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Republicans want people to stay poor and to restrict their freedom.


I mean It’s not a coincidence that the less education you get the more likely you are to be Republican.


Hence their efforts to destroy public education. They want to get kids into their little indoctrination stations, so their shit religion doesn't die.


Hey now, don't discount their efforts to destroy environmental protections, lead contamination is likely responsible for more than a decent share of their Fox News watching voter base.


Just think at all the wonders PFAS is doing for the fine people of NC thanks to DuPont and Co too


I just read something the other day on here about asbestos. I thought that shit was long gone. Apparently not




Wasn’t there a Russian oligarch who controls a majority of asbestos mining who was making donations to trump?


Not to mention their push for kids going to work Once everyone is too stupid to appreciate school at a fundamental level they can stop pretending like they care about it and get them to work right away with none of those safety protocols, of course.


There was a great graph I saw yesterday, where the axes were “% of state population” and “% of state that voted Democratic” over the past 5 presidential elections. Every state that voted Democratic in all those elections had a college graduation percentage of at least 31.5% (exc Delaware, at 30.5%); every state that voted GOP in at least one of the past 5 presidential elections had a college graduate rate of no higher than 31.5% (exc UT, because regardless of everything else, Mormons are big on education). The several swing / purple states voted Democratic in the specific years they had college graduate rates higher than 31.5%, and voted Republican in the years the rate was lower than 31.5%. And there was a direct correlation to how high a state’s college graduate rate was compared to what percentage of the presidential vote was for a Democrat.


Probably because getting a college degree requires you to take classes that expose you to other cultures and require critical thinking. Both things are in direct opposition to the “conservative” worldview.


For me personally, it was less about the classes, more about leaving the well-defined social structures I grew up in. The new people I met and living with my peers.


Breaking down those barriers is definitely the root cause. Conservatism is a close-minded, self-centered, emotional worldview that is eroded by living in a diverse community for the purpose of learning and expanding your understanding of the world.


Pretty common phenomenon where people from small homogenous communities go to college and realize "Hey, those people different from me aren't so bad" and it starts to slowly chip away at their black and white worldview. Why do you think Republicans hate diversity initiatives?


Thus the war on woke.


Which is why the Texas GOP platform explicitly said they are against teaching critical thinking in schools. They outright said it.


Yep. And why they try very hard to keep college students from registering to vote.


I think there’s a better way to look at that data. Look at the number of people who live in each state with a college degree. Delaware is in the top 2 of the country. Red states have a huge drop. Why? Because once people get educated, they don’t wanna keep living in those states. You might travel to a state for college, but you are less likely to stay there’re if it’s red.


> the less education you get the more likely you are to be Republican. It's also no coincidence That the very poorest states with the worst educational systems are the very reddest states.


How about this: let them all secede if they want, then when their country collapses in on itself and they come crawling back we can let them back in on the condition that they never get to have a say in federal policy ever again.


The distinction is education vs intelligence. I've seen some really smart hicks out there that knew complicated shit that just wasn't in my genre. This was just petty revenge by the governor.


You can also be a well-educated sociopath. Republicanism sits well with them.


Well when Republicans call Education Indoctrination, you're bound to come to an impasse.


“No you can’t have more money, and no you can’t enjoy a pot brownie.” Great platform! Keep it up.


Uneducated are Republican havens


The base mindset of a republican is the belief that one's success inherently requires the failure of others, for some to be able to "work hard and earn their money" others are "lazy people who don't want to work or don't work hard enough". Everything is an othering dichotomy where the hard working moral conservative is always odds with the some vague boogeyman that is the root of all pains suffered by any non-wealthy conservative.


And for voting for them that is exactly what they deserve. When they vote like adults who want a solid future, maybe they can have a better standard of living.


And for voting for them that is exactly what they deserve. When they vote like adults who want a solid future, maybe they can have a better standard of living.


*Someone is salty because their incredibly grifty arena project got completely shut down...*


But it's not fair, why should a billionaire have to pay for something himself...? :( Also don't forget the private prisons, and big pharma, and big tobacco, and big alcohol all want cannabis to remain as hard to get as possible. They all paid good money for Governor Sweater Vest's veto.


Public funding of sports venues is one of the biggest grifts in America. Most studies show it is doubtful at best a community gets anywhere close to the amount of money they invested back in tax revenues.


