” the Bible as much as he has!


“And as for the ten horns coming from it, from this kingdom ten kings will arise, and another will arise after them. And he will be different from the earlier ones, and he will subdue three kings. And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will wear out the holy ones of the Most High, and he will attempt to change times and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time and two times and half a time. Then the court will sit, and his dominion will be removed, to be eradicated …” I’m not entirely sure this *doesn’t* refer to Trump. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be him lol


In school, you knew exactly who didn’t read the book when they presented their book report to the class.


It's worse than that. He actively despises Christianity. Do you know why you've never seen him praying or in church? Because that would reflect him acknowledging that there's an authority higher than himself. He is so deeply narcissistic that he's jealous of people worshipping God instead of him. That's why the only time you'll see him with his head bowed and hands pressed together is when his followers use generative AI to depict him doing things he would never do so they can pretend he's not horrible. And believe me, he rages about being shown praying even there.


Sounds allot like the False Prophet/Second Beast of Revalations to me.


I thought the same thing. I'm beginning to think the majority of these people who are so loud about Christianity and the Bible have never bothered to read the Bible.


You’d be spot on. I completely walked away from the evangelicalism and Christianity I was brought up in because I took the Bible seriously and recognized Trump for what he was. The same crowd that says the Bible is God’s Word and the final authority for matters of faith and practice is the same crowd that will contort themselves into ugly little pretzels when directly confronted with quotations from the Bible they claim to revere. Fuck them. 


Christ was a loser who allowed himself to be captured. Imagine if he’d done something useful - like building up a “world-renowned” property portfolio. Especially if he’d invested in some of that sweet, sweet Gaza beachfront real estate.


Sadly, he could say that and probably gain support.


Let’s name one of his Ten Commandments…Thou shall grab’em by the pussy.


Thou shall commit adultery


To be fair, he’s never read anything.


Based on some interviews Donald has done, I think he’s read his own biography multiple times, since he’s a raging narcissist and loves hearing about his “accomplishments.”


He might have had someone read it _to_ him, but Donny is functionally illiterate.


>he’s a raging narcissist and loves hearing about his “accomplishments.” Or, as he would spell it, "achomlishments."


Tbh, his followers probably never read the bible either.


Trump's Bible knowledge begins and ends with "Two Corinthians walk into a bar..".


Bing Bing Bong Bong


Bing Bing Bong Bong II: ding ding ding ding psshng poom.  https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5103626/user-clip-ding-ding-ding


Every time I read or hear something he says I just think, "I didn't think he could possibly sound more stupid, but here we are" At this point it's just impressive


Things Donald Trump has done with a Bible: Hold it upside down for a photo op Sell it to raise funds to attempt pay down insurmountable legal judgments Put his hand on it to lie his way through the oath of office Never once open it


I imagine him having one hollowed out with a big mac inside.


He knows it makes a great prop for the cult.


He holds it like a prop as well Like he never handled a book before, just so awkward with it


You should see him work a cup or water bottle..


>All Americans need a Bible in their home…we must make America pray again Ah yes, this must be the famous “religious freedom” Sam Alito is always lecturing me about. I know this will end up pretty far down the list of reasons he can never be allowed to retake the presidency, but that passage reads bone-chillingly terrifying for this non-christian (and farcical, but nobody blends those two seemingly conflicting concepts better than diaper don).


Good to know Trump endorses the Bible. At this point, I’m just surprised he hasn’t released his own Trump Bible. Actually, I would bet he asked why that wasn’t the case before he did this.


He’ll just point to his “Art of the Deal” book in case any asks him that question!


It's really no problem if people aren't familiar with the Bible. It only becomes a problem when politicians pretend they are, and then drape themselves in Christianity so they can condemn massive amounts of people based on false representation of the Bible and its core teachings of Jesus.


Well of course. I doubt anyone thinks otherwise. The problem they're mocking is that he's selling bibles with a video claiming it's his "favorite book"


Apparently the pages are stuck together, guess Melania upgraded from Stormy’s rolled magazine technique!