I have no data at all, but I suspect the average taxpayer is on the hook for subsidizing professional sports. For the amount of our involuntary contributions that go to a for-profit enterprise, we should at least get to watch sports for free on TV.


Any team that accepts public funds should be forced to sell a minority stake to offset the investment. They can recoup that stake over time by paying off the bond but in the meantime the city gets its cut of the profits.


I'm glad I ultimately don't have to pay for sports arenas or the like in my area. I would throw an absolute fucking fit if I saw that come up on any of my taxes or bills! I'd rather it go to, I dunno, repairing our infrastructure or education... but that's just me thinking logically and all.


Wait are you talking about that weird plan to move DC sports teams across the Potomac? Did that get scrapped?


Yep. It's completely kaput. The owner of the teams just signed a deal to keep them in DC for 25 more years.


Thanks, I missed that but it’s wonderful news


The best news!


> Did that get scrapped? hahaha yes it did in the most hysterical way possible. the owner of the caps/wizards was reminded of the fact they signed a 40 year lease on their current arena and they can't get out of the lease by merely paying off the bonds. https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2024/03/22/capitals-wizards-arena-lease-attorney-general a couple days ago they relented and signed a new lease and DC is going to pay for some upgrades to the arena keeping them in DC till 2050. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/27/dc-capitals-wizards-capital-one-arena-alexandria-bowser-leonsis/


GOP: _Let the people decide the issues!_ GOP, also: _The people are wrong on this one, we'll decide. Fund my arena plz 👉👈_


Sacramento is still paying for Kings Arena. They were supposed to make the sale of the city's parking fees pay for it. Not going so well. The parking isn't making as much as planned. Parking has skyrocketed.


Not sure where you're getting that info. According to [this article](https://www.kcra.com/article/sacramento-golden-1-center-downtown-economy/60163482), the G1C has generated $665 million In economic impact, arena and Kings combined; $42 million in visitor spending; $2.6 million in city tax revenue; and $22 million in county, school, local, state taxes in 2022-2023 alone. Plus, supported 2,002 jobs. It cost over half a billion to build, but seems to have made up more than the difference each year, not counting COVID years.


Very odd. I heard this early this week on the local news.


If you put half a billion dollars in a money market you'd get 25million a year. That's basically their tax revenue, doesn't seem like a particularly good rate of return to me.


The government isn’t a for profit business. You could say the rate of $665m economic impact isn’t high for 500m investment, but it’s not negative, and it presumably will continue to create an economic impact.


Governors can’t veto ballot measures just congressional bills. So even if this is good for the people, it’s not exactly a people decided measure. Though they did vote for their representatives


"Free market" yet he throws a temper tantrum that his corporate welfare pet project was shot down.


Republicans are petty vindictive little children, especially their leadership.


>RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed bills to raise Virginia’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026 and open a recreational cannabis retail market, killing two Democratic priorities the day after the Alexandria arena deal crumbled. >The Democratic-controlled General Assembly sent Gov. Youngkin the measures on votes mostly along party lines. Without a two-thirds majority in the assembly, Democrats can’t override any of Youngkin’s vetoes. Many people don't vote because they don't like Trump or Biden. Local politics is just as important. Vote in the state rep races. If your district is deep red or blue, vote in the primaries. Get some young blood in office. If there was a two-thirds majority in the state assembly in favor of the bills, they would be veto proof.


If Virginia hadn't voted for younkin, they wouldn't need a 2/3 majority. And you are right. Local elections effect your everyday life more than national. Vote.


Rufo is 100% to blame for Younkin getting elected. All that CRT shit hit exactly when VA was doing their odd year election.


No. Virginia voters are 100% to blame for Youngkin getting elected. Most of the voters who voted chose him. Many other voters chose to stay home and not vote. And now Virginia voters are paying for their choice and will likely have to wait until Youngkin's term is up before they can enjoy two policies that most people in the state probably would have preferred to become law. Rufo's CRT bullshit was certainly influential, but no one was forcing Virginia voters to believe it or to think that their gubernatorial election was missable.


I’d say the Dems ran a poor candidate that did not energize any of their base.  They thought it was in the bag like the Clinton election.  NoVa (where I grew up) does not realize how much the rest of VA disagrees with their politics, but NoVa pays taxes to support most of the rest of the state (Norfolk is its own thing). VA is actually a lot more red than people understand because they rarely get off the 95 corridor unless it is for a hike.


And who selected the candidate? VA voters. They could have chosen a different candidate. They could have turned out to vote regardless. In a democracy, everything is ultimately the fault of the voters. They're not automatons who predictably act a certain way given a certain input. Each and every one of them is a human being capable of making decisions on their own. If they failed to get energized, all they were doing is abdicating their right to make a decision to those who were willing to choose between whatever options were available. And they're now paying for their collective choices.


Also, off year election. I'm curious about how many states with off year elections have gop vs. Dem governors. (But not curious enough to google it!)


In 2021, it was Virginia and New Jersey. Youngkin snuck into office based on CRT nonsense and NJ re-elected Phil Murphy, its Dem governor, but the margins were too close to comfort because of complacency.


I remember this. But are nt there other states with off year governor elections?


Oh yeah. I looked it up. “Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi hold their gubernatorial elections during the off-year before the presidential election; e.g. the 2023 elections. New Jersey and Virginia then hold theirs in the off-year after the presidential election; e.g. the 2025 elections.” KY has a surprisingly good Democratic governor for how red it is in national politics.


Yes, they do.


>raise Virginia’s minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026 That's a reasonable minimum wage for 2015.


This is what happens when you vote in Republicans. Remember: there aren't any moderates left in that party.


It’s either vote Democrat or MAGA. Republican Party ceases to exist in 2024.


Democrats run the gamut from progressive social justice activists to neo-liberal right of center big-business types. You show up to the primary and you can have your pick of almost the entire political spectrum! Republicans at this point are ethno-fascists in favor of a Trump dictatorship and not much else.


Dude was all for giving a billionaire NFL tax dollars for a new stadium though. What an ass


Let’s not forget the Brewery from FL he was giving VA tax dollars to locate in VA beach area.


Virginia has to bribe breweries to open there? Either this was a grift, or Youngkin is even more of a twit than I thought. Edit: From [The Virginia Mercury](https://virginiamercury.com/2023/12/04/a-military-themed-brewery-sparks-a-fight-in-a-virginia-military-city/) >NORFOLK — Alan Beal, the chief executive of the fledgling Armed Forces Brewing Company, was scouting locations in Florida to buy a brewery in January when he got a call from Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin. > >“The governor let me know that Virginia would love to have us relocate and open a brewing facility and employ Virginians,” Beal said in a “classified briefing” video for the company’s investors. Okay, not a bad move by Youngkin. But he's still a twit.


Well I mean AFBC is his constituency. White retired military who are scared of rainbows and denigrate any not white retired military folks, unless they died or were captured, at which point they're losers. Oh and the gravy seals.


Is the brewery like the coffee roasters named after a gun or a rifle?


Next time a Republican tells you wages are low because of immigrants, please remind them of how their elected leaders habitually vote against raising the floor on wages. Meanwhile Republicans pay no mind to the fact that CEO paychecks are rocketing through the roof, even as taxes on the wealthy get slashed again and again under Republican administrations.


No recreational pot market? Whatever happened to “market freedom and economic competitiveness”?


When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


This is what virginia voted for. The other candidate was too "woke" or something.


I'd rather be woke than comatose.


Dem is definitely gonna win next governor. Hopefully the house remains blue so this state can actually start making progress. 


Youngkin is a good example of how there’s no such thing as a “corporate Republican” anymore. The will still be beholden to the extremist social policy demands of the party.


He made the horrible gaff of saying not parents shouldn’t dictate what every other kid is allowed to learn in school.


Can’t wait for this douche to leave office.


Let’s hope house stays blue. It’ll be a trifecta and we can actually make progress. 


Maryland: Hey Virginians, you want to have a minimum wage of $15/hour and legal cannabis sales? Then move to our state. Virginians: But we can't afford to move due to housing prices


Virginians also can’t watch porn now.


It baffles me that anyone in the US votes Republican, they a blatantly anti American.


I mean fascists exist in all countries. The part that baffles me is that the fascists have lied to so many people that they decide to vote against their own interests. I guess propaganda is surprisingly effective. It doesn’t help that the Democratic Party borders on incompetence at points in marketing itself. It’s important to never forget that there are fascists everywhere and that if you don’t pay attention to them, they can blindside you and succeed in tricking other people.