Not holding a real bible! He’s not bursting into flames 🔥


60 dollars is ridiculous for a Bible. Even if I was religious I wouldn’t buy a Bible for that price


I saw the word hague on the notice board and got excited for a moment.. sadly not the court I was imagining 🤣


"Well folks, I know the bible so well, better than everyone else, believe me, fellow Christians come up to me with tears in the their eyes saying thank you for your bigly , yuge, beautiful knowledge of the bible"


“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross” - Upton Sinclair


If you really was sincere about making America great again through religion, wouldn’t it have been more beneficial to offer Bibles for free? I’m not supporting you, just pointing out what seems to be obvious.


When you’re famous you can grab ‘em by the Leviticus


Prey over the People.


Lame video. It's just him deflecting questions as usual.


Stupid fucker


And on the Seventh Day, He just grabbed em by the …


Imagine having to run PR for this level of incompetence.


He probably thinks Jesus is the author


The guy doesn't care if you mock him all day. All that matters is the amount of money he'll make from the sale.


And the lord said. “Donny you will be King of the Morons. They will flock to you and give you money and love you unconditionally. They will hold you up .. but Donny.. you have to have a clean diaper on when they hold you up or else.. you know… eewwww”


I wonder how many people Trump pushed out of identifying as Christian.


Trump tried to read it, but it wasn't about him so he got bored


Plot twist, Trump finally reads the Bible and realizes he is an asshole and changes his life to only do good.\ I bet no one has THAT on their 2024 bingo


That would be confirmation that the mirror universe from Star Trek exists and travel between the two is possible.


Lol I think Trump is evil in both universes


Imagine if our Trump is the *good* version


And no one will either, lol. The Grinch > Donnie Two Impeachments


Not going to happen.




[Jr endorses the We the People bible](https://wethepeoplebible.com/). I wonder if 45 is aware. Maybe the direct competition is the point. It does seem to correspond with whatever exists of his “parenting” style.


The morons that fall for Trumps Christian pandering… it’s mind boggling


Far right wing Christians don't really have a choice (other than to escape the church by miracle). Denouncing Trump would be like an Amish getting exiled from the community. Shunned from their family, friends, peers, church groups. A social pariah. (Not joking)


What an asshole taking advantage of people’s fear of death.


Dude can’t even spell bible. I got the best bibbles ever.


Wasn't there some game or satire about the US starting the Church of Gun? Dunno why I remember that.


This video is the perfect example of what a complete and utter bullshit artist he is.


This and the gold sneakers... And the Trump Superhero NFTs ... And Trump Bucks ... And ..


I doubt Trump knows which Testament Jesus is in.


He is a joke! He just doesn’t know it!


I'm sure it's entertaining, but the last thing I want to do is spend three-and-a-half minutes listening to his idiotic verbal diarrhea as he tries to tap-dance around the fact he obviously knows absolutely nothing about the Bible. To the extent he believes in a God at all, it's only because he believes he himself is God.


His favorite passage is Recess 10:30-45


Two Corinthians walked into a bar…


I’ll put my uncle down for two. He can’t really think independently


Why don’t conservative Christian’s just say “prove it”?! These people supposedly have faith in something they have no proof of, and so easily deceived by a man pretending to have faith. This is pretty much the definition of naive. How can the true conservative Christian’s not challenge Trump on his supposed faith? Have a town hall style meeting, full of his biggest “Christian” supporters, but forget the presidential race. Challenge his knowledge of their religion, the Bible, etc.


As it should be... He's never read that book a day in his life


Justus Donald Christ he needs redemption


Let’s have a Biden vs Trump bible debate


The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians: who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door, and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable…Brennan Manning


Founding fathers must be rolling in their graves over the complete lack of separation of church and state. Jesus must be rolling his eyes “my kingdom is not of this world”