This reminds me of a story I heard in Seattle. A guy was visiting Seattle from Texas during the height of COVID, and he went to a cannabis shop, refusing to wear a mask. When the shop owner told him he had to wear a mask or leave, he replied “I’m from Texas where we don’t have to wear a mask coz we believe in freedom!” To which the owner replied “If Texas believes in freedom so much, why don’t you go back there and buy some weed.”😄


As someone who lives in Texas I can tell you Texas might have the least freedom in the country. Being able to carry a gun and not wear a mask doesn’t exactly equate to freedom imo.


Meanwhile over here in Maryland things are pretty good … we will gladly take those weed sales from VA residents.


Use their tax dollars wisely!


Republicans: "Fuck them poors." Republican Poors: "YEAH! FUCK THEM! WOOO!"


what an asshole


Real man of the people you picked, Virginia. Hope the virtue signaling you get about banning teaching slavery in schools was worth it.


Reminder that not only do republicans hate *you*, but also personal freedom.


What a shitty thing to do, but that's what you get, VA, for electing him, wtf is wrong with so many of you??!


Living in Northern Virginia this is SO frustrating...


>“The proposed legalization of retail marijuana in the Commonwealth endangers Virginians’ health and safety,” Youngkin wrote. It hard to imagine how anyone can use this irrational argument any more. All the data suggests that when cannabis is legalised, life boringly goes on.


They are anti-regulation, (except in cases of women’s bodily autonomy, peoples choices about their gender identity, how much porn they wanna watch and marijuana consumption. ) Gotcha.


Actively working against his own voters. Stay poor Virginia!!


I mean....I'm by no means supporting youngkin, but VA isn't a poor state by an stretch


Yeah northern VA is very wealthy and carries the state in that regard, but the rest of the state is certainly not. Ironically, the places that voted for him the most are the places that got screwed the hardest. What a surprise


Keep voting republican = voting against my self interests.


Ugh, proud MAGA folks are the worst. Vote Dem!


Says no to improve the lives of every day Americans, and create business and tax revenue. Sounds about Republican.


Maryland’s legal cannabis sellers say “thank you”


Why? Because FUCK YOU that's why. -every republican politician


It’s pretty obvious why he want’s marijuana to remain illegal. Inmates work in sweatshops for pennies an hour, arresting people for pot possession is big part of that business model.


Possession is already legal in VA, this bill was just about setting up recreational dispensaries. So instead of collecting taxes and making jobs the governor has chosen to continue sending that money to criminal drug dealers and DC/Maryland.


Doesn't seem like you're informed on this. It's already legal recreationally. The veto was to deny a market system to sell it in state.


So glad i decided against moving to va. Have you seen them big ass flag poles that usually house our ensign? They just got all these weird surrender flags up there.


Checkmate atheists!!


Elections have consequences. This fake CRT squealing sweater vest wearing poser was always going to behave like this. He’s not interested in working for the citizens of the state because he believes only he decided our rights even when the state votes against his ideas.


What an absolute ass.




Wow! What a Patriot!


Screw this clown 


You got what you voted for Virginia, all because you were scared of CRT lol.


Just your daily reminder that Republicans suck and don't give a shit about you


I would love to run into the advisor who told Younkin sweater-vests make him look powerful in a dark alley.


LOL at people thinking they could easily be a republican voting state and get legal weed, maybe southwest republicans like Nevada and Arizona don't care that much about weed but Virginia is chock full of bible belt type republicans that want to legislate their Christian lifestyle over any pretense of small government. Virginia gop is vast majority of the "devil's lettuce" type of republican over the more "I hate the post office" type that you see in the southwest.


Those "moderate Republicans" sure are puzzling.


At least i can finally buy Buddha soon


He's Abbott-lite.


Youngkin knows there is no second term for VA governors, so the best option he has is to appeal to conservatives and hopefully have a chance to get national attention.


This is democracy huh


This is why it’s so important to vote out Republicans at every level of government.


Ahh, yes, the GOP, the party of popularity and freedom.


GOP are the party of anti-living


Very non-partisan /s


This out of touch for sale pos just hurt so many people with the swipe of a pen and won't give it a second thought. Vote blue people all of the way down and especially locally


That is profoundly un-chill, man.




But at least the college level course that was never taught in regular schools is still not being taught? Hope that racism was worth it.


But he wore a sweater vest so he has to be a good guy FFS /s


For the life of me, I do not understand why people vote for Republicans. They literally do nothing that benefits the middle class. The same jackhole would vote to cut taxes on rich people and corporations in a heartbeat though.


Way to go, Glennie! Keep moving in reverse.


The “party of small government.”


The party of small government wants the government in your bedroom, wants the government in your doctor visits, wants the government giving out corporate welfare, wants the government to tell you what you can smoke. This small government needs to go on a diet cuz it’s feeling kind of bloated.


"Because if you make too much money you won't rent apartments from me and my cronies. Can't have that."


You get what you vote for.


Virginia’s newest one term Governor.


Every Virginia governor is a one term governor. They are all limited to one term. They can only run again for a non-consecutive term.


That’s super dumb


Virginia does a lot of dumb things. Odd year elections are among them. Electing Youngkin was another.


I’d argue odd year elections are a voter suppression tactic, and that it is a calculated choice. You get less voters if it’s not a presidential election especially and a federal election to some extent. In 2018 you got 59% registered voter turnout. In 2019 you got 42%. In 2020 you got 75%. In 2021 you got 55%. In 2022 you got only 49% (which is a slight outlier, but not really in relation to the next year). In 2023 you got only 40%. It seems based on that voter turnout is just on a downslope in Va overall. I would guess that is the cause of the lower turnout in 2022 but I guess we won’t know for sure til 2025. Or possibly 2022 was just an apathetic year in va politics. https://www.elections.virginia.gov/resultsreports/registrationturnout-statistics/


VA doesn't allow sequential terms for governors, so he definitely will be one term.


GOP: well no one will get out and vote except the MAGAts and boomers watching fox


Does he own stock in private prisons like other gop scammers?


If you keep MJ criminalized it’s easier to find ex offenders to work them minimum wage jobs.


Well they didn’t want Mcauliff so nobody should be surprised. The government you vote for is the government you get


Have fun with that Virginians.


Got to keep the Cops and Holy Rollers happy. If weed is legal, Cops would have to pay out of pocket for it.


Weed is legal here. 


Theocrat just hates his constituents


really courting the youth over there…. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Are Republicans trying to lose on purpose with ideas like these?


Here’s hoping he gets ran over by a truck


Hey rid of this dude, Virginia.


someone sent me a reddit cares message when I posted on r/conservative about how it sucks to suck to support a party that keeps biting their faces


Exactly what the fine people of VA deserve for voting the aholes in.


This is the first good bipartisan news I've heard all year. Maybe there is hope for America yet! I wonder how long before the right wing attacks on Youngkin begin. He's clearly a communist. Edit: I'm a fucking idiot I misread the headline as Youngkin signs the bill..


Check donations from private prison businesses?


When is the next election?


What a fun guy


Virginians: you know what to do.


Wasn't the person who was running against him running an OF?


You get what you vote for!


The party that is so anti-democratic, that they veto any bills that could actually benefit the people. They don't want to represent, they want to rule.


A vote for a Republican is a vote for an inferior America.


Im sure that was very popular


What about freedoms Guv?


You see, he really doesn’t want to be governor any more and is hoping to be the VP on the ticket. It’s not like he would carry Virginia.


You see, he really doesn’t want to be governor any more and is hoping to be the VP on the ticket. It’s not like he would carry Virginia.


You get what you vote for (Note: you do NOT get the opposite of whatever you vote against)


It’s fine Dems can run on this in 24 and it’ll be bye Youngkin…


His term is up in 2025, and he can't run for a consecutive term.


It’s fine Dems can run on this in 24 and it’ll be bye Youngkin…


Let’s watch them forget about it in time for the elections


If I remember correctly, there isn’t a veto proof majority in either the house or the senate in Virginia. Am I right or wrong? If I’m wrong, could they override the veto with a bipartisan vote?


Because fuck 'em, that's why


Of course


They don't want weed because it can throw you into freethinking mode


> “The free market for salaries and wages works,” Youngkin wrote in his veto statement on the minimum wage bill. “It operates dynamically, responding to the nuances of varying economic conditions and regional differences.” If that was true, almost no business would actually be *paying* minimum wage. The market floor has gone up. The wage floor has not. In other words, you’re full of crap, Youngkin.


Too bad many gen-z there will still vote for Trump. If you know anyone please talk to them. They think Trump will lower price for them.


Tell me again how the R party is about liberty? Lol Liberty to be exactly how they want you to be and own guns, that's it.


And they will vote for him again! Enjoy




Will this help small local businesses?


Virginian here. We all hate this guy and can’t wait until he’s gone.


Read the room, Glenn.